JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 7, 1351 1360
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI: 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.377 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Revi Sesario
Pontianak State Polytechnic, Indonesia
e-mail: revi.sesario@polnep.ac.id
Correspondence: revi.sesario@gmail.com
: 17
January 2023
: 16
February 2023
: 23
February 2023
Abstract: The Pancasila student strengthening project is a program of the Ministry of Education
of the Republic of Indonesia at Vocational High Schools (SMK) which will be carried out in
2021-2022. Theindicator of program achievement is to increase the capacity of students to
adapt to global challenges and dynamics in the business world and industry. The specific goal
is to create graduates who continue to the highest levelof education, can work and have
entrepreneurial skills. The dimensions that make up the research variables of Pancasila
students include: 1) Faith and piety in God Almighty and Noble Character; 2) Independent; 3)
Working together; 4) Global Development; 5) Critical Reasoning and 6) Creative is further
connected with competence through the concept of work culture, including: 1) The
relationship between colleagues and students; 2) Commitment and 3) Discipline to measure
teacher performance include: 1) Improvement of Soft Skills and Hard Skills. The method used
multiple linear regression with a total sample of 60 productive teachers in agriculture and
plantation majors for the observation period July-December 2021 and Agustus-December
2022. The results showed that the dimensions of the Pancasila student profile and the Work
Culture Climate created at SMK will have a significant effect in improving the Performance of
Productive Teachers in the West Kalimantan Agriculture and Plantation Department. It is
necessary to increase the dimension of independence and the ability to reason critically in
students with competence in agriculture and plantations that are nationally licensed based on
industry. In particular, there must be a programto improve the soft and hard skills of students
through industrial internships.
Keywords: Pancasila Student Profile Project; SMK Work Culture; SM K Teacher Performance.
Revi Sesario | 1352
Indonesia is a country rich in natural
resources and of course as a global
economic actor in this digital era, it must
prepare human resources (HR) that are
reliable and characterful, adaptive and able
to compete competitively with qualified
hard and soft skills so that they are
recognized by the business world and
industry, especially in the Southeast Asia
region. The preparation of the younger
generation through various existing
programs does require support from
various parties, especially in the pandemic
era in 2020-2021 and this also happens in
SMK, graduates from each school are one
of the contributors to the fairly high
unemployment rate in Indonesia. The SMK
Center of Excellence (SMK PK) program is
one of the alternative problem solving to
increase the competitiveness of qualified
and sustainable human resources. The
existing program concerns the assistance of
practical equipment, physical buildings
(facilities and infrastructure) to support
teaching and learning activities and the
alignment of industry-based and business-
based curricula as a form of development
of the Competency-Based Curriculum and
the 2013 Curriculum that has existed before
until it is implemented gradually in 2021.
The impact felt by schools and
students as beneficiaries is indeed felt very
large, financial assistance that really helps
the school to organize industry-based
learning with standard equipment makes
learning activities very enjoyable.
Theethics of this program running for the
first time in 2021 was felt by the school to
be very difficult because the adjustments
that occurred to reform the old learning
model to be new, more fress and
challenging. The previous program started
from the driving school SMK Revitalization
and Central Of Excellent (COE) became the
first stepping stone to the success of this
new program which is packaged more
adaptively and has long-term benefits, the
goal is how students have new learning
experiences. The concept of SMK PK is
known as the concept model of how
students can work, continue school and
entrepreneurship (BMW) with the jargon
"SMK Bisa SMK Hebat Strengthens
The Pancasila student profile project is
an activity base designed in such a way as
to achieve and strengthen competence and
character with national and certified
graduation competency standards that
areincluded in co-curricular activities.
Iimplemented Permendikbudristek No.56 /
M / 2022 and outlined the ability of
teachers, especially in vocational schools,
to understand the independent curriculum,
develop projects to strengthen the profile
of Pancasila students and develop the
operational curriculum of education units.
