JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 8, 1759 1778
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i08.407 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Arditya Prakoso Putra
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
e-mail: ardityaprakosoputra@gmail.com
*Correspondence: ardityaprakosopu[email protected]
: February 24
: March 12
: March 27
Abstract: This study would like to see the impact of toll road development on retail industry growth
especially modern retail by taking the construction of the Trans Java toll road in Indonesia. Using a
difference-in-differences (DID) approach, this study analyzes the effect of the Trans Java Toll Road
in 7.656 villages crossed by the toll road from 2006 to 2018. The result shows that, on average, after
the Trans Java toll road program, the trend of increasing the number of minimarkets in villages
crossed by the Trans Java toll road is 0.53 units larger compared to The villages that don't cross by
the Trans Java toll road. But the results show that there is no significant effect of the Trans Java toll
road on the number of traditional stores, namely the grocery store as traditional retail. It can be
seen that toll road development programs tend to open up access to the growth of the modern
retail industry in Indonesia.
Keywords: Toll Road; Retail Industry; Minimarket; Traditional Stores; Difference-in-differences.
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i08.407 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The development of toll road
infrastructure has a positive impact on
regional economic growth, which can
simultaneously reduce production costs
and logistics costs. Toll road access
connections in an area can increase
location advantages, attract inflows from
production factors and facilitate trade
implementation to lead to economic
growth. In addition, toll roads also affect
the improvement of domestic trade
efficiency because they can reduce travel
time and logistics travel costs. The
construction of toll roads has a positive
influence on increasing household income
in the manufacturing sector and retail
sectors around the region. This makes it
easier for manufacturers to reach a wider
market at a lower cost (Zhang et al., 2020)
(Yoo & Hoon, 2016) (Shatz, Howard J;
Kitchens, Karin E; Rosenbloom, 2011).
Existing studies say that the pattern
occurs in fulfilling the provision of modern
retail supplies such as supermarkets, one of
which is due to good infrastructure access.
(Reardon & Hopkins, 2006) Infrastructure
development results in massive increases in
connectivity in various regions, especially
for the areas through which it passes which
will eventually open new centers of
economic growth and integrated special
economic zones (Feder, 2018). However,
infrastructure development can cause
negative externalities for residents around
the development area which include air
pollution and noise pollution (Glaeser,
2018). Thus, the extent of the effect of toll
road construction in encouraging the
growth of the retail industry, both modern
retail and traditional retail, is still unknown.
This study wants to see how the impact
of toll road construction on the growth of
the retail industry in the area it passes. To
be able to support the research question,
this study wants to see the effect of toll
road construction on the growth of the
retail industry. In this study, the author tries
to analyze the influence of toll roads on the
retail industry, where the transformation of
the retail industry can be represented of
them by the increase in the number of
supermarkets. In addition, this study also
wants to see the influence of toll roads on
traditional retail. The existence of the Trans
Java toll road is expected to affect the
number of grocery stalls/stores due to the
increase in access and economic activity
generated by toll road construction (Berger
& van Helvoirt, 2018).
Toll roads have a far-reaching impact
on economic growth. The construction of
toll roads significantly increases local
economic growth. (Chandra & Thompson,
2000a) (Zhang et al., 2020) Private
involvement is also needed due to limited
government funding for infrastructure
development (Macário, 2010). The
provision of new infrastructure in the field
of transportation is expected to create new
opportunities for local companies and
workers. This will produce spillover effects
by affecting trading locations, household
income, government tax revenues as well as
general economic performance in the
region. (Yoshino & Abidhadjaev, 2017)
Spillover effects have a positive and
significant influence on capital or public
capital, especially those aimed at
1761 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
transportation infrastructure on regional
productivity (Condeço-melhor et al., 2014).
Investment in infrastructure stimulates
economic activity, increases company
productivity, improves economic
performance, and leads to sustainable
economic development and equal
distribution of income. The retail sector
(Zolfaghari et al., 2020) is one of the main
economic activities in every urban area,
where the retail sector creates jobs, a
source of state income through taxes, and
reflects the viability and ability of its people.
By looking at the impact of toll road
development on the retail industry as a
policy evaluation, we can see how the
process of economic equality between
regions and also the increase in people's
income which is ultimately expected to
reduce poverty levels as a result of a policy,
namely in this case investment in
infrastructure (Erkip & Ozuduru, 2015).
The supermarket revolution is a
process of expansion from traditional forms
of retail to modern forms of retail. From a
macro perspective, the acceleration of
change is influenced by the rapid increase
in people's income and also urbanization.
