JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 9, 2051 2063
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.428 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Afika Sari Dewi
Bhakti Nur Avianto*
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik; Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
e-mail: afikasa[email protected]
, bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
*Correspondence: bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
: January 21
: March 09
: April 25
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the implementation of the “Jakarta Smart City (JAKI)
application policy in the South Jakarta City area in 2020. And to find out more about the
implementation and the supporting and inhibiting factors for the JAKI application. This research
focuses on the implementation of the "JakLapor" feature found in the JAKI application. This study
uses four indicators obtained from George C. Edward III's policy implementation theory, namely
Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure. This study uses a qualitative
approach, using primary and secondary data sources—obtained Primary data sources from
observations and interviews with informants—received from Secondary data sources from
document searches. The study results indicate that the JAKI application in South Jakarta City has
not utilized technology and communication to realize better public services. The use of Smart City
has also not succeeded in increasing public and government participation in using application data,
providing input and criticism of the implementation of public services. Furthermore, the JAKI
application also has to support inhibiting factors in its application. However, there are also
challenges in implementing Smart Cities in Indonesia, such as inadequate infrastructure, data
security problems, and limited access to technology for people in rural areas. Therefore, there
is a need for collaboration between the government, private sector, and society to overcome
these challenges and ensure the implementation of a sustainable and inclusive Smart City in
Keywords: Implementation; Jakarta Smart City; Technology; Public Service.
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The nature of public services is a series
of activities to fulfill service needs aimed at
every citizen and resident of goods,
services, and administrative services
provided by public service providers. The
obligation of public bodies to optimize the
implementation of public services is by
providing activities, facilities, infrastructure,
and public service facilities carried out by
the government (Al-Hader, 2021); (Yang et
al., 2020); (Alamsyah et al., 2016) They
supported the creation of an adequate and
quality service climate following the
principles and standards of public service
delivery carried out by public agencies as
stated in Law Number 14 of 2008 Article 13.
To realize fast, precise, and straightforward
services, every Public Agency must: a)
appoint an Information Management and
Documentation Officer; and b) Create and
develop a system for providing information
services quickly, efficiently, and fairly under
the technical guidelines for the nationally
applicable Public Information service
Public efforts are needed by the
government so that an adequate and
quality service climate can occur. The
government's efforts to provide services
based on good and quality public
information disclosure can be carried out
through ICT (Information and
Communication Technologies) innovations
as the demands of the changing era of
globalization have entered the industrial
revolution 4.0. The Presidential Regulation
supports this on the Electronic-Based
Government System (SPBE), namely the
administration of government by utilizing
ICT to provide services to government
agencies, state civil servants,
businesspeople, the community, and other
parties. This electronic-based system is also
known as e-government (Stübinger &
Schneider, 2020); (Wu et al., 2020); (Appio
et al., 2019).
E-government increases collaboration
between government affairs and tasks to
achieve common goals. And improve the
quality and reach of public services to the
broader community and reduce the level of
abuse of authority in the form of collusion,
corruption, and nepotism by implementing
a surveillance system and electronic-based
public complaints (Najjar et al., 2021);
(Picioroagă et al., 2018); (Shamsuddin &
Srinivasan, 2021); (Kencono & Iqbal, 2021).
Through the development of e-
government, management systems, and
work processes are arranged in the
government environment by optimizing
the use of information technology. In line
with the development of the e-government
concept, to increase the disclosure of
information to the public and services to
the public, the DKI Jakarta government
issued an electronic-based policy, namely
Jakarta is now directly integrated with the
Jakarta Smart City or JAKI.
The JAKI is an application launched by
the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government that
functions as a center for information and
community services in Jakarta. JAKI is
targeted to be a one-stop service
application where the people of DKI Jakarta
can easily access official information and
service centers. With the JAKI application,
the public can also participate in the
welfare of the City of Jakarta (Samudra,
2020). JAKI itself is also a portal for
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South Jakarta?
integrating various public services in
Jakarta by providing people with a new
space to report city problems and the first
city-based application developed by the
Jakarta Smart City Management Unit. The
main features in the JAKI application
include Jakarta, JakRespons, JakPangan,
JakPantau, JakSiaga, LaporVideo, JakWifi,
JakAman, JakSekolahmu, JakISPU,
JakSurvei, JakApps, JakCo, and JakCLM/
JakCorona. In addition to the main features,
several other supporting features are
connected to several websites to make it
easier for the people of DKI Jakarta to get
information or services, these features:
PTSP, PPID, the official website of the DKI
Jakarta Provincial Government,
Musrenbang, APBD, JakPreneur, Flood
Monitor, Traffic, Bus Jackets, Portal Jakarta
Responding to Covid-19.
