JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 8, 1835 1845
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.59141/jrssem.v2i08.394 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Sastra Mico
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Lembah Dempo, Universitas di Pagar Alam, Sumatera Selatan,
e-mail: elvera@lembahdempo.ac.id, Sastramico@lembahdempo.ac.id
*Correspondence: elvera@lembahdempo.ac.id
: February 25
: March 16
: March 25
Abstract: This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of Experiential Marketing on
Visitor Satisfaction and to find out how much the Experiential Marketing Variable has on Visitor
Satisfaction in Tanjung Sakti Tourism in Sindang Panjang and Air Warm Agrotourism. This study
uses an associative research method with a quantitative approach. There are two variables used in
this study, namely Experiential Marketing (X) and Visitor Satisfaction (Y). This data collection was
obtained by distributing questionnaires to Tanjung Sakti Tourism Visitors at Sindang Panjang and
Air Warm Agrotourism. The sample used in this study was 100 respondents using Simple Linear
Statistical Analysis and Sampling techniques. The results of the Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Test in this study indicate that Experiential Marketing has a positive effect on visitor satisfaction. It
can be seen from the Simple Regression Analysis, namely: Y = 0.798 + 0.475. Which is a constant
value of 0.798, the regression coefficient value of Experiential Marketing has a positive effect, which
means that if the Experiential Marketing Strategy increases by one unit, visitor satisfaction will
increase by 0.475 units. The Experiential Marketing Strategy has a significant effect on Visitor
Satisfaction which can be seen from the results of the t-test where the significant value is 0.000,
which means it is smaller than 0.05 so the hypothesis is accepted.
Keywords: Experiential Marketing; Satisfaction.
Sastra Mico
With regional autonomy, each region
will try to develop its potential to stabilize
its finances so that they have a good impact
on its communities. One sector that gets
more attention in regional development is
tourism, the tourism industry has become
one of the industries that can be relied
upon to generate foreign exchange in
various countries (Kurnianto et al 2013).
Due to the phenomenon of the world
of tourism which has developed into a
worldwide industry and also a growing
business industry. Innovations are the main
factor in winning a business competition,
especially tourism destinations.
Destinations that are fully packaged such as
unique attractions and the best service will
have a competitive advantage and are
widely chosen by tourists. Indonesia has
great potential for tourism development
because of the diversity of culture,
language, customs, and natural conditions
it has to be used as a tourist attraction.
One of the marketing concepts that
can be used to influence consumer
emotions when visiting tourist attractions is
Experiential Marketing, which is a
marketing concept that not only provides
information and opportunities for
customers to gain experience for the
benefits gained but also evokes the
emotions and feelings they experience.
impact on marketing, especially sales.
Experiential Marketing is an unforgettable
experience or an experience that makes a
deep impression on the minds of
consumers (Lee et all 2011).
It can be said that experiential
marketing is a strategy or effort carried out
by business people to consumers so that
consumers get unforgettable real
experiences and give a deep impression of
the activities and stimuli provided by
business people to consumers who hope to
be able to increase sales and brand.
There are many tourist objects in Pagar
Alam and Tanjung Sakti with all their
strengths and weaknesses, but the author
chose the research object at Sindang
Panjang Agrotourism and Tanjung Sakti
Warm Water for research.
Definition of Experiential Marketing
Experiential Marketing is marketing
that offers products or services by
stimulating consumer emotional elements
that produce various experiences for
consumers (Schmitt in Kusumawati 2011).
One of the main essences of experiential
marketing is the creation of different types
of experiences for customers.
This experiential marketing is a
strategy or effort carried out by business
people for consumers so that consumers
get unforgettable real experiences and give
a deep impression of the activities and
stimuli provided by business people to
consumers who hope to be able to increase
sales and brand image/awareness.
In this stage of experiential marketing,
producers see the customer as a customer
who has emotional value, namely a view
that emphasizes the relationship between
the producer and the customer to the point
where the customer is not forgotten by the
customer. The higher the quality of service
1837 | The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Tourism Visitor Satisfaction In Tanjung Sakti
(Sindang Panjang Agrotourism And Warm Water)
products provided, the higher the
satisfaction received by customers, it will be
able to generate profits for the company.
These types of experience consist of
sensory experiences (sense), effective
experiences (feel), cognitive (think),
physical and lifestyle experiences (act), and
experiences of social identity resulting from
reference groups or culture (relate) (Schmitt
in Dewi, 2013).
