JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 6, 572 583
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.72
Lintang Retno Winayu
Praesti Sedjo
Mimi Wahyuni
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Gunadarma University, Indonesia
e-mail: winayuretnolint[email protected]
, praesti@yahoo.com
, mimi.wahyuni@gmail.com
*Correspondence: winayuretnolintang@gmail.com
Submitted: 28 December 2021, Revised: 10 January 2022, Accepted: 12 January 2022
Abstract. Social support is the existence of interpersonal interactions that are shown by providing
assistance to other individuals, where the assistance is generally obtained from people who are
meaningful to the individual concerned. In addition, social support also affects self-regulated
learning which involves peer support, family support, facility support, information support and
emotional support. Aspects of social support that affect self-regulated learning are emotional
support, reward support, instrumental support, information support and social network support.
The characteristics possessed by self-regulated learning are individuals who have the ability to be
active in regulating their learning activities in various ways. The environment around the individual
such as the family environment, community environment, academic environment, and group
environment have an influence on individual success in learning. This study aims to see the effect
of social support on self-regulated learning in Sarmag program students with a total of 121
students as respondents. The sampling method used an accidental sampling technique, while the
data collection technique used a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing using simple regression
analysis, which shows that there is a very significant effect of social support on self-regulated
learning in Sarmag program students with an F value of 30.323 with a significance value of 0.000
(P < 0.05) and an R square value of 0.203 which indicates The effect of self-regulated learning
which is very significant on social support is 20.3% with the remaining 79.7% influenced by other
factors, namely self-efficacy, motivation, Intelligence Quotient.
Keywords: sarmag program students; self regulated learning; and social support.
Lintang Retno Winayu, Praesti Sedjo, Mimi Wahyuni | 573
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.72
The Sarmag program is the provision of
educational services for students who have
the potential for intelligence and/or special
talents to be able to complete regular
programs in a shorter time. The curriculum
used in the Sarmag program is the national
and local curriculum, which is modified with
an emphasis on essential materials and
developed through a learning system that
can stimulate and accommodate the
integration of spiritual, logical, ethical, and
aesthetic as well as development develops
the ability to think holistically, creatively,
systematically, linear, and convergent to
meet current and future demands. The
Sarmag program curriculum is a curriculum
that is applied to the education unit
concerned, so that graduates of the
Sarmag program have the same quality and
competency standards as graduates of the
regular program. The difference only lies in
the overall time taken in completing their
education faster when compared to the
regular program (Ribeiro, Liliweri, Gana, &
Djani, 2021).
To take part in the Sarmag program,
students must follow several processes,
namely students first attend regular
lectures during regular lectures, students
who can meet one of the requirements
have a minimum GPA of 3.75. After that,
students will be re-selected with various
kinds of tests, namely the selection stage
test, the TOEFL test where the TOEFL test
students must reach 500 to take part in the
Sarmag program. The difference between
the Sarmag program and the regular one in
general, where the Sarmag program is
required to complete one semester of
approximately four months and has nine
meetings where, the regular lecture
program completes one semester for six
months and the Sarmag program
completes one semester only takes
approximately 4 months (Juwita, 2016).
The Sarmag learning process is a
process of internalizing knowledge within
the individual. Learning activities will take
place effectively if someone who learns is in
a positive state and is free from pressure
during the learning process that takes place
in higher education and training programs
organized by the university. The learning
process, many of the lecturers who provide
learning to students are passive. The
material taught in the sarmag class is in the
form of lectures without any effort to
involve the potential of students to think
and respond to the potential of students
with the knowledge provided. In the model,
self- regulated learning students are
emphasized to be able to master the best
ways and conditions for themselves to learn
(Abar & Loken, 2010).
The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of social support on
self-regulated learning in Sarmag program
Identification of Research Variables
In study this, what will be studied are:
1. Predictor Variables: Self Regulated
2. Criterion Variables : Social Support
Population and Research Sample
Population in this study was students of
the Sarmag University of Gunadarma. The
574 | of Social Support on Self-Regulated Learning in Sarmag program Students
sample in this study was sarmag students,
totaling 121 people.
The sampling technique in this study
used the technique Accidental Sampling.
