1677 | Application of E-Performance and Compensation Systems To Employee Performance
Through Motivation As An Intervening Variable
Dimensions and indicators that can be
used to measure employee performance,
according to (Hasibuan, 2017), include
quality of work with the indicators of
organizational work and goals, promptness
with the indicators of the work plan and
time precision, an initiative with the
indicator of an idea for organization and
problem resolution, capability with the
indicator abilities and skills, and
communication with the indicators internal
communication, external communication,
relations, and coworkers.
According to Putri (Nurhayati, 2017), E-
Performance is a web-based application for
analyzing job requirements, job
performance, and organizational unit or
work unit performance as a basis for
calculating work performance and
providing work incentives. Meanwhile,
according to (Mukti, 2019), E-performance
is an application made specifically to
monitor and assess employee performance
directly by entering daily work data into the
software to obtain approval from superiors.
Based on PP No. 46 of 2011, the dimensions
and indicators of the E-Kinerja system
target work employees with the indicators
duty position and work target, as well as
work behavior with the indicators
orientation, service, integrity, commitment,
discipline, cooperation, and leadership.
According to (Rivai, 2017),
compensation is something employees
receive as a substitute for their
contributions to the company. Meanwhile,
according to (Sinambela, 2018),
compensation is compensation for services
or remuneration provided by the
organization to employees who have
contributed energy and thoughts to the
progress and achievement of
predetermined organizational goals.
Compensation is also interpreted as all
income, whether in the form of money or
direct or indirect goods, received by
employees as compensation for services
provided to the company (Hasibuan, 2021).
According to (Hasibuan, 2021), the
dimensions and indicators of
compensation are linked directly (direct
compensation) with the indicator salary
and incentives or bonuses; and indirectly
(indirect compensation) with the indicator
allowances and facilities in the company.
According to (Liana, 2020), motivation
is a process of need that encourages a
person to carry out various kinds of
activities that lead to the achievement of
certain goals. Meanwhile, according to
Manullang (Harahap, 2019), motivation is a
power that comes from within or outside
the human being to encourage enthusiasm
to pursue certain desires and goals.
Motivation can also be interpreted as
providing a driving force that creates
enthusiasm for someone's work so that
they want to work together, work
effectively, and integrate all their efforts to
achieve satisfaction (Hasibuan, 2017).
According to (Liana, 2020), motivation
is a process of need that encourages a
person to carry out various kinds of
activities that lead to the achievement of
certain goals. Meanwhile, according to
Manullang (Harahap, 2019), motivation is a
power that comes from within or outside
the human being to encourage enthusiasm
to pursue certain desires and goals.