JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 6, 1203 1220
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.390 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Sherley Ika Christanti
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
e-mail: sherley.ika@ui.ac.id
*Correspondence: sherley[email protected]
: 15
December 2023
: 04
January 2023
: 27
January 2023
Abstract: Kampung Pelangi is one of the trends used to dress up several villages in Indonesia so
that they have selling points to help the community develop more in advancing their villages. The
villages that become Pelangi villages have quite similar types of village problems, namely villages
that are densely populated with the majority of the population being the lower middle class. This
ward is located by the river and has a hillside site and is in the center of the city. This gave rise to a
phenomenon where an urban village became an object of public spectacle. Coupled with easy
digital access to promote goods for sale, including the beauty of the village, this has made the
village an object to be watched and enjoyed rather than simply defined as a place to live. What is
witnessed or shown is a scenario planned by the community and the village government, by
looking for the potential that exists in people's lives, then raised and highlighted as the attraction
of the village spectacle. This paper discusses how Kampung in Indonesia developed within the
scope of the city of Semarang and ended up becoming a trend of dressing up as a village in the
modern era with the case study of Kampung Pelangi to reveal the extent to which the level of
spectacle created in reality in urban areas. villages in Indonesia seen from the Kampung Pelangi
Keywords: Kampung Pelangi; Spectacle; Modern kampung; City.
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1204
In the last decade, there has been a
trend to dress up kampung in cities so that
they have a selling point and help the
community develop their kampung. The
kampung development towards Kampung
tourism included in government
regulations about the development of
village tourism, Minister of Culture and
Tourism Regulation Number: Pm.26/
Um.001/ Mkp/ 2010 Pedoman Umum
Program Nasional Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat (PNPM) Independent Tourism
Through Tourism village. In this case,
kampungs are treated as equals to villages.
Implementing this policy will certainly
have a different impact on each kampung.
Looking at the various efforts of the
government and the society to beautify
their kampung so that tourists can visit,
makes a phenomenon where kampungs are
transformed into a public spectacle object.
Coupled with easy digital access to
promote goods, it has increasingly caused
a kampung to become an object to watch
and enjoy, more than just its definition as a
place to live. What is watched or shown is a
scenario planned by the community and
the government for the kampung, by
looking for the potential that exists in the
community's life, then raised and
highlighted as a spectacle point of
attraction for the kampung, while the
community is obliged to adapt to this new
Guy Debord said that "In societies
where modern conditions of production
prevail, all life presents as an immense
accumulation of
. Everything that
was directly lived has moved away into a
representation." (Debord, 1967) The
modern spectacle in question describes the
response given by society to that
environment. Reality depends on how
society interprets the image. This image is
created from the 'face' of the kampung
which is dressed up by the people who are
triggered by the authorities or the
government so the city’s face becomes
more beautiful.
One of the kampungs to be discussed
is the rainbow kampung. The Kampung
Pelangi is one of the solutions to the
kampung renovation that the government
has often offered several times to address
the problems of kampungs in the middle of
big cities. The kampungs that were made
into Kampung Pelangi have quite similar
types of kampung problems, namely, they
are densely populated kampungs with the
majority of the population being lower
middle class. This city kampung is on the
edge of a river bank and has a hillside and
is in the middle of the city.
In researching this phenomenon, this
paper will focus on one object of the
Kampung Pelangi in Semarang because this
kampung is considered successful in
bringing about an image change to
become a very significant spectacle for the
kampung community itself and the public
opinion of the kampung. The face of
Kampung Pelangi, which used to be a slum,
is dressed in colorful colors to cover up the
realities that exist in the kampung. The
realities in the kampung are covered up by
the beautiful faces shown in the media
which are then interpreted by the public
(spectators) as something positive, even
though they don't necessarily see how it is
behind the scenes. The people in the
1205 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
kampung also have to adjust to the new
culture to maintain their new image. But "To
what extent does this spectacle process
appear in the Kampung Pelangi?".
In this paper, research on the Spectacle
in Semarang is qualitative historical
research, by constructing an understanding
of the spectacle starting from the notion of
the spectacle expressed by Guy Debord in
the “Society of Spectacles” as the main
theory and Lefebvre's theory regarding the
creation of extraordinary/ marvelous/
spectacular things, then linking it to the
Kampung phenomenon. Pelangi in
Semarang from the main character,
spectator, situation, and canvas aspects.
Spectacle Theory of Urban Space &
Kampung in Indonesia
a. The spectacle of Urban Space as a
To study spectacle, there must be an
understanding of it as a phenomenon that
happened in modern architecture.
According to Leach (2005),
Phenomenology may be defined as the
study of how phenomena appear. However,
this is not limited to the visual domain.
Phenomenology demands receptivity to
the full ontological potential of human
experience. He also mentioned that
phenomenology is always about social life.
