JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 9, 2064 2077
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.440 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Intan Handayani
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
Administrasi Publik, FISIP, Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
e-mail: intaanhandayani@gmail.com
*Correspondence: bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
: February 24
: March 21
: April 25
Abstract: This study aims to determine public services in the field of Intercity and Interprovincial
(AKAP) Bus transportation in Terminal Kalideres between 2017-2019, considering that Kalideres
Terminal is the largest in Jakarta with more than 5,000 passengers. This large number results in still
not optimal service functions managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Agency. The
research method used a qualitative approach to find out more about public services in the field of
transportation involving informants from the management and passengers. The results showed
that with the rapid development of cities, human activities are increasingly diverse, so we need a
system that regulates the transportation system in Indonesia. The impact that arises is the
increasing intensity of human movement as labor and goods as production materials. The factor
of means and transportation greatly affects the smooth mobility of passengers and goods.
Therefore, in addition to infrastructure factors, service factors also have an important role. This
study used the snowball sampling technique, which determined informants based on previous
informants without determining the exact number by digging up information related to the
required research topic. This paper is intended to improve the quality of service and satisfaction of
Kalideres bus station service users.
Keywords: public service; satisfaction; transportation; quality service.
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One of the keys to the success of
regional development is the availability of
infrastructure that can support the
community's welfare. It can be realized if
the government provides transportation
infrastructure. The public often uses one of
the transportation services affordable by all
levels of society: bus transportation. Bus
transportation requires supporting
infrastructure in the form of a bus terminal.
Because whatever mode of transportation
is used, it will not work well if no
infrastructure supports it. Transportation
has a vital role, namely determining the
success of the development (Tan et al.,
2020) ; (Riaz et al., 2018).
Economic development according to
stages reflects the condition of
transportation. In the current setting of the
economy, transportation conditions are
very advanced. The shape of transportation
development shows the same direction or
an incredibly positive relationship.
Transportation is an essential means of
helping the economy. An area cannot stand
alone totally in meeting the needs of its
region, and the site needs other regions as
supporters connecting used is
transportation (Moody et al., 2019);
(Dietrich & Weber, 2018). Whether in the
economy, education, tourism, or culture,
regional development requires adequate
transportation services. Without
transportation as a means of support, one
cannot expect satisfactory results to
develop and improve an area (Verma et al.,
2021); (Setthasuravich & Kato, 2020);
(Marsden & Reardon, 2017).
The transportation system has the
nature of a network system where the
performance of transportation services is
strongly influenced by network integration
and integration. The terminal is part of the
transportation system and must have
quality services because the airport is one
of the critical public services supporting
economic activities. Kalideres Terminal is
one of the most significant types of A
terminals in DKI Jakarta. Kalideres Terminal
is a terminal located at the end of the West
Jakarta-Tangerang area, Banten. Kalideres
Terminal has an area of ± 3.5 Ha, which
began be built in 1983 and was
inaugurated on December 22, 1985.
Besides being a public transportation
base, Kalideres Terminal facilitates inter-city
and inter-provincial buses with about 67 PO
counters, including Sumatra and Java
counters. In a day, the departure of buses
to Java and Sumatra is around 200 buses.
With an average of 1000 passengers in one
day. In contrast to holidays or before going
home for Eid, passengers can be 2-3 times
more than usual. In addition, Kalideres
Terminal provides a rest area or canteen of
around 50 kiosks. The following chart
compares the increase in buses and
passengers in 2017 and 2019:
Fig.1: Bus/Passenger Ascension Chart, 2021
2066 | Inter-City Inter-Provincial Transportation Service at The Kalideres Bus-Station at The 2019-
Fig.2: Bus/Passenger Ascension Chart, 2022
Kalideres Bus stations are an excellent
potential for the transportation sector to
increase regional income if this potential is
developed and managed correctly. In
addition, Kalideres Terminal, considered
one of the "largest terminals" in DKI Jakarta,
needs to improve its function and role as a
"show window" for DKI Jakarta Province,
which has a high number of passengers.
