JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 9, 1943 1952
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.439 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Wahyuddin Hamid
St Haniah
Faculty of education sociology Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University, UM Bulukumba
Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty of education sociology Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Unismuh
Makassar, Indonesia
e-mail: wahyuddinhamid[email protected], dr.hani1968@gmail.com, nursalam.h@unismuh.ac.id
*Correspondence: wahyuddinhamid[email protected]
: March 11
: April 10
: April 18
Abstract: This research was conducted at the DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng Islamic Boarding School
and the Nurus Izzah Bantaeng Integrated Islamic School. This type of research is descriptive
qualitative with a total of 16 informants from two schools. This study aims to see how far the
government's efforts are in implementing education so that it is relevant by the 4.0 era. This
evaluation will be carried out on the school's vision and mission, implementation of learning, and
planting character education in students. The results of the study show that the relevance of
education to religious-based Islamic boarding schools and the general public in the 4.0 era has
quite a few pros and cons. Where some people's perceptions see that the 4.0 era requires a moral
foundation and religious values which are increasingly being eroded by cultural acculturation both
from within the country and from abroad. However, the curriculum in education at Islamic boarding
schools, which incidentally focuses on religious learning, is considered by some people to be less
relevant to current conditions. Whereas the digitalis-based 4.0 era is seen as less capable of making
students ready to face the world of classroom work. In contrast to public schools which are
considered to be abreast of current technological developments, they also face obstacles in
filtering students so they don't fully consume information that is considered too fast and this then
has an impact on the development of children's learning competencies.
Keywords: Perception; Islamic Boarding School; Public School.
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In general, the implementation of
education in public schools and Islamic
boarding schools is still relevant to current
developments, but of course, several
aspects need to be improved to keep up
with changing times and the demands of
society's needs. In the digital era like now,
educational institutions need to strengthen
aspects of information and communication
technology (ICT) in the teaching and
learning process. Public schools and Islamic
boarding schools also need to develop
curricula that can equip students with skills
and knowledge relevant to the increasingly
complex and dynamic needs of the world of
In addition, education must also cover
aspects that are not only focused on
academic knowledge, but also pay
attention to character development and
student soft skills such as social skills,
creativity, and leadership. This can help
students prepare to face the challenges of
an increasingly diverse and complex world.
The application of learning in public
schools involves several factors, including
(1) the curriculum, which is required to be
followed by all public schools. At every
educational level, students must be taught
the topics that are included in this
curriculum. Additionally, public schools can
create new courses to enhance student
learning. (2) Learning Techniques: There are
many different learning techniques used in
public institutions, including lectures,
discussions, questions and responses,
presentations, and hands-on practice.
Utilizing various teaching strategies
enables students to comprehend the
material more simply and by their
individual learning preferences. The
application of learning in public schools
involves several factors, including (1) the
curriculum, which is required to be followed
by all public schools. At every educational
level, students must be taught the topics
that are included in this curriculum.
Additionally, public schools can create new
courses to enhance student learning. (2)
Learning Techniques: There are many
different learning techniques used in public
institutions, including lectures, discussions,
questions and responses, presentations,
and hands-on practice. Utilizing various
teaching strategies enables students to
comprehend the material more simply and
by their individual learning preferences.
Whereas specifically Islamic boarding
schools, in addition to religious learning
which is the core of the institution, Islamic
boarding schools also develop learning
similar to that carried out in public schools.
Where pesantren also pays attention to
learning skills relevant to the world of work
and the economy so that Pesantren can
facilitate their students to be ready to face
challenges in the world of work.
Thus, the implementation of education
in public schools and Islamic boarding
schools needs to continue to be developed
and adapted to the times and the needs of
the community so that they can make the
maximum contribution to the advancement
of education and national development. In
this case, this research was conducted to
see the relevance of the education system
implemented at the DDI Mattoanging
Bantaeng Islamic Boarding School and
Nurus Izzah Bantaeng Integrated Islamic
School in terms of developments in the 4.0
1945 | Relevance of Education To Boarding Schools and Public Schools In The 4.0 Era
Literature Review
Islamic Boarding School
In language, pesantren comes from the
word santri with the prefix pe- and the
suffix -an which means the place where the
santri live. The word santri itself, according
to C. C Berg, comes from the Indian
language, Shastri, that is, a person who
knows the holy books of Hinduism or a
scholar who is an expert on Hindu religious
scriptures. Meanwhile, A.H. John
mentioned that the term santri comes from
the Tamil language which means the
teacher recites (Walgito, 2019).
