JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 6, 646 655
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.70
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
Novita Wulandari
Mochamad Bruri Triyono
Jusrianto As
Ninik Septyani
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Muhammadiyah University of Education Sorong, Indonesia
Makassar State university, Indonesia
e-mail: novitawulandariumar@gmail.com
, bruritriyo[email protected]
, nisep1096@gmail.com
*Correspondence: novitawulandariumar@gmail.com
Submitted: 28 December 2021, Revised: 10 January 2022, Accepted: 13 January 2022
Abstract. Mathematics is one of the subjects that must be studied by students, especially
students at the undergraduate level (S1). paying attention to the objectives of learning
mathematics in Permendikbud Number 21 of 2016 requires students to have the ability to think
logically, analytically, systematically, critical and creative. However, mathematics learning material
that has an abstract nature, makes mathematics difficult by most students. This is one of the
causes of not achieving the goal mathematics learning. The concepts can be understood easily
when ease to follow the times experienced by students. Stage student development requires
students to be able to reason with using things that are abstract and symbolic. One solution to
help students understand mathematics material using e-learning. Learning E-learning is an
educational concept that utilizes technological advances information and communication,
especially in the teaching and learning process. Convenience learning with e- learning also
lecturers can prepare learning effectively and efficient by using media and learning resources that
are more interesting so that they do not focused on printed books. This can increase student
interest in learning where learning is no longer focused on the lecturer and class. The function of
e-learning in support learning activities in the classroom, namely as a supplement, complement
and substitution. Based on the description of the explanation above, it can be concluded that: The
purpose of writing this paper is to describe how the role of e-learning in learning mathematics at
the Muhammadiyah University of Education Sorong.
Keywords: guideline; template; authors; abstract; manuscript.
Novita Wulandari, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Jusrianto As, Ninik Septyani
| 647
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.70
Mathematics is one of the subjects that
must be studied at all levels of education.
However, mathematics is often considered
difficult for students. The nature of abstract
mathematical objects makes mathematical
material at school is difficult to understand,
so students consider the lesson
mathematics is a difficult and complicated
subject, the same thing was expressed by
(Thurm & Barzel, 2020) who said
"Mathematics is considered a difficult
science, complicated, and deceptive.”
Mathematics learning on campus is
expected to be something which is fun for
students, but in reality there are still many
difficulties encountered in learning it.
Something that often occur in learning
mathematics are students who are less
active, less participating and students are
impressed only as listeners who are
informed by the lecturer. This happens
because in part most of the lecturers still
use conventional learning methods. even
though according to (Balakrishnan & Gan,
2016) lecturers as a lesson planners are
required to be able to designing learning
by utilizing various types of media and
resources appropriate, so that the learning
process will effectively and efficiently.
Along with technological advances
encourage lecturers to teach in accordance
with the progress of the times close to life
implementation. So mathematical
concepts can be understood easily.
Especially for students who study
mathematics from concrete to abstract
mathematics. Mathematics at
Muhammadiyah University of Education
Sorong requires students to be able to
think using abstract things and symbolic
(Won, Evans, Carey, & Schnittka, 2015). One
solution to help students understand the
material mathematics by using e-learning.
It is an online application that can connect
between educators and students in a study
online (Msomi & Bansilal, 2018). With the
e-Learning, students can share information
and can access the subject matter at any
time (Irfan, Kusumaningrum, Yulia, &
Widodo, 2020).
From the explanation above, the author
considers the importance of the role of E-
Learning in Mathematics Learning at
Muhammadiyah University of Education
Sorong. So that it can be done as an effort
to increase student's interest, which
learning is no longer focused on the
teacher and class.
Types of research.
This is a type of literature study
research by looking for references theory
relevant to the role of e-learning in
learning mathematics then the conclusion
is in accordance with the reference.
Data Analysis Method
The data that has been obtained is then
analyse by the analytical method
descriptive. Descriptive analysis method is
done by describing the facts that exist and
are relevant to the role of e-learning in
mathematics is then carried out by doing
analysis, not only describe, but also provide
648 | the Role of E-Learning in Mathematics Learning at Muhammadiyah Sorong University of
sufficient understanding and explanation
about the role of e-learning in
Learning Mathematics at Sorong
Muhammadiyah University of Education
Learning is an attempt to establish
conditions that support abilities, interests,
talents, and needs of students in order to
create optimal interactions (Lazakidou &
Retalis, 2010). Conditions that support the
learning process will encourage students to
achieve maximum learning outcomes.
