JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 8, 1818 1834
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i08.408 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
STIE Saint Theresa Merauke, Indonesia
e-mail: yohanesngamal@gmail.com, ekasetiawati@gmail.com
*Correspondence: yohanesngamal@gmail.com
: February 26
: March 13
: March 25
Abstract: The sea is an important part and is a natural resource that drives economic growth. Apart
from that, the sea is also an asset for Indonesia. Currently the Indonesian government is fully
concentrating on maritime development and wishes to become the world's maritime axis. However,
it should be realized that maritime development issues are not as easy as one might think. Various
complicated problems that arise from the internal and external environment are obstacles and
must be resolved first. To solve this problem the government needs to build a maritime
management system, so that the sea is no longer just a name or symbol for Indonesia as a maritime
country but also as one of the economic sectors that present products or services where the results
can encourage people's welfare
Keywords: Market Potential; Competence; Competitive; infrastructure; technology.
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
In the current era of globalization
where the trading system has penetrated
the walls between countries, it causes
competition between products in an
increasingly tight market. The quality of a
product determines the product that is
produced to get a place in the hearts of
Now it is the market that drives the
company's products where the consumer is
in a strong position. For this reason, every
producer is obliged to create superior
products and offer these products to
consumers. If you look at the many brands
on the market, the quality of a product can
provide credibility and become a clear
differentiator for the product. With its
quality and brand mix, it is believed that a
product has strong bargaining power in the
market to entice consumers to buy the
product or service it offers. In this position,
the quality of a product is very dependent
on the quality of human beings,
infrastructure, capital raw materials, and
marketing strategies.
Indonesia has very potential marine
products, as a country consisting of 75
percent sea and 25 percent land should be
the biggest contributor to the labour
sector. However, the fisheries sub-sector
only contributes to the agricultural sector
by approximately 4%.
Based on the processing results of the
National Socio-Economic Survey (Central
Bureau of Statistics, 2022), in 2021 the
expenditure allocation for fish, shrimp,
squid or shellfish commodities will average
IDR 51,514.00 per capita per month.
Households with a monthly expenditure
group of less than IDR 150,000.00 consume
this commodity group in the amount of IDR
12,765.00 per capita per month (15.48
percent of total expenditure on food).
Meanwhile, for households with a higher
expenditure group (Rp. 150,000.00 or more
per capita per month), the expenditure
allocation for the commodity group of fish,
shrimp, squid, or shellfish per capita per
month ranges from 6 to around 8 percent.
In terms of the trade balance, during
the first quarter of 2022, the production of
the marine and fisheries sector brought
satisfactory results. The trade balance in the
fisheries sector was a surplus of USD 1.39
billion. An increase of 21.78 percent when
compared to the same period the previous
year (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries, 2022). On the other hand, food
security can be seen globally through the
Global Food Security Index. This index
measures food security from the
dimensions of affordability, availability,
quality, and safety, as well as the
sustainability of natural resources.
Indonesia's position in the 2021 Global
Food Security Index has dropped from
62nd to 69th out of 113 countries. In 2020,
Indonesia's Index score was 61.4 and then
fell 2.2 points to 59.2 in the following year
(2021). In the Affordability Dimension and
Availability Dimension, Indonesia's score is
quite good, namely 74.9 and 63.7. On the
other hand, the score for the Quality and
Safety Dimensions was only 48.5 points.
Likewise, the score for the Natural
Resources Sustainability Dimension is 33
points. Indonesia's Global Food Security
Index is relatively lower among
neighboring countries such as Singapore,
Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.
1820 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
Fishery production in Indonesia does
not only come from capture fisheries but
also from aquaculture production. Capture
fisheries can be divided into two groups,
namely marine fisheries and inland open
water fisheries. Meanwhile, aquaculture is
divided into quite different details. There
are marine culture, seaweed culture,
floating net culture, other marine culture,
brackishwater ponds, freshwater ponds,
cages, fresh floating nets (floating cage
net), bargain fishing nets (pen culture), and
mina padi (rice fish). Aquaculture continues
to be developed, in line with efforts to
optimally and sustainably use capture
fisheries at sea. There is a direct
transformation in the 2020-2024
aquaculture development policies and
programs. This transformation is in the
form of a paradigm shift in the
development of aquaculture from
increasing production to being oriented
toward "Sustainable Aquaculture Fishery
Resource Management".