Experiential Marketing is marketing
that is carried out by creating experiences
for consumers, this marketing strategy is
based on the two-way nature between
brands and consumers, where consumers
are involved because they actively
participate in the experiences that
companies do for consumers. Experiential
Marketing allows consumers to play a role
in the success of experiential marketing, so
this type of marketing is also often known
as engagement marketing. This marketing
strategy can also be said to be almost the
same as the term event marketing, but it
must be understood that not all event
marketing can be considered as providing
a full experience to consumers.
Some of the advantages of experiential
marketing are:
1. Build authentic relationships with
2. Increase brand loyalty
3. Obtain data about customers
4. Social impact and word-of-mouth
5. Active understanding of
At this stage of experiential marketing,
producers see consumers as people who
have emotional value, namely a view that
emphasizes the relationship between
producers and consumers up to the stage
of receiving unforgettable experiences by
Experiential Marketing Dimensions and
Modules that can be used to create various
types of experiences, (Schmitt, 2017)
Strategy Experiential Modules (SEMs)
1. Sense
Sense marketing focuses on feelings to
create experiences through the five senses
of the customer. Since marketing can be
used to increase product value, the
indicators used in senses are sight, taste,
smell, and touch.
2. Feel
Fell is a strategy and implementation to
give brand influence to consumers through
communication (advertising), products
(packaging and contents), product identity
(co-branding), environment, websites, and
people who offer products. The goal is to
be able to influence the emotions and
moods of consumers, feelings are formed
by emotions, feelings, and moods.
3. Think
The goal of think marketing is to encourage
consumers to be interested and think
creatively so that they may be able to re-
evaluate the company and brand. Think has
indicators: convergent, divergent, surprise,
intrigue, and provocation.
4. Act
It is a marketing technique for creating
consumer experiences related to the
physical body, long-term behavior and
lifestyle, and experiences that occur from
interactions with other people. Indicators of
act interaction, action, and lifestyle.
5. Relate
Relate is a combination of the four aspects
Sastra Mico
of experiential marketing, namely sense,
feel, think, and act. In general, related
experience shows relationships with other
people, and other groups (eg countries,
societies, and cultures).
Consumer Satisfaction
Definition of Consumer Satisfaction
Consumer satisfaction can be felt after
consumers compare their experiences in
purchasing goods/services from sellers or
providers of goods/services with the
expectations of the buyers themselves.
These expectations are formed through
their first experience in buying an
item/service, comments from friends and
acquaintances, as well as promises and
information from marketers and
competitors. Marketers who want to excel
in competition must pay attention to
consumer expectations and consumer
satisfaction. Satisfaction is when consumers
meet their needs, it is a consumer assessing
a product or service feature. This is a
decision that is obtained by consumers
related to fulfilling needs.
Satisfaction is the level of one's feelings
after comparing the perceived
performance/results with Oliver's
expectations. Customer satisfaction is
something that is the hope of companies,
especially in the hospitality sector.
Satisfaction is obtained when the needs
and desires of customers are met, while
human wants and needs are always
changing and have no limits. According to
Mill and Morrison (2019), tourism
destinations are described as a mix of
various items, which is abbreviated as
AFITH. These elements are 1) attraction, 2)
facilities, 3) infrastructure, 4) transportation,
and 5) hospitality.
Customer satisfaction is an individual's
perception of product or service
performance about the customer's
expectations. Each individual will have
different expectations. To achieve an
advantage in the tourism industry is to get
a lot of visitors and be able to outperform
competitors. For this reason, everyone
involved in it is required to be able to do a
better job, which fulfills and satisfies the
needs of tourists to the fullest. According to
Wyckoff, (in Tjiptono 2014: 268), service
quality is the level of excellence expected
and control over that level of excellence to
fulfill customer desires.
Conceptual Framework for Thinking
The conceptual framework in this study is the Effect of Experiential Marketing (x) on Visitor
Satisfaction (y)
Source: Data processed by the author, 2022
Experiential Marketing (X)
1. The five senses
2. Feelings
3. Think
4. Action
5. Relationships
Schmitt in Andriani (2017).
