JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 02, No. 07, 1302 1324
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.378 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku
Manado State Polytechnic, Indonesia
e-mail: steviekaligis1504@gmail.com, ivolletywalukow@gmail.com, rengkujeffry@gmail.com
*Correspondence: steviekaligis1504@gmail.com
: 25 Januari 2023
: 05 Februari 2023
: 15 Februari 2023
Abstract: Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the economic activities
carried out by most Indonesians. MSMEs have a very significant contribution in employment,
forming Gross Domestic Product, national export value and national investment. Until 2019,
the number of MSMEs in Indonesia reached 56.5 million. In this study, it found that the
accounting information system was weak and not in accordance with Financial Accounting
Standards at the Technical Education Training Center (BLPT) GMIM Kaaten Tomohon. Seeing
the importance of accounting information systems today to the progress of business
organizations, and the number of orders for goods at BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon is currently
increasing, a fast, accurate and accountable recording process is needed in order to make
decisions appropriately based on Financial Accounting Standards. The purpose of this study is
to help MSMEs develop the application of a Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro) based accounting
information system on BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon. The development method in this study
uses the
Borg and Gall Research and Development (R&D)
model, through this model aims to
produce a computer application-based Accounting information system. Data is obtained
directly from the company through interviews and documentation. Based on the data
obtained, it is stated that the BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon accounting information system has
several weaknesses, such as the non-implementation of a computer-based accounting
information system. From these weaknesses, researchers provide suggestions to use a
Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro) based accounting information system that is easy to operate and
in accordance with SAK EMKM.
Kata Kunci: MSMEs; SAK EMKM; Computer Applications
1303 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
Micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the
economic activities carried out by most
Indonesians. MSMEs have a very significant
contribution in employment, forming Gross
Domestic Product, national export value
and national investment. Until 2019, the
number of MSMEs in Indonesia reached
65.5 million MSMEs, (Siregar et al., 2021).
One of the MSMEs in Indonesia,
more specifically in North Sulawesi, is the
use of coconut plants and their derivatives,
and one of its uses can be processed into
furniture. Furniture is one of the industrial
products and is also one of the
commodities of handicrafts that have a
fairly important role in meeting the needs
of the people of North Sulawesi, and also
the business can improve the welfare of the
people, because it can absorb job
opportunities while increasing the income
of the perpetrators. The furniture industry
is also one of Indonesia's export
commodities as a producer of foreign
exchange in the country, the coconut wood
used is coconut wood which is 60 years old
so that the quality of the wood is very good.
One of the challenges encountered
in MSMEs is the presentation of financial
statements, because the availability of fast
and adequate financial statements in
calculating profitability and performance
evaluation for economic decision making is
very necessary. The availability of financial
statements for MSME entities is a top
priority need to make this entity more
independent and modern, therefore since
January 1, 2018 the National Management
Board of the Indonesian Institute of
Accountants issued a statement that Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
urgently need financial reporting to
provide information for the public, as a
manifestation of accountable financial
management like as a unit of entity as
required against larger entities. This is
because MSMEs are proven to be able to
withstand economic shocks that hit the
nation and state of Indonesia, besides that
MSMEs are also proven to be able to
encourage and increase national economic
growth in a sustainable manner.
Financial accounting practices in
MSMEs in Indonesia are still low and have
many weaknesses (Afif & Mulyani, 2016).
These weaknesses include low education,
lack of understanding of Financial
Accounting Standards (SAK) from
managers. This happens because there is
no regulation for MSMEs to require the
preparation of financial statements, even
small companies in Indonesia are proven to
tend to choose calculation norms (without
compiling financial statements) as the basis
for tax calculations.
The practice of recording
technology-based accounting transactions
is still very rarely found in MSMEs, even
though they often face capital problems to
develop a business. One of the efforts to
develop small and medium-sized
businesses can be done by obtaining
business credit from bank institutions and
other financial institutions. this is difficult to
obtain because there is no accounting
information system that can produce fast
and adequate financial information to
apply for credit, this is in line with (Ezeagba,
2017) that adequate financial statements
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1304
are one of the requirements in applying for
The development of information
technology affects the role of accounting
information systems because information
technology has drastically changed the
organization in carrying out activities.
