Gerry Firmansyah
| 1735
Based on Tangerang Mayor Regulation
number 83 of 2016 concerning the
position, organizational structure, duties
and functions, and work procedures of the
village, in article 3 the Ward has the task of
assisting or carrying out some of the duties
of the Sub-District in carrying out
governance, economic and development,
and community affairs within the scope of
the village by the vision and mission of the
Mayor as described in the Regional
Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).
The implementation of information
systems and technology plays a very
important role in the framework of public
services that are quick easy, fast, and
efficient necessary for the sustainability of
sustainable development. In line with the
actualization of the vision and mission, as
an elaboration of the Tangerang City
RPJMD for 2019-2023, the alignment
between the Tangerang City RPJMD and
the Batuceper District Change Strategic
Plan for 2019-2023. The goals and
objectives of Batuceper District in 2019-
2023 are, "The realization of good District
One of the reform action plans of the
Tangerang City government is Quik Wins
with its priority activities/ sub-activities
including Strengthening the Electronic-
Based Government System (SPBE). The
implementation of the Masterplan-
Government/ SPBE is based on the
implementation policy contained in
Presidential Regulation Number 132 of 20
22 concerning National SPBE Architecture.
To build fast and efficient governance.
Therefore, an SPBE architecture is needed
as a guideline in building and harmonizing
the system in each government agency,
both central and regional.
In its implementation, Tangerang City
has implemented a policy with the issuance
of Mayor's Decree number: 591.2 /
Kep.471-Bag.Orgaisasi / 2022 as an
amendment to Mayor's Decree number:
591.2 / Kep.93-Bag.Org/ 2022 concerning
Business Process Maps. This is necessary
because of the change in Perda No.3/2019
to Perda No.5/2021 ttg RPJMD for 2019-
2023. However, the Mayor's Decree
(Kepwal) only describes the business
process maps up to level 2. In this study,
making a business process map that can
touch up to the village level, by taking the
example of the Community Empowerment
and Ward program.
In the implementation of development
carried out in Tangerang City, there is often
repeated work related to data collection
and proposed maintenance activities for
facilities and infrastructure at the village
level. For this reason, with the business
process map up to the village level, to make
it clearer, the business process map and
cross-functional maps can be integrated
according to the RPJMD in Tangerang City.
Currently, data on existing facilities
and infrastructure in the region always uses
data that requires repeated data
verification and validation due to the
absence of a database that can be a
reference material that is integrated with
the Tangerang City Public Works and
Spatial Planning Office (PUPR). Through
the clear architectural mapping of business
processes, it will facilitate the discovery of