Definition of Strategy and Strategic
The notion of strategy comes from
the Greek, derived from the word strategies
which means general. The general is
interpreted as a leader who directs the
troops to be able to win the battle.
Strategic Management has various
meanings, including William F Glueck and
Lawrence Jauch defines it as a unified,
broad, and integrated plan that links the
advantages of the company's strategy with
environmental challenges and is designed
to ensure that the main goals of the
company can be achieved through proper
implementation by the organization
(Saladin, 2003).
Meanwhile, Gregory G Dees and Alex
Miller define strategic management as a
process of combining three activities,
namely strategy analysis, strategy
formulation, and strategy implementation.
By looking at the two definitions above,
strategic management is interpreted as an
activity to choose the best method used by
the company in dealing with various
environmental threats to achieve company
Definition of Marketing
Marketing is a management activity
to meet the needs of individuals or groups
to obtain the goods or services they need,
through the process of offering and
exchanging products that have value to
other parties. Meanwhile, according to
experts the definition of marketing is
1. Kotler
Marketing is a social process of
individuals and groups getting what they
need and want through creating, offering,
and exchanging products of value with
others (Kotler et al., 2016).
2. Boyd, Walker, Larreche (2000: 4)
Marketing is a social process that
involves important activities that enable
individuals and companies to obtain what
they need and want through exchanges
with other parties to develop exchange
Meanwhile, marketing management
is an attempt to plan, organize, direct,
coordinate, and supervise or control
marketing activities to achieve the goals of
an organization so that the process of
delivering goods and services is achieved
efficiently and effectively. Marketing
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
management has the function of analyzing
the marketing environment, obtaining
opportunities to seize the market, and
finding out how big the threats that must
be faced.
Figure 1. Marketing Management Function
(Kotler et al., 2016)
Marketing Mix According to Kotler
A marketing mix is a set of marketing
tools that the company uses to achieve its
marketing objectives in the target market.
From these definitions, we can conclude
that the elements of the marketing mix are
tools that can be controlled by the
company to meet target market. Therefore,
companies must try to form and combine
these elements to achieve the desired
Elements in the Marketing Mix
Mc. Carthy classifies the marketing mix
tools into four groups called the four P's in
marketing: Price, Place, Promotion, and
The Five Forces Model of Industry
Competition by Michael Porter
(Argyres & McGahan, 2002), a
professor of strategic management from
Harvard University stated, five forces affect
competition in the industry, namely:
Threats from new entrants (threat of new
entrants). Often newcomers have large
amounts of resources and the ability to
strong women to gain market share.
Threat of substitute products (threat of
substitute products). Threat Price offered.
the substitute product is
cheaper/inferior, and the quality and
performance capability of the substitute
product exceeds the previous product.
Bargaining power of suppliers (bargaining
power of suppliers). Suppliers are serious
threat to companies, if, manufacturers open
marketing units.
Bargaining power of buyers, where buyers
prefer to buy products at the lowest
possible price.
Competitive rivalry among industry
members (rivalry among competitive
firms), where companies actively compete
with one another for market share achieve
strategic competitiveness and high profits.
Definition of Coastal Areas
Indonesia is a country in the world
that has a very wide sea area, covering it
(Supriharyono, 2007). The continental shelf
control all the natural wealth found in the
sea up to a depth of 200 meters, sea
boundaries as far as 12 miles, and the
exclusive economic zone sea (EEZ) as far as
200 miles from the coastline. Meanwhile,
the coastal area is defined as the meeting
area between land and sea, covering both
land and water, having characteristics of
water seeping from the sea. The
environment of the coastal area has rivers
that empty into the sea. Changes like the
river that may occur due to human
activities, both those occurring in the
upstream and downstream areas, will affect
the soul of the coastal area concerned.
If viewed from its function, coastal
ecosystems have 4 main functions for
1822 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
human life, namely: (a) as a provider of life
support services, (b) as a provider of
comfort (aesthetic) services, (c) as a
provider of natural resources, and (d) as an
absorber or receiver of waste. As a
supporter of the existence of human life,
coastal areas provide life-supporting
services such as fresh air, clean water, and
also space for various human activities. As
a provider of convenience services, coastal
areas provide various ecosystems and all.