In his introduction, Leach (2005) also
mentions that for Heidegger and Gadamer
his student, the work of art ‘represents’
some form of symbolic truth, while for
Lefebvre the process takes on an overtly
political twist. Urban symbolism that is
never separated from politics is very close
to what these two views mention. In
addition to the idealism of a beautiful city,
the architectural representation of the city's
space can also be seen from the life of the
people behind the invisible screen.
The architecture of big cities in
Indonesia generally has two realities,
namely superblocks and kampung which
represent phenomena within the city. This
research will specifically discuss Kampung
which grows amid society. Kampung is a
place to live for urban people who tend to
have different backgrounds. Martin
Heidegger (Leach, 2005), a
phenomenologist who observes the
problem situations of world society, states
that the nature of a building is to be lived
in/inhabited, achieved by combining its
spaces. He also mentions To dwell, to be
set at peace, means to remain at peace
within the free, the preserve, the free
sphere that safeguards each thing in its
nature. The fundamental character of
dwelling is this sparing and preserving.
Supposedly, a house in a kampung as a
place to live will have this function to
protect the people who inhabit it.
The function of this dwelling then
shifts because technology and media enter
to interrupt social life, from just living to
becoming the face of the city as the urban
symbolism that closely depicts community
life in the city. Symbol according to Hans-
Georg Gadamer, who is a student of
Heidegger, a phenomenologist who
emphasizes how understanding is
conditioned culturally and depends on the
effectiveness of historical awareness, is a
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1206
manifestation to present something that
exists and not merely to designate
something that does not exist. “.. A symbol
is not merely to point to something that is
not present. Instead, a symbol manifests as
present something present” (Gadamer in
Leach, 2005). He also mentioned that
architecture gives shape to space by
encompassing and providing space for all
forms of representation: works of art,
ornaments, the art of representational
poetry, music acts, and dance (Gadamer in
Leach, 2005). What he means is architecture
as a representation, providing social space
in all aspects, both physically and non-
physically. This can be seen by the symbols
depicted in the architectural spaces in the
kampung like physical architecture and
Media and technology now make
these symbols read more easily and clearly
through the images that are formed in
society about architecture itself. People will
immediately be able to understand and
even judge a phenomenon sufficiently from
the image that is spread among them. This
image then becomes a very important
aspect of architecture. Of course, the desire
to have a good image in society is a human
desire in general. Likewise, architecture,
both houses, and buildings, and even in
urban spaces in Indonesia, which is more
often highlighted is a beautiful image.
On the other hand, Lefebvre (1991)
Says that The city is the locus of
capitalism's most intense contradictions: ...
of which governmental urban planning is
one of its most obvious manifestations;
then by tracing the development of urban
space will be able to describe how the
spectacle product is formed. He also
mentions in his essay The Critique of
Everyday Life” (1991) that While being
careful not to deny the importance of the
main actors, a deeper study of history takes
into account the whole: the audience, the
situation, and the canvas of the commedia
dell'arte. Very large. These four aspects will
become the scope of discussion of the
urban space spectacle in the three phases
of spectacularism or those that are
considered extraordinary. The first phase is
when there is awareness of the desire to get
out of the ordinary, sometimes even
considered strange or unusual, and
eventually, become something acceptable
in society. The second phase is when
something strange or extraordinary
(spectacular) begins to become part of
society. Quoting Lefebvre (1991) who said
“'The extraordinary new realm' is no longer
extraordinary.” He said this was no longer a
question of the extraordinary but of the
strange or striking, merely the effect of
sheer surprise and exoticism. Then proceed.
The third phase is when this so-called
extraordinary thing only operates at the
level of everyday life. The extraordinary
should turn everyday life inward, to find
another, much more interesting side. These
three processes are going to be the main
method to identify how spectacle will be
Foucault, who is a follower of post-
structuralism, also says the image of the
city is not only about the people but also
various other aspects and has different
truths and meanings. He sees that
developments in this world are still very
much shaped and influenced by those in
power. The utopia of idealism that is
deliberately created often obscures the
1207 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
realities that occur in society. As Foucault
risks expressing, “total history seeks to
reconstitute the overall form of a
civilization, the principle material or
spiritual - of a society, the significance
common to all the phenomena of a period,
the law that accounts for their cohesion -
what is called metaphorically the 'face' of a
period” (Foucoult, 1969) The word 'face'
here is intriguing about urban space,
especially spaces that are deliberately
changed to make things stand out.
Dressing up the face of the city, including
kampung, seems to focus on 'face', but in
the current era, this kind of representation
is easily accepted by the people of
Indonesia. It is just a utopia that covers up
a bad image that needs to get rid of or at
least to hide it.