The concept of independent learning at
SMK is a new thing for schools, especially
for teachers and principals, in addition to
carrying out their main duties as teachers
and educators, they must also carry out
various school development programs
according to the direction of the Minister of
Education through the Director General of
Vocational Studies.
Strengthening independent learning
includes theactivation of teachers and
students to feel new experiences of
learning in the digital era and full of current
1353 | Implementation of the Pancasila Student Project and Work Culture towards the Performance
of Teachers of SMK Centers of Excellence in West Kalimantan
dynamics, learning and teaching activities
are not only limited to the classroom, many
new models have been developed, for
example, one of which is work practices
that are already based on industry or
companies, practical tools that are adapted
to industrial equipment that students are
expected to be adaptive and get a real
learning experience. Merdeka means
purposeful freedom, this requires teachers
as creators to create and educate new
humans who excel in their fields, especially
for vocational schools in agriculture and
plantations in West Kalimantan. If we look
further, the actors who perpetrate the new
policy of education reform in Indonesia are
teachers as the spearhead or frontline of
educating the nation's life, adjustment
programs through a work base that is
relevant to the work culture that has been
created early in schools.
(Fatah et al., 2022) identified common
problems in SMK, including the
understanding of the school operational
curriculum (KOS), then the limitation of
sources of information and training, in
addition to the many new terms used in the
curriculum that will be applied in schools.
Research by (Sulaiman et al., 2022) stated
that the management of Good Corporate
Governance (GCG) in schools must include
the principles of transparency,
accountability, responsibility,independence
and fairness is very important to be
considered in SMK. The adjustment
program as a tangible form of work culture
is one of the momentums for business
actors and industry to be actively involved
as a form of participation in a sustainable
education program, the industry through
managers or division supervisors
participates in providing training or
tutorials on the dimensions of work
through debriefing activities, field practices
with the use of tools according to the
company's standard work base.
The results of the training involve
productive teachers and will be applied to
new methods of problem-based learning
(PBL) teaching or projects to strengthen
character and competency standards
based on the Indonesian National
Qualifications Framework (KKNI) which is a
model of the Indonesian HR qualification
framework with the concept of
juxtaposing, harmonizing and integrating
sectors Education to be in harmony with
the industry through training with work
experience in accordance with special
programs at SMK PK in agriculture and
plantations. The training system created in
accordance with learning outcomes
according to the level to create quality and
productive human resources, in Indonesia
there are 9 levels of KKNI qualifications
consisting of Levels 1-3 for operator
positions, 4-6 for technicians or analysts
and 7-9 for expert positions. Agricultural
and plantation vocational schools
themselves are included in positions 1-3,
one of which is the Competence of
Agribusiness Expertise in Plantation Crops
and Agricultural Product Processing at level
Work culture as an indicator of the
achievement of the SMK PK program is
closely related to work climate standards
(atmosphere) with dimensions of discipline
and high standards of commitment
between organizational members in SMK
based on the business world and industry.
Theenvironment created between teachers
Revi Sesario | 1354
and students needs to be created in such a
way as to create comfort during the
learning process starting from standard
classrooms, play areas, sports fields, green
open spaces, library access, work practice
places, availability of work equipment and
safety factors. The role of teachers as
performance aspects includes efforts to
improve standards-based soft and hard
skills that are included in the key
performance indicators (KPIs) in the SMK
education operation unit as a final report
on performance that will be assessed by the
Principal, while for students themselves
enter the form of a learning outcomes
report card which includes aspects of skills,
attitudes and attitudes which is assessed
by the teacher himself according to the
field of study both productive and adaptive.
The failure of a teacher and student in
theory and work practice is because they
are unable to create a fun, challenging
andapplicable learning atmosphere
according to industry standards as stated in
the Pancasila Student Strengthening
Project. Infact, how and model to create a
model of cooperation, independence and
student activity during the process
(schedule) that is regulated and created in
the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) that has
been designed previously in 2021 and
2022. This study seeks to see the
relationship between the existing Pancasila
Pojek associated with the work culture
model as the end of the performance
standard assessment of productive
teachers at the SMK Department of
Agriculture and Plantations in West
Kalimantan Province.