Consumer satisfaction (y)
1. Performance
2. Hope
Kotler & Armstrong (2012:13)
1839 | The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Tourism Visitor Satisfaction In Tanjung Sakti
(Sindang Panjang Agrotourism And Warm Water)
The method used in this research is
associative research, according to Sugiyono
(2012: 36), associative research is research
that aims to determine the relationship
between two or more variables, this
research has a high level compared to
descriptive and normative.
Validity test
Validity test to measure the extent to
which a tool can measure what it measures.
Testing is the correlation value (r) of all
variables and items. Validity testing is
carried out using the correlation coefficient
indicated by r-count>r table, where the r-
table value is 0.195, it is said to be valid. In
this study, validity testing was carried out
on the independent variables and the
dependent variable. After further data
processing, the results are obtained as in
the following table:
Table 1. Experiential Marketing Variable Instrument Item Validity Test Results
Based on the statement indicators on
Experiential Marketing (x) with 9 question
items, after the results of the validity test it
appears that all question items are valid,
they are said to be valid because they have
a correlation value above 0.195. So after
testing the results of the validity it appears
that all question items are said to be valid.
Table 2. Satisfaction Variable Instrument Item Validity Test Results
Sastra Mico
Based on the statement indicator table on
Visitor Satisfaction (y) with 4 question
items, after conducting the validity test
results it appears that all question items are
valid, said to be valid because they have a
correlation value above 0.195. So after
testing the results of the validity it appears
that all question items are said to be valid.
Reliability Test
Reliability is a measuring tool to show
the extent to which measurement results
can be trusted. The measurement results
can be trusted if several times
measurement of the same group of
subjects obtains the same results. As long
as the aspects of the subject being
measured have not changed. The criterion
is that the instrument has a high level of
reliability if the coefficient value is ≥ 0.60.
Table 3. Experiential Marketing Variable Reliability Test Results
Source: Processed by the Author, SPSS 0.18
In the table, the results of the reliability test
on the Experiential Marketing (X) variable
have a value of 0.937, so it can be
concluded that each statement item is
reliable, because it has Cronbach's alpha if
the item deletes value above 0.60.
Table 4. Visitor Satisfaction Variable Reliability Test Results (Y)
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
Source: Processed by the Author, SPSS 0.18
In the table, the results of the reliability
test on the Visitor Satisfaction variable (Y)
have a value of 0.895, so it can be
concluded that each statement item is
reliable, because it has a Cronbach's alpha
if the item delete value above 0.
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
1841 | The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Tourism Visitor Satisfaction In Tanjung Sakti
(Sindang Panjang Agrotourism And Warm Water)
Simple Linear Regression Test
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: totally
Source of Primary Data Processing Results Using SPSS 0.18 May 2022
Based on the equation in table 4
above, a simple linear regression equation
is obtained as follows: Y = -0.798 + 0.457X.
Therefore it can be explained that
Experiential Marketing has a significant
value of 0.000 <0.05, so Experiential
Marketing has a significant positive
influence on Visitor Satisfaction.
The t-test is used to determine whether
the independent variables partially have a
significant or not significant effect on the
dependent variable. The degree of
significance used is 0.5 if the significant
value is smaller than the degree of
significance, the alternative hypothesis is
accepted, which states:
HO accepted t-count<t-table at a = 5%
HO rejected t-count> t-table at a = 5%
a. Dependent Variable: TotalY
Based on the table above, it is
explained that the t-value is 22.113 and the
sig value is 0.000 or <0.05. So it can be
concluded based on the submission of the
hypothesis if the sig value <0.05 then the
submission of the hypothesis is accepted.
Thus the t-test hypothesis of the marketing
variable Experiential Marketing has a
significant positive effect and can be
accepted the direction of the positive
regression coefficient means that
Experiential Marketing has a partially
significant effect on Visitor Satisfaction.
The results of this study indicate that
the results of each independent variable
(Experiential Marketing) can be explained
based on the results of the Validity Test in
table 4 where all r-count statements are
Sastra Mico
greater than the r-table value (0.195) with
the lowest value 0.785 and the r-count
value the highest is 0.852 thus all
statements are said to be valid and meet
the requirements as a measuring tool for
Experiential Marketing Strategy. While the
statement of the dependent variable
(Visitor Satisfaction) shows that the r-count
value is greater than the r-table (0.195) with
the lowest r-count value of 0.832 and the
highest r-count value of 0.906. Thus the
entire variable statement is declared valid
and meets the requirements as a measuring
tool for the Visitor Satisfaction variable.
