JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 9, 2036 2050
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.425 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Bhakti Nur Avianto
Trisnawati Yunika
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik; Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
e-mail: bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
, trisnawati.yu[email protected]m
*Correspondence: bh4kti.nur@gmail.com
Submitted: January 28
2023 Revised: March 05
2023 Accepted: March 25
Abstract: This study examines the quality service of business license process at the Ministry of
Agriculture and explores aspects that hinder their service for agricultural business license process
(PTSP) at the Ministry of Agriculture's. This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods
with interviews and documentation studies are used to collect data. This study uses data analysis
techniques consisting of data reduction, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy along with
indicators. The results showed that the quality of service for the business license process at the
Ministry of Agriculture still needs to be improved, especially in the aspects of process speed,
information disclosure, and responsiveness of service officers. Especially related to (1)
Implementation of application-based service quality that has not provided convenience for
business actors and lack of comfortable and clean facilities. (2) Strengthen the service officer's role
in responding to any complaint of the service not in accordance with the wishes of the community
regarding the timing of completion. (3) There are still low number of reliable employees in serving
and assisting business actors. (4) There is no certainty of timely services and fees charged as well
as those known by MSME business actors. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture needs to improve
the quality of services by improving processes, increasing transparency and responsiveness of
officers, and adjusting service costs to the quality provided.
Keywords: quality service; agricultural business permit process; one stop service; ministry of
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The issue of bureaucratic permits is one
of the problems that generally hinders
business development in Indonesia. The
current development is more and more
public protests and complaints regarding
the timing, accuracy, facilities, procedures,
mechanisms, lack of information, and lack
of services provided (Groeneveld, 2022);
(Ding et al., 2021); (Yusriadi & Farida,
2019a). This is a common problem in
carrying out public service activities,
including bureaucracy. Community chaos,
illegal levies imposed by the bureaucracy,
and a too long time to administer services.
There are many issues related to public
services in every department and agency. In
the field of public services, especially in
terms of the quality or quality of services
provided by government agencies to the
community, one of the things that are often
questioned (Turner et al., 2022); (de Avila
Gomide, 2022).
To improve the quality of public
services, the government began to improve
the management of public services by
developing an integrated service system in
1997. Then in 2006, the Ministry of Home
Affairs issued Minister of Home Affairs
Regulation Number 24 of 2006 concerning
One Stop Integrated services emphasizing
on the implementation of permitted
activities and disallowed and management
process from application stage to release.
The documentation phase takes place in
one place. The existence of this policy
shows that the government is increasingly
improving public services, especially those
related to administrative services. Based on
this formula, The one-stop integrated
service strategy aims to improve the quality
of public services in licensed and
unlicensed services by simplifying
centralized service delivery. This
simplification aims to further improve the
quality of public services by providing fast,
cheap, convenient, transparent, and
affordable services. This law forms the basis
of PTSP, and its basic form also reflects the
attitude, level of awareness and
commitment of the legislature and
government to improve the quality of
public services (Zhang et al., 2022); (Zekić-
Sušac, 2021)
Regarding Regulation of the Minister of
Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
concerning Procedures for Business
Licensing in the Agricultural Sector (No. 29/
Permentan/PP.210/7/2018). In accordance
with the policy for the Acceleration of
Business Implementation launched by the
government through Presidential
Regulation Number 91 of 2017, the
Ministry of Agriculture is improving existing
public services. This is through the start of
a comprehensive one stop service (PTSP)
unit from the Ministry of Agriculture. PTSP
Ministry of Agriculture is led by the Center
for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural
Licensing (hereinafter referred to as PVPPP
Center). PVPPP is unit that carries out the
task of providing licensing services and
agricultural technical recommendations
(Agriculture, n.d.)