According to (Budiartha & Rukmiyati, 2016)
the use of a well-directed and integrated
computer-based accounting information
system is absolutely necessary to obtain
accurate and reliable information in the
decision-making process, the development
of information technology provides various
benefits in managing and storing data and
converting the data into information to
users, also provides benefits and
convenience for users, because it has the
advantages of presenting data accurately,
speed in processing data, and automating
according to orders from users. If a user is
able to master and utilize the technology
well, it can have an influence on improving
the efficiency of the company's activity
processes and gaining a competitive
advantage by managing existing
information resources (Prayohardana et al.,
2016), this is in line with (Turner et al., 2022;
Xu et al., 2017) that automation in
accounting information systems can
simplify accounting recording so that it
becomes faster and more efficient. In the
United States, MSMEs that use information
technology reach 59% as shown by
Figure 1. Tabulation of Microsoft excel
usage data in MSMEs in the United States
Financial statements generated by
accounting software will also become more
accountable and accurate (Lavia López &
Hiebl, 2015; Popat et al., 2015). Especially in
this digital era, technology has become a
business need, including even small-scale
businesses. For this reason, the application
of technology-based accounting is
naturally carried out (Han et al., 2013;
Nicholas & Fruhmann, 2014).
Unfortunately, it is still difficult to
find the type of accounting software that
really suits all business activities. In general,
the finished software has a very complex
set of instruments, especially for activities
at the MSME level. This is what makes the
use of accounting software more difficult,
especially if MSME actors are not familiar
with information technology. If MSME
actors want to hire services to make special
software that really suits the needs and
characteristics of their MSMEs, the costs
incurred are certainly not cheap. Therefore,
instead of being interested, MSME players
will be increasingly reluctant to use
technology-based accounting.
Reluctance to use accounting
software makes most MSME actors still
record finances manually or some even do
not record at all (Achadiyah, 2019; Dewi &
1305 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
Restika, 2018). The manual recording is also
carried out incompletely and not in
accordance with the Financial Accounting
Standards of Micro, Small, and Medium
Entities (SAK EMKM), so it cannot produce
complete and reliable financial statements
(Andarsari & Dura, 2018; Kurniasih et al.,
2013; Zulfikar et al., 2022). This will certainly
have an impact on the quality of
managerial decision-making (Yaftian et al.,
2017; Abbasi et al., 2014). In fact, it can also
result in mismanagement of resources
(Albuquerque et al., 2017; Uyar &
Güngörmüş, 2013). MSMEs, which are
medium-to-low-scale businesses, certainly
have to be careful in managing limited
business resources if they don't want to
experience losses considering the limited
capital funds owned. The problem of lack of
knowledge of accounting science and the
complexity of the accounting process
which is felt to only increase the burden, so
that accounting records are often ignored
by small and medium enterprises (Armitage
et al., 2016; Berthelot & Morrill, 2016).
Instead of being challenged to learn
accounting according to applicable
standards, small and medium enterprises
are increasingly less interested in
implementing accounting.
In order for MSME actors to record
accounting correctly, a system is needed
that can meet two main aspects of the
problem, namely the elements of benefit
and convenience. Microsoft excel is
believed to have fulfilled both elements.
Because this software is able to automate
accounting can be done quickly and
precisely, it is even much easier to operate.
When compared to other accounting
software such as Myob, Xero, and Zahir.
This application is certainly much cheaper
and more familiar eventhough manual
program is needed first with various
formulas and excel functions. Manual
formula creation can produce accounting
software that is in accordance with the
needs and characteristics of business
activities as well as the ability of MSME
actors as parties who will run the software
(Daspit & D’souza, 2017; Wu et al., 2017).
Moreover, excel with the visual basic for a
pplications (VBA) Macro feature which is a
feature used to develop according to user
needs. This is where the role of researchers
who not only analyze MSME problems, but
also solve the problems faced.
The selection of Microsoft Excel as a
software for accounting automation in
MSMEs is the right choice because this
application is easy to find on all computers
and is designed to help calculate, tabulate,
store, map, and compare data for current
and future reference. Microsoft Excel is also
a built-in application from Microsoft that is
included in every personal computer used
by the Indonesian people in general, which
turns out to have an additional editor
feature that makes it a number processing
application and accounting data processor.