Based on direct observations made by
researchers, the service problems at the
Kalideres bus terminal, which are still a
public complaint, are: 1) There are still
many PO employees (autobus companies)
who offer tickets that are not following the
desired destination of prospective
passengers (ticket brokers), offering
impolite attitudes that seem to be pushy; 2)
Crime rates such as pickpocketing,
coercion, and hypnosis are still relatively
high; 3) The waiting room area is
open and uncomfortable due to the lack of
cleanliness in the waiting room seat area,
cigarette smoke, vehicle noise, and
pollution from bus vehicle fumes; 4) The
location of the arrival path or the arrival
path is still too far from the waiting room
area, and the lack of signs and information
boards on the arrival path makes people
confused when they want to continue their
journey; 5) The manual information board
containing the bus departure schedule
does not match the actual situation, which
results in the accumulation of passengers
with specific destinations. 6) The
breastfeeding room facilities are not
representative enough to make
breastfeeding mothers uncomfortable with
the terminal atmosphere. 7) There are still a
few bus ticket-price information boards
installed at the counter. It makes it more
accessible for brokers to take advantage of
the situation, especially during the
“Lebaran” and New Year transportation
It has become the role of the
Transportation Service, the Road Transport
Terminal Management Unit, which must be
able to meet the community's demands in
carrying out public services. One example
of public service is the creation of service
innovations that focus on efforts to
increase passenger satisfaction.
As a provider of public services needed
by the community, the government must
be responsible and continue to strive to
provide the best service for the sake of
improving public services (Adjat et al.,
2020); (Mutiarin et al., 2019); (Lee, 2018);
(Wijaya, 2018). Every problem must have a
connecting theoretical basis to strengthen
the problem. Therefore, the author will
present several theories to help the process
of solving research problems related to
public services, especially government
services in bus transportation at the
terminal (Vickers, 2017); (McKenzie, 2020).
Public services are defined as a series
of activities carried out by the public
bureaucracy to meet users' needs. The
users in question are citizens who need
public services. Zeithaml et al. in (Engdaw,
2020) argue that consumer expectations for
service quality are greatly influenced by the
Intan Handayani
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
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information obtained by word of mouth,
consumers' needs, and past experiences in
consuming a product. Because they know
the quality of service that consumers feel.
Provide an indicator of a measure of
customer satisfaction, which lies in 5 (five)
dimensions of service quality: 1) Tangibles,
namely services in physical office facilities,
computerized administration, waiting
rooms, information centers, and so on,
must be reliable; 2) Reliability, namely the
ability, and reliability to provide services
that reliable and accurate. Performance
must be following customer expectations
and without error; 3) Responsiveness,
namely the ability to help and provide
services quickly and accurately. And
responsive to consumer desires; 4)
Assurance, namely the ability and
friendliness, and courtesy of employees to
ensure consumer confidence; 5) Empathy;
the firm but attentive attitude of employees
towards consumers to understand
consumer desires. Public service is the
provision by the government. On behalf of
the government, the private sector, and the
community, payment to interests
(Aminudin, 2019 ; (Irtema et al., 2018).
Public service is an activity carried out
by a person or group of people based on
factors through specific systems,
procedures, and methods to fulfill the
interests of others following their rights
(Chan et al., 2020); Aminudin, 2019;
Fajarwati, 2018). The essence of public
service is the provision of excellent service
to the community, which embodies the
obligations of government officials as
public servants. From some of the opinions
expressed by the experts mentioned above,
it can be concluded that the notion of
public service is all public service activities
carried out by government institutions or
agencies in the form of goods or services
to meet the community's needs with
excellent service. And the emphasis of the
notion of public service is on the process of
achieving goals. It is said to be a perfect
service if the goals or objectives are
performed according to the plan and have
the expected or desired effect or impact.
Because the service apparatus does not
have the slightest reason not to be oriented
to total customer satisfaction, even
customer satisfaction can be used as a
barometer to measure service success. To
achieve this, the government should not
evade the principle of service carried out
wholeheartedly. So, the authors are
interested in using the theory of Zeithaml
et al. as an indicator to measure inter-city
bus transportation services between
provinces, the Department of
Transportation at Kalideres Terminal.
