JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 870 890
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.68
Agus Irianto2
1Program in Environmental Economics, Padang State University
2Faculty of Economics, Padang State University
e-mail: gusmal@gmail.com1, agus.iriant[email protected]2
*Correspondence: gusm[email protected]
Submitted: 25 January 2022, Revised: 06 February 2022, Accepted: 20 February 2022
Abstract. This study formulates a green city development strategy in the capital city of Solok
Regency in the "Arosuka" area. The strategy in question is an integration strategy where this area
has its own uniqueness because it is located in the Indragiri Rokan Catchment Area. The
development of an environmentally friendly city is usually associated with waste management,
slum settlements, architecture, sustainable development and other issues, but this article focuses
on efforts to maintain groundwater discharge in Arosuka in connection with the change in the
status of the Catchment Area area to become the capital of an integrated shark Catchment Area
city. The data used is secondary data in the form of a regency capital development plan,
Catchment Area and Arosuka area data. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative
approach. The results of the study indicate that there are 5 strategies for structuring the Arosuka
area so that it is expected to become a green city in the Indragiri Rokan Catchment Area.
Keywords: integration; green city; catchment area; arosuka.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.68
One of the areas currently developing
this new area includes the Regency Capital
Solok, namely Arosuka which is located in 2
Nagari (villages), namely Koto Gaek Guguk
and Batang Barus, Gunung Talang District,
precisely in Jorong Sukarami Nagari, Koto
Gaek Guguk and Jorong Kayu Aro Nagari.
Barus Trunk.
The Arosuka area is located on surface
runoff in the Batang Dareh, Baliang and
Lubuk Selasih river areas which are part of
the Batang Sumani Catchment Area. The
drainage pattern of natural ditches or
creeks is dendritic (meander), drainage
formed due to the influence of relief or
wavy physiography. This phenomenon is
characterized by the form of a winding flow
(Ho et al., 2016), the current is quite heavy
with an intermittent flow system.
The development of this area also pays
attention to environmental aspects so as to
create an environmentally friendly area or
city (Denis, Cysek-Pawlak, Krzysztofik, &
Majewska, 2021). If this huge potential is
not accompanied by a spatial planning and
utilization planning process, the potentials
that should have had a positive impact
have turned into a negative impact, as is
the case in many other regions in Indonesia
(Ayompe, Schaafsma, & Egoh, 2021).
Therefore we need an integrated city
development concept. In connection with
the conditions and potential of the Arosuka
Area which was developed as the (Regency
Capital) of Solok, the concept of a Green
City in an integrated Catchment Area is
thought to be feasible (Kabisch & Haase,
2014). The advantage of the Green City
concept is that it can meet the needs of the
existence of Green Open Space (RTH) in an
area (Indriyani, Sabaruddin, Rianse, & Baco,
2016), so that it can reduce and even solve
environmental problems, natural disasters,
low air pollution, flood free, low noise and
other environmental problems (Handy &
Maulana, 2021). As the capital of Solok
Regency, as explained in the previous
section, there is a uniqueness in that this
area is located in a Catchment Area, namely
the Indragiri Rokan River.
In terms of growth, the Arosuka area
has a lot of potential from various sectors
such as agriculture and plantations,
tourism, and other agribusiness activities.
These potentials will eventually become an
attraction for various types of economic
activity which will later cause a multiplayer
Green City is one of the concepts of a
sustainable urban planning approach
(Trisno & Lianto, 2019). Green Cities are
also known as Ecological Cities or healthy
cities. This means that there is a balance
between urban development and
development with environmental
sustainability. A healthy city can create a
city that is safe, comfortable, clean, and
healthy for its residents to live in by
optimizing the socio-economic potential of
the community through empowering
community forums, facilitated by related
sectors and in sync with urban planning. To
be able to make it happen, it takes effort
from every individual member of the
community and all related parties
(stakeholders). It can also be said that a
green city is an ecologically healthy city. A
green city must be understood as a city that
utilizes water and energy resources
effectively and efficiently, reduces waste,
872 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
implements an integrated transportation
system, ensures environmental health, and
synergizes the natural and artificial
environment. A green city or green city is
an urban concept, where environmental,
economic, and socio-cultural issues (local
wisdom) must be balanced for a better
future generation (Hasanah & Nulhakim,
Haeruman said that the integration in
the management of activities must be able
to create: (1) the coordination of the
managers of an object that is interrelated in
a system to achieve a harmony of goals; (2)
integrate every effort to utilize the
arrangement, maintenance, supervision
and control as well as development based
on the element of linkage or dependence
of the object being managed. (Álvarez-
Romero, Pressey, Ban, & Brodie, 2015) said
that Catchment Area management is an
applied science for the protection,
improvement and management of
Catchment Areas, and its basic object is to
increase water supply, reduce maximum
and minimum flow ranges, reduce
sediment yields and improve water quality
for various uses.
Catchment Area is a unified ecosystem
(Chen et al., 2021), therefore in monitoring
and evaluation activities, Catchment Area
management should be carried out in an
integrated and comprehensive manner.