At first, modern retail was aimed at
consumers with high incomes and later
expanded to middle and lower-class
consumers. The first wave in the
transformation of modern retail initially
occurred in developed countries such as
European and American countries. The next
wave occurred in developing countries in
Asia and was followed by countries in Africa
(Maruyama et al., 2016) (Paper et al., 2016)
(Schipmann et al., 2020). The area traversed
by the toll road experienced an increase in
income in the manufacturing industry, retail
trade industry, and service industry. Based
on this, the author wants to see how the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on economic growth, especially
the growth of the retail trade industry, in
this case, can be represented by an increase
in the number of minimarkets and an
increase in the number of stalls/grocery
stores in the area traversed by the toll road
(Chandra & Thompson, 2000b).
The implementation of the Trans Java
toll road construction specifically provides
an opportunity for this study to analyze the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on the growth of the retail
industry, especially for the areas through
which it passes. But so far, research that
discusses directly the effects of toll road
construction on the growth of the retail
industry is still very limited. So this research
is very important to be able to see the
extent of the impact of toll road
development, especially the Trans Java toll
road run by the Government on the growth
of the retail industry for the area it passes.
One of the challenges to evaluate the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on the growth of the retail industry
is that transportation infrastructure is not
the only influencing factor. The
transformation of modern retail is also
driven by increased economic growth
(Berger & van Helvoirt, 2018). To overcome
the problem of endogeneity in the
selection of locations traversed by the Trans
Java Toll Road, this study uses a difference-
in-differences (DID) approach to see how
the impact of the Trans Java Toll Road
development program in the growth of the
retail industry in Indonesia. Through the
DID approach, the villages traversed by the
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1762
Trans Java Toll Road are analyzed as
treatment groups. While other villages that
are not traversed by the Trans Java Toll
Road are villages in one regency/city other
than villages in one sub-district with the
treatment group used as a group as a
control group.
This research uses Village Potential
data (PODES) from 2006 to 2018 issued by
the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) as well
as map data and location distribution of all
Trans Java toll road sections managed by
the Ministry of Public Works and Public
Housing, especially the Toll Road
Management Agency hereinafter referred
to as BPJT. Podes data is used to obtain data
at the village level because they want to see
the Trans Java Toll Road construction
program carried out at the village level,
where the growth of the retail industry
represented by the existence of
minimarkets and stalls/grocery stores at
the village level has a more even
distribution compared to supermarkets
which are mostly located in the city center.
With the DID approach, the effect of the
Trans Java toll road on the growth of the
retail industry in villages/ ward was
measured by comparing the number of
minimarkets and also the number of
stalls/grocery stores in the treatment group
compared to the control group before and
after the policy.
Toll road infrastructure can affect the
economy in several ways, almost all of
which are related to increased mobility.
Increased mobility can increase the speed
at which producers reach markets or inputs,
allowing them to lower costs and produce
on time (Shatz et al., 2011). Transport
infrastructure is considered social capital
and basic in economic development.
Because transportation infrastructure is the
main determinant of transaction costs to be
more efficient, economic growth is
influenced by the construction and
improving the quality of transportation
infrastructure (Zhang et al., 2020). In
addition to long-term effects, toll road
infrastructure can also increase economic
activity through direct construction
activities resulting from investment in the
construction of new toll roads (Shatz et al.,
Improving transportation
infrastructure is crucial in the global
economy, where the flow of people, goods,
and information is a key aspect of a
country's competitiveness. Infrastructure
investment has implications for people
being able to move faster, and more
efficiently and use fewer economic
resources, which increases the flow of
people and goods. Over time, this will result
in (Condeço-melhor et al., 2014) spillover
effects by affecting trading locations,
household income, government tax
revenues as well as general economic
performance in the region (Yoshino &
Abidhadjaev, 2017). Some studies show
spillover effects are defined as the positive
effects of transport infrastructure that
extends beyond the regional boundaries in
which it is located (Condeço-melhor et al.,
Improving transportation
infrastructure has an impact on the
accessibility of an area by reducing
transportation costs and increasing the
superiority of the local area. Therefore,
1763 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
accessibility is an important factor for
economic development because areas that
benefit from high accessibility are usually
richer and have benefits in economic
activity in the region (Condeço-melhor et
al., 2014). Toll roads can simultaneously
reduce the cost of goods and factors in
transportation, affecting the economy on
both sides of production and consumption
(Zhang et al., 2020). The area traversed by
the toll road experienced an increase in
income in the manufacturing industry, retail
trade industry, and service industry. The
area traversed by the toll road experienced
an increase in trade-related activities such
as trucking and retail sales (Chandra &
Thompson, 2000b) (Michaels, 2008).
