JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 6, 736 746
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.77
Siti Dini
Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat
Pangeran Amansyah Pasaribu
Faculty of Economics, Prima Indonesia University
e-mail: siti.dini@gmail.com
, amelialiang0901@gmail.com
, ramelda21@gmail.com
*Correspondence: amelialiang09[email protected]
Submitted: 28 December 2021, Revised: 12 January 2022, Accepted: 19 January 2022
Abstract: This study aims to determine whether technical and fundamental analysis have a partial
or simultaneous influence on stock prices. The population of this study amounted to 25 companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In sampling, the researcher coordinates the objectives of
the sampling method and takes the sample by considering several criteria. In this study, the data
used are the company's financial statements obtained from the website www.idx.co.id and the
official website from the company itself. The researcher uses descriptive analysis method and
multiple linear regression analysis in his research. The results of this study partially show that
Dividend Per Share has an effect and is significant on stock prices, Earning Per Share has an effect
and is significant on stock prices, Trading Volume has no and no significant effect on stock prices,
and Inflation has no significant effect on stock prices. Simultaneously, Dividend Per Share, Earning
Per Share, Trading Volume and Inflation have a significant effect on stock prices.
Keywords: dividend per share; earning per share; trading volume; inflation and stock prices.
Siti Dini, Amelia, Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat, Pangeran Amansyah Pasaribu | 737
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.77
The capital market plays an important
role in a country's economy because it has
a function as a means for business funding
and a means for the community to invest.
The capital market is no different from
traditional markets, supermarkets and
malls consisting of traders and buyers as
well as buying and selling transactions. It's
the same with the capital market, which is a
forum to bring together an issuer (recipient
of funds) who need funds with an investor
(provider of funds) (Nurdina, 2020).
Economic conditions in a country can
affect the performance of a company and
can affect the movement of the company's
stock price and of course there are risks
that may be faced. Investment in the capital
market is becoming increasingly popular
among the public (Hermanto & Soekotjo,
2017), especially among millennials who
have an interest in investing in the capital
market. An investor must be able to
understand methods in the capital market,
manage and manage their portfolio and
analyze the fundamental factors used to
find out which companies are good to
invest in and of course investors must also
consider things that can move stock prices
such as the company's financial
performance, prospects and the
management company (Datu & Maredesa,
2017), market analysis as well as macro and
micro economic conditions. Technical
factors can also affect stock prices where an
investor analyzes to find out when to buy
shares at the right price and time and take
advantage of the price difference (capital
By analyzing technical factors, we can
also find out the stock price with historical
data regarding the market value of a
company through the use of graphs.
Changes in stock prices can also be
influenced by supply and demand
conditions in the capital market that shape
the trend of stock price movements (Najib
& Triyonowati, 2017).
One of the stock trading phenomena
occurred in PT Unilever Tbk (UNVR). Based
on last month's trading, the consumer
sector was still the champion, supported by
tough (stocks defensive), such as PT
Unilever Tbk (UNVR) UNVR which posted a
growth of 6.52 percent in last week's trade
and a 22.94 percent increase over the past
month. Last week, UNVR shares were
valued at Rp. 8,575 per share.
Understandably, in the midst of the corona
virus pandemic, in the first quarter of 2020,
UNVR still reaped a net profit of IDR 1.86
trillion. The profit grew by 6.5 percent
compared to the period last year, which
was Rp. 1.74 trillion. (CNN Indonesia |
Monday, 18 May 2020 | 07:57 WIB).
The increasing population growth in
Indonesia of course also affects
consumption demand from the public,
therefore researchers choose companies
food and beverages listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX) as objects of research
because food and beverages companies
include basic needs or basic needs that are
needed in daily life, so that if investors
invest in the sector food and beverages, it
will be profitable now and in the future
(Dewi & Rangkuti.
