JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 9, 1920 1931
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.436 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
Faculty of education sociology, Makassar Muhammadiyah University, Unismuh. Makassar,
Faculty of education sociology Bulukumba Muhammadiyah University, UM Bulukumba
Makassar, Indonesia
e-mail: dr.hani1968@gmail.com, nursalam.h@unismuh.ac.id, wahyuddinhamid159@gmail.com
*Correspondence: dr.hani1968@gmail.com
: March 07
: April 09
: April 17
Abstract: School community which includes components of knowledge, awareness or will, and
actions to carry out these values. In character education in schools, all components (education
stakeholders) must be involved, including the components of education itself, namely curriculum
content, learning and assessment processes, handling or management of subjects, school
management, implementation of extracurricular activities or activities, empowerment of
infrastructure, financing, and work ethic of all members of the school/environment. The application
of creative intelligence is an effort to make it easier to shape the character of students. Creative
intelligence is the mental capacity to concoct new and better ideas and ways to do things and
juxtapose concepts, and to perceive and think with greater freedom and less constraint by
experience and learned ideas than usual. Along with these analytical and practical capacities are
parts of the patriarchal intelligence theory. Then the applied creative intelligence will make
character formation easier to form with new learning situations and the readiness of students to
accept student character formation.
Keywords: Creative intelligence; Character education.
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1921
Education in Indonesia is familiar with
the school institutional system in which
there are teaching and learning activities,
aiming to produce nationwide shoots,
knowledgeable and virtuous. In line with
learning theory learning is very important.
Learning is an activity that processes and is
a fundamental element in the
implementation of every type of education,
the success or failure of educational
attainment is very dependent on the
learning process both in the home, family,
and school environment (Muhibbin Syah,
2018). Children are our future. It is a special
happiness for every parent, whether they
have smart or creative children. With an
intelligent and creative generation, it
means that we have provided a smart and
creative future, which means we have
provided a future for them. For this reason,
the role of educators in developing the
attitudes and abilities of their students
must assist them in dealing with future
problems creatively. Because creativity can
be optimized so that it can equip the lives
of students to be able to live properly in the
Creativity is the result of the interaction
between individuals and their environment.
A creative life means developing one's
talents, learning to use one's abilities
optimally, exploring new ideas, new places,
and new activities in developing sensitivity
to environmental issues, other people's
problems, and humanitarian issues.
Improved performance will usually be
achieved if creativity is facilitated to
develop. Creativity depends on the ability
to use skills that are relevant to the
problems at hand and develop one's skills
and talents in a specific field (Sudiarja,
Creative people are not always
objective (not seeing what is said but
seeing the person saying it). However, to
test the ideas that are manual of others and
they do not limit their view of the outside
world. Creative people often put their egos
aside and always consult with colleagues to
test their ideas. In addition, creative
individuals have strong self-motivation,
drive, and spiritual needs. One of the keys
to understanding creativity is to recognize
that it is the inner drive and desire to create
for the sake of creation that matters, and
not the external rewards.
Creative endeavors generate self-
motivation of pleasure, satisfaction, and
challenge. Creatives are usually always
curious, have broad interests, and like a
passion for developing creativity creatively.
Creative children and adolescents are
usually quite independent and self-
confident. They are more willing to take
risks (which are always calculated) than
children in general. This means that in
doing something very meaningful,
important, and liked by them, they don't
pay attention to criticism or ridicule from
other people. They are also not afraid to
make mistakes in expressing their opinion
even though they may not be approved by
others. Innovative people dare to be
different, stand out, surprise, or deviate
from tradition. Confidence, tenacity, and
perseverance make them not give up easily
in carrying out their goals.
To develop one's creative thinking
skills, an effective learning effort is needed,
in this case, if it is aimed at students it will
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be more appropriate to implement it in the
teaching and learning process. Teachers
have an important role in the learning
process to improve children's creative
intelligence. Creative intelligence can
increase because it is influenced by several
factors, namely the teacher (educator),
learning methods, and materials, and is
influenced by the environment. To achieve
this success, students must have good
social behavior, namely behaving politely,
and helping and forgiving fellow human
beings, regardless of those from the upper
and lower classes. In addition, humans
must also have positive emotions, positive
emotions include love, friendship,
acceptance, trust, kindness, and a sense of
closeness. No less important is having the
characteristics of independence, that is
being able to solve life's problems based on
one's strength to achieve success in the
form of safety, happiness, and well-being
(Slameto, 2017).