The construction of toll roads
significantly increases local economic
growth. The expansion of the toll road
network can reduce transportation costs
which will later result in an increase in
market potential and contribute to local
economic growth. Toll roads influence
economic growth by attracting investment
and promoting the consumption of goods.
(Zhang et al., 2020)Social infrastructure has
a major impact on the economic growth of
the industrial sector and the service sector.
Planning in optimizing the allocation of
government capital expenditure is needed
to reduce inequality in various regions,
especially those with inappropriate
inequality indexes (Zolfaghari et al., 2020).
Since the 1990s, the growth of modern
retail has become a global phenomenon
and spread throughout the developing
world. The demand for modern retail in
developing countries is further accelerated
by structural changes in infrastructure and
people's living conditions. These include
growing urbanization, private vehicle
ownership, better access to public
transportation, and women's participation
in the workforce. Urbanization and the size
of a city is an important keys to economic
growth especially the growth of the retail
industry. The growth of the retail industry
forms a retail transformation where there is
transformation from traditional or informal
retail to modern retail. Retail
transformation generally occurs in
developing countries (Paper et al., 2016)
(Dholakia et al., 2018a) (Berger & van
Helvoirt, 2018).
The supermarket revolution in
developing Asia began in the early 2000s
and continues to this day. The revolution
increased modern retail rapidly, especially
in the food sector at the expense of
traditional stores or wet markets (Reardon
et al., 2012). Supermarkets offer one-stop
shopping where middle-to-upper
consumers through private vehicles can
have a larger storage capacity. In contrast
to most traditional store conditions that
have limited land space the goods sold are
not affordable and not even visible to
buyers. This causes more traditional stores
to use counter service systems or
(Maruyama et al., 2016) services by sellers
rather than self-service/self-service or own
service by buyers (Dholakia et al., 2018b).
The rapid restructuring of the retail
market increases productivity and provides
a higher quality supply to consumers and
the modernization process is inevitable. But
on the other hand, there is opposition to
liberalization in the modern retail industry
because it causes problems for traditional
retailers who are unable to compete.
Therefore, policies from the government
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1764
are needed that can be a meeting point of
problems between modern retail and
traditional retail. Government policies
should embrace a new conceptualization of
the retail sector where formal and informal
retailers can coexist (Berger &; Helvoirt,
2018) (Paper et al., 2016).
Modern retail is beginning to adapt by
reducing prices to cover low-income
segments of society. This is also supported
by economic growth and globalization
which causes an increase in household
income. However, modern retail does not
always offer competitive prices compared
to informal traders so the lower class with
limited income cannot access modern
retail. (Schipmann et al., 2020) Hybrid
systems of modern retail and traditional
retail are needed in food fulfillment in all
segments of society. In the absence of
modern retail, consumers face implicit
tariffs in the form of inefficient
transportation, distribution, wholesale, and
retail. Consumer transportation
capabilities, where ownership of personal
transportation is the main reason
consumers shop at stores with modern
retail formats. Spatial considerations about
increasing the size of cities and decreasing
distances to cities have a significant
positive effect on purchasing power when
they have increased access to
markets.(Berger & van Helvoirt, 2018)
(Bronnenberg et al., 2015) (Maruyama et al.,
2016) (Dolislager, 2017).
Toll Road Development Policy in Indonesia
Jagorawi toll road is the first toll road
in Indonesia which began operating in 1978
with a length of 59 km. The toll road
connects 3 (three) regencies/cities namely
Jakarta, Bogor, and Ciawi built by PT. Jasa
Marga. Then from 2004 to 2005, the
government issued changes to regulations
governing toll roads through Law No. 38 of
2004 concerning Roads and Government
Regulation No. 15 of 2005 which regulates
more specifically toll roads. Both
regulations mandate the establishment of
BPJT as a toll road regulator in Indonesia
which replaces the role of regulators that
have been in PT. Jasa Marga. With the
establishment of BPJT as the new regulator,
toll road development in Indonesia has
again entered an acceleration phase. The
government began to invite the private
sector in terms of toll road infrastructure
development through the Build, Operate,
and Transfer (BOT) mechanism. To
accelerate the process of infrastructure
development in Indonesia, the Government
issued Presidential Regulation Number 3 of
2016 concerning the Acceleration of the
Implementation of National Strategic
Projects, which was later amended through
Presidential Regulation Number 58 of 2017.