Catchment Area managed in an integrated
manner (Integrated Catchment Area
Management) is a process of formulation
and implementation of an activity involving
the management of Natural Resources
(SDA) and humans in a Catchment Area by
considering social, political, economic and
institutional aspects in the Catchment Area
and around the Catchment Area to achieve
certain social goals. 2 Catchment Areas
have become the focus of environmental
management as a result of environmental
degradation that occurs is indicated by soil
erosion and sedimentation, especially due
to deforestation in the form of forest
conversion to other uses (Pawitan, 2011).
The importance of the position of the
Catchment Area as a comprehensive
planning unit is a logical consequence to
maintain the sustainable use of forest, land
and water resources (Dolega, Pavlis, &
Singleton, 2016). Inaccurate planning can
lead to Catchment Area To calculate the
need for public green open space in the
planning area, the method of calculating
the need for green open space is based on
a percentage which is then linked to the
latest policy, namely Law no. 26 of 2007
concerning Spatial Planning. that is:
Degradation which can lead to bad
consequences as stated above (Wu et al.,
2019). In an effort to create an integrated
Catchment Area management approach,
an integrated, comprehensive, sustainable
and environmentally friendly planning is
required by considering the Catchment
Area as a management unit. Thus, if there
is a disaster, whether it is a flood or a
drought, the response can be carried out
comprehensively covering the Catchment
Area from upstream to downstream.
The proportion of green open space in
the city area is at least 30 (thirty) percent of
the city area. 20 (twenty) percent of public
green open space and 10 (ten) percent of
private green open space. Then the
calculation of RTH is as follows:
a. Arosuka Urban Area Planning Area:
1,682.1 Ha
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 873
b. Standard : Law No.26 of 2007 on Spatial
Planning (Green space area = 30% of the
city area).
c. The need for green open space in the
Talawi area according to the standards
of Law no. 26 of 2007: 30% of 1,682.1 Ha
= 504.63 Ha.
d. The need for green open space (public
area) for the Silungkang area according
to the standards of Law no. 26 of 2007:
20% of 504.83 Ha = 100.93 Ha.
e. To fulfill the need for land for the
Designation of Green Open Space (RTH)
efforts are made from the existence of
city parks in the Arosuka Area along with
the Border Area and the need for city
In this study, the strategy used is a
strategy empirical method consisting of a
case study domain or case study. As has
been stated explicitly in the title of the
study, this research has an exploratory
nature which has wide open problems and
no hypothesis yet. The research method
used is descriptive survey methods because
the data obtained will come from direct
observations in the field. Descriptive
method is used to describe, identify, and
analyze the concept of green architecture
found in the residential area of the Brantas
Catchment Area, Penanggungan Village,
Malang as the object of study.
Data collection in this study begins with
observing the elements that make up
settlements in the form of the natural
environment, protection, and
networks/networks, throughout the
research area followed by observations and
documentation/surveys to the field to
directly observe the actual situation and
conditions. At this observation stage,
observations and recordings of green city
development strategies in the Catchment
Area found in the research location were
carried out. The next step is to identify the
data into various elements forming
regional integration as well as
modernization theory. After that, the
grouping results are analyzed based on the
parameters of an environmentally friendly
green city by looking at the aspects of the
Green City Management Conception,
Catchment Area Management Conception,
Regency Capital Management Conception
and Integrated Area Conception.
The objectives of developing the
Arosuka Area in the long term are: “The
realization of the Arosuka Area as a Park
City that becomes the Core of the Capital
Based on: a harmonious, comfortable and
environmentally friendly trade, office and
residential area by maintaining the
Catchment Area function”.
Arosuka Area Development Policies in
the Long Term are :
1. Improvement and development of the
area that is directed as a garden city
2. Improvement and development of the
function of the area which is directed as
a center of economic development.
3. Improvement and development of
service centers as centers of productive
and efficient activities.
4. Improving the quality and coverage of
urban infrastructure network services in
an integrated and equitable manner in
874 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
all regions;
5. Increasing cultivation activities in an
integrated and harmonious manner by
taking into account the carrying
capacity of the environment;
6. Increasing the function and quality of
the area in order to maintain the
function of the Catchment Area;
7. Improved coordination, integration,
and synchronization of regional
development through inter-regional
cooperation, stakeholder partnerships,
and strengthening the role of the
In the context of the development of
Solok Regency, the Arosuka Region plays a
very important role both in terms of
regional economic growth and in the
function of socio-economic services and
government. The existence of the Arosuka
Area, which is traversed by the Padang-
Solok Crossing, is an important asset that
can support the wider collection and
distribution function which is expected to
counter growth in the border area. The role
of collection and distribution does not only
cover Solok Regency but can act as one of
the collection and distribution centers in
West Sumatra Province. In the context of
public services, the service capacity will be
increased to cover the entire Solok
When viewed from the function and
role of the Arosuka Area, it is an area: the
Solok Regency Government Center, the
Center for Economic Activities (trade and
services), the Collection and Distribution
Center concerning the agricultural and
plantation sectors, tourism and other
agribusiness activities which are the
potential of the Arosuka Area, the Center
for Collection and distribution related to
the regional transportation system and
social service centers for the people of
Gunung Talang District and Solok District.