Accidental Sampling is an accidental
sampling which is carried out by taking
cases or respondents who happen to exist
or are available in a place according to the
research context (Etikan & Bala, 2017).
Data Collection Techniques The data
The collection technique chosen in this
study used a questionnaire or
questionnaire. (Schneider & Whitehead,
2013) explains that a questionnaire or
questionnaire is a number of written
questions/statements that are used to
obtain information from respondents in
terms of reports about themselves. In this
study, a questionnaire with a model scale
was chosen by Likert to develop a scale of
social support and self-regulated learning.
Validity according to (Nesbitt, Baker-
Ward, & Willoughby, 2013), comes from
the word validity which means the extent to
which the accuracy and accuracy of the test
in carrying out its measuring function. That
is, the extent to which this scale is able to
measure the attributes it is designed to
measure. A scale that is only able to reveal
some of the attributes that should or
actually measure other attributes is said to
be an invalid scale. Because validity is
closely related to the purpose of
measurement, the scale only produce data
that is valid for one measurement purpose.
Item Discriminatory
Power The item discrimination power or
distinguishing power is the extent to which
an item is able to distinguish between an
individual or a group of individuals who
have and do not have the attribute being
measured. For the attitude scale, the items
with high discriminatory power are items
that are able to distinguish which subjects
have positive attitudes and which subjects
have negative attitudes. All items that
achieve a correlation coefficient of at least
0.30 discriminatory power are considered
satisfactory. On the other hand, items that
achieve a correlation coefficient of less than
0.30 can be interpreted as items that have
low discriminatory power. In this study, the
item discrimination power test was carried
out using thetechnique Item Total
Correlation, (Peng et al., 2010).
Reliability according to (Fourney et al.,
2011), comes from the word reliability,
which means the test can be said to be
reliable if it has high reliability. Reliability
refers to the accuracy or reliability of the
measurement results, which implies the
accuracy of the measurement. An
unreliable measurement will result in an
unreliable score because the difference in
scores between individuals is determined
by the error factor rather than the actual
difference factor. To test the reliability in
this study using analysis of variance
Cronbach's alpha to identify how well the
items in the coefficients relate to one
another with a good reliability coefficient
value limit of 0.7.
Data Analysis Techniques
Technique used in this study is to use a
simple regression analysis technique to
Lintang Retno Winayu, Praesti Sedjo, Mimi Wahyuni | 575
measure the variables of self-regulated
learning and social support. Data analysis
performed using statistical calculations,
using the Statistical Product and Service
Solution (SPPS) version 24.0 for Windows.
Scale Self-Regulated Learning
1. Validity Test
Content validity used in this study
was a rational analysis of the research
supervisor, by correcting the items on
both scales and providing opinions and
suggestions to the researcher for the
selection of corrective sentence
statements to be measured.
Table 1. Validity of self regulated
Enter Their
Item Repaired
Improvement Item
2. Test Discrimination Item
Based ondiscrimination power tests
items conducted on the scale of self-
regulated learning,there are 23 items
that gain value 0.30 so stated.
Meanwhile, 7 items received a value of
0.3 so that they were declared invalid.
The correlation coefficient on items-
items that are either ranged from 0.337
up to 0.625.
Table 2. Discrimination Items scale Self-
regulated learning
3. Reliability Test
Based on the results of the reliability
test that has been carried out, thescale
self-regulated learning has areliability
test value Cronbach Alpha of 0.875
based on 23 items high-discriminatory
power. This means that the reliability
coefficient on the scale of self-
regulated learning shows a fairly good
consistency and stability of values.
Thus, it can be concluded that the
statement in this questionnaire is
reliable because it has a Cronbach
Alpha > 0.600.
Table 3. Scale Reliability Self-Regulated
s Alpha
Social Support Scale
1. Validity Test
Table 4. Social Support Validity
576 | of Social Support on Self-Regulated Learning in Sarmag program Students
2. Discrimination Test Item
The social support scale consists of
21 favorable and 11 unfavorable
items,with a total of 32 items. Based on
the results of the discriminatory power
test item that was carried out on the
social support scale, there were
26 items that obtained 0.30 so that
it was declared an item good.
Meanwhile, 6 items received a value of
0.30 so that they were declared invalid.