Nurcholish Madjid also has a different
opinion. In his view, the origin of the word
"santri" can be seen from two opinions.
First, the opinion that "santri" comes from
the word "santri", a word from Sanskrit that
means literacy. This opinion according to
Nurcholish Madjid is based on literary class
students for Javanese people who are
trying to deepen religion through books
written in Arabic and Arabic. Second, the
opinion that the word santri comes from
the Javanese language, from the word
"centric" means someone who always
follows a teacher where this teacher goes
to live (Babun, 2011).
As diverse as the origins of the word
santri, the definitions of pesantren put
forward by experts also vary. Abdur
Rahman Wahid defines pesantren as a
place where students live. Mastuhu
provides the limitation that Islamic
boarding schools are traditional Islamic
educational institutions to study,
understand, live, and practice Islamic
teachings by emphasizing the importance
of religious morality as a guideline for daily
Rabithah Ma'hadi Islamiyah (RMI)
defines Islamic boarding schools as
tafaquh-finding institutions whose mission
is to continue the message of Muhammad
SAW while preserving Islamic teachings
that are Ahlusunnah wal Jama'ah in the
style of Tariqoh al-Madzahib al-Arba'ah.
Soegarda Poerbakatwatja quoted by Haidar
Putra Daulay said that pesantren comes
from the word santri, namely someone who
studies Islam so that pesantren means a
place where people gather to study Islam.
(M. Arifin., 2020) defines a pesantren as
an Islamic educational institution that
grows and is recognized by the
surrounding community, with a boarding
system (complex) where students receive
religious education through a recitation
system or madrasah which is fully under the
sovereignty of one or several kai with
characteristics that are charismatic and
independent in all respects.
The Islamic Research Institute (Pondok
Pesantren Luhur) defines a pesantren as a
place available for students to receive
Islamic religious lessons as well as a place
to gather and live (Mujamil Qomar, 2018).
Sudjoko Prasojdo defines pesantren as
educational and religious teaching
institutions, generally in a non-classical way
where a kyai or ustadz teaches Islamic
religious knowledge to students based on
books written in Arabic by medieval ulema
and the students generally live in
dormitories. the boarding school.
Zamakhsyari Dhofier in his book entitled
Pondok Pesantren Traditions defines
Islamic boarding schools as traditional
Islamic educational institutions to study,
Wahyuddin Hamid
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understand, live, and practice Islamic
teachings by emphasizing the importance
of religious morals as guidelines for daily
behavior (Zamakhsyari Dhofier, 2018).
The traditional understanding within
these limits shows that this institution has
existed for hundreds of years and has
become a deep part of the life system of
most Indonesian Muslims (Babun, 2011).
Apart from the differences of opinion
above, what is clear is that the pesantren is
the institution that most determine the
Islamic character of the Islamic kingdoms
and which plays the most important role in
the spread of Islam to remote areas.
Islamic boarding schools are schools
that combine public schools with Islamic
boarding schools (boarding schools that
are thick with religious education). In
Islamic boarding schools, students will live
in dormitories for quite a long time. Not
only religious knowledge is taught in
Islamic boarding schools, but general
knowledge will also be taught there. Islamic
boarding schools are schools with a very
complete package of knowledge "You can
get religious knowledge, you can also get
general knowledge”.
From the lengthy description above, it
can be concluded that the meaning of
pesantren is an educational and religious
institution that seeks to preserve, teach and
spread Islamic teachings and train students
to be ready and able to be independent or
it can also be taken in its basic sense as a
place where students study at a kyai to
deepen/gain knowledge, especially
religious knowledge which is expected to
later become a provision for santri in facing
life in the world and the hereafter.
Educational Theory
1. Theory of Behaviorism
The theory of Behaviorism is a
learning theory that places more
emphasis on human behavior, viewing
individuals as reactive beings who
respond to the environment, experience,
and maintenance that will shape their
behavior. According to this learning
theory is a behavior change, what is
given by the teacher (stimulus) and what
is produced by students (response).
