JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 6, 603 609
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.82
Nurul Hasanah
Sari Wardani Simarmata
Azizah Batubara
Risma Dina
STKIP Cultivation Binjai, Indonesia
e-mail: nurul.psikologi07@gmail.com
, dedekmuhazir2@gmail.com
, sari.sarwa24@gmail.com
, bkrimadina54@gmail.co
*Correspondence: nurul.psikologi07@gmail.com
Submitted: 29 December 2021, Revised: 10 January 2022, Accepted: 12 January 2022
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal communication skills on
teacher teaching motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted at
the Tunas Pelita Binjai Private Vocational School, TP 2021/2022. This research method uses a
non-test technique in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire). The sample of this study
amounted to 50 teachers at the Tunas Pelita Binjai Private Vocational School. The sampling
technique was done randomly. The results showed that from the simple regression test results
obtained P-0.565 < 0.05, meaning that there was an influence between interpersonal
communication on teacher teaching motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Tunas
Pelita Binjai Private Vocational School for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.
Keywords: interpersonal communication; motivation teaching; pandemic.
Nurul Hasanah, Muhazir, Sari Wardani Simarmata, Azizah Batubara, Risma Dina | 604
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.82
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an
impact on various aspects of life, one of
which is education. All levels of education
must be able to adapt by doing learning
from home through online media (online).
This of course is not easy, because there
are many preparations that need to be
done and in addition to the lack of
uniformity in the learning process, both the
standards and the quality of the desired
learning outcomes.
Kuntarto (Pitriani, Yanti, & Afni, 2017)
argues that online learning is also known
as computer-based learning.
According to (Sitepu et al., 2019),
education is one of the most important
factors in improving human resources. The
Indonesian government has also urged the
public to stay at home and self-isolate.
Research conducted by Basar (2021) on
the problems of distance learning during
the COVID-19 pandemic showed that
distance learning (PJJ) during the COVID-
19 pandemic caused various responses
and changes to the learning system that
could affect the learning process and the
level of development of participants.
students in responding to the material
Research conducted (Putria, Maula, &
Uswatun, 2020) showed that online
learning was deemed less effective for
teachers, because learning was carried out
online, so teachers also did not feel optimal
in providing learning material so that the
material was incomplete and the use of
learning media in online learning is also not
optimal. The above causes the motivation
to teach teachers to be reduced.
Professional teachers should have high
teaching motivation, because teaching
motivation is very important in carrying out
the teaching and learning process. With
high motivation, professional teachers will
be able to carry out their duties optimally
and can increase their work productivity
and can improve the quality of education.
With high work motivation, professional
teachers will have perseverance,
enthusiasm, discipline and responsibility at
(Hasibuan, 2016) suggests that
motivation is a stimulus or desire (want)
and the driving force of a person's
willingness to work and each motivation
has a specific goal to be achieved. Without
a strong individual motivation, teaching
can be difficult and can even bring out
negative things for the teacher to achieve
certain goals to be achieved. Without a
strong individual motivation, teaching can
be difficult and can even bring up negative
things for the teacher and will also have an
impact on students. According to (Badrus,
2018) research which explains that teacher
teaching motivation is also very influential
on student learning outcomes. the
environment. To grow interpersonal
relationships, it is important to have quality
communication and participation because
this is very important for interpersonal
relationships. Student participation in
activities in fostering good interpersonal
Furthermore, the results of interviews
with teachers at the Tunas Pelita Binjai
Private Vocational School showed that
most of the teachers who taught at the
SMK said that their teaching motivation
was reduced during the COVID-19
605 | Effect of Interpersonal Communication Skills of Teachers in Teaching Teacher Motivation
During the Pandemic COVID-19
pandemic, one of the influencing factors
was interpersonal communication,
therefore teachers find it difficult in the
teaching and learning process especially
when giving learning materials, many
students do not understand learning due to
bad signals and limitations of learning
media that make students also bored apart
from that they also sometimes don't focus
when the teacher explains the material
using cellphones.
The teacher's teaching motivation is
also influenced by the teacher's
interpersonal communication skills.