The correlation coefficient on the good
items ranges from 0.336 to 0.626.
Table 5. Discrimination
of Items Social Support
3. Reliability Test
Based on the results of the
reliability test that has been carried out,
the social support scale has areliability
test value Cronbach Alpha of 0.885
based on 26 items with high
discrimination power. The reliability
coefficient on the social support scale
shows a fairly good consistency and
stability of values. Thus, it can be
concluded that the statement in this
questionnaire is reliable because it has
a Cronbach Alpha > 0.600.
Table 6. Reliability of
Social Support Scale
4. NormalityThe normality
Testtest of the data in this study
used the Kolmogorov Smirnov Test by
looking at the significance value or P
0.05 from a normally distributed
population. Based on the normality test
for self-regulated learning, a
significance value of 0.200 or P 0.05 was
obtained. Thus, it shows that the
distribution of data self-regulated
learning is normally distributed, while
support. Socialhas a significant value of
0.005 or P 0.005.
Table 7. Normality Test Results
Variable Sig. P
Self Regulated
Social Support
Lintang Retno Winayu, Praesti Sedjo, Mimi Wahyuni | 577
5. Linearity
Test The linearity test of this
researcher uses a test for linearity. Data
with a significance value of <0.05 can
be said to be non-linear. While the data
with a significance value <0.05 is said
to be linear.
Table 8. Linearity Test Results
Social Support and
Hypothesis Testing
Table 9. Results of Hypothesis Testing
Based on the table above, it is known
that the calculated F is 30.323 with a
significance level of 0.000 or P < 0.01. This
shows the effect of social support on self-
regulated learning in Sarmag program
students. To determine the effect of self-
regulated learning, it can be seen in the
table below:
Table 10. Simple Regression Test
Results of
Model R R
Based on the table above, it is
known that the regression value (R)
between social support and self-
regulated learning variables is 0.451
which implies that the direction of
providing social support for self-
regulated learning is positive and very
significant. This indicates that the
higher the self-regulated learning , the
higher the social support for the
Sarmag program students. While the
coefficient of determination (R Square)
is 0.203. These results indicate that
20.3% of social support affects self-
regulated learning. The remaining 79.
7% is influenced by other factors.
Table 11. Equation of Regression Line
terhadap Self
578 | of Social Support on Self-Regulated Learning in Sarmag program Students
Based on the results of the data
analysis of the table Coefficients above, the
calculation results between social support
and self regulated learning obtained a
constant value of 32,079 and a predictor
regression coefficient regression value of
0.476 and the t-value
of 5.507 with a
significance value of 0.000 or P <0.05
which proves that there is an influence
between social support on self regulated
learning. Thus H
(Alternative Hypothesis)
is received and there is positive and highly
significant correlation between social
support on self-regulated learning in
students' sarmag program.
This study aims to determine how much
influence self-regulated learning has on
social support for Sarmag program
students. Based on the results of the
hypotheses that have been carried out, the
significance level value is 0.000 or P < 0.01
and the results of the simple regression test
have a score on R square of 0.203. This
shows that there is an effect of social
support on self-regulated learning in
Sarmag students. These results indicate
that the contribution of social support to
self-regulated learning is 20.3%, the
remaining 79.7% is influenced by other
factors such as self-efficacy, motivation,
Intelligence Quotient. Social support is
support or assistance that comes from
people who have close social relationships
with individuals who receive assistance. The
results of this study are supported by the
opinion expressed by that the environment
around individuals such as support from
parents, peer support, support from
lecturers or teachers has an influence on
individual success in learning. Individuals
who have self-regulated learning are able
to manage and develop knowledge and
behavior to remain consistent and lead to
good academic performance. Individuals
are able to organize and control
themselves in accordance with the plans
and goals to be achieved. (Sha, Looi, Chen,
& Zhang, 2012) suggests that the
characteristics possessed by self-regulated
learning are that individuals have the ability
to be active in regulating their learning
activities in various ways.
Based on the data above, the value
empirical mean for social support is 120.20
which is very high and self-regulated
learning of 101.38 is categorized as very
high. The existence of social support is one
of the efforts that can help students in
overcoming learning problems. Social
support is a form of pleasure felt by
students for the real attention,
appreciation, care, and help given by
parents and peers (Poots & Cassidy, 2020).
