JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 9, 2080 2097
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.59141/jrssem.v2i09.411 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Findy Rachmandika Muhammad
Sutrisno T
Muhammad Tojibussabirin
faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia
Email: findyrachmandika@gmail.com, sutrisno@gmail.com,
*Correspondence: findyrachmandika@gmail.com
: April 03
: April 15
: April 25
Abstract: This study aims to examine the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the
financial performance of manufacturing companies in Indonesia and examine the role of CEO ability
as moderating variable. Hierarchical regression analysis is used to test the effect of CSR on firm
performance and test CEO ability as moderating variable. This study uses 213 samples observation
data from manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2019 until 2021.
The results showed that CSR disclosures affect firm performance as measured by return on assets
(ROA). The results of this study also showed that CEO ability as moderating variable unable to
increase the influence of CSR on firm performance. These results indicate that when a firm
performance has no significant growth and the firm has a problem that decreased the firm
profitability for example COVID-19 pandemic, CEOs have a tendency not to carry out an activity
that costs money for example CSR.
Keywords: CSR Disclosure; CEO Ability; Firm Performance.
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Company performance is the main
indicator to determine the success of the
company in achieving its goals. The
company's performance can be seen from
the financial condition analyzed using
financial ratios so that the company's
achievements in a certain period can be
measured with valid results. The
performance of companies that have
increased will certainly also affect investor
perception, so good performance will
provide positive signals for the company's
development in the future. Positive
company performance will certainly also
have a good impact on the company's
management. One indicator in measuring a
company's performance is to assess its
profitability ratio.
Profitability is the company's ability to
obtain profits so this indicator must get
special attention because the profitability
factor is the key for the company to
continue to be sustainable without profit, it
will be difficult for companies to get
investment capital from outside. The
profitability ratio is a ratio aimed at
knowing how much the ability of a
company to earn profits in a certain period
and provide an overview of the level of
management effectiveness in the
company's operational activities. The types
of profitability ratio measurements consist
of Return on Assets (ROA), Net Profit
Margin (NPM), (Kashmir, 2012)Gross Profit
Margin (GPM), and Return on Equity (ROE)
(Sanjaya &; Rizky, 2018).
Return on Assets or ROA is often used
as a tool to measure the condition of a
company's financial performance in a
healthy state or vice versa. Companies that
experience an increase in ROA will
automatically increase the attractiveness
for investors to invest because the rate of
return is getting bigger and the stock price
is certainly also increasing. This research
takes one of the sectors on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange, namely the manufacturing
Companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange certainly consist of various
sectors, one of which is the manufacturing
sector. The sector of companies engaged in
manufacturing is the most strategic land to
invest so it is expected to obtain high
profits. The manufacturing company sector
is one of the sectors that can boost the
pace of the country's economy because the
manufacturing sector can increase GDP by
20%, the tax sector by 30%, and exports by
74%. The operating activities of the
manufacturing company sector have a
positive impact on economic expansion
and increase the country's foreign
exchange so that of course the
manufacturing sector also experiences
good company performance (MINISTRY OF
INDUSTRY, 2019).
The development of ROA in 9 largest
manufacturing companies in Indonesia
according to Bernas. id namely PT. Semen
Indonesia (SMGR), PT. Japfa Comfeed
Indonesia (JPFA), PT. Tjiwi Kimia Paper
Factory (TKIM), PT. Indofood CBP Sukses
Makmur (ICBP), PT. Gudang Garam (GGRM),
PT. Kimia Farma (KAEF), PT. Unilever
Indonesia (UNVR), PT. Astra International
(ASII), and PT. Sri Rejeki Isman (SRIL) is
calculated to have varying levels of ROA in
2082 | The Effect of CSR Disclosure On Company Performance With Ceo Proficiency As A
Moderation Variable
the period 2019 to 2021 as shown in the table below.
Table 1.
ROA 9 Manufacturing Companies for the period 2019 to 2021
ROA 2019 (in
ROA 2020 (in
ROA 2021 (in
Source: Researcher (Processed)
Table 2.