The purpose of establishing a one stop
service unit is to simplify the business
establishment licensing process so that it is
faster, more effective, efficient and
transparent. This system is considered as an
effective alternative solution for community
service problems. Through this system, it is
2038 | Quality Service of Agricultural Business Permit Process In One Stop Service The Ministry
believed that it can contribute to business
actors in the business licensing process
(McGuirk et al., 2021) (Muksin & Avianto,
2021). The Ministry of Agriculture launched
PTSP which is one of the government's
efforts to optimize public services. PTSP
puts forward the principle of trust for
business actors, so that business actors do
not need to have various conditions, so it is
very inconvenient for business actors to
start a business. Behind the formation of
this Unity One, with the aim that there are
no deviations that occur in government
practices, such as gratuities, corruption and
collusion (Ministry of Agriculture, 2022)
In addition, PTSP is a further
development of the existing licensing
service in which the perpetrators are
offered guarantees to complete the
licensing in a more precise time unit. In
addition, corporate actors are given
different options in the licensing process by
only submitting one application for a
different process involving ministries and
agencies as well as local governments.
Combined, you don't need a lot of
paperwork in the application process.
Some basic documents such as KTP and
NPWP are pulled directly from the national
database so that no business actor needs to
provide them (Agriculture, n.d.).
PTSP Ministry of Agriculture also
provides general information on the
implementation process and results of
agricultural development, such as data on
production and consumption needs of
various goods. In addition, the PTSP of the
Ministry of Agriculture also contains data
on the distribution of production between
regions and time. It is hoped that with this
service, related parties can update the data
and information they need at any time.
Regarding the Regulation of the
Minister of Agriculture Number 45 of 2019
which is with electronically integrated
business licensing services in the
agricultural sector, Article 1 states that a
Business License is a registration given to
business actors to establish and run a
business and/or activity and is given in the
form of a license. in the form of a letter/
decision or fulfilment requirements
Electronically Integrated Business
Licensing or Online Single Submission,
hereinafter referred to as OSS, is a business
license issued by the OSS institution for and
on behalf of the minister, head of
institution, governor, or regent/mayor to
business actors through an integrated
electronic system. After the business actor
has registered and started the company
and/or activity prior to the commercial or
operational implementation by fulfilling the
requirements and/or obligations. As stated
in the Regulation of the Minister of
Agriculture Number 43/Permentan/
OT.010/8/2015 concerning Organization
and Work Procedures of the Ministry of
Agriculture. Center for Plant Variety
Protection and Agricultural Licensing
(PVTPP Center), the PVPPP Center has the
task of carrying out the management of
plant variety protection as well as licensing
services and agricultural technical
The target for plant seed business
licensing services in 2020 is 1,400 (615
income and 785 applications expenditure).
The realization in November 2020 has
received 1,910 (136%) of the target
application, consisting of 947 entry
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applications and 963 expenditure
applications. While the Import/Export
Permit Letters (SIP) that have been issued
are 1,166 SIPs, including 108 Plant Seed
Import Permits and 1,058 Plant Seed Export
Permits (Center for Plant Variety Protection
and Agricultural Licensing, 2020). Behind
the licensing process which has exceeded
the target, there are still many obstacles in
the agricultural business licensing process.
This obstacle can be seen in the trend of the
PVPPP Center IKM value in 2017-2019. This
obstacle is the focus of the author's
research so that IKM in 2022 can be better
because it can be seen in the targets that
have been achieved in 2022.
Fig. 1: Trends PVPPP Central SMIs (2022)
Based on Figure 1 from 2017 to 2019, the
value of the VTPP Central SKM has
increased even though it is still in the same
service quality category, namely good (B).
In 2019, the service elements with the
lowest scores were:
1. Systems, mechanisms and procedures
(U2); Service procedures for service
providers and recipients, including
complaints. This element refers to the
clarity of service mechanisms and
process systems. Therefore, in terms of
the low value of IKM results, it can be
assumed that service recipients are not
simple in the PVPPP service center
process, making it difficult for service
recipients to process their permits.
2. Turnaround time (U3); The time required
to complete the entire service process of
each service. This element describes the
length of time for the target service so
that the service can be completed within
the time specified by the service
provider unit. Some of the services
provided by the PVPPP center across
echelon 1. So far, the implementation of
the PVPPP center service has been
adjusted to the applicable procedures.
Therefore, if this element is
underestimated from the value of the
service recipients' SKM results, it can be
considered that the service recipients
are of the opinion that the services
provided by the PVPPP Center do not
meet the service commitments set.
3. Implementation capability (U6); The
performer must have the ability to
complete the entire service process. This
element describes the professional
ability / knowledge of the implementer
in providing services to explain the
regulations and procedures for
agricultural licensing in a professional
manner and in a language that is easily
understood by the wider community.