In the business world, it is not just the
product/service that matters. In terms of
business, quality is considered a way to
retain customers. Quality means that
companies must meet customer
expectations and satisfy their needs. The
meaning of service is a service process
resulting from four input processes: people
processing (consumer), possession
processing, mental stimulus processing,
and information processing. As a system,
the service business is a service operating
system, service delivery system, and service
marketing system. Where service
marketing delivery systems, namely how a
company delivers services to consumers.
Quality is a dynamic condition associated
with products, services, people, processes,
2068 | Inter-City Inter-Provincial Transportation Service at The Kalideres Bus-Station at The 2019-
and environments that meet or exceed
expectations (Graves et al., 2019); (Xue et
al., 2018); (Pratiwi et al., 2018)
According to (Avianto & Oktaviani,
2020) quality is how to find out what
creates value for consumers, and
companies must provide that value.
Therefore, service quality must receive
serious attention from the management of
service organizations. To determine the
quality of service to be achieved by a
service organization, the organization must
first have a clear goal. The definition of
service quality may differ but specifically
includes matters in determining whether
the perceived service meets customer
expectations. Customers judge service
quality based on their perception of the
technical results provided, which is how
delivered results. Service is the process of
meeting needs through the activities of
others directly. There are two types of
services needed by humans. Namely,
physical services are personal as humans
and administrative services are provided by
other people as members of the
organization, be it mass or state
The research approach used in this
research is to use a qualitative approach.
The selection of informants as data sources
in this study is based on the principle of
subjects who master the problem, have
data and are willing to provide complete
and accurate information (Gill, 2020).
Informants who act as data sources and
information must meet the requirements.
Critical informants in this study are the
relevant authorities or policymakers and
stakeholders from the Kalideres Terminal
Transportation Service. Data collection
techniques used in this study consisted of:
a) Primary data, namely data collection
techniques using observations and
interviews conducted on 100
b) Secondary Data, namely data obtained
from literature review sources,
electronic media, relevant journals, and
c) Documentation Data in the form of
photos of activities, official reports,
minutes of meeting results and
decision letters, and other related
The data analysis technique used in this
study was descriptive analysis which was
carried out to identify the excellent service
quality of Kalideres Terminal. The data
analysis process begins by examining all
available data from various sources, namely
through observation, interviews, and
Data analysis in qualitative research is
carried out before entering the field,
during, and after completion in the area.
The technique of checking the validity of
the data in this study is the triangulation
technique. This study uses three kinds of
triangulation. Firstly, triangulation of data
sources in the form of information from
places, events, and documents and archives
containing notes related to the data in
question. Second, triangulation techniques
or methods of collecting data from
interviews, observations, and documents.
Third, concluding. The initial conclusions
put forward are still temporary and will
change if no substantial evidence is found
Intan Handayani
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
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to support the next stage of data collection.
However, suppose the findings raised early
are supported by valid and consistent
evidence when the researcher returns to
the field to collect data. In that case, the
conclusions put forward are credible. Data
analysis in this study was carried out
through three activities that co-occurred,
namely data reduction, data presentation,
and drawing conclusions or verification.
Qualitative data analysis is an ongoing,
iterative, and continuous effort. The
problem of data reduction, data
presentation, and the conclusion is a series
of analytical activities that follow one
another ((Guerra & Pazey, 2016) &
Onwuegbuzie 2019; (Kalpokaite &
Radivojevic, 2018).
To measure public services, there are 5
(five) indicators or measures to see public
services, namely tangibles; reliability;
responsiveness; assurance, and empathy. In
this case, the author uses these five
indicators as a measure in the study to
determine the inter-city inter-provincial bus
transportation services at Kalideres
The form of services in the form of
office physical facilities, computerized
administration, waiting rooms, information
centers, and so on must be reliable. In
tangibles indicators, it can be seen from the
start of computerized administrative
infrastructure, facilities such as waiting
rooms, counters, and so on. And, the
physical appearance of the officer is also
determined. In this dimension, the author
uses interview techniques to find out how
the service itself is. Based on the results of
interviews, we know that the form of
infrastructure is not sufficient, renewal or
renovation to support terminal services
cannot be carried out independently,
overall renewal must follow the procedures
of the related management unit, but
maintenance is carried out independently.
