JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 6, 694 710
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.79
Yonna Esty Kusuma1
1,2,3Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication, Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret
University, Indonesia
e-mail: yonna679@student.uns.ac.id1, suwarto@staff.uns.ac.id2, widiyanto@staff.uns.ac.id3
*Correspondence: yonna679@student.uns.ac.id
Submitted: 25 December 2021, Revised: 10 January 2022, Accepted: 15 January 2022
Abstract: The Indonesian Government is currently trying to intensify the establishment and
development of BUM Desa to increase village income. The existence of BUM Desa is expected to
be a pillar of the village community’s economy, so that the existence of BUM Desa needs to be
maintained and further considered. The management of BUM Desa is carried out by the village
government together with the community, based on these reasons it is important to conduct
further research on social processes related to the existence of bonding social capital in the
development of BUM Desa. One of the BUM Desa that can maintain its existence is BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa, established in 2017. This paper aims to analyze the development and role of bonding
social capital in BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa. The research was conducted qualitatively through in-
depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The structural dimensions of social capital
found are related to the good relationship between the BUM Desa management, with the Krocok
Villagers, and the Krocok Village Government. The cognitive dimensions of social capital that can
be analyzed include written rules, norms, and sanctions. The relational dimensions that can be
found are related to trust, transparency, reciprocity, and social values.
Keywords: bonding social capital; Village-Owned Enterprises; development
Yonna Esty Kusuma, Suwarto, Widiyanto | 695
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.79
The existence of BUM Desa or Village-
Owned Enterprises in Indonesia has been
officially regulated in legal regulations. The
concept of BUM Desa has been regulated
in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Village,
which defines Village-Owned Enterprises
(BUM Desa or Badan Usaha Milik Desa) as
business entities whose entire or most of
the capital is owned by the village through
direct participation from village assets
which are separated to manage assets,
services and other businesses for the
greatest welfare of the village community.
BUM Desa acts as a business institution that
aims to reap financial benefits and is also
expected to provide social impacts for
people in rural areas (Srirejeki, 2018). BUM
Desa is expected to prevent the growth of
capitalist businesses in rural areas that are
feared to disrupt the economic life of rural
Figure 1. The Number of BUM Desa in
Indonesia since 2014 to 2019
Source: Kemendesa PDTT (2021)
Village development through the
establishment of BUM Desa in Indonesia
has been intensively carried out since 2014,
starting with the enactment of the Law
Number 6 of 2014. It is evident from the
data collected from The Ministry of Village,
Disadvantaged Regions Development, and
Transmigration of Republic Indonesia
(Kemendesa PDTT) that there are 50.199
BUM Desa’s units had been formed in
Indonesia until 2019.
Blora is one of the regencies that
contributes to the development of BUM
Desa. Nearly (until 2021) 90% of villages in
Blora Regency have established BUM Desa.
Based on data compiled from the
Community and Village Empowerment
Institution of Blora Regency, 238 BUM
Desa’s units were established in Blora
Regency as of November 2020. One of
them is BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa located in
Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora
The establishment of BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa was initially based on the urgency of
managing the natural resources and human
resources of Krocok Village, which could
provide economic benefits for the village.
So based on this idea, the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa was established at Krocok
Village in 2017.
BUM Desa has the authority to establish
its business unit as long as it does not
interfere with the economic structure of the
villagers and is not expected to grow into a
capitalist company that kills the village’s
local economy. BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
also applies this concept in establishing its
business unit. Until 2021 BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa has five business units established
based on the villager’s needs. It consists of
community-based goat breeding, WiFi.id,
Pamsimas (Community-Based Drinking
Water Supply and Sanitation), spinach and
kale intercropping, and cashew processing.
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa in 2020
managed to get a turnover of IDR
10,949,000.00. The economic benefits of
the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa’s existence can
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696 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
absorb labor, diversify employment
opportunities, and have been able to
contribute to Village Original Income up to
IDR 2,000,000.00 every year. Meanwhile,
the social impacts arising from the
existence of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
include providing clean water and
sanitation access for villagers, providing
affordable internet network access, and
giving social contributions to Krocok
Village, such as providing financial
assistance for various village activities.
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa since its
establishment until now cannot be
separated from social capital. BUM Desa is
an institution, according to (Atmadja et al.
(2016), institutions in community life are
formed because they are related to the
encouragement of social capital’s elements
consisting of trust, social networks, and
social institutions.
