JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02 No. 7, 1407 1415
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.386 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Naumi Apriyani
Emanuel Bayu Dirganthara
Faculty of Economics and Business, Mercubuana University Jakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: naumiapriyani@gmail.com, emanuelbayu@gmail.com
*Correspondence: naumiapriyani@gmail.com,
: 21
January 2023
: 12
February 2023
: 25
February 2023
Abstract: This study aims to explain how motivation and work competence influence employee
performance, with career development as an intervening variable. This study used 105 employees
of the Directorate of Fleet and Engineering PT. PELNI (Persero) as a sample. They collect data using
interviews, observation, and questionnaires. This study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
data analysis with instrument testing using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of
this study indicate that (1) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on career development,
(2) Work competence has a positive and significant effect on career development, (3) Motivation
has a positive and significant effect on performance (4) Work competence has a positive and
significant effect on performance (5) Career development has a positive and significant effect on
performance (6) Motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance through career
development as an intervening variable and (7) Work competence has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance with career development as an intervening variable.
Keywords: Motivation; work competence; performance; career development.
Naumi Apriyani
Emanuel Wind Dirganthara
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By looking at the geographical
conditions of Indonesia as an archipelagic
country with 17,000 islands and 600 ports,
sea transportation facilities, and
infrastructure are essential. The principles
of the Archipelagic Outlook can only be
realized if smooth transportation facilities
are created.
In managing sea transportation
facilities and infrastructure, human
resources who know are needed to ensure
the efficient and effective implementation
of sea transportation activities.
PT. Pelni Persero is one of the state-
owned companies engaged in sea
transportation in Indonesia, serving
transportation of passenger, goods, and
livestock transportation services. PT. Pelni
must become a reliable and professional
company that can provide the best service
for its users. Prioritize customer
satisfaction. Human resource issues are the
focus and foundation for companies to
survive. Human resources are the main
actors in every company activity. Even
though there are many facilities and
infrastructure as well as resources, the
company's activities will run well with the
support of human resources.
Thus human resources are the primary
key that must be considered in all their
needs. Human resources will determine the
successful implementation of company
activities. Employees can work well if they
have high performance so they can
produce good work too. With the high
performance of employees, it is hoped that
organizational goals can be achieved; on
the contrary organizational goals are
difficult or can only be achieved if the
employees have good performance to
produce good work. Performance can also
be seen as how creation takes place to
complete work results. However, the
development of the work itself shows
performance. All human resources, leaders,
and employees perform within the
organization's company. Improving
employee performance will bring progress
for the company to survive in an unstable
job competition. Therefore efforts to
improve employee performance are the
most severe management challenges
because success in achieving goals and the
survival of a company depends on the
quality of the performance of its human
resources. The clearer the role of employee
performance in a company, it is mandatory
for organizations to think about the right
strategy to improve employee
performance. Various methods that
organizations can implement to manage
employee performance include providing
motivation, increasing work competence
and career development through
education and training, providing
incentives, and increasing job satisfaction
and work experience of employees.
Literature Reviews
A. Motivation
According to Robert Heller (1998: 6)
in his book Wibowo (2016: 322),
motivation is the desire to act. Every
oral person is motivated by several
different qualities. Motivation is
often the impetus for financial
behavior due to selling goals. The
elements contained in motivation
include the aspects of generating,
1409 | The Influence of Work Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance In The
Directorate of Fleet and Engineering PT. Pelni (Persero) With Career Development As an
Intervening Variable
generating, executing, showing
intensity, continuous in nature, and
finally, selling (Wibowo, 2016: 322).
Motivation becomes the basis for
carrying out an action caused by
someone's encouragement. Work
motivation originates from the
excitement of work and the
movement of a person in working
usually, working effectively, and
integrated with all efforts to achieve
satisfaction (Hasibuan, 2017: 219).
B. Work Competence
According to Mc. Cleland in
Sedarmayanti (2015: 126),
Competence is also a fundamental
characteristic possessed by a
person with direct and indirect
influence and can predict mutually
reinforcing performance. Boulter,
Dalziel, in Hill (2003) in Sutrisno, Edy
(2016: 203) argue that competence
is a distinguishing characteristic of a
person that allows it to provide
superior performance in work,
experience, and specific situations.
C. Career Development
According to Marwalnsyalh (2014:
223), an earlier return is a self-
returning activity undertaken by a
person to realize his earlier plan.
Mangkunegara (2017: 77) defines
career development as staffing
activities that help employees plan
their future careers in the
organization so the employees
concerned can develop themselves
to the fullest. Veithzall Rivali (2015:
274) argues for the return of caloric
resources, namely the increasing
ability of individual employees to
achieve the desired calorific
D. Performance
According to Malthis in Jackson
(2016: 378), performance and work
done or not done job affects several
times the amount of work they do
contributes to organizational
management in terms of output
quality, output quality, output
turnaround time, attendance at
work sites, and partnerships.