Creative thinking is a synthesis of
complementary lateral and vertical
thinking. This understanding states that
creative thinking involves thinking logically
or analytically as well as intuitively, as in the
second view in the sense of creative
thinking (Pehkonen, 1997).
The ability to think creatively refers to
the ability to generate new varied solutions
to open-ended problems. The ability to
think creatively is the ability to generate
new ideas or ways of producing a product.
The development of creative thinking skills
is influenced by various factors. One of
these factors is the perception of creativity.
In general, there are two different views on
creativity. The first view states that creativity
is only owned by individuals with certain
characteristics. Creativity is only possessed
by genius individuals with extraordinary
abilities in certain fields, such as science,
literature, or art. Creativity is also seen as
magical and mysterious which involves
subconscious activity.
Lack of creativity in students in
realizing the learning process when they
encounter problems in learning, for
students who are not creative try to find
solutions to what they are facing such as
asking friends, reading books looking to
the library or searching the internet,
arguing, and conveying new ideas. In
essence, all students have the same
abilities, it's just a matter of how the people
around them can develop these abilities.
Creative thinking is very useful in
navigating life.
This is in line with the research that has
been conducted by Tritjahjo Danny S in the
title Development of Student Creativity
whose research results show that the
teacher's role needs to implement a
method that accommodates more
students' divergent thinking, including
learning with an inquiry approach (inquiry),
using brainstorming techniques, giving
examples (by example) through attitudes,
and accommodating divergent thinking
through questions/tasks. In addition, the
habits of thinking and behavior of creative
teachers are also role models for students.
Development of creativity in post-learning
can be done through giving awards for
creative achievements, and providing
complete facilities or media so that creative
thinking can be realized.
To see the importance of creativity in
students in real life, thus developing
creative intelligence in students can help
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1923
shape students' social behavior. With
creative intelligence abilities, students are
believed to be able to solve various
problems they face, especially in dealing
with the demands of learning as students.
Creativity is a characteristic of intelligent
behavior because creativity is a
manifestation of a cognitive process. So
developing creative intelligence can be a
carrying capacity for the development of
student behavior.
More comprehensively, a Psychologist
from Harvard University, Howard Gardner,
revealed his theory of multiple intelligences
that every child has. According to Gardner,
every child has eight types of intelligence
that are arranged together in a unique way
and in different combinations. Gardner's
theory emphasizes that intelligence in
children is not only related to thinking
(logical and mathematical intelligence) but
there are various other bits of intelligence.
For example, it could be that a child has
mediocre thinking intelligence, but he has
advantages in terms of musical intelligence.
Another child may have ordinary thinking
intelligence, but he has kinesthetic
intelligence which makes him have sports
skills that are far above the average of other
children. Through knowledge of these eight
types of intelligence, parents can be more
optimistic and serious about recognizing
and optimizing their children's potential.
One of the factors that can influence
student creativity is the educational system
that is applied. The education system
implemented in elementary schools is
usually still dependent on educators, as a
result, students are less enthusiastic about
achieving learning achievements and
students lack critical behavior, even the way
of thinking to come up with new ideas
seems slow. The education system should
be able to stimulate students' creative
thinking, attitudes, and behavior in
addition to logical thinking and reasoning.
So my research and Danny's research have
similarities, namely examining the variables
of the development of creative intelligence
the difference is that Dannay examines the
development of creative thinking through
the implementation of inquiry learning and
this research examines how creative
thinking can help develop students' social
Literatur Review
Creative Intelligence
Creativity has the meaning of having
creativity (KBBI, 2017). The form of creative
action is called creativity which is related to
intelligence. Sukmadinata (2005: 104) says
that creativity or creative actions have a lot
to do with intelligence. A creative person
generally has a fairly high intelligence.