The government is accelerating several
national strategic projects, which involve
the Central Government, Regional
Governments, and Business Entities. The
construction of the Trans Java Toll Road is
included in the national strategic project
that is the focus of the Government. In
2018, the Trans Java toll road has been fully
operated with the inauguration of 3 (three)
toll roads in Central Java and 4 (four) toll
roads in East Java.
This study uses the difference-in-
differences (DID) method to see the impact
1765 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
of before and after the Trans Java toll road
policy on the villages traversed on the
number of minimarkets and the number of
stalls/grocery stores in the area. The DID
method requires a treatment group and a
control group to be able to see parallel
trends before the policy shock of a policy.
Using the DID method we can measure the
(Zhang et al., 2020)net effect of a policy by
comparing changes in average outcomes
between treatment groups and changes in
average outcomes of control groups, so
this method is widely used as a policy
evaluation tool. (Card & Krueger, 1994;
Gultom, 2019; Lucas & Mbiti, 2012).
Through the DID approach, villages
traversed by the Trans Java toll road (Toll
Road village) are analyzed as treatment
groups. Sedan villages that are not
traversed by the Trans Java toll road (Non-
Toll Road villages) are villages located in
one district/city with treatment villages
other than villages in one district with
treatment villages used as control groups.
In addition, to clarify the comparison
between the treatment group and the
control group, this study does not include
one district that is still in one sub-district
with the treatment village as a control
village because it is estimated that it is still
getting the effect of the Trans Java toll road
policy on these villages.
The Year Toll variable, which is a
dummy variable, is needed to reflect the
first year of operationalization of Trans Java
toll road sections and the years after
because each toll road section has a
different operational year. In this case, the
toll road sections used are toll road sections
that have the first year of operationalization
in 2006-2018. The main thing in the DID
method is the interaction between Toll
Road and Year Toll which aims to see the
effect or impact before and after
development by the Trans Java toll road on
micro retail modernization in the area. In
addition to the availability of toll road
infrastructure, the growth in the number of
minimarkets and the number of grocery
stalls/stores may be influenced by other
factors, including low conflict and low
crime in the area. Conflict can lead to an
influence on retail(Esmark & Noble, 2016a).
In addition, regions that have higher rates
of violent crime, have fewer food
retailers(Singleton & Cooper, 2019). So to
be able to capture the influence of these
factors, the model in this study uses conflict
or mass fights (conflict) and crime (crime)
as control variables.
Based on the description above, the
basic equation of the DID model is:
where 
is the number of
minimarkets in village I in the period of year
t; is 
a dummy application of
the Trans Java toll road development policy
in village I in the period of year t, if the value
is 1 then the village is passed by the Trans
Java toll road, if the value is 0 it is the
opposite; is the 
dummy year of
implementation of the Trans Java toll road
policy and the following years in village I in
the period of year t, if the value is 1 then
the area is passed by the Trans Java toll
road that has been operational in that year,
if the value is 0 it is the opposite; is
a control variable
consisting of dummy conflict in village I in
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1766
the period of year t, if the value is 1 then
in the area there has been a conflict or mass
fight in the last 1 (one) year, if the value is
0 is the opposite; and dummy crime in
village I in the period of year t, if the value
is 1 then in the area has occurred in the last
1 (one) year, if the value is 0 is the opposite;
is random effects; is
the year effect,
is the error term for each number
of minimarkets in village I in the period of
year t. The use of year effects is to capture
the average outcome in each village each
year, to ensure that the main explanatory
coefficient (
) can measure variations in
the impact of Trans Java toll road
construction each year.
Analysis using the DID method focuses
on looking at the coefficients of interaction
between variables  and variable
cap. From equation (1) we can
see that the coefficient of the interaction
variabl 
is the
treatment effect, which is the difference in
the average outcomes after and before the
policy in the treatment group minus the
difference in the average outcomes after
and before the policy in the control group.
In this study, to better capture existing
variations, analysis methods were used
using the unbalanced panel data method
and using random effects.
