JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 910 921
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.90
Husein Tuasikal1*
Dedi Perwana2
Usep Suhud3
1Doctoral Student of Management Science
State University of Jakarta
2,3Lecturer Doctoral Program of Management Science
State University of Jakarta
e-mail: hstory2017@gmail.com1, dpurwana@unj.ac.id2, usuhud@unj.ac.id3
*Correspondence: hstory2[email protected]
Submitted: 29 January 2022, Revised: 10 February 2022, Accepted: 20 February 2022
Abstract. This research aims to analyze, interpret and evaluate Human Resources Management,
especially at the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic Management through a description of the influence of
leadership, quality of work life and self-development on work engagement. This research uses
regression analysis method and path analysis using a research sample of 110 people using
accidental random sampling technique. The research sample in question is a lecturer in the Jakarta
LP3I Polytechnic environment. The data collection technique used is the survey method through
the distribution of online questionnaires. The results of this study show: (1) Leadership has a direct
positive effect on ape attachment; (2) The quality of work life has a direct positive effect on work
engagement; (3) Self-development has a direct positive effect on work engagement; (4) Leadership
has a direct positive effect on self-development; (5) The quality of work life has a direct positive
effect on self-development; (6) Leadership has a direct positive effect on the quality of work life;
(7) Leadership has a positive indirect effect on work engagement through mediating self-
development; (8) The quality of work life has a direct positive effect on work engagement through
the mediation of self-development; (9) Leadership has a direct positive effect on self-development
through mediating the quality of work life. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that
the level of work engagement of LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic Lecturers could be determined by the
level of leadership, quality of work life and self-development. So this research provides advice to
the Leaders & Management of the LP3I Polytechnic to improve leadership, especially at the head
of the study program, improve the quality of lecturers' work life and provide a wider space for
lecturers to develop themselves, so that Lecturers in the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic environment have
stronger work engagements. in order to carry out its duties to educate the nation's life and print
human resources who are ready to enter the professional era.
Keywords: leadership; quality of work life; self development; work engagement.
Husein Tuasikal, Dedi Perwana, Usep Suhud | 911
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.90
In the world of higher education there
is a division of functions between
universities/colleges that teach theories
and principles and vocational higher
education institutions that teach market-
oriented skills. In Japan it is called senshu
gakko/senmongakko while in England or
the United States it is called a 'new
university' which used to be called a
polytechnic (Goodman et al., 2009).
Vocational skills education (vocational) is a
concept that emphasizes self-development
of students to face the challenges of an
increasingly complex and competitive life,
and has the aim of not only preparing
skilled and creative workers, but also
preparing students to be able to overcome
and solve problems, because vocational
skills have a background in scientific
background (Buditjahjanto & Kartika,
2015). According to Munjanganja in
Goodman et al., (2009) that vocational
higher education institutions are technical
and vocational education and training
(TVET) and are important factors in the
economic development of Japan and South
Korea due to rapid industrialization and the
resulting demand for skilled labor
(Valentine & Sovacool, 2010); (Kim, 2010).
In particular, the need to improve
qualifications in the productive workforce
continues to increase so that this has an
impact on vocational higher education
Thus, vocational higher education
institutions must be able to adapt quickly
to significant changes from time to time so
that the teaching methods implemented by
these institutions are work-oriented
(Stadler & Smith, 2017). Therefore, to
respond to and respond to the acceleration
of progress in the industrial revolution 4.0,
the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia (RI) has placed vocational
education as a top priority for educational
development through Presidential
Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of(2016)in
the context of Improving the Quality and
Competitiveness of Indonesian Human
Resources (HR) which is the direction of
future vocational education development.
In this context, vocational higher education
institutions are also expected to be able to
adopt Presidential Instruction No. 9 Years.
