JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 9, 1953 1967
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.437 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
Faculty of education sociology Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Unismuh
Makassar, Indonesia
Faculty of education sociology Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University, UM Bulukumba
Makassar, Indonesia
e-mail: nursalam.h@unismuh.ac.id, dr.hani1968@gmail.com, wahyuddinhamid159@gmail.com
*Correspondence: nursalam.h@unismuh.ac.id
: February 28
: April 04
: April 18
Abstract: The existence of Siri culture has been demonstrated by the implementation of local
wisdom which is still maintained today. Unity, mutual assistance, and village community concern
for one another show a form of Siri's culture that is still quite strong within the village community.
The Siri culture is culturally shown through 5 types of local wisdom that still exist, namely: Marakka
bola, Masarappo or mabbaruga or mawalasuji, community service, and cooperation. The
perspective of the Village Community regarding Siri's culture received various responses. Siri's
culture according to the social view is shown by the manners shown by someone. How to behave
and treat others. In addition, someone who always takes care of his spirit will also be maintained
and will get treatment and appreciation from other people because he is good at taking care of
Keywords: siri's local wisdom culture: perception.
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1954
Culture is that complex which includes
knowledge, belief, art, morals, laws, and
customs, and any other capabilities and
habits acquired by man as a member of
society. (Abdullah, 2016) states that Siri's
Bugis culture is a value that is naturally
constructed and institutionalized in Bugis
land, South Sulawesi Province. The
construction of these values is certainly
inseparable from the roles of the Bugis
community so this culture is
institutionalized and becomes the main
value that underlies other cultures. The
phenomenon of the designation of Siri'
Bugis culture is sometimes found in terms
of fights. When someone is masiri' then
never back down, it's better to die fighting
than to endure Siri'. The unique thing is that
sometimes the implementation of Siri' is
very rarely based on considerations of
ratios but more based on considerations of
feelings. Another distinctive feature is seen
in the general character of the Bugis
people, namely being known as a society
with a tough character, but highly
upholding honor. To maintain honor, the
Bugis people are willing to commit acts of
violence. However, behind that tough
character, the Bugis people have a friendly
attitude, really respect other people, and
have solidarity.
In general, it is described that the views
of the Bugis people on Siri and the problem
of solving Siri are essentially the same.
Likewise with the problem of customs as
their ancestral heritage. But sometimes in
everyday life, emotions often dominate
ratios. This is closely related to the problem
of the series. That is, when the sense of
honor is offended (identity is disturbed),
then that means Siri. Because Siri is the
pride or majesty of self-esteem. The Bugis
tribe, which is inherited the mandate to
uphold their customs (Tenriajeng, 2015).
According to Hamid Abdullah spirit is a
principal element within them. There is no
single value that is most valuable to be
defended and maintained on earth apart
from Siri. For the Bugis community, Siri is
their soul and self-esteem. Therefore, to
uphold and defend siri' which is considered
polluted or polluted by other people, the
Bugis Bone community will be willing to
sacrifice anything, including their most
precious soul, for the sake of spirit in their
Siri' is a view of life that contains ethics
that distinguishes humans from animals,
namely the existence of a sense of self-
respect, dignity, honor, and decency
inherent in humans, and teaches moral
morality in the form of recommendations,
rights, and obligations that become life
guidelines to protect, maintain or enhance
human dignity (Sirajuddin, 2015). The
essence of Siri's problem is self-esteem,
which is a legacy that must be maintained
and maintained in upholding human
The Bugis place Siri' as something very
important to the point that even death can
be of equal worth to maintain this Siri'. The
background of the many killings in South
Sulawesi by Siri shows that to a certain
extent, these Bugis cultural values still exist
in the daily lives of people in South
Sulawesi. Siri is not merely a personal
matter that arises spontaneously. Siri' is
more to something that is shared and is a
form of social solidarity. This can be an
1955 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
important driving motive for social life and
a driving force for achieving a social
achievement for the Bugis community. That
is why many Bugis intellectuals tend to
praise Siri' as a virtue (Tenriajeng, 2015).