ROA Bar Chart of 9 Largest Manufacturing Companies in Indonesia for the period 2019 to
Source: Researcher (Processed)
The table informs that it is known that
9 companies have quite fluctuating ROA
values. A good ROA is at 5% while to be
perfect the ROA level must be more than
equal to 20%. The table provides
information that even large companies
experience problems related to their
financial performance which are known
from the ROA level for the period 2019 to
2021 so companies need action to
maximize company operations to obtain
investments that aim to ensure that
company operations are not hampered,
one of which is by carrying out CSR
ROA 9 Perusahaan Manufaktur Terbesar di Indonesia
2019 2020 2021
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activities. (Birken & Curry, 2021)
The development of CSR in the 21st
century has become a major focus in
business activities around the world. CSR
practices are often defined as corporate
activities that not only focus on profit but
also focus on social welfare. Davis (1973)
also elaborated that CSR is not only used
for profit motives but is also expected to be
able to contribute to society in the long run.
Companies that increasingly disclose CSR
activities can earn more profits than
companies that do not or even carry out
CSR activities. The manufacturing company
sector is the company that discloses the
most social responsibility items as many as
567 items (Hadi, 2010) (Freeman &
Hasnaoui, 2011) (Lambertini & Tampieri,
CSR disclosure is a rule set by the
government to support the Partnership and
Community Development Program (PKBL),
but the reality on the ground is that only
about 30% of companies have shifted from
just fulfilling obligations from stakeholders
to part of the company's strategy, the rest
are just fulfilling requirements and void
obligations (Hadi, 2011). Companies that
disclose CSR activities should not only be
void of obligations and report in annual
reports but must also be integrated into
strategic planning, and business practices,
and must be by company objectives. The
state of infrastructure that is still untouched
in Indonesia, the situation of order, health
problems, and education problems raises a
fundamental question of whether only the
government should address this, does the
corporate sector also have the same
responsibility in solving social problems
where the company operates?
Today, companies that used to only
focus on profits and increasing profitability
are required to pay attention to social and
environmental responsibility. This
commitment is the main issue of the
concept of corporate social responsibility.
One of the legal umbrellas for the
implementation of CSR in Indonesia itself is
regulated in Law Number 40 of 2007 Article
74 which aims to improve the quality of life
and the environment for the company, the
community, and society in general.
Companies that carry out CSR activities
can certainly reduce social turmoil and can
improve their image for stakeholders, while
companies that do not carry out CSR
activities will get sanctions according to
laws and regulations. Companies that do
not carry out CSR activities will be subject
to administrative sanctions in the form of
written warnings, restrictions on business
activities, and suspending, and revocation
of business activities including investment
facilitation activities.
This sanction is only regulated in
Article 34 of the Capital Market Law, which
means it seems unclear and makes the
company seem careless in carrying out CSR
activities even though this activity is carried
out so that sustainable development can be
created and it is hoped that the company's
performance will have a positive impact so
that the urgency in research that discusses
CSR disclosure on performance is very
important to be carried out based on these
Corporate Social Responsibility is a
non-financial factor that will affect the
company's performance so the
implementation of CSR consistently in the
long term is expected to gain legitimacy
2084 | The Effect of CSR Disclosure On Company Performance With Ceo Proficiency As A
Moderation Variable
from the community which will improve the
good image. Corporate social responsibility
is a form of corporate commitment to
behave ethically towards stakeholders
either directly or indirectly to improve the
quality of life and welfare by considering
social, economic, and environmental
Awareness of the negative impacts that
can occur at any time makes CSR a global
trend by prioritizing the interests of
stakeholders. CSR has become an activity
that has become a concern since the
issuance of the regulation of the Minister of
Environment of the Republic of Indonesia
number 3 of 2014 concerning the
company's performance rating assessment
program in managing the environment and
Law number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited
Liability Companies which requires all
companies to report CSR activities in their
respective annual reports.
The concept of CSR is a response from
community groups who expect corporate
responsibility to be able to participate in
providing environmental improvements in
disaster-affected areas, especially in a
pandemic like today (Agoes & Ardana,
2011). The community response
encourages companies to actively
participate in activities that can improve
social welfare (Anggraini, 2012). CSR is
defined as corporate activities that not only
pay attention to economic aspects but are
also related to social welfare (Freeman &;
Hasnaoui, 2011; Mcwilliams & Siegel,
2001). Companies that carry out CSR
activities will be viewed favorably by
external parties, in this case, the
stakeholders because they assume that the
disclosure of CSR activities that are quite
complex will increase the legitimacy of
stakeholders so that the company's
reputation will increase and the impact of
the revenue obtained increases and
improves company performance (Rahman
& Saraswati, 2016).