This is in order to determine its main
priority, namely increasing the absorption
and skilled workforce of graduates of
vocational higher education institutions or
polytechnics with the world of work
(industry) so that they are better
competitive. Therefore, now vocational
higher education institutions have a very
strategic position in the country's economic
development in the era of the industrial
revolution 4.0 in order to be able to adapt
to the rapid development of science and
technology which is a key success factor in
carrying out its vision, mission and goals.
according to Dewi et al., (2018),
educational institutions have a readiness
stage which is an important step that
includes eight components suitable for
educational organizations, namely:
students, management, personnel, content,
technical, environmental, cultural and
financial, training of academic staff,
implementation of IT infrastructure., and
support. University. Then, lecturers of
vocational higher education institutions
have a very strategic role to develop
912 | Leadership, Quality of Work Life and Self Development in Increasing Work Engagement
for Polytechnic Lecturers LP3I Jakarta
practical and transformative types of
teaching and learning so that they place
lecturers as agents of change.(Yassim,
Rudman, & Maluleke, 2020) as well as a
human asset (Leitão et al., 2019; Shiramizu
& Singh, 2007; Othman et al., 2017)
especially in terms of the work engagement
of lecturers in higher education institutions.
In this case, lecturers have the potential
to lead organizations in a sustainable
manner which is a critical success factor
(CSF) in a competitive environment
because lecturers are also considered as
human capital, human capital refers to the
number of attributes, life experience,
knowledge, creativity, energy, and the
enthusiasm that employees invest in their
work (Noe, Hollenback, Gerhart, & Wright,
2012). According to Law No. 14 of 2005 (UU
No. 14 of 2005) concerning Teachers and
Lecturers, in article 10 paragraph (1) which
states that the competence of teachers and
lecturers as referred to in article 8 includes
pedagogic competence, personality
competence, competence social, and
professional competencies obtained
through professional education. In line with
Law No. 14 of 2005, professional
teachers/lecturers of Technical and
Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
are required to have four competencies as
stated in the regulation of the minister of
education and culture as follows
(Mouzakitis, 2010): first pedagogic
competence, competence, social
competence, and professional competence
(Mulyadi, 2015). Furthermore, Gee (2018)
states that the competence of teachers and
lecturers can be interpreted as the
competence to have knowledge of the
content of the subject and the skills to
perform the assigned tasks and have
personal qualities (Abykanova, Tashkeyeva,
Idrissov, Bilyalova, & Sadirbekova, 2016) so
that the competence of lecturers is very
strong when used because it will affect the
performance of students/students.
In recent years, researchers have often
heard complaints and lack of enthusiasm
for lecturers at the Jakarta LP3I Polytechnic
in carrying out their work, as professional
educators and scientists with the main task
of transforming, developing, and
disseminating science, technology, and the
arts through education, research, and
education. community service as stated in
Chapter 1 Article 1 paragraph 2 of Law
Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers
and Lecturers. This shows that one of the
factors of the level of work engagement of
lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic shows low
performance. Ranking results and scores
Conversion results of public and private
universities throughout Indonesia in 2016
are in table 1.1. shows that the position of
the LP3I Polytechnic with a value of 0.
Thus, researchers are very interested
and become rational mining for researchers
to conduct this research because LP3I
Polytechnic is a Vocational Higher
Education Institution that has a very
important and strategic position. LP3I
Jakarta Polytechnic is expected to be a
driving force in the development of the
country's economy in the era of the
industrial revolution 4.0 in the field of
human resources (HR), especially the
graduates of this institution as stipulated in
Chapter 1 Article 1 paragraph 2 of Law
Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers
Husein Tuasikal, Dedi Perwana, Usep Suhud | 913
and Lecturers, and Presidential Instruction
(Inpres) Number 9 of 2016 in the context of
Improving the Quality and Competitiveness
of Indonesian Human Resources (HR) which
is the direction of future vocational
education development. Furthermore.
Thus, the researcher tries to analyze
and conclude the factors that are thought
to influence the work engagement of
lecturers at the Vocational Higher
Education Institution so that it is possible to
obtain new findings (novelty) or elements
of novelty (State of Art) in research on
causal models with theoretical
confirmatory tests. on "The Influence of
Leadership, Quality of Work Life, and Self-
Development on Lecturer Work
Engagement at LP3I Jakarta".