Types of Research
This research is research and
developmentt (R&D). According to
(Sukmadinata, 2013), "Research and
development (R&D) is a process or steps to
develop a new product or perfect an
existing product, which can be accounted
for", while according to (Sugiyono, 2015),
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1306
"Research and development (R&D) is a
research method used to produce a
particular product, and test the
effectiveness of the product". This study
aims to improvethe application of
automated computer accounting in BLPT
GMIM Kaaten Tomohon.
Research Ground
This research was conducted in
laboratorium microsoft excel jaffairs
akuntansi polimdo and coconut wood
furniture business BLPT GMIM Kaaten
Research Procedure
The research procedure used in this
study used a 4D development model. This
research model uses 4 stages of
development, namely Define, Design,
Develop, and Disseminate.
1. Define Stage
In this stage, the researcher
establishes the fundamental problems
faced by entities in making financial
statements. There are 2 analyses carried out
in this stage, namely needs analysis and
benefit analysis.
2. Design
This stage aims to design the
application model. At this stage, the design
of a computer accounting application using
Microsoft Excel as a medium for recording
and preparing financial statements is
carried out.
3. Develop
All components that have been
prepared at the design stage are assembled
into a unified media that is intact in
accordance with the design that has been
designed in validation by media experts
and material experts. The result is in the
form of suggestions, comments, and input
to revise the development. Before this
application is disseminated, it is necessary
to have a development test.
4. Disseminate (spread)
Field trials, at this stage, are tested
to find out the entity's assessment of the
application that has been developed.
Research Flow
Figure 3. Research Flow
In the implementation of research
divided into development stages:
Unavailability of a Suitable Accounting
The fundamental problem of these
MSMEs is the unavailability of an
Interview with
2. Literatur Study
Accounting Guidelines
Financial Reporting
System Planning
Users test
Microsoft Excel Accounting Computer
Application with VBA Macro MSMEs
1307 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
accounting system that suits business
needs. At this stage, researchers first
explore the root of the problem at BLPT
GMIM Kaaten Tomohon in relation to the
implementation of the accounting system.
For this reason, researchers confirmed to
BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon, and from the
interview results it turned out that they did
not understand the benefits of the
accounting system, so their financial
statements were not in accordance with the
rules of SAK EMKM which requires entities
to present financial statements.
"For a long time, we have wanted the
financial management system to use
accounting personnel so that financial
statements can be made according to
the rules, so that based on these
financial statements we can quickly
make proposals for bank credit
submissions and also accountability to
the owner in this case GMIM. we use
conventional bookkeeping that contains
only cash in and us out information and
the difference is considered an
advantage (Jonlee).”
Researchers found several things,
namely that the financial statements they
compiled were only Cash Balance
Statements derived from cash receipts and
cash expenditures only, and from manual
excel recording, this certainly did not meet
the requirements for presenting financial
statements as stated in the SAK EMKM.
Whereas SAK EMKM states that fair
presentation requires an honest
presentation of the influence of
transactions, events and other conditions
that are in accordance with the definition
and criteria for recognizing assets,
liabilities, income, and expenses. Disclosure
of transactions is necessary when
compliance with certain requirements in
the SAK EMKM is sufficient for the user to
understand the effect of transactions,
events and other conditions that fit the
definition and criteria for recognition of
assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.
According to SAK EMKM, the purpose of
reasonable presentation is relevant, precise
representation, comparability and
understanding. In addition, this MSME is an
Industrial business that has a high level of
difficulty in making financial reports,
because it must present the Cost of Goods
Produced (Production Costs) and Cost of
Goods Sold (COGS), but in fact they only
make records manually in the book of cash
income and cash expenditure. They
understand that the system is sufficient to
produce financial information that can be
accounted for to continue the business, in
line with (Popa et al., 2018; Sulong et al.,
2015), where the difference between cash
income and cash expenditure is recognized
as profit. This is what makes the
information presented very simple and
Another thing is also a problem,
BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon is difficult to
accept the use of accounting information
technology, because they think that the
price of software is very expensive and
difficult to run, so they argue that even if
accounting information technology is used,
there must be 2 factors that are taken into
consideration, namely the benefit and
convenience factors. The benefits obtained
must certainly be greater than the costs
and efforts spent (Azudin & Mansor, 2018).
