JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 8, 1734 1745
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i08.395 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
OF 2022
Gerry Firmansyah
Faculty of Computer Science, Esa Unggul University Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: faridadby@student.esaunggul.ac.id, gerry@esaunggul.ac.id
*Correspondence: faridadby@student.esaunggul.ac.id
: March 07
: March 16
: March 25
Abstract: The development of information technology in daily life is very rapid so it can increase
the productivity of an individual or organization. The Government Sector also utilizes information
technology to increase the provision of effective and efficient public services. Likewise the
Government of Indonesia, 2018 issued Presidential Regulation No. 95 of 2018 concerning
Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) as a guideline for governance that utilizes
information and communication technology to provide quality public services. SPBE evaluation and
monitoring are carried out by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic
Reform (KemenPANRB) in every government agency in Indonesia. In 2020 the results of the SPBE
evaluation at the Tangerang City Government obtained a score of 3.44 with a good index. For this
reason, this research focuses on improving SPBE governance which includes the standardization
and integration of SPBE business processes for the Tangerang City Government. This research
provides a solution in the form of an SPBE enterprise architecture design in the business process
domain according to the SPBE architecture. Several phases are used, namely the preliminary phase,
architecture vision, and business process architecture. The main phase of this design is the business
process architecture which produces level 0 business process maps, level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 business
process maps, and cross-functional maps as standardization of SPBE business processes according
to PermenPANRB No. 19 of 2018.
Keywords: Business Process Architecture; Enterprise Architecture; Tangerang City; SPBE.
Gerry Firmansyah
| 1735
Based on Tangerang Mayor Regulation
number 83 of 2016 concerning the
position, organizational structure, duties
and functions, and work procedures of the
village, in article 3 the Ward has the task of
assisting or carrying out some of the duties
of the Sub-District in carrying out
governance, economic and development,
and community affairs within the scope of
the village by the vision and mission of the
Mayor as described in the Regional
Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).
The implementation of information
systems and technology plays a very
important role in the framework of public
services that are quick easy, fast, and
efficient necessary for the sustainability of
sustainable development. In line with the
actualization of the vision and mission, as
an elaboration of the Tangerang City
RPJMD for 2019-2023, the alignment
between the Tangerang City RPJMD and
the Batuceper District Change Strategic
Plan for 2019-2023. The goals and
objectives of Batuceper District in 2019-
2023 are, "The realization of good District
One of the reform action plans of the
Tangerang City government is Quik Wins
with its priority activities/ sub-activities
including Strengthening the Electronic-
Based Government System (SPBE). The
implementation of the Masterplan-
Government/ SPBE is based on the
implementation policy contained in
Presidential Regulation Number 132 of 20
22 concerning National SPBE Architecture.
To build fast and efficient governance.
Therefore, an SPBE architecture is needed
as a guideline in building and harmonizing
the system in each government agency,
both central and regional.
In its implementation, Tangerang City
has implemented a policy with the issuance
of Mayor's Decree number: 591.2 /
Kep.471-Bag.Orgaisasi / 2022 as an
amendment to Mayor's Decree number:
591.2 / Kep.93-Bag.Org/ 2022 concerning
Business Process Maps. This is necessary
because of the change in Perda No.3/2019
to Perda No.5/2021 ttg RPJMD for 2019-
2023. However, the Mayor's Decree
(Kepwal) only describes the business
process maps up to level 2. In this study,
making a business process map that can
touch up to the village level, by taking the
example of the Community Empowerment
and Ward program.
In the implementation of development
carried out in Tangerang City, there is often
repeated work related to data collection
and proposed maintenance activities for
facilities and infrastructure at the village
level. For this reason, with the business
process map up to the village level, to make
it clearer, the business process map and
cross-functional maps can be integrated
according to the RPJMD in Tangerang City.
Currently, data on existing facilities
and infrastructure in the region always uses
data that requires repeated data
verification and validation due to the
absence of a database that can be a
reference material that is integrated with
the Tangerang City Public Works and
Spatial Planning Office (PUPR). Through
the clear architectural mapping of business
processes, it will facilitate the discovery of
1736 | Architectural Design of Business Processes For Community Empowerment And Flexibility
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 132 Of 2022
data again whose data is clear and
This research is to identify
development and interoperability targets in
each area, namely designing the
architecture to be formed, complementing
the vision, mission, and objectives of the
Tangerang City Government, especially the
Porisgaga Baru sub-district of Batuceper,
Tangerang City, as well as the Architectural
Business to explain the flow of business
processes in Tangerang City, especially in
the Community Empowerment and Ward
programs. This business architecture is
produced starting from the stage of
mapping business processes level 0, level 1,
2,3, and 4 and cross-functional maps on
public works government affairs.
