2053 | Implementation of "Jakarta Smart City" In One-Stop-Service: Daily Need In The City
South Jakarta?
integrating various public services in
Jakarta by providing people with a new
space to report city problems and the first
city-based application developed by the
Jakarta Smart City Management Unit. The
main features in the JAKI application
include Jakarta, JakRespons, JakPangan,
JakPantau, JakSiaga, LaporVideo, JakWifi,
JakAman, JakSekolahmu, JakISPU,
JakSurvei, JakApps, JakCo, and JakCLM/
JakCorona. In addition to the main features,
several other supporting features are
connected to several websites to make it
easier for the people of DKI Jakarta to get
information or services, these features:
PTSP, PPID, the official website of the DKI
Jakarta Provincial Government,
Musrenbang, APBD, JakPreneur, Flood
Monitor, Traffic, Bus Jackets, Portal Jakarta
Responding to Covid-19.
The JAKI application is a complete
application presented by the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government because many
features are utilized. Its application, it turns
out that the people do not widely know the
JAKI application itself of DKI Jakarta. The
Jakarta application is now available and can
be downloaded on the Google Play Store
and Apple Store. If added together, the
total number of people who have
downloaded this application is more than
500,000 users in these two applications
(Data from Department of Population and
Civil Registration-Jakarta.go.id). The total
population of DKI Jakarta in 2019 reached
11,063,324 people. This data indicates that
not half of the people of Jakarta have
downloaded or used the JAKI application.
In addition, in the reviews contained in the
Play Store and App Store, many people
complain about this application even
though the JAKI application itself has a
rating of 4.2 in the play store.
These complaints can be seen on the
review page contained in the play store,
while the complaints include: The lack of
clarity in the assessment indicators in the
JakCLM feature because several users get
the same average score of 38%, which
indicates that they are not safe to travel.
Response and follow-up after reporting in
dealing with problems seem careless and
not optimal and even seem slow. Data
security in the JAKI application is a
dissertation with our identity and personal
email address, and cellphone number in
this application (Chang et al., 2021); (Evans
et al., 2019). The user's concern is whether
our data will be guaranteed safe and there
will be no data leakage. In addition, public
complaints that arise are a) There is much
illegal parking, and a slum environment; b)
places to eat that do not enforce eating in
place during the strict Health Protocol
(Prokes); c) Restaurants that do not apply
Prokes rules; d) Damaged roads; e)
Unavailability of public facilities; f) Green
parks; g) accessibility for the disabled.
The lack of socialization in the JAKI
application in South Jakarta, another
problem that the author encountered was
the unsatisfied response of the people of
Pesanggrahan District to officers' actions in
handling reports. In reporting on the
"JakRespons" feature, the author found that
many communities still give a one-star
assessment of the problem's follow-up.
One star itself means that the reporting
community is not satisfied with the
government's handling. Due to several
reasons, including follow-up photos that
do not match the reported location, and