According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 concerning
SISDIKNAS, learning is a process of student
interaction with lecturers and resources
learn in a learning environment. Thus,
learning involves several an important
component is the interaction between
students and teachers, as well as the
environment. Along with something has
been said previously, (Piñero Charlo, 2020)
states that in the process of learning
mathematics, students should be active in
doing mathematization process.
Mathematization is defined as providing
opportunities for students to reconstruct
knowledge through activities: observing,
classifying, solve problems, communicate,
interact with others, including with lecturer,
reflect, estimate, draw conclusions,
investigate relationship, etc.
Function of learning mathematics
according to (Farsani, 2016) is as
follows: As a tool, this means that
through mathematics students can
understand and able to inform, for
example through equations or tables in
mathematical models.
As a mindset, learning mathematics is
the formation of paradigm to
understand any situation means. The
mindset developed is a deductive and
As a science, mathematics always
looking for the truth and is willing to
evaluate the truth temporarily
accepted, if new discoveries are found
as long as they follow the pattern
legitimate thought.
The purpose of learning mathematics
at Sorong Muhammadiyah University of
Education according to (Baumert et al.,
2010) are as follows:
Students have abilities which can be
used through mathematical activities.
Students have mathematical
knowledge as a provision to continue
their next level of education.
Students have mathematical abilities as
an improvement and expansion of
Mathematics at Muhammadiyah
Sorong Education University to be used
in daily life.
Students have a fairly broad view and
have a logical, critical, careful and
disciplined and appreciate the
usefulness of mathematics.
The scope of mathematics for
Muhammadiyah Sorong Education
University in Permendikbud Number 58 of
2014 namely: (1) Concepts, operations and
number patterns, includes: integers and
fractions, sequences of numbers,
operations to square root, patterns of
Novita Wulandari, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Jusrianto As, Ninik Septyani
| 649
numbers, sequences, and number series.
(2) Algebra and relations, including: picture
patterns shapes and numbers, sets,
algebraic and non algebraic expressions,
relations and functions, equations and
inequalities (simple linear and non-linear),
comparisons. (3) Geometry and
measurement, including: basic units and
simple derived units, geometry planes,
similarity and congruence, measurement of
distances and angles, Theorem Pythagoras,
transformation, comparison. (4) Statistics
and opportunities, including: processing
data, data presentation, measures of
concentration and spread, empirical
opportunities, and opportunities
Mathematics at Muhammadiyah
Sorong Education University demands
participants students are able to do
reasoning using abstract things and
symbolic. According to (Wulandari, As,
Rustamadji, & Triyono, 2021) theory which
says that Muhammadiyah Sorong
Education University is already in the
formal operation stage, but there is
nothing wrong if students are still needed
to clarify the concept being taught, for
example, students use props because of
the developmental stage Piaget's
mentality is only an estimate. Even though
learning mathematics emphasizes a
deductive mindset, but according to the
intellectual development of students
Muhammadiyah Sorong Education
University has not entirely used deductive
so it is still mixed with inductive. By
learning mathematics in students which
cannot be separated from the abstract
and developmental nature of
mathematics students, therefore students
need a way of teaching that helps
students in understanding the concepts
being learned.
The origin of the term e-learning is not
Explicitly known but is thought to be the
term has existed since the 1980 (Aslan,
2011). E-learning terms (Electronic
Learning) contains a very broad
understanding, so that many experts
which describes the definition of e-
learning from various points of view. The
definition of e learning according to (Al-
Adwan, Al-Adwan, & Smedley, 2013), is a
description of the use of technology in the
learning process that refers to the internet
technology network so that use can be
instantaneous, easy to store and retrieve
and share information with other users.