Supporting Factors :
a. Physical Aspects (Administrative
Boundaries, Topography, Land
Requirements, Geology, Morphology,
Climatology, Hydrology, Land Use,
Disaster Vulnerability, Plant Types
b. Population
c. Condition of Urban Facilities (Clean
Water, Electricity Network,
Communication Network, Telephone
Network, Road Network, Solid Waste
System, Drainage Network,
d. Regional Development in Regional
e. Policy Support
Legal Aspect
Regarding the transfer of the capital
city of Solok Regency to Arosuka, it has
been regulated by Government Regulation
(PP) of the Republic of Indonesia number
39 of 2004. The PP stated that the Capital
of Solok Regency was moved from Solok
City to Arosuka in the Gunung Talang
District, Solok Regency. The boundaries of
the Arosuka region to the north and east
are Nagari Koto Gaek, and to the south and
west are Nagari Batang Barus. From this
potential, Arosuka deserves to be
appointed as a model for an
environmentally friendly city approach. 26
Article 8 paragraph 1 states that the
realization and improvement of
integration, and activities between
cultivation activities, and control of
cultivation development so as not to
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 875
exceed the carrying capacity and capacity
of the environment.
Integration Strategy
Ideally, a Catchment Area (Catchment
Area) needs an open space with plants that
help infiltration and percolation, with little
evaporation. This is what needs to be
considered in the development of the
Arosuka Area into the new (Regency
Capital) of Solok. The development of a city
in an area must be well thought out and
planned. In relation to the relocation of the
capital city, the development of a new city
is a long-term design and scenario with the
aim of creating new growth centers. stems
(stemflow), and rainwater directly reaches
the ground surface and is then divided into
runoff, evaporation, and infiltration water.
The combination of evaporation of water
vapor resulting from the processes of
transpiration and interception is called
evapotranspiration. While running water
and infiltration water will flow into the river
as discharge.
Currently, the water discharge in the
Solok Regency Capital Region in Arosuka is
30 l/second. This groundwater is obtained
from springs of very good quality and even
suitable for bottled drinking water. This 30
liter water debit is even sufficient to meet
the needs of 2,800 house connections (SR)
in three areas that are an integral part of
Arosuka as Solok, namely the Samsat
housing area, offices, and indigenous
The development of urban areas often
brings problems to the area, both the
transportation system and environmental
issues. Therefore, it is necessary to have
urban planning so that the quality of
balance in the city is needed. The balance
of urban planning can be seen from the
existence of green and non-green areas in
order to achieve a livable city. The green
area becomes important because it
becomes a source of oxygen and water
absorption in the area. The district spatial
planning policy is the direction of regional
development determined by the district
government in order to achieve the district
spatial planning goal within a period of 20
(twenty) years.
The district spatial planning policy is a
direction of action that must be determined
to achieve the district's spatial planning
objectives. The district spatial planning
policy functions as:
a. As a basis for formulating district spatial
planning strategies;
b. As a basis for formulating the structure
and spatial pattern of the district;
c. Provide direction for the preparation of
the main program indications in the
district RTRW;
d. As the basis for determining the
directives for controlling the use of
district space.
With the framework of achieving the
objectives of spatial planning for the
district, the formulation of the spatial
planning policy of Solok Regency is as
a. Development of an efficient district
spatial organization through a
hierarchical arrangement of activity
centers covering the entire district area
b. Development of network systems and
infrastructure nodes that integrate all
district activity centers and their
hinterland rural systems and provide
services for as many settlements as
876 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
possible in the district
c. Consolidation of protected areas in the
Solok Regency area that has been
determined in the Provincial RTRWN
and RTRW and adding protected areas
under the authority of the Regency
d. Cultivation area management supports
economic development through
sustainable natural resource
management based on agriculture,
plantations, tourism, and industry
e. The embodiment of efforts to change
the function of forest areas to non-
forest areas for cultivation areas
needed for the benefit of district
development in accordance with
applicable provisions and regulations
(PP No. 10/2010 concerning Procedures
for Changes in Forest Area
Designations and Functions).
The district spatial planning strategy is
the elaboration of district spatial planning
policies into operational steps to achieve
the goals that have been set.
The district spatial planning strategy
functions to:
a. As a basis for the preparation of spatial
structure plans, spatial pattern plans,
and determination of district strategic
b. Provide direction for the preparation of
the main program indications in the
district RTRW;
c. As the basis for determining the
directives for controlling the use of
district space.
As a derivative of the spatial planning
policy formulation which is described in a
more operational manner, the Solok
Regency spatial planning strategy is as
1. Strategies that need to be carried out in
the context of "Developing An Efficient
District Spatial Organization Through A
Hierarchical Arrangement of Activity
Centers Covering The Entire District
Area" are:
a. Develop one district main activity
center (PKL) in accordance with the
RTRWP direction and promote
other main centers according to
their potential;
b. Establish at least 1 (one) activity
center as the Regional
Development Center (PPK) in each
c. Establish an activity
center/settlement center that has
an inter-village service area and or
more than one village as an
Environmental Service Center (PPL),
other than those that have been
designated as a Regional
Development Center (PPK); and
d. Establish a settlement center that
has a service level close to the
activity center above it, promoted
to an activity center above it (PKLp,
PPKp, PPLp).
