JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 862 869
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.111
Universitas PGRI Semarang
e-mail: sutrisno60pgris@gmail.com
*Correspondence: sutrisno60p[email protected]
Submitted: 28 January 2022, Revised: 08 February 2022, Accepted: 20 February 2022
Abstract. The purpose of this research is to integrate social exchange theory, social identity theory
and motivation theory, so as to produce a new concept of the Emotional Empowerment
Collaborative model. The next discussion describes the concept of the Emotional Empowerment
Collaborative model. In social exchange among lecturers as the main asset of the university, it is
necessary to form a discussion group/forum that is emotionally involved specifically to discuss
issues of publication journals that are developing in a theoretical and practical competitive
environment so as to provide energy/enthusiasm among group members to compete. Along with
the increasing competition between universities, both at home and abroad, the quality of lecturers
is high. One of the benchmarks for higher education quality is the number of scientific works
produced by lecturers published in national and international journals. However, the fact is that the
interest of lecturers in conducting research for publication is still low. The type of this research is
exploratory research, measurement of variables by donating, collecting, professional competence
and performance of lecturers' scientific publications. The results of this study are knowledge
donating and knowledge collecting which are dimensions of knowledge sharing that can positively
and significantly increase the publication of lecturers' scientific works in universities.
Keywords: social exchange; social group identity; motivation; knowledge sharing;
collaborative emotional empowerment.
Sutrisno | 863
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.111
The importance of research in higher
education (DIKTI) is based on data that only
2.7 percent of Asian research publications
on Indonesia in peer reviewed international
journals written by Indonesian authors.
While the total number of Indonesian
scientific publications is still lagging behind
Malaysia (Scimagojr, 2018). Therefore,
lecturers as researchers are not only
required to continue to produce work
independently, they are also required to be
able to collaborate with other researchers
in the country so that research can be more
comprehensive, and is expected to be able
to encourage and strengthen collaboration
with researchers abroad. in an equal,
balanced and contributive position.
However, the fact is that lecturers' interest
in conducting research in the last three
years tends to decrease (forlapdikti, 2018).
Lecturers are motivated by their productive
performance by writing books, journals
that are useful for themselves and for
institutions. Work motivation is a
psychological process, directing,
energizing, and maintaining work actions,
tasks, roles(Itziar Ramírez García, Susana
Del Cerro Ramón, and Albert Fornells
Herrera 2019). Experts have distinguished
between two main types of work
motivation theory: endogenous process
theory and exogenous causal theory(Grant
and Shin 2012). Endogenous process
theory focuses mainly on psychological
mechanisms that explain a teacher's
personal motivation, while exogenous
causal theories focus primarily on
contextual influences on work motivation
which can change at any time. This research
focuses on both of which raises
expectations of the lecturers and higher
education institutions.
The low culture of writing for the
publication of scientific journals among
academics has a negative impact on the
organization where they take shelter,
whereas now scientific publication of
research papers / articles in well-known
journals has become an important factor in
evaluating the academic performance of
lecturers in colleges and universities (Salmi
2012). Overall, almost half of the lecturers
believed that journal publications could be
accepted for promotion at their university
(Apuke and Iyendo 2018). However, the
survey also revealed there was a low level
of awareness from lecturers for journal
publications(Cai, Y., & Yan 2017). To
improve the culture of writing lecturers can
be pursued by studying together to form a
community (group). Group knowledge
sharing is influenced by organizational
rewards, member trust, organizational
culture, interaction and quality of
knowledge management. This opinion is
corroborated by research by Al-Kurdi, El-
Haddadeh, and Eldabi (2018), stating that
knowledge management, knowledge
sharing and collaboration have a positive
impact on academic staff.
Research results of McDonald, Fielding,
and Louis (2013)explain that a person is
motivated by conflict norms or vice versa,
norms provide energy to encourage people
to take action so that they get better
results. However, this study was challenged
by Johnson et al. (2010)who stated that
intellectual conflict can have important
effects and negative energy providers to
progress and develop. Conflicts that occur
864 | Explore Publication Interests for Lecturers with Emotional Empowerment Collaboratives
at the individual level will affect individual
behavior. Conflicts that occur at the
individual level will affect individual
behavior. Energy behavior has a positive
effect on work motivation In Abd Majid et
al. (2016),Grant and Shin (2012), the results
of his research reinforce that work
motivation will direct, give positive energy
to improve performance. However, recent
research states different results that
workplace experience confirms that
employees need to meet expectations
producing positive emotional states that
energize, and that this energy is manifested
in employee behavior at work (Süßbauer
and Schäfer 2019).
Literature Review
Social exchange is a process involving a
series of interactions affecting the existence
of obligations. SET is an interdependent
interaction with other people's actions
(Blau 2017). SET prioritizes ongoing
relationships which ultimately lead to
mutual trust but with an agreed exchange
condition. SET exchange rules consist of
three rules namely reciprocity rules,
negotiated rules and exchange rules are
less researched. Reciprocity is an
interdependent exchang. Interdependence
by some researchers is considered a
characteristic of social exchange (Goater et
al. 2020). The rules of exchange that are not
examined are those that do not exist in the
rules of Reciprocity and Exchange
negotiation consisting of six elements
(Itziar Ramírez García et al. 2019). The six
elements are reciprocity, rationality,
altruism, group acquisition, status
consistency, and competition (Johnson et
al. 2010). Altruism is a rule where we seek
the benefits of others even at an absolute
cost to ourselves. In general, someone will
want to do social exchange if it happens to
the same or close social identity. Social
identity is a characteristic that distinguishes
between someone who is incorporated in a
group with those not based on cultural
equality, lifestyle, ideology.
