Bambang Slamet Eko S
| 1729
Marriage is a sacred bond between a
woman and a man to build a sakinah,
mawaddah, and warahmah household.
According to (Hanifah, 2019) Law Number
1 of 1974, what is meant by the definition
of marriage is the inner birth bond between
a man and a woman as husband and wife
to form a happy and eternal family
(household) based on the One True
Godhead. In essence, marriage is carried
out to live together forever, not for a certain
period, and is only separated by death. But
not all married couples can maintain their
marriage. Misunderstandings that occur fall
into and provoke disputes, and conflicts,
and end in divorce.
Divorce is the end of the legality of the
relationship between husband and wife for
a reason that does not allow both parties to
be together again. According to (Judge,
2021)the Civil Code Article, 207 divorce is
the abolition of marriage by a judge's
decision, on the claim of one of the parties
to the marriage based on the reasons
mentioned in the Act. Whereas marriages
that are carried out aim to form an eternal
and happy home. And divorce or talak is a
thing that Allah Almighty hates very much.
In the case of divorce itself, it can be in the
form of divorce on the application of the
husband (divorce talak) or a lawsuit from
the wife (divorce gugat) through a trial in
court (Kabalmay, 2015). Thus indicating,
that family life does not always occur
harmoniously. The disharmony of husband
and wife life in the household is triggered,
among other things, by imbalances in the
husband and wife relationship. One of the
main problems that are often faced in a
husband and wife relationship is the
absence of balance from the economic side.
Moreover, almost all circles put this
economic factor as a big problem. The
divorce rate over time is increasing. Divorce
occurs if both parties, both husband and
wife feel that there is no longer a match in
living a previously cultivated domestic life
(Irma Garwan, 2018).
In this divorce, the Religious Court
plays an important role in deciding cases
that have been filed, as stipulated in Article
49 of Law Number 50 of 2009 concerning
Religious Courts "Religious Courts, which
are courts of first instance are in charge and
authorized to examine, decide, and resolve
cases of cases at the first level between
people who are Muslims in the field of
marriage, inheritance, wills, and grants
made based on Islamic law, and waqf and
shadaqah". And another definition of
Religious Court is stated in Law Number 7
of 1989 "The Religious Court is one of the
executors of judicial power for people
seeking justice who are Muslims regarding
certain civil cases regulated in this Law" as
the authority of the Religious Court is
regulated in article 49 to article 53 of Law
No. 7 of 1989 which was amended by Law
No. 3 of 2006. The authority of the Courts
within the Religious Courts is expanded in
Law No. 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments
to Law No. 7 of 1989 concerning Religious
Justice. The expansion, among others,
includes the shari'a economy. This research,
it is intended to discuss how essential and
existent economic factors are as the cause
of divorce in cases entered in the
Tulungagung Religious Court (Uliyah,