Someone who has a low level of
intelligence, then his creativity is also
relatively lacking. Creativity is also about
personality. A creative person is someone
who has a certain personality such as
independent, responsible, hard-working,
highly motivated, optimistic, great curiosity,
confident, open, tolerant, rich in thoughts,
The form of creativity is creativity.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary,
creativity can be interpreted as the ability to
create or work that requires intelligence
and imagination (2015). Campbell in
Sukmadinata (2018) emphasizes that
"creativity is an ability to create results that
are new, innovative, interesting and
1924 | Creative Intelligence In Forming Student Character
unprecedented and useful for society"
One of the abilities that play an
important role in human life and
development is creativity or a form of
creativity. According to Sukmadinata
(2015), a creative person generally has fairly
high intelligence, while someone with a low
level of intelligence has relatively low
creativity. Creativity development can be
done through inquiry learning processes
(practical in nature) and meaningful
learning. Creative intelligence leads to ways
of thinking. In the learning process, to
develop the creative intelligence of an
educator, it is necessary to create teaching
and learning situations that provide many
opportunities for students to solve
problems, conduct experiments, and
develop students' ideas or concepts. Such a
situation can promote a democratic, open,
friendly, and self-confident attitude.
Creative intelligence leads to the right
effort, namely the efforts of an educator to
create students in achieving learning goals.
In the Anguttara Nikaya in Catukka Nipata
(Yuliana, 2018), there are four right efforts,
1) The enthusiastic effort to prevent evil
and unwholesome states of mind from
2) The enthusiastic effort to get rid of the
evil and unwholesome states of mind
that have arisen.
3) The enthusiastic effort to generate
wholesome and unarisen wholesome
states of mind.
4) The eager effort to develop and perfect
the wholesome and wholesome states
of mind that have arisen.
The four right efforts are efforts that
can be used by an educator in carrying out
the learning process. An educator tries to
make students not bored in attending
lessons. Eliminate feelings of displeasure
during the learning process. A good
educator will always try to create a pleasant
atmosphere for teaching and learning
activities. If students have a feeling of
pleasure, there is no boredom or boredom,
then an educator still tries hard so that
students can easily understand the material
that has been given. To make students
easily understand the subject matter, an
educator must master skills in teaching.
Social Behavior
1. Max Weber's Theory of Social Action
Weber saw sociology as a study of
social action between social relations
and that is what is meant by the notion
of the social definition paradigm and
that is what is meant by the definition of
the definition paradigm or social
science. Human action is considered a
form of social action when the action is
directed at other people.
Main problem Weber (Talajan,
2012) as the leading exemplar of this
paradigm defines sociology as the study
of social action between social relations.
According to him, these two things are
the main problems of sociology. The
essence of the thesis is the "meaningful
action" of the individual. What he means
by social action is individual action as
long as the action has subjective
meaning or meaning for him and is
directed to the actions of other people.
On the other hand, individual actions
directed at inanimate objects or physical
objects alone without being connected
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1925
with the actions of other people are not
social actions.
Max Weber defined sociology as
the science of social institutions. Weber's
sociology is the science of social
behavior. According to him, there has
been a shift in pressure toward beliefs,
motivations, and goals in members of
society, all of which give content and
shape to their behavior. The word
behavior is used by Weber for actions
that for the perpetrator have a
subjective meaning. The perpetrator
wants to achieve a goal or he is driven
by motivation. Behavior becomes social
according to Weber occurs only when
and to what extent the subjective
intention meaning of behavior makes
individuals think about and show a more
or less fixed uniformity.
Max Weber, in introducing the
concept of the Verstehen approach to
understanding the meaning of one's
actions, assumes that a person in acting
does not only carry it out but also places
himself in the thinking and behavior of
other people. The concept of this
approach is more directed at an action
motivated by the goal to be achieved or
to motivate.
Weber specifically classifies social
actions that have subjective meanings
into four types. Based on the rationality
of social action, Weber (Juliantine, 2019)
distinguishes human social action into
four types, the more rational the social
action, the easier it is to understand:
1) Acts of Instrumental Rationality
This action is a social action carried
out by someone based on conscious
considerations and choices related to
the purpose of the action and the
availability of the tools used to achieve
it. For example, A student who is often
late because he does not have means of
transportation, finally buys a motorbike
so he comes to school early and not late.