The research method uses a
descriptive quantitative and qualitative
approach based on survey results through
observation and in-depth interviews with
the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) model
for the 2021 and 2022 observation periods.
The number of respondents was 60
productive teachers of SMK Jfor Agriculture
and Plantation affairs in West Kalimantan
Province. Model was designed to combine
the list of questions with a likert scale
approach to measure the magnitude of the
influence of each research variable. Data
were analyzed using the Multiple Linear
Regression approach.
Tabel 1. List of SMK PK Kalbar
SMKN 4 Pontianak
SMKN 2 Pontianak
SMKN 8 Pontianak City
SMKN 1 Sungai Kakap
SMKN 1 Sungai Raya
SMKN 1 Mempawah Hilir
SMKN 1 Mempawah Timur
SMKN 2 Lifter
SMKN 1 Simpang Hilir
SMKN 1 Nanga Tayap
SMKN 2 Ketapang
SMKN 1 Ngabang
SMKN 1 Sepauk
SMKS Muhammadiyah Sintang
SMKS Budi Luhur Sintang
SMKN 1 Sintang
Source : Processed Data, 2022
1355 | Implementation of the Pancasila Student Project and Work Culture towards the Performance
of Teachers of SMK Centers of Excellence in West Kalimantan
The type of activity that is built on the
schedule (mile stone) of SMK PK.
Tabel 2. Types of Activities
Types of Activities
Socialization of
Independent Curriculum
In House Training (IHT)
Curriculum Implementation
Curriculum Design
Textbook Fulfillment
Coordination of Curriculum
and Teaching Materials
Project Rill-Based Learning
Teachers/Instructors from
the World of Work
Development of Fieldwork
Practice Programs
Certified Internships for
Technology Updates from
the World of Work
Tracer Study Program
Work Culture Workshop
Implementation of Bullying-
Free Schools (Anti-Bullying)
Mindset Change-Based
Character Strengthening
Implementation of
Strengthening the Pancasila
Student Profile
Source : Processed Data, 2022
Various implementation programs
have different achievement standards in
the form of smk activity accountability
report documents. In Tabel 2 as a
conclusion all items are carried out
properly according to the achievement of
100% performance standards. In Tables 3
and 4, it can be seen that all research
indicators are declared valid and reliable,
meaning that they are able to measure and
explain the relationship between variables,
judging from the alpa and pearson
correlation values which have a very real
effect. The best model is based on
empirically accountable data standards and
in accordance with applicable general rules
and regulations. Especially in SMK PK, the
dynamics that occur are very diverse
according to field conditions.
Tabel 3. Data Validity Test
Faithful and
Mutual Aid
with Students
Soft Skill
Revi Sesario | 1356
Hard Skill
Source : Processed Data, 2022
Tabel 4. Data Reliability Test
Alpa > 0,60
(X1) Pancasila Student
. 692
(X2) Smk Work Culture
. 780
(Y) Smk Teacher
. 763
Source : Processed Data, 2022
The advanced data processing stages
are classical assumption tests including
normality tests (normally distributed data),
processed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
test with an alpa value of <0.05, the results
of the Multicholinearity Test show that the
VIF values are in the range of 1-10 (no
symptoms of multicholinearity occur) and
for the Heterochedasticity Test using the
Glejser Test, The output of the results of
the analysis did not occur symptoms of
heterochedasticity (ALPA value >0.05) for
each of the study variables. The next stage
involves the magnitude of the influence of
each research variability both
simultaneously (Test F) and partial (Test t)
as well as the magnitude value of the
coefficient of determination (R
Tabel 5. Coeffesient of Determination
Model Summary
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Culture.Work,
Source : SPSS Processed Data, 2022
In Table 5, it can be seen that the
magnitude of the influence of the Pancasila
and Work Culture project variables on
Performance is 0.112 or 11.2% while the
remaining 88.8% is influenced by other
variables outside the model studied so that
it requires further study to find out what
factors determine teacher performance in
Tabel 6. Test Results F and t
Test F
(X1) Pancasila
Student Project
(X2) Smk Work
Source : SPSS Processed Data, 2022
Table 6 shows that simultaneously and
partially the variables of the Pancasila
Student Project and Work Culture have a
significant effect on the Performance of
Vocational School Teachers with an alpa
indigo of <0.05, meeting the assumptions
of the hiporprevious thesis that have been
The Pancasila project model and work
culture to measure the performance of SMK
Teachers majoring in Agriculture and
Plantations in West Kalimantan provide
sustainable benefits for improving teaching
methods for students and in particular
improving performance through field
competency standards. The Pancasila
Project is a development of the 2013
competency-based curriculum, a holistic
1357 | Implementation of the Pancasila Student Project and Work Culture towards the Performance
of Teachers of SMK Centers of Excellence in West Kalimantan
assessment in measuring student abilities.