Based on the above background,
researchers are interested in conducting
research with the title: "The influence of
fundamental, technical and inflation factors
738 | The Influence of Fundamental, Technical and Inflation Factors on Stock Prices in Food
and Beverages Companies Listed on IDX
on stock prices in food and beverages
companies listed on the IDX"
Place and Time Research
The object of this study is the company
food and beverages listed on the Stock
Exchange Indonesa (BEI) through website.
www.idx.co.id. This research will be
conducted from December 2020 to
October 2021.
Data Collection Methods Data
Collection in this study used secondary
data, where researchers processed and
examined financial statements listed on the
IDX. This research uses multiple linear
regression analysis method because the
number of independent variables is more
than one (Oktaviani & Agustin, 2017).
Research Approach
Researcher uses a quantitative
approach in this research. Quantitative
research is a research method that, as the
name implies, is required to use numbers,
starting from data collection, interpretation
of the data and the appearance of the
Population and Sample
The population of this study was
sourced from www.idx.co.id in 2018-2020
related to companies food and beverages
listed on the IDX. Meanwhile, the
acquisition of samples, namely purposive
sampling, is a sampling technique by
determining certain criteria. The following
are sample criteria:
Table 1. Research Criteria
Companies Food and Beverages listed on the Stock Exchange
Companies Food and Beverages that do not publish annual financial reports
in a row
Companies Food and Beverages that do not distribute dividends
Siti Dini, Amelia, Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat, Pangeran Amansyah Pasaribu | 737
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.77
Based on Table 1 can be seen that during
the year of observation, namely from 2018
to 2020 amounted to 33 research data.
Identification and Operational Definitions Research Variables
Table 2. Variable Concepts, Indicators and Measurement Variable Concepts, Indicators and
Operational Definitions
Per Share
Dividend Per Share (DPS) can be
defined as a share of income after
tax distributed to shareholders
(Gandhi, 2013).
DPS = Total Dividend Paid
Shares outstanding
Earning Per
Share (EPS)
Earning Per Share (EPS) or income
per share is a form of giving
benefits given to shareholders
from each share owned, Fahmi
EPS = Net Profit
Number of Shares outstanding
The increase in stock trading
volume is an increase
in buying and selling activities by
investors in the capital market
(Sukirno, 2012).
TVA = Number of Shares Traded
Number of Shares outstanding
Inflation is defined as a process of
increasing prices prevailing in an
economy (Sukirno, 2015:14).
INF (t) = IHK
Stock Price
price is the price that occurs in the
stock market at a certain time and
the share price is determined by
market participants. High and low
stock prices are determined by the
demand and supply of these
shares in the capital market
(Jogiyanto, 2011:143)
The closing stock price
Classical Assumption Test
Normality Test
The normality test in this study was
conducted by testing whether in the
regression model the confounding/residual
variables were normally distributed. If the
data is normally distributed, it is a good
regression model. To find out whether a
residual is normally distributed or not, you
can use 2 methods, namely by Graph
738 | The Influence of Fundamental, Technical and Inflation Factors on Stock Prices in Food
and Beverages Companies Listed on IDX
Analysis and Kolmogorof Smirnov (Normal
if the value of Sig> 0.05) (Fauziah &
Wulandari, 2018).
Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test aims to test
whether in the regression model there is a
correlation between the independent
variables (independent). Multicollinearity
can be seen from the tolerance value and
variance inflation factor (VIF). If the
Tolerance value is < 0.10 and the VIF value
is > 10, then multicollinearity occurs. If the
Tolerance value is > 0.10 and the VIF value
is < 10, then there is no multicollinearity
(Linda & Ruwanti, 2017).
Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation test was conducted to
test whether in the linear regression model
there is a correlation between the
confounding error in period t and the
confounding error in period t-1 (previous).
The method that can be used to detect the
presence or absence of autocorrelation is
the Durbin Watson test (DW test) where it
can be said that there is no autocorrelation
in a study if DU < DW < 4 DU (Triyani,
Mahmudi, &Rosyid, 2018)
Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test aims to test
whether in the regression model there is an
inequality between the variance of the
residuals of one observation to another
observation. The test in this study was
carried out by comparing the predicted
value of the dependent variable
(dependent) namely ZPRED with the
residual SRESID as seen from the
scatterplot graph and this test was also
carried out with the park test, where if the
significant value was > 0.05 then there were
no symptoms of Heteroscedasticity and if
the value significant < 0.05 then
heteroscedasticity symptoms occur
(Santosa, 2021) .