Another opinion according to (Šumak,
Heričko, & Pušnik, 2011) e learning is the
use of technology, whether it be the
internet or the web in learning so that
users can access learning anywhere and
anytime. Whereas according to ( B o r b a
e t a l . , 2 0 1 6 ) e-learning is learning
that uses computer technology or usually
called the internet. Based on some of the
opinion can be concluded that e-learning
is a learning process that utilizes
computer technology and information
networks in the form of the internet or
web. In general, e-learning just still
requires media learning, especially
computers and other accessible learning
resources by teachers and students.
Students also can share information with
each other and can access the subject
matter at any time.
650 | the Role of E-Learning in Mathematics Learning at Muhammadiyah Sorong University of
According to (Nortvig, Petersen, &
Balle, 2018) there are three functions of e-
learning in support learning in class are as
1. Supplement. It is said to function as a
supplement if students have the
freedom to choose whether to use
learning materials electronic or not. In
this case, there is no requirement for
students to access material. Even
though it is optional, students who take
advantage of it will certainly have
additional knowledge or insight.
2. Complementary. It is said to function as
a complement if the material Electronic
learning is programmed to
complement the learning materials get
by students in class. As a complement
means learning material Electronic are
programmed to complement remedial
materials. It says as remedial when if
students able to rapidly understanding
the subject matter when delivered at
face-to-face class, has an opportunity to
access electronic learning materials that
are specially developed for them. The
goal is to further strengthen the level of
mastery of the subject that has been
get in class. Said as remedial program, if
students whos got a trouble to
understanding the material of lessons,
has an opportunity to take advantage
of the material electronic learning that
is specifically designed for them. In
order to students easily understand the
subject matter presented in the
3. Substance (substitute). It is said to be a
substitution if e-learning is carried out
as a substitute for learning activities, for
example by using learning activities.
There are three models to choose from,
namely: (a) completely class learning
(conventional), (b) partly conventional
and partly through the internet class, or
(c) entirely over the internet. E-learning
is divided into three classifications
according to (El Aissaoui, El Madani,
Oughdir, & El Allioui, 2019), as for the
classification is as follows:
a) E-learning as a network, it means
that e-learning can provide
information repair quickly, save or
retrieve, distribute and share. This
requirement is very important in e-
learning, so Rosenberg calls it an
absolute requirement.
b) E-learning is delivered to users via
computer with using internet
technology standards.
c) E-learning focuses on the broadest
view of learning, solutions learning
that outperforms traditional
Based on this opinion, there are
two types of e-learning that can be
used, namely: e-learning in the form of
recordings that do not require
participants students join in the class,
while the second is e-learning which
requires all students to be present in
learning. The application of e-
learning can varied by using a
computer that has a variety of
softwares, one of them is the
microsoft power point which is posted
on the website which can be form with
graphics, animation, video, audio and
Novita Wulandari, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Jusrianto As, Ninik Septyani
| 651
other components so that it can
involve students to learn by online.
According to (Naveed et al., 2020),
in terms of importance, there are five
most important factors that affect the
implementation of e-learning, namely:
program content, web page access,
learner participation, security and
support for website, and constitutional
commitments. then interactive learning
environment, instructor competence,
design and presentation.
Based on the opinion above, it can be
concluded that e-learning facilitate
distance learning of course using the
internet for access online learning. The
picture of the distance learning context is as
Picture 1. Distance Learning E-learning
Meanwhile, e-learning, which requires
students to be present in class, can be seen
as a one of the e-learning models. E-
learning steps according to (Rüth & Kaspar,
2017) are as follows: Stage of
constructivism. Students are given 3 stages
of activity, namely repetition previous
subject matter, motivate students to use
the material will be learned and build
understanding of the material from the
start (useful for straighten the direction of
understanding during the learning
Cooperative learning stage. Students
are allowed to do activities
cooperation with them friends in
terms of opening e-learning, logging
in, studying and to do their job and to
build their social spirit. In this stage,
mutual assistance between students
can increase understanding of the
activities students are doing, because
of collaborative activities carried out
with others students involve the same
Students as facilitators. If you have
gone through the two stages above,
then next students can access the links
to these learning resources for
reference individuals, namely
optimizing internet facilities which will
then form a independence learning
culture to students.