Before identifying the impact of Trans
Java toll road construction on the number
of minimarkets using the DID method, it is
necessary to prove the common pre-
treatment trend assumption. The focus of
the DID method is to identify trends
between treatment and control groups
before policy. To control for potential
confusion in the presence of other factors
that can influence the dependent variable,
a trend of time before the policy is included
to be able to separate the effects of the
policy. Although the purpose of the (Lucas
& Mbiti, 2012) common pre-treatment test
is to overcome other factors that can affect
the dependent variable, this study still uses
control variables as explained above with
the basic equation model (1). This
assumption requires that there is a similar
trend in the number of minimarkets in
control and treatment villages before the
implementation of the Trans Java toll road
development policy.
In checking the common pre-
treatment trend or parallel trend
assumption, this study follows the method
used and uses the basic model of the
regression equation as follows: (Gultom,
2019) (Muralidharan & Prakash, 2013).
where 
is the number of
minimarkets in the village I in the period of
year t; is a dummy time rescale
variable for each village, where 0 is the first
year of implementation of the Trans Java
toll road policy (in this study 20 06 is used
as the first year of implementation of the
Trans Java toll road policy, the common
pre-treatment test aims to see the similarity
of trends before 2006 ); -1,-2,-3, etc. are the
years before the implementation of the
Trans Java toll road policy in each village,
and 1,2,3, etc. is the opposite; is a dummy
village affected by the Trans Java toll road
policy program, where 1 is the village
traversed by the Trans Java toll road, while
0 is the opposite.
1767 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
For assumption tests in classical
regression, heteroscedasticity tests, and
autocorrelation tests are not performed,
because the panel data sets used in this
study have a considerable number of
observations, but only have a small time
variation. The regression panel data in this
study was estimated using the clustered
standard errors method, which can
overcome the problem of
heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation.
Thus, there is no need for the
heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation
test (Wooldridge, 2010).
In addition, to strengthen the results of
the study, in this study DID regression was
also carried out to see the impact analysis
of the Trans Java toll road construction
program on the number of Grocery
Stalls/shops. The DID equation used to
measure the impact of the effect of the
Trans Java toll road on the number of
Grocery Stalls/shops is as follows:
where 
is the
number of stalls/grocery stores in village I
in the period of year t; is 
dummy application of the Trans Java toll
road development policy in village I in the
period of year t, if the value is 1 then the
village is passed by the Trans Java toll
road , if the value is 0 it is the opposite; is
the 
dummy year of
implementation of the Trans Java toll road
policy and the following years in village I in
the period of year t, if the value is 1 then
the area through which the Trans Java toll
road has been operational in that year, if
the value is 0 it is the opposite; for the same
as used in
equation (1);
is random effects; is the
effect, and
is the error term for
each number of stalls/grocery stores in
village I in the period of year t. A common
pre-treatment test is also performed before
analyzing the equation (4).
Data and Sample Characteristics
In this study, an analysis method using
panel data was used. The panel data used
is secondary data obtained from PODES
data in 2006, 2008, 2011, 2014, and 2018
issued by BPS. In addition to data from BPS,
this study also uses data from the Ministry
of PUPR namely maps and locations of all
Trans Java toll road sections that are
operational from 2006 to 2018. The data we
get from the Ministry of PUPR, especially
BPJT is data in the form of a Geographic
Information System (GIS) which is then
processed so that it can see all village data
traversed by the Trans Java toll road.
This study only focuses on villages
traversed by the Trans Java toll road which
was operational from 2006 to 2018. Data on
maps and locations of all Trans Java toll
road sections derived from GIS are
combined using village id and village data
derived from PODES data. The total
number of villages used as treatment
villages is 628 villages. Villages located in
one regency/city other than one sub-
district with villages traversed by the Trans
Java toll road are used as control villages
except for villages that are in one sub-
district with treatment villages. So that the
total number of villages sampled in this
study are 7,656 villages.
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1768
In Table 4.1 we can see the
characteristics of the sample villages at the
beginning and end of the study year. The
area traversed by the Trans Java toll road or
Toll Road village has a higher average
increase in the number of minimarkets if we
compare it with Non-Toll Road villages.
Then the percentage of villages that
experienced conflicts or mass fights that
occurred in the last 1 (one) year (conflict) in
the first year of the policy, conflicts in Toll
Road villages were higher than those of
Non-Toll Road villages. This becomes
relevant to the assertion that conflict can
cause influence retail (Esmark & Noble,
Table 1. Characteristics of Sample Villages
Desa Toll Road
Desa Non Toll Road
Average Number of Minimarkets
0.28 Unit
1.46 Unit
0.26 Unit
1.17 Unit
Average Number of
Stalls/Grocery Stores
38.56 Unit
43.64 Unit
35.25 Unit
43.63 Unit
Percentage of villages with
Conflict in the last 1 (one) year
Percentage of villages with Crime
in the last 1 (one) year
Source: BPS processed, 2020
In table 1. we look at the number of minimarkets in Toll Road villages and the number
of minimarkets in Non Toll Road villages from 2006 to 2018. There is a difference in the
number of villages in the treatment group and the control group, of course, we cannot
compare directly about the comparison of the number of minimarkets.