The JAKI application is a complete
application presented by the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government because many
features are utilized. Its application, it turns
out that the people do not widely know the
JAKI application itself of DKI Jakarta. The
Jakarta application is now available and can
be downloaded on the Google Play Store
and Apple Store. If added together, the
total number of people who have
downloaded this application is more than
500,000 users in these two applications
(Data from Department of Population and
Civil Registration-Jakarta.go.id). The total
population of DKI Jakarta in 2019 reached
11,063,324 people. This data indicates that
not half of the people of Jakarta have
downloaded or used the JAKI application.
In addition, in the reviews contained in the
Play Store and App Store, many people
complain about this application even
though the JAKI application itself has a
rating of 4.2 in the play store.
These complaints can be seen on the
review page contained in the play store,
while the complaints include: The lack of
clarity in the assessment indicators in the
JakCLM feature because several users get
the same average score of 38%, which
indicates that they are not safe to travel.
Response and follow-up after reporting in
dealing with problems seem careless and
not optimal and even seem slow. Data
security in the JAKI application is a
dissertation with our identity and personal
email address, and cellphone number in
this application (Chang et al., 2021); (Evans
et al., 2019). The user's concern is whether
our data will be guaranteed safe and there
will be no data leakage. In addition, public
complaints that arise are a) There is much
illegal parking, and a slum environment; b)
places to eat that do not enforce eating in
place during the strict Health Protocol
(Prokes); c) Restaurants that do not apply
Prokes rules; d) Damaged roads; e)
Unavailability of public facilities; f) Green
parks; g) accessibility for the disabled.
The lack of socialization in the JAKI
application in South Jakarta, another
problem that the author encountered was
the unsatisfied response of the people of
Pesanggrahan District to officers' actions in
handling reports. In reporting on the
"JakRespons" feature, the author found that
many communities still give a one-star
assessment of the problem's follow-up.
One star itself means that the reporting
community is not satisfied with the
government's handling. Due to several
reasons, including follow-up photos that
do not match the reported location, and
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late and not optimal handling. In addition
to the handling that is not optimal, other
complaints are from the attitude of the
officers when handling reports. The
community feels that the officers'
perspective is not good and is not firm with
the violators.
The demands for administrative reform
still exist. Even though eight years have
passed, the various opportunities that exist
are calculated to create a condition where
the life of the nation and state becomes
better. All elements of government have
agreed to improve requirements of the past
that were lacking not happen again.
Therefore, since this problem, terms such as
e-government and good governance have
emerged. This term appears to embody a
better front. Definition of e-government is
defined as a collection of concepts for all
actions in the public sector (both at the
central and local government levels)
involving information and communication
technology in optimizing efficient,
transparent, and effective public service
processes (Ullah et al., 2021); (David &
McNutt, 2019). e-government directs all
government agencies to use information
technology (such as WAN, internet, and
mobile computing) to change relationships
with citizens, businesses, and government-
related parties.
A smart city, or smart city, is a concept
of developing, implementing, and
implementing technology applied to an
area (primarily urban areas) as a complex
interaction between the various systems.
The word city refers to the city as the center
of a country or region, where all the centers
of life are located (government, trade,
education, health, and defense. The
population in cities is relatively more than
in other areas (e.g., villages/sub-cities).
Cities are an attraction In Indonesia itself;
urbanization refers to moving people from
villages to cities to earn a living or
education. E-government is also regulated
in Presidential Regulation Number 95 of
2018 concerning Electronic-Based
Government Systems. In Presidential
Regulation, Number 95 of 2018, Article 1
explains that the Electronic-Based
Government System, in the future
abbreviated as SPBE, is a government
administration that utilizes information and
communication technology to provide
services to SPBE Users.