Based on the reliability test, it is known
that the Cronbach`S Alpha value is> 0.06 in
the Experiential Marketing (X) variable, and
the Cronbach`S Alpha value is 0.973 > 0.60,
so the statement items that measure the
Experiential Marketing variable are
declared reliable. As for the variable Visitor
Satisfaction (Y), the Cronbach`S Alpha value
is 0.895 > 0.60 so that the statement items
that measure the research variables are
declared reliable.
The beta coefficient value (B) of the
Experiential Marketing Variable is 0.475 and
the constant value (a) is 798. This indicates
that the effect of the Experiential Marketing
variable on Visitor Satisfaction is 22.113
between Experiential Marketing on Visitor
Satisfaction so the regression model
equation obtained by the promotion
strategy Y = -798+ 0.475X. The test results
of the Effect of Experiential Marketing on
Visitor Satisfaction show a Value (Sig) of
0.000. There is a positive effect between
Experiential Marketing on Visitor
satisfaction. The effect is significant (0.000
From the results of the studies above,
it means that the Experiential Marketing
Strategy is very important in marketing,
and can increase visitor satisfaction with
the products/services it sells in the process
of delivering products to
consumers/visitors and achieve company
goals in the form of optimal
product/service sales, then marketing
activities used as a benchmark for each
company. A business that does not have the
ability or has a weak ability to introduce
products through a promotional strategy
with experiential marketing, the business
can be left behind and a more effective
experiential marketing promotion strategy
may be carried out by competitors. A
business that does a good experiential
marketing promotion strategy can increase
consumer interest in visiting tourist
Then this research is also the same as
research conducted by (Rosita et al., 2015).
The results of the research on the
simultaneous effect of experiential
marketing on customer satisfaction at Sinar
Rahayu Negara supermarkets in 2014.
Show that experiential marketing has a
significant effect simultaneously on Sinar
Rahayu Negara supermarkets in 2014. This
can be seen from the results of t-count>t-
table or 88,933> 2.47 with a significant level
of 0.000 <0.05. The magnitude of the effect
of simultaneous experiential marketing on
customer satisfaction at Sinar Rahayu
Negara supermarkets in 2014 was 0.816 or
81.6%. Experiential Marketing has a
significant effect on customer satisfaction
at Sinar Rahayu Supermarkets in terms of
the sensory dimension. This is indicated by
the value of t-count = 2.534> t-table
1843 | The Influence of Experiential Marketing on Tourism Visitor Satisfaction In Tanjung Sakti
(Sindang Panjang Agrotourism And Warm Water)
1.98525 or p-value = m0.0013 <a=0.05.
This is both partially and
simultaneously by the theory put forward
by Garbarino & Johnson (2002), overall
satisfaction is based on the purchase and
experience of consuming goods and
services. A good and memorable
experience will create positive feelings or
feelings of satisfaction and emotion
towards the brand.
Based on the results of data analysis in
this study, it can be concluded as follows:
1. There is a positive and significant
influence from the Experiential Marketing
strategy on Visitor Satisfaction in Tanjung
Sakti tourism so that it can influence visitor
perceptions as indicated by the validity test
with t-count > t-table with the lowest t-
count (0.785) and the highest t-count
(0.906)>t-table (0.195).
2. From the results of the reliability test of
the Experiential Marketing (X) variable as
shown in the table, the Experiential
Marketing variable shows a Cronbach's
alpha value of 0.937, the Cronbach alpha
value of the Visitor Satisfaction variable (Y)
is 0.895 where the values of these two
variables show results that are Reliability
Coefficient with Cronbach values alpha is
greater than 0.6(>0.6) respectively.
3. It was found that there was a good effect
of the Experiential Marketing Strategy
variable on visitor satisfaction. An effort
that carried out a Promotional Strategy
with Experiential Marketing well could
increase visitor interest in traveling in
Tanjung Sakti. Based on partial testing (t-
test) the results of the study prove that the
Experiential Marketing Strategy has a
positive effect and has a significant value
(sig) of 0.000 in the coefficient table with a
value of ɑ (significant degree) 0.05 means
0.000 or there is a significant influence of
Experiential Marketing on Satisfaction
Visitors. Simple linear regression test results
from 0.000. With a significant value of 0.000
<0.05 with a constant value of Y = 798 +
0.457X, that visitor satisfaction has a
significant influence on Experiential
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