Pesse' or complete passes babble
which means sharing the suffering of others
in one's stomach, indicates a deep feeling
of compassion (empathy) towards
neighbors, relatives, or fellow members of
a social group. This symbolizes solidarity,
not only for someone who has been
humiliated, but for anyone in the social
group who is in a state of deprivation,
grieving, experiencing calamity, or suffering
from a serious illness. Mutual Pesse'
between members of a group is an
important unifying force. An agreement
between two people to become "fellow
brothers", as well as awareness as members
of the same group, thus, carries with it a
responsibility that cannot be neglected, so
as not to lose honor. The saying goes piano
sir, ma'palete passe ri pa'masareng
esse'(honor can lead to your death, and
compassion can lead you to the afterlife).
That means that between spirit and passed
there must be a balance to neutralize each
other's extreme points (Pelras et al., 2006).
Literature Review
Culture is very closely related to
society. Melville J. Herskovits and Bronislaw
Malinowski argued that everything
contained in society is determined by the
culture that belongs to the community
itself. The term for that opinion is Cultural
Determinism. Herskovits views culture as
something that is passed down from one
generation to another, which is then
referred to as superorganic. According to
Andreas Eppink, culture contains the whole
understanding, values, norms, knowledge,
and all social, religious, and other
structures, plus all intellectual and artistic
statements that characterize a society.
According to Edward B. Tylor, culture is
that complex whole that includes
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs,
and any other capabilities acquired by a
person as a member of society. Meanwhile,
according to Selo Soemardjan and
Soelaiman Soemardi, culture is a means of
creation, taste, and creation of society.
From these various definitions, an
understanding of culture can be obtained
which will affect the level of knowledge and
includes the system of ideas or ideas
contained in the human mind, so that in
everyday life, culture is abstract, while
cultural embodiments are objects created
by humans. Humans as cultured beings, in
the form of behavior and objects that are
real, for example, behavior patterns,
language, tools of life, social organizations,
religion, art, etc., all of which are intended
to help humans carry out social life
(Maulida, 2016).
Thus, culture or culture concerns all
aspects of human life, both material and
non-material. Most of the experts who
interpret culture like this are most likely
heavily influenced by the view of
evolutionism, namely a theory that says
that culture will develop from simple stages
to more complex stages.
The idea of 'culture' is more
metaphorical than descriptive and
philologically, is a variation of agricultural
or horticultural processes which include
cultivating the land, farming, and raising
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1956
the concept mentioned above, 'civilization'.
Describes a kind of stasis, a member state
of belonging to an entity, even a status
once earned, is never relinquished whereas
the latter, 'culture', resonates with other
ideas about emergence in change, perhaps
even with transformation.
The culture of every nation or society
consists of large elements as well as small
elements which are part of a unified whole.
According to Melville J. Herkovits, there are
four main elements of culture, namely (1)
technological tools, (2) economic system,
(3) family, and (4) political power.
Koetjaningrat divides cultural elements
1. Language
A beautiful pronunciation in
cultural elements and at the same
time being the main intermediary
tool for humans to continue or adapt
to the culture. There are two forms of
language, spoken and written.
2. Knowledge System
This element revolves around
knowledge about the natural
conditions around it and the
properties of the equipment it uses.
The knowledge system includes the
knowledge space about the natural
surroundings, flora and fauna, time,
space and numbers, the
characteristics and behavior of fellow
human beings, and the human body.
3. Community system and social
It is interpreted as a group of
people whose members feel one with
each other. Social organizations
include kinship, associations and
associations, the state system, the
system of living units, and
4. Life equipment system and
Technology here is interpreted as
the total number of techniques
possessed by the members of society,
including the whole way of acting
and acting about the collection of
raw materials, the processing of these
materials to be made into work tools,
storage, clothing, housing, and
means of transportation. and other
needs in the form of material objects.
The most prominent technological
element is a physical culture which
includes the means of production,
weapons, containers, food, and
5. Live livelihood system
This is all human efforts to obtain
the goods and services needed. This
economic system includes hunting
and gathering, farming, animal
husbandry, fishing, and trade.
6. Religious system
A combination of religious
beliefs and practices that are related
to sacred things and are beyond the
reach of reason. This system includes
belief systems, value systems and
outlooks on life, religious
communication, and religious
7. Art
Art can be interpreted as all
human desires for beauty. The various
forms of beauty arise from creative
imagination that can provide inner
satisfaction for humans. The mapping
of art forms can be divided into three
1957 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
broad outlines, namely: fine arts,
sound arts, and dance arts.
