Mutiara Shifa
of Informatics and Computers, State Islamic University of North Sumatra,
*Correspondence:[email protected]
Submitted: 10 November 2021,� ���Revised:
11 November2021,��� �Accepted: 14 November 2021
Moreover, the type and nature of the goods to be bought are known.
Islam is consensual. There is no coercion from any party to buy an item. If the
buying and selling transaction online does
not follow the provisions of Islamic law, which has established the terms of
the contract and buying and selling, the online buying and selling transaction is unlawful or invalid.��
Keywords: buying and selling; buying
and selling online; Islamic law.
Islam as a comprehensive
religion can be assumed from the many rules regarding muamalah that have been outlined in its legal sources. One of the
studies in muamalah is how a person
gets sustenance that is cultivated lawfully and pleasingly. (Dimyauddin, 2008).
Muamalah is the exchange of goods or something that provides benefits in a
determined manner, such as buying and selling, renting, wages, borrowing,
farming, association, and other businesses (Yunus et al., 2018).
In muamalah many human activities have been regulated, one of which is
and selling.
One form of muamalah activity that
Allah permits is buying and selling as in His word QS al-Baqarah verse 275 and
the Meaning:
�Those who eat usury
cannot stand but like the standing of a person who is possessed by a demon because of madness. They say that buying and selling are
the same as usury. Whereas Allah has permitted buying and selling and forbids
usury. Whoever gets a warning from his Lord, then he stops, then what has been
obtained before belongs to him and his affairs (it is up to) to God. Whoever
repeats it, then they are the inhabitants of Hell. They will abide in it
Buying and selling are
interactions between the seller and the buyer. The interaction can be done
directly or indirectly. Sharia and buying and selling are conventional carried out directly,
namely, direct transactions where the seller and buyer meet face to face or
interact directly (Mardani, 2015). In line with (Safira et al., n.d.), that Buying and selling online is a social reality activity that
has subjectivity related to buying and selling where the seller and the buyer
do not have to meet to make negotiations and transactions, communication used
by sellers and buyers through communication tools such as chat, computer,
telephone, SMS and so on.
This economic behavior
has been formed since humans have started to require other individuals who have
goods or services that they do not own while she needs them or wants them. This
form of buying and selling developed under society and social changes.
In this modern muamalah transaction, new technological
developments emerge buying and selling systems online or electronic commerce
(e-commerce). This technology has created new types and business
opportunities where business transactions are increasing (Haroen & Muamalah, 2007).
In this case, the seller
and the buyer no longer pay attention to the issue of verbal consent, but only
with the intermediary of valuable papers, such as checks, money orders, and so
However, in the course
of the journey later, many buyers felt aggrieved because the goods received did
not match the picture or the goods received were also defective, or the goods
did not arrive at the buyer, and many other cases. Charged to the seller
because the buyer as an economic actor must also maintain his rights as a
consumer with caution when conducting transactions as outlined in the consumer
protection law. Although on the other hand, the consumer protection law
contains laws that aim to protect consumers. Transactions in e-commerce are precarious, especially if
the consumer must make payments first. In contrast, consumers themselves cannot
see the truth of the goods ordered or the quality of the ordered goods. This
greatly disturbs the rights of consumers, especially the right to security and
the right to obtain correct, transparent, and honest information on the
products provided by the seller or business actor.
Islamic Shari'a law
itself has regulated this buying and selling activity quite strictly, both in
the arguments of the Qur'an, Hadith,
Ijma', and Qiyas. It is discussed
about the terms of the seller, the buyer, the goods being sold, and contracts.
Buying and selling contracts are prohibited because they cause harm to one
party. Buying and selling Online is
almost the same as buying and selling orders, where buying and selling orders
are called As-salam or As-salaf. Terminologically, the fiqh scholars define it
as selling an item whose delivery is delayed or selling a (goods) whose
characteristics are precise with early capital payments.
In contrast, the goods
are delivered at a later date. The Shafi'iyah and Hanabilah
scholars define an agreed contract to make something with specific
characteristics by paying the price first. At the same time, the goods are handed
over (to the buyer) later (Wajdi & Lubis, 2021).
The Conditions of buying
and selling in Islam have been fulfilled by buying and selling online, where the objects being traded
are not unclean and can be used. These objects are lawful or can be traded, but
it can be seen from the side of the contract, the concept of buying and selling
creates a new phenomenon within Islamic law. The concept of buying and selling online, which does not require the
perpetrators to be in one assembly (place) to meet each other directly in
buying and selling, has created a debate, which will affect the legal practice
of buying and selling with system online this,
from the point of view of Islamic law (Wajdi & Lubis, 2021).