Social support from parents and peers
in question includes emotional support,
appreciation support, instrumental
support, information support and support
Lintang Retno Winayu, Praesti Sedjo, Mimi Wahyuni | 579
from social networks. First, the emotional
support obtained from parents in the form
of providing empathy, care and concern for
students regarding their learning activities
on campus, so that students feel cared for.
Second, the support of appreciation given
by parents and peers in the form of
encouragement to move forward and keep
trying when experiencing failure for the
achievements that have been made on
campus, so that students feel valued and
increase students' self-confidence. Third,
instrumental support in the form of help
given by parents and peers to students, if
students experience difficulties in learning.
This will make students not feel alone in
learning. Fourth, information support in the
form of exchanging ideas between
students and their peers regarding the
learning strategies used. networks in the
form of peers can provide suggestions to
follow the social networks they have for
these students. The positive impact of this
is increasing students' social skills. The
Learning process maximum will be
obtained by students by doing self-
regulated learning in learning. Zimmerman
(1989) describes self-regulated learning in
learning as managing individual learning
processes through setting and achieving
goals that refer to metacognition and
behavior, both metacognitively.
According to (Fauzi & Widjajanti, 2018),
students who have good self-regulated
learning in learning will be able to monitor
themselves, so that individuals can identify
and analyze their abilities such as their
strengths and weaknesses in learning and
their understanding of lessons. After being
able to monitor, students who carry out
self-regulated learning will be able to plan
their learning process, such as determining
learning goals and strategies that will be
used according to themselves.
The results of calculations self-
regulated learning based on gender
include male and female. In men with
anvalue empirical mean of 78.18 and in
women with anvalue empirical mean of
80.54. The results of the calculation of
social support based on gender include
men with anvalue empirical mean of 95.55
and women with anvalue empirical mean of
102.39. In terms of gender, there are several
significant differences inscores self-
regulated learning for men and women.
This is in accordance with (Virtanen &
Nevgi, 2010) that there are several
differences in Self-Regulated Learning
between male and female students. The
difference is in the planning stage or the
activation of future planning. The cognitive
aspect in the indicators activates
metacognitive abilities, and in the
motivational aspect there are differences in
the indicators for assessing self-efficacy.
Based on these gender differences, self-
regulated learning greatly affects the ability
to monitor.
In the female sex, the ability to monitor
is much better with indicators including
metacognitive awareness, awareness and
monitoring of effort, time use, need for
help from others, observing one's own
behavior (in learning), choosing and
adapting cognitive strategies for the
learning process and think, choose and
adapt strategies to manage motivation and
affection, decide to give up, change the
situation, and leave the situation. At the
stage of self-reflection and reaction there
are differences in the following indicators:
580 | of Social Support on Self-Regulated Learning in Sarmag program Students
attribution (connection) cognitive
assessment, behavior selection, evaluation
of the context or situation.
(Sinaga, Hasruddin, & Harahap, 2021)
defines a self-regulated learning process in
which students activate and control
cognitions, behaviors, and feelings that are
systematically goal-oriented. From the
calculation results, it is known that social
support has an important influence on self-
regulated learning. In the female gender,
social support hasvalue empirical value
greater than the male gender. This is due to
some differences in motivation, behavior,
feelings that arise when adapting between
the female and male sexes. Description of
respondents based on age with an age
range of 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 years. Based on
the demographic values for self-regulated
learning and social support at the age of 20
years, the values were empirical mean 75.60
and 97.40, at the age of 21 years, the values
were empirical mean 80.63 and 100.38, at
the age of 22 years. the values are empirical
mean 80.00 and 101.17, at the age of 23 the
values are empirical mean 88.00 and
104.00, at the age of 24 The values are
empirical mean 74.00 and 92.00.
(Verburgh, Königs, Scherder, &
Oosterlaan, 2014) states that the subject of
this study is included in the category of late
adolescents who have an age range of 18-
23 years, these adolescents already have
better cognitive functions than childhood.