According to Mutiyasa, the benefits of
e-learning for students are (a) building
interaction when students conduct online
discussions (b) accommodate student
differences, (c) students can repeat
difficult subject matter many times, until
understanding is obtained, (d) ease of
access, anytime and anywhere anywhere,
(e) students can study in a free atmosphere
without pressure‟, no embarrassed to ask
questions (online), (f) reduce travel time
and costs, (g) encourage students to
browse information to sites on the world
wide web, (h) allow students to choose
appropriate targets and materials on the
web (i) develop technical skills in using
the internet, (j) encourage students to be
responsible for their learning and build
self-knowledge and self- confidence.
Meanwhile, lecturers can provide teaching
materials which is up to date to students
by providing easy access at anytime and
652 | the Role of E-Learning in Mathematics Learning at Muhammadiyah Sorong University of
anywhere, reducing travel and
accommodation costs and various
benefits other. Other opinions about the
benefits of e-learning in learning activities
expressed by (Srivastava, 2019) are: (a)
training students explore concepts, (b)
improve reasoning skills, (c) encourage
students think systematically, logically and
analytically, (d) increase student interest in
learning mathematics.
The Role of E-learning in Mathematics
Learning at the Muhammadiyah Sorong
University of Education.
Based on Government Regulation no.
19 on National Education Standards,
CHAPTER IV, article 19, paragraph (1) states
that: the learning process in the unit
education is held interactively, inspiring,
fun, challenging, motivate students to
participate actively, and provide sufficient
space for initiative, creativity, and
independence in accordance with talents,
interests, and physical and psychological
development of students. Through e-
learning learning atmosphere interactive,
fun, and effective can be realized, including
in Mathematics learning is considered
difficult and boring according to students.
E-learning is a new way of teaching and
learning process. E-learning is the basis
and logical consequence of the
development of information technology
and communication. With e- learning,
students do not need to sit in the
classroom. E Learning can shorten the
learning time target and save costs buy
package books. E-learning will also focus
on student where they are able to learn and
access learning information anywhere and
anytime so that will be easier, practical and
Basically, the use of e-learning in
mathematics education is very important
widely, both as learning media in the
classroom and as learning media
independent. Learning in the classroom
can be done by utilizing the media visual or
audio-visual aids in bringing context into
the classroom for show students.
Application of mathematical concepts
without having to seeing firsthand, this
learning can be applied to university-level
students according to Piaget's theory of
mental development, they are in the formal
operational stage so that they can start to
think abstractly at an early stage. Use of
media on students, for example, the use of
XL in understanding data processing on the
material statistics, simulation of building
space and so on. In addition to learning
mathematics at a higher level, when
entering concepts such as calculus,
geometry, numeric, discrete as well as
probability and statistics using software
such as Mathematica, Maple, Matlab,
Fortran, Basica, Geometer Skechtpad,
Cabri, Minitab, SPSS, Microsoft and others
based on research results shows that it can
improve higher order thinking skills and
interests on mathematics learn. If you look
at the characteristics of mathematics,
indeed some materials such as numerical
methods or linear programming, the use of
computer media is very important
necessary because in more complex cases
the calculations are carried out manually.
Even though web technology provides
Novita Wulandari, Mochamad Bruri Triyono, Jusrianto As, Ninik Septyani
| 653
virtual learning, but conventional learning
in the classroom is still needed. There are
three reasons conventional learning in the
classroom is still needed, namely: the need
for a learning mechanism that will be
experienced directly with all students, the
need to provide understanding and
learning experiences with work in groups,
and the need for providing training with
using a computer that will be used as a
web-based communication medium
(Wagner, Hassanein, & Head, 2010).
Based on the description of the
theoretical study described above, the
author concludes the role of e-learning in
learning mathematics in Muhammadiyah
Sorong University of Education are as
a) E-learning makes it easier for lecturers
to create effective learning and
efficiently anywhere and anytime
without being constrained by space
and time.
b) E-learning learning plays a role in
creating a new learning atmosphere
that interesting.
c) E-learning plays a role in increasing
student interest in learning by utilizing
learning in accordance with the times.
d) E-learning plays a role in improving
thinking skills students who are more
creative with the various references
they get.
e) E-learning acts as a second source of
learning for students.
f) E-learning plays a role in facilitating
students in solving problems high-level
numerical mathematization problems
in the presence of various calculation
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