JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 9, 1989 1997
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.418 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Layli Rahmawati
Mardiati Nadjib
Postgraduate Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia
Department of Health Policy Administration Faculty of Public Health
Email: laylirahmawati@gmail.com, mardiatinadjib@gmail.com
*Correspondence: laylirahmawati@gmail.com
: March 04
: April 12
: April 25
Abstract: The management of the hospital business unit is unique because apart from being a
business unit, the hospital business also has a social mission. However, the performance of this
hospital is also influenced by the management of the hospital, one of which is remuneration. This
study aims to determine the role of remuneration in improving hospital performance. This study
uses a literature review research method, while the data collection technique is carried out by
exploring journals and other information relevant to the study. The results show that remuneration
policies play a role in building a solid work team, supporting business strategies in carrying out the
hospital's vision and mission, improving service performance and hospital financial performance,
and spurring employee motivation to have a high commitment to work. Fulfill the rights and
obligations of employees and hospitals, which has an impact on increasing Hospital performance
and income.
Keywords: Remuneration; Performance; Hospital.
Layli Rahmawati
Mardiati Nadjib
| 1990
The hospital is an institution that
provides top healing services according to
Minister of Health Regulation number 3 of
2020 where emergency, outpatient, and
inpatient assistance is available. The main
function of the hospital is to provide health
services to medical personnel, while
administrative and technical services that
are not directly related to health services
are provided by non-health workers. The
existence of medical personnel and non-
medical personnel as workers perform a
very fundamental character in hospital
organizations and is an integral part of
hospital management, which is one of the
key variable factors in determining hospital
success (Nova, 2010).
Hospital human resources that play a
major role in health services are functional
medical staff (SMF) which includes general
practitioners, specialists, and nurses who
have an important role in determining the
direction of the quality of health services
provided. Doctors and nurses are entitled
to income for health services that have
been provided to patients (Soetisna et al.,
2013). In addition, a qualified workforce is
also needed so that workers can play their
role as executives who are experts in
organizational tasks. This quality covers
various aspects of the discipline,
knowledge, expertise, dedication, ideas,
creativity, and responsibility (Turmidzi,
Employee performance needs to be
given appropriate appreciation so that it
can be a motivator for employees to work
optimally. According to (Luh & Sayang,
2019), the work of each employee will
increase if balanced with good
remuneration and their respective jobs.
Remuneration has the meaning of
"something" received by employees in
return for the contribution they have made
to the organization where they work
(Nurhayati & Supardi, 2020). Remuneration
has a broader meaning than salary, because
it includes all forms of rewards, both in the
form of money and indirect, and those that
are routine or non-routine. Direct rewards
consist of salaries/wages, position
allowances, special allowances, bonuses
that are linked or not associated with work
performance and organizational
performance, intensive achievement
rewards, and various types of assistance
provided regularly. Indirect rewards consist
of facilities, health, pensions, salaries during
disaster compensation leave, and so on
(Surya, 2004).
Based on this presentation, researchers
are interested in finding out more by
conducting a study entitled "The Role of
Remuneration in Improving Hospital
Although there have been several
previous studies on the role of
remuneration in improving hospital
performance, there are still inadequate
research gaps, especially in the Indonesian
context. Several previous studies were
more closed in developed countries, while
research in developing countries like
Indonesia is still minimal.
Research on the role of remuneration
in improving hospital performance is very
important given the increasingly tight
competition between hospitals in
Indonesia. In improving hospital
performance, management must consider
1991 | The Role of Remuneration In Improving Hospital Performance
remuneration as a key factor in
encouraging employee performance and
increasing patient satisfaction.
The purpose of this study is to
determine the extent of the role of
remuneration in improving hospital
performance in Indonesia. This research will
try to identify remuneration factors that
affect employee performance and patient
satisfaction levels and explain how these
factors can be applied in the context of
hospitals in Indonesia.
The results of this study are expected
to provide a significant contribution to the
development of hospital management in
Indonesia. By knowing the remuneration
factors that affect employee performance
and patient satisfaction levels, hospital
management can design an effective and
balanced remuneration system. In addition,
this research can also be a reference for
future researchers who wish to conduct
similar research.
This research is relatively new because
it focuses on the role of remuneration in
improving hospital performance in
Indonesia, which is a developing country
with different characteristics and
challenges compared to developed
countries. In addition, this study will also
explore remuneration factors that have not
been studied much before, such as
performance incentives, employee benefits
and non-financial benefits.
This study used the research method of
literature review. The literature review
research method is a systematic, explicit,
and reproducible research method to
identify, evaluate and synthesize research
works and thoughts that have been
produced by researchers and practitioners
(Ulhaq & Rahmayanti, 2020). While data
collection techniques are carried out by
exploring journals and other information
relevant to the study.