The concept of identity is divided into
social identity theory and identity theory,
self-identity is reflexive because it makes an
object and can categorize, classify and
other social categories (Vignoles 2017). The
process of social comparison someone
labels himself with in-group or out-group.
Social identity includes emotional,
evaluative, and classification in groups
(Trepte 2017). Social identity theory is a
theory explaining in-group versus out-
group behavior. Social identity has the
advantage of emotional connection and
social connection. The superiority of the
emotional dimension shows that if a person
has a negative emotional impact, this
includes depression, decreased mortality,
obesity, and decreased quality of life,
especially when loneliness is experienced
chronically (Cacioppo et al. 2016)
However, the results of other research
findings have shown that when a person's
social identity especially the high level of
emotional involvement can improve
individual performance (Baker et al. 2019),
collaboration (Al-rahmi, Othman, and Yusuf
2015), self-esteem (Martin 2019), and a
sense of self-worth (Harris et al. 2019). In
addition, when certain social identities such
as emotional prominence, they can
produce useful behaviors. For example,
research by Carter (2013) provides
evidence that when a person's moral
Sutrisno | 865
identity is prominent, it reduces the
possibility of fraudulent behavior. More
recent research has also examined how
social identity influences individual
morality and health (Peterson 2018).
This research uses exploratory methods.
Exploration is done when not enough is
known about a phenomenon and a
problem that has not been clearly defined
(Boru 2018; Mohajan 2018). Therefore, the
theme is to overcome new problems that
little or no previous research has been done
(Johnsonr 2015). The data was taken from
reputable international journal research
that still has a relationship with social
exchange theory, social identity and
In this globalization arena, universities
are primarily driven by human capital that
has high intellectual capacity so that they
are able to lift organizations to build and
maintain competitive advantage (Gallardo-
v and Enrique 2019). Requirements to
compete, the lecturer must have
professional competence. Professional
competence is the mastery of extensive and
deep learning material, including the
mastery of lecture material and the
substance of scientific studies
philosophically. Based on the description
above and the integration of the
dimensions of the theory of the concept of
identity, motivation and social exchange
theory can be arranged propositions to
build professional competency approaches
to other rules. The preposition is
Collaborative Emotional Empowerment, it
is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Collaborative Proposition for Emotional Empowerment
Knowledge sharing is the process of
tacit knowledge transfer of two or more
people. This is a process for gathering
knowledge together among members,
easily this process is called gathering
knowledge together (Zheng, 2017). This
process according to Wang and Noe
(2010)is referred to as social interaction,
with the intention that information is not
tacit which is only locked in the minds of
one person. similar to what was conveyed
by Savolainen (2017)sharing knowledge is
a way for someone to share what they
know. More recent research states that
knowledge sharing supports collaboration
and integration facilitated by technology
866 | Explore Publication Interests for Lecturers with Emotional Empowerment Collaboratives
(Alosaimi, 2018). Karagoz (2017)requires
that knowledge sharing be combined with
other knowledge to optimize the exchange
of knowledge. Knowledge creation and
knowledge exchange are tacit. This can
happen if people work together voluntarily,
this process leads to the creation of new
knowledge, which can be an important
source of competitive advantage (Hosseini,
Soltani, and Mehdizadeh 2018).
Argue that sharing knowledge depends
on the intention of having knowledge,
people will not share their knowledge
because their knowledge is valuable and
important. However, in practice, knowledge
sharing actually becomes an individual
level of spirit (Frimpong, 2018).
Organizations influence the process of
sharing knowledge among members of
organizations that are weak in culture and
rule enforcement so employees will only
share knowledge according to profits and
costs personally but if the organization is
financially strong, rules and teamwork, the
practice of sharing knowledge can help the
organization become more profitable and
Figure 2. Proposition 2 Knowledge Sharing
Competition between universities is not
only at the national level but also at the
international level, the spearhead for
improving the quality of higher education
is quality lecturers. Quality lecturers are
proven by being able to teach students
well, being able to practice their knowledge
in the community and being able to be
academically productive, namely
producing journals that are recognized
nationally and internationally. However, the
ability of lecturers to write is still limited
because of their limited knowledge of how
to write good journals, where they should
submit the journals they have produced
and how to remain productive in producing
Preposition 2: Knowledge sharing is an interaction of giving and receiving
knowledge between two or more individuals, the impact of which will affect
Collaborative Emotional Empowerment and professional competence. The
achievement of publication of scientific papers is built on professional competence
and Emotional Empowerment Collaborative.
Sutrisno | 867
quality journals so, Emotional
Empowerment Collaborative becomes a
solution for lecturers who experience
problems in research.
The next research is the importance of
examining the Collaborative Dimensions of
Emotional Empowerment with different
institutions (different lecturers of different
clusters) in order to prove empirically
whether the emotional ties between
lecturers in collaboration are influenced by
the dimensions of behavior, sacrifice and
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