1957 | The Existence of Siri Culture In The Era of Digital Community, Sulawesi Selatan
broad outlines, namely: fine arts,
sound arts, and dance arts.
Perspectives on Siri's Culture
Siri' in the cultural system is an
institution of defense of self-esteem,
decency, and religious law as one of the
main values that influence and color the
human mind, feelings, and will. Siri' in the
social system is to manipulate the balance
of the existence of individual and
community relations to maintain the
balance of kinship. Siri' in the personality
system is a concrete embodiment in the
human mind which upholds honesty, and
balance to maintain human dignity.
Siri' na posse are two syllables
consisting of the word spirit and the word
posse. C.H Alam Basjah and Sappena
quoted in Mattulada's work provide a
limitation on the word spirit by providing
three categories of meaning, namely (a). Siri
means shame, Isin (Javanese), and Shame
(English). (b). Siri' is the driving force to
eliminate, alienate, expel, and so on
anything or anyone who offends. This is a
customary obligation, an obligation of
customary norms that has customary
sanctions, namely punishment according to
customary norms if it is not carried out. (c).
Siri' is a driving force that can also be aimed
at generating energy to work hard, work
furiously, for a job or business (Mattulada,
Meanwhile, please or complete pesse
babua which means sharing the suffering of
others in one's stomach, indicates a deep
feeling of compassion (empathy) towards
neighbors, relatives, or fellow members of
a social group. This symbolizes solidarity,
not only for someone who has been
humiliated, but also for anyone in a social
group who is in a state of deprivation,
grieving, experiencing a disaster, or
suffering from serious illness (Pelras et al.,
The concept of spirit na posse for the
Bugis community is the foundation that
makes the Bugis community a dignified
social society, and capable of creating a
harmonious environment. Siri as a value
that arises within the Bugis community
which is capable of being a driving force in
taking steps to produce what is desired,
and passes is a feeling that can balance
steps in achieving goals and plays an
important role in creating harmony in the
Bugis community environment, so it is not
surprising that in every activity of the Bugis,
the community is often attached to the
word spirit na posse.
The personal characteristics of spirit na
posse are manifested in the human person
who is Tawakkal to Allah SWT has a good
heart, is sincere, honest, intelligent,
courageous, firm in his convictions,
consistent in taking action, highly
competitive, tenacious, believes in hard
work and perseverance, so that success can
be achieved by creating, acting fairly or
properly, careful, responsible, open,
independent, solider, creating (referring to
the ultimate goal).
It is not surprising that at this time
outsiders view the Bugis community as
sensitive, easily offended, aggressive, and
with high prestige. This happens when the
concept of spirit only contains the meaning
of self-esteem, while not accompanied by
shame as usual (Masiri'-siri'), shame when
being an unproductive human being (Sri'-
Masiri'), and juxtaposed with Pesse. So, this
often causes social problems in Bugis