This creates a spectacle phenomenon
which is the main focus of this research. The
spectacle is derived from the Latin
specere/specter which means to be seen
and spectacular which means a public
show. In the Oxford dictionary, spectacle
also means a visually striking show or
appearance, or an event or scene in terms
of its visual impact. From the meaning itself,
it can be understood that the visual aspect
of the spectacle is the most prominent. Guy
Debord stated in the Society of Spectacles
that The spectacle that falsifies reality is
nevertheless a real product of that reality.
Conversely, real life is materially invaded by
the contemplation of the spectacle and
ends up absorbing it and aligning itself with
it. Objective reality is present on both sides.
Each of these seemingly fixed concepts has
no other basis than its transformation into
its opposite: reality emerges within the
spectacle, and the spectacle is real. This
reciprocal alienation is the essence and
support of the existing society” This
describes how life in today's modern
society the image of outer beauty that is
highlighted as utopian in the media makes
the audience distracted from the side of
reality that is considered bad. This is done
by creating new spaces between the
realities in society. Guy Debord said, "In
societies where modern conditions of
production prevail, all life presents as an
immense accumulation of
Everything that was directly lived has
moved away into a representation"
(Debord, 1967). The modern spectacle in
question describes the response given by
society to that environment. The resulting
reality depends on how society interprets
the image.
Debord (1967) also mentioned that in
societies where modern conditions of
production prevail, all of life presents itself
as an immense accumulation of
Everything that was directly lived has
moved away into a representation. What is
meant by spectacle here is not a collection
of images, but social relations between
people mediated by images. Then this
seems uncontrollable in the present, it will
be interpreted fundamentally, even
unilaterally, without dialogue when
translating the image, regardless of the
background and other considerations
regarding the image. “When culture is
nothing more than a commodity, it must
also be the star of a spectacular society.
(Debord, 1967) This causes culture to
become the main spectacle which is finally
highlighted in the development of modern
urban spaces. And this cannot be separated
from the role of the authorities, in this case,
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1208
the government who finally decided to
direct the development of urban kampung,
where the search for the cultural potential
to increase the function of tourism as an
excuse to improve the community's
economy at the expense of the community
itself as a spectacle. This is also still very
much in line with Debord's view of The
spectacle is the other side of money: it is
the general abstract equivalent of all
commodities” (Debord, 1967). But
unfortunately, the spectacle is nothing
more than an image of a collection of
happiness, in this case, beauty, which is
surrounded by sadness and fear hidden in
the serenity of the city's space. What
happens in these hidden spaces is what we
call social reality in kampung communities.
b. Politic consumerism in kampung
It was discussed earlier; the spectacle is
never separated from the role of the
authorities and the people who intervene
to shape it. This process is caused by the
political interests of each party as
consumers to meet their economic needs.
According to Ramadhan, space is a limited
resource. Space, including land, buildings,
and their forms and functions, is available
in limited quantities. Unless there are
certain efforts to expand or change shape.
(Ramadan, 2018). He then understood the
concept of space in the concept of spatial
politics and governance in this area by
dividing it into five aspects, namely: First, as
a limited resource, there is contestation in
the production of space. Second, because
the number is limited, the available space
must function optimally. That is, there is a
rational choice to function space. This then
makes space tend to be capitalized by the
actors in it. The space must generate an
economic advantage. Third, space will then
become an instrument for increasing PAD
Pendapatan Asli Daerah
) or local
government revenue. This makes space in
the region function as a commodity. Fourth,
space can be an instrument of bargaining
and political transactions. The fifth thing
that Ramadan revealed was about the
distribution of space when there is
contestation in the production of space.
Regions (or cities) with capitalistic character
development will marginalize people who
are dealing with unequal economic
distribution and access to (Ramadlan,
From another view, Minanto (2018)
also reveals some of the political concepts
of space consumerism as follows: The
concept of space as a place for pleasure
(jouissance/enjoyment) expressed by
Slavoc Zizek (in Minanto, 2018) becomes
the spirit and orientation that drives
residents' routines. The Middle-class
concept. Consumerism is equivalent to the
growth of the (new) middle class in urban
areas. The phenomenon of the emergence
of a new middle class in Indonesia which is
closely related to consumptive behavior is
no longer enough to be interpreted as a
lifestyle to simply represent symbolic values
that imply certain status and social class
but also influence citizenship practices. And
Everyday politics. Cities not only form the
character of consumerism for the middle
class but also for groups that are
considered marginal and subordinate.
Meanwhile, Baudrillard in his writing La
Societe de Consummation (Baudrillard,
1970) said that in consumerism the act of
obtaining a product and the association of
advertising and marketing the product
1209 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
becomes equal or more important than the
product itself. Because of the importance of
the mass media, it can be said that
consumption is a communication system
regulated by the media. Consumers in this
case are the general public who are
targeted to enjoy a temporary utopia,
taking a break from the tiring bustle of the
city. This desire to take a short break creates
a demand for spectacle products in the
middle of the city so that community actors
emerge who use this opportunity to make
their products whether they are the
government, commercial companies, or the
people themselves. Supported by the
power of the media which is very fast, this
product becomes a spectacle that finally
represents the life of urban society. Klaus
Beinsenbach, director of ps1 MoMA, in one
of his meetings told Andres Jaque (Jaque &
Walker, 2017) "What I want is something
that people can post on Instagram." From
here MoMa would like to convey that the
media is a very important factor nowadays
to attract public attention. If the
consumerism needs of society lead to the
creation of architectural spectacle products,
then it is the media that will shape today's
society's architectural products.
