JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 7, 1416 – 1425
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.385 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Muhammad Reza Aulia
University of Teuku Umar, Indonesia
e-mail: muhammadrezaaul[email protected]
*Correspondence: muhammadrezaaul[email protected].id
January 2023
: 09
February 2023
: 24
February 2023
Abstract: Small medium enterprises need to improve their digital competencies but the lack of
awareness of digital services and outcomes is a concern in business environments is one of the
business units that help the country a lot in reducing the unemployment rate. The main objective of
this study is to determine the direct and indirect effects of experience, digital competencies,
partnership program on the SMEs performance. The approach in this research is causal research
(cause and effect). The population in this study is the SME business actor who are fostered. While the
sampling technique used a purposive sampling where sample used in this study is 241 SMEs business
actors who are participating in the partnership program. Data collection techniques used a
questionnaire with an ordinal measurement scale. Data analysis used Smart PLS 4 based Partial Least
Square. Based on the results of the direct effect analysis, it shows that Digital Competence has a
significant effect on the Partnership Program and SMEs Performance; Experience has a significant
effect on Digital Competence, Partnership Programs, and SMEs Performance; and the Partnership
Program has a significant effect on SMEs Performance. Meanwhile, the results of the indirect effect
analysis show that Digital Competence has no significant effect on performance (only direct
influence); Experience has a significant influence on the Partnership Program and SMEs Performance.
Keywords: Digital Competencies; Partnership Program; SMEs Performance; PLS.
Muhammad Reza Aulia | 1417
SMEs are the key sources for
entrepreneurial ideas (Suh & Kim, 2014). A
large body of literature has documented
the importance of small and medium-sized
firms (SMEs) in the economic development
of most countries throughout the world
over the last two decades or more (Kraja &
Osmani, 2015).
SMEs have an extraordinary influence
on the economy of a country, both
developed and developing countries. It is
certain that micro, small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in
supporting the economy in a better
direction (Ochinanwata et al., 2021). SMEs
are the largest contributor to the formation
or growth of the gross domestic population
(GDP) and contribute the most to
employment than large businesses, this
shows the importance of SMEs for the
country's economy (Franco & Haase, 2020).
SMEs are also inextricably related to the
economic well-being of their owners
(Tehseen et al., 2019). By focusing on
entrepreneurs as owner-managers
(Beckman et al., 2012); (Ghobakhloo &
Tang, 2013), the results provide a wealth of
evidence about the context of digital
entrepreneurship (Ngoasong, 2018).
SMEs need to improve their digital
competencies (Hamburg, 2020);
(Oberländer et al., 2020) but the lack of
awareness of digital services and outcomes
is a concern in business environments
(Horváth & Szabó, 2019); (Lehner &
Sundby, 2018); (Srivastava & Shainesh,
Small and medium firms risk their
competitiveness, growth, and profitability if
they fail to embrace digital transformation
(Ulas, 2019); (Li et al., 2018), often
renouncing digital initiatives because they
are unaware of how to incorporate them
into their operations (Lehner & Sundby,
2018); Reis 2018]. The main reason why
small and medium firms experience a
digital divide is not the lack of access to
digital technology but rather the firm’s lack
of relevant knowledge and education
(Horváth & Szabó, 2019); (Lehner &
Sundby, 2018); Reis 2018]. Since digital
competencies and transformation are
perceived as crucial lifelong learning and
development challenges [Hamburg, 2020;
(Oberländer et al., 2020), universities and
research centres should support firms in
developing their competencies toward
digital skills and transformation (Azevedo
& Almeida, 2021), as e-learners that require
digital knowledge are proactive learners
and tend to make good use of what they
learn (Azevedo & Almeida, 2021).
SMEs performance is the result or
evaluation of company work achieved by
both individuals and groups obtained
based on their roles and responsibilities
towards tasks that have been given and
determined by the company in a certain
period of time (Mutegi et al., 2015).
