2033 | Calculating Expected Stock Return Using Arbitrage Pricing Theory Model and Analyzing
Independent Variables That Affect Stock Expected Return (Analysis Conducted on Kompas
100 Stock Issuers For The Period 2020 – 2022)
development in Indonesia such as houses,
apartments, and toll roads that are paid
using rupiah currency. If inflation increases,
the issuers mentioned above will have to
increase the price of the real estate they sell
due to the increase in the price of building
raw materials, and companies such as
WSKT, and JSMR will have to increase toll
road entrance fees to their users due to the
increase in toll road maintenance costs due
to inflation.
Issuers such as SMGR, and INTP, which
are cement-producing companies in
Indonesia, have high sensitivity to rising
inflation. Inflation will directly result in a
decrease in the value of the IDR currency
against the USD currency which is often
done in energy purchase contracts for the
cement plants they operate. The main
market share of SMGR, and INTP is the
domestic market and they accept it in the
form of Rp, and if there is an increase in
inflation which is then followed by a
decrease in the value of the IDR currency
against the USD currency causes these two
issuers to have to increase their cement
prices to prevent losses if they insist on
using the same price as before the increase
in inflation.
Other issuers such as GGRM, and
HMSP whose main business is to sell
cigarette products that face cigarette excise
duty increases every year, are also sensitive
to rising inflation which will lead to higher
prices of cigarette raw materials and
increase cigarette prices if they do not
stimulate will divert consumers to cheaper
cigarette products. Issuers such as UNVR,
processed food products, clothing, and
other consumerist products, when there is
an increase in inflation, these companies
have two choices, increase the price or
reduce the content of the products they sell
to maintain the price of their products at
the same price. For ICBP issuers that sell
instant noodle products that have been
considered as one of the staple foods, the
choice is to increase product prices due to
the increase in prices of wheat staples
imported from abroad. MAPI issuers and
LPPFs that have clothing-selling business
lines will experience a decrease in the
number of sales during times of rising
inflation because consumers prefer to buy
necessities rather than buy clothes. MAPI
issuers that sell foreign branded products
to the upper middle class, do not
experience a decline in sales when inflation
only rises 0.5-1% per year, but they will
experience a decline in sales when inflation
rises above 1% per year because
consumers of its target market prefer to
keep their money in deposits or other
securities to protect their wealth.
Issuers such as ADRO, ANTM, INCO,
have the resilience to inflation because they
sell mining products such as coal, oil and
gas, tin, nickel, bauxite which they usually
enter into sale and purchase contracts
using USD both with business partners
abroad and domestically. The USD currency
is higher than the Rp, causing their income
derived from the export of mining materials
which is valued in USD to protect them
from the increase in production costs, and
labor costs which are valued in Rp.
The relationship between inflation and
the money supply (M2), USD exchange rate,