In investigating the role of
remuneration in improving hospital
performance, there are several data
collection techniques that can be used. First
of all, an employee survey can be
conducted to collect employee perceptions
about the effect of the remuneration
system on hospital performance. Interviews
with hospital leaders, financial managers,
HR managers and employees can also be
conducted to get a deeper picture of the
role of remuneration in improving hospital
In addition, analysis of hospital
performance data can be carried out by
collecting data such as the number of
patients served, length of stay, patient
waiting time, level of patient satisfaction,
and others that can be linked to the
remuneration system. Literature studies can
also be carried out by collecting literature
related to remuneration systems in
improving hospital performance, both from
journals, books and online sources.
After the data is collected, there are
several analysis techniques that can be
done. First, correlation analysis can be used
to see the relationship between the
remuneration system and hospital
performance. For example, we can analyze
the correlation between employee salary
levels and patient satisfaction. Then a
regression analysis can be carried out to
see how much influence the remuneration
Layli Rahmawati
Mardiati Nadjib
| 1992
system variables have on hospital
performance. In this case, hospital
performance variables can be measured
using data such as length of stay, patient
waiting time, or patient satisfaction levels.
Furthermore, a comparative analysis
can be carried out by comparing the
performance of the hospital before and
after the implementation of the new
remuneration system. This can help see
whether changes to the remuneration
system have a positive impact on hospital
performance. Finally, descriptive statistical
analysis can be used to summarize
remuneration system data and hospital
performance in the form of tables, graphs
or diagrams. This can help visualize data
and make conclusions easier to
Fair and satisfactory compensation is
fundamental to the continuity of hospital
operations, as all staff in hospitals seek
equality in compensation. However, if
workers are not happy with the
compensation, it can lead to the bad
character in the agency and hurt workers'
determination, which in essence dampens
workers' performance.
This research is in line with the
statement of Noe et al. (2014) that
remuneration can also motivate employees,
and improve employee performance. The
findings of this study are also supported by
research by Berliana et al. (2018), which
concluded that remuneration
compensation affects job satisfaction,
remuneration compensation, and job
satisfaction affects employee performance;
Remuneration compensation has a
dominant influence. From the information
on indicators representing remuneration
variables, it was found that there are three
dominant indicators representing
remuneration, namely salary, awards, and
performance allowances.
Motivation plays an integral role in
many of the exciting challenges facing
healthcare workers today. Motivation
theory classifies motivational sources into
those that are intrinsic and those that are
extrinsic work. Thus, an exploration of the
factors motivating today's healthcare
workforce can yield valuable insights into
the many challenges facing modern
hospitals. Meeting the needs and achieving
the goals of both employees and the
organization is the cornerstone of job
satisfaction and this is especially important
for management, as it correlates with
improved quality of services provided
(Lambrou et al., 2010).
The results of (Mendes et al., 2017)
research at Parirenyatwa Hospital show that
there is a positive relationship between
remuneration and the efficiency of officers'
medical services, showing that
remuneration is a source of motivation for
the efficiency of medical workers at
Parirenyatwa Hospital. This is in line with
the findings stating that there is a strong
relationship between remuneration and the
efficiency of medical personnel.
Remuneration means "something" that
employees receive in return for
contributions they have made to the
organization they work for either directly or
indirectly. Direct remuneration consists of
salaries/wages, position allowances, special
1993 | The Role of Remuneration In Improving Hospital Performance
allowances, bonuses related or unrelated to
work, performance, and performance of the
organization, in s ent if as merit awards, and
various types of assistance provided
periodically. Indirect compensation
consists of facilities, health, pension funds,
salaries during disaster leave, and so on
(Diyanto & Peristiowati, 2022).
The purpose of the remuneration
system in general is to attract, retain and
motivate quality human resources, and for
that human resource management needs
to pay attention to the availability and
demand of human resources.
In addition to the above, the purpose
of the remuneration is to attract, retain and
motivate quality human resources, and for
that human resource management needs
to pay attention to the availability and
demand of human resources. If there is an
excess of labor supply, the level of
compensation provided is relatively low.
On the other hand, if there is excess
demand, the rate of return is relatively high.
The provision of remuneration is
related to the requirements that must be
met by employees in the positions they
occupy, to create a balance between output
and input. The more courageous an
institution is to provide high remuneration
can be used as a benchmark that the more
successful the institution is in building the
work performance of its employees
because the provision of high
remuneration is only possible if the
institution has a high enough income and
is willing to provide high remuneration in
the hope that the institution will be more
advanced. Providing better remuneration
will encourage employees to work more
productively (Diyanto & Peristiowati, 2022).
