JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 759 766
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.95
Timbul Haryanto AR
A. Octavian
Romie O. Bura
Indonesia Defense University
e-mail: toni1976[email protected]
, amarulla.octavi[email protected]c.id
, romiebura@idu.ac.id
*Correspondence: toni[email protected]
Submitted: 26 January 2022, Revised: 5 February 2022, Accepted: 16 February 2022
Abstract. Indonesia is an archipelagic state whose territory lies in a cross position between two
continents and two oceans. So that Indonesia has the authority to maintain the security of its
maritime territory, starting from regulating its shipping lanes to maintaining sovereignty in all of
Indonesia's sea areas. Indonesia's threats have been identified as coming from neighboring
countries, namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and China. Increasing escalation in the South
China Sea area, Efforts to support Indonesian territorial security, submarines currently owned must
be able to become a deterrent against potential threats both from within and from outside and be
able to operate in all Indonesian waters. The hypothesis in this study is if the operational capability
of the submarine increases the country's deterrence system. The methodology used is descriptive
quantitative using software SPSS 25 and Microsoft Excel 2013 with data analysis techniques using
multivariate correlation. The effect of submarine operational capability on the country's deterrence
is 86.6% that implies submarine operational capability has strong influence.
Keywords: operational capability; deterrence; SPSS
Timbul Haryanto AR, A Octavian, Romie O. Bura | 760
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.95
The Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia (NKRI) is an archipelagic country
with 80% of the sea and an area of
5,800,000 km2 with a coastline of 80,791
km stretching across two continents,
namely the Asian continent. The Australian
continent, and is located between two
oceans, namely the Indian Ocean and the
Pacific Ocean (Stuut, Temmesfeld, & De
Deckker, 2014). So that Indonesia has the
authority to maintain the security of its
maritime territory, starting from regulating
its shipping lanes to maintaining
sovereignty in all of Indonesia's sea areas.
Indonesia as the largest archipelagic
maritime country in the world
(Rochwulaningsih, Sulistiyono, Masruroh, &
Maulany, 2019), should strengthen its
ability to secure a very wide territorial
waters, in order to ensure the security and
safety of shipping in all waters of
Indonesian jurisdiction which is a form of
our responsibility as an archipelagic
country (Nurdin & Grydehøj, 2014).
Indonesia's threats have been identified as
coming from neighboring countries,
namely Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and
China. Several disputes that have occurred
between Indonesia and these countries
(Dipua et al., 2020), especially in the
territorial waters have influenced
Indonesia's perspective on threat priorities
and the development of defense strategies.
The geographical constellation of
Indonesia (Neilson, Wright, & Aklimawati,
2018), which has a large sea area and an
archipelagic state, has implications for the
emergence of geopolitical and
geostrategic challenges. The South China
Sea (SCS) is a very vital area for the
Government of Indonesia, this is because in
the region there are many instruments and
a realistic spectrum, such as state
sovereignty, economy, politics, and the
military. In terms of sovereignty, there are
several countries that claim their territory in
the South China Sea (Dupuy & Dupuy,
2013). From a political point of view, the
SCS will always be the object of the relevant
country's strategic policies to be able to
influence the dynamics of the region.
Another problem is the Indonesian
maritime boundary with Australia. The legal
status of the maritime boundary between
Indonesia and Australia has not been
ratified or ratified (Forbes, 2014). Both
countries have determined the boundaries
of the exclusive economic zone but have
not determined the consequences for their
The Indonesian Navy currently has 4
submarines of the U-209 type with a diesel-
electric propulsion system. This is an effort
to support Indonesian territorial security.
With the submarines currently owned, they
must be able to become a deterrent against
potential threats both from within and from
outside and be able to operate in all
Indonesian waters that have the potential
for conflicts of interest and sovereignty
(Dipua et al., 2020). The magnitude of the
effect of this deterrence depends on the
ability and number of submarines owned.
Each submarine is expected to operate in
all waters of special concern and vulnerable
This study is aim to define the influece
of submarine operational capabilies on the
state of deterrence so that can be used as
refferances to increase the quality and
761 | Analysis of the Influence of Submarine Operational Capabilities on the State of
quantity of submarine.
This study uses a quantitative method
with a survey design, where the data in this
study will be analyzed statistically with the
help of SPSS. The result of the statistical
data is to find out whether there is an
influence between the variables in
question. In survey design, researchers
describe quantitatively (numbers) several
tendencies, behaviors, or opinions of a
population by examining a sample of the
population (Creswell & Poth, 2016).