2. The strategy for "Development of A
Network System And Infrastructure
Nodes That Integrates All District
Activity Centers and Their Hinterland
Rural Systems and Provides Services For
as Many Settlements as Possible an The
District" is:
a. Support the development of an
access road network to Solok
Regency in accordance with
National and Provincial policies as
well as the development of new
road pioneers to/from Solok
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 877
Regency with other adjoining
b. Develop multi-access roads to and
from the activity center that
integrates all districts;
c. Support the development of the
West Sumatra National and
Provincial Railway network system
that crosses the Solok Regency
d. Develop a water transportation
system in Singkarak Lake, Above
Lake and Lower Lake to support
regional economic activities and
e. Develop an Energy/Electricity
Network System to meet electricity
needs in all sub-districts in the
Solok Regency area;
f. Develop a cellular
telecommunications network
system that serves the entire area of
Solok Regency and improve cable
telecommunications networks,
especially for industrial activity
services at the Regency Main
Activity Centers (PKL and PKLp);
g. Develop a raw water network
system to meet drinking water
needs at the district's main activity
centers (PKL and PKLp) and for
areas where water is scarce, as well
as develop district irrigation
networks (primary-secondary-
tertiary) in areas with potential for
wetland agriculture;
h. Develop a Regional TPA in
collaboration with the City of
Padang and adjacent regencies
within Metropolitan Padang and its
i. Develop economic infrastructure at
activity centers and service centers
according to the level and area of
j. Develop socio-cultural
infrastructure, worship, health, and
sports to support the comfortable
and sustainable socio-cultural life of
the community;
3. The strategy for “Consolidating
protected areas in the Solok Regency
area that has been stipulated in the
RTRWN and Provincial RTRW and
adding protected areas under the
authority of the Regency are:
a. Maintaining the existing protected
areas and in accordance with the
b. Restore the protected function for
protected areas that have been
determined in the RTRWN and
RTRWP that have undergone
changes in non-protected use, as
long as the terms and conditions as
protected areas are met in
accordance with Government
Regulation No. 10/2010 concerning
Procedures for Changes in
Designation and Functions of Forest
c. Develop district-scale protected
areas in accordance with the
potential functions that exist in the
area; and
d. Strive to maintain a forest area of at
least 30% of each Catchment Area
in the entire Regency area.
4. The strategy for “Management of
cultivation areas supports economic
development through sustainable
natural resource management based on
878 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
agriculture, plantations, tourism, and
urban forest industry” are:
a. Developing agricultural cultivation
areas is directed at maintaining
Solok Regency as part of the
National and West Sumatra
Province rice granaries through
intensification and extensification
of agricultural land;
b. Developing plantation cultivation
areas is directed at developing the
productive economy of the region
that has a high power to boost
productivity and regional economic
c. Developing a tourism area is
directed at increasing the comfort
of people's lives as well as being
part of the productive economic
development of the region that can
stimulate productive economic
activities within the tourist area and
the wider area within the district;
d. Developing an industrial
designation area directed to the
natural resource potential
management industry to increase
added value and regional
productivity, in a sustainable
e. Developing residential areas is
directed to support the
development of activity centers and
service centers that are spread out
as per the Regency Area Spatial
Structure Plan;
f. Developing forest cultivation areas
is directed to be able to stimulate
the economic activities of
communities around forest areas
and increase the productivity of
district areas in the forestry sector;
g. Develop mining areas for the
management of natural resource
potential in a balanced and
sustainable manner by prioritizing
aspects of ecosystem balance and
environmental conservation;
5. The strategy for “The realization of a
business for changing the function of a
forest area to a non-forest area for
cultivation areas needed for the benefit
of district development in accordance
with applicable provisions and
regulations (PP No. 10/2010 concerning
Procedures for Changes in the
Designation and Functions of Forest
Areas)” are:
a. Redefine the forest area included in
the cultivation area in Solok
Regency, as in the West Sumatra
RTRWP which has been approved
by the Minister of Forestry; and
b. Realizing the management of the
area that has been approved by the
Minister of Forestry as an area
released from forest area, as much
as possible for the development of
a productive economy based on
agriculture, plantation, tourism and
industry-based communities.
The urban system development
plan is intended to describe the role
and function of each city in the overall
development of the area within the
Solok Regency. Its development is
carried out through the establishment
of activity centers which are determined
hierarchically according to the potential
of each activity center or based on the
direction of development policies. That
is, the determination according to the
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 879
potential is based on the current
(existing) conditions, both concerning
human resources, natural resources and
artificial resources; while the direction
of development policy is based on the
objectives to be achieved through the
development of an activity center with
future development plans within the
planning period, namely the next 20
(twenty) years.
The Arosuka area as a Park City
which is the core of the Regency Capital
is understood as an area to create a city
that is friendly to the environment.
Taking into account that the population
is the content of the object and subject
of development, it is better to plan a
garden city according to the population
and activities of an urban area such as
the Arosuka area as a Park City which is
the Core of the Capital based on a
harmonious trading area, offices and
settlements, comfortable and
environmentally friendly. At the same
time as a track area and/or transit area
for district and regional movements as
a corridor for the Padang City
Metropolitan area. In addition, the
Arosuka urban area must have
complete facilities and infrastructure as
a place for "melting" various kinds of
activities, places for interaction,
recreation, and gathering of local
"The realization of the Arosuka Area
as a Park City that Becomes the Core of
the Capital in the Detailed Spatial Plan
for the Arosuka Regency Capital Region
is an effort to develop a liveable urban
environment that provides opportunities
for the user community to adapt,
integrate and interact socially, also aims
to improve the ability of the community
to adapt, integrate and interact socially”.