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1308
Therefore, the factor of ease in obtaining
and operating, or maintaining accounting
information technology also greatly affects
its receipt (Guritno & Siringoringo, 2013;
Hamid et al., 2016; Henderson et al., 2016).
With more convenience and expediency,
someone will definitely consider using the
technology, so that its use does not make
it difficult and does not need to be avoided.
In addition, the business activities of
BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon as a coconut
wood handicraft industry are not limited to
sales and purchase activities only, but also
production activities, meaning that 80% of
their business activities are in the
production process of goods, there are
several things that are experienced by
them, where the production department
often experiences running out of raw
materials during road cement production
and also often excess raw materials which
results in increased warehouse costs, This is
because they do not have an accounting
information system so they do not have fast
information on the calculation of
production costs and they have difficulty
determining the selling price, this results in
difficulty in determining gross profit. From
the explanation provided, researchers feel
the need for an understanding of the
production cycle, so that this business unit
knows what the stages of the production
process are like.
In addition to production activities
and purchasing activities, sales activities are
important transactions and routine
recording. Sales activities are carried out
directly at the BLPT GMIM Kaaten
Tomohon industrial house, soit seems that
consumers will come directly to buy goods
both for resale and their own use. Not
infrequently there are also buyers who ask
for special specifications on their products
so that buyers will order in advance the
products they want.
From the various information that
has been obtained, it can be concluded that
the recording on BLPT GMIM Kaaten
Tomohon actually already exists, but in a
format that is still very simple because of
the convenience factor. The ease of
simplicity actually causes the information
produced to be doubted by the manager
himself and even difficult to identify the
things needed, so that simple recording
cannot provide benefits. As a result, the
manager is confused about the purpose of
doing the recording. It is because of their
desire that there must be an element of
technological acceptance that pays
attention to the perception of usefulness
and ease in technology to increase the
acceptance and use of technology by its
use (Gresty, 2013; Mbatha, 2013). With this
desire, researchers certainly have to make
adjustments to their needs and abilities as
potential users and of course consider
aspects of the usefulness and ease of the
technology made.
With the conditions mentioned
above, it is necessary to design an
accounting information system as needed.
Abag of these problems, BLPT GMIM
Kaaten Tomohon wants an automated
system of breastfeeding that directly leads
to the desired results as a basis for decision
making to be realized. The desire to
implement automation meets the 2 fators,
namely the benefits and convenience in the
application of information system
technology. With this desire, researchers
certainly have to make adjustments to the
1309 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
needs and capabilities of BLPT GMIM
Kaaten as potential users.
Based on the interview results,
Microsoft Excel is believed to be the best
choice for BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon to
implement a needs-based accounting
information system. Besides being cheap,
almost everyone who has a computer
device must already have this application
so there is no need to install new
applications. The convenience presented
by this application is very much in line with
what is expected by BLPT GMIM Kaaten
The manufacture of components in
the accounting information system is
carried out by the researcher himself based
on the information and needs that have
been presented by the owner. Researchers
develop several excel formulas and connect
each part so as to form an automated
system. The information system created is
in the form of a transaction recording
system that will be directly connected to all
stages of the accounting cycle to the final
balance sheet. This system is made based
on the specifications of the needs and
business characteristics of BLPT GMIM
Kaaten Tomohon.