The characteristics of the theory are
prioritizing the elements of small parts,
being mechanistic, emphasizing the role
of the environment, emphasizing the
formation of a reaction or response,
emphasizing the importance of training,
and emphasizing the mechanism of
learning outcomes obtained in the
appearance of the desired behavior.
Since education is a behavior change,
the teacher's role is to create an effective
and efficient learning environment.
Based on the explanation of the
theory above, researchers can conclude
that learning theory emphasizes human
behavior that responds to the
environment and experiences that
shape their behavior, a student's
behavior is determined from the
response given to the stimulus obtained
in terms of students being able to get a
stimulus from the teacher and respond
to it so that students' social behavior can
be formed through the stimulus
obtained at school.
In line with this, we can prove the
title of public perception of Islamic
boarding schools and public schools in
the North Podbangkeng sub-district,
1947 | Relevance of Education To Boarding Schools and Public Schools In The 4.0 Era
Takalar district, with the theory of
behaviorism education, we describe
public school students, of course, their
stimulus and response are different.
Teachers in Islamic boarding schools
have differences in teaching and
educating so the responses given by
students will also be different, of course,
this will affect changes in student
behavior so that there are differences or
2. Structural Conflict
Ralf Dahrendorf's view in the
(Damsar. Dahrendorf, 2015) introductory
Sociology of Education book is that the
structural theory of conflict explains how
structures have conflict, Structural
Conflict theory sees that each structure
has different elements. These different
elements have different motives, aims,
objectives, and interests. These
differences contribute to disintegration,
conflict, and division.
Based on the explanation of the
theory above, the researcher can
conclude that each structure has a
purpose, a different purpose. In line with
this, we can prove the Title Community
Perceptions of Islamic Boarding Schools
and Schools with the structural theory of
conflict, we describe pesantren as an
educational and religious institution that
tries to preserve, teach and spread
Islamic teachings as well as train
students to be ready and able to be
independent or it can also be taken in its
basic sense as a place where students
study with a kyai to deepen/gain
knowledge, especially religious
knowledge which is expected to later
become provision for students in facing
life in this world and the hereafter.
Whereas in public schools an institution
or building for learning and teaching as
well as a place to receive and give
lessons (According to its level, schools
are divided into: Elementary Schools,
Junior High Schools, and High Schools).
This type of qualitative descriptive
research. The selection of informants was
carried out using purposive sampling
namely; withdrawal of informants that is
done deliberately with certain criteria.
There were 6 informants. The research
instrument was an interview guide, as well
as documentation records to support this
research. In this study, researchers used the
concept provided by Miles and (Huberman
& Miles, 1984), suggesting that activities in
qualitative data analysis are carried out
interactively and take place continuously
until complete. Activities in data analysis
are data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing/verification.
After the researchers made
observations and interviews, this chapter
will present the results of the research that
has been obtained regarding people's
perceptions of Islamic boarding schools
and public schools. To discuss research
findings regarding public perceptions of
Islamic boarding schools and public
schools, the author will try to present them
in stages. Based on the interview data,
indicates that people's views on Islamic
boarding schools and public schools vary
Wahyuddin Hamid
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widely. As mentioned in the theoretical
study, people will always interact with other
people around them, so this relationship
will give rise to certain perceptions, views,
opinions, and even attitudes. To present the
public's view of Islamic boarding schools
and public schools, the author will try to
present them in detail as follows:
1. Public Perception of DDI Mattoanging
Bantaeng Islamic Boarding School and
Nurus Izzah Bantaeng Integrated Islamic
Education is expected to be able to
improve the quality of human resources
and produce optimal products, as well as
increase the social status of the nation's
society which needs to be managed,
regulated, and empowered to produce
optimal products.
As we know, school as an educational
institution which is a place where the
educational process is carried out has a
complex and dynamic system. In school
activities, it is not just a gathering place for
teachers and students, but schools are a
complex and interrelated system.
Therefore, the school is seen as an
organization that requires management. In
other words, the school as an institution
where education is provided is a system
that has various devices and elements that
are interrelated and require internal
empowerment. The school has a set of
teachers, students, curriculum, and
infrastructure. Schools need accurate
management and quality human resources
to provide optimal results by the demands
and needs of all interested parties to make
quality students or produce competent
human resources in all fields and be able to
continue their education at a higher level
and got a good rating.
