Nynda Fatmawati Octarina
Yulianti Buring Nababan
| 2112
There is a possibility that many
notaries may enter as service providers for
banks and their customers and cause
supervisory difficulties. Banks must be able
to answer this possibility, but for the sake of
healthy business competition, this still
needs to be done.
There is a tendency for banks to
choose notaries for clients. The client is not
given the position to choose a notary on his
own. Notaries and banks establish mutual
relationships, and certain commitments are
mutually beneficial. This condition
ultimately makes other notaries who do not
have a special relationship will be difficult
to be use as parties who will make the deed
of agreement.
In addition, it is related to the
determination of the price of notary
services. It is common knowledge, the first
thing that is in the minds of the public
before dealing with notaries is how much
notary costs need to be incurred to process
a deed. Because one of the things that can
be taken into consideration for cooperation
between banks and notaries is the price.
Notaries may not offer more prices or even
commissions to banks or third parties to be
entrusted with making the deed of
agreement (Law Online, 2023).
The Role of Notaries in Bank Agreements
The evidentiary power of an authentic
deed for this matter 3 (three) aspects must
be considered when the deed is prepared,
these aspects are related to the evidentiary
value, namely: First, External Power
(uitwendige bewijskracht). A Notary Deed's
outward ability is the deed's ability to
provide proof of validity as an authentic
deed. If viewed from the outside (born) as
an authentic deed and based on the legal
rules that have been established regarding
the requirements of an authentic deed, the
deed as an authentic deed, until proven
otherwise, means until someone provides
evidence that the deed is not authentic
externally / outwardly. Secondly, Formil
(formele bewijskracht). Formally to provide
evidence of truth and certainty regarding
the day, date, month, year, time (time)
facing, as well as the parties facing,
paragraphs and signatures of the
parties/faces, witnesses, and Notaries, and
provide evidence of what he saw,
witnessed, and heard by the Notary (on the
deed of official/minutes of procedure), and
recorded the statements or statements of
the parties/faces (on the deed of parties).
Third, Material Power (materiele
bewijskracht). Certainty about the material
of a deed is very vital, what is mentioned in
the deed is valid proof of the parties who
made the deed or those who get rights and
apply to the public, unless there is evidence
to the contrary (tegenbewijs). Statements
or statements entered in official deeds (or
minutes), or statements of the parties
stated before a Notary Public and the
parties must be considered correct (Adjie,
Notary's fee
Currently, the honorarium or notary
fee amount is based on the economic and
sociological value of each deed it makes as
per Article 36 paragraph (2) of the Notary
Position Law.
Based on Article 36 paragraph (3) of
the Notary Office Law, the economic value
of a notary honorarium is determined from
the object of each deed as follows:
a. up to Rp100 million or equivalent
grams of gold at that time, the