The research from (Mani et al., 2020)
states that when there is an unfavorable
relationship between the village
government and the BUM Desa manager,
the activities and existence of BUM Desa
are threatened. In line with research
conducted by (Kurniasih & Wijaya, 2017)
that the failure of BUM Desa was triggered
by an unfavorable relationship between
BUM Desa managers and the village
government, BUM Desa managers
positioned themselves as a subordinate of
the village government so that there was an
inequality of power that causes Village-
owned Enterprises to be unable to freely
innovate. This implies that the alignment
between the village government and BUM
Desa is important in maintaining the
existence of BUM Desa.
The description above has explained
that good social relations with the closest
parties are a manifestation of social capital,
classified as bonding social capital.
(Claridge, 2018) defines bonding social
capital as connections within a group or
community characterized by a high degree
of similarity in demographic characteristics,
attitudes, and available information and
resources. Bonding social capital can be
distinguished based on location, where
bonding is a tie within a village that allows
for a strong network of relationships from
daily interactions in the long term.
Based on the studies and research that
have been described previously, it can be
seen that maintaining a BUM Desa based
on the bonding social capital perspective
(such as voluntary support from
administrators, village governments, the
village community, etc) is one of the crucial
things to be discussed in more depth. BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa has been deemed
successful in maintaining its existence and
running its business unit after being
established for four years and still counting.
This condition gives the reason for the
researcher to find out the bonding social
capital in BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa’s
This research is a qualitative descriptive
research and refers to social and dynamic
problems, so it is appropriate to use
qualitative methods. (Sugiyono, 2018)
states that qualitative research methods are
appropriate when used to research with the
aim of understanding social processes or
interactions. The location selection method
697 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
was carried out purposively by considering
the reasons known from the research area.
This research was conducted from October
2020 to August 2021 and is located in
Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora
Regency because in this village there is
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa which is
developing quite well. Purposive and
snowball techniques were used in this
study to select informants. Some of the
informants interviewed in this research
included the director and administrators of
the BUM Desa, the Krocok Village
Headmen, the Krocok village community,
and the other several informants related to
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa. This research was
conducted with three data collection
techniques: in-depth interviews,
observation, and documentation. The data
analysis in this research was based on the
Miles and Huberman technique. The
ATLAS.ti application is also used to facilitate
data analysis (especially in the data
reduction process).
Figure 1. Qualitative Research Data
Analysis Techniques
Source: Miles and Huberman (1992)
This study uses triangulation of sources
and methods by comparing data from
various informants and research methods
to test the validity of the research data.
The Origin of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa was founded
on the initiative of one of the youths of
Krocok Village, whose idea coincided with
the thoughts of the Krocok Village
Headmen. The initiation is about utilizing
the natural potential and human resources
in Krocok Village. Based on this initiation, at
the end of 2017, a Village Conference was
held to discuss the establishment of BUM
Desa. The Village Conference was attended
by various parties, including the Village
Consultative Board, the Village Headmen,
Village Government officials, community
leaders, Krocok villagers, and guests from
the Supra-Village Government
(Government above the Village
Government) and NGOs (Non-
Governmental Organizations).
Then on December 17 2017, a business
entity managed jointly by the village
community and the Krocok Village
Government was inaugurated, namely BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa. Legally, this BUM Desa
was officially established based on Village
Regulation Number 05 of 2017 concerning
Village-Owned Enterprises.
The Village Conference regarding the
establishment of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
continued with the preparation of Statutes
and Bylaws and forming the management
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa. Through the
Village Conference, personnel was selected
who would then be appointed as the staff
(administrator) of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa.
The philosophy of choosing the name
“Kerjaya Krasa” as the identity of this BUM
Desa is based on the experience of BUM
Data Collection
Data Display
698 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
Desa administrators in developing BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa. “Kerjaya Krasa” means
working voluntarily. The “Kerjaya” means
work, and “Krasa” means feels, which when
these two words are combined, the
administrators can feel the hard work when
establishing BUM Desa. This is a reminder
that at the beginning of BUM Desa’s
establishment, BUM Desa administrators
struggled with blood, sweat, and tears
because they worked without being paid a
penny at that time.
Unlike most other BUM Desa, this BUM
Desa does not yet have an official office.
The BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa’s official office
has not yet been established, but the
director of BUM Desa voluntarily makes his
house as a temporary BUM Desa’s official
office. The vision of BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa is to work together towards an
independent village. Meanwhile, the
mission of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa is to
improve community welfare, create job
opportunities and explore village potential.