In making an application for BLPT
GMIM Kaaten Tomohon, researchers are
guided by SAK EMKM which was specially
made to facilitate the presentation of
financial statements to MSMEs. In SAK
EMKM, it is stated that there are only three
types of reports that must be made by
every MSME, namely the income
statement, financial position statement,
and CALK, because all three are considered
sufficient for MSME-level business decision
The creation of components in this
accounting application is carried out by the
research team based on the information
and needs that have been explained by the
business manager. By using and
developing various function formulas and
modules in VBA Macro which will later form
an automated system based on the
accounting cycle, namely transaction input
according to the type of transaction after
which the application proceeds and the
output is financial statements based on
In addition, the accounting policies
used in accordance with the SAK EMKM
arepaired systems on an accrual basis, the
annual accounting period (January 1 to
December 31) is divided into 12 months,
recording using general journals and
adjustment journals, making raw material
inventory cards and finished goods
inventory using the periodic or perpetual
inventory recording method, because with
this system it will make it easier to control
the correct inventory stock including
information on stock limits, purchases of
raw materials, sales, payroll are all recorded
based on proof of transaction and
furthermore, the depreciation method is
also determined, namely astraight line
Accounting information system design
Accounting information system
design Started by developing a design flow
based on the accounting cycle as shown in
figure 4, namely, (1) Inputting the balance
at the beginning of the previous month; (2)
Transactions that occur that are supported
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1310
by proof of transaction of sales notes or bill
notes are inputted into the general journal
with the required data according to the
general journal format, (3) At the end of the
month, adjustments or checks of remaining
assets, inventory, equipment will be made
and adjustments will be recorded into the
adjustment journal ; (4) Furthermore, the
data that has been inputted into the
general junal and adjustment journal will be
automatically accumulated into accounts
or accounts that can be viewed in the
general ledger, and the data on inventory
mutations and remaining inventory
balances can be viewed on the inventory
card without having to edit or input them
again; (5) Furthermore, the data will be
accumulated with the initial balance data
and can be seen as a whole in the lane
balance; and (6) The balance sheet data will
produce financial statement outputs in the
form of cost of goods produced
statements, income statements, statements
of financial position, and notes to financial
statements, to be further used for decision
making by BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon.
Figure 4. Accounting Cycle Design
Based on the design of the
accounting cycle above, from here the
researcher started designing an accounting
application by building 13 main menu
displays 1) log in page, 2) Main menu page,
3) Account list menu, 4) Transaction input
menu, 5) General journal menu, 6) General
ledger menu, 7) Raw material inventory
input menu, 8) Raw material inventory card
menu, 9) Finished goods inventory input
Neraca Saldo Awal
1. Pembelian
2. Penjualan
3. Penerimaan Kas
4. Pengeluaran Kas
5. Memorial
Laporan Laba Rugi
Laporan Posisi
1311 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
menu, 10) Finished goods inventory card
menu, 11) Production report menu, 12)
Loss/profit statement menu, 13) Balance
sheet report menu.
The log in page (Figure 4.) is used to
log logs of each user who enters the
system. Only registered users can enter the
system. The user must enter the username
and password correctly in the textbox
provided. When the login button is
pressed, the system will check the id and
password entered with the username and
password data that have been stored in the
database. If the data and password are
correct or matched, the user will enter the
system, on the other hand, if the username
and password are incorrect or mismatched,
the user will not enter the system, and the
system will give a warning message.
Figure 4. log in Interface Design
After the user successfully enters
the system, the user will be directed to the
main menu page of the system (Figure 5).
This main menu page contains buttons that
will be used in the application, which
contains all the activities of using the BLPT
GMIM Kaaten Tomohon accounting system.
Each menu is built using the module in VBA
Macro so that all buttons are automated in
the process, and the operator will very
easily run these menus because simply by
pressing the button, the user is already in
the desired menu window.
Figure 5 Main Page Menu
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal UMUM
Laporan Rugi Laba
Buku Besar
Laporan Posisi Keuanga n
Laporan Biaya Produksi
Kartu Stock Bahan Baku
Kartu Stock Barang Jadi
User Name
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1312
Next up in figure 6. Used to add to
the list of all accounts, both account
numbers and account names as well as the
initial debit balance or initial credit
balance, if it is correct press the save
button, every addition press tobol add,
when finished , press the button return. The
list of accounts is made based on the needs
in recording and reporting. The list of
accounts is classified according to their
respective groups such as assets, liabilities,
equity, income, purchases, production
costs, and expenses.
Figure 6. Account List Menu
Figure 7. Transaction Input Menu
In figure 7. Shows the display of
transaction inputs starting from the date,
description, account number, debit and
credit in the input into the textbox
manually, while the account name will read
automatically from the list of accounts at
the time of input account number., If the
data is correct, press the save button so
that it will automatically be read on the
general journal menu, if there is still an
additional transaction, press the button if
you are finished, press the back button.
Periode transaction until December 31,
before entering the transaction registrar, it
is necessary to communicate in advance
how much the value of the asset is
calculated based on the estimated
economic age, the acquisition price using
the straight line method After all
preparations are completed, the
transaction can start in the process, as well
as the inventory value must be adjusted to
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Lapo ran Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Daftar Rekening
Laporan Neraca
No Rekening
Nama Rekening
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Lapo ran Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Laporan Neraca
1313 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
get the final inventory result. Employees
need to do stock-taking or physical
calculations of inventory, both raw material
inventory and finished goods inventory
using the First In First Out (FIFO) method.