As a provider of natural resources, coastal
areas are ecosystems that are very rich in
natural resources, both recoverable and
not, which are essentially required for the
fulfillment of human life. Likewise, as waste
recipients, almost all waste produced by
humans on land accumulates in coastal
areas (Ortolano, 1984)
Technical Analysis
To analyze the results of this study the
authors used a SWOT analysis, namely
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats). SWOT analysis is a method of
developing organizational strategy. If
translated into Indonesian, Strengths (S),
Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O), and
Threats (T) are strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats or constraints.
Swot analysis systematically could identify
external factors (O and T) and factors within
the company (S and W).
According to Pearce and Robinson, a
SWOT analysis is needed to analyze the
internal resources and the external
situation of the company. A good match
will maximize the company's strengths and
opportunities and minimize its weaknesses
and threats, aiming to succeed in the
company's strategic goals (Pearce, 2008)
Meanwhile, (Thompson. John L.,
2008) interprets SWOT analysis as a very
powerful tool to enlarge capabilities and
find out inefficiencies in company
resources, market opportunities and
external threats for a better future.
Potential in carrying out the planned
business. In addition to internal resources,
the external factors that will be faced,
namely, the existing opportunities or
opportunities need attention, whether
there will be threats or obstacles that are
expected to arise and affect the business
being carried out.
After collecting the various external and
internal factors, the following steps are to
consolidate the strategy namely:
Strength-Opportunity Strategy (S and O)
The combination of S and O
capitalizes on the strengths of the
opportunities that have been identified. For
example, if a company has strengths in the
field of technology, then these strengths
can be used to support product quality so
that the results can reach the target market
segment, where the segment has been
identified in the opportunity analysis.
Weakness-Opportunity Strategy (W and O)
The company has weaknesses in
certain areas but on the other hand, the
company has opportunities to be exploited.
For this reason, companies or organizations
need to make certain strategies to
strengthen these weaknesses to take
advantage of opportunities. For example, a
company has weaknesses in technology or
infrastructure, so it needs to overcome
these weaknesses to take advantage of
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
Weakness-Opportunity Strategy (W and O)
The company has weaknesses in
certain areas but on the other hand, the
company has opportunities to be exploited.
For this reason, companies or organizations
need to make certain strategies to
strengthen these weaknesses so that they
can take advantage of other people. For
example, a company has weaknesses in
technology or infrastructure, so it needs to
overcome these weaknesses to take
advantage of opportunities.
Strength-Threat Strategy (S or T)
This strategy is primarily aimed at
overcoming threats by leveraging the
strengths of the company. For example, the
threat of a price war.
Weakness-Threat Strategy (W and T)
If an organization faces threats and
when the organization has internal
weaknesses, the strategy used to overcome
these problems is through using resources
or diverting the business to other
businesses that have better business
opportunities. Many strategies we can use,
namely, cooperate with stronger
companies, or make breakthroughs to find
out the situation to be faced with the right
1. Internal Environment
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic
country in the world with approximately
17,508 islands and a coastline of around
81,791 km. The length of these shallow
waters allows for a high diversity of species
of organisms that inhabit them. The total
area of Indonesia is 7.9 million km²
consisting of 1.8 million km² of area.
land and 3.2 million km² of territorial
sea area and 2.9 million km² of sea waters
of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
As an island nation, Indonesia has the
advantage of marine commodities with
biodiversity, both in the land area of the
seafront and in the water and sea in the
coastal areas. The Indonesian Ocean
contains various types of tuna, various
types of tuna, various types of snapper, and
schoolmaster Indian Threadfish (Alectis
indicus) Indonesian terms: Kuwe Rambe,
Lowang, Jebus The characteristics of Kuwe
Rambe, silver in color, Bornito Atlantic,
Mackerel, Tenggiri, Shrimp, Crab, Squid Etc
This extraordinary diversity includes
estuaries, coastal or mangrove forests,
seagrass beds, and coral reefs which are the
main support for the life and breeding of
fish. Primary productivity in coastal waters
can reach more than 10,000 gr C/m2/year.
This value is very high or much higher
compared to the productivity of waters in
the shallow sea, which is around 100 gr
C/m2/year, or waters in the deep sea, which
is only around 50 gr C/m2/year (Mangalla,
The coastal area is included in the
ecotone zone because it is an area of
interaction between two different
ecosystems, namely land and sea
ecosystems. The biotic and abiotic
components in these two ecosystems form
a coastal ecotone zone that interacts and
influence each other to form the unique
characteristics of the coastal area. The rapid
modification of the coastal environment,
and loss and damage to the biodiversity of
coastal ecosystems including mangroves,
lagoons, swamps, and coral reefs is a
1824 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
matter that deserves serious attention
(Haryana, 2002).