Business Units Based on Village
Potential and Community Needs
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa until 2021 has
five business units. The business units are
divided into three types such as daily
business units, monthly business units, and
seasonal business units. The daily business
unit is Wifi.id, the monthly business unit is
Pamsimas, and the seasonal business unit
consists of cashew processing and spinach
& kale intercropping. Since 2020 there has
been one additional business unit as a
stimulant for underprivileged communities,
namely community-based goat breeding.
Cashew Processing Business Unit
Each business unit in BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa, in its establishment, is based on the
Krocok Village potential and the Krocok
Community needs. Such as the cashew
processing business unit, where this
business unit was established with the
intention that the prospect of cashew in
Krocok Village is not in vain as before and
can provide economic benefits to the
village community.
Figure 2. Syrup, Chips and Cashews
Product by BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
Source: Documentation (2020)
This business unit was initiated in mid-
2019 by making processed cashew,
including processing cashew nuts, making
cashew chips, and cashew syrup. This
business unit received a Village Fund
allocation of IDR 13,895,000.00 in 2020.
Through this business unit, it is hoped that
it can be an incentive for the Krocok
Villagers to be more creative in managing
their village potential. Unfortunately, this
business unit is not well developed due to
a lack of operational funds.
Pamsimas Business Unit.
Pamsimas (Community Based Drinking
Water Supply and Sanitation) is actually a
government program that is separate from
the existence of BUM Desa. However, the
Pamsimas program in Krocok Village had
699 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
stalled due to a lack of operational
personnel. Finally, in 2017 since the BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa was established, the
management of Pamsimas was transferred
to BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa based on the
orders from the Krocok Village
Government. After being acquired by BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Pamsimas
management has become better and until
2021 it has managed to have 67 customers.
Figure 3. Pamsimas Business Unit
Source: Documentation (2021)
Pamsimas is an initiative program from
the Indonesian Government so that
community groups, especially in rural areas,
can access water and sanitation properly.
Access to water and sanitation in Krocok
Village is still quite lacking because it is a
dry rural area. With the existence of
Pamsimas, it is easier for the community to
access clean water for their daily life.
After Pamsimas is reactivated, the
Krocok villagers can breathe easier because
their access to water and sanitation
becomes more accessible so that their time
can be allocated to do other jobs. Based on
a decision in the Village Conference, the
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa also provides
water access for mosques, schools, and
several public facilities in Krocok Village.
Wifi.id Business Unit
This business unit was initiated in 2018.
Internet access in Krocok Village is
relatively poor and only a few internet
providers can be accessed here. This
condition gives BUM Desa administrators a
reason to start a business in this internet
service sector. BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
collaborated with Alif.net and Mcrew to
install Wi-Fi in Krocok Village. BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa then provides internet
vouchers in daily, weekly, or monthly
vouchers that can be purchased through
partner grocery stores. Until 2021 there are
eleven partner stores selling internet
vouchers from BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa.
This business unit does not only cover
Krocok Village, but this business unit has
also reached outside the village, there are
three villages that have internet networks
from BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa.
Community-Based Goat Breeding
Business Unit
The goat breeding stimulant program
belonging to the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
started in 2020 using IDR 10,000,000.00
from the Village Fund and IDR 2,500,000.00
from the BUM Desa’s business profits. The
initial funding is in the form of eight
pregnant goats ready to give birth in one
to two months. The number of initial
partners is four heads of families who live
in Krocok Village and have met the criteria
to get two goats each. After several months
of this program running, the people of
Krocok village were finally interested in
joining this business unit.
700 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
Figure 4. Community-Based Goat
Breeding Bussines Unit
Source: Documentation (2021)
The regulation in this business unit is
that partner villagers raise goats from BUM
Desa, and then when the goats have given
birth, and the goatling are at least one year
old, the goatling can be sold. The
distribution of the proceeds from the sale
of goats from this business unit is 80% for
partner villagers while 20% for BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa.
Kale and Spinach Intercropping Business
The intercropping kale and spinach
were carried out on a seasonal basis in 2018
with a budget from the Village Fund of IDR
3,750,000.00. The BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
in this program collaborated with 15
Krocok Villagers. The villagers provide land
and then BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa will
provide assistance in the form of 20
kilograms of fertilizer (10 kilograms of urea
fertilizer and 10 kilograms of Phonska
fertilizer), pesticides, spinach seeds, and
kale seedlings as well as training to villagers
about how to plant and care for vegetables
that are good and correct. The planting
time began in August 2018.
