JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 9, 2109 2115
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.422 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Nynda Fatmawati Octarina
Yulianti Buring Nababan
Master of Notarial Affairs, Faculty of Law, Narotama University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Email: nynda_f@yahoo.com, yulinababan99@gmail.com
*Correspondence: nynda_f@yahoo.com
: April 05
: April 17
: April 25
Abstract: In the world of banking several times, there has been unfair competition for bank notaries.
Banks only want to use the services of certain notaries, so other notaries find it difficult and are not
allowed to provide their services. This research aims to discover the efforts made to prevent
unhealthy competition from bank notaries. This research is normative research using statutory and
conceptual approaches. Data collection was carried out using a literature study. Data analysis was
carried out using the deductive method. The results of the study stated that preventing unhealthy
competition from notaries could be done by opening up opportunities and information for notaries
to get clients who make agreements with banks. In addition, supervision is needed from the
Indonesian Notary Association organization, as well as strict law enforcement regarding violations
of notary ethics who are proven to have monopolized the service of making agreement deeds in
the banking sector.
Keywords: bank; notary; unfair competition.
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Yulianti Buring Nababan
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The legal basis of the notary profession
in the Notary Position Law and its
amendments, which explains the definition
of the notary as follows:
"Notary is a public official who is
authorized to make authentic deeds and
has other powers as referred to in this Law
or under other laws."
The role of Notaries is needed by
banks, this is related to legal risks on assets
collateralized by debtors as credit
collateral, if the credit provided becomes
bad, the sale of the collateral does not
cause problems for banks in the future.
Therefore, notary services are needed in
the banking world, because banking
activities make many transactions with
customers, where the transaction is made
in an agreement/contract. To avoid the
occurrence of unwanted things, such as
denial, the bank does not want to take risks,
for that, the agreement must be made in
the form of an authentic deed (Aswan and
Susi Yanuarsi, 2022).
Notary Services as General Officials
who make authentic deeds are needed in
banking business activities, one of which is
in making bank credit agreement deeds
involving Customers and Banks, to
guarantee the truth of the contents stated
in the banking credit agreement, so that the
truth is publicly beyond doubt (Aswan and
Susi Yanuarsi, 2022).
The role of notaries in carrying out
banking functions is very strategic,
especially in making deeds that are
attentive to each agreement. The role of
notaries is not only to have the authority to
authenticate deed making but also other
agreements made between Islamic banks
and customers or partners to better obtain
legal certainty (Muhammad Soleh, 2021).
However, the importance of the role of
notaries in the banking world sometimes
triggers unhealthy competition between
notaries. Banks that need a notary tend to
cooperate with certain notaries because
they feel that there has been good or
satisfactory cooperation before. The bank
only uses the services of certain notaries, so
other notaries find it difficult and are not
allowed to provide their services. The bank
may provide criteria as long as it does not
close the opportunity from other notaries.
For example, notaries can guarantee
service performance, punctuality, or service
fees. But in practice, banks usually maintain
the confidentiality of documents, so the
bank only appoints notaries who already
have a good relationship with the bank
concerned. So that other notaries are
difficult to get access because they do not
have connections with banks, including in
the context of business competition.
Therefore, researchers are trying to find
solutions to prevent unfair competition
among bank notaries.
The type of research used in this study
is the type of research that is by the
character and characteristics of legal
science, namely normative juridical
research through literature research,
namely research on legal materials
associated with existing problems. The
problem approach in this study uses a
concept approach (Conceptual Approach)
and a Law approach (Statute Approach).
2111 | Efforts To Prevent Unfair Competition of Bank Notaries
The conceptual Approach is the study of
expert opinions and theories from legal
experts in the literature as a supporting
basis. The Statute Approach is carried out
by reviewing and examining the legal
norms contained in the statutory provisions
related to the theme being discussed. Data
collection is carried out by a literature
study. Data analysis using deductive
Notary Bank Competition Conditions
Today there are many monopolistic
practices of the notary profession. For
example, for mortgage transactions at
banks, usually, the bank determines which
notary to use. In addition, if there is a
notary who has a close relationship with
officials, then he can complete difficult
work quickly but certainly at a high cost.
The phenomenon of difficult access to
notaries, because they do not have a 'good
relationship' or 'connection' with the bank,
is an incident that many other notaries
complain about. This phenomenon
includes the context of unfair business
competition as stipulated in Law 5/1999,
due to the element of unfairness among
The provisions for unfair business
competition in Law 5/1999 are further
explained as follows:
"Unfair business competition is
competition between business actors
in carrying out production activities
and/or marketing of goods or services
carried out dishonestly or unlawfully or
hindering business competition."
The business actors referred to in
the article mentioned above according
to Article 1 number 5 of Law 5/1999
"Business actor is any individual or
business entity, whether in the form of
a legal entity or non-legal entity
established and domiciled or carrying
out activities in the jurisdiction of the
Republic of Indonesia, either alone or
jointly through agreements, carrying
out various business activities in the
economic sector."