The respondents of this study are 110
lecturers of Polytechnic of LP3I who has
National Lecturer Identification Number
(NIDN) on Kramat, Pasar Minggu, Bekasi,
Cikarang, Sudirman, Pondok Cabe and Koja
Campus. Taken by accidental sampling
through the population by randomly. Data
analysis uses Path Analysis with include
regression linear test. The data collection
technique used an online questionnaire
which was distributed to the object of
research, with the preparation of the
instrument according to the indicator or
variable measuring instrument. Data
collection was carried out twice, namely for
testing the instrument and for the final test
of the research. The data analysis
techniques used include: t test, coefficient
of determination test and path analysis.
Data testing was carried out with the help
of the SPSS v.26 application. The research
design can be described in the following
Figure 1. Path Diagram
The results of this study indicate that
56.36% of lecturers have an interest above
the average with the largest contribution
contributed by the dedication indicator.
This shows that when a lecturer has high
dedication, he will have more work
attachment to the campus. This study also
revealed that 53.64% of lecturers assessed
the leadership of the Head of Study
Programs in the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic
environment above the average, the quality
of working life of lecturers was 56.55% in an
914 | Leadership, Quality of Work Life and Self Development in Increasing Work Engagement
for Polytechnic Lecturers LP3I Jakarta
above average position, but the level of
self-development was indicated by the
results of 48, 18% of lecturers are in a
position below the average score of each
1. Influence of Leadership on Work
Based on the results of the research
that has been described above, it is
found that there is a positive influence
between Leadership on Work
Engagement at LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic
Lecturers. This is evidenced by the value
of the X1 coefficient in the regression
test is 0.214 which means that if
Leadership increases by one point,
Work Engagement will increase by
0.214 at a constant 50.922 assuming X2
and X3 remain. The positive X1
coefficient value means that the higher
the lecturer's leadership, the higher the
level of work engagement, and vice
versa, the lower the leadership, the
lower the level of work engagement.
The results of the calculation of the
partial significance test or t test on the
Leadership variable obtained tcount =
2,361 with ttable = 1,65936 and a
significance of 0.
The research findings that have
been described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that leadership has
an effect on work engagement. With
the conclusion that if the leadership
level of the Head of Study Program
increases, it will lead to an increase in
the work engagement of lecturers. So it
can be notated that Hypothesis 1 is
accepted, there is a direct influence of
leadership on work engagement
2. Effect of Quality of Work Life on
Work Engagement
Based on the results of the research
that has been described above, it is
found that there is a positive influence
between Quality of Work Life on Work
Engagement at LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic
Lecturers. This is evidenced by the value
of the X2 coefficient in the regression
test is 0.236 which means that if the
Quality of Work Life has increased by
one point, Work Engagement will
increase by 0.236 at a constant 50.922
assuming X1 and X3 remain. The
positive X2 coefficient value means that
the higher the quality of work life of the
lecturer, the higher the level of work
engagement, and vice versa, the lower
the leadership, the lower the level of
work engagement. The results of the
calculation of the partial significance
test or t test on the Quality of Work Life
variable obtained tcount = 2.
The research findings that have
been described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that the quality of
work life affects work engagement.
With the conclusion that if the level of
self-development of the lecturer
increases, it will lead to an increase in
the work engagement of the lecturer.
So it can be notated that Hypothesis 2
is accepted, there is a direct influence
on the Quality of Work Life on work
3. The Influence of Self-Development
on Work Engagement
Based on the results of the research
Husein Tuasikal, Dedi Perwana, Usep Suhud | 915
that has been described above, it is
found that there is a positive influence
between Self-Development on Work
Engagement at LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic
Lecturers. This is evidenced by the value
of the X3 coefficient in the regression
test is 0.274 which means that if Self
Development increases by one point,
Work Engagement will increase by
0.274 at a constant 52.922 assuming X1
and X2 remain. The value of the X3
coefficient is positive, meaning that the
higher the lecturer's self-development,
the higher the level of work
engagement. The results of the
calculation of the partial significance
test or t test on the Self-Development
variable tcount = 2.876 with ttable =
1.65936 and a significance of 0.