Figure 5. Kale and Spinach Intercropping
Business Unit
Source: Documentation (2021)
The spinach and kale intercropping is a
stimulant program for the Krocok Villagers
to increase their vegetable cultivation
interest and use agricultural land when
staple crops are not being planted. These
two vegetables were chosen because they
are easy to cultivate and do not require
special areas such as mountains etc, so
these vegetables are suitable for cultivation
in Krocok Village. The harvest will be
distributed or marketed by BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa to middlemen, both in the
village and outside Krocok Village. Profit-
sharing is carried out with 40% for partner
residents and 60% for BUM Desa. Although
the benefits received by partner villagers
are pretty small, one of them admitted that
it was quite helpful because he was given
agricultural production facilities for free to
plant kale and spinach.
Local Labors Recruitment from Krocok
The BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa screens
workers from Krocok Village to actualize
the BUM Desa goals to improve the welfare
of the local villagers. The laborers work at
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa as cashew
processors, Pamsimas technicians, Wifi.id
technicians, Pamsimas and Wifi.id payment
701 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
collectors, and others. The amount of
wages given to workers is also adjusted to
workers’ salaries in general in the village.
They feel little helped by becoming workers
in the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa even though
they are not employed every day. The
following is one of the confessions of a
resident of Krocok village who was
recruited to be a cashew processor at the
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa:
Iya Alhamdulillah sedikit terbantu lah
mbak, bisa dapat uang tambahan sedikit-
sedikit mbak. Bisa buat tambahan belanja”.
“Yes, Alhamdulillah. We can get the
extra money that can be used as additional
money to buy our (family) daily needs.
Capital Flow of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa got support
from Krocok Village Government through
providing capital funds for the BUM Desa
business unit development, in 2018 of IDR
35,000,000.00 and was followed in 2019 by
obtaining capital funds of IDR
60,000,000.00. The Krocok Village
Government also gave BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa the authority to acquire Pamsimas
that had previously been stalled. The
nominal value of the program was
approximately IDR 450,000,000.00. BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa in 2020 and 2021 has
not been able to get funds from the Village
Government because in that year the
Village Fund was subject to a considerable
reduction to be diverted in handling Covid-
19. BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa not only relies
on capital from the village government but
also gets capital from the profits of its
business unit.
Bonding social capital is like the
foundation of a building, if the foundation
is strong then the building will last a long
time. Bonding social capital plays a role in
creating a strong shared identity.
According to (Putnam, 2000), bonding
social capital is a characteristic strength of
a society that focuses on internal
development in society or a community.
In this research, bonding social capital
will be analyzed based on the dimensions
of social capital according to (Nahapiet &
Ghoshal, 1998), which consists of structural
dimensions, cognitive dimensions, and
relational dimensions. Before discussing
the main topic, here is a picture of the
parties involved in bonding social capital
from BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa.
Figure 6. Bonding Typologies of Social
Capital in BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
Source: Documentation (2021)
A. Structural Social Capitals of BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa
The structural dimension of social
capital examines the research object
social structure. (Claridge, 2018) in his
paper, mentions that the structural
dimension of social capital relates to
the properties of social systems, the
BUM Desa's
BUM Desa's
702 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
various forms of social organization
that makeup society. This dimension is
the network relationship, but not the
relationship quality because the
relationship quality is a relational
dimension. (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998)
further explain that the structural
dimension includes network ties
regarding the network size, network
configuration regarding the network
direction, and the appropriable
1. Interaction Between BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa Managers.
The social interaction of the
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
management is quite intensive
because there are regular meetings
held every three months, and there
are also incidental meetings. The
meeting was not only attended by
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
administrators but was also
attended by BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa business unit managers,
supervisors, and the Krocok
Headman. It should be noted that
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa until 2021
consists of 6 administrators, 4
supervisors, and 10 business unit
They also interact informally in
their daily activities. The well-
maintained communication
between administrators further
strengthens the social network
within the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa.
The communication carried out by
the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
administrators was when they met
face-to-face and through
WhatsApp groups.
The good relationship between
the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
administrators is also reflected in the
‘patchwork’. So if a BUM Desa
administrator is unable to carry out
their duties, they will be represented
by another administrator who can
perform the task at that time. This is
understandable because they have a
main job apart from being an
administrator in the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa.
