numbers, sequences, and number series.
(2) Algebra and relations, including: picture
patterns shapes and numbers, sets,
algebraic and non algebraic expressions,
relations and functions, equations and
inequalities (simple linear and non-linear),
comparisons. (3) Geometry and
measurement, including: basic units and
simple derived units, geometry planes,
similarity and congruence, measurement of
distances and angles, Theorem Pythagoras,
transformation, comparison. (4) Statistics
and opportunities, including: processing
data, data presentation, measures of
concentration and spread, empirical
opportunities, and opportunities
Mathematics at Muhammadiyah
Sorong Education University demands
participants students are able to do
reasoning using abstract things and
symbolic. According to (Wulandari, As,
Rustamadji, & Triyono, 2021) theory which
says that Muhammadiyah Sorong
Education University is already in the
formal operation stage, but there is
nothing wrong if students are still needed
to clarify the concept being taught, for
example, students use props because of
the developmental stage Piaget's
mentality is only an estimate. Even though
learning mathematics emphasizes a
deductive mindset, but according to the
intellectual development of students
Muhammadiyah Sorong Education
University has not entirely used deductive
so it is still mixed with inductive. By
learning mathematics in students which
cannot be separated from the abstract
and developmental nature of
mathematics students, therefore students
need a way of teaching that helps
students in understanding the concepts
being learned.
The origin of the term e-learning is not
Explicitly known but is thought to be the
term has existed since the 1980 (Aslan,
2011). E-learning terms (Electronic
Learning) contains a very broad
understanding, so that many experts
which describes the definition of e-
learning from various points of view. The
definition of e learning according to (Al-
Adwan, Al-Adwan, & Smedley, 2013), is a
description of the use of technology in the
learning process that refers to the internet
technology network so that use can be
instantaneous, easy to store and retrieve
and share information with other users.
Another opinion according to (Šumak,
Heričko, & Pušnik, 2011) e learning is the
use of technology, whether it be the
internet or the web in learning so that
users can access learning anywhere and
anytime. Whereas according to ( B o r b a
e t a l . , 2 0 1 6 ) e-learning is learning
that uses computer technology or usually
called the internet. Based on some of the
opinion can be concluded that e-learning
is a learning process that utilizes
computer technology and information
networks in the form of the internet or
web. In general, e-learning just still
requires media learning, especially
computers and other accessible learning
resources by teachers and students.
Students also can share information with
each other and can access the subject
matter at any time.