Table 2. Number of Minimarkets in Toll Road Village and Non Toll Road Village Source: BPS
processed, 2020
Desa Toll Road
Desa Non Toll Road
Sumber: BPS diolah, 2020
1769 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
Toll Road Effect on the Number of
The first step to be able to see how
much effect the construction of the Trans
Java toll road has on the growth of the retail
industry in the villages it passes, will be a
pre-treatment test using minimarkets as
the dependent variable. The test was
conducted to be able to see the similarity
of trends at the time before the
implementation of the policy. The purpose
of the common pre-treatment test is to
address other factors that may affect the
dependent variable. If there is a common
trend between the treatment group and the
control group before the implementation
of the policy, then the use of toll road
development policy variables is considered
sufficient and no control variables are
needed in the equation model. However,
this study still uses control variables in the
equation model to be able to see the
consistency of the regression results of the
Before analyzing the impact of the
construction of the Trans Java toll road on
the number of minimarkets, we need to
conduct a common pre-treatment test to
be able to see the similarity in the trend of
the number of minimarkets between the
treatment group and the control group
before the policy.
Table 3. Common Pre-treatment Test Results Number of Minimarkets
Dependent Variable : Number of Minimarkets
Pre-treatment coefficient
Independent Variable:
 
Number of Villages
Note: confidence level 99% (***), 95% (**), 90% (*).
Clustered standard errors based on villages in parentheses.
Source: data processed, 2020
Based on the results in Table 3. it can
be seen that the interaction between
 
, indicated by the
shows insignificant results.
From these results, the null hypothesis
cannot be rejected in this common pre-
treatment test. Theresults of the common
pre-treatment test showed a similar trend
between the number of minimarkets in the
treatment group and the control group
before the implementation of the Trans
Java toll road development policy
operating in the treatment group. These
results show that there is no need for
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1770
control variables in the equation model.
Showing trends during the pre-treatment
period or the period before the policy (time
rescale < 0) shows no difference in trends
or commons regarding the average market
amount between the treatment group and
the control group.
Figure 1. Average Trend in the Number of Minimarkets Source: data processed, 2020
From table 3. using the treatment
model group (1) we can see that the value
of the coefficient of the interaction variable
() is positive, which is 0.53 in column (1) and
 
0.53 in column
(2) and significant at the level of 5% in both.
The interaction coefficients in column (1)
and column (2) show that on average, after
the construction of the Trans Java toll road,
the trend of increasing the number of
minimarkets in villages traversed by the
Trans Java toll road is higher by 0.53 units
when compared to villages that are not
traversed by the Trans Java toll road and is
significant at 5% level. This result remains
consistent even if some control variables
are added to column (2
Table 4. Effects of Trans Java Toll Road on the Number of Minimarkets
Group Treatment Model (1)
Basic Model
Models with
Dependent Variable : Number of
Independent Variable:
 
-10 -5 0 5 10
Time Rescale
Toll Road Villages Non Toll Road Villages
1771 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
Number of Villages
Note: confidence level 99% (***), 95% (**), 90% (*).
Clustered standard errors based on villages in parentheses.
Variables and variables are included in the regression but are not
Source: data processed, 2020
This finding shows that the Trans Java
toll road program has an impact on
increasing the average number of
minimarkets in villages traversed by the
Trans Java toll road when compared to
villages not traversed by the Trans Java toll
road, where the increasing number of
minimarkets can illustrate the growth of the
retail industry in the region. So we can
conclude that after the construction of the
Trans Java toll road, the number of
minimarkets in the area traversed on
average has increased when compared to
areas that are not traversed by toll roads.
The hope of the growth policy of the
modern retail sector in the area traversed
by the Trans Java toll road, will later create
jobs, increase sources of state revenue
through taxes, and ultimately will increase
the feasibility and eliminate economic
inequality between regions (Erkip &;
Ozuduru, 2015; Zolfaghari et al., 2020).