Therefore, if the value of this element is
not high in terms of the value of the
results of the service recipient SKM, it
can be considered that service delivery
is not clear when explaining the process
or procedure for agricultural licensing.
Basically, they area had three elements
above focus on one problem, namely
related to the time it takes to complete the
service, starting from service users
submitting applications to getting
managed license products. Judging from
2040 | Quality Service of Agricultural Business Permit Process In One Stop Service The Ministry
the problems above, there are still
problems with PVPPP services in 2015.
2019 namely:
1. The online system for applying for PVP
rights and paying for PVP services has
not been maximized;
2. Complicated PVP Application Form;
3. Some PVP Contribution Rate payments
are constrained;
4. PVP costs are considered quite
5. There is still not enough trust for PVP
Applicants and PVP Rightsholders to
carry out inspections
Based on the existing problems, it can
be a phenomenon of research problems,
because without a permit there will be
many things that cannot be done. The
many aspects of citizen life that are
regulated in the licensing system are proof
that licensing is very important in the eyes
of the law. The importance of the quality of
public services carried out by the
Indonesian government is aware of the
importance of applying the concept of
service quality in service to the community.
In providing services, in turn, they will get
recognition for the quality of service that
satisfies the community/customers, which
is called excellent service (Lee et al., 2020);
(Ibad & Lolita, 2020).
In the era of advances in science and
the phenomenology of business licensing
services, ideally it should not burden the
community, but why are there still many
factors that need to be considered in
improving the quality of service so that it
gets better. This is what makes researchers
interested in researching the agricultural
business permit process. Researchers want
to examine how the service quality of the
agricultural business permit process and
the views of community users on the
satisfaction and accuracy of the waiter or
officer in carrying out the process at this
Public services can only be said to be
of high quality if they meet the
expectations/wants or needs of service
recipients, in order to find out whether the
public services provided by the
government meet the wishes or needs of
the service user community (Sugiarto et al.,
2021); (Ibad & Lolita, 2020). Services, are
measured and rated. This is in line with the
opinion of (Ilmaris & Arpangi, 2021) Service
quality is successfully built if the services
provided to customers are recognized by
the parties being served. The recognition of
service priority does not come from the
device providing the service, but from the
service user.
Therefore, according to the author, the
process of determining the quality of the
services provided is an evaluation of service
recipients based on the customer's
perspective and perception of the services
provided. Consumer perception of the
evaluation of services provided is a
comprehensive evaluation of the
evaluation of services provided, so it can be
said that quality service is a service based
on customer satisfaction. If satisfaction is
created, then awareness of service quality
will grow.
According to (Pardal & Miguel, 2019)
there are five factors or determinants of
service quality, these five factors include:
1. Tangible; Includes physical
appearance, equipment and various
good communication materials
provided to consumers.
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2. Empathy; Willingness on the part of
the company and its employees to care
more about their customers, such as by
providing immediate solutions to
customers who complain, showing
genuine care, attitude in providing
quick responses to consumer
3. Responsiveness (Quick Response); The
attitude of employees and the
company to be ready to help and
provide services quickly and hear
consumer complaints. The employees
are expected to be able to assist and
provide responsive service, the ability
to service quickly and correctly, be
friendly to every consumer, and be
prepared to cooperate with
4. Reliability; Namely the ability to
provide services as promised, reliable
and accurate, and consistent. For
example, the ability of employees to
provide the best service, handle
customers quickly and accurately, and
the company provides good and
consistent service as expected by its
5. Assurance (Certainty); Namely the
ability of employees to provide
confidence and gain the trust of
consumers. For example, from the
knowledge and skills of employees in
carrying out their duties, being reliable,
having good technical skills can create
a sense of trust in consumers.
(Aneta, 2020) based on her research
findings, the conclusions obtained are: The
service quality of SIUP DPM-PTSP
Indramayu Regency is still not optimal on
several dimensions: reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.
Dimensions of reliability that are not yet
optimal are found in the service procedures
for making SIUP, such as the service flow
and filing requirements that are felt by the
community to be convoluted, there is still a
delay in the issuance of SIUP which will
hinder applicants in dealing with financial
authorities such as banks and others and
the brokering process is still going on. In
the dimension of responsiveness, service
officers are still not responsive to the needs
of SIUP applicants and are still not optimal
in carrying out online services and
Furthermore, on the assurance
dimension, there are still costs incurred by
the applicants in the non-retribution SIUP.