Research conducted by (Ariyanti, 2016)
shows that there is a significant influence
between interpersonal communication on
teacher performance, and teacher work
motivation in schools. This is what the
teacher must pay attention to in improving
the quality of teaching so as not to interfere
with the teaching and learning process.
(Madjid, 2019) stated that teaching is not
just a process of delivering material, but
also involves broader aspects such as
attitude development, emotional character,
habits and values, therefore a teacher must
have a set of abilities.
According to (Uno et al., 2014) teaching
motivation is something that can give rise
to a spirit, or a boost in the work of
individuals or groups to work in order to
achieve the goals or conditions in which
teachers have the will or the need to
achieve certain goals through the
implementation of a task.
According (Siagian & Arifin, 2018)
promoted that "motivation is the driving
force which results in a member of the
organization willing and willing to mobilize
capabilities in the form of expertise or skills,
energy and time to carry out various
activities that are his responsibility and
fulfill his obligations in the context of
achieving predetermined organizational
goals and objectives.
(Mukarom, 2020) suggests,
interpersonal communication is the
context of communication carried out by
an individual by making himself at the
same time as the sender and recipient of
the message. (Tobing, 2016) interpersonal
communication is communication carried
out by two people with the aim of getting
to know others and themselves, revealing
themselves and others, playing and even
helping others.
Interpersonal communication is very
effective in increasing a teacher's teaching
motivation. With interpersonal
communication, it will be easier to convey
something, whether it is in the form of an
openness, showing a sense of empathy,
providing support, a positive feeling, and
fostering a sense of equality or similarity.
Seeing the background of the problem
above, the researchers are interested in
conducting a study entitled "The Effect of
Teachers' Interpersonal Communication
Skills on Teaching Motivation to Teachers
During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the
Tunas Pelita Binjai Private Vocational
School for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.
The location of this research was
conducted at the Tunas Pelita Binjai Private
Vocational School, which is located at Jalan
Perintis Kemerdekaan, Number. 166, Binjai,
Binjai Pepper Garden, North Binjai, Suka
Ramai, Binjai, Binjai City, North Sumatra
Nurul Hasanah, Muhazir, Sari Wardani Simarmata, Azizah Coal, Risma Dina | 606
The population in this study were the
teachers of Tunas Pelita Binjai Private
Vocational School. Where the definition of
population is the entire number of teachers
who are the target for research. The
research population is 50 people. Where
there are 25 female teachers and 25 male
This type of research is quantitative
research. According to (Imron, 2019) the
quantitative research method is a research
method based on the philosophy of
positivism, which is used by researchers to
examine certain populations or samples,
sampling techniques are generally carried
out randomly, data collection uses research
instruments, data analysis is quantitative or
statistics that aim to test the hypotheses
that have been set. Furthermore, this study
uses a descriptive approach with the aim of
describing the object of research or
research results.
Research Sample Categorization
Table 1. Research Sample
Type of Research
Adult Adult Mid
Late Adult
From the table above it can be seen that
teachers at the Tunas Pelita Binjai Private
Vocational School most of them fall into the
categorization of middle adulthood (40-65
years). The subject of this research was
conducted on 25 male teachers and 25
female teachers with the aim of knowing
"The Influence of Teachers' Interpersonal
Communication Skills on Teaching
Motivation to Teachers During Period The
COVID-19 pandemic at Tunas Pelita Binjai
Private Vocational School for the
2021/2022 Academic Year.
Normality Test Normality
A test is conducted to test whether all
variables are normally distributed or not. To
find out if sig > 0.05 is normal, then it is
normal, and if sig < 0.05 it can be said to be
abnormal. The calculation results obtained
are as follows:
Table 2. Normality
Based on the table above, it can be seen
that the interpersonal communication scale
data and teaching motivation from the
analysis have a sig value > 0.05 , from the
results of interpersonal communication
0.394 and the results of teaching
motivation 0.334. From these results, the
significance level of 0.05 > 0.344 can be
concluded that the data is normally
Linearity Test Linearity
The test aims to determine whether two
variables have a linear relationship or not
The results of the linearity test are as
607 | Effect of Interpersonal Communication Skills of Teachers in Teaching Teacher Motivation
During the Pandemic COVID-19
Table 3. Linearity Test
Based on the table above, it can be seen
that the linearity value is 0.006 or P > 0.05,
which means that the two variables are
significantly related.