Perspectives on Siri's Culture
Siri' in the cultural system is an
institution of defense of self-esteem,
decency, and religious law as one of the
main values that influence and color the
human mind, feelings, and will. Siri' in the
social system is to manipulate the balance
of the existence of individual and
community relations to maintain the
balance of kinship. Siri' in the personality
system is a concrete embodiment in the
human mind which upholds honesty, and
balance to maintain human dignity.
Siri' na posse are two syllables
consisting of the word spirit and the word
posse. C.H Alam Basjah and Sappena
quoted in Mattulada's work provide a
limitation on the word spirit by providing
three categories of meaning, namely (a). Siri
means shame, Isin (Javanese), and Shame
(English). (b). Siri' is the driving force to
eliminate, alienate, expel, and so on
anything or anyone who offends. This is a
customary obligation, an obligation of
customary norms that has customary
sanctions, namely punishment according to
customary norms if it is not carried out. (c).
Siri' is a driving force that can also be aimed
at generating energy to work hard, work
furiously, for a job or business (Mattulada,
Meanwhile, please or complete pesse
babua which means sharing the suffering of
others in one's stomach, indicates a deep
feeling of compassion (empathy) towards
neighbors, relatives, or fellow members of
a social group. This symbolizes solidarity,
not only for someone who has been
humiliated, but also for anyone in a social
group who is in a state of deprivation,
grieving, experiencing a disaster, or
suffering from serious illness (Pelras et al.,
The concept of spirit na posse for the
Bugis community is the foundation that
makes the Bugis community a dignified
social society, and capable of creating a
harmonious environment. Siri as a value
that arises within the Bugis community
which is capable of being a driving force in
taking steps to produce what is desired,
and passes is a feeling that can balance
steps in achieving goals and plays an
important role in creating harmony in the
Bugis community environment, so it is not
surprising that in every activity of the Bugis,
the community is often attached to the
word spirit na posse.
The personal characteristics of spirit na
posse are manifested in the human person
who is Tawakkal to Allah SWT has a good
heart, is sincere, honest, intelligent,
courageous, firm in his convictions,
consistent in taking action, highly
competitive, tenacious, believes in hard
work and perseverance, so that success can
be achieved by creating, acting fairly or
properly, careful, responsible, open,
independent, solider, creating (referring to
the ultimate goal).
It is not surprising that at this time
outsiders view the Bugis community as
sensitive, easily offended, aggressive, and
with high prestige. This happens when the
concept of spirit only contains the meaning
of self-esteem, while not accompanied by
shame as usual (Masiri'-siri'), shame when
being an unproductive human being (Sri'-
Masiri'), and juxtaposed with Pesse. So, this
often causes social problems in Bugis
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1958
The purpose of this study is to analyze
more deeply the existence of Siri's culture
and how the perspective of the Bugis
community in Makassar City relates to Siri's
culture. This research is a
phenomenological study using 7
informants with data collection methods
using interview methods and analyzed
descriptively qualitatively. Analysis of
research data in the form of interviews and
observations through re-checking of
various informants.
Siri' is a culture that has been
institutionalized and trusted by the Bugis
tribe, so to discuss further this philosophy
it is necessary to conduct research and
studies on the history and concept of spirit
that existed in the Bugis tribe since ancient
times. The Bugis tribe who inhabit parts of
South Sulawesi are indigenous people who
already have their cultural institutions, long
before the official birth of the kingdom of
Gowa which is a kingdom from Eastern
Indonesia that has considerable influence.
The Kingdom of Gowa began when
Tumanurunga arrived at Takakbassia
Tamalate, based on a government
agreement between Tumanurunga and
Nine Kasuwiang which occurred around
1300 AD (Limpo, 1995).
The existence of the Siri culture in the
research in question is the existence of the
spiritual culture which is applied by the
Bugis people who live in Makassar City
both in behavior and in the local wisdom of
the Bugis culture itself. The researchers
asked for responses from informants about
the persistence of the Siri culture regarding
what local wisdom exists in South Sulawesi.
Furthermore, the informant explained:
local wisdom that still exists such
as markka bola, Making sarape,
and Ala suji”
Local wisdom that is still maintained
today includes activities such as what the
informant mentioned. Marakka bola means
lifting the house, where the community lifts
the house together without overhauling
the house which is moved using bamboo.