This action has been carefully
considered for it to achieve a certain
goal. In other words, assessing and
determining that goal and that action
could be used as a way to achieve
another goal.
2) Value Rational Action
Meanwhile, value rational action has
the characteristic that the existing tools are
only conscious considerations and
calculations, while the goals already exist
about absolute individual values. For
example the behavior of praying or
someone giving priority to older people
when queuing for groceries. That is, this
social action has been considered first
because it prioritizes social values and
religious values that he has.
3) Affective Action
This type of social action is more
dominated by feelings or emotions without
intellectual reflection or conscious
planning. Affective action is spontaneous,
irrational, and an emotional expression of
the individual. For example an affectionate
relationship between two teenagers who
are in love or are in love.
4) Traditional Action
In this type of action, a person exhibits
certain behaviors out of habits acquired
from ancestors, without conscious
reflection or planning.
The last two types of action often only
use automatic responses to external stimuli.
As such it does not fall under the category
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of meaningful action that is the target of
sociological research. However, at certain
times these two types of actions can turn
into meaningful actions that can be
accounted for to be understood.
Social action according to Max Weber
is an individual action as long as the action
has subjective meaning or meaning for him
and is directed to the actions of others. An
individual action directed at an inanimate
object is not included in the category of
social action, an action will be said to be a
social activity when the action is directed at
another person (another individual).
2. Social Exchange Theory
Social exchange theory (SET) is one
of the most influential conceptual
paradigms in understanding employee
work behavior in an organization.
Empirical studies of social exchange
theory can be traced to the 1920s
Malinowski (1922); Mauss (1925). One of
the figures who developed the theory of
social exchange, among others, is
psychology (Blau, 1964). Furthermore, it
is said that social exchange as a feeling
causes the same perception of goals in
the future. Given this theory, employees
will be motivated and committed to
work and the organization if they are
treated fairly and equally. Furthermore,
Bass (1990) states that SET theory is
aimed at understanding the relationship
between leaders and their subordinates
and understanding factors related to
documents (Mowdey et.al., 1982).
Positive and negative exchanges with
individuals and organizations (leaders
and organizations) affect employee
behavior and feelings as a commitment
to achieving goals (Brown, 1990). In
social exchange theory, these
interactions are usually seen as
interdependent and dependent on the
actions of other people (Blau, 1964)
Talajun, 2018) so that the experience
gained is a mutual influence between
individuals and organizations.
Based on SET theory, individuals in
organizations enter into exchange
relationships with others because of the
motivation to obtain rewards. Social
exchange theory sees a relationship
between behavior and the environment
or vice versa. Because the environment
generally consists of other people, the
individual, and these other people are
seen as having reciprocal (reciprocal)
influencing behavior. In this relationship,
there is an element of reward. In its
current role, SET is the basis for how
leaders in companies understand the
work behavior of their employees
because, in this work behavior, certain
motives cause behavior. So social
behavior consists of an exchange of at
least two people based on profit and
loss calculations. So a person's behavior
is raised because based on his
calculations, it will be beneficial for him,
and vice versa if it is detrimental then the
behavior is not displayed
The type of research used is a
qualitative research method that aims to
find out how Creative Intelligence works in
shaping student behavior and the
implications of Creative Intelligence in
shaping student behavior. The subjects of
this study were 6 students. The data
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1927
analysis technique used by the authors in
analyzing the data is descriptive qualitative.
Life in today's era requires people to
always learn and think of new ways of
dealing with life's problems. Life problems
found in the family, community, or nation
are increasingly complex and require us to
think creatively and divergently in solving
them. Creativity is a 'personal wealth' that
is manifested in attitudes or characters,
such as flexibility, openness, desire to try
something, determination, the ability to
describe ideas, and the ability to know
yourself realistically (Arafa nafsahu).
Education, which is an agent of change,
must be able to improve the nation's
character. Therefore, education needs to be
reconstructed so that it can produce
graduates who are more qualified and
ready to face the "world" of the future
which is full of problems and challenges,
and can produce graduates who have
noble characters. In other words, education
must be able to carry out the mission of
building character (character building) so
that students and graduates can participate
in filling development in the future without
leaving behind the values of the original
All these characteristics are
prerequisites for creativity. The
development of creativity in the classroom
(learning) will produce creative students
who generally have higher and stronger
abilities when compared to other students.