Figure 8 Shows the general journal
menu, to read all transactions such as raw
material purchases, sales, cash receipts,
cash expenditures, and memorials. The
results of this general journal can be
obtained from the transaction input in
figure 7. This is certainly in accordance with
the concept desired by the manager,
namely wanting a simple, accurate and fast
system. Because with these results, the
manager obtains accurate numbers
compared to before, so that the manager
can make the right decisions that have an
impact on the progress of the business. In
this menu, the manager simply reads the
transaction by pressing the print preview
button, to print press the print button,
when finished press the botton again.
Figure 8. General Journal Menu
Figure 9. General Book Menu
Figure 9, is a general ledger menu
which is a display to accommodate the
balances of each account, in this case the
balance is both debit and credit, this display
is processed automatically through
recording transactions when input in figure
7, the result of each transaction recording
that occurs is in accordance with the time
of recording so as to produce detailed
information of each account, such as cash
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Laporan Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Jurnal Umum
Laporan Neraca
Print Preview
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Lapo ran Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Buku Besar
Pri nt
Kemba li
Lapo ran Neraca
Print Previuw
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1314
accounts, receivables, inventories, land,
buildings, vehicles, machinery, office
equipment, accumulated depreciation,
short-term debt, long-term debt, capital,
income, COGS and Expenses (Hakim, 2010).
In this form, a list menu is provided, to
facilitate account search.
Figure 10, showing the date input
menu, description of the purchase or use of
raw materials, the code of the goods
purchased and the name of the goods as
well as the amount of money related to the
purchase and calculation of the use of raw
materials, in the calculation of the use of
raw materials in this application using the
FIFO method, if all components are correct
then the data that has been entered can be
stored so as to invite the raw material
inventory card, When there are changes
such as the addition of raw materials or the
use of raw materials, press the Add button,
when finished, press the Back button.
Figure 10. Raw Material Inventory Input Menu
The result of figure 10, is the raw
material stock card automatically in figure
11, from this picture it can be seen the
financial data of the mutation of the
purchase of raw materials and the use of
raw materials and the sadlo of these types
of raw materials. To display the card of each
item name and its code then, the operator
can search for it through the tobol of the
item code and the name of the item, if you
want to print the card can press the prin
button, if finished.
Figure 11. Raw Material Inventory Card Menu
Kode Barang
Nama Barang
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Laporan Rugi
Laporan Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Persediaan Bahan Baku
Laporan Neraca
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Lapo ran Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Kartu Stock BB
Kemba li
Lapo ran Neraca
Print Previuw
1315 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
Figure 12. Final Product
Figure 12, shows the date input
menu, inventory or sales description, item
code and item name as well as the amount
of money related to the preparation of
finished goods in this application using the
FIFO method, if all components are correct
then the data that has been entered can be
stored so as to welcome the finished goods
inventory card, when there are changes
such as the addition of finished goods or
the sale of finished goods then press the
add button, When finished, press the back
Figure 13. Final Product Stock Card
The result of figure 12, is the
finished goods stock card automatically in
figure 13, from this picture it can be seen
the financial data of the mutation of
finished goods and the sale of goods and
the balance of the type of finished goods.
To display the card of each item name and
its code, the operator can search for it
through the tobol of the item code and the
name of the item, if we want to print the
card can press the prin button, if finished
can press the back button.
Kode Barang
Nama Barang
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Laporan Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Persediaan Barang Jadi
Laporan Neraca
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Lapo ran Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Kartu Stock BJ
Kemba li
Lapo ran Neraca
Print Previuw
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1316
Figure 14. Production Report menu
Figure 14 shows a production cost
report that is automatically displayed in this
figure after going through the transaction
input process from the general journal
input, so that direct labor cost data and
adjustment jurnasl for factory overhead
costs and raw material inventory cards, can
be produced in figure 10, if you want to
print can press the tobol print, when
finished, please press the finish button.
Figure 15. Profit and Loss Statement menu
After all the input processes are
completed, it will automatically generate a
profit and loss statement as shown in figure
15 and a statement of financial position as
in figure 16..
