JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 09, 2134 2141
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.445 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Joko Susilo
Master of Accounting, Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: 55519110067@student.mercubuana.ac.id, adli24@gmail.com
*Correspondence: 55519110067@student.mercubuana.ac.id
: May 2023
: May 2023
: May 2023
Abstract: The objective of this research was to determine the impact of transfer pricing, yield
management, thin capitalization, and hedging on tax avoidance. Tax avoidance refers to the legal
framework for transactions that obtain tax benefits or relief by exploiting existing tax loopholes to
minimize or avoid paying taxes owed. This research applied descriptive and quantitative methods.
The population of this research consisted of coal mining companies listed on the Indonesian Stock
Exchange between 2015 and 2019. Using targeted sampling techniques, the sample was drawn
from 16 companies that met the research criteria. The statistical program Eviews12 was used to
process the data. Transfer pricing, earning management, or hedging had no significant effect on
tax avoidance. Simultaneously, thin capitalization had a significant effect on tax avoidance.
Keywords: Transfer Pricing, Earning Management, Thin Capitalization, Hedging, and Tax
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Tax avoidance is a business practiced
to keep taxpayers free of taxation while
posing no risk to the taxpayers themselves
because it follows tax regulations (Pohan,
2014). Furthermore, (Sari, 2013) states that
tax avoidance is used before the issuance
of a tax assessment letter (SKP), and
taxpayers do not openly violate the law,
even though they sometimes explicitly
assess the law as being contrary to what
the lawmaker intended. 2016 (Mardiasmo)
Tax avoidance is a method of lowering
one's tax burden without breaking the law.
Google is an example of a high-profile
case of tax avoidance in Indonesia.
According to tax observer Danny
Darussalam, as quoted by detik.com,
Google purposefully did not establish a
Permanent Business Entity (BUT) because it
did not want to be subject to income tax in
Indonesia. According to the media Tirto,
Adaro diverted income and profits
overseas to reduce the amount of taxes
owed in Indonesia. According to Global
Witness, Adaro used this method by selling
new coal bricks at a low price to Coaltrade
Services International in Singapore, where
they were resold at a high price.
Furthermore, Global Witness discovered
Adaro evading US$125 million in taxes
owed to the Indonesian government.
Furthermore, in 2010, Indonesia
Corruption Watch reported fraudulent
sales by three Bakrie Group coal
companies. (Olivia & Dwimulyani, 2019)
discovered that coal companies used thin
capitalization to minimize capital. Even in
various conditions, some companies have
negative equity due to the erosion of
company losses over time. PT Bumi
Resources Tbk is aware of this (BUMI).
According to (Zherniansyah, 2013),
companies that use coal in their business
processes understandably want to manage
the risk of fluctuating coal prices.
Previous research on the variables
mentioned above, such as (Amidu et al.,
2019), indicates that transfer pricing and
earnings management have an impact on
tax avoidance in Ghana. Wang Chen (2012)
demonstrates that tax avoidance activities
motivate earnings management.
(Panjalusman Paskalis et al., 2018)
discovered that transfer pricing did not
affect tax avoidance. According to (Putri,
2014), earnings management has no
significant impact on corporate tax
aggressiveness. Furthermore, (Nadhifah &
Arif, 2020) claims that thin capitalization
affects tax aggressiveness, whereas (Olivia
& Dwimulyani, 2019) claims that thin
capitalization does not affect tax
avoidance. Finally, (Lee, 2017) discovers
that hedging affects tax avoidance,
whereas (Novianti & Firmansyah, 2020)
discovers that hedging does not affect tax
avoidance. This means that the findings of
the research on the variables listed above
still have many inconsistencies.
Literature Review
Theory of Agency
Theory of Agency A contract between
the manager and the owner in which the
owner wishes to delegate authority to the
manager is put forward in this theory.
Tax Avoidance
Tax avoidance is a valid tax avoidance
technique that does not harm taxpayers
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because it does not violate tax regulations
(Pohan, 2014). Meanwhile, (Mardiasmo,
2016) mentions it as an attempt to reduce
the tax burden while remaining within the
Transfer Pricing
(Feinschreiber, 2001) defines transfer
pricing for tax purposes as the price of
inter-company transactions made between
affiliated companies in his book Transfer
Pricing Methods. According to (Horngren,
2008), transfer pricing is the amount
charged by one organizational segment
for products supplied to other
organizational segments in multinational
Earning Management
(Fischer & Rosenzweig, 1995), also
known as earnings management, is the
behavior of managers in increasing
(decreasing) profits from units under their
authority, regardless of whether long-term
profitability is increasing or decreasing.
Thin Capitalization
Thin capitalization occurs when a
company's debt exceeds its capital (OECD,
2013). The emergence of capitalization is
inextricably linked to the distinction
between debt and capital financing.
(Hardjito, 2002) Hedging is a strategy
used to limit potential losses caused by
fluctuations in currency exchange rates
(exposure). Furthermore, (Hull, 2008)
defines positive hedging as one that
eliminates all risks.
The quantitative research method with
a descriptive approach was chosen by the
researcher (Sugiyono, 2015). The
population chosen was the coal mining
companies listed on the IDX from 2015 to
2019. Purposive sampling yielded a sample
of 16 companies. Multiple linear regression
analysis with descriptive analysis,
regression analysis mode, classical
assumption testing, and hypotheses was
For the research, 80 samples were
obtained from 16 companies. The EViews
program version 12 for Windows was used
to process written data in this thesis.
