1862 | Measuring The Legal Consistency of Special Rental Transport
passing periodic tests, are considered not
to meet the requirements for technical
completeness and roadworthiness, so they
have the potential to cause road accidents.
This argument is the philosophical basis,
the need for government control or
supervision to ensure that every public
motor vehicle operated must be able to
guarantee safety. The legal instrument used
to ensure this is a legal instrument of
testing known as the Periodic Test. That is
why, the violation of such obligations is
punishable by administrative sanctions and
criminal sanctions, as outlined above. So
that opinion, which says the requirements
for non-online transportation such as kir
institutions, yellow plate institutions,
providing vehicle pools for the
implementation of non-online taxi
businesses become an obstacle when
having to compete with online
transportation services. Even though on a
practical level, the necessity does not make
public transportation safer and more
comfortable. While online vehicle check is
better, considering the personal ownership
of vehicles used as a means of online
transportation are privately owned.
Because it is privately owned, the
maintenance of his vehicle will feel different
from the property of a legal entity
(Pribadiono, 2016).
Agus Prabadiono's view, which wants
to eliminate the government's supervisory
function on the roadworthy fulfillment of
public motor vehicles and leave it entirely
to each vehicle owner, is a view that is not
pro-public safety, but the interests of online
transportation. If someday, all online
transportation business actors have
integrity and are aware of their
responsibilities to the security and safety of
service users, and other road users, the idea
may be applied in the future.
In practice, the threat of criminal and
administrative sanctions, like a "toothless
tiger" seems frightening but the biting
power is non-existent. The non-
enforcement of the Periodic Test obligation
for ASK General Motor Vehicles is because
there has never been an effort (earnestly or
insincerely), to enforce the mandatory test
rules. Although the legal substance of the
compulsory test is good, in the sense that
there is legal certainty, expediency, and
justice. It is called the legal substance of the
mandatory provisions of the Periodic Test
and is considered good, if the norms and
implementation are consistent and apply to
all, and do not choose the targeted subject.
Certainty means "provision; statute"
whereas if the word certainty is combined
with the word "law" into legal certainty, it
means "the legal instrument of a state that
can guarantee the rights and obligations of
every citizen." According to Sudikno
Mertokusumo, "Legal certainty is one of the
conditions that must be met in law
enforcement". So legal certainty is an
(E.Fernando M.Manullang, 2007) justifiable
protection against arbitrary actions which
means that a person will obtain something
expected under certain circumstances. This
is in line with the view of (E.Fernando
M.Manullang, 2007), "the existence of the
state and law (constitution) which is a
manifestation of the common will of the
sovereign people, therefore the value of
certainty which in this case is related to the
law, is a value that in principle provides
legal protection for every citizen from
arbitrary power so that the law gives
responsibility to the state to carry it out.
Here lies the relationship between the issue
of certainty (law) and the role of the state is
seen. Therefore, in understanding the value
of certainty (law), what must be considered
is that the value has a close relationship
with positive legal instruments and the role
of the state in actualizing them in positive
law. Even though the role of the state is not
only limited to that level, the state also has
the responsibility to carry it out and enforce