Based on research results obtained
from interviews and research
documentation by the author regarding the
disparity in public perceptions regarding
Islamic boarding school education and the
general public, it shows that there are
different views. Where this shows that the
views on Islamic-based schools or Islamic
boarding schools are assessed by the
community that Islamic boarding schools
play a very important role in their lives.
Because according to them, Islamic
boarding schools are religious institutions
that must provide religious knowledge as a
way of life for society and people living in
this world are not only materialistic, but
living people need spirituality for peace of
mind. According to them, there is no
guarantee that people with high incomes
will have a peaceful life. However, it is
different from parents who are of the view
that the current incident makes parents
doubt Islamic boarding schools because
several incidents of radical actors and
religious fanatics have the appearance and
status of dropping out of one of the Islamic
boarding schools.
As expressed by one of the informants
who supports Islamic boarding schools for
their children, explaining that IA:
"If I want, there are many advantages
to being in a pesantren, for example
after I send my child there, I can also
preach, give lectures, become an
imam, usually I also get a monthly
contract during Ramadan. in the
village., but the most important thing
for me is to be a dutiful son to his
1949 | Relevance of Education To Boarding Schools and Public Schools In The 4.0 Era
It is quite different from parents who
support their children's education in
public schools explaining that:
"Education is very important because
education can grow a good
personality if schools also proclaim
Pancasila education unless it leads to
an understanding that later children
will become fanatics"
The various opinions from the results
of interviews with informants indicate that
there is a conflict structure in the views of
the community regarding Islamic boarding
schools and public schools. According to
(Dahrendorf, 2019) that the structural
theory of conflict explains how structures
have conflict, the Structural Conflict theory
sees that each structure has a variety of
different elements. These different
elements have different motives, aims,
objectives, and interests. These differences
contribute to the occurrence of
disintegration, conflict, and division.
This is shown from the results of
interviews with researchers by the different
perceptions of the community in assessing
Islamic boarding schools and public
schools from various points of view, both
from education, economic background,
and the community environment.
Meanwhile, the opinion of the public
regarding public schools is felt to support
children in achieving their future, parents
assume that by sending their children to
public schools, their children are free to
choose the job they want, whereas if a
boarding school has limits on work areas. In
addition, public school fees are relatively
cheaper than Islamic boarding schools.
As shown in the following interviews
who argue about Islamic boarding schools:
The benefits of Islamic boarding
schools for the community can help
the community in terms of religion,
eg. B. Sermon, pastor. Because
frankly, if it weren't for animal
husbandry alumni, maybe people
don't understand religion, but thank
God, thanks to alumni, what kind of
alumni do the lectures, there are
already people who understand
Meanwhile, different opinions were
given by parents who chose public schools
that SD:
"Education is very important to get a
job in the future, especially now that
everything is knowledge and many
pesantren graduates are only looking
for work, they also work in public
places, not places of worship"
From the results of the interview
above, there are differences in views
regarding Islamic boarding schools and
public schools, indicating that differences
in views also affect differences in structure,
having different goals and intentions. , we
describe pesantren as an educational and
religious institution that seeks to preserve,
teach and spread Islamic teachings and
train students to be ready and able to be
independent or it can also be taken in its
basic sense as a place where students learn
from a kyai to deepen/gain knowledge,
especially religious sciences which are
expected to become provisions for
Wahyuddin Hamid
St Haniah
| 1950
students in facing life in the world and the
hereafter. Whereas in public schools an
institution or building for learning and
teaching as well as a place to receive and
give lessons (according to its level, schools
are divided into: Elementary Schools, Junior
High Schools, and High Schools).
2. DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng Islamic
Boarding School Education System and
Nurus Izzah Bantaeng Integrated Islamic
Furthermore, community perceptions
related to educational disparities, regarding
a good education system for children
expressed by various informants show that
parents have the same view, that is, parents
feel that providing education to their
children is important. Which is shown in the
following interview N:
"The public school curriculum is a
fixed curriculum that follows
developments and is by the national
education standards set by the
government. You have a continuous
textbook for effective teaching and
learning. The educational unit that
has been set becomes a reference in
the teaching and learning process.
Obtain national recognition in the
form of certificates or diplomas that
are accepted by all parties.