Islamic Law
Islamic law is a law that
originates from and becomes part of the religion of Islam. (Khalaf, 2003)defines Islamic law as an order (doctrine) from Allah SWT, which
relates to the actions of people who are already mukallaf (people who have been
subject to the burden of sharia). In the form of orders (to do or leave an
action), permission (may choose), or determination (Yudha, 2017).
In Islamic law, literature is also referred to as taklifi law, namely norms or rules of
the Islamic law that may contain the open authority, namely the freedom to
choose to do or not do something. Actions are referred to as jazz, mubah, or ibahah (Daud, 2005). Islamic law aims to benefit human life, both spiritually and
physically, individually and socially. The benefit is for life in this world
and eternal life in the hereafter (Daud, 2005).
Buying and selling in Islam
Buying and selling in fiqh terms are called al-bai', which means selling,
replacing, and exchanging something for something else. Al-ba' pronunciation in
Arabic is sometimes used to mean the opposite, namely the word �ash-spiral. (buy). Thus, the word �al-bai' means to sell, but at the same
time, it also means to buy. In terms of terminology, there are several
definitions of buying and selling put forward by fiqh scholars, even though the substance and purpose of each
definition are the same.
Hanafiyah scholars define it as exchanging property for property in a
certain way or exchanging something desired with an equivalent through specific
practical ways. In this definition, there is an understanding that the
particular method referred to by Hanafiyah
scholars is through hijab (an
expression of buying from a buyer) and qabul
(a statement of selling from a seller), or it may also be through giving each
other goods and prices from the seller and the buyer.
Another definition was put forward by the Malikiyah, Shafi'iyah, and Hanabilah
scholars. According to them, buying and selling are exchanging assets with
assets in the form of transfer of property and ownership. In this case, they
emphasize the word "ownership and ownership" because there is also an
exchange of assets that are not required to be owned, such as leasing (Ijarah ). In describing what is meant by
al-mal (treasure), there are differences in understanding between the Hanafi
scholars and the Jumhur ulama. As a
result of this difference, there are also laws relating to buying and selling.
According to most scholars, what al-mal says is material and benefits.
Therefore, according to them, the benefits of an object can be traded (Dahlan, 1996).
A sale and purchase can be said to be valid if it has fulfilled
the pillars and conditions that have been determined by share. Scholars have different opinions regarding the pillars and
conditions of buying and selling. According to the Hanafi school of thought,
there is only one pillar of buying and selling: consent and acceptance.
According to them, the only thing that becomes harmonious in buying and selling
is both parties' willingness (pleasure) to buy and sell. This indicator can be
illustrated in the Ijab and Kabul, giving each other goods and the
price of goods.
Contracts and the Law of Buying and Selling in Islam
The term contract comes from the Arabic language, namely al-and, a recorded agreement or contract
1997). Sayyid Sabiq, in his book fiqh sunnah, gives the Meaning that the
contract is a bond and agreement (Sabiq, n.d.). as the relationship between consent and qabul under the will of the Shari'a
that affects an object of engagement (Dahlan, 1996).
Ijab is a statement of someone who did bond, while Kabul identified it as a statement of
acceptance of such bonding. In Islam, of course, all engagements carried out by
two or more parties must be under the will of the Shari'a.
Principles for Purchase Online
Today's trading activity is increasingly widespread, especially
sites that used to make buying and selling online is getting better and Diverse.
However, as we know that the system of buying and selling online products
offered only in the form of explanation of the specifications of goods and
pictures that cannot be guaranteed the truth, for that as a buyer, it is
essential to find out the truth whether the goods you want to buy are
appropriate or not.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, buying and selling is
a mutually binding agreement between the seller, the party who delivers the
goods, and the buyer as the party who pays the price of the goods sold (Penyusun, 1999). �According to (Syafei, 2006) linguistically, buying and selling is the exchange of something
for something another. Words Online consists of two words: On (English), which
means life or inside, and Line (England), which means the line, track, channel
or network. The language online could be interpreted as "in the network" or the connection.
Selling online is mutual consent between sellers binding via the
internet as a party selling the goods and the buyer paying the price of the
goods sold. Online buying and selling apply a buying and selling system on the
internet. There is no direct contact between the seller and the buyer. Buying
and selling are carried out through a network that is connected using mobile
phones, computers, tablets, and others.