The ability to think creatively as a
component of creativity will produce
effective learning or further develop high-
level reasoning power that can be used to
solve learning problems.
Creative people are not always
objective (not seeing what is said but
seeing the person saying it). However, to
test the manual ideas of others and they do
not limit the view of the outside world.
Creative people often put their egos aside
and always consult with colleagues to test
their ideas. In addition, creative individuals
have strong self-motivation, drive, and
spiritual needs. One of the keys to
understanding creativity is to recognize the
drive from within and the desire to create
for the sake of the creation itself. Creatives
are usually always curious, have broad
interests, and like a passion for developing
creativity creatively. Creative children and
adolescents are usually quite independent
and self-confident. They are more willing to
take risks (which are always calculated) than
children in general. This means that in
doing something very meaningful,
important, and liked by them, they don't
pay attention to criticism or ridicule from
other people. They are also not afraid to
make mistakes in expressing their opinion
even though they may not be approved by
others. Innovative people dare to be
different, stand out, surprise, or deviate
from tradition
Many educational institutions have
implemented religious material into the
learning process so that students can
become generations of people who have
good character. The problem of weakening
children's character is caused by a lack of
understanding of moral values and the loss
of religious values in life. Character building
is the obligation of every human being
which is carried out continuously without
1928 | Creative Intelligence In Forming Student Character
stopping by carrying out coaching, and
habituation to improve the improvement of
one's character. Efforts to build character
are carried out from an early age so that
later the child can know which behavior is
good and what is bad.
The development of the child's
character will be seen from the
development of the child's behavior, both
in the social and personal aspects of the
child. As stated in the Regulation of the
Minister of National Education of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 58 of 2009
concerning Children's Education Standards,
it is stated that there are five (5)
development areas for children's education,
namely (1) development in the field of
religion and morals; (2) development of
social emotional aspects; (3) development
of language aspects; (4) development of
physical and cognitive aspects. One of the
cognitive developments that must be
developed is to increase children's creativity
which can indirectly improve students'
learning achievements at the next level of
In addition to planting the basics of
behavior, educational institutions should
also be able to develop children's creative
potential. Where most educational
institutions always prioritize intellectual
intelligence or IQ, even though creativity
also plays an important role. Efforts to
develop children's creativity are less
attention. As a result, children's creativity is
less developed. This can be seen in the
lesson plans and implementation.
1. How Creative Intelligence Works in the
Formation of Student Behavior
The development of student's creative
potential will result in superior learning.
Students who can think creatively will
have high intrinsic motivation in learning
and have a strong drive, self-confidence,
and high-level thinking skills. Also, the
development of divergent thinking skills
as a creative element will improve a
person's attitude toward learning and
increase learning motivation or a
powerful way to encourage someone to
learn. In other words, creativity provides
the skills needed to deal with the
uncertain future of life. Creative thinking
is an important element for realizing
successful learning or quality education
and success in life. The application of
creative intelligence to students of
SMAN 2 Gowa Regency is carried out in
4 categories which are described as
a. Creative school leaders will provide
opportunities or freedom and blessing
to members of the school community
(teachers, students, staff) to express
their creativity. Creative leaders will
engage multiple parties in creative
dialogue and creative decision-
making. The creative leader will be a
source of inspiration, providing access,
time, and resources, and creating an
environment conducive to
experimentation and different views.
b. The curriculum is designed around a
class theme or project. The learning
unit consists of serial learning activities
that are designed based on the topic of
magnitude which involves the whole
group. This topic contains learning
area units such as reading,
mathematics, science, and social
studies, and prepares or provides
topics and activity planning
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1929
frameworks for students. Students as a
whole try to experience. Learning
based on principles or views
(differentiated instruction/DI) is as
Children of the same age have
differences in several ways, namely
learning readiness, interests, learning
styles, and experience
These differences affect what
students need to learn and the main
task of teachers and schools is to
maximize the abilities of each student.