Several empirical studies that discuss
the effect of CSR disclosure on company
performance have been widely conducted
both in Indonesia and abroad, for example,
research conducted by Mahoney & Roberts
(2007) which examined the effect of CSR on
company performance showed positive
results. Research by Fauzi, et al (2007) which
examines the relationship of corporate
social performance to corporate financial
performance in companies listed on the IDX
shows a positive influence.
Other studies that discuss the
influence between CSR and company
performance produce mixed results such as
research from Cheng et al (2016), and Zhu
et al (2014) states that CSR has a positive
effect on company performance while
research from Bromiley & Marcus (1989)
and Wright & Ferris (1997) states that CSR
does not affect company performance,
while Aupperle et al's research., (1985), and
Teoh et al., (1999) state that CSR and
corporate performance have no influence.
The empirical research provides mixed
results, causing research gaps where
several studies state that managerial skills
are one of the factors that greatly affect
company performance (Kor &; Mesko,
2012; Milbourn, 2003). CEOs with good
managerial skills will tend to be
conservative in their careers to be glimpsed
by better companies that can provide
higher salaries and obtain flawless
assessments that affect their reputation.
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Based on this understanding, researchers
concluded that there is a relationship
between managerial skills and the effect of
CSR disclosure on company performance.
CSR is a long-term investment with
uncertain returns (Falck & Heblich, 2007;
Fieseler, 2011). High-ability CEOs tend to
have fewer worries about the future than
low-skilled CEOs, so more incentives will be
used to invest in CSR in hopes of long-term
benefits for the company (Fieseler, 2011).
This research is a development of
research conducted by Iqbal et al, (2019)
and Ting et al., (2021). Research by Iqbal et
al., (2019) examines the influence of CSR on
company performance in Indonesia with
intellectual capital as moderation using 147
samples of manufacturing companies listed
on the IDX which concludes that the
influence of CSR on company performance
is positively influenced by intellectual
capital while Ting et al's research ., (2019)
examined the effect of capital structure
mediation on the effect of managerial skills
on company performance using a sample
of 6348 electronic industry companies in
Taiwan in the period 2015 to 2018 which
provided results that managerial skills
positively affect company performance.
Researchers are interested in re-
examining the effect of CSR disclosure on
company performance because existing
empirical research provides mixed results
so that this study is expected to be able to
fill existing research gaps in addition to
differences in research samples and
research periods are also a motivation for
researchers to re-examine the effect of CSR
disclosure on company performance. This
study proxies CSR disclosure using the CSR
index while managerial literacy is proxied
using data envelopment analysis (DEA) and
company performance using return on
assets (ROA) proxy.
This study aims to provide empirical
evidence on whether CSR disclosure has a
positive effect on company performance
and examine the moderation effect of
managerial skills on CSR disclosure on
company performance.
Literature Review
Legitimacy Theory
Legitimacy or trust from the public
towards the company is an important key
for the company in developing the
company so that this can be used as an
effort for the company to continue to exist
while still paying attention to the
company's strategy so that every
company's operations must go hand in
hand with the expectations of the
community (Hadi, 2011). The company
certainly has the expected strategy and
achievements and this does not rule out the
possibility that there is a "legitimacy gap"
between the desired company
achievements and also the expectations of
the community which will affect the
company's operational activities.
Good legitimacy makes companies
aware that the survival of society also
depends on how the company relates to
stakeholders so one form of activity to gain
legitimacy is the disclosure of social
responsibility or CSR activities.
Stakeholder Theory
Stakeholders or stakeholders are
internal and external parties of the
company such as the government,
competing companies, surrounding
communities, institutions outside the
2086 | The Effect of CSR Disclosure On Company Performance With Ceo Proficiency As A
Moderation Variable
company, environmental observers,
company workers, and so on that affect or
are influenced by the company. The
company is natural to pay attention to
stakeholders and if not done it will result in
stakeholder legitimacy. Companies need to
maintain stakeholder legitimacy for
decision-making and achievement of
company goals (Hadi, 2011).