Late adolescence has reached a period of
self-discovery so that adolescents are able
to make their own choices. So, teenagers
are expected to be able to control their
turmoil, pressure and rising emotions. A
person's success to be able to excel in
lectures is certainly very much determined
by the ability to actualize one's potential
States that one of the mental aspects
that will determine the success of
actualizing one's potential is self-regulated
learning. (Kim, Wang, Ahn, & Bong, 2015)
argues that students who have self-
regulated learning are students who are
metacognitive, motivational, and
behaviorally active participants in the
learning process. Self-regulated learning
enables adolescents to observe and
evaluate how effective their learning is, to
be able to self-monitor, and to design their
own learning strategies.
Descriptive results of research
respondents based on the choice of majors,
it was found that there are two majors with
the value empirical mean highest for self
regulated learning and social support, the
four majors are accounting with anvalue
empirical mean of 85.20 for self regulated
learning on social support with anvalue
empirical mean of 103.93, while in the
communication department in self
regulated learning with anvalue empirical
mean of 83.00 in social support with
anvalue empirical mean of 110.67.
Based on the value empirical mean
obtained, the psychology department has
students of the Sarmag program with self-
regulated learning with anvalue average
empirical mean of 83.11 and high social
support with anvalue empirical mean of
101.89, while in the English literature
department, self-regulated learning of
76.65 which is moderate and high social
support with anvalue empirical mean of
98.20, while in the information systems
department with self regulated learning
with anvalue empirical mean of 80.77 which
Lintang Retno Winayu, Praesti Sedjo, Mimi Wahyuni | 581
is moderate and social support has anvalue
empirical mean of 97.77 , while the business
information systems department has
anvalue empirical mean of 80.77 which is
moderate and social support which is
moderate has anvalue empirical mean of
98.20, for informatics engineering on self
regulated learning 75.12 which and social
support is having a moderate value.
empirical mean of 94.33.
Students who have a strong drive to
process and study in the department they
want will have good planning in organizing
their learning activities. Students who have
high self-regulated learning are students
who have high motivation in determining
majors as a place to study (Winne &
Hadwin, 2012).
Based on the type of parental
occupation, the value of self-regulated
learning is being obtained in the category
with the type of parental occupation as an
entrepreneur, which is 98.00. For social
support, parents who work as
entrepreneurs have an empirical value of
116.00. Motivation, mindset and strategies
to think ahead play a bigger role. This is
obtained from the social support of Sarmag
program students whose parents work as
entrepreneurs. Theoretically, it is stated
that parents withstatus high socioeconomic
are able to guide, direct and provide input
to their children in choosing a study
program at a university. In addition, they
are also able to provide conditions or
learning environments as well as adequate
learning facilities and infrastructure to
support their children's education
(Nandagopal & Ericsson, 2012).
Description of respondents based on
semesters 1 and 7 In semester 1 of the
Master's program, Sarmag program
students tend to have good self-regulated
learning. This is indicated by the increase in
the value empirical mean of 80.86, this is
influenced by good social support from the
surrounding environment with anvalue
empirical mean of 103.14. In semester 1 of
the master's program, which is the first
semester of master's degree, there are
more and more coursework assignments.
Students of the sarmag program have also
developed good learning strategies so that
the results or grades produced are also
good. Based on research conducted by
(Radovan & Makovec, 2015)v, regulated
learning high or good self-knows how to
motivate itself even though there are many
distractions, so that individuals are able to
use learning strategies that have better
time management skills and the motivation
and social support they get.
Done, it can be concluded that there is
a positive and significant influence between
social support on self-regulated learning in
Sarmag students. This can be seen based
on the results of the hypotheses that have
been carried out, obtained a significance
level value of 0.000 or P < 0.01 and the
results of the simple regression test have a
score on R square of 0.203. This shows that
there is an effect of support socialon self-
regulated learning in Sarmag students.
From these results, it can be said that the
contribution of social support to self-
regulated learning in Sarmag program
students is 20.3%, the remaining 79.7% is
influenced by other factors, namely self-
efficacy, motivation, Intelligence Quotient.
582 | of Social Support on Self-Regulated Learning in Sarmag program Students
The Value empirical mean in self regulated
learning of 79.80 is in the medium category,
while in social support it has anvalue
empirical mean of 100.24 which is in the
high category for Sarmag students.
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