2. Cooperation with the Krocok
Village Community.
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
collaborated with several Krocok
villagers in installing Wi-Fi, for
example at a coffee shop. In
addition, they also collaborate
with grocery stores to provide
vouchers to access BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa’s Wi-Fi, there are as
many as six grocery stores that
collaborate with BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa. Other
collaborations are also
established in the goat breeding
unit and kale-spinach
intercropping, in which BUM Desa
chooses to cooperate with people
who live in Krocok Village.
Meanwhile, in the Pamsimas
business unit until 2021 BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa has succeeded
in collaborating with 67 Krocok
Villagers to install water and
703 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
sanitation access. And the cashew
processing business unit has
accommodated as many as 20
workers, although this business
unit is currently suspended.
3. Village Conference Forum to
Taking Villagers Aspirations in
Developing BUM Desa.
The Village Conference is a
forum for villagers to express their
aspirations. This also applies to
the management of BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa. Not only in terms of
discussing BUM Desa’s
establishment but every time
there are criticism and
suggestions from villagers it will
be discussed through this forum,
whether it’s in the form of adding
new business units or improving
BUM Desa services. Apart from
going through the official Village
Conference forum, villagers can
informally convey their ideas to
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, for
example in daily conversations
with BUM Desa administrators.
Everything regarding BUM Desa
decisions is taken officially in the
Village Conference, but BUM
Desa administrators still have the
independence to manage BUM
Below is a statement by an
employee of the Community and
Village Empowerment Institution
of Blora Regency, in which this
party handled empowerment
issues for BUM Desa Kerjaya
Mereka kalau mau buat unit
usaha baru pasti konsultasi ke kita.
Lha dilihat dulu dari anggaran
yang tersedia. Kalau sudah ada ya
tinggal menjalankan aja, kalau
belum ada silakan panjenengan
Musdes lagi sampaikan kepada
masyarakat. Karena BUM Desa itu
kesepakatan tertinggi itu berada
di Musyawarah Desa dek.
“If they want to create a new
business unit, they must consult
us. Let’s see first from the
available budget. If they already
have the budget, then just run it.
If they don’t have the budget yet,
please retake the Village
Conference to convey it to the
villagers. Because the BUM Desa’s
highest agreement is at the
Village Conference.”
4. Relations with the Krocok
Village Government
The relationship between the
Village Government and BUM
Desa is like the relations between
parents and children who cannot
be separated. There is a symbiotic
relationship between BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa and the Krocok
Village Government. BUM Desa
gets capital funding from the
Village Government, while the
Village Government gets
additional income for Village
Original Income. Capital funds
from Village Government to BUM
704 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
Desa Kerjaya Krasa have been
discussed previously. Meanwhile,
the contribution of BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa to Krocok Village
has succeeded in contributing to
Village Original Income with a
nominal value of IDR 2,500,000.00
in 2020.
Even though BUM Desa is
related to the Village
Government, BUM Desa is still an
independent institution whose
existence cannot be intervened by
the Village Government. BUM
Desa is expected not to get
involved in Village Government
politics. The balanced position
between Village Government and
BUM Desa is one of the important
things to maintain the BUM
Desa’s existence. The equality of
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa and the
Krocok Village Government roles
is relatively good, with neither
party trying to dominate each
B. Cognitive Social Capitals of BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa
(Abbasi et al., 2011) explained that
the elements contained in the cognitive
dimension include norms of
togetherness, code of action, and
similarity of views. The dimension of
cognitive social capital is related to the
similarity of principles and goals to be
achieved together. The cognitive
dimension of social capital that can be
found in BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
consists of written rules, norms, and
sanctions. Cognitive social capital
within the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa is
helpful as a guide in carrying out all its
1. Written Rules
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa has
Statutes and Bylaws which are the
foundation for all BUM Desa
activities. The BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa’s Statutes and Bylaws were
made in the Krocok Village
Conference which was held on
December 16, 2017. The Statutes
and Bylaws contain the vision,
mission, and goals of the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa and the Main Tasks of
the supervisory and BUM Desa’s
administrators. In addition, BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa also has
Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) for each of its business units,
so that all activities in it can run on
track. One example is the regulation
on profit-sharing in the goat
breeding business unit, which is
70% profit for the stockbreeder and
30% for BUM Desa.