The company's strategy in this case
CSR activities will provide non-financial
information to stakeholders and the better
disclosure of CSR will make stakeholders
give full attention to the company so that
the goal is to improve performance and
obtain profits as planned.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
menurut The World Business Council for
Sustainable Development (WBCSD) dan
ISO 26000 adalah “Corporate Social
Responsibility is an ethical behavior that
contributes to sustainable development,
including health and the welfare of society
complies with applicable law and
consistent with international norms of
behavior. The responsibility of organization
for the impacts of its decision and activities
on society and the environment is
integrated throughout the organization
and practiced in its relationship yang
bermakna bahwa komitmen dalam dunia
usaha untuk bertindak secara etis, legal,
dan berkontribusi untuk peningkatan
ekonomi dengan juga meningkatkan
kualitas hidup karyawan sekaligus
komunitas lokal dan masyarakat secara luas
(Wibisono, 2007; Prastowo & Huda, 2011).
CSR is a tool used by company
management to show all stakeholders
including potential investors about the
surplus value possessed by the company to
its concern for economic, social, and
environmental impacts as part of the
company's activities.(Lindawati &; Puspita,
The existence of CSR certainly has
regulations regulated by the government
such as Law Number 40 of 2007, Law
Number 25 of 2007, and PP Number 47 of
2012. The development of CSR in Indonesia
is seen from 2 perspectives, namely the
implementation of CSR is a voluntary
business practice (discretionary business
practice) which means that the
implementation of CSR is a company
initiative and is not an activity required by
the laws and regulations of the Republic of
Indonesia, the second is that the
implementation of CSR is no longer
discretionary business practices but it
becomes regulated by laws and regulations
or mandatory (Solihin, 2008).
John Elkington through his book
entitled "Cannibals with Fork, the Triple
Bottom Line of Twentieth Century Business"
developed the concept of the triple bottom
line, namely economic prosperity,
environmental quality, and social justice.
Companies certainly focus on profit, but
must also pay attention to the welfare of
the community (people), and participate in
preserving the environment (planet).
(Wibisono, 2007). The concept of the triple
bottom line is illustrated in Figure 2.1
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Figure 1.
Triple Bottom Line Concept
Source: Wibisono (2007)
This research is a development
research conducted by Iqbal et al., (2019)
and Ting et al., (2021). This research uses
financial data and sustainability report data
for all companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange for the 2020 and 2021
periods which are used as research
samples. Previous research that became a
reference in this study gave mixed results.
Research that examines the
relationship between CSR and company
performance is quite widely carried out,
such as research conducted by Waddock
and Graves (1997), Cheng et al (2016),
Manoney & Roberts (2007), Fauzi et al
(2007), and Zhu et al (2014) provide results
that CSR has a positive effect on company
performance. Research by Parengkuan
(2017), Bromiley & Marcus (1989), and
Wright & Ferris (1997) that examined the
effect of CSR on the performance of
manufacturing companies stated that CSR
does not affect company performance.
Karyawati et al (2018) also concluded that
CSR is influenced by the characteristics of a
country and the dimensions of CSR will also
change which results in changing
CSR is an activity carried out by
companies to meet stakeholder requests
with long-term investment goals but full of
uncertainty (Falck &; Heblich, 2007; Fieseler,
2011). The most likely action for companies
to minimize risk is to have a capable CEO.
High-ability CEOs tend to have fewer
worries about the future than low-skilled
CEOs, so more incentives will be used to
invest in CSR in hopes of long-term benefits
for the company (Fieseler, 2011).
Research design is a detailed
framework or blueprint for obtaining data,
measuring data, and analyzing data to
answer the formulation of research
problems (Sekaran &; Bougie, 2016). The
first step in conducting research is to
establish problem identification so that
research objectives are achieved and on
target. The next step is to describe the
background of the problems and
phenomena that occur in the field and the
last is the subject matter of research
formulated in question sentences so that
they can be identified in the research
results. This research is an empirical study
that aims to test the hypothesis of the
effect of CSR disclosure on company
performance, as well as the effect of
moderation of CEO proficiency on the
effect of CSR disclosure on company
performance in manufacturing companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
2088 | The Effect of CSR Disclosure On Company Performance With Ceo Proficiency As A
Moderation Variable
The research method used in this study
is inferential research type. Inferential
research is research that aims to conclude
population characteristics expressed by
population parameters in inferential
research there are parameter estimation,
hypothesis tests, and prediction of
associations between variables (Nalim &;
Salafudin, 2012).