Healthcare organizations face major
challenges to keep healthcare accessible
and affordable. This requires them to
change and improve their performance, to
do so the organization must improve the
performance of its employees.
Performance is the result of work and
work behavior that has been achieved in
completing the tasks and responsibilities
given in a certain period. And leadership,
job satisfaction, work motivation, and
incentives together have a positive and
significant effect on performance.
The results of this study show that
competence, training, and motivation
partially and simultaneously have a positive
and significant effect on employee
performance (Rivaldo Yandra, 2022).
The higher and more appropriate
competence of employees in working by
their fields will be able to improve
employee performance
Competency is the capacity that exists
in a person that makes the person able to
fulfill what is required by the work in an
organization so that the organization can
achieve the expected results". Employee
competence in the field of work will cause
the work done to be done faster, and with
more quality, thus causing increased
performance. If employee competence is
more by work, the training provided is
more effective and employees have strong
motivation, it will significantly improve
employee performance therefore
employee performance is an important
factor that must be considered by
companies to be able to thrive in fierce
competition and uncertain conditions
(Pratama & Riana, 2022).
Layli Rahmawati
Mardiati Nadjib
| 1994
Another thing that can affect
performance is compensation,
remuneration, and job satisfaction,
including career development (Roza et al.,
Hospitals by Minister of Health
Regulation No. 3 of 2020 are health service
institutions that provide plenary health
services that provide inpatient, outpatient,
and emergency services whose services are
provided by doctors, nurses, and other
health experts.
Hospitals established by the Central
Government and Regional Governments
must be in the form of Technical
Implementation Units from Agencies in
charge of the health sector, or certain
Agencies with the management of Public
Service Agencies or Regional Public Service
Agencies by the provisions of laws and
Health services provided by public
hospitals consist of at least the following:
a. medical services and medical
b. nursing and midwifery services; and
c. Nonmedical Services.
Human resources at public hospitals in
the form of permanent personnel include:
a. medical personnel;
b. clinical psychology personnel;
c. nursing personnel;
d. midwifery personnel;
e. pharmaceutical personnel;
f. public health workers;
g. environmental health workers;
h. nutritional labor;
i. physical therapy personnel;
j. medical technicians;
k. biomedical engineering
personnel; l. other health workers; and m.
non-health personnel.
The followings are the duties and
functions of the hospital:
Implementation of treatment and
health recovery services by hospital
service standards.
Maintenance and improvement of
individual health through complete
second and third-level health
services according to medical
needs; appropriate
Implementation of education and
training of human resources to
increase the ability to provide
health services; and
Implementation of research and
development and screening of
technology in the health sector in
the context of improving health
services by taking into account the
ethics of science in the health
Public hospitals are usually facilities
that are easily found in a country, with very
large inpatient capacity for intensive or
long-term care. This type of hospital is also
equipped with surgical facilities, delivery
rooms, intensive care rooms, radiology,
laboratories, and so on. But the
completeness of this facility may vary
according to the ability of the organizer
Layli Rahmawati
Mardiati Nadjib
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.418 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Fulfilling the rights and obligations of
employees In a study on remuneration, it
was found that improvements to the
remuneration system positively impacted
nurse performance and the quality of
subsequent health services.
Remuneration received by employees
must be equivalent to what is given by
employees to the organization, internal
equity or internal justice in the sense of
fairness between the weight of work and
the rewards received, and external equality
or external justice in the sense of fairness of
rewards received by employees in their
organization compared to other
organizations that have equality.
Hospitals must utilize remuneration
strategies to improve health services, save
costs, and improve organizational
Note after duplicate ( n=98 )
Thickrecords are identified through database search by keywords, remumeration,
performance, hospital
Gogle scholar = 248, pubmed = 13, science direct = 9
Notes after filtering ( n = 36 )
Full-text articles are assessed for
notability ( n = 9 )
Records that include n= 7
Excluded records by filtering
headings ( n = 62 )
Excluded records n= 25
Full text excluded n= 2, excluding
the performance of hospital
Layli Rahmawati
Mardiati Nadjib
| 1996
The remuneration system in the DKI
local government uses a partial
remuneration system because for civil
servants the remuneration is still borne by
the APBD, the components that are still
borne by the APBD are salaries and some
Remuneration is seen as an instrument
of behavioral control or a learning
mechanism. With the provision of
remuneration, it is expected to control or
change employee behavior in service to
customers and make employees learn to
improve service to customers to become
loyal customers.
The determination of the incentive
system should indeed be left to the
hospital. This makes employees more
motivated to be more involved in the
system and more motivated to innovate so
that it has more value which is important
for the hospital.
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