These views mutually support what is
happening in the formation of consumerist
political space today where space is used by
the government for political agendas and
society as they need a place to have fun
then media interrupting as the one that
shaped the spectacle.
c. Development of Kampung in
Besides that, to understand the
spectacle as a political space, it is necessary
to look at it from the perspective of the
formation of kampung as a place to live in
the middle of a city that is developing in the
modern era of Indonesia.
According to Abidin Kusno (2009),
Kampung is the language used in the
reform era to address the life of the urban
metropolis of Indonesia. Its diverse society
has become an urban reality that has issues
such as a shift in class identity which has
become a kampung phenomenon itself.
Kampung is often located in urban centers.
Sometimes, it is an abandoned slum area,
though often it is a rural area covered by
urban sprawl. Kampung was originally built
as spaces which then through a process of
intensification of development absorbed
more and more people moving to live in
kampung (Colombijn, Khusyairi, Coté, &
Rabani, 2011). Johny et al (2011)
understand the kampung as a joint
settlement that appears out of nowhere,
not part of a road arrangement plan and
building placement. So that the impression
of being messy, dirty, and disorganized is
very close when talking about kampung.
The emergence of kampung after the
independence period was triggered by
technological developments that were only
centered on cities, causing urbanization,
and migration of Kampung to cities in
search of work and a new life. This became
uncontrollable because the government
during the Old Order focused on city
modernization. And even though it began
to be touched in the New Order era,
kampungs are still a negative problem from
the face of the metropolitan city even
though the government has the desire to
develop these areas. During Suharto's
reign, the government began to pay
attention to the arrangement of the
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1210
kampung, even though in most cases the
people were vulgarly moved to a new place.
From here came activists who were
concerned about small communities living
in kampung that were considered slums
and had to be relocated. From here the
term People's architecture began to appear.
"People's Architecture is part of the
architectural world's efforts to elevate
human life to be more dignified."
According to Djarot (2015), the pioneer of
this term was J. B. Mangunwijaya who was
concerned with how architecture was only
close to the elitists, and that slum areas
were no longer healthy and proper places
for human dignity to live. Folk architecture
wants to improve people's lives by starting
to see the people as clients who must be
served. Kali Code is the work of Romo
Mangun which is very popular where Romo
Mangun applies the principles of his
Wastucitra architecture which wants to
humanize humans. Kali Code then inspired
the architecture of kampung in Indonesia
until now, including Kampung Pelangi itself.
At the end of the 20th century, Indonesian
architects had begun to touch the lower
middle class, although, in the end, they
could only reach the middle class in the
middle of the kampung and not the poor,
due to economic constraints. As a result,
until now we still see that Kampung
architecture is still growing in the same
pattern amid increasingly dense urban life.
In 1999, IAI proclaimed a new mantra that
Indonesian Architecture in the next
millennium is "Architecture that serves the
community" (Kusno, 2009) with efforts to
approach society through architecture and
urban planning as a response to post-
Suharto social change.
Until now it is still seen that the
kampung is the antithesis of the ideal of
modern cities, and the kampung is largely
still defined by its shortcomings (Colombijn
& Coté, Modernization of the Indonesian
City, 19201960, 2015). Therefore, the next
government also began to encourage the
development of kampung by making
regulations for Kampung planning which
were considered to 'tarnish' the beauty of
urban areas in a city, especially big cities.
One of the efforts to rearrange the
kampung which is considered messy and
slum is to turn it into a tourist area. Thus,
the function of residence is shifted to
become an economic or commercial
function. In addition, in the last decade, the
government has also begun to think about
how to touch the community and involve
them in beautifying urban spaces while
introducing the term people's architecture.
The term People's Architecture is then
addressed to architectural designs that
have a societal aspect, from concept to
construction which involves the people and
the community as the priority. However, by
inviting the masses to come, kampung life
then becomes a spectacle in the media,
coupled with the current rapid
development of technology, it is very easy
to access the media.