Data Types and Sources
The data in this study is secondary
data. Secondary data is data that has been
processed by other parties whose sources
can be obtained from government
publications, internet sites, books, journals,
articles, and others. Secondary data in this
study is in the form of financial statements,
annual reports, and sustainability reports of
all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the period 2019 to 2021 using
archival data collection techniques(Ajayi,
2017). Secondary data in this study was
obtained through the Indonesia Stock
Exchange website.
The data analysis method used in this
study has been explained in the next
chapter, starting with descriptive statistical
analysis, then continuing with hypothesis
testing, then classical assumption testing is
carried out to ensure the data is not biased
The discussion of the research results is
based on the decision to reject or accept
the hypothesis so this sub-chapter is
intended to elaborate on the discussion of
the effect of CSR disclosure on company
performance and how the role of
moderation of CEO skills affects CSR
disclosure on company performance. This
sub-chapter will be divided into two,
namely the first to explain the effect of CSR
disclosure on company performance and
the effect of moderation of CEO proficiency
on the effect of CSR disclosure on company
The Effect of CSR Disclosure on Company
Hypothesis one in this study reads that
there is a positive influence of CSR
disclosure on company performance and
after being tested using linear regression
analysis, it is found that hypothesis one is
accepted. The results of this study support
previous research such as research from
Russo & Fouts (1997), Waddock & Graves
(1997), and Akpinar et al., (2008) which
showed that CSR disclosure can improve
company performance.
The results of hypothesis one confirm
that CSR can make the image of companies
that carry it out good and can make the
company's name good in the commodity
market and capital market. A good
company image will certainly be more
attractive to investors and increase
consumer loyalty so that the company's
performance will increase. The
implementation of CSR carried out by the
company will be able to have a positive
impact on the continuity of the company's
operations in the long term or the company
will achieve good sustainable development.
Companies that have experienced stable
growth in company performance from
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2019 to 2021 proxied in ROA include ADES,
The Effect of CEO Proficiency Moderation
on the Effect of CSR Disclosure on
Company Performance
Hypothesis two states that CEO
proficiency strengthens the effect of CSR
disclosure on company performance and
after being tested by MRA regression
analysis, the results of hypothesis two were
rejected where the results of MRA
regression testing obtained the result that
the moderation of CEO proficiency weakens
the effect of CSR disclosure on company
performance. The low quality of CSR in
Indonesia causes a CEO's lack of
understanding about how CSR is
implemented besides that CSR programs
required by the government are only
limited to maintaining the company's
Indonesia is one of the first countries
in the world to introduce laws and
regulations on CSR to ensure corporations
carry out their social responsibility. This law
is contained in Law number 40 of 2007
concerning limited liability companies
where CSR is defined as the company's
commitment to play a role in sustainable
economic development to improve the
quality of life and the environment that
benefits the company, the local community,
and society in general. (Rosser & Edwin,
CSR in its implementation is still many
companies that are "reluctant" to
implement CSR programs and are only
voluntary and many are misguided just by
distributing necessities, this is because CSR
is considered an expense that must be
made by the company and is
mathematically unprofitable as evidenced
by the determined value of the low
influence of CSR on company performance
plus the observation period made by
researchers is the period before the
pandemic, pandemic period, and post-
pandemic where companies will tend not to
do something that does not generate
profits in the short term so that the
assumption that CSR is a burden and CSR
investment will be able to be enjoyed by
the company in the future makes the CEO
lack of attention to CSR obligations that
must be carried out by the company to
fulfill obligations to stakeholders.
