Joko Susilo
Adli | 2137
avoidance at the same time.
Determination Coefficient
The Adjusted R-Square value was
0.083, as could be seen. This demonstrated
that transfer pricing, earnings
management, thin capitalization, and
hedging could have an 8.3% impact on tax
avoidance. This figure depicts the less
powerful influence of the four independent
variables, and there was another effect of
91.7% that might have an impact on tax
avoidance but was not investigated in this
The Influence of Transfer Pricing on Tax
The transfer pricing variable had a
significant value of 0.6427 which was
greater than 0.05. That was, transfer pricing
did not affect the tax avoidance variable.
Variable transfer pricing did not affect tax
avoidance; this could be due to the proxy's
dissimilarity to previous studies, in which
many studies only measured sales
transactions as an indicator of transfer
pricing, whereas this research used sales to
affiliates as well as other transactions
carried out by the research sample to
affiliates making use of dummy variables
(Yuniasih et al., 2012). According to (Astuti
& Aryani, 2017), transfer pricing involved
business groups because it happened
between affiliates; this was related to
agency theory. Principals who had an
interest in the company's long-term
viability and agents who carry out those
interests frequently had opposing
viewpoints. Because transfer pricing
involved multiple agents and companies,
there were various taxation interests at
stake. This finding was consistent with
studies that found transfer pricing did not
affect tax avoidance (Panjalusman Paskalis
et al., 2018), (Napitu & Kurniawan, 2016),
(Mukhtar, 2021); (Vicard, 2015), and
(Hasibuan & Gultom, 2021). Meanwhile,
this finding differed from those of (Amidu
et al., 2019) and (Eriotis et al., 2021), who
discovered that transfer pricing affects tax
avoidance. Transfer pricing has also been
found to have an impact on tax avoidance
in studies (Nadhifah & Arif, 2020); (Wijaya
& Rahayu, 2021).
The Influence of Earning Management on
Tax Avoidance
The earnings management variable
had a significant value of 0.1834 which was
greater than 0.05. As a result, earnings
management did not affect tax avoidance.
Companies use earnings management to
minimize tax obligations in the context of
taxation. Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 36 of 2008 concerning the Fourth
Amendment to Law Number 7 of 1983
concerning Income Tax, 2008 confirms that
costs can be deducted from company
profits. This is what the company will use
to manage its taxes so that they are not
excessive. However, according to this
research, coal mining companies did not
use earning management to reduce their
taxes. Earning management did not affect
tax avoidance, according to (Putri, 2014),
(Nadhifah & Arif, 2020), (Githaiga et al.,
2022), and (Wijayanti et al., 2016).
Meanwhile, these findings contradict each
other (Amidu et al., 2019). Additionally,
(Nurhandono & Firmansyah, 2017) and
(Pratama, 2020) discovered that earnings
management affects tax avoidance.