Discussion of Kampung Pelangi
a. Background
Village development policies towards
tourist kampung are included in
government regulations regarding the
development of tourist kampung, Minister
of Culture and Tourism Regulation Number:
Pm.26/Um.001/Mkp/2010 Pedoman
Umum Program Nasional Pemberdayaan
1211 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Tourism
Through Village Tourism. To increase
community empowerment and
independence and local caring groups in
overcoming poverty in their area;
increasing community capital such as
critical awareness, social and cultural
potential, and local wisdom; increasing the
capacity of local governments in providing
services to the community, through tourism
development policies that are integrated
and pro-poor; increasing access to capital,
innovation, and utilization of appropriate
technology, information, and
communication in community
empowerment; building cross-sector
partnerships to support tourism
development in tourist kampung. To realize
the function of a tourist kampung from the
regulations above, a Tourism Awareness
Group or Kelompok Sadar Wisata
(Pokdarwis) was formed in the community
consisting of three main actors, namely the
Government by its duties and authorities to
carry out its role and function as a facilitator
and regulator in tourism development
activities. The private sector (business
actors/tourism industry) with their
resources, capital, and networks carry out
their roles and functions as developers and
or executors of the development of tourism
activities, and communities with their
resources, whether in the form of customs,
traditions and culture and their capacities,
play a role as a host, but also at the same
time have the opportunity as a tourist
awareness. What is meant by the
community, in this case, is described as a
form of public awareness to play an active
role in the following 2 (two) matters,
namely: a) The community is aware of its
role and responsibility as a good host for
visiting guests or tourists to create an
environment and conducive atmosphere as
stated in the Sapta Pesona slogan. b) The
community is aware of their rights and
needs to become tourism actors or tourists
to travel to a tourist destination, as a form
of basic need for recreation and especially
in knowing and loving the homeland.
Kampungs in the city of Semarang
have also begun to be developed since this
regulation was issued. Tourism awareness
groups have begun to emerge from
kampung that has the potential to be
marketed, rather than those whose
function is as dwelling places. In Semarang
itself, until now, there have been 63 tourism
awareness groups to develop kampung
according to Sistem Informasi Kebudayaan
dan Pariwisata (Dinas Kebudayaan dan
Pariwisata Kota Semarang, 2022). Kampung
Pelangi in Semarang itself is located in
Kampung Randusari within the
administrative area of Semarang Selatan
District, Semarang City. Kampung Pelangi
consists of Rukun Warga (RW) 3 and 4
which are located in Kampung Randusari,
South Semarang District, Semarang City.
The total area of this area is approximately
±4 Ha (Badan Pusat Statistik Kota
Semarang, 2021). Because this kampung
has a high population density of 566
people/Ha it considered a slum and is
located in the center of Semarang city, the
location of which is a hill in the middle of
the city makes this slum area very
prominent and gives the impression of
making an unpleasant sight. On April 15,
2017, the Mayor of Semarang Hendrar
Prihadi, S.E, M.M started the declaration of
Kampung Pelangi, Semarang City to
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1212
increase the physical meaning of the area
by painting buildings and the environment
to form harmony, environmental harmony,
and the beauty of the city. The next goal is
to realize tourism in "waterfront city” which
is integrated with the existence of the
Tugumuda and Lawangsewu areas thereby
increasing the economic value of the area.
The two objectives above are carried out in
stages starting from the planning stage for
kampung arrangement, the environmental
improvement stage by arranging
community houses on the riverbank and
repairing houses that are not proper,
painting, Environmental Management, and
making river embankments, marketing, and
community empowerment: forming
tourism awareness groups or Kelompok
Sadar Wisata (pokdarwis).
After the painting was finished, their
rebranding from Gunung Brintik or
Kampung Randusari became Kampung
Pelangi. The Pokdarwis then started
spreading their promotions in the media to
invite tourists to enjoy the view of the
middle of Semarang City from the top of
the hill while taking pictures amidst the
colorful utopia of the kampung. The guests
who came were treated to a lively
atmosphere from the decorations made by
the community when they filled the empty
spaces between the kampung. And finally,
this Kampung Pelangi becomes an
interesting spectacle of attractions in the
middle of the city.
b. Creation of spectacle Kampung Pelangi
1. Desire to Get Out of The Common
The picture above illustrates the
location of Kampung Pelangi as a
settlement in the center of Semarang city
with the characteristics of a seaside city of
Indonesia in general. There are buildings
from the Colonial era, which have city
landmarks and stand superblock buildings
that dominate the main streets covering
the kampung community behind them.
Here Kampung Pelangi, which is located on
a hill, can be seen from the side of the road
which has been neatly arranged, so before
the renovation, it was considered a view
that deviated from the beauty of the city
because it was very crowded and dirty.
From here comes the desire to stand in line
with the surrounding environment.