The research findings that have
been described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that self-
development affects work
engagement. With the conclusion that
if the level of Lecturer Self Development
increases, it will lead to an increase in
lecturer work engagement. So it can be
notated that Hypothesis 3 is accepted,
there is a direct influence of self
development on work engagement.
4. The Influence of Leadership on Self-
Based on the results of the research
that has been described above, it is
found that there is a positive influence
between Leadership on Self-
Development at LP3I Jakarta
Polytechnic Lecturers. This is evidenced
by the value of the X1 coefficient in the
regression test is 0.302 which means
that if Leadership increases by one
point, Self Development will increase by
0.302 at a constant 32.520 with the
assumption that X2 remains. The
positive X1 coefficient value means that
the better the Head of Study Program
Leadership, the higher the level of
Lecturer Self-Development, and vice
versa if the Head of Study Program
Leadership is not good, the lower the
Lecturer Self-Development level will be.
The results of the calculation of the
partial significance test or t-test on the
Leadership variable obtained tcount =
3,459 with ttable = 1.
The research findings that have
been described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that leadership has
an effect on self-development. With the
conclusion that if the leadership level of
the Head of Study Program increases, it
will lead to an increase in the lecturer's
self-development. So it can be notated
that Hypothesis 4 is accepted, there is a
direct influence of Leadership on Self-
5. Influence of Quality of Work Life on
Self Development
Based on the results of the research
that has been described above, it is
found that there is a positive influence
between Quality of Work Life on
Personal Development at LP3I Jakarta
Polytechnic Lecturers. This is evidenced
by the value of the X2 coefficient in the
regression test is 0.356 which means
that if the Quality of Work Life has
increased by one point, Self
Development will increase by 0.356 at a
constant 32.520 with the assumption
916 | Leadership, Quality of Work Life and Self Development in Increasing Work Engagement
for Polytechnic Lecturers LP3I Jakarta
that X1 remains. The positive X2
coefficient value means that the higher
the quality of work life of the lecturer,
the higher the level of self-
development, and vice versa, the lower
the quality of work life, the lower the
level of self-development. The results of
the calculation of the partial
significance test or t test on the Quality
of Work Life variable obtained tcount =
The research findings that have
been described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that the quality of
work life affects self-development. With
the conclusion that if the level of quality
of the working life of the lecturer
increases, it will lead to an increase in
the lecturer's self-development. So it
can be notated that hypothesis 5 is
accepted, there is a direct influence on
the Quality of Work Life on Self-
6. Influence of Leadership on Quality of
Work Life
Based on the results of the research
that has been described above, it is
found that there is a positive influence
between Leadership on the Quality of
Work Life at LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic
Lecturers. This is evidenced by the value
of the X2 coefficient in the regression
test is 0.371, which means that if
Leadership increases by one point, the
Quality of Work Life will increase by
0.371 at a constant -2.877. The value of
the X1 coefficient is positive, meaning
that the higher the student leadership,
the higher the quality of work life, and
vice versa, the lower the leadership, the
lower the quality of work life. The
results of the calculation of the partial
significance test or t test on the
Leadership variable obtained tcount =
4.157 with ttable = 1.65936 and a
significance of 0.
The research findings that have
been described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that leadership
affects the quality of work life. With the
conclusion that if the leadership level of
the Head of Study Program increases, it
will lead to an increase in the quality of
working life of lecturers. So that it can
be notated that hypothesis 6 is
accepted, there is a direct influence of
leadership on the quality of work life.
