JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 8, 1746 1758
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i08.406 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Aldila Kun Satriya
University of Indonesia
e-mail: aldilakunsatriya01@gmail.com,
*Correspondence: aldilakunsatriya01@gmail.com
: March 02
March 12
: March 25
Abstract: The Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) as the "guard" of the border gate
has big challenges in its efforts to supervise international narcotics smuggling into Indonesia.
Recently, at DJBC, a special directorate was created to handle narcotics trafficking activities, namely
the Narcotics Interdiction Directorate. This study discusses the threats and risks of narcotics
trafficking in the context of customs and excise in Indonesia, which makes DJBC need a special
directorate of narcotics. The strategy of the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of DJBC to prevent
international narcotics smuggling into Indonesia, and the synergy between the Directorate of
Narcotics Interdiction of DJBC and the Intelligence Unit of DJBC and other intelligence communities
in Indonesia in monitoring and eradicating narcotics smuggling. The research in this thesis uses a
qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are through in-depth interviews with internal and
external sources of DJBC, observation, and literature review. The researcher uses several theories
and concepts in this research, namely national security, smuggling, customs and excise, intelligence,
strategic intelligence and the intelligence community, and organizational governance. The results
of this study indicate a high and worrying threat to narcotics abuse in Indonesia. This threat makes
DJBC need a special directorate that focuses on dealing with narcotics smuggling. This special
directorate also facilitates the synergy between DGCE and other institutions and between
directorates in overseeing the threat of narcotics.
Keywords: Narcotics; DJBC; Smuggling; Strategic Intelligence; Intelligence Community.
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It is a common fact that the threat of
narcotics smuggling or often called drug
trafficking has become an important
highlight and concern for all countries in
the world today. The threat of narcotics
smuggling is part of a form of transnational
organized crime, one of the causes of which
is due to loopholes or weak supervision or
national security systems. Based on the
definition of the United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime, narcotics trafficking is a
global illicit trade in which all its activities
include the cultivation, manufacture,
distribution, and sale of substances subject
to the narcotics prohibition law.
The surge in threats posed by
Indonesia in this case of drug abuse. This is
to the data submitted by the Associate
Policy Analysis of the Directorate of Drug
Crimes, Civic Police, Police Commander I
Ketut Arta, which said that there was a
sharp increase related to the trend of
confiscation of narcotics in the form of
methamphetamine in the 2018-2021
period. Furthermore, through data
submitted by the Police CID, Indonesia's
geographical condition is very wide and
generally consists of a stretch of ocean
which is a favorite route for narcotics
smuggling syndicates from abroad.
Furthermore, in terms of demand or
drug users, the threat of narcotics danger is
also increasingly worrying because the
prevalence of users related to time
terminology which was 3,419,188 in 2019
increased to 3,662,646 in 2021 or users with
the time to use the last year of use in 2021
of 1.61% can still be said to be a very big
threat to the Indonesian generation. In
addition, in terms of prevention, where the
appropriate law enforcement on users,
namely the rehabilitation process instead of
criminal penalties, needs to be an
evaluation by the authorities if they want to
reduce the threat from these narcotics. This
happens because of the adaptation of the
mode of circulation carried out by
smugglers, so it will make it more difficult
to disclose cases because the mode used
has never been detected before. This threat
can be a major challenge for institutions or
institutions that are given the task and
function of eradicating the circulation of
In the DJBC, a special directorate was
recently created that handles narcotics
trafficking activities, of course, in the
context of customs and excise. This
strategic policy is contained in the
Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 118/01/2021 the
fourteenth part of article 979. The PMK
stated that the Directorate of Narcotics
Interdiction has the task of formulating
policies, standardization, and technical
guidance, evaluating and implementing
intelligence, and handling the disclosure of
criminal networks in the field of Narcotics,
Psychotropics, and Precursors based on
applicable laws and regulations, as well as
the management of Narcotics,
Psychotropic, and Precursor operating
facilities and bloodhound units of the
Directorate General of Customs and Excise.
Looking at the exposure to this
background, it can be seen that the threat
of narcotics circulation in Indonesia and the
world is very worrying. Many countries,
institutions, and related agencies are
making various efforts to reduce their
1748 | Strategy of The Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of The DGBC To Supervise The
International Narcotics Smuggling To Indonesia
circulation activities. Including Indonesia,
which has special agencies such as the
National Narcotics Agency and the
Directorate of Drug Crimes, Civic Police. It is
on this focus that DJBC created a new
directorate that specializes in handling
narcotics problems, namely the Directorate
of Narcotics Interdiction. But is this move
an important focus that the DGCA is
obliged to do amid other bodies tasked
with this issue? With the existence of a
special directorate that handles the
problem of narcotics smuggling, it is
necessary to take strategic and integrated
steps in the organization carried out by the
Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction,
especially in using intelligence functions to
facilitate their work and tasks. This needs to
be a concern because the absence of
integration with other directorates/units
will make the performance less optimal.
