1211 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Tourism
Through Village Tourism. To increase
community empowerment and
independence and local caring groups in
overcoming poverty in their area;
increasing community capital such as
critical awareness, social and cultural
potential, and local wisdom; increasing the
capacity of local governments in providing
services to the community, through tourism
development policies that are integrated
and pro-poor; increasing access to capital,
innovation, and utilization of appropriate
technology, information, and
communication in community
empowerment; building cross-sector
partnerships to support tourism
development in tourist kampung. To realize
the function of a tourist kampung from the
regulations above, a Tourism Awareness
Group or Kelompok Sadar Wisata
(Pokdarwis) was formed in the community
consisting of three main actors, namely the
Government by its duties and authorities to
carry out its role and function as a facilitator
and regulator in tourism development
activities. The private sector (business
actors/tourism industry) with their
resources, capital, and networks carry out
their roles and functions as developers and
or executors of the development of tourism
activities, and communities with their
resources, whether in the form of customs,
traditions and culture and their capacities,
play a role as a host, but also at the same
time have the opportunity as a tourist
awareness. What is meant by the
community, in this case, is described as a
form of public awareness to play an active
role in the following 2 (two) matters,
namely: a) The community is aware of its
role and responsibility as a good host for
visiting guests or tourists to create an
environment and conducive atmosphere as
stated in the Sapta Pesona slogan. b) The
community is aware of their rights and
needs to become tourism actors or tourists
to travel to a tourist destination, as a form
of basic need for recreation and especially
in knowing and loving the homeland.
Kampungs in the city of Semarang
have also begun to be developed since this
regulation was issued. Tourism awareness
groups have begun to emerge from
kampung that has the potential to be
marketed, rather than those whose
function is as dwelling places. In Semarang
itself, until now, there have been 63 tourism
awareness groups to develop kampung
according to Sistem Informasi Kebudayaan
dan Pariwisata (Dinas Kebudayaan dan
Pariwisata Kota Semarang, 2022). Kampung
Pelangi in Semarang itself is located in
Kampung Randusari within the
administrative area of Semarang Selatan
District, Semarang City. Kampung Pelangi
consists of Rukun Warga (RW) 3 and 4
which are located in Kampung Randusari,
South Semarang District, Semarang City.
The total area of this area is approximately
±4 Ha (Badan Pusat Statistik Kota
Semarang, 2021). Because this kampung
has a high population density of 566
people/Ha it considered a slum and is
located in the center of Semarang city, the
location of which is a hill in the middle of
the city makes this slum area very
prominent and gives the impression of
making an unpleasant sight. On April 15,
2017, the Mayor of Semarang Hendrar
Prihadi, S.E, M.M started the declaration of
Kampung Pelangi, Semarang City to