Apart from the sea, the freshwater
area also contains various types of fish such
as Gurame Fish, which are the most popular
freshwater fish species for consumption.
Arowana, botia, and betta fish are types of
freshwater ornamental fish from Indonesia
that are favorites abroad. Arowana fish and
botia are two types of fish native to
Indonesia. There are three types of
Arowana fish, namely: (1) Arowana jardini
from Papua, (2) Arowana super-red and
green from Kalimantan, and (3) Arowana
golden-red from Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, and
Kalimantan. The largest ornamental fish
export development centers in Indonesia
are in West Java and Jabodetabek (Jakarta,
Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). Apart
from that, sub-Raisers have also been built
in Blitar, East Java, and Yogyakarta for the
development and increase of ornamental
fish production.
On the other hand, Indonesia still has
weaknesses, especially the results of
catching and managing marine products
which are still dominated by traditional
fishermen and minimal technology. In
addition, the number of ships and other
supporting infrastructure is still very
limited. This causes delays in the
distribution of marine products from one
area to another, reducing the freshness of
seafood commodities, both fish and other
marine products.
In addition, the weakness currently
faced by the government is the damage to
coral reefs caused by mining activities in
several areas such as the fringing reefs in
Buyat-Ratototok Regency, North Sulawesi,
caused by the disposal of undersea tailings
from small-scale gold mining that uses
mercury incorporation. Damage to coral
reefs also occurred in the waters of Bangka
Island due to the incessant sea mining.
Coral reefs are a breeding ground for
marine biota so their presence is very
beneficial for fishermen. It may take up to
50 years to repair and wait for coral reefs to
grow back.
In July 2013, the environmental
organization Greenpeace highlighted the
process of disposing of tailings by Freeport
McMoran in Timika, West Papua, which
amounts to 230,000 tons of tailings per day
into the Otomina and Aikwa Rivers, then
flowing into the Arafura Sea. If added up,
the tailings disposed of by the company
approximately amounted to more than
three billion tonnes of tailings. With this
amount, Greenpeace estimates that
Indonesia's very rich marine ecosystem is
under threat of extraordinary damage.
In East Java 80 professional divers
from the East Java, All Indonesian Diving
Sports Association (POSSI) carried out their
action in the waters of the White Sand
Beach of Situbondo, East Java, Saturday
(12/11/2022). They carry out
transplantation and adoption of damaged
coral reefs in the coastal area. It was
recorded that there were 7,700 coral reefs
adopted in this activity.
2. External Environment Analysis
In addition to the internal
environment above, external factors are
also factors that can affect the quality and
quantity of marine fishery products. The
external factors are:
a). Legal Aspects
a. Understanding of Minister of Agriculture
No. 392/Kpts/ IK.120/4/1999 concerning
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
Fishing Routes is still not uniform
b. There are conflicts over the use of water
space and physical clashes between
sedentary and active-passive fishing
c. Illegal unreported and unregulated
fishing is rife d The licensing system is
bureaucratic and inefficient and tends to
make it difficult for fishermen to various
e Weak law enforcement. Weak law
enforcement, especially the ability and
number of law enforcement officers,
operational costs, and operational
facilities. To carry out law enforcement,
thousands of Navy officers who can
carry out investigative and investigative
duties are needed. As a result, many
cases of violations still cannot be
f. The deployment of law enforcers in the
outer boundary areas is still limited,
especially in the eastern region of
Indonesia which has a lot of potential
marine superior commodities.
g Government Protection through Law
No.5/1983, provides opportunities for
national and foreign private sectors to
participate in working on the wealth of
the Sea. With the law, it is hoped that fish
production will increase.
b). Aspects related to marine resources
1. Infrastructure Aspect
The number of supporting
infrastructures such as cold storage,
post-harvest, and transport ships, is still
very limited.