Table 1. Data Analysis
F Test (Simultaneous Effect)
Table 1 shows that the prob value (F-
statistics) was 0.0318 less than 0.05,
indicating that transfer pricing, earnings
management, thin capitalization, and
hedging all have an impact on tax
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avoidance at the same time.
Determination Coefficient
The Adjusted R-Square value was
0.083, as could be seen. This demonstrated
that transfer pricing, earnings
management, thin capitalization, and
hedging could have an 8.3% impact on tax
avoidance. This figure depicts the less
powerful influence of the four independent
variables, and there was another effect of
91.7% that might have an impact on tax
avoidance but was not investigated in this
The Influence of Transfer Pricing on Tax
The transfer pricing variable had a
significant value of 0.6427 which was
greater than 0.05. That was, transfer pricing
did not affect the tax avoidance variable.
Variable transfer pricing did not affect tax
avoidance; this could be due to the proxy's
dissimilarity to previous studies, in which
many studies only measured sales
transactions as an indicator of transfer
pricing, whereas this research used sales to
affiliates as well as other transactions
carried out by the research sample to
affiliates making use of dummy variables
(Yuniasih et al., 2012). According to (Astuti
& Aryani, 2017), transfer pricing involved
business groups because it happened
between affiliates; this was related to
agency theory. Principals who had an
interest in the company's long-term
viability and agents who carry out those
interests frequently had opposing
viewpoints. Because transfer pricing
involved multiple agents and companies,
there were various taxation interests at
stake. This finding was consistent with
studies that found transfer pricing did not
affect tax avoidance (Panjalusman Paskalis
et al., 2018), (Napitu & Kurniawan, 2016),
(Mukhtar, 2021); (Vicard, 2015), and
(Hasibuan & Gultom, 2021). Meanwhile,
this finding differed from those of (Amidu
et al., 2019) and (Eriotis et al., 2021), who
discovered that transfer pricing affects tax
avoidance. Transfer pricing has also been
found to have an impact on tax avoidance
in studies (Nadhifah & Arif, 2020); (Wijaya
& Rahayu, 2021).
The Influence of Earning Management on
Tax Avoidance
The earnings management variable
had a significant value of 0.1834 which was
greater than 0.05. As a result, earnings
management did not affect tax avoidance.
Companies use earnings management to
minimize tax obligations in the context of
taxation. Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 36 of 2008 concerning the Fourth
Amendment to Law Number 7 of 1983
concerning Income Tax, 2008 confirms that
costs can be deducted from company
profits. This is what the company will use
to manage its taxes so that they are not
excessive. However, according to this
research, coal mining companies did not
use earning management to reduce their
taxes. Earning management did not affect
tax avoidance, according to (Putri, 2014),
(Nadhifah & Arif, 2020), (Githaiga et al.,
2022), and (Wijayanti et al., 2016).
Meanwhile, these findings contradict each
other (Amidu et al., 2019). Additionally,
(Nurhandono & Firmansyah, 2017) and
(Pratama, 2020) discovered that earnings
management affects tax avoidance.
2138 | Tax Avoidance of Coal Mining Companies In Indonesia
The Influence of Thin Capitalization on Tax
The variable thin capitalization had a
significant value of 0.0101, which was less
than 0.05. That was, thin capitalization
affected the tax avoidance variable.
(Minister of Finance Regulation
169/PMK.010/2015 concerning
determining the ratio between debt and
company capital to calculate income tax,
2015) governs the composition limit of
debt and capital, stating that mining
companies are exempt from the
regulation's scope. This was what coal
mining companies could do to increase
their debt and thus their interest expense.
As a result, coal companies used thin
capitalization schemes to reduce their
taxes. Thin capitalization had a significant
impact on the level of tax avoidance (Lanis
& Richardson, 2012), (Winarto & Daito,
2021), and (Waluyo & Doktoralina, 2018).
Thin capitalization affected tax avoidance
(Andawiyah et al., 2019) and (Nadhifah &
Arif, 2020).
The Influence of Hedging on Tax
The hedging variable had a significant
value of 0.7838 which was greater than
0.05. As a result, hedging did not affect the
variable of tax avoidance. This finding was
consistent with that of (Lianty et al., 2017),
who found that hedging does not affect
tax aggressiveness. Furthermore,
(Nurhandono & Firmansyah, 2017) claimed
that hedging did not affect tax
aggressiveness. In terms of tax avoidance,
it has been discovered that the
aggressiveness of tax reporting
encourages the use of derivatives
(Donohoe, 2015). Derivatives used in this
research were those that were not used for
speculating or trading, such as those used
for hedging. In Indonesia, (Brian & Martani,
2017) shows that derivative users are more
aggressive than non-derivative users
(without comparing their goals). (Lee,
2017) investigated tax aggressiveness
through hedging and discovered a
significant positive relationship between
hedging and tax avoidance.
Transfer pricing, earnings
management, or hedging do not affect tax
avoidance. For the 2015-2019 period, coal
companies listed on the IDX used transfer
pricing not to avoid taxes, but for other
reasons that necessitated additional
investigation. Although profit is used to
determine how much tax a company
should pay, it is not used by coal
companies to avoid paying taxes. Hedging
is used to protect a company from
opportunities that may arise as a result of
changes in interest rates, currency
exchange rates, and major commodity
prices. Thin capitalization, on the other
hand, has a significant impact on tax
avoidance. Miller's theory that debt with
interest charges can be used by companies
to increase spending and affect the
amount of corporate taxes can explain this
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