However, so far the performance of SMEs
has not been able to achieve maximum
results, especially in the failed assisted
Management of SMEs should not be
carried out carelessly and without good
management due to the strategic role of
SMEs and the limited ability of SMEs to be
able to grow (Hendratmoko, 2021). This
partnership pattern is one of the solutions
for improving the performance of SMEs
1418 | Digital Competencies and Experience In Partnership Program on SMEs Performance
(Wulandari & Nadapdap, 2020).
Partnership between the government
and business actors is a form of
cooperation between the government and
the business sector, which allows them to
share resources, risks and mutual benefits
aimed at changing existing environmental
practices with innovation findings (Lin,
2016). It is necessary to examine the role of
the partnership program on digital
This study uses an associative
approach, namely research that seeks to
establish a relationship between two or
more variables. With this research, a theory
can be developed that can explain, predict,
and control a phenomenon or event.
The data used is quantitative data
collected through survey methods. This
study will take respondents from a
population and will collect main data
through questionnaires and direct
interviews with respondents.
The population according to (Lubis,
2021) are all research objects that have
certain traits and characteristics
determined by a researcher as a data
source and then draw conclusions based on
the data collected. The population in this
study are SMEs assisted at PT. Perkebunan
Nusantara III with a total of 241 SMEs
business actors.
According to (Lubis, 2021) means that
the sample is part of the population that
can represent the population, selecting the
sample according to a certain procedure or
method. One type of sampling technique is
purposive random sampling. Purposive
random sampling is a sampling technique
with consideration of certain criteria and
the process of selecting respondents is
carried out randomly (Sugiyono, 2016). The
reason for using this purposive sampling
technique is because it wants to focus on
UKM players who are smooth in making
payments. Therefore the sample used in
this study is 241 SMEs business actors who
are smooth in making installment
It is very important to determine the
right data collection technique, this is
because it can determine whether a study
is good or bad. Data collection is an effort
made to obtain real and accountable
information or information and truth. In
conducting this research using several
methods, namely:
1. Observation
Observation is an activity to provide
observation or attention to the research
object by utilizing the five senses. This
observation is also known as observation.
In this study, observations were made by
looking directly at the conditions in the
field, especially the partners in the
partnership program from PT. Nusantara
Plantation III.
2. Questionnaire / Questionnaire
The questionnaire is one of the media
used to obtain some news that is known by
the informants. This questionnaire can be in
the form of written questions.
There are two sources of data needed
in this study, namely primary data which is
also called primary data and secondary
data which is also called secondary data.
Primary data or primary data derived from
questions or Questioners addressed to the
partnership of PT. Nusantara Plantation III.
Muhammad Reza Aulia | 1419
Secondary data obtained through PT.
Perkebunan Nusantara III is a list of
partners participating in the partnership
The combination of regression with
path analysis was chosen in an effort to test
the hypothesis about the direct or indirect
relationship between the complexity of the
existing variables so that it can use the
Partial Least Square analysis method. PLS
can describe all the relationships of the
dependent and independent variables in
one analysis.
PLS is a program that can be used to
analyze existing data with the SMART PLS 4
program. All relationships that occur can be
described in the model through theory. The
influence of Digital Competence and
Experience on the Partnership Program and
its relationship with SMEs Performance can
be well analyzed with this program.
Several advantages of PLS according to
Hair et al. (2014) include: (1) being able to
operate complex models, a large number of
dependent and independent variables is
not a problem; (2) being able to process
data that has multicollinearity among
independent variables; (3) able to process
even if there is missing data or abnormal
data, the results are still solid and good; (4)
on data that has reflective and formative
constructs can be applied; (5) data that is
classified as a small sample and data that
does not have to be normally distributed
can also be operated. (6) different scaled
data types such as nominal, ordinal and
continuous data can also be used.
Digital competence in this study is
measured by networking, social media, web
design, communication, business
applications, inventory management, e-
commerce, team and time management,
project management.
Experience in this study is measured by
length of work, knowledge, dexterity,
mastery of equipment, mastery of a job,
calmness of work.
The partnership program in this study
is measured by business development,
mutually beneficial business and
management relationships, trust,
cooperation, participation of business
actors, and the role of partners.