This is the first phase that Lefebvre
mentioned arises when there is an
awareness of the desire to get out of the
'ordinary thing'. In the context of Kampung
Pelangi Semarang, this impetus comes
from two main actors, namely the
government and the people of Kampung
Pelangi. Even though the idea of turning
Kampung Wonosari into a Kampung
Pelangi seems impure because as said by
the chairman of the Kampung Pelangi
Pokdarwis, Mr. Slamet, he wants to refer to
the Trend with the hope of becoming
Kampung Pelangi which is not only in the
form of face-ups but also an increase in
what is called slum upgrading. "Initially he
Image 1: Location of Kampung Pelangi in between the
center of Semarang city. Hiding in between the city’s
landmarks. (Google Map, 2021)
1213 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
wanted to be like Kali Code," he said when
he revealed that apart from his idea being
inspired by the colorful Kampung Pelangi,
Pak Slamet also hoped for the success of
Kali Code as a slum upgrade from a slum to
a well-known role model kampung.
Examples of colorful kampung that
have existed are Kampung Jodipan and
Kampung Pelangi 200 in Bandung. Even
though they were in different locations, the
kampungs which were eventually called
Kampung Pelangi had several urban
problems in common, namely being
densely populated kampung with the
majority of the lower middle-class
population, on the edge of a riverbank and
having hillsides and being on the middle of
the city. So it seems that Kampung Pelangi
is considered one of the solutions to
address this type of urban kampung
problem. It is good enough that this
concept is repeatedly used in cities in
Indonesia. Aside from similar site problems,
these kampungs have different goals and
concepts of Kampung Pelangi. Like
Kampung Pelangi 200 in Bandung, which is
named after the nominal compensation
money received by residents after moving
from the land that is now being built by
Saboga. When compared to Kampung
Jodipan, there is a difference in choosing
the color of the paint, Kampung Jodipan is
lighter with the coloring up to the roof,
while in Kampung 200, the paint is darker
and the coloring is only on the walls.
In Kampung Wonosari, this idea later
reappeared and was accepted by the
Semarang government at that time, and
then included it in planning for kampung
improvement by forming the Kampung
Pelangi Pokdarwis organization. With the
integration mentioned in the previous
chapter, the development of Kampung
Pelangi was implemented with government
sponsorship in collaboration with the third
main actor, namely a paint company for
promotional purposes. Communities are
financed and empowered to be creative
among spaces within kampung. This
economic support encouraged the
community to renovate kampung because
they got temporary jobs.
After the formation of the Pokdarwis
and all the preparations made for the initial
stages of renovation, kampung began to be
renovated, starting from the river area to
houses and areas for pedestrians.
Image 2: Kampung Pelangi 200 Bandung
(YourBandung, 2018)
Image 3: Kampung Jodipan (Tamami, 2022)
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1214
Before it was renovated, this kampung,
called a slum, had a typology of houses
with hilly footprints that made the house
design terraced and had different height
levels, with very narrow spaces between
houses so that only motorbikes could enter,
even some roads could only be passed on
foot. The finishing materials used tend to
be typical, with exposed brick finishing
which is considered less aesthetic,
especially because many of them are mossy
and lots of trash is scattered everywhere.
The orientation of each house is different
and paths or areas that can be traversed are
built between the houses in the kampung.
Then the houses that were renovated
became more livable, with the same
characteristics, only with a colorful paint
finish. The footpath was improved by
adding steps that were safer for walking.
The Kali Semarang River, which forms
the line between the main road and the
kampung, is very murky and unkempt so
blockages often occur. The government,
through local contractors, is building river
irrigation. Initially, the riverbanks did not
have a strong foundation to support the
houses, so they had the opportunity for
landslides. A foundation and a road were
made in front of the house, as well as a road
by the river for a more comfortable
pedestrian. Followed by the community
who work together to clean the river so that
the river banks are clean and well
The role of the kampung community
and the government here a key role in
creating new, more lively spaces. In
addition to painting and renovating houses
and their surroundings, at first, the
government launched the idea for several
parts of the walls to be painted with
wayang images as Javanese icons by
inviting artists there. In the process,
residents began to participate by adding
accessories besides paintings on the walls
of their houses as canvases to express that
they were interested in the idea of painting
Image 4: Kampung Pelangi before renovation
(Budi, 2017)
Image 5: Kampung Pelangi after renovation
(Sikidang, 2018)
Image 6: Kampung Pelangi as Spectacles.
Spectators came to Kampung Pelangi to
Enjoy the new tourist destination (Queen,
1215 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
At the same time, through the
Pokdarwis programs, the kampung
community has also started looking for
ideas to increase the income of these
visiting tourists by creating souvenirs with
the label 'Kampung Pelangi' as a brand to
promote. In this phase, the media is an
influential aspect in shaping the "face" of
Kampung Pelangi. It began with an
invitation from the Semarang City
Government for Semarang residents to
participate in creating drawings of the
spaces in kampung which were used as
canvases for self-expression. After that, it
started getting into news coverage and
inviting the wider community to visit the
kampung. Starting from just taking
pictures, or learning about the kampung
culture, it becomes a trend from 2017 to
2018 which brings local and international
visitors to watch this.