“One of the supporting modes of
transportation for intercity bus services
between provinces is the terminal. So
infrastructure is critical to support services
to passengers. And we always try to
prepare the best possible infrastructure,
starting from administrative office
administration for the administrative
purposes of bus services companies,
namely counters, kiosks, and toilets. And
we also prioritize terminal service users
such as waiting rooms, restrooms, and
nursing mothers' rooms. In addition, we
have a particular room for information
services to make it easier for passengers to
travel from Kalideres Terminal. We need to
admit that the building that stands as
Kalideres Terminal is an old building, so
weathered buildings need to be renovated
or renewed. We cannot continue these
services independently because we must
follow the complete renewal of the related
units. However, for the maintenance of
infrastructure facilities, we do it alone.
However, under the auspices of the
Department of Transportation, the Road
Transport Terminal Management Unit
continues to provide progressive efforts for
development every year. Every year, it
experiences a progressive increase to
support the satisfaction of terminal service
2070 | Inter-City Inter-Provincial Transportation Service at The Kalideres Bus-Station at The 2019-
users. In addition, the physical appearance
of members or officers is significant, and we
continue to urge to always maintain the
arrival of our officers to look good. So far,
these services have been quite helpful for
terminal service users, and of course, we
never give up and are always eager to
maintain and try to improve it to improve
the quality of the services we provide”
(Interview results, 2021)
“My experience at Kalideres Terminal is
decades old, so developments regarding
infrastructure development at Kalideres
Terminal are currently experiencing
significant changes from the past. Now, we
are facilitated by the existence of
administrative services that are more
concise and faster. The large passenger
waiting room makes it easier for
passengers to rest while waiting for the bus
to arrive. Clean toilets and breastfeeding
rooms are available. The Customer Service
room is also located in front of the counter.
In conclusion, I feel that the terminal
infrastructure is quite good. And
appearance is also considered quite good.
(Interview results, 2021)
As a service provider for bus companies at
the Kalideres terminal, we are quite
satisfied because currently administrative
services are easier and we can pay levy
taxes online, meaning we no longer need to
queue and wait at the office. The
infrastructure in the field is quite good,
especially since there are quite a lot of
Budiman passengers, we are provided with
sufficient bus parking facilities, and our
passengers are given easy access. The
appearance of the officer is considered
quite neat” (Interview results, 2021)
Based on the results of the interviews
above, it can be concluded that the physical
form of the infrastructure at Kalideres
Terminal is said to be quite good. Because
it has the necessary supporting facilities
such as waiting rooms, toilets, customer
service rooms, and breastfeeding rooms
and can be accessed easily. And also, the
appearance of the officer is considered
quite neat in duty.
Thus, this facility is used as a step to
increase passenger satisfaction and provide
a sense of comfort to users of terminal
services or the public. After the author
made direct observations, it can be
concluded that the form of the Kalideres
Terminal service facilities is quite
representative. It's just that there is a need
for additional waiting rooms and additional
space for the counter so that it is sufficient
for passenger capacity so that terminal
services will be better in the future (Gaulė
& Jovarauskienė, 2022).
Measuring the indicator reliability
because a good service can be supported
by accuracy, professionalism, and the ability
of officers who can be relied on in providing
services immediately, quickly, and
responsively. Reliability here aims to
improve the quality of service excellently.
Based on the interviews above, it
concluded the aspect of trustworthiness or
reliability of officers in providing services is
not running optimally. The Kalideres
Terminal service unit head with the
Kalideres terminal service officer has tried
to run according to terminal service
standards. Still, the impact has not been felt
Intan Handayani
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
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by terminal service users because the
terminal, as one of the providers of land
transportation services, is still left behind
with other transportation even though
buses are called the people's favorite
affordable option. It needs a lot of service
innovations such as online services for
ticket purchases, information on departure
and arrival times, and online criticism. After
the author made direct observations, the
writer could find out that the reliability or
reliability of terminal service officers was
still not running at maximum because care
is still needed to add innovative products to
increase passenger comfort.
