605 | Effect of Interpersonal Communication Skills of Teachers in Teaching Teacher Motivation
During the Pandemic COVID-19
pandemic, one of the influencing factors
was interpersonal communication,
therefore teachers find it difficult in the
teaching and learning process especially
when giving learning materials, many
students do not understand learning due to
bad signals and limitations of learning
media that make students also bored apart
from that they also sometimes don't focus
when the teacher explains the material
using cellphones.
The teacher's teaching motivation is
also influenced by the teacher's
interpersonal communication skills.
Research conducted by (Ariyanti, 2016)
shows that there is a significant influence
between interpersonal communication on
teacher performance, and teacher work
motivation in schools. This is what the
teacher must pay attention to in improving
the quality of teaching so as not to interfere
with the teaching and learning process.
(Madjid, 2019) stated that teaching is not
just a process of delivering material, but
also involves broader aspects such as
attitude development, emotional character,
habits and values, therefore a teacher must
have a set of abilities.
According to (Uno et al., 2014) teaching
motivation is something that can give rise
to a spirit, or a boost in the work of
individuals or groups to work in order to
achieve the goals or conditions in which
teachers have the will or the need to
achieve certain goals through the
implementation of a task.
According (Siagian & Arifin, 2018)
promoted that "motivation is the driving
force which results in a member of the
organization willing and willing to mobilize
capabilities in the form of expertise or skills,
energy and time to carry out various
activities that are his responsibility and
fulfill his obligations in the context of
achieving predetermined organizational
goals and objectives.
(Mukarom, 2020) suggests,
interpersonal communication is the
context of communication carried out by
an individual by making himself at the
same time as the sender and recipient of
the message. (Tobing, 2016) interpersonal
communication is communication carried
out by two people with the aim of getting
to know others and themselves, revealing
themselves and others, playing and even
helping others.
Interpersonal communication is very
effective in increasing a teacher's teaching
motivation. With interpersonal
communication, it will be easier to convey
something, whether it is in the form of an
openness, showing a sense of empathy,
providing support, a positive feeling, and
fostering a sense of equality or similarity.
Seeing the background of the problem
above, the researchers are interested in
conducting a study entitled "The Effect of
Teachers' Interpersonal Communication
Skills on Teaching Motivation to Teachers
During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the
Tunas Pelita Binjai Private Vocational
School for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.
The location of this research was
conducted at the Tunas Pelita Binjai Private
Vocational School, which is located at Jalan
Perintis Kemerdekaan, Number. 166, Binjai,
Binjai Pepper Garden, North Binjai, Suka
Ramai, Binjai, Binjai City, North Sumatra