Finally, on the empathy dimension, the
apparatus has not yet established a good
personal relationship with the SIUP
applicant. The lack of responsiveness of the
apparatus in responding to the complaints
of SIUP applicants is an indicator of the
weak commitment of service providers in
understanding customers. service officers
are still not responsive to the needs of SIUP
applicants and are still not optimal in
carrying out online services and complaints.
Finally, on the empathy dimension, the
apparatus has not yet established a good
personal relationship with the SIUP
applicant. The lack of responsiveness of the
apparatus in responding to the complaints
of SIUP applicants is an indicator of the
weak commitment of service providers in
understanding customers. the apparatus
has not yet established a good personal
relationship with the SIUP applicant. The
lack of responsiveness of the apparatus in
responding to the complaints of SIUP
2042 | Quality Service of Agricultural Business Permit Process In One Stop Service The Ministry
applicants is an indicator of the weak
commitment of service providers in
understanding customers. the apparatus
has not yet established a good personal
relationship with the SIUP applicant. The
lack of responsiveness of the apparatus in
responding to the complaints of SIUP
applicants is an indicator of the weak
commitment of service providers in
understanding customers (Fazekas &
Czibik, 2021); (Konte & Vincent, 2021).
(Sumartono & Hermawan, 2020) found
that the government as a state apparatus
must be able to provide good public
services to the community. Also called
bureaucracy (including local government),
the government tends to get negative
reviews from the public. The public
perceives that public services provided by
bureaucrats tend to be long and
convoluted, with complicated requirements
and inflexible regulations. This situation is
clearly not beneficial to society. The
community negotiation police are usually
weak. Only receive service products from
the government without being able to
contribute directly to service products
provided by the government. Although
bureaucracy is not intended and structured
to serve itself, bureaucracy also serves the
community and creates conditions for
wealthy members of society in accordance
with the goals of the service itself. Given the
era of globalization which is full of
challenges and opportunities. Local
governments must realize that there are
several things that need to be considered in
the public administration process,
especially those related to the provision of
public services, in order to meet public
needs quickly and efficiently and meet
community expectations. Regarding public
services at the Boyolali BPMP2T office, a
Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) survey
has been conducted. The data collected by
the team for the period January-June 2014,
the results of the Community Satisfaction
Index (IKM) BPMP2T Boyolali Regency were
81.49 (Very Good).
If the service or service received or
perceived (perceived service) meets
expectations, then the quality of the service
or service is considered good and
satisfactory. If one or more services
received exceed customer expectations,
then the service or service quality will be
considered as ideal quality. Conversely, if
the service received is lower than expected,
the service or service quality will be
considered bad (Tjiptono, 2016).
According to (Yusriadi & Farida, 2019b)
the definition of "service quality focuses on
efforts to fulfill consumer needs and desires
and the accuracy of delivery to balance
consumer expectations". Service quality is
the expected level of excellence and control
over these advantages to meet consumer
needs". In other words, there are two main
factors that affect service quality, namely
expected service and perceived service.
Service quality is perceived as good and
satisfactory if the service received is in
accordance with consumer expectations
and is perceived as ideal quality if the
service received exceeds consumer
expectations. The opposite applies if the
service received is not as expected. Thus,
whether or not the quality of service
depends on the ability of service providers
to consistently meet consumer
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The difference between the previous
researchers and the researchers to be
studied is that the previous researchers
only focused on SIUP services, while the
researchers to be researched led to the
service of business license processes in all
types at PTSP of the Ministry of Agriculture.
(Ripoll & Rode, 2023) found that: First,
the service procedure is sufficient for the
applicant or the wider community, and the
requirements provided also make it easier
for customers, although some applicants
are still confused because they do not
understand computers. Second, the
completion time is still too long because
incomplete applicant files are still available.