“Regarding the reliability of our service, we
always strive to provide excellent service to
users of terminal services, and we carry out
benefits according to service standards as
stipulated by the DKI Jakarta provincial
government. We have additional customer
service officers who are focused on services
and complaints from users of terminal
services. And we continue to try to balance
the needs of users of terminal services
where there is a public stigma that lands
transportation services, especially
terminals, are felt to be left behind
compared to other transportation services.
But we will continue to strive to provide the
best service. Supported by qualified human
resources, we believe that they can work
and reduce and evaluate complaints
submitted by users of terminal services”
(Interview results, 2021).
“We can now serve users of terminal
services by continuing to innovate services;
if users of terminal services have not felt the
full benefit from us, we strive for
continuous evaluation, and we will not be
complacent and continue to do what is
needed. Best, the most important thing is
that we do it according to service standards
or following Standard Operating
Procedures.” (Interview results, 2021)
The Kalideres Terminal officers' services
greatly help us because we are given the
convenience of operating at the Kalideres
Terminal. And also, our prospective
passengers are given full service related to
complaints that occur. The unfortunate
thing is that there may be a limited number
of members. If members are added or
become more, can this service do better?
As bus service providers, we are given good
service by terminal service officers.
Likewise, we always provide the best service
to our prospective passengers. And I think
the officers have offered full service.
(Interview results, 2021)
Based on the interviews above,
officers' reliability in providing services is
not running optimally. The Kalideres
Terminal service unit head with the
Kalideres terminal service officer has tried
to run according to terminal service
standards. Still, terminal service users have
not felt the impact because the terminal, as
one of the providers of land transportation
services, is still left behind with other
transportation even though buses are
called the people's favorite affordable
option. Then we need a lot of service
innovations such as online services for
ticket purchases, information on departure
and arrival times, and submitting criticism
online (Engdaw, 2020).
2072 | Inter-City Inter-Provincial Transportation Service at The Kalideres Bus-Station at The 2019-
The next indicator of public service is
responsiveness or responsiveness of
service quickly and responsively where the
purpose of this indicator is as human nature
is generally happy when noticed, served
quickly and concisely this responsiveness
measures the extent to which service
personnel can be willing to help or the
desire to assist and provide prompt and
responsive service in dealing with problems
or complaints.
"We are indeed in the service of how our
officers can provide prompt and responsive
service. We always hope to give the
appropriate expectations even more. The
quality of human resources has been
ensured to be adequate because, from the
recruitment process, the central
government only accepts those who meet
the criteria needed such as young age and
strata one education level which is
expected to provide a new face and
enthusiasm in public service. And we will
continue to work to change the stigma of
terminal service users who were once
terrible now providing satisfactory service.
However, there are still some obstacles in
the field such as rampant criminality such
as pickpocketing in the terminal
environment, we coordinate with the local
police post for follow-up. However, this is a
challenge for us to continue to provide
maximum service." (Interview results, 2021)
"We are doing this to be responsive, one of
which is by continuing to appeal through
loudspeakers by our officers that we always
provide services and respond 24 hours to
complaints and complaints that occur.
What is PR may be our limitations in
reducing crimes or criminal acts that are
beyond our control, but we always provide
excellent service for terminal service users."
(Interview results, 2021)
"As a large bus company that has been
established for a long time, responsiveness
is always given to our customers as
evidenced by our loyal customers and
always entrusting their journey to us, surely
we prioritize fast and responsive service not
forgetting the support from the service
personnel from Department of
Transportation who help our customers
well" (Interview results, 2021)
Based on the interviews above,
officers' reliability in providing services is
not running optimally. The Kalideres
Terminal service unit head with the
Kalideres terminal service officer has tried
to run according to terminal service
standards. Still, terminal service users have
not felt the impact because the terminal, as
one of the providers of land transportation
services, is still left behind with other
transportation even though buses are
called the people's favorite affordable
option. Then we need a lot of service
innovations such as online services for
ticket purchases, information on departure
and arrival times, and submitting criticism
online (Kwon et al., 2019).