7. The Influence of Leadership on Job
Engagement Through Mediation of
Based on the calculations that have
been described, it is known that the
Standardized Coefficient (beta) of each
variable is known. The direct effect of
leadership on work engagement is
0.214 (ρYX1), while the indirect effect is
0.302 X3X1) x 0.274 (pYX3) = 0.083.
From these results, it can be seen that
the total indirect influence of leadership
on work engagement through the
mediation of self-development is 0.214
+ 0.083 = 0.307. In this case, it was
found that the positive influence of
Leadership on Work Engagement
through the mediation of Self-
Development means that the higher
the Leadership of the Head of Study
Program, the higher the Self-
Husein Tuasikal, Dedi Perwana, Usep Suhud | 917
Development which then increases
Work Engagement, and vice versa, the
lower the leadership, the lower the self-
development which affects the
decrease in the level of work
engagement. The results of the
research described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that leadership can
have an indirect effect on the level of
work engagement through mediation
of self-development. With the
conclusion that the leadership of
Kapordi can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by high
self-development on work
engagement. So that it can be noted
that hypothesis 7 is accepted, there is
an indirect influence of leadership on
work engagement through the
mediation of self development. The
results of the research described above
are in accordance with the theoretical
studies previously stated, that
leadership can have an indirect effect
on the level of work engagement
through mediation of self-
development. With the conclusion that
the leadership of Kapordi can have a
greater positive influence if it is
accompanied by high self-
development on work engagement. So
that it can be noted that hypothesis 7 is
accepted, there is an indirect influence
of leadership on work engagement
through the mediation of self
development. The results of the
research described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that leadership can
have an indirect effect on the level of
work engagement through mediation
of self-development. With the
conclusion that the leadership of
Kapordi can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by high
self-development on work
engagement. So that it can be noted
that hypothesis 7 is accepted, there is
an indirect influence of leadership on
work engagement through the
mediation of self development. With
the conclusion that the leadership of
Kapordi can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by high
self-development on work
engagement. So that it can be noted
that hypothesis 7 is accepted, there is
an indirect influence of leadership on
work engagement through the
mediation of self development. With
the conclusion that the leadership of
Kapordi can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by high
self-development on work
engagement. So that it can be noted
that hypothesis 7 is accepted, there is
an indirect influence of leadership on
work engagement through the
mediation of self development.
8. The Effect of Quality of Work Life on
Work Engagement Through
Mediation of Self-Development
Based on the calculations that have
been described, it is known that the
Standardized Coefficient (beta) of each
variable is known. The direct effect of
Quality of Work Life on Work
Engagement is 0.236 (ρYX1), while the
indirect effect is 0356 (ρX3X1) x 0.274
YX3) = 0.098. From these results, it
can be seen that the total indirect effect
918 | Leadership, Quality of Work Life and Self Development in Increasing Work Engagement
for Polytechnic Lecturers LP3I Jakarta
of Quality of Work Life on Work
Engagement through the mediation of
Self Development is 0.236 + 0.098 =
0.334. In this case, it was found that the
positive influence of the Quality of
Work Life on Work Engagement
through the mediation of Self-
Development, which means the higher
the Quality of Lecturer's Work Life, the
higher the Self-Development which
then lowers the level of Work
Engagement, and vice versa, the lower
the quality of work life, the lower the
self-development which affects the
increase in the level of work
engagement. The results of the
research described above are in
accordance with the theoretical studies
previously stated, that the quality of
work life can have an indirect effect on
the level of work engagement through
mediation of self-development. With
the conclusion that the quality of work
life can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by high
self-development on work
engagement. So that it can be notated
that hypothesis 8 is accepted, there is
an indirect effect of Quality of Work Life
on Work Engagement through the
mediation of Self-Development.