Related to banks that only want to use
the services of certain notaries so that other
notaries find it difficult and are not allowed
to provide their services, it can be declared
that there is injustice or unfairness. The
bank may provide criteria as long as it does
not close the opportunity from other
notaries. For example, notaries can
guarantee service performance,
punctuality, or service fees (Law Online,
But in practice, banks usually maintain
the confidentiality of documents, so banks
only appoint notaries who already have a
'good relationship' with the bank
concerned. So it can be concluded, the
difficulty of notary access because it does
not have a connection with banks is
included in the context of business
competition. For this phenomenon that
many notaries complain about, it is
recommended that banks have an open
catalog system, where customers/clients
can choose which notary to use their
services. For example, customers can
choose the nearest notary office to their
domicile, service fees, and other
Nynda Fatmawati Octarina
Yulianti Buring Nababan
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There is a possibility that many
notaries may enter as service providers for
banks and their customers and cause
supervisory difficulties. Banks must be able
to answer this possibility, but for the sake of
healthy business competition, this still
needs to be done.
There is a tendency for banks to
choose notaries for clients. The client is not
given the position to choose a notary on his
own. Notaries and banks establish mutual
relationships, and certain commitments are
mutually beneficial. This condition
ultimately makes other notaries who do not
have a special relationship will be difficult
to be use as parties who will make the deed
of agreement.
In addition, it is related to the
determination of the price of notary
services. It is common knowledge, the first
thing that is in the minds of the public
before dealing with notaries is how much
notary costs need to be incurred to process
a deed. Because one of the things that can
be taken into consideration for cooperation
between banks and notaries is the price.
Notaries may not offer more prices or even
commissions to banks or third parties to be
entrusted with making the deed of
agreement (Law Online, 2023).
The Role of Notaries in Bank Agreements
The evidentiary power of an authentic
deed for this matter 3 (three) aspects must
be considered when the deed is prepared,
these aspects are related to the evidentiary
value, namely: First, External Power
(uitwendige bewijskracht). A Notary Deed's
outward ability is the deed's ability to
provide proof of validity as an authentic
deed. If viewed from the outside (born) as
an authentic deed and based on the legal
rules that have been established regarding
the requirements of an authentic deed, the
deed as an authentic deed, until proven
otherwise, means until someone provides
evidence that the deed is not authentic
externally / outwardly. Secondly, Formil
(formele bewijskracht). Formally to provide
evidence of truth and certainty regarding
the day, date, month, year, time (time)
facing, as well as the parties facing,
paragraphs and signatures of the
parties/faces, witnesses, and Notaries, and
provide evidence of what he saw,
witnessed, and heard by the Notary (on the
deed of official/minutes of procedure), and
recorded the statements or statements of
the parties/faces (on the deed of parties).
Third, Material Power (materiele
bewijskracht). Certainty about the material
of a deed is very vital, what is mentioned in
the deed is valid proof of the parties who
made the deed or those who get rights and
apply to the public, unless there is evidence
to the contrary (tegenbewijs). Statements
or statements entered in official deeds (or
minutes), or statements of the parties
stated before a Notary Public and the
parties must be considered correct (Adjie,
Notary's fee
Currently, the honorarium or notary
fee amount is based on the economic and
sociological value of each deed it makes as
per Article 36 paragraph (2) of the Notary
Position Law.
Based on Article 36 paragraph (3) of
the Notary Office Law, the economic value
of a notary honorarium is determined from
the object of each deed as follows:
a. up to Rp100 million or equivalent
grams of gold at that time, the
2113 | Efforts To Prevent Unfair Competition of Bank Notaries
highest honorarium received was
b. above IDR 100 million to IDR 1
billion honoraria received at most
1.5%; or
c. above IDR 1 billion honorarium
received is based on an agreement
between the Notary and the parties
but does not exceed 1% of the
object for which the deed is made.
Then for the sociological value, the
determination of notary fees is determined
based on the social function of the object
of each deed with an honorarium received
of at most Rp. 5 million (Rully Desthian
Pahlepi, 2022).
Factors that Lead to Unfair Competition
Several factors cause unfair
competition between notaries in the
banking world. One of them is the factor of
banks, who want to be familiar with
notaries, including knowing their
competence so that there is a monopoly.
There is the fact that when parties change
Notaries there will be different
communication as well as results. So that
the bank is safer with a Notary who is
capable and easy to cooperate with.
There is no room and opportunity for
notaries to be introduced to bank clients, so
there are clients who do not have notary
alternatives to choose from. The Client is in
a position to accept and comply with the
recommendation or choice of the bank. The
bank in this case has directed the client to
a certain Notary to make a deed of
agreement. The bank limits the choice of
Notaries that can be chosen by clients. The
bank does not want a change of Notary
Public that has not guaranteed its ability
and communication with the bank.
Another factor is that the Notary Public
actively approaches the bank and binds him
psychologically to always use his services in
making the deed of agreement. To establish
good relations, Notaries can use relatively
low rates compared to the general rate or
also provide commissions to bank
Efforts to Prevent Unfair Competition of
Notary Banks
Efforts made to prevent unhealthy
competition among bank notaries are by
opening the widest possible opportunity
and information to notaries to get clients
who make agreements with banks. Notaries
must not be closed and bind themselves to
a special relationship with the bank which
results in other Notaries not having the
opportunity to get clients from the bank.
