JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 6, 747 753
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.94
Sofiani Sari
Chrismis novalinda ginting
Linda chiuman
Sahna Ferdinan Ginting
Prima field medical university, Indonesia
e-mail: sofiani.sari@gmail.com
, chrismis@unprimdn.ac.id
, lqiu_man@yahoo.com
*Correspondence: sofiani.sari@gmail.com
Submitted 29 December 2021, Revised 11 January 2022, Accepted: 20 January 2022
Abstract. White turmeric is known to the public as having various uses in terms of health, such as
as a liver protector (hepatoprotector) which functions to destroy toxins that enter the human body,
one of which is exposure to copper (CuSO4) Pentahydrate which is widely exposed in everyday life.
to determine the protection against liver damage induced by copper by using ethanol extract of
white turmeric rhizome (Curcuma Zedoaria) through histopathological examination of the liver of
male wistar rats and to determine the best dose of white turmeric rhizome extract (Curcuma
Zedoari). This study is categorized as an experimental research conducted following the posttest
only control group design. Sampling is done through simple random sampling. After the data was
proven to be normally distributed and continued with the ANOVA test and obtained a P value of
0.001 (≤ 0.05). The mean value of changes in the histological structure of the rat liver P1 0.00/0.00;
P2 0.00/0.00; P3(500mg dose) 2.00/1.41; P4(750mg dose) 6.00/0.00; P5 4.44/1.50; P6(1000mg dose)
6.00/0.00. This shows that the highest degree of change in liver function is the P4 treatment group
with an average of 6.00 and the lowest is the P6 treatment group with an average of 3.75.
Conclusion: These results indicate that the ethanoic extract of white turmeric rhizome has high
hepatoprotective activity at a dose of 1000mg.
Keywords: white turmeric rhizome hepatoprotector; CuSO4; copper.
Sofiani Sari, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Linda Chiuman, Sahna Ferdinan Ginting |748
Copper has a role important for the
human body (Osredkar & Sustar, 2011).
This metal can be used as the main atom
and has a crucial role in the management
of water transportation in the human body.
Thus, the use of copper in the form of
complexes and additional protein has been
widely used for health purposes (Duncan &
White, 2012).
Lack of copper in the body affects the
inhibition of the formation and
development of hemoglobin. Copper is an
element that is needed by the body for
metabolism, making hemoglobin and
physiological stages in the body (Kaler,
In Indonesia, there are three (3) types of
white turmeric include zedoaria white
turmeric (Curcumazedoaria Roscoe),
mango white turmeric (Curcumamango
Val) and white turmeric gombyok
(Kaempferiarotunda). Curcuma Zedoaria is
used as one of the agricultural products
from white turmeric which has a role as an
antioxidant (Gafar & Agustini, 2020),
epicurminol has anti-tumor properties,
curcuminol has liver protective properties.
Curcuminoidscompounds Curcuma
zedoaria such as curcumin and demethoxy
curcumin and bisdemethoxy curcumin are
bioactive components. According to
(Saputra, Triatmojo, & Pertiwiningrum,
2010) investigated the methanol extract of
Curcuma zedoaria which produced a pale
yellow oily solid, non-crystalline, aromatic
and had a yield of 8.7%. The ethanol extract
of Curcuma zedoaria produced a pale
yellow oily solid (Osorio-Tobón, Carvalho,
Rostagno, Petenate, & Meireles, 2016),
non-crystalline, aromatic, and had a yield of
8.2% extract Curcuma zedoaria produced a
maroon-brown (gummy) solid (Kimura,
Sumiyoshi, & Tamaki, 2013), non-crystalline
and containing a yield of 11.4%.
According to (Naqvi, Azhar, Jabeen, &
Hasan, 2012) researched that white
turmeric plants can be used as medicinal
plants for several diseases, including pain
during menstruation (dysmenorrhea),
absent menstruation (amenorrhea),
digestive disorders (dyspepsia), swelling of
the liver (hepatomegaly), spleenomegaly,
wounds, ibruised itoothache, sore throat,
increase the effectiveness of radiation
therapy and chemotherapy for cancer
patients (Gurrapu & Mamidala, 2016).
Curcuma Zedoaria can also be used as a
cytostatic, immunodulator (Ahmed Hamdi
et al., 2014). Through in vitro screening of
ethanolic extracts from 107 plant species
from 48 plant families against Raji cells and
assay of tumor promoter 12-O-
hexadecanoylphorbol-13-acetas (HPA) with
Epstein-Barr (EB) virus. activation, showed
that 71% of plant ethanol extracts slowed
>30% of EB virus activation at 200 mg/ml
The purpose of this study was to assess
liver damage induced by CuSO4
pentahydrate against the use of white
turmeric extract (curcuma Zedoaria) livers
through histopathological observations of
male rats', to determine the best dose of
white turmeric extract (Curcuma Zedoaria)
livers. which can prevent liver damage in
the histopathological description of male
rats'induced by copper.
749 | Effect of Ethanol Extract of White Turmeric (Curcuma Zedoaria) as Hepatoprotector in
Male Rats Induced By Cuso4 Pentahydrate
This experimental study was conducted
following the posttest only control group
design. Sampling was done through a
simple random sampling technique. This
experiment was carried out over a period of
2 months, namely March 2019 – May 2019.