The performance of SMEs in this study
was measured by increasing sales volume,
increasing the number of customers,
increasing profits, smooth repayments,
branding image, customer satisfaction.
In the process of evaluating the
manifest variable (indicator) measurement
model, it is necessary to measure latent
variables (constructs) correctly. By
evaluating the level of validity of the
manifest variable through the value of the
loading factor (λ) if the value is greater than
0.7 then the manifest variable is declared
valid, but if it is less than 0.7 then the latent
variable is considered immeasurable and
must be discarded.
All values that lead to the yellow box
(loading factor value) have a value above
0.7, which means that all manifest variables
are declared valid and ready to be used in
the model
This study found reliable results
because they met the requirements with
AVE values and reliability > 0.5 and > 0.7.
This also indicates that all the indicators
used can be used to measure the construct.
1420 | Digital Competencies and Experience In Partnership Program on SMEs Performance
To test whether there is a
multicollinearity problem, look at the VIF
Inner Model value. Hair (2014) said that a
VIF value below 5 indicates no
multicollinearity problem.
The process is continued with an
evaluation through discriminant validity
values. This is useful for validating that
different constructs may not be highly
correlated. Discriminant validity testing
uses the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio
(HTMT) and Fornell and Larcker (1981)
methods where the cross loading value
must be greater than 0.50 which means that
it must have at least 50 percent variation
from the indicators that can be explained.
Based on the data above, it is known
that the final model is in accordance with
the existing requirements so that the
resulting manifest variable is said to meet
the requirements.
In order to evaluate the structural
model through observations on
endogenous variables and estimated
values of path parameter coefficients. If it is
known that the R-square is 0.75 then the
model is categorized as a strong model, but
if it has 0.50 then it will be categorized as a
medium model, and it is said to be a weak
model if the R-square is 0.25.
All measurements are correct.
Furthermore, an analysis of the relationship
between variables can be carried out.
Hypothesis testing can use a t-value below
1.645, a p-value below 0.05. Shown in
Figure 1 and Table 1 is the result of PLS
Figure 1. PLS Output
Table 1. Result
Direct Effect
Digital Competencies -> Partnership
Digital Competencies -> Performance
Experience -> Digital Competencies
Experience -> Partnership Program
Experience -> Performance
Partnership Program -> Performance
Indirect Effect
Digital Competencies -> Performance
Experience -> Partnership Program
Experience -> Performance
Muhammad Reza Aulia | 1421
Based on the results of the direct effect
analysis, it shows that Digital Competence
has a significant effect on the Partnership
Program and SMEs Performance;
Experience has a significant effect on
Digital Competence, Partnership Programs,
and SMEs Performance; and the
Partnership Program has a significant effect
on SMEs Performance. Meanwhile, the
results of the indirect effect analysis show
that Digital Competence has no significant
effect on performance (only direct
influence); Experience has a significant
influence on the Partnership Program and
SMEs Performance.
Digital Competencies
The results of the analysis show that
the higher the digital competence, the
more performance also increases. This is in
line with Marguna's research (2020) with a
study of the performance of librarians,
stating that the higher the digital
competence (e-Skills) of librarians, the
more the performance of librarians at the
Unhas Library UPT also increased.
Digital competence is part of
entrepreneurial competence, the two
cannot be separated. Drydakis (2022) states
that indicators of digital competencies are
networking, social media, customer
relations management, communication,
accounting-finance, managing inventory,
team management, time management,
project management. Meanwhile, (Aulia,
2020a), (Aulia, 2020b) states that
entrepreneurial competence includes
managerial abilities, conceptual abilities,
social skills, decision-making abilities, and
time management skills.
Based on the results of data analysis,
digital competence has a significant effect
on SMEs performance, the same is true of
entrepreneurial competence which has a
significant influence on SMEs performance
(Aulia, 2018); (Hasanah et al., 2018); (Aulia
et al., 2021).
Experience can be increased through
mentoring and training programs, and the
element of experience must be an aspect in
determining which SMEs qualify for the
partnership program.