2. Cultural Aspect
Lack of public understanding of the
benefits derived from the marine
business. This is due to the habits of the
people who for hundreds of years
worked and earned income from
c). Aspects of Human Resources
1. Aquaculture cultivation is not optimal
due to inefficient management and
utilization of aquaculture land due to the
ability to use technology
2. The quality of human resources (HR) is
d). Capital Limitation Aspect
The capital constraints faced by
fishermen in the country are quite
complicated problems that must be
faced by this country, especially
regarding capital which is not yet
conducive to investment in the fishing
business. The constraints are as follows.
a. There is no bank trust in fishermen's
small businesses.
b. Administrative requirements /
procedures for submitting complex and
bureaucratic financing proposals, and
uneven information about banking
c. While the last obstacle is the limited
range of services from bank financial
institutions to meeting the capital needs
of small-scale fishermen.
e). Policy Aspects
a. government that prohibits foreign
vessels from fishing in Indonesian waters
has encouraged an increase in the
production of fishing boats. For
example, there has been an increase in
ship production in Indramayu
b. In addition to the policies
implemented by the Minister.
f). Policy Aspects
Aspects of government policy that
changed in the era of the Minister of
1826 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
Sushi which prohibited foreign vessels
from fishing in Indonesian waters led to
an increase in the production of fishing
boats. For example, there has been an
increase in ship production in Indramayu
In addition to the policies implemented
by the Minister
Sea sinking fishing vessels
originating from other countries can
encourage an increase in fish exports.
Then in the next Ministerial era, the
opportunity was applied for foreign
ships to be allowed to operate through
permits to use foreign ships.
g). Marketing Aspect
a Product
1. Dried fish has good prospects in
international markets. Types of
dried salted fish such as cork,
Kendra, seat, and replacing are
quite in demand.
2. Shrimps are very popular with
foreign and domestic consumers
because they taste delicious and
contain very high nutrition (90%
protein in shrimp meat)
3. Fish
Cumulatively for the period January -
June 2021, the export value of fishery
products reached USD 2.6 billion, up
7.3% compared to the same period in
2020 with a trade balance surplus of
USD 2.3 billion, up 6.4% compared to
the same period the previous year.
Meanwhile, until the end of this year,
the export value of fishery products is
targeted at USD 6.05 billion. So that
this June, 43 percent of this year's
target has been achieved," explained
Machmud. Machmud said that the
export value of fishery products in
June 2021 reached USD 464.2 million,
an increase of 24.3% compared to
May 2021. This figure also increased
by 17.7%. compared to the same
period the previous year.
"This shows that the marine and
fisheries sector can become an
economic lever as well as an
opportunity during a pandemic," he
b. Price
Price list for 1 kg tuna for 2022
Types of Tuna Price of Tuna 1 Kg, Price
of Fresh Tuna 1 kg. IDR 85,000,
Yellowfin tuna price 1 kg. IDR
110,000, Bluefin tuna price 1 kg. IDR
95,000, tuna fish fillet price 100gr. IDR
29,900, Price of Tuna Steak 100gr. IDR
12,900, tuna fish can price 170gr. IDR
Types of Fish Fillets and Latest Weight
Fish Fillet Dory 1 Pack IDR 22,500,
Atlantic Salmon Fillet 100 Gram IDR
38,000, Norwegian Salmon Fillet 100
Gram IDR 27,500, Whole Salmon
Fillet 1.5 Kg IDR 325,000, Smoked
Salmon Fillet 1.5 Kg IDR 540,000,
Salmon Fillet Send 100 Gram IDR
52,000, Stingray Fillet 800 Gram IDR
59,000, Japanese Pomfret Fillet
(Marucoban) 1.5 Kg IDR 150,000,
Pocket Tuna Fillet 600 Gram IDR
210,000, Super Quality Tuna Fillet 100
Gram IDR 7,995, Tuna Fillet Parcel 1
Kg IDR 80,000, Tilapia Fillet 400 Gram
IDR 110,000, Tawasang Fillet Fish 1 Kg
IDR 84,000, Cucut Fish Fillet 1 Kg IDR
42,000, Baramudi Fish Fillet 1 Kg IDR
162,000, Gindara Fish Fillet Skin Out
1.5 Kg IDR 98,000, Fish Fillet Gindara
Skin Less 1.5 Kg IDR 110,000
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
You can see the latest vannamei shrimp
prices in the following table:
Vaname Shrimp Size Price Range
Vaname Shrimp Size 20 IDR 110,000 IDR
120,000 per kg, Vaname Shrimp Size 30 IDR
50,000 IDR 57,500 per kg, Vaname Shrimp
Size 40 IDR 80,000 IDR 90,000 per kg,
Vaname Shrimp Size 50 IDR 70,000 IDR
80,000 per kg Vaname Shrimp Size 60 IDR
75,000 IDR 80,000 per kg, Vaname Shrimp
Size 70 IDR 65,000 IDR 75,000 per kg
Table.1. Export Volume and Value of Fishery Products
by Main Commodities Quarter I 2021 Quarter I 2022
Komoditas Utama
Volume (Ton)*
Nilai (1.000 USD)
Pertumbuhan (%)
Rumput Laut
Komoditas Lainnya
Source: DJPSDKP Data Processing Results (2022);
*) The volume has not been equated with the volume of fresh raw materials.
