Christabella Gunawan | 1815
Gazette, Supplement to the Regional
Gazette, or Regional News.
The Job Creation Law was sentenced to
formal defects, but according to data
provided by the Coordinating Ministry for
Economic Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia on the website:
uu-cipta-kerja/, this Omnibus Law obeys
the procedure for promulgating a law.
Meanwhile, the reason why the
Constitutional Court has ruled that the Job
Creation Law is flawed is that there was one
argument by the applicant who protested
about this OMNIBUS LAW, which the
Constitutional Court considered related to
the uncertainty of whether the Job Creation
Law was in the form of a new law, a change
law, or a repeal law. The Panel of Judges
said that the biggest substance of the Job
Creation Law was changed to several laws.
There are at least 77 amendment laws and
1 amended repeal law in the Job Creation
Law. Where according to Law No. 12 of
2011, neither the amendment law nor the
repeal law must be accompanied by the
words 'change' and 'repeal'. This is what is
not in the title of the Job Creation Law so it
is considered not to meet the standard
standards (Pratama, 2021).
Because there is no longer a basis for
closing various protests, the Constitutional
Court seeks to balance various interests by
adhering to structural functionalism and
making the Job Creation Law flawed by the
1945 NRI Constitution. Even if the
benchmark in the articles of the 1945 NRI
Constitution Article 22 A then there will be
no formal testing because the 1945 NRI
Constitution contains only principles and
there is no clear regulation in terms of
formal and procedural aspects.
2. A law has binding legal force from
the moment it is promulgated. However,
some provisions can be implemented
immediately, but some require
implementing regulations. The legal force
of the Job Creation Law as long as its status
is conditionally unconstitutional after the
Constitutional Court decision can still be
carried out by what is written in the Job
Creation Law because what is declared
defective is the process that must be
corrected for two years within the time
stipulated by the Constitutional Court.
The job creation law in its legal force
remains constitutional and applicable and
only the process where it is referred to
formally is unconstitutional. To avoid a
greater impact, both the progress of the
Job Creation Law and protests from the
public, the implementation of the Job
Creation Law was overcome for a period of
two years. All strategies and far-reaching
implementations and the establishment of
new implementing regulations are not
allowed to be carried out during the 2 (two)
year grace period. This is of course contrary
to what was conveyed by the Legal Tribunal
in the Main Case submitted by the
Constitutional Court where if the Law is
contrary to the 1945 NRI Constitution, the
Law does not have binding legal force.
From the above, it can be known if a
formal defect is possible for a material
defect to exist in this Job Creation Law. The
legal facts of the procedure for the
establishment of Law No. 11 of 2020 are:
- does not meet the principle of clarity
and clarity of formulation
- The Provision of Space for the
Participation of the Community is Not