The research method used in this study
starts from the data collection stage,
namely by conducting interviews and
interviews with Tangerang City government
agencies, in addition to the Organization
Section of the Tangerang City Regional
Secretariat as well as Batuceper District,
Tangerang City, and the Porisgaga Baru
Village Office as research objects. Then
create architectural design and business
process design.
The SPBE Pemerintah Regional
architecture is prepared for a period of 5
(five) years guided by the National SPBE
Architecture and the RPJMD. Architectural
references describe the das an r component
that is used as a reference for the
compilation of each architectural domain.
While the architectural domain describes
the substance of the architecture that
contains one of them the business process
architecture domain. Based on Presidential
Regulation 95 of 2018 concerning SPBE, the
"SPBE Master Plan" has been distinguished
from the "SPBE Architecture" (previously in
the Minister of Communication and
Informatics No. 41 of 2017 the concept of
the ICT Master Plan also contains
The SPBE architecture, which is an
application of Enterprise Architecture, is a
basic framework for describing the
integration of business processes, data and
information, SPBE services, SPBE
applications, SPBE infrastructure, and SPBE
security to produce integrated government
In Prepress number 132 of 2022, each
SPBE Architecture contains 2 (two)
components, namely:
1. Architectural references, describe the
basic components of the standard
architecture and can be used as a
reference for the compilation of each
architectural domain.
2. Domain architecture, which describes
the substance of the architecture that
contains the domain of business process
architecture, the domain of data and
information architecture, the domain of
the SPBE infrastructure architecture, the
domain of the SPBE application
architecture, the domain of the SPBE
security architecture, and the domain of
the SPBE service architecture.
The relationship between all SPBE
Gerry Firmansyah
| 1737
Architecture References and all SPBE
Architecture Domains and Architectures
within the SPBE framework is shown in the
following figure:
Figure 1. Inter-Component Linkages in SPBE Architecture (Prepres number 132 of 2022)
Figure 2.
Architecture Framework within the SPBE Framework
(Prepres number 132 of 2022)
In the domain of government business
process architecture, classified into levels
of business process architecture reference
structure consists of 4 (four) levels, namely
the government sector as level 1 (first)
which becomes a structure at the national
level, government affairs as level 2
(second), government functions as level 3
(third) defined by local governments by the
duties and functions and authorities
related to the national level (Central
Agencies), The Government Sub-Function
describes in more detail the function of
government as level 4 (fourth) which
defines the data and information
generated and the integrated services to
be built as part of the national digital
Here's Figure 2.3 of the
interrelationships of business process
architecture structures in the SPBE
Architecture framework:
Figure 3. Linkage of business process architecture structure in the SPBE Architecture
framework (Prepres number 132 of 2022)
The domain of business process architecture consists of a wide variety of
1738 | Architectural Design of Business Processes For Community Empowerment And Flexibility
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 132 Of 2022
government business processes that will
generate a wide variety of data and
information and will define government
services, which are directly related to the
SPBE service domain and the data and
information domain. Thus, other
information related to government affairs
can be related, such as applications or
supporting infrastructure, or data and
information needed or generated in the
implementation of government affairs.
Figure 4.
Direct relationships in Business Process Domains
(Prepres number 132 of
To make an efficient alignment of an
organization with the wants and needs of
the organization using Bussiness Process
Modelling Notation (BPMN). BPMN,
describing a business program that is
based on flowchart techniques, is
assembled to create graphical models of
business operations with activities and flow
controls that define the sequence of work.
In business processes, it can be said to be
BPMN (Bussiness Process Modelling
Notation) which can be compiled in the
form of a diagram used to represent a
sequence of activities implicitly focusing
on a process, action, and activity.