The Indonesian Notary Association
(I.N.I) can prevent competition between
Notaries from becoming unfair through
tariff determination can be done with
several steps, namely: Guidance by related
institutions, coordination and cooperation
between Notaries and the Indonesian
Notary Association (I.N.I), and continuous
supervision (Nindy Putri and Paramita
Prananingtyas, 2019).
Enforcement efforts are not only
carried out by the Indonesian Notary
Association (I.N.I), but Notaries need to pay
attention to what is referred to as
professional behavior which has the
following elements: Have steady moral
integrity, must be honest with clients and
oneself (intellectual honesty), aware of the
limits of their authority, not solely based on
money considerations (Nindy Putri and
Paramita Prananingtyas, 2019).
In carrying out his work, a Notary
Nynda Fatmawati Octarina
Yulianti Buring Nababan
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Public must follow the signs so as not to
deviate and result in violations of the
Notary Office Law. Control from the
government over the Notary profession is
carried out by the Notary Supervisory
Council located at the provincial and
central levels. A supervisory mechanism is
needed so that the implementation of legal
norms and the notary professional code of
ethics runs as expected, while supervision
of the implementation of the Notary code
of ethics is carried out by the Notary Honor
Board under the Indonesian Notary
In Article 7 of the Notary Code of
Ethics, it is explained that supervision of the
implementation of the Code of Ethics is
carried out in the following ways:
a. At the first level by the Regional
Board of the Indonesian Notary
Association and the Regional Honor
b. At the level of appeal by the
Regional Board of the Indonesian
Notary Association and the
Regional Honor Council;
c. At the final level by the Central
Board of the Notary Association.
Indonesia and the Central Honor
Supervision is an action or process of
activities to find out the results of
implementation, errors, and failures to then
be corrected and prevent the recurrence of
these mistakes, as well as keep the
implementation no different, from the
established plan.
Supervision of Notaries leads to the
enforcement of legal rules that limit the
scope of the office of a Notary. The purpose
of supervision of Notaries is so that
Notaries as much as possible fulfill the
requirements set by the Law and the Notary
Code of Ethics for the benefit of the general
public they serve (Nindy Putri and Paramita
Prananingtyas, 2019).
Notary supervision is distinguished
between behavior and actions carried out
by Notaries in carrying out their positions
by the Supervisory Panel, while behaviors
and actions carried out by Notaries outside
of carrying out their positions are
supervised by the Notary Honor Council.
This supervision is a form of legal
protection for the Notary itself because,
with supervision, every Notary in his
behavior and actions both in carrying out
his position and outside his position is
always within the corridors of the law.
The mechanism of supervision of the
Notary profession is ideally regulated in
laws and regulations and becomes an
inseparable part of the social reality of the
legal community directly related to this
profession. Supervision is one aspect of law
enforcement that must always be
considered and carried out in a law
enforcement environment, including the
supervision of Notaries.
Law enforcement always involves
humans in it, thus it will involve human
behavior as well, therefore the law can only
be implemented effectively if it is followed
by supervision or a strong control
mechanism from the party appointed
based on laws and regulations, thus the
legal profession that is carried out remains
in the corridor of professional ethics and
accordance with the implementation of its
position so that public trust as users of
Notary services will stay awake.
2115 | Efforts To Prevent Unfair Competition of Bank Notaries
Supervision is a preventive and
curative activity. Preventive means a
coaching process, while curative means
imposing sanctions on Notaries in the
implementation of their positions if proven
to have violated Law Number 30 of 2004
concerning Notary Positions and its
Amendments to Law Number 2 of 2014 and
violations of the Notary Code of Ethics. The
scope of this supervision is broader than
the scope of supervision to Notaries carried
out by the Regional Supervisory Council as
clearly and unequivocally stipulated in the
Notary Position Law
The results of the study stated that to
prevent unhealthy competition, notaries
can be done by opening opportunities and
information to notaries to get clients who
make agreements with banks. All Notaries
must have an equal opportunity to get
clients from the bank. In addition, it needs
supervision from the Indonesian Notary
Association organization and strict law
enforcement related to violations of notary
ethics that are proven to have a monopoly
on deed-making services in the banking
Adjie, H. (2011).
Indonesian Notary Law.
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Aswan and Susi Yanuarsi. (2022). “Notary
Position Contribution in Bank Credit
Agreement.The Solution,
(3), 392-
Law Online. (2023).
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Competition Notary in Banks.
Muhammad Soleh, Z. Y. H. Y. (2021).
Implementation of Sharia Compliance
and Notary Position Regulations in
Sharia Financial Institutions in
Indonesia (Case Study on Sharia
Banking in South Tangerang City).
Nindy Putri and Paramita Prananingtyas.
(2019). The Role of the Indonesian
Notary Association (INI) in Tariff
Determination Among Balikpapan City
(1), 143.
Rully Desthian Pahlepi. (2022).
“Notary is
Duties, Examples, and Costs.
Java Seconds.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license