The area's land can be utilized in
accordance with the highest and the
best use of the area's land that is
environmentally sound, so that it can
provide even better benefits for the
Arosuka Region in particular and Solok
Regency in general with the aim of:
a. Maintaining the harmony and
balance of environmental
ecosystems urban;
b. Creating a balance between the
natural environment and the
artificial environment in urban areas
c. Improving the quality of a healthy,
beautiful, clean and comfortable
urban environment.
To ensure the success of affirming
and creating the image of this area, it is
necessary to pay attention to several
important elements in its physical
planning and design, namely: theme,
image, authenticity, function, public
perception needs, financial feasibility,
environmental assessment,
construction technology and effective
In the planning area, the image
formed is expected to reflect the image
of the park city area, the image of the
office area, the image of the trade area,
the cultural area, the image of the
tourist and entertainment area. To
achieve the realization of the
proclaimed scenario, a series of
strategies for structuring buildings and
the regional environment have been
drawn up, including:
880 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
1. Formation of regional structure.
2. Creation of control blocks that have
certain themes.
3. Regulating the regional movement
system and characterizing the
existing road corridors in the area.
4. Assign nodes to the region.
5. Arrange street pictures in each
significant road corridor.
6. Creating a visual linkage to the city
park as a binding element that links
various thematic zones, blocks and
activities within the area.
7. Creating a park-image in the area to
give a green, beautiful and
comfortable feel.
Affirming the image of the Arosuka
area, Solok Regency as a Regency Park
City area, as well as functioning
optimally and efficiently, essentially
requires improvement and realignment
starting from the structure of the area.
The development of the Solok
Regency regional structure provides
direction in the use and development of
regional space in general, taking into
account several aspects, including:
Determination of the regional
structure to link each function and
activity through planning the link
system and regional movement as well
as strengthening the path of
achievement to a location.
Determination of control blocks
within the area. Allocating functions
and activities focused on developing
transit, promotion and entertainment
functions within the area with clear
boundaries in their utilization,
development and development.
Regional infrastructure system planning
that supports regional functions and
images that are integrated with a link
system. Regional structures that can
lead to creating regional images
through building arrangement, open
space and green planning, orientation
and information systems.
The main concept of developing the
structure of the garden city area of
Solok Regency is the realignment of a
linear structure in which all movements
and functions of the area are oriented
to the main road line into a compact
regional structure and are directed to
have regional design quality values, as
1) Integration
Encouraging the growth of
diverse activities in an integrated
manner in an adequate container
within the planning area, so that the
value of the area's land and the
vitality of the area (especially those
that are functionally and
geographically very central) can be
optimally increased.
Improving the circulation
system, especially in the planning
area so that the level of
achievement is better and the
possibility of implementing better
circulation arrangements through a
clear separation of various activities
and circulation modes that occur in
the planning area.
2) Functional Efficiency
Ease of access and
achievement to various facilities
within reach of both vehicle and
pedestrian circulation. Availability
of infrastructure and service
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 881
facilities (stock availability), the
availability of several supporting
facilities for activities in the area.
Procurement of infrastructure
and utility systems that are more
efficient and economical in the
planning area so that optimization
and productivity of land use can be
3) Environmental Harmony
Achieving a certain level of
environmental quality (Physical
Environmental Quality).
4) Sense Of Place
Provides a flexible space
framework for building and
environmental design innovations
in the Arosuka Area, Solok Regency
so that this area has a distinctive
image or character as a Park City, so
that this area can become a
landmark of Solok Regency.
5) Commercial viability
Controlling land use directed so
that the area's land capability can
be utilized in accordance with the
highest and the best use of the
area's land so that it can provide
even better benefits for the area.
Based on the 5 values of the quality
of the regional structure design, the
structure of the Arosuka area in Solok
Regency was developed and designed
through the application of the Transit
Oriented Development (TOD) concept.
In general, TOD is defined as an area
with a density level controlled by mixed
use. consisting of housing, workplaces,
shopping, and social facilities that are
located 'near' or within easy reach of a
transit center (terminal) based on a
green line that functions as a park. This
area is specially designed with
connecting access between existing
land use types through pedestrian
facilities, bicycles and as little access as
possible by motorized vehicles.
The location of Arosuka, Solok
Regency, which is crossed by the
Padang - Solok Regency - Solok
Primary arterial road - and the existence
of a terminal that will be planned in the
planning area make it very strategic
because it is at the point of transition of
transportation modes (regional
transportation to local transportation
and vice versa). With this condition,
those who shop and work in the
Arosuka area are not only local
residents, but also residents from the
surrounding area and other areas
connected by the primary arterial road.
With the existence of a Terminal
plan in the planning area, supported by
the development of transit facilities,
promotions and entertainment, there is
potential for the application of the
transit-oriented development concept.