The first step of the study is the data
collection stage. At this stage, it aims to
explain research data collection techniques
for the design of EA SPBE. The data
collection techniques used are interviews
and literature studies. The initial step at this
stage is the introduction of the object of
study and the introduction of the concept
of SPBE. Furthermore, conduct interviews
with speakers from the Tangerang City
Government to obtain the data needed
and to find out the existing conditions of
the Tangerang City Government. The next
step is to conduct a literature study by
studying several regulatory documents
related to SPBE and business processes,
namely Presidential Regulation Number 95
of 2018, RPJMD of 2019-2023,
PermenPANRB Number 19 of 2018, and
studying scientific journals relevant to EA
SPBE. The second stage in the study is the
identification and design stage.
The implementation of the
development and preparation of the vision,
mission, and priority programs of the
Mayor and/or RPJMD of Tangerang City is
guided by the RPJPD of Banten Province.
RPJMD is an elaboration of the vision and
mission of regional heads during the 5
years, namely the period 2005-2008, 2009-
2013, 2014-2018, 2019-2023, and 2024-
The preparation of the Business
Process Architecture is carried out by
conducting an inventory and defining
business processes according to the
organizational structure of the work order
Gerry Firmansyah
| 1739
(SOTK), then completing the attributes of
business process metadata, classifying
business processes based on business
process architecture references (levels 1, 2,
and 3). In this case, reference to the
business process architecture level 4 (sub-
function) and level 5 of the activities of the
regional device work program are
proposed. Next is an inventory of diagrams
(artifacts) of business processes that have
been mapped.
A level 0 business process map is a
Business Process Map that contains the
entire business process of a government
agency which is a direct derivative of the
vision, mission, and objectives in the
strategic plan document. A level 1 business
process map is a more detailed overview of
a level 0 business process map, which can
be identified from the government's
strategic goals or objectives for the
regional development program. While the
relationship and cross-function map serves
to illustrate the series of work across units
on the level 2 business process map, in
more detail it is depicted on the level 3, 4,
and 5 business process maps, so that it can
be known from the work activities of each
regional development program up to the
lowest level of sub-districts and sub-
The final stage in the study is the
conclusion drawing stage. This stage aims
to describe the conclusions of the results of
the design of SPBE EA in the business
process domain of the Tangerang City
Government, especially Porisgaga Baru
village which can be used as a guide or
reference for business process development in
subsequent research.
The application of Enterprise
Architecture focuses on Architecture
Bussines, which describes the business
architecture, containing organizational
business strategies and information on key
activities. At this stage, it will explain the
flow of business processes in Porisgaga Baru
village, to suit its duties and functions, so
that it is easy to communicate internally and
externally about business processes to
achieve the vision, mission, and goals and
have knowledge assets that integrate and
document with business processes related
to OPD in Tangerang City. This business
architecture is produced starting from the
stage of mapping business processes level
0, levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and cross-functional
maps with examples of discussions on
government affairs in the field of public
works. The mapping is illustrated by
identifying based on strategic goals in the
2019-2023 RPJMD of Tangerang City.
This business process architecture is
produced starting from the stage of
mapping business process level 0, levels 1,
2, 3, and 4 and cross-functional maps with
examples of case studies depicting the
OpD of Batuceper sub-district at the
Porisgaga Baru sub-district level.
The level 0 business process contains
a description of the entire process to
achieve the vision and mission of the
Tangerang City Government based on the
strategic goals of the RPJMD for 2019-
2023. Using the KT (Tangerang City)
process code.
1740 | Architectural Design of Business Processes For Community Empowerment And Flexibility
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 132 Of 2022
While at level 1 the elaboration is more
detailed than the process at level 0, which
is carried out by each process at level 0.
Level 1 depicts a map of business
processes performed by organizational
units and the connectedness between one
process and another. An explanation of the
process description of the level 1 business
process map for KT.05 of the Tangerang
City government can be seen in table 3.1
Table 1. Description of Business Process Level 1
Business Process Level 0
Business Process Level 1
Realizing adequate and competitive city
infrastructure, facilities and facilities
Community and Village
Empowerment Program
On the KT.05 relation map, there are
more regional linkages, namely the
Regional Secretariat in this case the
Regional Development Planning Agency
has relations with the Housing and
Settlement and Land Service, the Regional
Library and Archives Service, the
Population and Civil Registration Service,
the District and the Regional Disaster
Management Agency. Figure 3.2 shows a
more detailed process of the KT.05 Process
for Community Empowerment and Ward,
in which there is a sub-process, namely
KT.05.11, namely the Community and Ward
Empowerment Program.
