1870 | Election Uncertainty, Economic Policy Uncertainty: An Event Study Approach
is known as a figure who is very pro-
small people, clean from bribes, and firm
in making decisions, thus giving great
hope for the people for a better future
life. Joko Widodo's popularity is thought
to improve capital market performance
in conducting stock transactions. If an
event increases stock returns, then the
event receives a positive response from
investors. In the opposite case, investors
will respond negatively to an event that
they value poorly and resulting in a
decrease in stock returns (Woolridge &
Snow, 1990). Stock market reaction to
strategic investment decisions. Strategic
management journal, 11(5), 353-363.
An event study is research that aims
to test the concept of an efficient market
(Bhagwat et al., 2020). Event study
methodology in the marketing literature:
an overview. Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science, 45, 186-207. is
classified as an efficient market if no one,
both individual and institutional
investors, can obtain abnormal returns,
after adjusting for risk, using existing
trading strategies. In this case, the prices
formed in the market are a reflection of
existing information or stock prices have
reflected all available information
(Sujana, 2017). (Latif et al., 2011) said if
stock prices already reflect all currently
available information, then price
changes will reflect new information.
Event studies examine price changes
during the period an event occurs, and
can then conclude whether an event
contains valuable information or not by
predicting abnormal returns (Krivin et al.,
2003). The higher the abnormal return,
the greater the profit obtained by the
investor (Jacobsen, 1988).
This study developed a hypothesis that
is an investigation as follows:
Hypothesis I: There was a significant
average abnormal return (AAR) during
the event window due to the
announcement of Jokowi's presidential
Hypothesis II: There was a
significant average cumulative abnormal
return (CAAR) during the event window
due to Jokowi's presidential
inauguration announcement.
The first step in an event study is to
determine the window length of an
event to obtain a trade-off of an event
(McWilliams et al., 1999). In particular,
the window should be able to capture
the stock price reaction of the total stock
trade, without distorted stock price
fluctuations caused by other causes. The
decision to determine the length of the
window is a subjective decision of the
researcher. The length of the window
may vary according to market conditions
and the events studied. (MacKinlay,
1997) says that usually event studies
determine the length of the window
around an event of interest to capture
market reactions in the time before the
event and after the event occurs
(Hirschey, 2021). Information leakage
can cause investor anticipation so that
they stop trading, so it is important to
define the trading day within an event
The period used in this study is
during the 200 days of the president-