With the existence of these
transportation centers and commercial
centers, resulting in a very high
movement, either by using private
transportation modes (cars and
motorbikes), or especially by
public/mass transportation (buses,
district transportation, motorcycle
taxis) or walking. feet (without the
medium of transportation mode). At
certain points there is a change in the
mode of transportation so that it
becomes a place to meet and gather
882 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
many people. This transition point by
itself has the potential to become a
stopover or destination, so that in the
surrounding location can be placed
commercial activities, offices,
recreation, and residences.
Things that must be considered in
regional development using the Transit
Oriented Development approach are
Density (Papa & Bertolini, 2015), where
the density of the development area
related to the service radius of the
transit point must be high enough,
Diversity, which must have various
functions in the area (mix-use) and
integrated designs with one another.
TOD is an area development concept
that is oriented towards transit points,
namely locations where mass public
transport stops.
In this paradigm, public
transportation is the backbone of
human movement. Public transport
transit points become the starting point
for human movement to reach their
respective goals. The determination of
the zoning of these functions is based
on the generation of movement of each
type of function and the range that can
be reached by pedestrians (comfortable
range in Indonesia is ± 400 m to a
maximum of 600 m). Functions that
generate high movement generation,
especially commercial functions, are
located closer to the transit point, while
residential functions can be located at a
greater distance.
In addition, there are several
principles that must be considered in
designing the area through the
application of the TOD concept,
namely :
Integration of transit functions with
the development of the surrounding
area (Li et al., 2019). Functions such as
commercial, residential, office, open
space must be easily accessible from
the transit point of the area (terminal)
with a distance that is still comfortable
to walk (about 5 minutes on foot or
within a radius of 5 minutes). maximum
600 m). Creation of comfortable and
integrated walking paths with functions
within the TOD development
area.Providing varied housing based on
type, density and rental price.Creation
of public open space as one of the
binding spaces between building
masses which will be the orientation the
mass of buildings in the area as well as
a place for public activities and
recreation. Carrying out new
developments along transit lines that
are combined with existing buildings in
the area. Certain distance or radius
from the locati on of the transit function
(terminal) which is considered the core
location. Each layer will determine the
type of designation and the intensity of
its construction.
In a more macro context or in the
context of the Regency area (Densiana,
2022), the central government area of
Arosuka which was developed by
applying the TOD concept as a garden
city will become a secondary activity
center area that supports the existence
of the Regency's main activity center
area. The relationship between these
two activity centers has become very
intensive because of the existence of a
movement path that connects the two.
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 883
Movement activities and the existence
of these two magnets will be a catalyst
for the development of areas around
the center of activity as well as areas
that are crossed by the driveway so that
the Regency will become more socio-
economically alive.
The planning area has several
potentials to be developed by applying
the TOD concept, namely:
1. Transit Point
There is a park area (rest area)
with a distance of about 600 meters
from residential and commercial
areas so that there is a potential for
developing pedestrianized routes
that will drive regional activities.
There is a main central civic
center area which is about 3 km
from the terminal area so that it is
potential to develop internal mass
transportation facilities to support
district activities in general.
2. Density
The planning area is an area that
has a growth rate that is projected
to be fast with commercial activities
as the main driving function.
3. Diversity
Diversity of functions in the
planning area (mix-use), there are
commercial areas of various types
(shophouses, markets, retail stores
and residential areas, etc).
Green Open Space (RTH)
Green Open Space is required in Law
No. 26 of 2007 concerning spatial planning,
that the proportion of green open space in
the city area is at least 30 (thirty) percent of
the city area. 20 (twenty) percent of public
green open space and 10 (ten) percent of
private green open space.
Green Open Space (RTH) are spaces
within a city or wider area, both in the form
of an area/area and in the form of an
elongated area/lane where in its use it is
more open and basically without buildings.
In addition to functioning as the lungs
of the city, the green open space area
functions as one of the elements forming
the urban spatial structure and in the
spatial pattern is an area that can function
to support the protected function. The
management of this green open
area/space generally includes:
1. Restrictions on the construction of
buildings, except those that have very
vital functions or buildings that are
supporting and become part of the
green open space area.
2. Development of green open space as
part of the development of public
facilities and city/environmental parks
3. Development of green open space
areas as a barrier between functional
areas and other functional areas in the
vicinity, especially residential areas.
Directions for the development of City
RTH (Green Open Space) are carried out by
taking into account the following aspects:
1. To create a comfortable microclimate in
the Arosuka planning area, it is
necessary to allocate 30% of the city
area as open space with vegetation
Green Open Space (RTH) can be
contributed as follows:
a. Productive Green Open Space,
namely in the form of agricultural
and plantation areas
b. Conservation Green Open Spaces,
884 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
such as large forests, urban forests,
and catchment areas.
c. Environmental Green Open Space is
a city park, environmental park and
d. Corridor green open space,
including road network corridors,
high tension power lines, with the
surrounding area designed with a
buffer zone thickness of 100 500
e. Special Green Open Space, which
includes public burial places (TPU),
office yards, Buffer Zones,
educational areas, and
tourist/recreation areas.