In the PODES data used, several
villages do not have minimarkets, so the
dependent variable is 0 (zero). To be able
to anticipate data administration problems,
considering that several villages do not
have minimarkets, to be able to test the
consistency of the estimation results from
equation (1), this study is the first
robustness check. The estimation made
does not make village I in period T a sample
in the calculation when the value of the
number of minimarkets in Village I in
period T value 0 (zero). Each regression
result in this study uses the clustered
standard errors method. The main model
in this study uses villages traversed by the
Trans Java toll road as a treatment group
and does not include villages in the same
sub-district with villages traversed by the
toll road as a treatment group because it is
estimated that these villages still get the
effects of the Trans Java toll road policy.
Then the authors performed a
robustness check using 2 different
additional treatment group models. First,
the author uses model (2) where the
equation used is the same as the basic
equation of model (1) but with a different
treatment group. The treatment group in
the model (2) only included villages located
near the Trans Java toll gate to be able to
capture variations in the sample area and
see the consistency of the results. The
treatment group in the model (3) included
all villages in one sub-district with villages
traversed by toll roads to be able to capture
variations in the sample area and see the
consistency of the results.
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1772
Table 5. Comparison of Robustness Check Effect of Trans Java Toll Road on Number of
Minimarkets in 3 (three) Treatment Group Models
Model (1)
Village Treatment
Group Passed by Toll
(n=628 villages)
Model (2)
Village Treatment
Group located at the
Toll Gate
(n=87 villages)
Model (3)
Treatment Group of All
Villages located in one
sub-district with villages
traversed by toll roads
(n = 2440 villages)
Dependent Variable :
Number of
Independent Variable:
 
Number of Villages
Note: confidence level 99% (***), 95% (**), 90% (*).
Clustered standard errors based on villages in parentheses.
Columns 1, 3, and 5 are the base model; and columns 2, 4 and 6 are the base model with
Variables and variables are included in the regression but are not
Source: data processed, 2020
Table 5. We can compare the results of
the estimated basic equation of model (2)
by using only villages located at the Trans
Java toll gate as a treatment group. The
estimation results from the robustness
check model (2) which only uses villages
located at the Trans Java toll gate as a
treatment group shows consistent results.
From Table 5. In model (2) we can see that
the value of the coefficient of the
interaction variable () 
is positive, which is 1.74 in
column (1) with a significant level of 10%,
and of 1.75 in column (2) with a significant
value at the level of 10%.
We can see that the results of the
robustness check model (2) remain
consistent with the main results of the
study in Table 3, so this can strengthen the
main results of the study, namely the Trans
Java toll road construction program has an
impact on increasing the average number
1773 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
of minimarkets in villages traversed by the
Trans Java toll road when compared to
villages that are not traversed by the Trans
Java toll road. From these results, we can
see that the effect of the Trans Java toll road
with a treatment group that only uses
villages located at toll gates has a higher
effect if we compare it with treatment
groups that use villages with locations
along the Trans Java toll road. This shows
that the closer the village is to the toll gate,
the more it has a strong effect on the
number of modern retailers in the village.
Then from table 4. We can also
compare the results of the estimation of the
basic equation of model (3) using all
villages traversed by the Trans Java toll road
including villages in one sub-district as a
treatment group. The estimation results
from the robustness check model (3) which
uses all villages traversed by the Trans Java
toll road including villages in one sub-
district show consistent results. From Table
4. in model (3) we can see that the value of
the coefficient of the interaction
variabl 
() is
positive, which is 0.37 in column (1) with a
significant at level 1 %, and 0.37 in column
(2) with a significant at level 1%.
We can see that the results of the
robustness check model (3) remain
consistent with the main results of the
study in Table 3. So that this can strengthen
the main results of the study, namely the
Trans Java toll road construction program
has an impact on increasing the average
number of minimarkets in villages
traversed by the Trans Java toll road when
compared to villages that are not traversed
by the Trans Java toll road. The results of
Table 4. model (3) show that the use of
treatment groups using all villages located
in one sub-district with villages traversed
by the Trans Java toll road has a smaller
coefficient value than model (1). The results
show that the effect of the construction of
the Trans Java toll road using villages with a
wider scope with toll roads as the treatment
group, shows a smaller effect when
compared to the treatment group in Table
3. Thus, we can conclude that the farther
the location of the village from the Trans
Java toll road, the smaller the effect of the
Trans Java toll road.