The utilization of E-Government can
encourage and realize an open,
participatory, innovative, and accountable
government. Smart City is also defined as a
city that can use human resources, social
capital, and modern telecommunications
infrastructure to realize sustainable
economic growth and high quality of life,
with wise resource management through
community-based government
participation (Wu et al., 2020); (Yang et al.,
2020); (David & McNutt, 2019). Smart City
equates to a broad, integrated approach to
increasing a city's operating efficiency,
improving the quality of life of its residents,
and growing the local economy. Smart
Cities defines by weighting environmental
aspects into Smart Cities use ICT
intelligently and efficiently in using various
resources. Resulting in cost and energy
savings, improving services and quality of
life, and reducing environmental footprints,
all supporting innovation and an
environmentally friendly economy
(Pacheco Rocha et al., 2022); (Kencono &
2055 | Implementation of "Jakarta Smart City" In One-Stop-Service: Daily Need In The City
South Jakarta?
Iqbal, 2021).
Smart JAKI Indonesia is a Smart City
program implemented in the City of Jakarta
to improve the quality of life of citizens and
the efficiency of public services through the
application of information and
communication technology (ICT). Various
ICT innovations have been implemented in
the Smart JAKI Indonesia program, such as
transportation management systems,
parking management systems, public
service applications, and waste
management systems.
A study (Widiachristy & Rachmanto,
2021) shows that the Smart JAKI Indonesia
program has had a positive impact on the
quality of life of Jakarta residents. Through
public service applications, citizens can
easily report various city problems such as
damage to roads, public facilities, and the
environment. This can speed up the
response from the government and
improve the quality of public services.
In addition, the Smart JAKI Indonesia
program has also brought positive changes
in transportation management in Jakarta.
According to a study by (Firman et al.,
2022), the transportation management
system implemented in Jakarta has
improved transportation efficiency and
reduced congestion in the city. The parking
management system has also helped
optimize the use of parking spaces in
Jakarta, thereby reducing congestion and
However, there are also challenges in
the implementation of the Smart JAKI
Indonesia program. A study (Nugraha,
2020) shows that the main challenge is the
lack of community involvement in Smart
City programs. The lack of digital literacy
and limited access to technology in some
regions are also obstacles to implementing
the Smart City program in Jakarta.
The stages of development of
eGovernment implementation in Indonesia
have been divided into four: 1) Web
Presence, namely bringing up regional
websites on the internet. At this stage, the
government website will display the basic
information needed by the community's
needs; 2) Interaction, a regional web that
provides interaction facilities between the
community and the Regional Government.
At this stage, the government website
displays more varied information, such as
the availability of download facilities and
communication via email; 3) Transaction is
a regional web that is equipped with the
existence of public service transaction
facilities from the government in addition
to the presence of interaction facilities; 4)
Transformation, namely, government
services are increased in an integrated
manner. JAKI is an e-government product
released by the government in November
2019. JAKI is an application made by Jakarta
Smart City, a management unit under the
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government of
Communication, Information, and
JAKI application is supported by
Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2018
regarding the 2017-2022 DKI Jakarta
Provincial RPJMD. Namely, in the Regional
Regulation, it is explained that DKI Jakarta
builds a clean, modern, and serving
government based on transparency,
accountability, and exemplary by
optimizing public involvement and the use
of technology (Smart City). JAKI makes it
easy for the public to access various official
Afika Sari Dewi
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information and various public services
from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
with only one application. Through JAKI,
the public can access official information
about Jakarta directly from Regional
Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and
Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD). JAKI
is also a portal for integrating various
public services in Jakarta, providing a new
space for reporting city problems and the
first city-based application developed by
the Jakarta Smart City Management Unit.
JAKI makes it easy for the public to access
various official information and various
public services from the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government with only one
application. In addition to improving
services to the people of DKI Jakarta, JAKI
is also a form of developing Jakarta's smart
city. In essence, a smart city utilizes
technology to maximize public services and
data-based decision-making so that
policies issued will be more effective and
efficient. Therefore, many cities worldwide,
especially those that develop the concept
of smart cities, use technology to bring
government as close as the tap of a
smartphone screen.
A study (Syalianda & Kusumastuti,
2021) also shows that JAKI Indonesia's
Smart program can help improve waste
management in Jakarta. Through the waste
management system implemented in
Jakarta, waste can be managed more
effectively and efficiently, thereby reducing
the negative impact of waste on the
environment and public health.