The performance of the export
value of Indonesian fishery products
during the first quarter of 2022 grew
positively compared to the same quarter
in 2021, which was 21.63 percent. In the
first quarter of 2021, the export value of
Indonesian fishery products was USD
1,258 million, increasing to USD 1,530
million in the first quarter of 2022. The
main commodities that dominantly
contributed the highest export value
growth during this period included
seaweed (77.81 percent) and crab-crabs
(67.03 percent).
c. Promotion
The average company engaged in the
fieldIndonesian exports carry out
promotional activities using sales
promotions, namely, participating in
exhibitions held by institutions such as the
OFI (Ornamental Fish International)
Interzoo in Nuremberg, Germany and
Singapore. In addition, promotions are
carried out through internet media.
d. Place/distribution
The destination countries for Indonesia's exports include:
Table 2. Export Volume and Value of Indonesian Fishery Products by Country of
Destination Quarter I 2021 - Quarter I 2022
Volume (Ton)*
Nilai (1.000 USD)
1828 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
Amerika Serikat
Uni Eropa
Source: DJPSDKP Data Processing Results (2022);
*) The volume has not been equated with the volume of fresh raw materials.
In terms of export destination
countries, China and the United States still
dominate the export destination market for
Indonesian fishery products both in terms
of volume and value. In terms of export
volume, the contribution of the two
countries is 29 percent (China) and 26
percent (United States) respectively, while
in terms of export value, it is 48 percent
(United States) and 14 percent (China) in
quarter I-2022.
Indonesia's fishery products trade
balance recorded a surplus followed by
positive growth in the first quarter of 2022
compared to the same quarter in 2021. In
the first quarter Of 2022, Indonesia's fishery
products balance is USD 1,530.3 million, an
increase of 21.78 percent compared to the
first quarter of 2021 of USD 1,141.7 million.
3. Identification of the Competitive
Competitor identification is an
important part of achieving the success of
an organization. By being able to analyze
its competitors, the company can improve
performance and implement strategies to
obtain a profitable and strong position to
stem competition in the industry. Michael
Porter (1980, p.49) states that there are five
sources of competitive strength that
companies must anticipate and
understand, to develop competitive
strategies to be able to win the
competition. The competitive environment
in fish companies is as follows:
1. Threat of new entrants
The threat of Substitute Products ((threat
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
of substitute products)
The threat from the emergence of
management companies
He fishes and catches fish in fish-
exporting countries. New entrants can
harm existing firms. If they have large
capital they can produce large
production capacity, so they can reduce
production costs and lower selling
Producing substitute products and
prices offered cheaper with good
Both of these conditions will have an
impact on declining sales and profits for
Indonesian fish exporting companies
2. The bargaining power of suppliers.
Suppliers are a force in the industry
which is a serious threat to Indonesian fish
exporting companies in the international
market if these companies increase their
business ventures and act as fish
3. The bargaining power of buyers.
Buyers tend to demand higher
quality, better service, and lower prices.
Most of the production In- Indonesia still
uses traditional equipment which can lead
to low production quality and high prices.
These conditions can cause local and
international consumers to turn away
from fish produced in Indonesia.
4. Intercompany Competition in the
Industry Indonesia is in tight competition
with four other countries that are
exporters of tuna to Japan, including Iran,
Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. Meanwhile,
the competitor for tuna exports to the
European Union in Mauritius
To analyze the results of this study the
authors used a SWOT analysis, namely
(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
Threats). SWOT analysis is a method for
compiling organizational strategy that
includes internal Strength (S), Weakness
(W) analysis, external Opportunities (O),
and Threats (T) analysis, namely strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats or
a. Strength
The advantages possessed by
Indonesia are:
1. The length of the shallow waters allows
for a high diversity of the types of
organisms that inhabit it.
