Kamila Sagafia, Henny Regina Salve | 585
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i6.39
Parents are figures that are imitated by
teenagers, should parents have a good
personality regarding attitudes, habits,
behavior and ways of life. A complete
family, according to (Cho & Lee, 2017) will
publish the widest opportunity for
individuals in it to receive the basics of
development, practice good attitudes and
habits. Family harmony will also provide a
sense of security for teenagers to be able
to develop naturally in accepting social
experiences for living together in society.
Unfortunately at this time teenagers
have many problems. One of the worrying
problems experienced is when teenagers
find out their parents are having an affair.
Infidelity committed by parents is one of
the phenomenal cases that is often raised
by print and electronic media.
Parental infidelity can affect the socio-
emotional aspects of adolescents as well as
adolescent maturity in logical and rational
thinking. When teenagers find out their
parents are having an affair, they will
experience feelings of deep sadness, anger,
disappointment, or feeling neglected. In
addition, infidelity can also have a direct
impact on the relationship between parents
and children. Parents become irritable or
do not have time with their children. The
greater the change in the condition of the
parent-child relationship, the more it will
affect the child's socio-emotional condition
in a negative direction (Houser, List,
Piovesan, Samek, & Winter, 2016).
The most damaging impact of infidelity
is the psychological effect on children. In
these situations, children tend to
experience mental burdens. In children who
have not been able to express their
emotions, children will show symptoms of
anxiety. For example, being alone,
bedwetting, thumb sucking, nightmares,
and unstable emotions. This appears as a
response to fear that his family's happiness
will disappear (Turner, Finkelhor, Hamby, &
Henly, 2017).
Meanwhile, children who are growing up
(teenagers), will feel angry, betrayed, and
more likely to express their frustration.
Child and family psychologist, (Heyman, Fu,
Lin, Qian, & Lee, 2015) explains that when
children catch their parents' infidelity
directly, the child will be confused. Another
effect is a decrease in learning
achievement, reduced self-confidence,
depression, and being rude.
One of the things that can be used to
reduce the bad impact for teenagers who
know their parents are having an affair is
that they can do forgiveness. Having an
attitude of forgiveness or pardon in
children, especially teenagers, is not easy,
not all children are capable of forgiveness
towards their parents.
Forgiveness is a process (or result of a
process) that involves changing feelings
and attitudes toward the offender. A
number of studies view it as an intentional
and deliberate process, driven by a decision
to forgive. The result of this process is a
decrease in the urge to maintain feelings of
demands for the release of negative
emotions to the perpetrator (Cuff, Brown,
Taylor, & Howat, 2016).
Research Objectives
The purpose of this study was to
examine the relationship between empathy
and forgiveness in adolescents whose