1761 | Impact of Toll Road Development on Modern Retail Growth in Indonesia
transportation infrastructure on regional
productivity (Condeço-melhor et al., 2014).
Investment in infrastructure stimulates
economic activity, increases company
productivity, improves economic
performance, and leads to sustainable
economic development and equal
distribution of income. The retail sector
(Zolfaghari et al., 2020) is one of the main
economic activities in every urban area,
where the retail sector creates jobs, a
source of state income through taxes, and
reflects the viability and ability of its people.
By looking at the impact of toll road
development on the retail industry as a
policy evaluation, we can see how the
process of economic equality between
regions and also the increase in people's
income which is ultimately expected to
reduce poverty levels as a result of a policy,
namely in this case investment in
infrastructure (Erkip & Ozuduru, 2015).
The supermarket revolution is a
process of expansion from traditional forms
of retail to modern forms of retail. From a
macro perspective, the acceleration of
change is influenced by the rapid increase
in people's income and also urbanization.
At first, modern retail was aimed at
consumers with high incomes and later
expanded to middle and lower-class
consumers. The first wave in the
transformation of modern retail initially
occurred in developed countries such as
European and American countries. The next
wave occurred in developing countries in
Asia and was followed by countries in Africa
(Maruyama et al., 2016) (Paper et al., 2016)
(Schipmann et al., 2020). The area traversed
by the toll road experienced an increase in
income in the manufacturing industry, retail
trade industry, and service industry. Based
on this, the author wants to see how the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on economic growth, especially
the growth of the retail trade industry, in
this case, can be represented by an increase
in the number of minimarkets and an
increase in the number of stalls/grocery
stores in the area traversed by the toll road
(Chandra & Thompson, 2000b).
The implementation of the Trans Java
toll road construction specifically provides
an opportunity for this study to analyze the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on the growth of the retail
industry, especially for the areas through
which it passes. But so far, research that
discusses directly the effects of toll road
construction on the growth of the retail
industry is still very limited. So this research
is very important to be able to see the
extent of the impact of toll road
development, especially the Trans Java toll
road run by the Government on the growth
of the retail industry for the area it passes.
One of the challenges to evaluate the
impact of the construction of the Trans Java
toll road on the growth of the retail industry
is that transportation infrastructure is not
the only influencing factor. The
transformation of modern retail is also
driven by increased economic growth
(Berger & van Helvoirt, 2018). To overcome
the problem of endogeneity in the
selection of locations traversed by the Trans
Java Toll Road, this study uses a difference-
in-differences (DID) approach to see how
the impact of the Trans Java Toll Road
development program in the growth of the
retail industry in Indonesia. Through the
DID approach, the villages traversed by the