Researchers see that
many people in the community often conduct buying and selling transactions online, both as consumers and resellers
from shops or online shops who do
advertising or market merchandise through media online (social networks), but not all of them know the practice
of buying and selling. The
system online that is usually done is
under Islamic law or even vice versa.
purpose of this study was to determine whether the practice of buying and
selling online is under Islamic law. The importance of this research is to find
out how online buying and selling is happening from the perspective of Islamic
law, which can provide benefits for all. The difference between this study and
previous research is the variables used and a broader discussion about buying
and selling online from an Islamic perspective. Based on the description and
explanation of the background problems described above, the authors are
interested in researching with the title "Analysis of Online Buying and
Selling Practices in the Perspective of Islamic Law."
Research Type
This research is field
research (Field Research) with qualitative methods. This type of qualitative
research uses a descriptive approach in that the data collected is generally in
the form of words, pictures and is mainly not analyzed using figures. Departing
from the facts obtained in the field and then researched referring to the basic
theory following the research problem or which is inductive.
The research uses a
descriptive approach, where the problem being investigated will be solved by
describing, writing, explaining the subject or object of research based on
facts that have been looking and does not reduce as it is (Suharsimi, 2006). Qualitative research aims to understand social
phenomena or phenomena that occur in the field in a scientific setting.
The most crucial
sampling technique for research objectives is determining key informants or
certain social situations that are full of information according to the
research focus. To select a sample, in this case, key informants or social
situations, it is more appropriate to do it intentionally (purposive sampling) than in the data collection process. It
is no longer found to look for new information. The information collection
process is considered complete. Thus, qualitative research is not questioned
about the number of samples. In this case, the number of samples can be small
but large depending on whether or not the selection of key informants is
Data collection
techniques in this study are observation, interview, and documentation. The researchers here used this literary study
research find information through books, magazines, and other documents. Form a
theoretical basis. This research also investigates scientific journals,
reference books, literature, encyclopedias, scientific works, scientific works,
and other sources, both in written and written form related to the object under
Analysis in qualitative
research is carried out when data collection takes place. After completing data
collection, the researcher analyzes the data reduction results (summary) and
selects the main things, focusing on essential things to look for themes and
patterns. Thus the reduced data will provide a clearer picture (Sugiyono, 2017). According to Miles and Huberman, implementation of data analysis
suggests that activities in analyzing qualitative data are carried out
interactively and take place continuously until complete. Data analysis
activities include data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification (Sugiyono, 2017).
Buying and selling is a transaction
between two parties Related to exchanging currency and goods. In addition, the
object being traded Must be helpful to the owner (Janah, 2021). Buying and selling online cannot
be unlawful but rather how the transaction online
is legitimate or not authentic. Buying and selling online can be done during the transaction process following Islamic
law, and of course, buying and selling online
does not contain elements of fraud, coercion, and persecution. The validity
of online buying and selling transactions is from the contract. Online buying
and selling transactions are certainly legal after fulfilling the pillars and
conditions for the validity of buying and selling and having fulfilled the
pillars and conditions of the contract in buying and selling. According to
Islam, it is used and contains elements only material gain in this world, but
it is also a real advantage in the hereafter. We should pay attention to the
principle of buying and selling stars (Safira et al., n.d.). If all the conditions and pillars have been met and in online
buying and selling transactions, there is no fraud or coercion and even usury,
the online buying and selling transaction is undoubtedly legal., and vice
versa, if the terms and conditions of the contract and buying and selling are
not fulfilled then the sale and purchase, is invalid. Clear and complete, with
explanations that can affect the selling price of goods. Buying and selling
transactions Online, most Ulama justify it as long as there is no
element of gharar or ambiguity by
providing precise specifications or descriptions in the form of pictures,
types, colors, shapes, models, and those that affect the price of goods.
sale and purchase online contract is included in the salam sale and purchase contract, in which the salam contract submits the money first before receiving the merchandise.
Financing services related to buying and selling online with financing carried
out in conjunction with ordering goods. This salam contract makes payments in advance, and after that, the goods
become the seller's debt.
and selling online is allowed as long as the goods or products being traded
follow the specifications or characteristics of the goods determined (Koyuncu & Bhattacharya, 2004). Moreover, the type and nature of the goods to be
purchased are known. With advances in information and technology, the
description of the goods can be seen first in the form of videos or pictures.
If the product is or the goods received are not following the agreed
characteristics, the buyer has the right to khimar.
The Islamic view of buying and selling online has become a widespread practice
of buying and selling transactions, primarily buying and selling transactions
online based on social media. Therefore, it is necessary to know that buying
and selling online own meet the pillars and conditions so that Sara's sales can
be said to be effective (Zurohman & Rahayu, 2019). Today's modern era marketplace is a place for
buying and selling online to buy and sell online, providing menus or options
for goods that do not match the description of the goods to return goods and
money or replace defective goods received by the buyer. The party marketplace
guarantees the buyer and seller and, of course, the seller. Market place itself
is official and has legal force for the buyer. Because in Indonesia, in setting
up a business, you must have an official business license from the state.