9. The Effect of Leadership on Work
Engagement Through Mediation
Quality of Work Life
Based on the calculations that have
been described, it is known that the
Standardized Coefficient (beta) of each
variable is known. The direct effect of
leadership on work engagement is
0.297 (ρYX2), while the indirect effect is
0.371 X2X1) x 0.333 (ρYX2) = 0.124.
From these results, it can be seen that
the total indirect influence of
Leadership on Work Engagement
through the mediation of Quality of
Work Life is 0.297 + 0.124 = 0.421. In
this case, it was found that the positive
influence of Leadership on Work
Engagement through the mediation of
Quality of Work Life, which means the
higher the Leadership of the Head of
Study Program, the higher the Quality
of Work Life which then increases Work
Engagement, and vice versa, the lower
the leadership, the lower the quality of
work life which affects the decrease in
the level of work engagement. The
results of the research that have been
described above are in accordance with
the theoretical studies previously
stated, that leadership can have an
indirect effect on the level of work
engagement through mediating the
quality of work life. With the conclusion
that the head of study program
leadership can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by a high
quality of work life on work
engagement. So it can be notated that
hypothesis 9 is accepted, there is an
indirect influence of Leadership on Self-
Development through the mediation of
Quality of Work Life The results of the
research that have been described
above are in accordance with the
theoretical studies previously stated,
that leadership can have an indirect
effect on the level of work engagement
through mediating the quality of work
life. With the conclusion that the head
Husein Tuasikal, Dedi Perwana, Usep Suhud | 919
of study program leadership can have a
greater positive influence if it is
accompanied by a high quality of work
life on work engagement. So it can be
notated that hypothesis 9 is accepted,
there is an indirect influence of
Leadership on Self-Development
through the mediation of Quality of
Work Life The results of the research
described above are in accordance with
the theoretical studies previously
stated, that leadership can have an
indirect effect on the level of work
engagement through mediating the
quality of work life. With the conclusion
that the head of study program
leadership can have a greater positive
influence if it is accompanied by a high
quality of work life on work
engagement. So it can be notated that
hypothesis 9 is accepted, there is an
indirect influence of Leadership on Self-
Development through the mediation of
Quality of Work Life With the
conclusion that the head of study
program leadership can have a greater
positive influence if it is accompanied
by a high quality of work life on work
engagement. So it can be notated that
hypothesis 9 is accepted, there is an
indirect influence of Leadership on Self-
Development through the mediation of
Quality of Work Life With the
conclusion that the head of study
program leadership can have a greater
positive influence if it is accompanied
by a high quality of work life on work
engagement. So it can be notated that
hypothesis 9 is accepted, there is an
indirect influence of Leadership on Self-
Development through the mediation of
Quality of Work Life.
Based on the results of hypothesis
testing and discussion of research as
described in Chapter IV, it can be
concluded that: (1) There is a direct positive
influence of Leadership on Work
Engagement, this shows that if the
Leadership of the Head of Study Program
increases, it will increase the Work
Engagement of the Lecturers they lead; (2)
There is a positive direct influence on the
quality of work life on work engagement,
which means that if the quality of work life
for lecturers increases, work engagement
on campus will also increase; (3) There is a
positive direct effect of Self-Development
on Work Engagement, where the higher the
level of self-development of the lecturer,
the higher the level of work engagement in
the work environment; (4) There is a direct
positive influence of Leadership on Self-
Development, which means the level of
leadership of the Head of Study Program
can determine the level of self-
development of each person he leads or in
this case the lecturer; (5) There is a positive
direct influence on the quality of work life
on self-development, this indicates that the
higher the quality of work life, the higher
the quality of work life can increase self-
development; (6) There is a direct positive
influence of Leadership on the Quality of
Work Life, which means that the high
quality of working life of lecturers is
influenced by the high level of leadership of
the Head of Study Program; (7) There is an
indirect influence between Leadership on
Job Engagement mediated by Self-
920 | Leadership, Quality of Work Life and Self Development in Increasing Work Engagement
for Polytechnic Lecturers LP3I Jakarta
Development, which means that the
leadership level of the Head of Study
Program is in a high position, it will increase
self-development and have an impact on
increasing lecturers' work engagement; (8)
There is an indirect influence between
Quality of Work Life on Work Engagement
mediated by Self-Development, which
means that the level of quality of working
life of lecturers is in a high position, it will
increase self-development and have an
impact on increasing lecturers' work
engagement. (9) There is an indirect
influence between Leadership on Work
Engagement mediated by Quality of Work
Life, which means that the Kaprodi
leadership level is in a high position, it will
improve the quality of work life and have
an impact on increasing lecturers' work
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