Third, no one even complains about the
service fee here, because the SIUP licensing
service is free or free. Fourth, any product
or service provided by UPTSA Central
Surabaya here has indeed satisfied the
applicant or the public because the staff is
always vigilant in providing SIUP licensing
services. Fifth, the facilities and
infrastructure provided by UPTSA Central
Surabaya are sufficient, but there are still
applicants who complain of inadequate
parking space. Sixth, the competence of
service providers here is also good in terms
of willingness, friendliness, care, courtesy
and courtesy as well as knowledge that is
sufficiently informed because UPTSA
carries out a training period before
employees are able to communicate and
provide good service that the community
wants. The difference between the previous
researcher and the researcher to be studied
is in the type of permit. Previous
researchers focused on trade permits
(Ilmaris & Arpangi, 2021);(Fazekas & Czibik,
2021); (Konte & Vincent, 2021).
The research uses a descriptive
qualitative approach that describes data
information about the facts that are
immediately obtained. The research
location is PTSP Ministry of Agriculture of
the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta
because this location is a government
agency that provides more direct services
to residents in accordance with their duties
and functions, namely providing services to
potential business actors in Indonesia. The
informants in the study were people at the
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of
Indonesia and business actors who had
already enjoyed the services at this PTSP.
Data collection techniques in this study
using interviews, observation and
documentation. Data analysis techniques in
this study are data reduction, data display,
and drawing conclusions (Bouncken et al.,
2021) ; (McAuliffe et al., 2021).
Qualitative methods can be a useful
tool in analyzing PTSP services because
they allow researchers to understand the
experiences, perspectives, and contexts of
customers as well as their local
environment. Qualitative methods also
allow researchers to gain a deep
understanding by collecting data as deeply
as possible, which shows the importance of
the depth and detail of the data studied
(Williamson, 2018) ; (Vaismoradi &
Snelgrove, 2019). In this study, there are
approaches used, namely:
1. A case study approach used to
understand how PTSP services are
implemented in a particular on-
premises environment. The location of
the research area is designated
2044 | Quality Service of Agricultural Business Permit Process In One Stop Service The Ministry
Ministry of Agriculture. Site selection is
based on data that the permitting
process is often late due to limited
sources with a service ratio of 1:200
customers. This data collection
technique involves collecting from
several sources the results of
observations, interviews, and
documentation. The goal is to
understand how service
implementation affects the satisfaction
of users of public sector services.
2. An observational approach is used to
understand the context of the local
environment and how service
functions can be integrated in an
effective way. Observation can be done
through direct observation and
systematic recording of facts in the
field that can provide information
about the business process flow of
PTSP services.
3. The interview approach is used to
understand the experiences and
perspectives of employees and
4. The document review approach is used
to understand policies and guidelines
related to the implementation of
integrated licensing services.
Documents such as the Annual
Performance Report, statutory
manuscripts, Permentan and PTSP
Service Technical Guidelines.
The main benefit of qualitative methods
is the ability to obtain a deep and complex
understanding of the social phenomena
under study. This method can also help in
exploring the unrevealed aspects of social
phenomena, as well as being able to
generate rich and detailed data about the
experiences, thoughts and views of the
research subject. In addition, qualitative
methods can also help in establishing new
theories or improving existing ones, since
these methods emphasize a holistic and
contextual interpretation of social
Overall, qualitative methods are
powerful and effective research methods in
understanding complex social phenomena.
This method can help in identifying
variations and complexities in social
phenomena, as well as being able to
generate rich and in-depth data on the
experiences, thoughts, and views of the
subject of research. Thus, qualitative
methods can be a useful tool for
researchers in exploring and understanding
social phenomena better.
In this sub-chapter the author will
explain as well as answer the problem of
service quality in the agricultural business
permit process at PTSP Ministry of
Agriculture. This explanation uses the
theory put forward in explaining the
problem of service quality in the
agricultural business permit process at
PTSP Ministry of Agriculture. In licensing
services, service users need fast, easy, and
reliable service. Lack of quality licensing
services can hinder investment in the
agricultural sector and reduce the
productivity of agricultural businesses
Physical Evidence (Tangible)
From the interview results, it can be
seen that the PTSP office of the Ministry of
Agriculture has adequate service facilities
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for providing services for business actors
such as comfortable service rooms,
brochures for the approval process for
agricultural companies, clean bathrooms,
services that use room speakers to call
service users. PVTPP also provides the
SIMPEL application to make it easier for
business actors and officers or verifiers to
process agricultural business permits. In the
SIMPEL application, the procedures and
procedures are clear. Business actors can
comfortably and anytime carry out the
business permit process because it is based
In addition to the availability of
infrastructure, the comfort of the service
area and the cleanliness of the service area,
the appearance of the employees is also
important. Appearance gives the first
impression, so the appearance of a service
employee is very important. The behavior
of employees at the PTSP office of the
Ministry of Agriculture looks neat in serving
business actors.