Companies that during the
observation period tend to experience a
decrease in company performance marked
by a decrease in ROA include AGII, AISA,
Research Implications
The results of this research can have
implications in terms of theory, practice,
and policy. The following are some of the
implications of the results of this study.
a. Theoretical Implications
Top managerial decisions in
companies are complex by considering
many things, including how the company's
2090 | The Effect of CSR Disclosure On Company Performance With Ceo Proficiency As A
Moderation Variable
financial performance and the company's
external conditions. Managers who only
use power on CSR disclosure that aims to
gain legitimacy from stakeholders,
especially government, investors, and the
public to improve company performance
will tend to fluctuate because there will be
many factors that affect company
Stakeholders have a vital role in the
life of the company because stakeholders
have the power to manage the resources
needed in company operations so the
company must always maintain its
relationship with stakeholders. Managerial
companies that maintain their relationships
with stakeholders will carry out all their
obligations, including CSR obligations so
that this does not violate Law Number 40
of 2007.
The concept of the Resource Based
View explains that CSR is a sustained
competitive advantage or CSR is a means
to obtain a competitive advantage. This
theory states that when companies can
maximize resources to implement CSR, it
will have an impact on increasing the
company's competitive advantage, but the
fact on the ground that occurs is that in the
observation period 2019 to 2021, many
companies did not experience an increase
in company performance, which was
marked by a not too significant increase in
ROA during the period 2019 to 2021, which
resulted in that CSR was only carried out by
companies to meet obligations from
stakeholders so that management does not
focus too much on CSR activities to
improve company performance
b. Practical Implications
This research contributes to company
management that indeed the existence of
CSR can positively improve company
performance so that companies are
expected to have capable managers in the
hope of being able to utilize CSR as well as
possible because it is undeniable that CSR
is a burden incurred by the company but
with capable managerial decisions this will
be expected to be able to Improve
company performance in the form of long-
term investments.
c. Policy Implications
Based on the results of this study,
shows that CSR disclosure has a positive
effect on company performance, but when
moderated, it gives results that CEO
proficiency weakens the effect of CSR
disclosure on company performance.
Companies that carry out CSR obligations
aim to fulfill their obligations to
stakeholders so as not to violate CSR-
related regulations.
The disclosure of CSR made by the
company when referring to the GRI
standard which amounts to 157 items is still
below the items that have been regulated
in the GRI standard, this indicates that the
implementation of CSR by companies in
Indonesia is still uneven. The top
managerial or CEO also interprets CSR as a
burden borne by the company so that it
must carry out strategies to continue
implementing CSR but not to negatively
affect the company's performance. The
company's performance is not only
influenced by internal factors but also
influenced by external factors such as the
COVID-19 pandemic that hit the company
to experience a decrease in profitability so
carrying out its own CSR obligations which
are considered a burden still seems
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perfunctory because CSR is not able to
provide benefits in the short term.
This study aims to empirically
examine the effect of CSR disclosure on
company performance and examine how
the role of CEO skills in moderating the
effect of CSR disclosure on company
performance. This study uses CSR Index to
measure CSR disclosure made by
companies while CEO proficiency is
measured using Data Envelopment
Analysis using the help of DEAP software.
The object of this study is all manufacturing
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the period 2019 to 2021.
The findings in this study show that
empirically CSR disclosure is proven to be
able to affect company performance
observed in the observation period from
2019 to 2021 where the period before and
after the COVID-19 pandemic where all
companies, including manufacturing
companies, experience difficulties so
inevitably companies that are required to
fulfill their obligations to stakeholders must
participate in helping to recover the effects
One of them is the implementation of CSR.
Companies that implement CSR will
certainly gain positive legitimacy from
various sectors and stakeholders.
The company also has an
organizational structure where the CEO is
the managerial leader of the company who
has the right to intervene in any company
policy, including CSR. CEOs who consider
CSR a burden coupled with the COVID-19
pandemic where the company itself
experiences difficulties in company
performance marked by a decrease in ROA
value will make CEOs tend not to do or only
slightly implement CSR points in the GRI
standard which only functions so as not to
be subject to administrative sanctions from
the government. CSR which aims as a
forum for corporate social responsibility
will also affect the community as a
company partner in carrying out sales
The community that is a consumer of
the company will be an important
component for the company in a long-term
relationship. Consumer trust or loyalty to
the company is influenced by the value of
sharing. The pandemic that occurs will be
momentum for companies to share in CSR
programs to increase consumer loyalty and
attract investors and certainly lead to
improved company performance(Sarwar,
Abbasi, & Pervaiz, 2012).
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