2. The total area of Indonesia is 7.9 million
km² consisting of 1.8 million kof land
area and 3,2 million km² of territorial sea
area and 2.9 million km² of waters of the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
3. Primary productivity in coastal waters
can reach more than 10,000 gr
4. Productivity of waters in the shallow sea,
which is around 100 gr C/m2/year, or
waters in the deep sea, which is only
around 50 gr C/m2/year.
5. The Indonesian Ocean contains various
types of tuna, various types of tuna,
various types of snapper, Indian
Threadfish (Alectis indicus) Bornito
Atlantic, Mackerel, Mackerel, Shrimp,
Crab, squid, etc.
6. In addition to the sea, the freshwater area
also contains various types of fish such
as carp, goldfish, arowana, botia, and
betta fish. Arowana fish and botia, are
two types of fish native to Indonesia.
b. Weaknesses (W)
1830 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
While the weaknesses are:
1. There is no bank trust in small business
2. Administrative requirements/procedures
for submitting complex and bureaucratic
financing proposals, and uneven
information about banking services.
3. Limited range of services from bank
financial institutions to meet the capital
needs of small-scale fishermen.
4. Licensing is bureaucratic and inefficient
and tends to make it difficult for
fishermen with various levies.
5. Lack of number and capacity of law
The number of law enforcement is a
serious problem in law enforcement at
sea, this occurs due to the lack of
operational costs, as well as operational
6. Capture and management of marine
products Catching and management still
use traditional methods with minimal
7. In addition, the number of ships and
other supporting infrastructure is still
very limited.
8. Damage to coral reefs caused by
mining activities
9. The public lacks an understanding of
the benefits derived from the marine
business. This is due to the culture of
the people who for hundreds of years
worked and earned income from
c. Opportunities (O)
As for the odds
a. Government Protection through Law
No.5/1983, provides opportunities
for national and foreign private
sectors to participate in working on
wealth in the marine area. Which can
encourage increased exports and
b. Government policy that prohibits
foreign vessels from fishing in
Indonesian waters encourages
increased production and sales of
fishing vessels. For example, there
has been an increase in ship
production in Indramayu
c. Dried fish also has good prospects in
the international market. Types of
dried salted fish such as cork, Kendra,
seat, and replacing are of great
interest. Indonesian dry processed
fish are subtropical fish such as
salmon and cod which are preferred
by consumers in Europe.
d. Shrimp is very popular with foreign
and domestic consumers because it
tastes good and contains very high
nutrition (90% protein in shrimp
e. As an added value, the waste
produced can be utilized for various
industries (pharmaceuticals,
cosmetics, food, agriculture, textiles).
In the fisheries sector, this industry
includes the marine biotechnology
industry. One of the opportunities for
its utilization is chitin and chitosan
products which are used in various
industrial fields
f. Ornamental Fish
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries (KKP) stated that Indonesia
is currently ranked 3rd in the world as
an ornamental fish exporter. With this
ranking, the value of the ornamental
fish market share reaches 7.5 percent.
"Ornamental fish production is
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
increasing every year. In 2011 the
export target was 700 million heads
but the realization was 945.3 million
heads. In 2012 the target of 850
million, with a production of 1.3
billion head. In 2013 the target is 1.1
billion head.
g. The price of tuna in the international
market is quite high. Tuna is sold up
to IDR 14 thousand/kg up to IDR 50
h. For catfish if it is processed into fillets
(fish meat without bones) it has a
high selling price and is in great
demand by global consumers. In the
global market, the price of fresh
catfish per kilogram is USD 1. The
price of a catfish fillet per kilogram is
USD 3.4.