The survey design was carried out by
distributing questionnaires or
questionnaires (Auerbach et al., 2018).
Based on the method and design of this
research, the research was carried out using
theories and concepts as a guide for
researchers so that the research was
directed. Then phenomena that occur in
the field appear and are compared so that
problems arise, identify problems and limit
problems, by making hypotheses as
evidence. Conduct hypothesis testing by
distributing questionnaires, analyzing the
data obtained with statistics, and after
knowing the results are juxtaposed with
theories to be analyzed, analyzed and
discussed, and finally draw conclusions.
The place of research was carried out at
the Submarine Unit of the Indonesian Fleet
Command II Surabaya (Bastari, Sukandari,
Widjayanto, & Hutabarat, 2020), which
consisted of entities related to submarine
operations, namely submarine crews and
submarine management support staff who
served in the submarine unit.
The sampling technique used in this
study was proportionate stratified random
sampling because it came from a
population with experience strata. The
number of samples can be determined
using the Slovin formula with an error rate
of 5%. From a total population of 164
personnel, it can be determined that the
number of samples is 84 personnel.
In collecting data the researchers used
the following techniques: a)
Questionnaires. The research instrument or
questionnaire in this study used a Likert
scale (Chomeya, 2010), which is a scale
used to measure attitudes, opinions, and
perceptions of a person or group of people
about social phenomena (Pardjono,
Sugiyono, & Budiyono, 2015). In this study,
submarines can operate strategically in
waters that are difficult to detect their
presence. The biggest challenge in finding
the existence of a submarine is due to its
operational environmental factors rather
than technological factors which are
measured based on indicators: natural
factors, protrusion, base and condition of
the ship; b) Questionnaire. Questionnaire is
an information gathering tool by
submitting a number of written questions
to be answered in writing by the
respondents (Syukri, Rizal, & Al Hamdani,
2019). In this study, it was used to obtain
data and information from respondents
about operational capability (variable X)
with the country's deterrence system
(variable Y). Questionnaires were
distributed to the personnel of the
Koarmada II submarine unit, with a total of
43 statement items, namely 20 items
regarding submarine operational
Timbul Haryanto AR, A Octavian, Romie O. Bura | 762
capabilities and 23 items regarding the
country's deterrence system.
Based on questionnaire that distributed
and answered, the data process is using
simple linear regression through SPSS
which is data analysis to describe influence
of the submarine operational capabilities
on the state of deterrence.
A. Simple Linear Regression Analysis
linear regression analysis was used
to create a simple equation between
the Operational Capability (X) variable
and the Deterrence Strength (Z)
variable. In addition, this simple linear
regression analysis is also used to see
the linear relationship between the
operational ability variable (Y) and the
deterrence variable (Z). Below is paired
data for X and Y variables. The results of
simple linear regression analysis of
variables X against Y with the SPSS
program, can be seen in table 1 below:
Table 1. Simple Linear Regression Test Results for Operational Ability (X) on Resilience (Y)
d Coefficients
a. Dependent Variable: Deterrence
Source: processed by researchers using SPSS
The simple linear regression
formula is Z = a + b4Y. Z is an effect
variable, a is a constant, b is a
regression coefficient, and X is a causal
variable. Based on the results of the
regression test in Table 1, Y is the
Deterrence variable, a = 56.228, b =
0.543, and Y is Operational Ability. So
the form of a simple linear regression
equation is Y = 56,228 + 0,543X.
B. Correlation Coefficient Analysis
Coefficient analysis was used to
determine the level of closeness of the
relationship between the Operational
Ability (X) variable and the Deterrence
Power variable (Y). The results of the
correlation coefficient between the
variables X to Y, the calculation of the
correlation coefficient of the variables X
to Y with the SPSS program can be seen
in table 2 below:
Timbul Haryanto AR, A Octavian, Romie O. Bura | 763
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.95
Table 2. Correlation Coefficient between Operational Capability (X) against(Y)
Sig. (1-tailed)
Source: processed by researchers using SPSS The
Relationship between Operational
Capability and Deterrence can be seen
from the value of Sig. In Table 2 the
significant value is known to be 0.000 <
0.01. This means that there is a positive
and very significant relationship.
Meanwhile, to find out the magnitude
and strength of the relationship
between the Deterrence (Y) variable
and the Operational Ability (X) variable,
it can be seen in the Pearson
Correlation line where the relationship
between the two variables is 0.774 so it
can be said that there is a strong
relationship or correlation.