Biaya Produksi
Biaya Bahan Baku Langsung
Biaya Tenaga Kerja Langsung
Biaya Overhead Pabrik
Jumlah Biaya Produksi
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Laporan Rugi
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Laporan Biaya Produksi
Laporan Neraca
Print Previuw
Pendapatan Usaha
Pendapatan Lain -Lain
Jumlah Pendapatan
Laba Kotor
Beban - Beban
Jumlah Beban - Beban
Pa jak Badan Usaha
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Laporan Rugi Laba
Laporan Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Laporan Rugi Laba
Laporan Neraca
Print Preview
1317 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
Figure 16. Balance Sheet Report menu
In this accounting information
system, the accounting cycle is made
starting from the initial balance sheet,
journals, to financial statements. Each stage
of the cycle is automatically connected to
the existing system in the Microsoft Excel
application. The first stage of the cycle
created is the initial balance sheet. This
balance sheet contains information related
to the balance of the real business account
at the beginning of the recording period
because the real account has never been
closed. The balance of this account will be
connected with the balance sheet to the
statement of financial position. The balance
will be connected to automatically use the
existing formula in Microsoft Excel. The
formula adapts to the stages of the cycle
For the recording of financial
transactions, researchers identified and
grouped transactions that often occur in
BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon into two,
namely, cash sales transactions and cash
purchase transactions. Researchers created
a special journal to separate the recording
of the two main transactions. The purpose
of researchers to create a special journal is
to facilitate the recording of transactions
and reduce the risk of misrepresentation
and will facilitate tracing if it is known that
there are recording errors considering that
only these two transactions have
repeatedly occurred. Both are devoted only
to recording typical receipts on sales and
typical expenses on purchases. This is
because these two transactions are the
most frequent, while the purchase or sale
of credit is never carried out. This kind of
format is created at the direct request of
the owner of the MSME.
If the application is made based on
business problems, in general, there should
be four specific journals, namely the
admissions journal, expense journal, sales
journal, and purchase journal. However,
this is actually not in accordance with what
is actually needed by MSMEs. Too many of
these elements will add complexity to the
point that it becomes difficult to use. This
has also happened in several previous
studies (Daspit & D’souza, 2017). Although
the creation is devoted to certain types of
enterprises, in the end the resulting
application remains the same as the
previous one.
Aset Lancar
Aset Tetap
Utang Jangka Pendek
Utang Jangka Panjang
Laba Berjalan
Daftar Rekening
Jurnal Umum
Buku Besar
Laporan Rugi Laba
Lapo ran Produksi
Kartu Stock BB
Kartu Stock BJ
Laporan Neraca
Lapo ran Neraca
Print Preview
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1318
At this stage, researchers with the
answer to BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon
jointly conducted an assessment related to
the success rate of efforts to solve
problems in implementing excel-based
accounting. Tingkat success is judged by
how much the user can operate the system
that has been created. In addition, the
quality of decisions after the creation of
financial statements is also a determinant
of the success of making work systems and
From the experiments that have
been carried out, the owner admits that this
system perfectly corresponds to what he
wants. The following is a statement from
Jhonlee regarding the results obtained.
"Oh, it means that so far there have been
some selling prices that have made me
lose, sir... I thought that my operating
profit was also very high, but now I
know..." (Jhonlee).
From the assessment carried out,
participants judged that the system created
was appropriate and feasible to be used by
BLPT GMIM Kaaten Tomohon as a basis for
making better decisions, as well as
decisions regarding selling prices which are
usually only based on the owner's
estimates. Calculations show that so far the
overall selling price of the product has been
above the cost of goods sold, but there are
some products that are sold lower than the
profit margin desired by the owner and
some are even sold below the cost price.
Based on these calculations, you can make
more informed and profitable decisions.
Various previous studies have also revealed
that the accounting information system is
deliberately made so that the financial
statements produced are faster, more
accurate and also accountable so that the
information produced becomes more
qualified (A. Harris & P. Patten, 2014;
Azriani et al., 2013; Firdaus &
Widyasastrena, 2017).
The system created has fulfilled the
usability and convenience so that it can
increase the interest in using the system.