i . The price of platinum Arowana fish, for
example, can reach IDR 500
As for the countries importing
Indonesian fish products: Japan,
Hong Kong, Rep of Korea, Taiwan,
Rep of China, Thailand, Singapore,
Philippines, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia,
Jordan, Egypt, Australia, USA,
Canada, United Kingdom,
Netherlands, France, RF. Germany,
Belgium & Luxemburg, Sweden,
Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Greece,
Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Russia
Federation/USSR, and other
d. Threats:
1. The regulations regarding the
utilization of water space between
passive and active fishing gear are
unclear. As a result, there is a physical
collision between passive sedentary
and active fishing gear
2. Understanding of Minister of
Agriculture No. 392/Kpts/
IK.120/4/1999 concerning the letters
of Fishing Routes are still not uniform
3. The number of supporting
infrastructure for cold storage, post-
harvest, and transportation is still
very limited
4. Lack of public understanding of the
benefits derived from the marine
business. This is due to the culture of
the people who for hundreds of years
worked and earned income from
5. Imbalance in the need for capture
fisheries stocks between regions and
between species
6. Illegal unreported and unregulated
fishing is rife
7. Aquaculture cultivation is not optimal
due to inefficient management and
utilization of aquaculture land and
inadequate hatchery and feed
facilities and infrastructure
8. The quality of human resources (HR) is
9. Weak market control (market
intelligence), and there are tariff and
non-tariff barriers for Indonesian
fishery products as a result of
environmental and health issues in
10. Lack of mass promotional activities
regarding Indonesian fish production
in the international market
11. Suppliers are a force in the industry
that poses a serious threat to
Indonesian fish exporting
companies in the international
market if these companies increase
1832 | Indonesian Fish Policy Development and Marketing Strategy In The Context of Utilizing
Market Potential
their business ventures and act as
12. Indonesia is in tight competition with
other countries that compete in the
tuna export market. Competitor
countries for Indonesian tuna exports
to Japan include Iran, Sri Lanka, and
the Maldives. Meanwhile, the
competitor for tuna exports to the
European Union in Mauritius
Consolidation And Implementation Of
Program Development In The
Framework Of Utilizing Market
Indonesian fish has its advantages
and is liked by consumers in foreign
countries. Types of dried salted fish such
as cork, Kendra, seat, and replacing are
of great interest. Shrimps are very
popular with foreign and domestic
consumers because they taste delicious
and contain very high nutrition (90%
protein in shrimp meat). The Ministry of
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP)
stated that Indonesia is currently ranked
3rd in the world as an exporter of
ornamental fish. With this ranking, the
value of the ornamental fish market
share reaches 7.5 percent.
"Ornamental fish production is
increasing every year. In 2011 the export
target was 700 million heads but the
realization was 945.3 million heads. In
2012 the target was 850 million heads,
and the production was 1.3 billion
heads. In 2013 the target is 1.1 billion
heads. 26 Likewise with Arowana. With
these various advantages, consolidation
and measurable program planning are
needed. The consolidation is as follows:
Indonesia has the advantage of
marine commodities both in the land area
of the seafront and in the water and sea in
the coastal areas. In addition, the sea area
has a diversity of sources supporting
marine life such as estuaries, coastal forests
or mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral
reefs which are the main support for the life
and breeding of fish.
The Indonesian ocean contains
various types of tuna, various types of tuna,
various types of snapper, and schoolmaster
Indian threadfish (Alectis indices).
Indonesian terms: Kuwe Rambe, Lowang,
Jebus. Shrimp, Crab, Squid Etc.
Primary productivity in coastal waters
reaches more than 10,000 gr C/m2/year.
This value is very high or much higher than
the productivity of waters in shallow seas,
which is around 100 gr C/m2/year, or
waters in the deep sea, which are only
around 50 gr C/m2/year (Mangalla, 2021).
Apart from the sea, the freshwater
area also contains various types of fish
such as carp, which is the most popular
freshwater fish species for consumption.
Quality carp, Arowana, botia, and Betta
fish, are types of freshwater ornamental
fish from Indonesia that are favorites
However, on the other hand,
Indonesia still has weaknesses, especially
the results of catching and managing
marine products which are still
dominated by traditional fishermen and
minimal technology. In addition, the
number of ships and other supporting
Yohanes Ngamal
Eka Setiawati
infrastructure is still very limited. As a
result of the lack of marine infrastructure,
the distribution of marine products from
one area to another is hampered, thereby
reducing the freshness of marine
commodity commodities, both fish and
other marine products.
Another weakness currently faced by
the government is environmental damage
caused by mining activities which have
caused damage to coral reefs in several
areas such as the fringing reefs in Buyat-
Ratototok Regency, North Sulawesi, caused
by the disposal of underwater tailings from
industrial gold mining. and small scale
using mercury incorporation.
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