Reliability Enthusiasm
After making direct observations, the
researcher believes that the reliability
aspect is quite good considering how the
staff uses computers and the SIMPEL
application from the Ministry of
Agriculture, and treats service users who
respond and are directed directly to service
users. However, more care needs to be
exercised to increase turnaround time and
Reliability of public service officers
refers to the ability and consistency of
officers in providing quality public services
and meeting the needs of the community.
Reliability also means that officers are
reliable and trustworthy by the public in
providing effective and efficient services.
To increase the reliability of public
service officers, several things that can be
done include: (1) Training and skill
development: Public service officers should
be provided with training and skill
development appropriate to their duties
and responsibilities. Training may include
communication techniques, time
management, and conflict handling; (2)
Maintain commitment: Public service
officers must have a strong commitment to
their duties and responsibilities in
providing quality services. They must
maintain work ethics and show a friendly
and polite attitude to society.
The indicators of responsiveness or
responsiveness of officials within the PTSP
Ministry of Agriculture in assisting and
providing services to the community have
been well fulfilled. This can be seen from
the alertness of officers from the PTSP
office of the Ministry of Agriculture on duty
to the community in the service room.
Officers respond to questions raised by the
community and provide instructions for
these questions. According to the
researcher, after direct observation, the
researcher found that the reactivity aspect
was quite good. This can be seen in the staff
who direct and interview business actors
who are experiencing difficulties and help
explain where the difficulties lie.
Improve responsive public service
officers must provide clear and accurate
information about the services they
provide. They must also facilitate the public
service process in a transparent, open and
2046 | Quality Service of Agricultural Business Permit Process In One Stop Service The Ministry
honest manner. Provide feedback: Public
service officers should receive feedback
from the public about the quality of their
services. Feedback can help officers
improve their performance and figure out
areas that need improvement. By taking
these steps, it is hoped that the reliability of
public service officers can be improved and
the public can obtain better public services
and meet their needs.
Assurance or guarantee
From the interview, it can be seen that
regarding security, especially security at the
PTSP Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, it
is quite good. Efforts to improve service
quality are related to creating a sense of
security for the community, namely by
placing parking attendants who help secure
the situation in the parking lot. In addition
to ensuring the security of the service
environment, there are things that are no
less important, namely the existence of
definite guarantees and convenience in the
financing section.
In addition to ensuring the security of
the service environment, there is another
thing that is no less important, namely the
existence of certain guarantees for business
actors with the skills provided by the
agency to feel satisfied. In this case, the
competence of public service providers
must be based on the required knowledge,
expertise, skills, attitudes, and behaviors.
Service officers from PTSP Ministry of
Agriculture have done their best to carry
out their duties properly during the service
According to the researcher, after direct
observation, it can be seen that the
security/guarantee aspect is quite good. In
terms of security, there are already security
officers in the service room, so that people
can calmly handle agricultural business
licensing and approval procedures at the
PTSP Ministry of Agriculture.
From the results of interviews with
business actors, it can be seen that the
issue of the willingness of civil servants to
serve the community is quite good,
because many responses from business
actors say that it is quite good. When
providing services, the readiness of the
device to provide information must be
The willingness of employees to
provide information to people who need
services will improve the nature of services
in the eyes of business actors. In order to
provide excellent service, corporate actors
need to be supported by employees who
are empathetic in helping the needs of
people who need information. From
observations at the scene, according to the
author, it can be seen that the dimensions
of empathy are quite good resulting from
the treatment of service to employees,
alertness of officers, and the attitude of
friendly and smiling officers. However, it
must be rethought so that the completion
time increases. Based on research
conducted on the quality of business
licensing services at the Ministry of
Agriculture, some of the important findings
found are:
Licensing process times
The results showed that the long
licensing process time is one of the main
problems in business licensing services at
Bhakti Nur Avianto
Trisnawati Yunika
| 2047
the Ministry of Agriculture. Service users
feel that the long licensing process hinders
them from starting or growing a business
in the agricultural sector.
