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at the individual level will affect individual
behavior. Conflicts that occur at the
individual level will affect individual
behavior. Energy behavior has a positive
effect on work motivation In Abd Majid et
al. (2016),Grant and Shin (2012), the results
of his research reinforce that work
motivation will direct, give positive energy
to improve performance. However, recent
research states different results that
workplace experience confirms that
employees need to meet expectations
producing positive emotional states that
energize, and that this energy is manifested
in employee behavior at work (Süßbauer
and Schäfer 2019).
Literature Review
Social exchange is a process involving a
series of interactions affecting the existence
of obligations. SET is an interdependent
interaction with other people's actions
(Blau 2017). SET prioritizes ongoing
relationships which ultimately lead to
mutual trust but with an agreed exchange
condition. SET exchange rules consist of
three rules namely reciprocity rules,
negotiated rules and exchange rules are
less researched. Reciprocity is an
interdependent exchang. Interdependence
by some researchers is considered a
characteristic of social exchange (Goater et
al. 2020). The rules of exchange that are not
examined are those that do not exist in the
rules of Reciprocity and Exchange
negotiation consisting of six elements
(Itziar Ramírez García et al. 2019). The six
elements are reciprocity, rationality,
altruism, group acquisition, status
consistency, and competition (Johnson et
al. 2010). Altruism is a rule where we seek
the benefits of others even at an absolute
cost to ourselves. In general, someone will
want to do social exchange if it happens to
the same or close social identity. Social
identity is a characteristic that distinguishes
between someone who is incorporated in a
group with those not based on cultural
equality, lifestyle, ideology.
The concept of identity is divided into
social identity theory and identity theory,
self-identity is reflexive because it makes an
object and can categorize, classify and
other social categories (Vignoles 2017). The
process of social comparison someone
labels himself with in-group or out-group.
Social identity includes emotional,
evaluative, and classification in groups
(Trepte 2017). Social identity theory is a
theory explaining in-group versus out-
group behavior. Social identity has the
advantage of emotional connection and
social connection. The superiority of the
emotional dimension shows that if a person
has a negative emotional impact, this
includes depression, decreased mortality,
obesity, and decreased quality of life,
especially when loneliness is experienced
chronically (Cacioppo et al. 2016)
However, the results of other research
findings have shown that when a person's
social identity especially the high level of
emotional involvement can improve
individual performance (Baker et al. 2019),
collaboration (Al-rahmi, Othman, and Yusuf
2015), self-esteem (Martin 2019), and a
sense of self-worth (Harris et al. 2019). In
addition, when certain social identities such
as emotional prominence, they can
produce useful behaviors. For example,
research by Carter (2013) provides
evidence that when a person's moral