The following public service indicator
is responsiveness or responsiveness of
service quickly and responsively. The
purpose of this indicator is that human
nature is generally happy to be noticed,
and served rapidly and briefly. Assist and
provide prompt and responsive service in
Intan Handayani
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
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dealing with problems or complaints.
"Our focus is indeed on service
responsiveness, how our officers can
provide fast and responsive service. We
always hope to be able to meet
expectations even more. The quality of
human resources has been ensured to be
adequate. From the recruitment process,
the central government only accepts those
who meet the required criteria, such as
young age and a bachelor's degree
education level, which is expected to give a
new face and enthusiasm in public services.
And we will continue to try to change the
stigma of terminal service users who used
to be terrible and now provide satisfying
services. However, there are still some
obstacles in the field, such as rampant
crime, such as pickpocketing in the terminal
environment, which we coordinate with the
local postal police for further action.
However, this is a challenge for us to
continue to provide full service." (Interview
results, 2021).
"The way we do it to be responsive is of
them by continuously urging through
loudspeakers by our officers that we always
provide service and respond 24 hours to
complaints and complaints that occur.
What becomes PR may be our limitations in
reducing crime or criminal acts that are
beyond our control, but we always provide
excellent service for users of terminal
"As a large bus company that has been
around for a long time, responsiveness and
evidenced by our loyal and loyal customers,
who always entrust their journeys to us. We
prioritize fast and responsive service, not
forgetting the support from the service
officers from the Transportation Agency
who help our customers well." (Interview
results, 2021).
Standard SOP is enforced if the bus
company is found to have an element of
fraud; it will be dealt with firmly according
to the procedure. That is what worries us as
users of terminal services where we want to
be given a specific time, but it doesn't feel
like it's going well. There are still many acts
of brokering and thuggery at the Kalideres
terminal so sometimes there is an element
of coercion and fraud. The hope is that it
can be overhauled for the counter and
ticket system. Not to mention we are often
faced with ticket brokers who are pushy and
make us uncomfortable. And, when the
Lebaran transportation season and
Christmas and New Year's transportation
arrives, ticket prices can soar up to 100%.
The hope is that there will be certainty in
the guarantee of time and cost in service.
To guarantee cost certainty, it seems that
several bus companies have implemented
it, but there are still many that have not
implemented it. And for the confidence of
the arrival time, sometimes there are still
many that are not appropriate. Still, it is
understandable because bus
transportation, however, cannot guarantee
on time because of the many obstacles on
the road, such as traffic jams, which cannot
be denied.(Interview results, 2021).
Based on the interview, we can
conclude that this assurance indicator has
not worked as it should because there is no
time guarantee in bus services where
terminal service users need a time deposit.
Likewise, with the promise of ticket costs, at
2074 | Inter-City Inter-Provincial Transportation Service at The Kalideres Bus-Station at The 2019-
certain times, ticket prices soar up to 100%
without prior information. Terminal service
users hope to continue to be improved,
especially in terms of providing time and
cost guarantees. Based on the direct
observation that the author made, it can be
concluded that the assurance indicators are
still not working correctly. The community
is in dire need of timely guarantees and
guarantees of cost certainty. Because bus
transportation is one of the transportation
that reaches all circles, it needs a lot of
innovation in doing a service (Allen et al.,
Empathy is an essential dimension in
public service indicators. In other words,
empathy means the human ability to
respond to the wishes of others that are not
expressed verbally. In contrast to sympathy,
if sympathy focuses on behavior that we
think is good, then empathy is an attitude
that other people want us to do. If
sympathy usually stops with compassion,
empathy will lead to helping. Confirming
the extent of empathy for service officers to
provide word bus transportation services at
Kalideres Terminal following the results of
the interview:
“Performing public services must be
accompanied by a sense of empathy for
customers. Just as human nature wants to
be served, we must provide the best service
by using the side of kindness. Although
compassion comes from a personal heart,
we always try to instruct our officers not to
discriminate against all terminal service
users. So far, I think the officers have done
what they should. Not indiscriminately and
prioritizing disabilities. We provide
exceptional services for people with
disabilities. In addition, we cooperate with
Social Services and the Police, and if we find
abandoned people, we will help them
return to their hometowns with free tickets.