In addition, the Smart JAKI Indonesia
program has also had a positive impact on
the tourism sector in Jakarta. According to
a study by Astuti et al. (2020), the Smart
Tourism application implemented in Jakarta
has helped improve the accessibility and
experience of tourists in Jakarta. Tourists
can easily find information about tourist
attractions, accommodations, and
transportation in Jakarta through this
However, a study by Satispi &
Mufidayati (2019) shows that there are still
some obstacles to implementing the Smart
JAKI Indonesia program, such as data
security problems and a lack of integration
between different systems in the Smart City
program. Therefore, efforts are needed to
overcome these challenges and improve
the integration between systems in the
Smart City program.
Overall, the Smart JAKI Indonesia
program has brought many benefits to
Jakarta, such as improving the quality of
life, efficiency of public services, and
reducing negative environmental impacts.
However, there are still challenges in
implementing the Smart City program in
Jakarta that need to be overcome, such as
a lack of community involvement and data
security issues. Therefore, there is a need
for collaboration between the government,
the private sector, and the community to
ensure the implementation of a sustainable
and inclusive Smart City program in Jakarta.
This study uses a qualitative approach.
In research, a qualitative approach is used
to describe the findings for analysis with an
inductive approach to the process, and
meaning (informant perspective) is more
highlighted in qualitative research. This
study uses a qualitative approach because
2057 | Implementation of "Jakarta Smart City" In One-Stop-Service: Daily Need In The City
South Jakarta?
the phenomenon under study requires in-
depth description and analysis. It is hoped
that various answers can be found in the
research and reveal actual events in the
Qualitative research methods are used
to examine the condition of natural objects.
(Sugiyono, 2018), where the researcher is
the key instrument, data collection
techniques are carried out by triangulation
(combined), data analysis is inductive, and
data analysis inductive research results
emphasize the meaning than
The informant determination technique
carried out by the author in this study was
a purposive sampling technique. The
purposive sampling technique is a
sampling technique of data sources with
specific considerations determined based
on the research objectives. The informants
in this study consisted of 5 implementers of
the JAKI application policy and 154
application users in South Jakarta who had
used the JAKI application or did not know
the JAKI application. The data collection
technique is how the author collects data
for research needs following the existing
problems. The data collection techniques
that the author did in this study were
interviews. The respondent must be
answering about the indicator of JAKI, and
then the question flexibly develops
According to Sugiyono (2018), data
analysis starts from formulating and
explaining the problem before going into
the field and continues until the writing of
research results. Data analysis
systematically searches and compiles data
obtained from interviews, field notes, and
other materials to be easily understood and
findings informed (Sugiyono, 2018)
Jakarta Smart City Lounge is a place
provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government as a creative space to support
the implementation of Jakarta Smart City.
Jakarta Smart City Lounge is in DKI Jakarta
City Hall Building on Block B 3rd Floor,
Central Jakarta, reported on Jakarta Smart
City's official website. The JSC Lounge is
equipped with monitoring equipped with a
hyper wall a large LED screento display a
variety of information integrated with the
Jakarta Smart City.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government
is trying to develop an ICT called Jakarta
now or JAKI, which all DKI Jakarta residents
can download on the Play Store and Apple
Store. The JAKI application is an application
that is targeted to be a one-stop-service
application where all DKI Jakarta residents
can access information centers or get
official services quickly through their
smartphones with just one application. The
public must know policies issued by the
government to be assessed together on
how they are implemented. Therefore, JAKI
application to all the people of DKI Jakarta.
But People's ignorance of using JAKI will
hinder the success of JAKI.
Graph.1: Diagram of Public Knowledge of
the JAKI Application, 2022
Afika Sari Dewi
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Graph 1 shows that of the 154
application users who do not know about
JAKI, it is 57.1%, while those who know
about the JAKI application 42.9%. This
shows that the low use of the JAKI
application is due to public ignorance in
using the JAKI application. Results of
interviews with product analyst officers: The
social media used by the DKI Provincial
Government, especially Twitter, has often
posted and promoted the Jaki application,
especially "JakLapor" and "JakRespons"
because Twitter is also an official complaint
channel. In addition, the social media "JSC
lounge" has also been maximized to
promote and inform the public regarding
the Jaki application, but it cannot be denied
that the people of DKI Jakarta are as active
in accessing social media. Therefore, JSC
has a product trainer division, their job is to
socialize JAKI to the village and sub-district
parties regarding the new application and
what are the features of JAKI.