Testing Tests are carried out aiming to
determine whether or not there is an effect
of the two variables by using a simple
regression test. The study was declared
significant if p < 0.05, the results of the
simple regression test can be seen in the
table below:
Table 4. Simple Regression
Std error
Table 4 shows that the equation The
regression linking interpersonal
communication (X) and teaching
motivation (Y) is Y = 132.404 + 0565. From
the equation, it is explained that if
interpersonal communication and teaching
motivation increase by unit, interpersonal
communication will increase by 132,969. If
interpersonal communication (X) increases,
the motivation to teach (Y) will also
increase. This shows that the equation Y =
132.404 +0565. Can be used as a reference
to predict interpersonal communication
through teaching motivation.
The following are the results of research
on the effect of teacher interpersonal
communication skills on teaching
motivation to teachers during the COVID-
19 pandemic at the Tunas Pelita Binjai
Private Vocational School in the 2021/2022
academic year.
The results of the ANOVA test can be seen
in the following table:
Table 5. Table of ANOVA Test Results
Table 5. shows the value of sig. (0.002).
Because the value of sig. (0.002) (0.05),
then Ho is rejected and H
accepted. It can
be concluded that there is a positive
influence between interpersonal
communication (X) and teaching
motivation (Y) together.
Table 6. Effect ofVariables
R Square
Table 6 shows the R Square value of
( 0.135 ) or equal to 13.5%. So it can be
concluded that there is a positive influence
of interpersonal communication variables
(X) and teaching motivation (Y) together of
13.5%. While the rest (100% - 13.5% =
86.5%) is influenced by other variables not
This study shows that there is a positive
influence between interpersonal
communication and teaching motivation
together. This means that the stronger the
influence of interpersonal communication
and teaching motivation together, the
Nurul Hasanah, Muhazir, Sari Wardani Simarmata, Azizah Coal, Risma Dina | 608
higher the resulting teaching motivation.
This implies that teaching motivation in
Tunas Pelita Binjai Private Vocational
School can be increased through various
factors, in this case interpersonal
communication has an important role in
teaching motivation.
Based on the results of the normality
test, the results obtained were 0.394> 0.05,
so the data showed normal distribution.
While the results of the linearity test
obtained results of 0.006 > 0.05, then the
variable was declared significant.
Furthermore, hypothesis testing obtained
results of -0.565 <0.05. The results of the
hypothesis test are negative because the
results of the hypothesis test scores do not
meet the data requirements. So the author
requires to change the statistical method.
That can support the results of the
hypothesis later. However, the score
obtained still meets the requirements in the
hypothesis test.
Meanwhile, from the Anova test results,
the results are 0.002 > 0.05, indicating that
there is a positive influence between
interpersonal communication (X) and
teaching motivation (Y) together.
Another study was conducted by
(Sari, 2017) on "The Effect of Principal
Interpersonal Communication in
Motivating Teacher Work at SMP
Muhammadiyah 17 Ciputat". The results
showed that the implementation of
interpersonal communication in increasing
teacher work motivation was quite good,
namely the principal carried out
interpersonal communication with teachers
with formal and informal communication
and in increasing teacher work motivation
through the principles of Interpersonal
communication effectiveness, including
openness, empathy, positive feeling,
support and similarities in communicating
with teachers continually and continuously.
Based on the results of the research
that has been carried out, it can be
concluded that there is an influence of
the teacher's interpersonal communication
skills on the motivation to teach teachers
during the COVID-19 pandemic at the
Tunas Pelita Binjai Private Vocational
School for the 2021/2022 academic year.
This is evidenced by the value of the
correlation coefficient which shows a
number with a value of -042.1 sig 0.05
where p <0.05. This means that the
higher the interpersonal communication,
the better the teacher's teaching
motivation. On the other hand, the
lower the interpersonal communication,
the lower the teacher's teaching
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
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Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license