DI is also an improvement effort to
achieve high-quality curriculum and
learning, students are involved in
setting goals
The curriculum has a relationship
with the experiences and interests of
students. Therefore, DI is intended to
maximize children's growth and help
children achieve progress
c. The learning process alone is not
enough to be able to shape and
develop students' creative attitudes
and motivation. For this reason, a
facility is needed that continuously
maintains and maintains the attitude
and motivation of students in a steady
creative process. Teachers provide free
opportunities for students to 'play'
with problems, materials, and ideas or
inject fantasy as a source of ideas. This
can be done through activities -
conducting science fairs to introduce
the machines that will be produced or
needed, d. Creative and rewarding
d. To create creative vehicles, outside of
school institutions, other institutions
are also needed that feel committed
and responsible for building a creative
educational atmosphere for students.
2. Implications of the Application of
Creative Intelligence
The application of creative
intelligence to students is related to
the theory put forward by Max Weber
saying, individual humans in society
are creative actors and social reality is
not a static tool but rather the
coercion of social facts. This means
that human action is not completely
determined by norms, habits, values,
and so on which are included in the
concept of social facts. Although in
the end, Weber acknowledged that in
society there is a social structure and
social institutions. It is said that social
structure and social institutions are
two interrelated concepts in shaping
social action.
Max Weber, in introducing the
concept of the Verstehen approach to
understanding the meaning of one's
actions, assumes that a person in
acting does not just carry it out but
also places himself in the thinking
and behavior of other people. The
concept of this approach is more
directed at an action motivated by
the goal to be achieved or to
motivate. In this case, the application
of creative intelligence is one of the
concepts of this approach which is
more directed at an action motivated
by the goal to be achieved, namely to
make students think creatively which
will have a positive influence on their
social behavior.
The social behavior in question is
how students respond and face
1930 | Creative Intelligence In Forming Student Character
learning in class as a fun activity so
that the learning load is lost. Social
action that is based on real thinking
as practiced by the principal and
teacher in implementing creative
intelligence is a reflection of the
pattern of behavior included in the
affective action put forward by
Generally teaching in schools
emphasizes memorization and
routine appearance. In this case, the
child is less educated to think based
on what he has obtained. So that the
power of imagination is weak
because children are not encouraged
to express problems to themselves,
look for a solution to these problems,
and not show initiative. For this
reason, the role of school leaders and
teachers is needed in implementing
creativity both in the school and
classroom environment to stimulate
students' creative intelligence. The
development of student creativity
includes the development of
creativity in teaching and learning
Creativity strategies in children's
lives are needed to maintain and
support the development of
children's creativity. In the process of
teaching and learning activities,
several factors can increase children's
creativity. First, give what tasks the
children want. Thus, the involvement
of children in the learning process is
very high, and conditions like this will
make children happy and enthusiastic
about learning.
The implications that can be
summarized based on the results of
the interviews are described as
1) The environment must also support the
development of creativity.
2) Where it is known that the environment
that guides creative conditions, can
appear when individuals feel free from
pressure, safe, and positive.
3) The learning climate in schools and
classes is very influential in learning
4) Learning designers will be creative,
especially when their assignments are
interesting, motivating, and challenging
and accompanied by a feeling of security.
The existing climate must also provide
opportunities for lecturers to explore
creativity, in forming ways of overcoming
obstacles, generating ideas, identifying
opportunities, making assessments,
experimenting, and using trial and error.
All of these things train creativity because
as human beings, we are creative beings.
When we don't create, we don't grow and
learn. There are several different aspects,
in the design of learning
5) Innovation is not only something that is
generally known as something new, but
something new for individuals, or about
the transfer and adaptation of ideas from
one context to another. Creativity is work
that can pass the boundaries of
acceptance in a special context: This
includes taking risks. 3) Creativity as a
design that promotes the overall idea of
success. The ability to relate and to do
something with everything that has been
learned, and to use that knowledge in
other situations
St Haniah
Wahyuddin Hamid
| 1931
6) Creativity as a way of reasoning out of
Based on the explanation above, it can
be concluded that creativity is an attempt
to create something new and different and
is a unique process and is part of high
intelligence. Thus, creativity can be
concluded as the ability to think, behave,
and act in a new and rare way in solving a
problem, resulting in an original and useful
Juliantine, T. (2019).
kreativitas siswa melalui implementasi
model pembelajaran inkuiri dalam
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