Graph.2: Respondents' attitude towards
the benefits of JAKI, 2020
The JSC did not only socialize in one
direction through social media but also
went directly to the field through regional
officials to be conveyed back to the
community. Based on the research findings,
shows that the process of policy
communication that occurs between public
bodies such as DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government, Jakarta Smart City, to sub-
districts, has been implemented. However,
the implementation of the JAKI application
is not communicated between the
government and the community. Policy
communication that is only carried out
between policymakers and implementers
makes the information in the form of
socialization not conveyed to the public.
Disposition is one aspect that
determines the success of policy
implementation. According to George C.
Edward III, Disposition is an attitude or
characteristic possessed by the
implementor. If the implementor has a
good disposition, he will be able to carry
out the policy well. Disposition in this study
is interpreted by looking at the attitude of
the Pesanggrahan District in following up
on complaints or complaints. Reports in the
JakLapor feature in the JAKI application.
The attitude given by the implementing
party in following up on the information
must be accompanied by an exemplary
commitment. The officers should also
provide a good impression in providing
services to the community.
So that people are satisfied with the
services provided by the officers. However,
in practice, the service delivery was not
optimal according to the Pesanggrahan
District community, who had made a
complaint report in JakLapor. In Graph 2,
the attitude of the officers has been good.
But the response in following up on the
message has not been maximized. This
indicator is shown by the government's
extended response in solving problems,
careless handling, and even just an appeal.
The officer feels the cause is public
awareness is still lacking in sorting out the
urgency of reporting so the attitude of
officers in following up reports is
considered unsatisfactory for residents.
From the research findings, it can be
Does responden need the JAKI?
Mostly Didn't / no need Not Know
2059 | Implementation of "Jakarta Smart City" In One-Stop-Service: Daily Need In The City
South Jakarta?
concluded that the response and attitude
of Pesanggrahan District officers do not yet
commit and show a good attitude.
Policies require conducive cooperation
between employees. When the
bureaucratic structure is not conducive to
the available procedures, it can cause
resources to become ineffective and
unmotivated, hindering the
implementation of policies. Jakarta Smart
City officers admit that their bureaucratic
mechanism is not complicated so that the
implementing party or officers can
immediately follow up on incoming
reports. The bureaucracy of the follow-up
action is not complicated. So that sub-
district employees can directly handle
messages without having to wait for
confirmation in advance and can work now
with or contact the Sub-Department. If the
sub-district or village can no longer govern
the weight of the information. The working
mechanism established by the manager for
implementing a policy requires a Standard
Operating Procedure used to regulate the
flow of work, especially if the program's
implementation involves more than one
institution. The implementing party has an
SOP for handling reports in implementing
the JAKI application, especially the JakLapor
feature (Shihab & Hidayanto, 2021); (Reza
& Azmi, 2021); (Ardianto & Nuryakin,
The research findings show that the
bureaucracy in handling complaints in the
JakLapor part is not complicated. The use
of the JAKI application makes it easier for
the public to process reports and
complaints. Therefore, the bureaucratic
structure in the application of services in
the JAKI application is running well.
However, the JAKI application has factors
that hinder its implementation. Impeding
factors for implementation can cause a
policy not to work correctly. The inhibiting
factors need to be corrected by the DKI
Jakarta Provincial Government to improve
procedures. Three factors hinder the
implementation of the JAKI application,
The socialization that the sub-district
and sub-district of Pesanggrahan should
carry out is an obstacle to the
implementation of JAKI. The lack of
socialization causes people to not know
about the JAKI application. The geo-
tagging system also can become an
inhibiting factor for officers who handle
complaints reports in the JAKI application.
There are indications of problems from the
public's ignorance of the existence of a
geo-tagging system which causes
complaint reports not to be tracked
correctly with the coordinates of the
location of the problem. Bugs in the
application system and slow CRM
notifications are often complained about
by the public. Public complaints against the
JAKI application system can be seen in the
low user experience value. The slow
notification of CRM can cause complaint
reports not to be followed up immediately.
Here are some possible weaknesses
that can occur in the Jakarta Smart City
Infrastructure Limitations: Jakarta
Smart City application requires adequate
infrastructure to function properly, such as
a fast and stable internet network.
However, infrastructure availability in
certain regions may be inadequate, which
can hinder application accessibility and
Reliance on Technology: Jakarta Smart
City applications rely heavily on technology,
such as IoT sensors and data processing
systems. If there is a failure in the
technology, such as damage to the sensor
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or damaged software, then the Jakarta
Smart City application will not be able to
function properly.