C. Analysis of the Coefficient of
Analysis of the coefficient of
determination R Square is used to find
out how much the value of Operational
Capability (Y) affects Deterrence (Z).
The results of the coefficient of
determination between the variable Y
to Z, the calculation of the coefficient of
determination of the variable Y to Z
using SPSS can be seen in Table 3
Table 3. Coefficient of Determination between Operational Capability (X) against
Deterrence (Y)
Model Summary
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
Timbul Haryanto AR, A Octavian, Romie O. Bura | 764
a. Predictors: (Constant), Operational Capability
b. Dependent Variable: Deterrence
Source: processed by researchers using SPSS
R Square value or coefficient of
determination will be converted into
percent. In Table 3 the R Square value is
obtained at 0.866 or 86.6%, meaning
that the Operational Ability (X) variable
affects the Deterrence Power (Y)
variable by 86.6% while the rest is
influenced by other variables not
calculated in this study.
D. Hypothesis Testing This
Discussion consists of two
hypotheses, namely H0 the variable
Operational Ability (Y) does not have a
direct positive effect on Deterrence (Z).
While H1 the Operational Ability
variable (Y) has a direct positive effect
on Deterrence (Z). The hypothesis test
provisions are if tcount > ttable then H0
is rejected. This shows that operational
capability has a direct and significant
effect on deterrence. Meanwhile, if
tcount ttable then H0 is accepted. This
shows that operational capability has a
direct and significant effect on
deterrence. Based on table 4.46, the
value of tcount is 11,056 and ttable is at
a significance level of 5% and degrees
of freedom (df) = n-2 = 84-2 = 82 so
that a ttable of 1.661 is obtained. So,
based on these calculations, it is
obtained that tcount = 11.056> ttable
= 1.661, which means H0 is rejected
and H1 is accepted. So it can be
concluded that Operational Capability
(Y) has a direct and significant effect on
Deterrence (Z).
KRI's operational capabilities in
waters are faced with vulnerabilities
that often occur, including violations,
geological conditions consisting of
thousands of islands and shallow
straits, extreme weather and limited
state defense budget conditions.
Therefore, it is very necessary to have
the right KRI and ready to face these
challenges and obstacles in order to
make the deterrence power of the
Indonesian state. (Arimbo, Suparno,
Ahmadi, & Krisdiono, 2021).
Based on the results of the study,
the correlation coefficient of
operational ability variables (X)
together has a strong and positive
relationship with deterrence (Y) of
0.884. The results of the coefficient of
determination of operational ability (X)
contributed 86.6% to deterrence (Y). In
addition, testing the hypothesis also
shows that there is a direct and
significant effect and operational
capability with deterrence as shown in
the results Fcount = 127,534 > Ftable =
2,179, meaning that Sewaco, platform,
base and operational capability
together have a direct positive effect on
The results of this study support the
deterrence theory above that
operational capabilities include natural
factors, protrusion, base and ship
conditions. Diving can affect the
country's defense system. The results of
the study are also in line with previous
research conducted by (Arimbo et al.,
765 | Analysis of the Influence of Submarine Operational Capabilities on the State of
2021), which explains that there is a
direct effect of submarine operational
capability on deterrence.
Analyzing the relationship between
external, internal and operational factors of
submarines on the deterrence of the
national defense system. The multiple
regression equation for the variable X with
Y is Y = 56.228 + 0.543X. The correlation
coefficient factors for the operational
capability variable (X) affect the Deterrence
(Y) of 0.931. The results of the operational
capability determination coefficient (X)
contributed 86.6% to the Deterrence (Y) of
which the remaining 14.4% was influenced
by other variables. In addition, testing the
hypothesis also shows that there is a direct
effect of operational ability (X) with
deterrence (Y) which is shown in the results
of Fcount = 127.534 > Ftable = 1.663 which
means that operational ability has a direct
positive effect on deterrence.
This study clarified that submarines can
contribute to increasing the deterrence of
the country's defense system at sea.
Ownership of 4 submarines that exist today
can increase a strong deterrence in the face
of threats that endanger the country.
Indonesia's priority threats, such as border
violations in territorial waters, the growing
defense power of neighboring countries
and other maritime threats raise the
urgency of the need for submarines for
Indonesia. Submarines have a high
maneuverability that serves to spy on the
enemy without being noticed, making it
very effective to deal with border violations
and other maritime threats.
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