This research combines several
contexts of problems in handling narcotics
threats, namely the organizational
governance of narcotics handling
institutions, the context of customs and
excise in terms of smuggling prohibited
goods, and the context of synergy efforts
between institutions in eradicating
narcotics problems in Indonesia. While in
previous studies, it was more focused on
one of those several contexts.
This research uses the basis of analysis
of the intelligence context, especially
strategic intelligence and the intelligence
community. Meanwhile, previous studies
have focused more based on analysis of the
concept of smuggling in general and
transnational crime and state security.
This research also provides a basis for
analysis by emphasizing the strategic point
of view of decision-makers from
institutions that by law have the task and
function of eradicating the threat of
narcotics abuse. While the research before
focused more on one of the institutions
Based on these research questions, the
objectives of this study are:
1. Providing an overview of the threats and
risks of narcotics circulation in the
context of customs and excise in
Indonesia today which makes djbc need
a special directorate of narcotics.
2. Analyze the strategy of the Directorate of
Narcotics Interdiction of the DGBC to
carry out the supervisory function of
international narcotics smuggling into
3. Analyze the synergy between the
Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of
DGBC and the Intelligence Unit of DJBC
and other intelligence communities in
Indonesia in the surveillance and
eradication of Narcotics smuggling.
The paradigm that the researcher uses
in his research. Based on the phenomenon
and how the goals are to be achieved, this
study uses the paradigm of post-positivism.
This research uses qualitative research in
looking at problems and finding answers to
these problems. The research method used
in this study is a case study research
method. The object of the study was the
supervision of international illegal narcotics
smuggling into Indonesia carried out by
the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of
the DJBC and other related institutions. To
obtain important facts and information in
Aldila Kun Satriya
| 1749
the field, the data in this study comes from
two forms or sources of research data,
namely primary and secondary data.
Threats and Risks of Narcotics Trafficking
So that DJBC Needs a Special Directorate
of Narcotics
Table 1. The threat of Narcotics Trafficking in Indonesia
Answer Results
The potential threat of narcotics entry into
Indonesia is very large, more worrying and higher
if you look at the number of people entering
Indonesia. Indonesia can be said to be a potential
market for narcotics.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9.
The Threat of
90% of narcotics in Indonesia come from abroad.
It is generally smuggled by sea, then through
cargo and passenger luggage, all of which are
related to the border which is the duty and
function of customs and excise. More diverse
mode changes only occur in the circulation of the
dealer to the user level.
1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8. 9.
Customs and
The threat of narcotics smuggling is greatest from
the golden
golden crescent
at lower
prices such as Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Myanmar, Laos and Thailand and does not rule
out the possibility of originating also from other
countries such as Africa, China and South America.
4, 7.
Threat of
Customs and
The threat of narcotics is now also related to the
emergence of many new types of drugs and are
used by all walks of life.
The Threat of
Based on the table above, several
conclusions can be drawn regarding the
threats that Indonesia has, especially the
DJBC as Indonesia's border supervisor.
Threats include the increasing and alarming
misuse of narcotics, the number of
countries supplying narcotics, and the
technology and complexity of the modes
used by drug smugglers. Meanwhile, the
threat is also inseparable from the huge
risks to national security. Then the field
constraints and the many limitations in
supervision have not turned into an
important record of the challenges that
must be faced by relevant officials in
breaking the chain of narcotics circulation.
1750 | Strategy of The Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of The DGBC To Supervise The
International Narcotics Smuggling To Indonesia
Risks of Narcotics to National Resilience
Regarding this risk, all speakers agreed
that the main impact of undue narcotic use
is the brain's ability to work optimally or as
it should. As previously stated, the current
threat of narcotics has also entered the
adolescent or productive age population.
The resource person saw that the main
impact of narcotics that damage human
nerves will have a direct impact on their
productive ability to work, work and
contribute to the nation and state. Where
this risk is what the resource person calls
the risk of drugs to a community's concern
for their environment.
As stated on the official website of
BNN that the dangers of narcotics are very
close to problems or adverse effects on
psychiatry in the long term. It is further
mentioned that drug users will have a
chaotic mood and present a sense of
Risks to potential increases in criminal acts
Most research sources argue that the
threat of narcotics will directly impact the
potential increase in criminal acts in an
area. Narcotics are at risk of an increase in
crime and the threat of acts of terrorism
because of the risk of behavioral deviations
and criminal acts, as well as mortality and
fertility rates but cannot be directly related
to a reduction in the number of
populations of one country.
Narcotics can be part of the Proxy War,
put into Indonesia to fool the younger
generation so that the country will be easily
controlled. But nowadays, narcotics risk is
solely an economic affair, purely a
promising business.