Likewise with health, we are overly
concerned about the health of users of
terminal services. We try to respond quickly
to bring in a doctor or an ambulance from
a hospital around here if needed at any
time. We do not discriminate against
people in need. We continue to strive to
protect all levels of society and make it
easier for people, especially people with
disabilities, to access this bus mode of
transportation". (Interview results, 2021).
“Empathy starts from oneself, but we are
trying to appeal to our officers to swiftly
help terminal service users with special
needs directly directed and assisted as
much as possible by prioritizing to make it
easier” (Interview results, 2021).
Although overall it is not perfect, the
officers, especially field officers,
continuously monitor people who need
more help. For example, for mothers who
are before feeding, we direct them to the
breastfeeding room available at our
terminal. Likewise with the health of users
of our terminal services, if they are found to
be sick and need more health services, we
aid provided by the hospital around here”
(Interview results, 2021).
The officers were quite empathetic, and we
were assisted to be directed to the bus
company that was following our wishes,
especially assisted for the elderly, pregnant
women, and the disabled. Hopefully, in the
future, we can maintain it. (Interview
Intan Handayani
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
| 2075
results, 2021).
Based on the results of the interviews
above, the empathy aspect in the word bus
service at Kalideres Terminal has been
running as it should even though it is not
optimal. Due to the limited number of
officers, it is difficult to serve as a whole; the
officers always strive to make services
accessible to the public, especially the
elderly and pregnant women, and persons
with disabilities.
Based on the direct observations that
the author created. The services provided
are sufficient to give a sense of empathy to
users of terminal services. Persons with
disabilities are assisted and explicitly
offered as well as pregnant and
breastfeeding women are given a particular
room (Setiawan, 2021) ; (Avianto &
Oktaviani, 2020).
Inter-city bus transportation between
provinces at the Kalideres Terminal
Transportation Service has not been
running well. From the five indicators used
to assess public services, we have seen that
two hands are good while three are not.
The first indicator, namely tangibles or
physical form, has been going well because
Kalideres Terminal already has
representative facilities.
Kalideres Terminal has the facilities and
infrastructure needed by users of terminal
services. Several renovations have been
carried out so that the terminal's
maintenance will be well controlled.
Likewise, the physical appearance of the
officers is considered neat, and continues
to strive to maintain and even improve
services to increase the satisfaction of users
of terminal services. The second indicator,
namely reliability, concluded that it was not
good enough because this was related to
the reliability or performance of the officers
themselves. Information services are still
slow, and the number of officers is
inadequate, so it is considered not able to
achieve this reliability indicator.
The third indicator, namely
responsiveness, is also still regarded as
average or less effective. Human nature
that wants to be served quickly and
responsively is a strong community
demand in providing services. However,
Kalideres Terminal officers always try to
improve the quality of service better. The
fourth indicator is assurance or assurance
on time and service costs. For now, the
guarantee on time and cost guarantee are
still not good. Due to the difficulty of the
bus transportation mode, which has many
obstacles on the road, such as traffic jams
that cannot be denied, it cannot guarantee
the punctuality of the bus's arrival. And, to
ensure the cost or the bus fare itself is
considered not yet stable. Because it can
jump when certain seasons increase,
soaring to reach 100%, the fifth indicator,
namely empathy or empathy, is currently
good because users of terminal services
feel that they are good and are served
without discrimination. And for people with
special needs or disabilities, more attention
is paid to accessing terminal services.
Likewise, the elderly and nursing mothers
are given unique rooms according to their
needs. Results explained: the Inter-City
Inter-Provincial Bus Transportation Service
at the Kalideres Terminal Transportation
Service is still not fully optimized.
2076 | Inter-City Inter-Provincial Transportation Service at The Kalideres Bus-Station at The 2019-
Seen from several aspects that become
the author's reference to assess the service,
there are deficiencies in the dimensions of
reliability, responsiveness, and assurance
which are still not satisfactory.
Improvements are still needed in these
aspects so that bus transportation services
at Kalideres Terminal can be optimal. In
contrast, what is acceptable is the tangible
dimension and empathy.
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