Directly the experience of Human
Resources has a significant influence on the
partnership program. The results of this
research are similar to previous research
conducted by (Tambunan, 2019) which
suggests that business experience has a
significant influence on SMEs performance.
Opinion from (Cowling et al., 2018)
someone who has experience in doing
business is the best predictor of success,
especially if the new business is related to
previous business experience (Iskandar &
Safrianto, 2020). When managing a
business, what must be needed is to
increase the complexity of the environment
using business experience obtained from a
lot of learning related to what data is
needed and used during the decision-
making process.
Based on the results of data analysis, it
shows that experience significantly
influences the partnership program. This
means that experience has a significant
influence on the partnership program. It is
understandable how much depends on the
progress of an organization because the
implications of the findings in this study are
1422 | Digital Competencies and Experience In Partnership Program on SMEs Performance
that business experience will direct SMEs to
continue to develop their business without
having to focus on participating in mutually
beneficial partnership programs for both
SMEs and corporate partners. The
following results are the same as research
conducted by (Trisnawati et al., 2020) which
states that the level of experience in
entrepreneurship is able to increase the
ability of SMEs in business development.
Furthermore, (Iskandar & Safrianto,
2020) research entitled the influence of
entrepreneurial skills and business
experience on entrepreneurial success
states that experience can lead SMEs to
avoid the risk of business failure. Then
(Vasan, 2020) states that the experience of
Human Resources has a significant
influence on partnerships. The relevance of
the findings in the following research is that
so far the experience possessed by SMEs
has only been limited to the results of
hereditary experiences. The business that is
run by SMEs is still based on suggestions
and levels from the family. So that this
successful or good experience cannot be
separated from the family. The existence of
a partnership program also does not have
a major impact on the experience of SMEs
in conducting business development. The
existing partnerships are still considered to
be activity programs that are considered
not to play a big role in the progress of the
SMEs business.
Partnership Program
The results of the analysis show that
the partnership program directly has a
significant effect on the performance of
SMEs. The following research results are in
line with the results of previous research
conducted Ghoniyah (2019) which stated
that partnership programs play a major role
in helping SMEs to progress and develop.
Partnerships are able to improve the
financial performance of SMEs to make
them safer from competitive pressures.
Furthermore, research Chinomona (2019)
states that partnerships have a significant
effect on SMEs performance. Then the
results of research Baroncelli (2020) state
that mutually beneficial collaboration can
increase the competitiveness of SMEs. The
partnership program is considered the
most effective in increasing the SME class
to become a business unit capable of
competing with other business units.
Figure 2. Digital Competencies in
Partnership Program Model
Figure 2 describes the digital
competency model in the partnership
program to improve SME performance.
There are several things that can be used as
the focus of training in partnership
programs, namely networking, social
media, web design, communication,
business applications, inventory
management, e-commerce, team and time
management, project management.
This research makes an important
contribution to enrich our understanding
Muhammad Reza Aulia | 1423
and research on Digital competence in
program partnerships. First, this research is
empirical validate the newly developed
predictive model in digital content content.
This study shows the importance of digital
competence in program partnerships to
improve SME performance. Second, this
research provides a deeper understanding
of how competence is digitally mediated by
experience influencing program
partnerships and SME performance. We
suggest that the creation of the digital
competence design part in the program
partnership should be simple, useful and
according to the needs and expectations of
young people.
There needs to be further study on
digital competencies, especially those
related to behavior, as an He’s (2019)
research shown digital competence has the
most significant effect on students' digital
informal learning behavior.
Experience and digital competence can
be used as a selection requirement to join
the partnership program as well as a focus
on competency development to improve
Digital competencies that can be
developed are networking, social media,
web design, communication, business
applications, inventory management, e-
commerce, team and time management,
project management.
The partnership program is urgently
needed by SMEs as a medium for
increasing digital competence. The existing
partnership program has only been limited
to providing capital and tools, there are no
supporting facilities such as digital
competency training for SMEs.
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