Cheryl Marlitta Stefia | 690
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.80
In the era of President Joko Widodo,
inviting higher education institutions in
Indonesia to play a role from an early age
in developing as well as giving birth to
entrepreneurs who are able to create jobs
(Greenwood, Hinings, & Whetten, 2014),
lowercase Startup XYZ sees this momentum
as a golden opportunity to contribute to
the achievement of the mission towards
gold Indonesia 4.0. In order to grow, novice
entrepreneurs and support job creation
and poverty alleviation, the Ministry of
Cooperatives and SMEs provides assistance
in the form of grants to 2,500 micro-scale
startup entrepreneurs (WP) up to Rp.
12,000,000 for each WP (Alexakis, Izzeldin,
Johnes, & Pappas, 2019). With data on
recipients of assistance, more than 67% are
engaged in the culinary field. And the
number of government support programs
in addition to grant funds (Nylén, Agbola,
Miles, & Mahmood, 2020), shows the
government's strong commitment to
encouraging entrepreneurs. The basic
component of entrepreneurship is none
other than the place of business. U.S. sees
the process of leasing a place of business
as very manual and complicated by
bureaucracy (Benta, Wilberg, Hollauer, &
Omer, 2017)v. The current high demand for
business place rentals has not been
sufficiently matched by the availability of
business premises (Teece, 2010).
Startup XYZ which has been in the
property business since (Brocato, Voorhees,
& Baker, 2012) tries to use its experience
and various research results related to the
opportunities described earlier as business
justification to then start developing
technological innovations for the stall
rental platform that is being proposed
(Tidd & Bessant, 2020). The methods that
will be used is to conduct deep interview
with founders and interview with 25
respondents who then will be processed
through Content Analysis so that a Value
Proposition Canvas can be found and
determine Product-Market Fit (Dennehy,
Kasraian, O’Raghallaigh, & Conboy, 2016).
The target market of Startup XYZ is from
the Demand side (Entrepreneur) 70% of
Indonesia's economic supporters come
from MSMEs, therefore, targeting FnB and
Fashion actors in Bandung and Solo.
Economic census data from the Central
Statistics Agency (Zheng & Zhao, 2017), the
number of non-agricultural SMEs in West
Java reached 4.6 million. Market potential
from the demand side comes from outside
Bandung. And within Bandung itself, 0.17%
of the population of Bandung as much as
629,000 are FnB business actors (Rahman &
Haryati, 2016). The potential for SMEs in
Surakarta is 43,700. And according to the
Central Statistics Agency in 2020 it is
predicted to grow by 10%. From the Supply
side (Property Owner) (Euchner & Ganguly,
2014). The main result of the work is how
academic tools can provide an overview of
how customer validation for Startup XYZ
(Nylén & Holmström, 2015).
Primary and Secondary Data – These
are two types of data that can be processed
and analyzed to obtain high quality
research results. the first researcher,
secondary data is data that has been
processed beforehand and only obtained