Based on the various benefits obtained
above, the system created can be
interpreted as having met the element of
usability, namely there is an increase in
performance obtained after the use of the
system compared to before. If a person
feels that the use of a technology will be
beneficial to him, that person will be more
interested in using the technology (Hamid
et al., 2016; Ngoma et al., 2017). The
existence of the perception of nervousness
is a factor that causes an individual to be
increasingly receptive to the use of
technology (Bach et al., 2016; Henderson et
al., 2016).
In addition to paying attention to
the element of expediency, the creation of
an accounting information system for BLPT
GMIM Kaaten Tomohon also seeks
convenience. This convenience is usually
overlooked and actually makes MSME
actors reluctant to use the system that has
been created. However, in this system, the
element of convenience is something that
is absolutely necessary to support the
sustainability of the use of accounting
information technology. Here's what Jois
said about the ease of operating the system
"Is this just what the input is like? Then
the report is right, you don't need to
calculate it anymore, it turns out that it's
easy, "(Jois).
1319 | Development of Computer Accounting Applications with Microsoft Excel VBA (Macro)
in The Preparation of Financial Statements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMES)
Coconut Wood Furniture
Based on these comments , it can be
seen that convenience has had an impact
on technology users. Then, someone will
feel no need to avoid using the technology.
It has also been explained in some studies
that the perception of ease will increase the
intensity of use of a technology (Clarke &
O’Connor, 2013; Guritno & Siringoringo,
2013; Ross & Blumenstein, 2015). With this
element of convenience, MSME owners no
longer need to avoid the use of accounting
information technology so that the
opportunity for the sustainability of
technology use is even greater (Zach et al.,
The use of excel-based accounting
information technology that has been
made is expected to continue in the future
so that it can continue to help record
accounting at BLPT GMIM Kaaten
Tomohon. Although the system is simple,
the technology that has been created is still
considered quite suitable for continuous
use as long as the types of transactions and
business activities do not change. However,
if there is a significant change in the type of
business activity, which causes financial
transactions to become increasingly
complex, it is possible that it is necessary to
re-adjust the system to existing business
conditions, even if necessary the existing
system can be replaced with conventional
applications such as Myob and Accurate
which are more standardized and have
been used en masse by many types of
companies. This kind of system has
complete features because it is designed to
be able to meet the needs of all types of
business activities, even for large-scale
companies with very complex transactions.
Although its use will be much more difficult
than excel, since it has already operated
accounting automation, the owner will be
more familiar with similar applications
compared to those that have never used it
at all, so they can be better prepared to use
Overall, research with research and
development methods at BLPT GMIM
Kaaten Tomohon is considered capable of
overcoming the problems previously faced
by this business, namely accounting
records that are too simple and incomplete
by jointly developing a system according to
needs and capabilities. With the creation of
an excel-based accounting automation
system, the system makes it easier for
managers both in the financial
management process and the decision-
making process. Decision making, which is
usually only carried out according to the
owner's estimates, can currently be carried
out based on the calculation results of the
program that has been created. Therefore,
through this program, owners can make
more appropriate decisions for the
development of the BLPT GMIM Kaaten
Tomohon business in the future.
In addition, with the ease of
operating the software created, managers
no longer have difficulty when they have to
do accounting records. With just a few
trainings, BLPT GMIM owner Kaaten
Tomohon has been able to master the
existing instruments without any
Stevie Kaligis, Ivollety Walukow, Jefrry Rengku 1320
assistance, so that their use can continue
even though this research has been
completed. MSME owners, who were
initially reluctant to implement the
accounting information system
appropriately and reliably, became easiest
with the existence of a new system created
by adjusting to their needs and the ease of
This study also contributes
practically to MSME actors to start
implementing accounting records,
especially technology-based ones as a
reliable source of information in decision
making. In addition, from this study, it can
be seen that the system that can be
accepted by MSME actors is not a
complicated or expensive system but a
simple and easy to use.
This study process certainly does
not escape various limitations. First, it is
difficult to identify the components of
financial statements. Because previously
there was no accounting bookkeeping,
there was also no data or information
available related to assets, liabilities, or
equity. As a result, a lot of information is
incomplete and data is forced to be
emptied first. The next limitation is the
complexity of the system that will be made
because it has to adjust to the type of
business. Because the type of research
business is the furniture industry
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