2. Norms
Aspects of norms, social values,
and traditions contain principles,
views, or beliefs considered good
by a group of people. Norms, social
values, and traditions in the BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa include
folkways, enthusiasm and
optimism, organizational synergy,
proactive action, and mutual
705 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
Folkways can be seen in the
ethics maintained at the meeting
where the administrators wear
formal clothes even though there
are no written rules that require the
staff to wear certain clothes. There
is also the value of politeness in the
habit of calling other administrators
Mas or Mbak. In Javanese and
broadly speaking in Java, Mbak is
used for older sisters, and Mas is
used for older brothers. But it’s also
used as an honorific by older
people to younger ones with the
aim of ngajeni or appreciating. This
is in line with the opinion of (Sunani
2019) that Mas (also Mbak) is a form
of predicate for appreciation and
respect in Java is intended for
people who are older at a certain
age, or the age range is not too far
between the greeter and the person
being greeted.
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa’s
administrators also have the value
of enthusiasm and optimism to
develop BUM Desa, and they have a
desire to move forward. The
manifestation of their enthusiasm
and optimism of the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa’s administrators is
their activeness to consult with the
Community and Village Institution
of Blora Regency.
Proactive action is reflected in
the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa’s
administrators initiative to explore
problems in their village and then
look for solutions. BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa also provides
opportunities for Krocok villagers to
express their opinions. The villagers’
participation in submitting criticism
and suggestions is also classified as
a proactive action.
There is also a gotong royong
tradition. Krocok villagers help BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa for repairing and
adding Pamsimas pipes. Gotong
royong has been considered a way
of life for Indonesians. According to
(Pranowo, 2010) gotong royong is a
Javanese verb that has means work
(gotong) and together (royong).
3. Sanctions
Sanctions for lawbreaker of the
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
regulations are written in Bylaws
Chapter IV Section 11 concerning
the Managers of BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa Business Unit. The sanction is
imposed on the BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa’s administrators if they violate
the rules, with the sanctions given is
repositioning job roles and up to
legal action. But so far, there has
never been a severe violation, just
disciplinary warnings have been
given to the BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa’s administrators if they do not
arrive on time at the meeting.
Some examples of violations
outside the management of BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa is goats that
died of illness. In this case, the
villager who as the partner of BUM
Desa should receive a sanction to
pay compensation to the BUM
Desa, but BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa’s
706 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
staff explains that the partner
villager does not need to pay the
compensation because the Village
BUM does not want to burden
C. Relational Social Capitals of BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa
(Gooderham, 2007) described
relational social capital as a dimension
of social capital that relates to the
characteristics and qualities of personal
relationships such as trust, obligations,
respect, and even friendship. Relational
dimensions that can be identified in the
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa include trust,
transparency and accountability,
deliberation for consensus, reciprocity,
and other values (such as kinship,
leadership, volunteerism, tepo
seliro/mutual respect, and preserving
local values).
1. Trust
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa always
strives to maintain the trust of the
villagers. One of them is in the
Wifi.id business unit by providing a
good quality Wi-Fi network so that
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa tries to
improve the internet network,
which is often too slow. With a
good internet network, customers
can give their trust to BUM Desa.
This is evidenced by the increasing
number of Wi-Fi customers owned
by BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa.
The Pamsimas business unit also
always tries to provide water
suitable for use, such as replacing
the salty water borehole by digging
a new water source. Maintenance
such as checking water sources and
electricity for Pamsimas is carried
out routinely by officers. The fairly
good service from the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa causes the villagers to
trust BUM Desa by using BUM
Desa’s services in the long term.
BUM Desa trusts the villager
who as the partner of BUM Desa in
goat breeding, to raise BUM Desa’s
goats without suspicion that they
will cheat. This trust forms the
closeness between BUM Desa and
partner residents.
The relationship between BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa and the
government also contains mutual
trust. The Krocok Village
Government, for example, has
entrusted the BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa to manage physic capital
sourced from the Village Fund and
manage village assets in the form of
2. Transparency and Accountability.
The BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
financial reports are submitted
openly and regularly at BUM Desa
routine meetings attended by the
entire of BUM Desa’s
administrators, supervisors, and
Village Assistant. The results of the
final meeting will be announced at
the Village Conference.
Reciprocity. Reciprocity is
defined as a reciprocal relationship
between individuals in a group or
707 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
between groups based on altruistic
behavior or the spirit to help and
prioritize the interests of others
above personal interests. The form
of reciprocity within the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa includes a profit-
sharing system for the goat
breeding business unit. BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa lends goats that are
ready to give birth to partner
villagers (the stockbreeder), and the
goats can be sold within a minimum
of one year.