During the branding process,
Kampung Pelangi as the Spectacle which
had just been renovated became the center
of attention of the community as
spectators. Previously, when people only
passed through this area to carry out city
activities, they began to turn their eyes to
the kampung which was painted in very
bright and striking colors. With the rapid
spread of information media, people
outside Pelangi started arriving to watch
and take pictures. Coupled with the
frequent art exhibitions held after it was
formed, it has become an attraction for
tourists outside Semarang and even
internationally. In this phase, the people of
Kampung Pelangi as actors, play
themselves in community practices in the
kampung, as a spectacle in a colorful
kampung setting.
Spectators or spectators come with
different purposes. Some spectators visit to
just take pictures with the paintings and
decorations in the rainbow kampung
spaces. Some go down the hill to see the
view of the city of Semarang from the top
of the hill. Some come for a pilgrimage to
the tomb on the hill. Other spectators
follow the government’s activities and
events in the kampung.
2. The extraordinary began to become part
of society.
The second phase is when something
strange or extraordinary (spectacular)
begins to become part of society. Quoting
Lefebvre (1991) who said “'The
extraordinary new realm' is no longer
Image 7: Kampung Pelangi as Spectacles.
Photospot in between the space of Kampung
Pelangi (Queen, 2018)
Image 8: Kampung Pelangi as Spectacle.
Pictures of Wayang as the Javanese identity
(Queen, 2018)
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1216
extraordinary.” He said this was no longer a
question of the extraordinary but of the
strange or striking, merely the effect of
sheer surprise and exoticism. In this case,
government actors began to disappear and
even became spectators and sponsors
began to reduce their investment because
visitors began to gradually decrease, and it
was not crowded to fill the narrow spaces
in the kampung. The remaining actors are
only the people of Kampung Pelangi who
are the spectacle of the visitors who come.
Some of the actors returned to their
activities before the renovation took place
while adjusting to the changed setting.
The situation in the kampung is getting
used to the presence of tourists. The
residents of kampung Pelangi who got new
jobs are getting used to these jobs, such as
welcoming guests or just selling drinks and
souvenirs. Residents are starting to become
familiar with the presence of outsiders
passing by their kampung while carrying
out their daily activities. In this second
phase, the media began to report on the
surprise or exoticism of Kampung Pelangi
as a unique and striking kampung in the
middle of downtown Semarang. The role of
the media is the key in the second phase to
maintain this spectacle. The Kampung
Pelangi Pokdarwis group is still working
with the mass media to disseminate
information about Kampung Pelangi's
3. The extraordinary becomes everyday life
The changes that occurred from the
first phase to the second phase were quite
significant. Starting from the excitement in
the Kampung Pelangi fun space when
making the physical environment into a
canvas for creativity to adding sudden
income to the community, which occurred
in the first phase to the second phase.
While the third phase is a continuation of
the acceptance of this spectacle or
spectacle of Kampung Pelangi as an
unusual thing in the middle of the city of
Semarang. When this so-called
extraordinary thing only operates at the
level of everyday life, then this phase is the
phase where what people call viral, is no
longer viral, because it has become a part
of life in society. Occasionally there are
visitors, on weekdays, or weekends.
Meanwhile, to keep attracting visitors, the
local community and the government carry
out activities such as bazaars, fishing
competitions, and others periodically to
maintain Kampung Pelangi as a spectacle.
In this phase, the situation in the
kampung already perceives the new setting
as part of their daily life. The residents of
Kampung Pelangi greet guests who come
by showing the direction where they have
been directed in guiding the visitors. Some
parts of the kampung are starting to go
untouched because they are not included
in the route from the kampung tour. Even
some of the main actors in Kampung
Pelangi have begun to avoid direct contact
with tourists. If tourists need directions,
they will immediately be directed to contact
the Kampung Pelangi Pokdarwis
management. On the other side, the people
of Semarang who pass the main street (Dr.
Sutomo street) still glance at the kampung
because of the bright colors, but they no
longer feel that it is something strange or
unique anymore, but rather a part of
downtown Semarang. Spectators who
previously wanted to get closer to see and
enjoy the canvas from the corners of the
1217 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
space inside Kampung Pelangi, now it is
enough to take a quick look from the side
of the road because they are used to the
existence of the kampung. Only a few
immigrants or tourists visit once in a while
to enjoy the view of the city of Semarang
from the top of the hill. This already shows
that people are already more interested in
looking at the city than the kampung itself.
4. From the Extraordinary to the Ordinary
The emergence of the Covid-19
pandemic that occurred in 2020 had a very
significant effect on this third phase
starting to move in an uncertain direction.