Lack for information disclosure
The lack of information disclosure is
another problem in business licensing
services at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Service users find it difficult to get the
information they need about the licensing
process and the requirements that must be
met. This often slows down the licensing
process and makes service users feel
frustrated. Public service disclosure refers
to officers' ability to provide clear and
accurate information about the services
they provide, including procedures, fees,
and applicable limitations. This is important
because openness can increase
transparency and accountability in public
services, as well as strengthen public trust
in the institutions and officers on duty
Responsiveness for service personnel
The responsiveness of service officers
is also a problem in business licensing
services at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Service users feel that service personnel are
unresponsive in providing information and
processing permits. This makes service
users feel underappreciated and
underserved. Overall, service users stated
that the quality of service at the Ministry of
Agriculture still needs to be improved.
Service users feel that business licensing
services at the Ministry of Agriculture are
still inadequate and not in line with their
expectations as service users.
Based on these findings, efforts are
needed to improve the quality of business
licensing services at the Ministry of
Agriculture. Some of the recommendations
that can be made include improving the
efficiency of the licensing process,
increasing information disclosure
regarding the licensing process, increasing
the responsiveness of service personnel,
and conducting regular evaluations to
ensure the overall quality of service.
In addition, it is also necessary to
develop adequate and competent human
resources in the field of agricultural
business licensing. Employees in the
Ministry of Agriculture need to be trained
and provided with the necessary
knowledge and skills to provide quality
services to service users. In addition, service
users also need to be given an
understanding of the licensing process and
the requirements that must be met, so that
they can properly prepare the necessary
documents before applying for permits.
The use of information and
communication technology can also
improve the quality of business licensing
services at the Ministry of Agriculture. With
the online system, service users can apply
for permits and monitor the licensing
process in real-time. This can speed up the
permitting process and reduce required
operational costs. Improving the quality of
business licensing services at the Ministry
of Agriculture can increase investment in
the agricultural sector, increase agricultural
production, and increase the
competitiveness of agricultural products in
the global market. Thus, the role of the
Ministry of Agriculture in providing quality
business licensing services is very
important to achieve the development
goals of a sustainable and advanced
agricultural sector (Engdaw, 2022; (Katelo
et al., 2021); Furqan et al., 2020).
2048 | Quality Service of Agricultural Business Permit Process In One Stop Service The Ministry
Based on the results of the study and
important findings that have been
previously described, it can be concluded
that the quality of licensing services is very
important in improving service
performance at the Ministry of Agriculture.
In licensing services, service users need
fast, easy, and reliable service. Lack of
quality licensing services can hinder
investment in the agricultural sector and
reduce the productivity of agricultural
businesses. Efforts to improve the quality of
licensing services, such as improving the
efficiency of the licensing process,
increasing information disclosure,
increasing the responsiveness of service
personnel, and using information and
communication technology, need to be
carried out continuously to ensure better
service quality.
In the future, improving the quality of
business licensing services at the Ministry
of Agriculture can increase the
competitiveness of agricultural products in
the global market, increase investment in
the agricultural sector, and increase
sustainable and quality agricultural
production. Therefore, the Ministry of
Agriculture needs to continuously pay
attention to the quality of licensing services
in providing quality services to service
users to support the development of a
more advanced and sustainable agricultural
sector. In addition, the development of
adequate and competent human resources
in the field of agricultural business licensing
is also important to ensure good service
quality. Employees in the Ministry of
Agriculture need to be trained and
provided with the necessary knowledge
and skills in order to be able to provide
quality services. Not only that, service users
also need to be given an understanding of
the licensing process and the requirements
that must be met, so that they can prepare
the necessary documents properly before
applying for permits. That way, the
licensing process can run faster and more
Broader context, efforts to improve the
quality of licensing services at the Ministry
of Agriculture are also linked to the
sustainable development goals. Improving
the quality of licensing services is expected
to increase sustainable agricultural
production, increase the competitiveness of
agricultural products in the global market,
and increase investment in the agricultural
sector. In order to ensure good quality
licensing services, there is a need for
synergy and collaboration between the
Ministry of Agriculture and various related
parties, including the private sector, the
community, and other related institutions.
That way, harmonious cooperation is
created in achieving the development goals
of a sustainable and advanced agricultural
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