2. The selection of vegetation types is
adjusted to the mission of the type of
green open space to be developed, for
example in corridor green open space,
the selected vegetation type must have
a root system that does not damage the
shoulders or body of the road and has
a branching system that does not cause
traffic safety disturbances.
The types of green open space that will
be planned in the Arosuka Urban Area are
as follows:
Urban Forest
The purpose of the implementation of
urban forest is as a buffer for the urban
environment that functions to:
1) Improve and maintain the microclimate
and aesthetic value;
2) Absorb water;
3) Creating balance and harmony in the
physical environment of the city; and
4) Support the preservation and
protection of Indonesia's biodiversity.
Urban forests can take the form of:
a. Clumped or piled up: urban forest
with vegetation communities
concentrated in one area, with a
minimum number of vegetation of
100 trees with irregular spacings;
b. Spread: urban forest that does not
have a certain shape pattern, with a
minimum area of 2500 m2. The
vegetation community grows
scattered scattered in the form of
clumps or small clusters;
c. The area planted with plants (green
space) is 90% - 100% of the urban
forest area;
d. In the form of paths: urban forests
on land in the form of paths
following the formation of rivers,
roads, and so on. The minimum
width of an urban forest in the form
of a strip is 30 m.
The structure of the urban forest
consists of:
1) Two-story urban forest, which only
has a growing community of trees
and grasses;
2) Multi-strata urban forest, which has
a plant community in addition to
trees and grass, there are also
shrubs and ground cover with
irregular spacing.
The criteria for selecting vegetation
for Urban Forests are:
a) Have varying heights;
b) As far as possible a plant that invites
the presence of birds;
c) The canopy is quite shady and
d) Capable of absorbing and
absorbing air pollution;
e) Resistant to pests and diseases;
f) Long-lived;
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 885
g) Tolerant to the limitations of
sunlight and water;
h) Resistant to motor vehicle and
industrial pollution;
i) Strong trunk and branching system;
j) Strong upright rods, not easily
k) Strong root system so as to prevent
l) The system produced is sufficient
and not allelopathic, so that other
plants can grow well as ground
m) The types of plants planted belong
to the Evergreen group, not from
the deciduous plant group
n) Has deep roots.
City Park Green Open Space
RTH City park is a park that is intended
to serve residents of one city or part of the
city area. This park serves a minimum of
480,000 residents with a minimum
standard of 0.3 m2 per city resident, with a
minimum garden area of 144,000 m2. This
park can be in the form of green open
space (green field), which is equipped with
recreational and sports facilities, and a
sports complex with a minimum of 80% -
90% green open space. All of these facilities
are open to the public. The selected
vegetation types in the form of annual
trees, shrubs, and shrubs are planted in
groups or spread to function as trees
creating a micro-climate or as a barrier
between activities.
Vegetation selection criteria for
environmental parks and city parks are as
1) Non-toxic, not thorny, branches are not
easily broken, roots do not interfere
with the foundation;
2) The canopy is quite shady and compact,
but not too dark;
3) The height of the plants varies, the
green color with other color variations
is balanced;
4) The stature and shape of the crown is
quite beautiful;
5) Moderate growth speed;
6) In the form of habitat for local plants
and cultivated plants;
7) Types of annual or seasonal plants;
8) Half-tight spacing so as to produce
optimal shade;
9) Resistant to plant pests and diseases;
10) Capable of trapping and absorbing air
11) As far as possible a plant that invites
Utilization of green open space in
residential environments based on type
and function
RTH Park Rukun Neighbors. The
Neighborhood Community Park (RT) can be
used by residents as a place to carry out
various social activities within the RT. To
support the activities of residents in the
environment, facilities that must be
provided at least are park benches and
children's play facilities. Apart from being a
place to carry out social activities, the RTH
Taman Rukun Tetangga can also be used as
a Community Garden by planting family
medicinal plants/living pharmacies,
vegetables, and fruits that can be used by
RTH Rukun Warga (RW)
RTH Rukun Warga (RW) can be used for
886 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
various youth activities, community sports
activities, and other social activities within
the RW. The facilities provided are in the
form of a field for various activities, both
sports and other activities, several park
bench units which are installed in groups as
a means of communicating and socializing
between residents, and several types of
children's play buildings that are resistant
and safe for use by teenagers.
RTH Kelurahan/village
Urban green space can be used for
various activities of residents in one village.
This park can be an active park, with the
main facilities being a sports field
(multipurpose), with a running track around
it, or it can be a passive park, where the
main activity is more passive activities, such
as sitting or relaxing, so that it is more
dominated by green space. with annual
District green space
The sub-district green space can be
used by residents to carry out various
activities within one sub-district. This park
can be an active park with a sports field as
the main facility, with a running track
around it, or it can be a passive park for
more passive activities, so that it is more
dominated by green space.
a. Green Belt
The green belt is a green open
space that functions as a buffer area
and to limit the development of a land
use (city boundaries, area separators,
etc.) or limit one activity to another so
as not to interfere with each other, as
well as security from surrounding
environmental factors. The green belt
can be in the form of green open space
that extends following the boundaries
of a certain area or land use, filled with
trees, so that it acts as a barrier or
TPA green belt, Industrial area
green belt, border and river green belt;
Urban forest; Mixed gardens,
plantations, rice fields, which have
existed before and through regulations
stipulated by law, are maintained.