Risks to the nation's economic potential
The last risk is based on sources who
see narcotics as a promising business, and
not to forget the «legal» narcotics needed
for the context of medical drugs are goods
that affect state revenues like other goods.
Meanwhile, the turnover of money from
this dark business is huge.
Narcotics are also at risk to the
country's economic problems, this
undergrowth economy is of very high
value, and this expenditure amounts to
hundreds of trillions which are not
recorded on taxable state revenues.
The strategy of the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of djbc to carry out the function of
monitoring international narcotics smuggling into Indonesia
Table 2. Strategy of the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction djbc2
Answer Results
The strategic role of the DGCA related to narcotics
is to supervise the entry of narcotics and other
prohibited items (precusors and psychotropics)
that do not have a permit into Indonesian territory.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
The Role of
Aldila Kun Satriya
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Answer Results
Interdiction from the legal side is the activity of
chasing, and arresting people, transporting, or
goods suspected of narcotics. Arrested the culprit
and seized evidence, that's the interdiction.
Meanwhile, in the context of customs duties, it is
more about surveillance, investigation, interception
before entering Indonesia, and generating
intelligence information that helps crack down on
narcotics entering Indonesia.
1, 8, 9.
Interdicsia drugs
At the ASEAN level, this interdiction is the mandate
of the
ASEAN Interdiction Task Force
. The Land
Task Force is mandated to Malaysia and Filiphina,
the Air is led by Thailand, the Sea is led by Indonesia
it is called the
Asian Seaport Interdiction Task Force
Interdicsia drugs
The long-term interdiction directorate could be the
leading organization for the surveillance of illegal
narcotics when entering the Indonesian border. The
directorate of interdiction is also a way of synergy
between the DJBC and the task
related to
narcotics, with anyone both nationally and
6, 7, 8.
Customs, Join
The strategy implemented by the
DJBC, especially the Directorate of
Narcotics Interdiction in supervising the
circulation of narcotics, four research
speakers grouped the strategic approaches
carried out into a period, namely the short,
medium, and long term. The short-term
strategy according to the speakers is the
efforts of the Directorate of Narcotics
Interdiction to continue the strategic
activities carried out by the previous unit or
directorate. Furthermore, short- and
medium-term strategies are embodied in
various programs and frameworks such as
the development of technology and human
resource capacity of the Directorate
through the development of the Customs
Narcotics Targeting Centre (CNTC), the
development of the DJBC's bloodhound
unit (K-9), the strengthening of narcotics
operating facilities, and the strengthening
of resources in the field of narcotics
supervision. Strengthening synergy
between institutions and parties related to
narcotics eradication carried out by
eradicating narcotics syndicates (Operation
Shining), implementing cooperation
agreements with other law enforcement
officials (APH), implementing cooperation
and data exchange with international
1752 | Strategy of The Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of The DGBC To Supervise The
International Narcotics Smuggling To Indonesia
stakeholders and various joint task forces
on narcotics (DGCE RMCD Indonesia-
Furthermore, from the point of view of
long-term strategy, several speakers saw
the need for adjustments in terms of policy
formulation on narcotics supervision, both
from laws or internal organizational
regulations as well as other laws that
regulate in general about narcotics,
bankruptcy, and other related laws such as
public information disclosure. This
evaluation and adjustment will be aimed
solely at making supervision more effective
and efficient because it makes it easier for
the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction to
formulate a Standard Operation Procedure
(SOP) by the duties and functions of the
The synergy between the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of DJBC and the Intelligence
Unit of DJBC and Other Intelligence Communities in Indonesia
Table 3. The synergy between the Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of DJBC and Related
Answer Results
Narcotics are the object of Customs and excise
inspection, a great threat needs the development
of a new directorate within the structure of the
customs organization itself. The special directorate
makes synergy, coordination and communication,
adjusting or harmonizing with other law
enforcement officers /APH and with the intelligence
community and other directorates such as P2 even
more strategic.
1, 3, 4, 7, 8.
The Threat of
Synergy between institutions is needed because
drug handling goes through 3 main stages, namely
interdiction, where there is interception. The
second is eradication, that is, arrests when they
have entered Indonesian territory or circulated in
the market, in this case the realm of BNN and Polri,
and the third is rehabilitation. These three functions
or stages must run smoothly.
Synergy, The
Threat of
The Directorate of Interdiction is very necessary to
equalize the narcotics division of the DGT with
other agencies for the ease of coordinating or
sharing information directly with the intelligence
subdivision, in the context of narcotics surveillance
1, 5, 6, 7.
Aldila Kun Satriya
| 1753
Answer Results
as well as in terms of intelligence information.
