Valentina Sri Basa Tambunan
Agus Setiadi
Edy Prasetyo
| 2012
Today, Indonesian people are
beginning to realize the importance of
healthy living. This can be proven by the
increasing consumption of coconut
cooking oil in Indonesia as a form of
lifestyle change. Oil in its development has
been used as a raw material to meet the
needs of the community in terms of food
and non-food (Sukandar, 2008). The
average consumption of coconut cooking
oil per capita in Semarang City increased by
0.007 liters/week/year, which was 0.005
liters/week/year in 2020 to 0.012
liters/week/year in 2021 (Central Bureau of
Statistics, 2021).
Urban areas have people with diverse
income and employment levels that
influence the decision to purchase coconut
cooking oil products as cooking oil. The
level of people's desire to consume coconut
cooking oil (coconut cooking oil) influences
purchasing decisions, namely product,
price, location, promotional, social, cultural,
and psychological factors derived from
buyer characteristics, while service factors
are influential factors from market
Cooking oil with coconut meat raw
materials (coconut meat) is expected to
provide a lot of good for health because as
a source and solvent of vitamins A, D, E, and
K and contains antimicrobials, antioxidants,
essential acids, unsaturated fats and
vitamin solvents (Shilling et al., 2013).
Unsaturated fats contained in coconut
cooking oil contain omega 3 and omega 6,
and there are essential fatty acids that
function to prevent the narrowing of blood
vessels due to cholesterol buildups, such as
lauric acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and
arachidonic acid (Intahphuak et al., 2010).
The nutritional content contained in old
coconut every 100 grams, namely 359 cal
calories, 34 g protein, 34.7 g fat, 14 g
carbohydrates, 21 mg calcium, 21 mg
phosphorus, 2 mg iron, 0.01 IU vitamin A,
0.1 mg thiamine, 2 mg ascorbic acid, and
46.9 g water (Ketaren, 2008).
Generally, the purchasing decision
process of coconut cooking oil consumers
occurs in the modern market. The modern
market is a market that targets the upper
middle class by offering the quality of an
item, besides that it also has a large and
strong distribution network that affects the
selling price of the products offered to
consumers (Rahanita and Suliswanto, 2018).
The advantages of the modern market that
become the fundamental attraction of
consumers are understanding the changing
needs and desires of consumers, as well as
providing comfort and security (Wijayanti
and Winarno, 2011).
The purchase decision of a product
with a particular brand will begin with
several steps, namely the introduction of
needs, information search, alternative
evaluation, evaluation criteria, and
determination of choices (Sumarwan, 2011).
Search can be done internally and
externally (Sumarwan, 2014). Internal
through remembering the product then
focuses on products that are very familiar
and external through the environment
around the consumer and information
obtained such as brand alternatives,
evaluation criteria and level of importance.