Green belt environmental function;
Noise suppression; Reducing the
heating effect caused by solar energy
b. Glare filter;
Overcoming inundation; low-lying
areas with poor drainage are often
inundated with rainwater which can
disrupt city activities and become
mosquito breeding grounds;
Windbreak; To build a green belt
that functions as a windbreak, several
factors need to be taken into account
including the length of the lane, the
width of the lane.
c. Public Cemetery
The provision of green open space
in the burial area besides having a main
function as a place for burial of bodies
also has an ecological function, namely
as a water catchment area, a place for
the growth of various types of
vegetation, a microclimate creator and
a place for birds to live as well as social
functions for the surrounding
community such as resting and as a
source of income.
For the provision of a funeral green
space, the provisions for the form of a
funeral are as follows:
Gusmal, Agus Irianto | 887
1) The size of the tomb is 1 m x 2 m;
2) The distance between tombs is at
least 0.5 m;
3) Each grave is not allowed to be
4) The cemetery is divided into several
blocks, the area and number of each
block is adjusted to the local
cemetery conditions;
5) The boundary between the burial
blocks is a pedestrian area of 150-200
cm wide with a row of protective
trees on one side;
6) The outer boundary of the cemetery
is in the form of a hedge or a
combination of artificial fences and
hedges, or with protective trees;
7) Cemetery green space including
unpaved burials of at least 70% of the
total burial area with a vegetation
coverage level of 80% of the green
space area.
d. RTH Green Line Road
For road green lanes, green open
space can be provided by placing plants
between 20–30% of the road owned
space (rumija) according to the road
class. To determine the selection of
plant species, it is necessary to pay
attention to 2 (two) things, namely the
function of the plant and the
requirements for its placement. It is
recommended that local plant species
be selected, favored by birds, and have
a low evapotranspiration rate.
e. RTH Pedestrian Space
Pedestrian space is the space
provided for pedestrians on either side
of the road or in the park. Pedestrian
spaces equipped with green open
space must meet the following:
1) Comfort, is a way of measuring the
functional quality offered by the
pedestrian system, namely:
Orientation, in the form of visual
signs (landmarks, road markings) on
the landscape to assist in finding
roads in the larger environmental
Ease of moving from one
direction to another which is
influenced by pedestrian density, the
presence of physical barriers, road
surface conditions and climatic
conditions. Pedestrian paths must be
accessible to everyone including
people with disabilities.
2) Physical character, including:
Dimensional criteria, adapted to
local social and cultural conditions,
habits and lifestyles, population
density, heritage and values held to
the environment;
The criteria for movement, the
average distance people walk in each
place are generally different,
influenced by the purpose of the trip,
weather conditions, habits and
culture of the community.
3) More detailed technical guidelines
for pedestrian paths can refer to the
Minister of Public Works Decree No.
468/KPTS/1998 dated December 1,
1998, concerning Technical
Requirements for Accessibility in
Public Buildings and the Environment
and Guidelines for Provision and
Utilization of Infrastructure and
Facilities for Pedestrians. In general
people do not want to walk more
than 400 m.
In addition to Green Open Space,
888 | Integration Strategy of Green City Development With the Indragiri Rokan River Flow Area
in the Capital Area of Solok Regency “Arosuka”
according to the mandate of Law no. 26
of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning in
article 31, that non-green open space is
also needed. What is meant by Non-
Green Open Space (RTNH) is an open
space in a city/urban area that is not
included in the RTH category, namely in
the form of hardened land or in the
form of water bodies or certain surface
conditions that cannot be overgrown
with plants or are porous.
The importance of providing and
utilizing the RTNH in the Arosuka
Planning Area is as a place for various
activities to take place. With a
supporting function as a forum for
economic activities and ecological
conservation as well as a
complementary function as an
environmental aesthetic. In the context
of the environment, its provision and
utilization is directed towards having an
ecological function to assist the
function of green open space in
conserving ground water through the
completeness of its utilities such as
drainage and infiltration.
In the Arosuka Planning Area, a city
that still has inadequate RTNH facilities
such as a parking area provided by the
government. Currently, parking
facilities are available only by utilizing
the GSB for shop houses or shops that
are available on several roads in the
center of the planning area and most of
the existing vehicles use parts of the
body of the road as a vehicle stop. This
condition is certainly very disturbing
traffic order, especially in the center of
the market because it can trigger
congestion. So it is necessary to build
RTNH on sections that are considered
to have the most crowded level of
vehicle mobilization, such as the
primary arterial road, Jalan Solok -
Padang City in the Arosuka area (the
metropolitan support area of Padang
The Arosuka area has been designated
as (Capital of Solok Regency). The
management and arrangement of this area
is strived to become an environmentally
friendly green city. However, there is one
uniqueness where the green city theme is
usually more related to city parks, drainage,
waste management and so on, but the
Arosuka area is located in the Indragiri
Rokan Catchment Area. Regional leaders
together with related parties have prepared
regional planning with the vision of a green
city in the Catchment Area by preparing 5
strategies. Further research is needed to
determine the implementation of the
prepared strategy.
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Science of The Total Environment, 646,
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