Siska Giofana Mapusa | 2001
region. Therefore, this Regional regulation
functions as an umbrella provision that will
only regulate matters of a principal nature
which will then be elaborated further with
various regulations in the field of other
local legislation, such as regional
regulations, regulations/decisions from the
Regent/Mayor or customary village
regulations/decisions following the
authority they have.
If you look at the regency/municipality
level regulations, Southwest Maluku
Regency Regional Regulation Number 4 of
2022 concerning Village Management and
customary village has been issued, making
Maluku Province Regional Regulation
Number 16 of 2016 as one of its legal
bases. The inclusion of the legal basis
illustrates that this regional regulation has
become a reference for regencies/city
governments in drafting regional
regulations in the local area. In connection
with the importance of the existence of this
regional regulation, in substance and
technique, laws and regulations must be
effective, efficient, and have a quality
implementation impact on the community.
Based on the Academic Text of the
Maluku Province Regional Regulation
Number 16 of 2019 concerning
Arrangements for Customary Villages.
From a philosophical aspect, the customer
village (or called by other names) in
Maluku Province has grown and developed
throughout history for centuries. It has
become a symbol of identity for the
continuity of community life and national
development in Maluku Province. In
addition, to preserve local cultural values,
customs, and customary laws in the
administration of customary village
governance as a unit of customary law
communities in Maluku Province, they
have a very large and strategic role, so they
need to be preserved, their position,
function, and role need to be regulated as
a Provincial Regulation concerning
arrangement for the customary village.
From a sociological perspective,
arrangements regarding arrangement for
the customary village (or referred to by
other names) are carried out as an effort to
organize the administration of village
governance based on customary and
cultural characteristics, value systems and
systems, institutions, and social institutions
that live, grow and develop following the
values -the traditional values of the Maluku
people and in line with the system of
government of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia.
From a Juridical Aspect, arrangements
regarding arrangement for the customary
village (or referred to by other names) are
carried out as an effort to structure the
administration of village governance based
on customary and cultural characteristics,
systems and systems of values, institutions,
and social institutions that live, grow and
develop following the values -the
traditional values of the Maluku people
and in line with the system of government
of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia. In order to preserve local
cultural values, customs, and customary
laws in the administration of customary
land as a unit of customary law
communities in Maluku Province, they
have a very large and strategic role that
needs to be preserved; their position,
function, and role need to be regulated as
in regulation area; Whereas to confirm the