The manufacture of white turmeric rhizome
extract and the treatment of test animals
were carried out at the Pharmacology and
Toxicology Laboratory of the Faculty of
Pharmacy, USU Medan. Liver
histopathology was made at the
Department of Histology, Faculty of
Medicine, USU Medan. The test animals in
this study were 24 male rats (Rattus
noverticus) male wistar strain aged 6-8
weeks, whose weight ranged from 160-
200gram. The sample size of this study was
determined based on the Federer formula
for experimental tests. The hepatotoxic
material used is copper, in the form of
CuSO4 pentahydrate which is obtained
from PT. Artha Jaya Sanatyasa Chemindo,
Jakarta. White turmeric extract solvent in
the form of ethanol was obtained from the
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North
Sumatra, Medan.
Treatment of Test Animals
Group 1 : Normal group was only given
standard food and drink
Group 2 : Negative control group, given
standard food and drink with white
turmeric extract 500mg/kgBW
Group 3 : Positive control group, given
standard food and drink without white
turmeric extract but treated with a solution
containing CuSO4pentahydrate 4mg /
KgBW administered orally using oral
intragastric tube 1 times a day on days
Group 4 : Treatment group 1 was given
standard food and drink, white turmeric
extract at a dose of 500mg/kgBW orally
using an intragastric oral tube once a day
for a period of 14 days continuously and
given a solution containing CuSO4
pentahydrate 4m/kgBW on day 10 , 11, 12,
13, 14.
Group 5 : Treatment group 2 was given
standard food and drink, white turmeric
extract at a dose of 750 mg/kgBW orally
using an intragastric oral tube once per day
for 14 consecutive days and given a
solution containing CuSO4 pentahydrate
4mg/kgBW on days 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Group 6 : Treatment group 3 was given
standard food and drink, white turmeric
extract at a dose of 1000mg/kgBW orally
using an intragastric oral tube once a day
for 14 consecutive days. participating were
given a solution containing CuSO4
pentahydrate 4 mg/kgBW on days 10, 11,
12, 13, 14.
On day 15 the rats would be euthanized
and persian surgical pan and then the
preparation of liver histology preparations
and microscopic observations
Following the observation of the effects
of extract of white turmeric
(Curcumazedoaria) as a hepatoprotective in
male rats induced by CuSO4 pentahydrate,
grouped in 6 treatments the group 1
control group 2 negative control group 3
Sofiani Sari, Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, Linda Chiuman, Sahna Ferdinan Ginting |750
positive control, a group of 4 doses 500mg,
group 5 doses of 750mg and group 6 doses
of 1000mg, found the results of
observations in the treatment group using
rat liver histopathological picture data for
each group, analyzed descriptively by
comparing changes in the
histopathological structure of rat liver that
occurred in 6 groups.
Figure 1. Microanatomical description of normal liver cells.
The control group which was only given
standard food and drink and group 2 which
was given food and drink and 500 mg white
turmeric extract showed a normal liver
histology structure where hepatocytes and
sinusoidal clefts could be seen clearly, there
were no vacuoles. However, a number of
damage to the nucleus of cells were
identified, such as pyknosis and cariesorex
that may occur due to aging and cell death.
Where the incident, physiologically occurs
in all normal cells.
Figure 2. Microanatomical description of abnormal liver cells (Group 3)
The positive control group who was
only given CuSO4 showed significant liver
damage in the form of parenchymatous
degeneration (fatty/DP), hydropic
degeneration (DH), cell necrosis
characterized by pyknosis (PI).
Solidification of the core and a change in
color that looks darker.
751 | Effect of Ethanol Extract of White Turmeric (Curcuma Zedoaria) as Hepatoprotector in
Male Rats Induced By Cuso4 Pentahydrate
Figure 3. Microanatomical description of abnormal liver cells (groups 4 and 5)
Groups 4 and 5 still had a lot of damage
in the form of parenchymatous
degeneration, hydropic degeneration,
necrosis in the form of pyknosis, vacuole
(VA) and hemorrhagic (HM).
The degenerative changes are
reversible. Sustained degeneration has the
potential to cause cell death (necrosis),
which is irreversible. Furthermore, this
change can be identified by the occurrence
of cytoplasmic changes (Ebner & Götz,
2019), for hydropic degeneration it is
identified through the cytoplasm
undergoing vacuolization, while for
degeneration it is identified through fat-
filled vacuoles that push the nucleus
towards the edge of the cell.
Figure 4. Microanatomy depiction of abnormal liver cells in the
Sofiani Sari, Chrismis novalinda ginting, Linda chiuman, Sahna Ferdinan Ginting |752
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.94
Group of six. The administration of
white turmeric extract (curcuma zedoaria)
at a dose of 1000 mg showed an
improvement which showed reduced
parenchymatous degeneration and
hydrophilic degeneration, but abnormal
liver abnormalities were still found.
White turmeric extract (curcuma zedoaria)
has an antioxidant effect that comes from
the curcumin compound it has (Puspita,
Yulianti, & Mozartha, 2019). The
antioxidant has an essential role in the
capture of free radicals that can helpThe
positive control group who was only given
CuSO4 showed significant liver
The from this study are white turmeric
extract (curcuma zedoaria) at a dose of
1000 mg has hepatoprotective activity
against the histopathological description of
the liver of male Wistar rats exposed to
high doses of CuSO4 pentahydrate.
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