Furthermore, other informants gave
quite different answers, viz:
"Talking about local wisdom a lot,
including, in this case, cooperation
which is usually done in the
Gotong royong is one of the local
wisdom which is still maintained by the
people of Bonto Padang village, where
cooperation activities are always carried
out without coercion but with awareness
from the people themselves. Like what was
done in the Marakka ball activity, making
Sappo, and so on.
Based on the results of the interviews,
it was found that 5 types of local wisdom
still exist and are related to Siri's culture.
Among them namely:
a. Marakka bola
Marakka ball or lift, move the
House. This is a local wisdom that is
always maintained because of the Siri
culture. Where the people of the
Bonto Padang village always carry
out markka ball activities in a crowd.
1959 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
As shown in the following image:
As explained by one of the
informants who took part in the
markka ball activity:
it's embarrassing to see
people helping each other and
I'm just watching, even though
I'm able to help
This site culture then becomes
the foundation so that local wisdom
is maintained.
b. Masarappo atau mabbaruga atau
Masarappo means making a
place for the party to be prepared.
This activity is always carried out
when a wedding ceremony is held in
Bugis custom. Decorating the house
of the owner of the event with
bamboo which is made as an
entrance gate and a sign for the bride
and groom's welcoming gate.
Wala Suji is shaped like a gate
but resembles the front of a house on
stilts for the Bugis-Makassar tribe. As
shown in the following figure:
The roof is triangular in shape
and supported by a series of woven
bamboo. As a decoration, don't
forget to give coconut leaves. As
explained by the informant:
Masarappo activities cannot
be carried out alone, since
ancient times until now
masarappo activities have
always been carried out by a
group of people both from
within the family and from
outsiders, we as neighbors
always participate, there is no
need for calls, because we
uphold the culture of mutual
respect. help each other
This mascara implementation
shows that the Siri culture is still
strong and attached to the Bugis
community who live in Makassar City.
c. Community service
Community service is a routine
for the Bontopadang village
community to carry out, whether it's
welcoming the seventeenth
celebration or just cleaning the yard
of their own house or around the
village. This activity is a separate
agenda for the village community,
who always gather and talk. Build
good communication through
community work activities.
As explained by one of the
informants about the
implementation of community
"We are always cleaning
around the village, the aim is to
keep the environment clean
too, right, now because it
concerns the shared
environment, we are
embarrassed if we don't
participate, now this is our
village, where we live, if the
village looks dirty then those
who are ashamed and
responsible Yes, we are also the
people of the village of Bonto
The awareness of the
Bontopadang village community
regarding village cleanliness always
creates togetherness and is a
manifestation of the Siri culture which
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1960
is always maintained by the
d. Basenji
Entering the month of Rabi'ul
Awal (Mawlid month), some Muslims
always celebrate barasanji culture. To
welcome the birth of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, the chanting of
shawalat and praise for the Prophet is
always heard from mosques and
prayer rooms. With a melodious
voice, accompanied by the strains of
a tambourine, it makes the charm of
the joy of the month of Mawlid.
Berzanji or Barzanji is a prayer,
praise, and storytelling of the history
of the Prophet Muhammad which is
recited with a rhythm or tone that is
usually sung at the birth,
circumcision, marriage, and birthday
of the Prophet Muhammad. The
contents of Berzanji tell about
Muhammad's life, which is
mentioned successively, namely his
genealogy, childhood, youth, and
youth until he was appointed as an
apostle. It also tells of the noble
qualities of the prophet Muhammad,
as well as various events to serve as
role models for mankind.
Besides being done to welcome
the birth of the Prophet Muhammad,
it is also done during births,
circumcisions, and marriages. This
culture has been carried out since
ancient times and is the legacy of our
This barasanji activity is always
carried out by the village community,
where each house provides a male
representative to participate in
reciting the prayers, guided by a
religious figure. This became a
moment to strengthen the
relationship between the head of the
family and the sons. The reflection of
the Siri culture in the implementation
of barasanji is always visible, where
their obedience helps each other and
maintains the culture which is a
manifestation of the Siri culture itself.