IA also expressed almost the same
If the pesantren curriculum is good,
they can also make and determine
their curriculum without following
the educational standards set by the
government. Islamic boarding
schools can add value to teaching
and learning needed by students with
a scientific approach”
Based on research results obtained
from interviews and documentation, there
are differences in the education system in
the two schools, in general affecting the
choice of school for parents for their
children, but behind these differences,
parents are equally aware of the
importance of education for their children.
As stated by the informant that N:
In my opinion, Islamic boarding
schools are suitable for educating
IA also expressed almost the same
"Education is important because this
is about the future of the child. If I
send my child to a boarding school,
that's fine too, just go to a public
school because I'm worried that
many of us are now going to
boarding schools. or will graduate,
many radically, as in the recent
presidential election”.
The results of the two interviews above
show that there are similarities in the minds
of children's parents who view education as
an important thing, whether it's choosing
Islamic boarding schools or public schools.
This shows that the theory of behaviorism
works in behavior change, in which parents
feel the importance of education by
providing a stimulus in the form of support
for children to take an educational path and
produce a response from children to
1951 | Relevance of Education To Boarding Schools and Public Schools In The 4.0 Era
choose the school they want or accept the
school indicated by the parents.
Behaviorism theory is a learning theory
that places more emphasis on human
behavior, viewing individuals as reactive
beings who respond to the environment,
experience, and maintenance that will
shape their behavior. The characteristics of
the theory are prioritizing the elements of
small parts, being mechanistic,
emphasizing the role of the environment,
emphasizing the formation of a reaction or
response, emphasizing the importance of
training, and emphasizing the mechanism
of the learning outcomes obtained in the
appearance of the desired behavior. Since
education is a behavior change, the
teacher's role is to create an effective and
efficient learning environment.
Based on the explanation of the theory
above, researchers can conclude that
learning theory emphasizes human
behavior that responds to the environment
and experiences that shape their behavior,
a student's behavior is determined from the
response given to the stimulus obtained in
terms of students being able to get a
stimulus from the teacher and respond to it
so that students' social behavior can be
formed through the stimulus obtained at
In line with this, we can prove the title
of public perception of Islamic boarding
schools and public schools in the Bantaeng
district with the theory of behaviorism
education. We describe public school
students, of course, their stimulus and
response are different. students will also be
different, of course, this will affect changes
in student behavior resulting in differences
or gaps.
The results of this study were also
supported by research conducted by Ema,
Fatmawati, which showed that the
knowledge of the people of Lubuk Makmur
Village about the existence of the Manbaul
Ulum Islamic Boarding School was good.
The contribution of the Manbaul Ulum
Islamic Boarding School to the Lubuk
Makmur Village community had made a
positive contribution to the world of
education in Lubuk Makmur village and the
perception of the people of Lubuk Makmur
village, Lempuing Jaya sub-district, Ogan
Komering Ilir district, regarding the
existence of the Manbaul Ulum Islamic
Boarding School is good.
While research that is different from
the research results of researchers
conducted by Hardinata shows a
comparison of the academic achievement
of students with a Madrasah background is
better than students with a public-school
background. The results showed that
students of the PGMI Study Program,
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training,
UIN Raden Intan Lampung, had differences
in the grades of the Religious Learning
course between graduates of public
schools and Madrasah.
Thus, it can be concluded that the
various variations shown in the results of
this study are one of the variations in
society in viewing and assessing the
education system in Indonesia, but behind
this diversity of opinion, another thing that
was found by researchers is that although
there are different views regarding Islamic
boarding schools and schools in general,
parents are uniform or agree in terms of
viewing the importance of education for
their children. So that with one equation in
Wahyuddin Hamid
St Haniah
| 1952
mind by parents, it is also obtained that the
choice of public schools and Islamic
boarding schools provides a wider space
for parents to indicate which school is
considered appropriate and best for their
children's future.
Islamic boarding schools are religious
institutions that must provide religious
knowledge as a way of life for society and
humans who live in the world are not only
materialistic but humans who live need
spirituality for peace of mind, there is no
guarantee that people who ask high will
live in peace.
There are differences in the education
system between the DDI Mattoanging
Bantaeng Islamic Boarding School and the
Madrasah Izzah Terpadu Nurus Izzah
Bantaeng, the parents of the
advertisements in terms of seeing the
importance of education for their children
from both the curriculum aspect, the
implementation of the education system
and the quality of teacher work.
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Kyai dan Visinya Mengenai Masa
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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license