Data Analysis Methods
Research Model
Data analysis technique of this research
uses multiple linear regression analysis
made to measure the influence or
relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable. In this
study the multiple regression equation
model used is:
Y = a + b
+ b
+ b
+ b
+ e
Y = Stock Price (Rp)
a = Constant
= Variable Coefficient X
= Dividend Per Share (Rp)
= Earning Per Share (Rp)
= Trading Volume (Rp)
= Inflation (%)
e = Tolerance Limit
Coefficient (α=5%)
Coefficient of Determination
In this study, the coefficient of
determination is used to determine the
extent of the ability of all independent
variables in explaining the variance of the
dependent variable (Sodik et al., 2019). The
coefficient of determination can be seen
from the value of Adjusted R Square.
The effect of each on the independent
Siti Dini, Amelia, Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat, Prince Amansyah Pasaribu | 739
variable on the number of dependent
variables was tested using the t-test. This
test can be done by comparing t count with
t table or looking at the significance value
of each t count (Andriyani & Armereo,
2016). The following are the t-test criteria:
If - t table t count t table and significant
> 0.05 then H0 is accepted.
If - t count < - t table or t count > t table
and significant < 0.05 Ha accepted.
Test is a test to check whether all
independent variables affect the
dependent variable simultaneously. F test
can be done by comparing F
with F
with the following provisions:
If F count <F table and significant> 0.05
then H0 accepted.
If F count > F table and significant < 0.05
then Ha is accepted.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Number of observational data in this
study reached 33 data from those derived
from annual financial statements for 3
periods from 11 companies Food &
Beverages from the website www.idx.co.id.
This study has 4 independent variables,
namely Dividends Per Share (DPS), Earnings
Per Share (EPS), Trading Volume (TVA) and
Inflation that affect one dependent
variable, namely Stock Price. The results of
the descriptive statistical analysis of each
sample can be seen below:
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Following is an explanation of the
descriptive analysis in Table 3 using SPSS
26 Software Program:
The independent variable DPS with 33
data has the highest value of Rp. 583 which
comes from PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk
in 2018. The lowest value is Rp. 1 which
comes from PT Buyung Poetra Sembada
Tbk in 2020. The average value (mean) is
Rp. 130.9409 and a standard deviation of
Rp. 156,93499.
The independent variable EPS with 33
data had the highest value of Rp. 735 which
came from PT Indofood Sukses Makmur
Tbk in 2020. The lowest value was Rp. 16
from PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk in
2020. The average value (mean) is Rp.
221.3564 and a standard deviation of Rp.
The independent variable Trading
Volume (TVA) with 33 data has the highest
value of Rp. 38,670,600 from PT Buyung
Poetra Sembada Tbk in 2020. The lowest
value was Rp. 1,100 originating from PT
Sekar Laut Tbk in 2020. The average value
(mean) is Rp. 5,718,239.39 and the standard
deviation is Rp. 9,956,627.054.
Independent variable Inflation with 33
740 | The Influence of Fundamental, Technical and Inflation Factors on Stock Prices in Food
and Beverages Companies Listed on IDX
data has the highest value of 3.13%
originating from inflation in 2018. The
lowest value of 1.68% comes from inflation
in 2020. The average value (mean) is 2.51%
and standard deviation by 0.62%.
The dependent variable Stock Price
with 33 data has the highest value of Rp.
16,000 originating from PT Multi Bintang
Indonesia Tbk in 2018. The lowest value
was Rp. 730 originating from PT Buyung
Poetra Sembada Tbk in 2018. The average
value (mean) is Rp. 4,363.79 and a standard
deviation of Rp. 4,343,842.