There is a possibility of the degradation of
the spectacle being reinvented, which is a
post-pandemic after-effect. This is because
during the pandemic visitors cannot enter
the area to visit. This causes sponsors to
start attracting investment so that the local
community cannot maintain the everyday
spectacularism that exists in their
kampung. In two years, even after the
pandemic, the enthusiasm of the people of
Kampung Pelangi receded. (insert some
pictures of current conditions) In the last
few weeks (March 2022) although a paint
company (Nippon Paint) proposed a
promotion. However, "the community's
enthusiasm is dropping, plus Nippon pain
is only sponsoring paint, and it doesn't
create jobs like at the beginning of
Kampung Pelangi," which was complained
by Rio, one of the residents there. In the
end, what was decorated and repainted
were only the riverbanks and the location
that was recently used as the Bazaar.
However, visitors are no longer interested
in climbing in Kampung Pelangi, even just
to enjoy the view the city of Semarang has
to offer there.
Two possibilities occur after this
period. The first was when the people of
Kampung Pelangi themselves, who were
used to having tourists, returned to their
activities before the Kampung Pelangi
brand existed, even though the setting of
the place had changed a lot. Even settings
such as umbrella decorations and souvenir
sales are no longer operating and have
been revoked, including several stalls
(photo stalls closed) that have appeared
because of Kampung Pelangi. The spectacle
which began to 'sleep' has caused
Kampung Pelangi to return to being
kampung with the main function as a place
to live in the middle of the city. In addition,
the people of Semarang now consider
Kampung Pelangi not an interesting thing
to look at when passing through the streets
in the city center. So Kampung Pelangi is
part of the city center which is falling back
asleep. The second possibility is that the
spectacularity can be lifted again by
holding new, more sustainable activities as
a new breath for the people of Kampung
Pelangi and reporting it on social media.
But if you just rebuild and use the same
system, then this kampung will be in the
same circle. If it does bring a positive
impact, the innovations for slum upgrading
that are carried out must be more
sustainable so that the community can
continue the enthusiasm that was formed
at the beginning after the government
released its interference.
A spectacle is a phenomenon where an
object or area in urban space becomes the
center of attention of the general public
Sherley Ika Christanti | 1218
because of the spectacular or unique
factors of that object. This spectacularity
can be seen from the symbols on the space
object. Media and technology are the main
variables in shaping the Spectacle and
make it easier for people to read symbols
just by looking at the images spread in the
mass media.
In the spectacle, four aspects can be
identified as symbols, namely the Actor,
Spectator, Situation, and Canvas. This
spectacle is also a product of the needs of
the actors, namely society and the
government, as well as the audience,
namely people outside the object. An
architectural object becomes a canvas that
creates a certain situation according to the
purpose for which it is made. In the context
of Kampung Pelangi, the actor plays the
role of is Kampung Pelangi community as
the leading actor who is the center of
attention, then the Semarang regional
government with its political agenda to
improve the standard of living of the
Kampung Pelangi by carrying out slum
upgrading, and the private sector with a
promotional agenda. While the spectators
are the people of Semarang with the media
as a mediator in reading the images.
The kampung situation, which initially
only watched the development of the city,
became a spectacle product, starting from
the desire to be on par with its
environment, which is the center of the city
in Semarang. The actors played a role, to
beautify the kampung so that people
outside the Kampung Pelangi would glance
at it and come to take a look at what was
inside. This has prompted the people of
Kampung Pelangi to change their habit of
only dwelling to becoming actors in a
spectacle to be watched. In the process, the
situation in the kampung, which previously
only slept, changed when the community
was enthusiastic about renovating the
Over time, the spectacularity of this
kampung began to become commonplace
and became part of the familiar landscape
of downtown Semarang. Government and
private actors began to withdraw from their
roles and left the residents of Kampung
Pelangi as actors who played alone,
although the government still occasionally
held events using only a part of the space
in Kampung Pelangi as a setting. This
caused the enthusiasm of the residents of
Kampung Pelangi and the outside
community to decline, causing it to lose its
virality. The Spectacle that was formed was
neglected and not maintained because the
people felt that it was not their
responsibility if they were not given a
mandate from the government. So now
Kampung Pelangi is back to being a
kampung in the middle of a city that is
falling back asleep.
Architecture that only dresses up is not
sustainable so it will only become a utopia
and last for a short while as a spectacle.
Even though the idea of turning a kampung
into a tourism spot is a product of
reciprocity between the community and
local government, a kampung that
functions as a residence or dwelling has
people who already have certain routines,
and cannot simply change just by
renovating the physical. So that when the
government lets go, people are no longer
enthusiastic about preserving it without
having a definite purpose.
There are no routine activities, and no
1219 | Kampung Pelangi Semarang As Spectacle of City Landscape
events are held, coupled with social
distancing due to Covid 19, as well as
information in the media which is always
updated with something new drowns out
news about Kampung Pelangi. The wider
community has stopped spreading its
virality in the media. making this
architectural spectacle disappear like it
never existed again and fall back asleep and
hidden in the middle of the busy city center
of Semarang.
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