e. Gotong royong
Gotong royong activities for the
community are not new. This activity
will be carried out without any
request. The community is always
aware if someone in the community
needs help. As seen in the following
The activity in the picture above
shows the cooperation of the
community helping one of the
residents who will mappalecce the
ball. As explained by the informant:
mappalcce bola activity there
are people but for mappable
bola, it requires a lot of tools,
for example, bamboo, the
bamboo is lifted from afar,
there we work together, it's
impossible for us to just look
around there are people who
are busy going here and there
and we are just watching, yes
please help, called not called
let's help, there is a feeling of
joy When working together and
telling stories about many
things, that's a moment for us
men in the village to become
role models too later with our
sons, right, seeing his father not
1961 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
doing nothing”
They are personally called to
help. This is a reflection of the
existence of the Siri culture which is
still preserved in local wisdom. The
Siri culture, according to the
informant, has existed since ancient
times and is still being maintained
today. Where the Siri culture is one of
the legacies that is always passed
down from generation to generation
to posterity so that they always have
a spirit within themselves. So that the
Siri culture will protect us from
actions that violate religious, social,
cultural, and government regulations.
Local wisdom is not a new thing
for the people of Bonto Padang
village, this local wisdom has been
around for a long time, passed down
from generation to generation, and is
still being maintained today.
Siri's culture can be interpreted
broadly and can be flexibly applied to
keep up with the times in the era of
globalization. Where when a person
instills a culture of spirit in himself,
that person will be ashamed to do
things that will cause embarrassment
to himself let alone other people. So,
in other words, this Sri culture can
prevent us from doing shame.
A similar opinion was also given
by a member of the community who
was the head of the neighborhood
(RT) responding to the application of
Siri's culture to local wisdom:
"In terms of maintaining it, we
have to provide an understanding
to the public about the rules and
how to maintain the spirit culture.
Maintaining Siri's culture can be
done by providing understanding to
children as the next generation with
various approaches that can be
understood by various groups.
Meanwhile, the opinion of one of
the youth leaders responded quite
differently regarding the application of
Siri's culture to local wisdom:
"There are two guidelines that have
always been implemented, namely
the first is taro ada taro gau which
is when someone makes a promise
he must be consistent with what
he said, the same goes for Siri na
The application of spirit culture by
several informants implemented
through local wisdom that had long
existed, namely by instilling the principle
of taro ada taro gau, which is often used
as the regional motto of the Buis
community so that when speaking or
making promises one will behave
according to promises and carry out
according to what is said. said.
Various opinions were given by
informants, all of which show that the
application of Siri's culture to local
wisdom itself lies in the understanding
of the community in interpreting the
site's culture into local wisdom.
As explained by the head of the
village, the response to the spiritual
culture is understanding in
implementing it in the field of
government so that it runs according to
the rules, while the religious leaders
mention the slogan of local wisdom
based on the spiritual culture of
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1962
Sipakaiga, Sipalalebbi, Sipakatau, and
Taro, there is taro gau, which means that
Sigunakannge means reminding each
other, speak or means humanizing each
other in any condition, and sipakalebbi
means mutual respect for one another.
Meanwhile, taro ada taro gau
means fulfilling promises, or what is said
is not different from what is done. The
application of this local wisdom
continues to be passed on to
generations starting with introducing
the Siri culture itself to generations since
Maintaining the Siri culture among
the people is not an easy thing. Where
sometimes misunderstandings occur
due to a lack of communication or
because one of the parties is emotional.
However, when conflicts or disputes do
occur and can be mitigated without
violence or matters that have legal
implications, the Siri culture is
maintained because it has been able to
defuse and resolve conflicts as a family.
Various conflicts and incidents that
violate the rules, be it the rules of
religion, government, and the culture
itself are sometimes unavoidable, but in
this case, the culture of spirit can still be
applied, namely in conflict resolution.
Such as incidents of pregnancy out of
wedlock, can be resolved by legally
marrying the two of them and providing
assistance so that this does not happen
again and becomes a lesson for other
Meanwhile, disputes over
inheritance can be carried out through
deliberations and take legal action if
necessary. Do not take the law into your
own hands, this is already an application
of the Siri culture in society.
Based on the responses of each
informant explained that many
violations occurred when the Siri Culture
was being implemented. The application
of Siri's culture in the era of globalization
cannot be underestimated, whereas
technology develops, the door to
foreign cultures opens wide and
influences society, especially children.
But along with these violations, it
shows that the Siri culture still exists and
is maintained through the efforts of
parents in providing understanding to
the family about keeping shame means
protecting oneself, and protecting one's
Even though according to the
informants' view that there has been a
shift in the Siri culture, there are still
many who continue to apply the Siri
culture to their families and other
communities. As in the results of
interviews related to efforts to instill a
culture of spirit carried out through
various efforts and approaches. Such as
bringing a shift in the existing Siri culture
by placing spirit culture on cultural
understanding only, but it has been
instilled in social aspects as well.