Normality Test
There are 2 ways to test whether the
residuals are normally distributed or not,
namely: Graph Test (Histogram & P-Plot)
and Kolmogorov Smirnov.
Figure 1. Histogram
Graph in Figure 1 shows real data that
forms the curve tends to be symmetrical (U)
not to the left or to the right, so it can be
said that the data is normally distributed.
Figure 2. P Curve Plot
The P-Plot graph in Figure 2 shows that
the distribution of data extends diagonally.
So it can be concluded that the data is
normally distributed.
Siti Dini, Amelia, Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat, Prince Amansyah Pasaribu | 741
Table 4. Kolmogorov Smirnov Normality Test Kolmogorov Smirnov
The results of the normality test in
Table 4, show a significance value of 0.126
> 0.05 so that it can be concluded from the
results of the test that the data are not
normally distributed.
Test The multicollinearity test was
carried out by looking at the Tolerance and
VIF values. To find out whether the
regression model has a correlation
between the independent variables or not
(Risalah & Yahya, 2020). Because a good
regression model there is no correlation
between the independent variables.
Table 5. Multicollinearity Test
The results of the multicollinearity test
in Table 5 show that the value tolerance for
DPS is 0.355 > 0.10, EPS is 0.368 > 0.10, TVA
is 0.921 > 0.10 and inflation is 0.955 >0.10.
, while the VIF value at DPS is 2.818 < 10,
EPS is 2.721 < 10, TVA is 1.086 < 10 and
inflation is 1.047 < 10. It can be
concluded that the data in this study did
not occur multicollinearity.
Autocorrelation Test
Tests were carried out using the Durbin
Watson test to determine whether there
was autocorrelation.
Table 6. Auto Correlation Test
742 | The Influence of Fundamental, Technical and Inflation Factors on Stock Prices in Food
and Beverages Companies Listed on IDX
The results of the autocorrelation test in
Table 6 Durbin Watson (DW) show the
results of 1,900. So it can be concluded that
the results of the Durbin Watson test do
not occur autocorrelation because DU <
DW < 4 DU or 1,729 < 1,900 < 2,271 (4 -
Test This test uses the glacier test and
looks at the graph Scatterplot between the
predicted value of the dependent variable,
namely ZPRED and residual SRESID.
Figure 3. Scatterplot Graph
Based on Figures hows that the dots
show that the points are scattered in a
random pattern above and below the zero
point (0) on the Y axis instead of clustered
in one place, so it can be concluded that
there is no heteroscedasticity from the
Table 7. Park Test
The results of the park test in Table 7
show that the significant value for DPS is
0.916 > 0.05, EPS is 0.060 > 0.05, TVA is
0.422 > 0.05 and inflation is 0.490 >0.05. . It
can be concluded that the observation data
does not show symptoms of
heteroscedasticity because the significant
value in the independent variable obtained
is greater than the significant limit set,
Siti Dini, Amelia, Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat, Prince Amansyah Pasaribu | 743
namely > 0.05.
Data Analysis Method
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 8. Multiple Regression Analysis
Based on Table 8, the equation can be
described as follows:
Stock Price = 3.725 + 1.539 DPS + 2.356
EPS – 1.106 TVA + 6.416 Inflation
Explanation of the multiple linear
regression equation can be explained that:
1. The constant value of 3.725 states that
if DPS, EPS, TVA and INFLATION have a
positive effect on stock prices.
2. The DPS regression coefficient is 1.539,
which means that for every 1 unit
change in the DPS financial ratio, the
stock price is positive or can increase by
3. The EPS regression coefficient is 2.356,
which means that for every 1 unit
change in the EPS financial ratio, the
stock price is positive or can increase by
4. TVA's regression coefficient is -1.106,
which means that for every 1 unit
change in TVA's financial ratio, the
stock price is negative or can
experience a decrease of -1.106.
5. The regression coefficient for
INFLATION is 6.416, which means that
for every 1 unit change in the financial
ratio of inflation, the stock price is
negative or can decrease by 6.416.
