Wahyuddin Hamid
St Haniah
| 1944
In general, the implementation of
education in public schools and Islamic
boarding schools is still relevant to current
developments, but of course, several
aspects need to be improved to keep up
with changing times and the demands of
society's needs. In the digital era like now,
educational institutions need to strengthen
aspects of information and communication
technology (ICT) in the teaching and
learning process. Public schools and Islamic
boarding schools also need to develop
curricula that can equip students with skills
and knowledge relevant to the increasingly
complex and dynamic needs of the world of
In addition, education must also cover
aspects that are not only focused on
academic knowledge, but also pay
attention to character development and
student soft skills such as social skills,
creativity, and leadership. This can help
students prepare to face the challenges of
an increasingly diverse and complex world.
The application of learning in public
schools involves several factors, including
(1) the curriculum, which is required to be
followed by all public schools. At every
educational level, students must be taught
the topics that are included in this
curriculum. Additionally, public schools can
create new courses to enhance student
learning. (2) Learning Techniques: There are
many different learning techniques used in
public institutions, including lectures,
discussions, questions and responses,
presentations, and hands-on practice.
Utilizing various teaching strategies
enables students to comprehend the
material more simply and by their
individual learning preferences. The
application of learning in public schools
involves several factors, including (1) the
curriculum, which is required to be followed
by all public schools. At every educational
level, students must be taught the topics
that are included in this curriculum.
Additionally, public schools can create new
courses to enhance student learning. (2)
Learning Techniques: There are many
different learning techniques used in public
institutions, including lectures, discussions,
questions and responses, presentations,
and hands-on practice. Utilizing various
teaching strategies enables students to
comprehend the material more simply and
by their individual learning preferences.
Whereas specifically Islamic boarding
schools, in addition to religious learning
which is the core of the institution, Islamic
boarding schools also develop learning
similar to that carried out in public schools.
Where pesantren also pays attention to
learning skills relevant to the world of work
and the economy so that Pesantren can
facilitate their students to be ready to face
challenges in the world of work.
Thus, the implementation of education
in public schools and Islamic boarding
schools needs to continue to be developed
and adapted to the times and the needs of
the community so that they can make the
maximum contribution to the advancement
of education and national development. In
this case, this research was conducted to
see the relevance of the education system
implemented at the DDI Mattoanging
Bantaeng Islamic Boarding School and
Nurus Izzah Bantaeng Integrated Islamic
School in terms of developments in the 4.0