Therefore, the buyer and the seller can report fraud to the party marketplace
to carry out legal procedures. If the buyer's goods are found to be not as
described in the sale, then the buyer can return the goods to the seller with
the cost of return borne by the seller based on an agreement or agreement.
the marketplace also provides a menu to apply for refunds and goods on the
marketplace is as long as the returned goods do not match or are damaged with
the description of the goods being sold. The party marketplace acts as an
intermediary to see whose fault, and the seller cannot immediately withdraw
funds before the other party. The buyer states that he received the goods he
ordered and did not apply for a refund. Items purchased online can be returned
if there is damage or defects in the buyer's goods. Then it does not harm the
buying and selling in Islam are consensual, there is no coercion from any party
to buy an item. If buying and selling online is not appropriate under the
provisions of Islamic law within which it has set the terms of the contract and
pillars of selling the transaction online is forbidden or not legal. Protection
in buying and selling must be assertive and erect fairest, so the seller and
buyers can make buying and selling transactions online legal without fear of
fraud. Buying and selling Online is done by utilizing increasingly
sophisticated technology to take advantage of and take positive values from the
times and existing technology. Buying and selling transactions Online can be
carried out as long as the traded goods are not illegal and the goods they sell
do not belong to someone else. Moreover, of course, the clarity of prices and
goods so that there is no fraud and confusion between the seller and the buyer.
conditions that allow buying and selling online include:
Must comply with
Islamic religious law to avoid forbidden business transactions, fraud, fraud,
and coercion.
The creation of an
agreement between two parties (seller and buyer) if something unwanted happens
between the agreement or cancellation. Which has been regulated in Islamic fiqh regarding forms of choice or
alternatives in the sale and purchase contract to choose to continue or cancel
the contract that has occurred.
There must be
strict and precise control, sanctions, and legal rules from the government (a
competent institution) to ensure that it is permissible to do business whose
transactions are done online for the public to.
The object of sale
and purchase (goods or their price) is a sacred and helpful item, not an
unclean item or an item because the substance is illegally prohibited from
being traded.
The object of sale
and purchase and the amount of payment are known by both parties to avoid gharar.
The goods
purchased must have clear criteria and specifications or descriptions such as
pictures, prices, and sizes, such as the process that occurs installs online
because they are intangible or invisible during the purchase transaction to
avoid ambiguity or gharar.
The buyer is given
the right (khimar) to cancel the sale
and purchase or accept it willingly if the goods received are not following the
buying and selling online is not following the terms and conditions described
above, the law is not allowed. The benefit and protection of the people in
buying and selling must be in the protection of the state so that there are no
things that bring problems, fraud, and destruction for society and the country.
Buying and selling online is the same as buying and selling offline. Some are
lawful; some are unlawful. Some are legal, and some are illegal.
fundamental law of buying and selling online as sale and purchase agreement and
the contract regards, this is allowed in Islam, the prohibition of buying and
selling online for several reasons, namely:
1.� The system
is unlawful
2.� goods or
services, which are the object of transactions, are forbidden goods or
services, such as drugs, sales human, infringement, copyright sites that can
bring visitors into adultery.
3.� Violate the
agreement or contract and contain elements of coercion, fraud, and others.
Islam was in business are taught to be their honesty, fairness, mutual
suspicion and should be the umbrella legal firm������ of
and clear��� that
aims to benefit the community and the country
Online buying and selling include aspects of muamalah, which are permissible unless there are arguments that forbid
it. In addition, the pillars and conditions of buying and selling online also
do not conflict with the pillars and requirements of the Islamic legal system
of engagement. What is forbidden in online buying and selling transactions,
namely transactions in which there are criminal elements, such as usury, gharar (fraud), danger, obscurity,
harming the rights of others, coercion, and goods or services that are the object
of the transaction are lawful, not illegal. Forbidden such as alcohol, carrion,
pork, drugs, online gambling, and so on. In addition, online buying and selling
transactions also contain aspects of benefit in the form of convenience and
time efficiency. In fiqh, it is found
that there is an agreement by scholars on buying and selling transactions through
letters and intermediaries so that buying and selling online can be analogous
to buying and selling through letters or intermediaries as long as it is carried
out based on the principle of honesty and the principle of consensual
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� 2021 by the
authors. Submitted
for possible open-access
the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license