Reciprocity is also contained in
the kale-spinach intercropping
business unit, where the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa provides free seeds,
fertilizers, and pesticides to villagers
who are partners of BUM Desa. In
the Wifi.id business unit, there is
also a form of reciprocity by giving
a bonus of Rp10.000,00 to Wi-Fi
customers (the coffee shop owner)
who pay on time. The Pamsimas
business unit provides free water
access to mosques and several
other public places in Krocok
Village, and this is also a form of
3. Deliberation for Problem Solving.
Every time a problem occurs in
the BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, it will
be resolved through discussion.
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa is open to
receiving criticism, suggestions, and
input from BUM Desa’s internal
management and the public
(villagers). Any complaints,
criticisms or suggestions will be
discussed in regular meetings.
4. Family Values
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa holds
family values, such as giving its
administrators and supervisors gifts
during Eid Al-Fitr. BUM Desa also
does not make complicated rules
for villagers who want to become
partners in goat farming. The
closeness between the BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa and the villagers is
quite good, considering that the
community members are part of
their own family so that it is easier
to get a goat from BUM Desa.
Because of this closeness, villagers
also did not hesitate to interact
directly with the BUM Desa’s staff.
5. Value of Volunteerism
Volunteering is an act of a
person without coercion from
others. Volunteerism within the
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa has been
embedded in the name ‘Kerjaya
Krasa’ philosophy. At the beginning
of the establishment of BUM Desa,
the management worked
voluntarily without any
compensation, holopis kuntul baris,
saiyeg saeka praya. Another form of
volunteerism can be seen from the
director of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
allowing his house to be used as a
temporary BUM Desa secretariat
There is also the value of
volunteerism when administrators
replace each other’s duties for other
708 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
administrators who cannot attend
their duties. The BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa administrators also
volunteered to help other BUM
Desa make proposals and provide
an overview related to the
establishment of BUM Desa.
6. Tepo Seliro or Tolerance
Tepo seliro is an attitude of
tolerance and respect for
differences. One of the small things
that reflects the existence of tepo
seliro is the administrators who call
each other Mas/Mbak (as explained
in the discussion of the cognitive
dimension before). Mas or Mbak is
usually intended for older siblings
but is also commonly used by older
people to younger ones to
Tolerance is also reflected in
giving light sanctions or even not
giving sanctions to violators
because the violations committed
are still at a tolerable level (as
previously discussed in the
cognitive dimension).
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa grew
up in a rural environment where it
was impossible to enforce too rigid
and restrictive regulations. So the
existing rules are adapted to the
typological conditions of rural
communities such as tepo seliro
and manners or unggah-ungguh.
7. Participate in Preserving Local
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
participated in carrying out gas
deso in Krocok Village. BUM Desa
Kerjaya Krasa provides sponsors or
donations in the form of money to
help expedite Krocok Village’s
event. Gas deso is an annual
tradition carried out by farmers as a
form of gratitude to God for
because of the abundant harvest,
this activity is carried out at the
beginning of sasi selo or after the
month of Shawwal.
Bonding social capital is like a
foundation, if the foundation is strong then
the building can last a long time. Likewise,
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa which is
considered to have been able to manage its
bonding social capital well, it is hoped that
BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa can survive for a
longer period of time and can maintain its
existence. Bonding social capital in the
development of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa
can be reviewed of structural dimensions,
cognitive dimensions and relational
a. Structural social capital consists of good
interaction between BUM Desa Kerjaya
Krasa administrators, cooperation with
the Krocok Villagers, Village Conference
forum to taking villagers aspirations in
developing BUM Desa, and relations
with the Krocok Village Government.
b. Social capital Cognitive rules consist of
written rules, unwritten rules (norms),
and sanctions.
709 | Bonding Social Capital as a Milestone for Village-Owned Enterprises Existence (a Study
of BUM Desa Kerjaya Krasa, Krocok Village, Japah District, Blora Regency)
c. Relational social capital concerns trust,
deliberation for consensus, reciprocity,
and social values.
Based on the results of research, BUM
Desa Kerjaya Krasa should be able to
maintain a balanced relationship with
relevant government agencies, especially
the Village Government of Krocok, where
the domination of one party over another
should be avoided.
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