Although model (2) and model (3) in
Table 3. show consistent results, this study
still use the estimation results from Table 3.
as the main model because estimation
using the model is considered to have the
number of observations and variations in
control and treatment areas that are more
precise which only use villages traversed by
the Trans Java toll road as a treatment
group. From the estimation results of the
three equation models in table 4. all of
them show positive and significant effects.
This finding certainly supports the
statement of Chandra & Thompson who
said that the area traversed by toll roads
experienced an increase in income in the
manufacturing industry, retail trade
industry, and service industry, whereas in
this study the villages traversed by toll
roads experienced an increase in the retail
trade industry through an increase in the
number of minimarkets (Chandra &;
Thompson, 2000).
Toll Road Effect on Number of Grocery
Then testing equation (3) was carried
out to see the impact of the Trans Java toll
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1774
road on the number of stalls/grocery
stores, with the test steps being the same
as equation (1). The common pre-
treatment test is obtained by regressing
equation (2) but using the dependent
variable of the number of grocery stores.
The results of the common pre-treatment
test are presented in Table 6.
Table 6. Common Pre-treatment Test Results Number of Grocery Stalls/Stores
Dependent Variable : Number of Grocery Stalls/Stores
Pre-treatment coefficient
Independent Variable:
 
Number of Villages
Note: confidence level 99% (***), 95% (**), 90% (*).
Clustered standard errors based on villages in parentheses.
Source: data processed, 2020
Based on the results in Table 6. it can
be seen  that the
interaction between, represented by the
, is not statistically
distinguishable from zero (insignificant), so
we cannot reject the null hypothesis of this
common pre-treatment test. Thus, the
results of the common pre-treatment test
show a similar trend between the number
of stalls/grocery stores in the treatment
group and the control group before the
implementation of the Trans Java toll road
development policy. With the similarity in
trends before the implementation of the
Trans Java toll road development policy.
Empirical tests are carried out by
estimating by regression of panel data
using equation (4). From table 5.5 we can
see that the coefficient values of the
interaction variables are negative, which are
-3.613 and -3.566 in the base model in
column (1) and the model with the control
variable in column (2). However, the results
of both models show no signs of the Trans
Java toll road to the number of grocery
 
Table 7. Effects of Trans Java Toll Road on the Number of Grocery Stalls/Stores
Basic Model
Models with
Dependent Variable: Number of Grocery
Independent Variable:
 
1775 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
Number of Villages
Note: confidence level 99% (***), 95% (**), 90% (*).
Clustered standard errors based on villages in parentheses.
Variables and variables are included in the regression but are not
Source: data processed, 2020.
Although there is no significant
influence from the impact of the
construction of the Trans Java toll road on
the number of stalls/grocery stores in the
village traversed by the Trans Java toll road,
the increase in the number of minimarkets
is considered to have been able to
represent the growth of the retail industry
as a result of the construction of the Trans
Java toll road. This is in line with the
statement that the transformation of
modern retail can be represented of them
by the increase in the number of
supermarkets (Berger & van Helvoirt, 2018).
However, the government still needs to pay
attention to support for the traditional
retail sector because the segmentation of
traditional retail is a middle to lower-class
community and requires attention to
fulfilling their consumer goods. Support for
traditional retail can be provided in the
form of programs or assistance that can
stimulate traditional retail to remain
competitive with modern retail.
This research shows that the
implementation of the Trans Java toll road
development policy carried out in areas
traversed by the Trans Java toll road can
encourage modern retail growth. This study
shows that on average after the Trans Java
toll road program operates, the trend of
increasing the number of minimarkets in
villages traversed by the Trans Java toll road
is higher by 0.53 units when compared to
villages that are not traversed by the Trans
Java toll road and this result is significant at
the level of 5%. The increase in the number
of minimarkets in the treatment group is
the influence of the existence of the Trans
Java toll road. The presence of the Trans
Java toll road can provide opportunities for
the development of the modern retail
In addition, this study also found that
there was no significant influence of the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on the number of stalls/grocery
stores in villages traversed by the Trans Java
toll road even though the coefficient of the
interaction variable showed a negative
value. The toll road development program
policy can be one solution to encourage
economic improvement through the
growth of the retail industry in the areas it
Arditya Prakoso Putra | 1776
passes. Referring to this, the government
needs to continue the integrated toll road
development program to have an impact
on the growth of the retail industry. Toll
road construction must still pay attention to
a balance that not only supports modern
retail, but the government still needs to pay
attention to traditional retail by providing
stimulants that can encourage traditional
retail growth to be able to encourage
competitiveness from traditional retail to
modern retail.
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