As for the existence of the Siri
culture, it can be seen from the local
wisdom that has survived to this day and
is carried out jointly. Local wisdom that
is maintained is influenced by the
preservation of the Siri culture so that it
is still firmly held as a principle and
guideline for life.
If related to social theory, the
existence of Siri's culture is consistent
1963 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
with social facts according to Emile
Durkheim. Where this theory states that
social facts can occur in two ways,
namely social facts that are experienced
as external coercion rather than internal
Social facts such as external
coercion, not internal encouragement,
are the initial stages of implementing
the Siri culture itself. At the beginning of
the application, a person feels a lot
about why we should be ashamed of
others, why we should care about
others, and why we should take care of
ourselves. However, in line with the
cultivation of the Siri culture and as
people get older, a person will feel that
spirit is important and must be owned.
Because Siri itself protects us from
something that will harm us.
Siri's culture is also very flexible in
its application if it is developed in the
realm of religion, culture, society, and
government. In the realm of religion,
spirit or shame before God, of course,
will prevent us from sinning before the
Creator, while in the realm of crocodiles,
with the spirit we will protect what is the
message and advice of our parents.
Furthermore, in the social realm,
with the Siri culture, we will always
maintain our good name, and protect
ourselves by not committing offenses
that will embarrass us in front of society.
Meanwhile, in the realm of government,
we will carry out what is our duty and
obligation as best as possible. It will be
a shame if we deny many people's trust,
which will also hurt us.
3 serial cultures are still very strong
in being maintained. The description is
as follows:
a. Traditional party
The feast there is a tradition that is
still very strong and is an ancestral
heritage. Adat is a cultural notion
consisting of cultural values, norms,
habits, institutions, and customary laws
that are commonly practiced in an area.
If this custom is not implemented,
confusion will occur which will result in
unwritten sanctions by the local
community against perpetrators who
are deemed to deviate from Wikipedia
sources. That's a little description of the
culture and the following is a typical
South Sulawesi ceremony that must be
included in planning destinations if you
visit South Sulawesi.
In Bone Regency, several rituals are
known, such as the pane party, custom,
and mappaddekko. This tradition is
carried out in cooperation and rollicking.
Community participation in the
implementation of this tradition is
obtained voluntarily. Awareness of the
people who think that they are part of
the tradition. The implementation of the
party is reflected in how the
togetherness and spirit culture persist in
the community.
The Siri culture itself can be seen
from the participation of the people who
always keep the tradition going and
keep the sacredness of each of these
b. Enthusiasm (overseas)
Migrants or commonly called
people who leave their hometown and
try their luck to other people's areas
which are quite far away. The principle of
migrating for the Bugis community is
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1964
"never go home before success" This
principle in turn makes the nomads
enthusiastic at work.
Their persistence in working and
trying their luck in other people's areas
is due to economic factors. The desire to
change their destiny makes those who
migrate determined to leave their
hometown armed with predecessors
who are always successful and will only
return when they are successful. As for
the Siri culture, which is reflected in the
spirit of work, reflected in the
independent attitude of those who work
abroad, aka far from home and family,
they are certainly more independent
individuals. Being away from their family
makes them have to be prepared to face
everything on their own. Everything
must be done alone. Manage everything
yourself, from getting up early,
preparing food, going to the doctor
when sick, monthly shopping, and more.
There will be no parents or household
assistants to accompany you like when
you were at home. Automatically,
independent living becomes a necessity
and eventually turns into a habit.
The next attitude shown in other
positive things by migrant workers is
courage. Dare to try new things and
ultimately be open-minded. By working
in other cities or even countries, workers
who migrate are still migrants. They do
not know the customs or customs in a
place. Not to mention the intricacies of
locations that are still unfamiliar and
must be mastered. Feeling foreign will
make people dare to ask questions, dare
to socialize, dare to make acquaintances,
and dare to mingle with new
surroundings. Courage like this is finally
implemented in work. Overseas workers
are usually more courageous in
providing ideas, suggestions, and
Migrating work makes a person
more responsible with his life, especially
work. You have sacrificed away from
your family and the results are in vain.