Figure 5. Level 1 Business Process Map
Community and Village Empowerment Program
Gerry Firmansyah
| 1741
Figure 6. Business Process Sub Map
Community and Village Empowerment Program
The next process is a cross-
functional map that depicts interconnected
cross-device work sequences and forms
the work processes of each process at
process level 1. This cross-functional
mapping is identified from the work
activities contained in the priority program
in the process map above as well as the
identification of development priority
programs in 2022. An explanation of the
description of activities from the KT.05.11
function map of the Tangerang City
Government can be seen in Table 3.2 and
Figure 3.3 below:
Table 2. Description of Business Process Level 2
Business Process Level 1
Community and
Village Empowerment
Community Empowerment Activities
in Ward
1742 | Architectural Design of Business Processes For Community Empowerment And Flexibility
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 132 Of 2022
Figure 7. Level 2 Business Process Map
Community Empowerment Activities in Ward
Figure 3.3 shows a more detailed
process of the KT.05 KT.05.11 Process,
namely the Community Empowerment
Program and Ward, which is a cross-
functional map of KT.05.11.CFM.01, namely
Community Empowerment Activities in
The level 3 business process map
illustrates the implementation of
Community Empowerment activities in
Ward. While on the level 4 business process
map is the verification and validation process
of the recipients of the Drainage Sakuran
Maintenance Package in Rw.04. On the
level 5 business process map is the process
of how data and information can be stored
and shared with other regional devices,
through an application system that can be
accessed together but in the accountability
of the data is carried out by each relevant
OPD who directly handles the data, in this
case, the Tangerang City PUPR Office.
Table 3. Level 3 Business Process Description
Business Process Level 2
Business Process Level 3
Community Empowerment
Activities in Ward
Inventory of Data and
Information on Facilities
and Infrastructure
Table 4. Description of Business Process Level 4
Business Process Level 3
Level 4 Business Process
Inventory of Data and
Information on Facilities and
KT.07.02 CFM.02
Drainage Channel
Package at Rw.04
Gerry Firmansyah
| 1743
Table 5. Level 5 Business Process Description
Business Process Level 5
CFM.01.01. KT.07.02 CFM.02
Drainage Channel
Maintenance Package at
Data verification and
validation -
Infrastructure Condition
On the level 5 business process
map, business processes are described by
alignment methods to be efficient using
Bussiness Process Modelling Notation
(BPMN), to describe flowchart techniques,
assembled to create graphical models of
business operations that contain activities
and flow controls that define the work
sequence in the form of diagrams used to
represent the sequence of activities
implicitly focused on a process, actions,
and activities. The depiction of BPMN for
activities related to Community and Village
Empowerment Activities is exemplified
starting from the preparation of the RKA,
preparation of DPA, verification and
validation of data, and monitoring of
physical development can be seen in the
following pictures below:
Figure 7. BPMN Business Process of RKA Preparation
Figure 8. BPMN Business Process of DPA Preparation
1744 | Architectural Design of Business Processes For Community Empowerment And Flexibility
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 132 Of 2022
Figure 9. BPMN Business Process Data Verification and Validation
Figure 10. BPMN Business Process Physical Development Monitoring
Based on the results of the discussion in this
study, several conclusions can be drawn,
1. Business processes are not optimal in the
use of information systems and
technology, so this study makes an
analysis and design of enterprise
architecture to align business strategies
and SI / IT strategies.
2. The design of a business process
architecture based on Presidential Decree
number 132 of 2022 mapping in this
phase produces a map of business
processes from level 0 to level 5, which
aims to provide guidelines for the
implementation of SPBE Tangerang City
in an integrated manner.
The level 0 business process map,
explains the entire process carried out to
achieve the vision and mission of
Tangerang City. The level 1 business
process map uses an example of depiction
Gerry Firmansyah
| 1745
through the field of local government
administration and public service of the
main process KT.05. The level 2 business
process map describes in detail the level 1
business processes and a cross-functional
map that illustrates the workflow and
interrelationships of regional devices from
programs in level 1 business processes. The
level 3 business process map illustrates the
implementation of Community
Empowerment activities in Ward. While on
the level 4 business process map is the
process of verifying and validating the
recipients of the Drainage Channel
Maintenance Package in Rw.04. On the level
5 business process map is the process of
how data and information can be stored
and shared with other regional devices,
through Data Inventory and Information of
Facilities and Infrastructure.
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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license