The synergy between units in the context of
intelligence information can be done by
exchanging members between units within the P2
and Interdiction directorates. Likewise in the
development of intelligence information systems in
DJBC such as PAU, PRM and CNTC and others.
6, 7.
Synergy, Narcotics
Smuggling Threat,
The CNTC concept is an effort by the Directorate of
Interdiction to integrate various surveillance data
systems owned by the DGCA, especially for
integrated narcotics surveillance.
In the future, data and information exchange
applications will be managed by the IT department,
and are being pursued and expected to be made
into one integrated application that includes all
data from various sources. One of them that is
needed is money laundering data in the Cross-
Border Crime Subdit (KLN), because narcotics are
also related to money laundering crimes.
Synergy, Narcotics
Smuggling Threat,
DIN-DJBC Synergy with the Intelligence
Community in other Agencies
As stated by Depari, the synergy
between institutions is needed because
drug handling goes through 3 main stages,
namely interdiction, where there is an
interception. The second is eradication, that
is, arrests when they have entered the
territory of Indonesia or circulated in the
market, in this case, the realm of BNN and
Polri, and the third is rehabilitation. For this
reason, all contexts in securing and
guarding national resilience must be
involved, where one of them is the DGH
which is directly related because narcotics
are one of the objects of border
surveillance work carried out by customs
agencies. Each institution must be clear
about its duties and functions so that there
are no loopholes in the supervision carried
This is what Rizal, and Salya, conveyed.
While the DGH is positioned as an
investigator and supervisor at the border, it
must be separate in the context of each
intelligence community. Then the resource
persons continued to strengthen synergy
with their respective duties and functions, it
is necessary to have a strong legal
foundation that regulates cooperation
between institutions. In addition, many
joint operations have already been carried
out. In terms of information exchange, DIN-
DJBC as the new directorate will urgently
need the facilities and infrastructure of the
institutions that have been present and
1754 | Strategy of The Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of The DGBC To Supervise The
International Narcotics Smuggling To Indonesia
stable before.
Another argument that makes
intelligence information is one thing that
requires synergy so that the accuracy of the
analysis becomes even better where the
source mentions in the context of
expanding strategic intelligence
information in conducting surveillance,
wider authority is needed in the search for
information, so it needs synergy. Other
sources also argued the same where the
intelligence data and information obtained
and processed by themselves are analyzed
properly, it will be more accurate if
compiled with other data from other
organizations, especially if there are limited
Djbc Intra-organization Synergy (DIN
Synergy with other Directorates)
Some things that need to be
considered by every institution and
directorate in achieving ideal synergy in
efforts to eradicate the threat of narcotics,
here are some of these things:
1. The integrity of synergy in every process
or effort made.
The ideal synergy is starting from planning,
implementation, and monitoring to the
evaluation carried out using collaboration
(Muslim, 2022).
2. The will of each party eliminates sectoral
The success of synergy is determined by
mutual understanding and trust between
institutions, maintaining the principle of
equality, willingness to cooperate as a
team, and willingness to eliminate sectoral
egos from each institution and one goal,
vision, and mission to maintain national
resilience (Hidayat, 2022; Muslim, 2022;
Kurniawan, 2022; Malindra, 2022; Depari,
3. Commitment to maintaining the
confidentiality of data and information
from outside parties.
The exchange of data and information
needs to maintain the confidentiality of
data to all parties so that no outside party
can get data without all those involved in
the PKS (Yudha, 2022).
Based on the results of interviews with
nine speakers in this study and analysis
related to the theoretical approach outlined
in the previous chapter, the researcher
concluded three basic things as answers to
the questions and objectives of this study,
here are the conclusions obtained.
The first conclusion is about the threat
of narcotics smuggling in Indonesia. These
threats and risks are getting higher because
of the huge challenges faced by law
enforcement and DGH from the HR aspect
and the dynamic development of
technology and modus operandi used by
drug smuggling actors. Another challenge
faced by the institutions tasked with
eradicating narcotics trafficking is to align
the enforcement of narcotics sellers with
the awareness/rehabilitation of users to
reduce the supply and demand for
The second conclusion relates to the
strategy implemented by the DGCA,
especially the Directorate of Narcotics
Interdiction in supervising the circulation of
narcotics, four research speakers grouped
the strategic approaches carried out into a
period, namely the short, medium, and
Aldila Kun Satriya
| 1755
long term. All institutions or parties that
play a special role both in terms of
organizational duties and functions and
statutory mandates must cooperate to
become a puzzle in uncovering the threat
of narcotics.
The synergy between parties is the key
to handling narcotics problems. Especially
in the Directorate of Infradictive
Intelligence, synergy must involve this
directorate with other directorates in the
DGT, especially related to data and
intelligence information. Synergy with
other intelligence units/units is a
fundamental effort of the Directorate of
Narcotics Interdiction to carry out its
functions as well as possible.
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