Overseas workers will do everything,
especially work to the best of their
It could be that this job is what you
have been fighting for and dreaming of,
even though you have to be far away
from your family. Every behavior at work
can be accounted for. They will not waste
the opportunity.
c. Honor and dignity
In general, human dignity is the
value of humans as creatures of God
Almighty, who are equipped with
creativity, taste, and initiative as well as
human rights and obligations, while
dignity is the level of human dignity and
an honorable position.
Respect and dignity for the Bugis
community are self-respect. With honor
and dignity, it is the same as keeping
Siri'. The Bugis people care about Siri' in
their social life. Therefore, the Bugis are
very, very obedient to custom because
they violate custom, they are considered
as humans who do not have Siri.
A popular case of the biggest
violation of adat is silariang (elopement).
Traditional jurists argue that silariang is
when a girl/woman and a young man
leave the household without the
knowledge or consent of the family and
then they get married. Chabot
1965 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
continued to say that the two of them
still create Siri, whether the will is mutual
or not.
This type of violation becomes Siri
and can result in murder. This shows that
the Bugis people are very loyal in
guarding Siri'. In addition to maintaining
Siri's (self-esteem) in a social
environment, the Bugis maintain
kinship, namely the concept of Pakatan,
sipakalebbi. As an expression of high
brotherhood, Rebba Sipatokkong, Mali
Siparape, Malili Sigunakannge, Siriu
Menre Te Siriu QR¥ (lying down on one
another, drifting against each other and
disappearing, awaken one another, and
receive advice).
As a form of kinship that is built, it is
implicated in an attitude of unity,
solidarity, togetherness, loyalty, and a
sense of humanity. These attitudes are
implemented into cooperation.
Cooperation is very prominent, such as
building houses, working on rice fields,
and helping others who experience
disaster. In addition, activities that are
social and religious in nature such as
building mosques, repairing roads, and
ceremonial Islamic holidays.
Subsequent social facts are
generally inherent in all societies or not
inherent in any particular individual, this
is relevant to the existence of spiritual
culture. Siri' has existed in humans since
birth, where there will be a feeling of
guilt when you make a mistake. But
sometimes these feelings are eroded
along with the development of the
association and wrong upbringing. So
that the spiritual culture that is applied
will further strengthen one's principles
of behavior.
Siri's culture is inseparable from the
cultural system of society. The cultural
system is abstract, cannot be seen, and
cannot be touched, it is identical to
people or individuals, resides in
everyone's head, and consists of
concepts, ideas, beliefs, and values. The
cultural system is accepted by every
person or group of people from the
results of their cultural development.
Consciously or unconsciously, humans
are influenced by and receive various
legacies, teachings, beliefs, interactions,
and results of group work through
internalization and socialization from
within the household to the influence of
the community environment in which
the human grows.
If the site's cultural tradition in
society has been impregnated by each
person or group, then his behavior will
almost become automatic, without
realizing that his behavior has been
socially accepted.
There are three general cultural
patterns found in various societies,
a. guilt-culture
b. shame-culture
c. fear and-culture
Reflection of cultural behavior,
different for each ethnic group or
community group. The three kinds of
culture above can be an encouragement
for someone to behave by the prevailing
norms, but can also be an obstacle. The
culture of shame (shame-culture) is very
prominent for the Bugis tribe, it can be
identified with spirit. Siri shapes a
person's mood, if there is a violation of
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1966
social norms and values. Moods are
formed, often by filiation (family ties),
regardless of life and property, namely
trying to restore self-esteem, resulting in
killing or sacrificing others. Other
people's sacrifices are not felt as a
mistake (guilt culture) but are even felt
as pride because such things involve
Thus, it can be concluded that social
facts correspond to the existence of
spiritual culture which is related to how to
behave in individuals as external coercion,
or it can also be said that social facts are
ways of acting that are commonly used by
society and at the same time exist
regardless of individual manifestations.
The existence of Siri culture has been
shown by the implementation of local
wisdom which is still maintained today.
Unity, mutual assistance, and village
community concern for one another show
a form of Siri culture that is still quite strong
in the community. The Siri culture is
culturally shown through 5 types of local
wisdom that still exist, namely: Marakka
bola, Masarappo or mabbaruga or
mawalasuji, community service, and
cooperation. The government must provide
an understanding of Siri' Pacce culture as a
whole both in cities and in rural areas so
that this culture continues to exist and is
not forgotten. The government can also
hold cultural festivals every year for the
continued existence of culture
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