1837 | The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Tourism Visitor Satisfaction In Tanjung Sakti
(Sindang Panjang Agrotourism And Warm Water)
products provided, the higher the
satisfaction received by customers, it will be
able to generate profits for the company.
These types of experience consist of
sensory experiences (sense), effective
experiences (feel), cognitive (think),
physical and lifestyle experiences (act), and
experiences of social identity resulting from
reference groups or culture (relate) (Schmitt
in Dewi, 2013).
Experiential Marketing is marketing
that is carried out by creating experiences
for consumers, this marketing strategy is
based on the two-way nature between
brands and consumers, where consumers
are involved because they actively
participate in the experiences that
companies do for consumers. Experiential
Marketing allows consumers to play a role
in the success of experiential marketing, so
this type of marketing is also often known
as engagement marketing. This marketing
strategy can also be said to be almost the
same as the term event marketing, but it
must be understood that not all event
marketing can be considered as providing
a full experience to consumers.
Some of the advantages of experiential
marketing are:
1. Build authentic relationships with
2. Increase brand loyalty
3. Obtain data about customers
4. Social impact and word-of-mouth
5. Active understanding of
At this stage of experiential marketing,
producers see consumers as people who
have emotional value, namely a view that
emphasizes the relationship between
producers and consumers up to the stage
of receiving unforgettable experiences by
Experiential Marketing Dimensions and
Modules that can be used to create various
types of experiences, (Schmitt, 2017)
Strategy Experiential Modules (SEMs)
1. Sense
Sense marketing focuses on feelings to
create experiences through the five senses
of the customer. Since marketing can be
used to increase product value, the
indicators used in senses are sight, taste,
smell, and touch.
2. Feel
Fell is a strategy and implementation to
give brand influence to consumers through
communication (advertising), products
(packaging and contents), product identity
(co-branding), environment, websites, and
people who offer products. The goal is to
be able to influence the emotions and
moods of consumers, feelings are formed
by emotions, feelings, and moods.
3. Think
The goal of think marketing is to encourage
consumers to be interested and think
creatively so that they may be able to re-
evaluate the company and brand. Think has
indicators: convergent, divergent, surprise,
intrigue, and provocation.
4. Act
It is a marketing technique for creating
consumer experiences related to the
physical body, long-term behavior and
lifestyle, and experiences that occur from
interactions with other people. Indicators of
act interaction, action, and lifestyle.
5. Relate
Relate is a combination of the four aspects