According to Kasmir (2019: 182), the
performance includes work results
in work behavior learned in
completing tasks in a particular
work period. This understanding of
performance means that
performance is a work result in a
person's work behavior in a period,
for example, one year. Then
performance can be measured by
completing tasks within the given
This research is qualitative. Quantitative
analysis uses callus all design. Standard
measurement using a Likert scale. The
population in this research is the
Directorate General of Engineering staff in
PT. PELNI (Persero) in the sample in this
research totaled 105 people. Data
Collection Method with:
Field Research (Field Research), namely
Naumi Apriyani
Emanuel Wind Dirganthara
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by using a questionnaire
Literary Research (Library Research),
namely by logical thinking, studying and
studying literature relevant to the research
The data analysis method in this
research uses variance-based Structural
Equalization Modeling (SEM) in the final
analysis using the Smart-Partial Least Scale
(Small-PLS) program.
Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Research
Descriptive statistical analysis of the
research variables was used to determine
the tendency of the answers to the
questionnaire or the extent to which the
responses from the respondents
corresponded to the category of answer
choices using a Likert scale from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) on the
statements of each variable. Descriptive
statistics provide an overview or
description of data seen from the average
value (mean), standard deviation,
maximum, and minimum.
The data source was processed by the
author using Smart PLS version 3.0, 2022
The picture above is the value of
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), a
technique in which a priori, theory, and
concepts are known or determined in
advance which indicators are used and
which variables are included in these
indicators. CFA is a validity test in SEM
research; the numbers in the picture above
are CFA values between variables to
indicators and between variables. The test
results in Figure 1. are summarized and
explained as follows:
Based on the above, the overall loading
1411 | The Influence of Work Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance In The
Directorate of Fleet and Engineering PT. Pelni (Persero) With Career Development As an
Intervening Variable
factor indicates that the model meets the
convergent validity requirements because
the value is more than 0.7. In performance
variables, all indicators are declared valid; in
career development variables, all hands are
declared valid; in the motivation variable, all
indicators are declared good; and in the
competency variable, all indicators are
declared valid.
Based on table 2. above, it can be seen
that all AVE values are > 0.5; this indicates
that all latent variables in the estimated
model meet the convergent validity criteria
Based on table 3. above shows that the
cross-loading value indicates good
discriminant validity because the
correlation value of the indicator to the
construct is higher than the correlation
value of the hand to other constructs. As an
illustration (example), the loading factor
X1.1 (question indicator for X1) is 0.493,
which is higher than the loading factor with
other competence and career development
Examination and assessment of
discriminant validity are to be accepted if
the AVE square root value is greater than
the correlation value of the latent variable
with all other latent variables (Fornel and
Lalcker, in Santosal, 2018). The correlation
value of each latent variable produced in
the measurement model test can be seen in
table 4. where the value of the AVE square
root of each latent variable is marked with
a shading effect.
Based on the table above, it can be
seen that the AVE square root value and the
Naumi Apriyani
Emanuel Wind Dirganthara
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correlation value of a latent variable
(construct) with other constructs show a
more excellent value. It can be concluded
that the results of the discriminant validity
examination through the Fornel-Lalcker
criteria for latent constructs as a whole have
a valid discriminant validity value.
The results of the construct reliability
test, as presented in table 4.6, show the
Composite Reliability and Cronbach Alpha
values of all latent variables > 0.70. So that
all manifest variables in measuring latent
variables in the estimated model are
declared reliable.
The test results shown in the table
above show that the R2 Performance value
of 0.562 is more significant than 0.5, which
is classified as vital; these results explain
that 56.2% of performance is influenced by
motivation, competency, and career
development, while the remaining 43.8% is
influenced by factors which were not
observed in this study. Meanwhile, the
second R2 value, career development,
which is 0.244, which is lower than 0.25, is
classified as weak. The results explain that
24.4% of career development is influenced
by motivation and competence, while
75.6% is influenced by other factors not
observed in this research.
Based on the results of research and
discussion of data in previous chapters, the
authors obtain conclusions that can be
drawn from research identifying the effect
of work motivation and competence on
employee performance with career
development as an intervening variable for
employees of the Directorate of Fleet and
Engineering PT PELNI (Persero), as follows:
1. Motivation has a positive and
significant effect on employee
career development, with the
indicator of job challenges having
an impact on increasing work
performance which is the strongest
indicator, while seeking a position in
a group to seize and expand power
is the weakest indicator. This shows
that the higher the motivation of
1413 | The Influence of Work Motivation and Competence on Employee Performance In The
Directorate of Fleet and Engineering PT. Pelni (Persero) With Career Development As an
Intervening Variable
employees, the better their career
2. Work competence has a positive
and significant effect on employee
career development, with
increasing work motivation being
the strongest and the educational
background indicator being the
weakest. This shows that the higher
the work competence, the better
the employees' career
3. Motivation has a positive and
significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that the
higher the motivation of
employees, the higher the
performance of employees.
4. Work competence has a positive
and significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that the
higher the competence of
employees, the higher their
performance of employees.
5. Career development has a positive
and significant effect on employee
performance. This shows that the
better the employee's career
development, the higher the
employee's performance.
6. Motivation has a positive and
significant effect on performance
through career development. This
shows that the higher the reason
and the better the employee's
career development will be able to
impact the more high the
employee's performance.
7. Work competence has a positive
and significant effect on
performance through career
development. This shows that the
higher the work competence and
the better the employee's career
development will impact the
employee's performance.
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