Coefficient of Determination
Table 9. Model Summary
Based on the test results in Table 9 the
value of Adjusted R Square is 0.702, which
means that 70.2% of the variables of Stock
Price are influenced by DPS, EPS, TVA and
INFLATION. The rest comes from other
variables that have not been studied.
Table 10. Coefficients
Based on the t-test data, the t-table
value is at probability 0.05 with a 2-way
significant test level where df = 28 at table
2.048. So that the results of the t-test on
this observation can be explained as
1. The results of the partial t-test on DPS
obtained a value of tcount > ttable or
2,092 > 2,048 with a significant value of
0.046 < 0.05. So Ha is accepted and Ho
is rejected, which means DPS has a
positive and significant effect on stock
744 | The Influence of Fundamental, Technical and Inflation Factors on Stock Prices in Food
and Beverages Companies Listed on IDX
2. Partial t-test results on EPS obtained
tcount > ttable or 3,567 > 2,048 with a
significant value of 0.001 < 0.05. So Ha
is accepted and Ho is rejected, which
means EPS has a positive and
significant effect on stock prices.
3. The results of the t-test partially on TVA
obtained a value of -tcount > -ttable or
-0.007 > -2.048 with a significant value
of 0.995 > 0.05. So Ha is accepted and
Ho is rejected, which means that TVA
has a negative and insignificant effect
on stock prices.
4. Partial t test results on INFLATION
obtained tcount < t table or 0.448 <
2.048 with a significant value of 0.658 >
0.05. So Ha is rejected and Ho is
accepted, which means that INFLATION
has a positive and insignificant effect on
stock prices.
Uji F
Table 11. Anova
Test F Based on Table 11 it can be seen that
the ANOVA table sig is 0.000 <0.005. The
comparison can be seen in Ftable which has
a value of 2.70. Thus, it can be concluded
that Fcount (19.889) > Ftable (2.70) with a
significant 0.000 <0.05 to have a
simultaneous effect on DPS, EPS, TVA and
INFLATION and have a significant effect on
stock prices.
The Effect of Dividends Per Share (DPS)
on Stock Prices
Results of the analysis of this study
indicate that dividends per share have a
positive and significant effect on stock
prices. So it can be concluded that the
higher the dividends distributed, the higher
the company's stock price, because the
dividends distributed determine the stock
price of a company.
Effect of Earning Per Share (EPS) on
Stock Prices
Results of the analysis of this study
indicate that Earnings Per Share has a
positive and significant effect on stock
prices. It can be concluded that a company
can demonstrate its ability to generate
large profits in order to attract investors to
own shares in the company, so this can be
a factor in increasing share prices.
The Effect of Trading Volume (TVA) on
Stock Prices
Results of the research analysis show
that trading volume has a negative and
insignificant effect on stock prices. This is
because the trading volume is only an
indicator for investors to monitor or
observe the amount of trading activity of a
stock where the trading volume will
increase if there is a good market reaction,
so that the demand for shares also
increases but the supply of shares
decreases. Meanwhile, the trading volume
will decrease if the market reaction is not
good, causing the stock supply to increase
and the stock demand to decrease.
The Effect of Inflation on Stock Prices
Siti Dini, Amelia, Ramelda Veronika Br. Hutabarat, Prince Amansyah Pasaribu | 745
Results of the analysis of this study
indicate that inflation has a positive and
insignificant effect on stock prices. This is
because high inflation will harm the
economy as a whole. High inflation will
cause stock prices to fall, while low inflation
will cause economic growth to slow down
and ultimately slow down stock price
1. In the results of the study the DPS
variable partially has a positive and
significant effect on stock prices.
2. In the research results, the EPS variable
partially has a positive and significant
effect on stock prices.
3. In the research results, the TVA variable
partially has a negative and
insignificant effect on stock prices.
4. In the results of the research, the
variable INFLATION partially has a
positive and insignificant effect on
stock prices.
5. The results of the research on the DPS,
EPS, TVA and INFLATION variables
prove that simultaneously and
significantly influence stock prices.
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© 2021 by the authors. Submitted
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Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license