Data Limitations: Jakarta Smart City
application requires accurate and up-to-
date data to provide useful information to
its users. However, limitations in data
collection, processing, and storage can
reduce the quality of information provided
by applications.
Privacy Concerns: Jakarta Smart City
app collects personal information from
users, such as location and preferences. If
the information is not processed properly
and stored securely, then the information
can be misused and threaten user privacy.
Digital Divide: Jakarta Smart City
applications can experience a digital divide
among users, especially those who do not
have access to or the ability to use digital
technology. This can exacerbate social and
economic inequalities in society.
Limited Accessibility: The Jakarta Smart
City app may not be accessible to everyone
due to factors such as limited internet
access, lack of technology skills, and
inability to read or write. Therefore, such
applications may not be effective in
reaching all groups in society.
However, keep in mind that the
weaknesses of the Jakarta Smart City
application can be overcome by improving
infrastructure, improving data quality, and
strengthening security and privacy. In
addition, training and education on digital
technology can also help reduce the digital
divide and improve accessibility.
Smart City is a city development
concept that integrates information and
communication technology (ICT) to
improve the quality of life of residents,
efficiency of public services, and
sustainable development. Indonesia as a
developing country has adopted the Smart
City concept and began to apply it in
several big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya,
Bandung, and others. More efficient and
effective public services. Smart City can
help improve public services by providing
easy and fast access to information for
citizens through digital platforms. For
example, public service applications allow
citizens to report environmental,
infrastructure, and healthcare issues quickly
and easily.
Increased security and safety. Smart
cities can improve people's security and
safety by integrating technologies such as
CCTV, sensors, and entrance security
systems. This can help prevent crime, traffic
accidents, and fires. But the reduction of
operational costs. Smart cities can help
reduce government operational costs by
optimizing resource and energy use. For
example, the use of energy-efficient
streetlights, or efficient waste management
Improve environmental quality. Smart
cities can help improve environmental
quality by optimizing the use of natural
resources and reducing pollution. For
example, the use of renewable energy and
environmentally friendly transportation
systems. Increased transport efficiency.
Smart cities can help improve
transportation efficiency by optimizing
road use, introducing more efficient public
transportation, and increasing the use of
alternative transportation such as bicycles
and walking. By utilizing Smart City,
Indonesia can improve the quality of life of
citizens, increase the productivity and
efficiency of public services, and contribute
to sustainable development.
2061 | Implementation of "Jakarta Smart City" In One-Stop-Service: Daily Need In The City
South Jakarta?
In recent years, Indonesia has adopted
the Smart City concept as an effort to
improve people's quality of life, efficiency of
public services, and sustainable
development. Through the integration of
information and communication
technology (ICT), Smart City has brought
benefits to the people of Indonesia, such as
more efficient public services, increased
security, and safety, reduced operational
costs, improved environmental quality, and
improved transportation efficiency.
However, there are also challenges in
implementing Smart Cities in Indonesia,
such as inadequate infrastructure, data
security problems, and limited access to
technology for people in rural areas.
Therefore, there is a need for collaboration
between the government, private sector,
and society to overcome these challenges
and ensure the implementation of a
sustainable and inclusive Smart City in
Implementation of "JAKI as One-Stop-
Service" based on the Communication
Aspect is considered not to meet the
indicators of the daily needs of the urban
community of South Jakarta City. Because
user still 57.1% of the public who do not
know the JAKI application. Then there is no
socialization carried out by the district as
evidenced by primary data. Information
resources still do not meet the indicators of
IT-based work requirements both in
quantity and quality. WFO and WFH even
constrain them due to implementing the
PSBB (Social Distancing) policy in DKI
Jakarta. Disposition is considered not
optimal, and this is because officers from
Pesanggrahan District do not yet have a
good commitment attitude in following up
on community reports and the response of
officers in following up reports. The
bureaucratic structure has been formed to
be uncomplicated so that pieces of
complaints public directly followed up. In
addition, the availability of Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) regulates the
flow of work so that the follow-up of
problems is directed. Furthermore, the JAKI
application also has to support inhibiting
factors in its application. These supportive
factors include a geo-tagging system in the
JAKI application and the availability of full
features. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors
are lack of socialization, geo-tagging
system, and applications like bugs and slow
CRM notifications.
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