In line with (Setiawan, 2022) that the
independent learning curriculum is a
prototype curriculum that has currently
been implemented by 2500 driving schools
and 901 SMK PK, thiscurriculum has been
enthusiastically welcomed even though
some still have obstacles to the practice of
its application.
In 2020, teachers and schools are more
independent in assessing student learning
outcomes through more comprehensive
exam changes (portfolios and
assignments). The material that was
previously more of an assignment model
rather than a slowly adjusted competence
means that it is necessary to map the
quality of graduates based on student
abilities and character not just a mere
cognitive measurement but holistically the
entire teaching and learning activity during
the current semester. In line with the
implementation, it is known that the
number of industries that support and can
be invited to cooperate with SMK is very
limited, especially in agriculture and
plantations in West Kalimantan.
The three components of teacher
performance include literacy, numeracy
and character assessment (Pancasila
students), literacy skills known as the ability
to use bahasa (critical reasoning), numeracy
is closely related to numeracy competence
(mathematics) and character shaping
cultural aspects of the spirit of diversity
such as mutual cooperation. The
enthusiasm and identity of students at SMK
Pertanian dan Perkebunan is very large and
interesting in observation since covid-19
children have problems in interaction
because there are no joint activities in the
classroom both in communication and
outdoor activities so that the cognitive
aspect becomes a little hampered due to
the lack of interaction between students
and teachers. The obstacles to online
learning are deeply felt by all school
residents, one of the obstacles is limited
internet access (quota) and application
models that are not yet familiar to use, such
as Google classroom or Zoom Meeting. The
era of digitalization also affects learning
standards and classroom activities closely
related to performance aspects in
improving students' soft and hard skills.
Evaluation of learning is needed for the
direction of improvement design, one of
which is the ability to reason critically, its
relation to improvisation and forming
patterns of behavior and behavior,
character and creation of students.
Reasoning means being able to feel and do
according to the heart and mind, of course,
as a form of positive response given, for
example to a task, event (event), or being
able to study a phenomenon or anomaly
that occurs when the teaching and learning
process occurs. We further note that the
ability to communicate or speak is needed
in problem-based learning (PBL) group
learning to stimulate student activity in
solving problems and being able to
compete and work in teams (team work).
(Sunardhani, 2022) mentioned some of
the results of the SWOT analysis that the
implementation of SMK PK consists of
managerial, operational obstacles
including the provision of facilities and
infrastructure for the learning process, this
is an important concern for us together
where the best pattern is in addition to
forming team competencies and building
Revi Sesario | 1358
internal and external communication of the
school. Te a m Work gives a new nuance
that learners are taught not to be
individualist human beings without
thinking about the needs and feelings of
others, children are trained to be able to
work together even though it is inherently
difficult to implement. The spirit of
cooperation will be the best performance
potential meaning that we have the same
vision and goals to achieve the highest
performance. The results of the evaluation
are adjusted to the participation and
potential of each student, this is quite a
drain on the teacher's energy because they
must pay attention to the overall needs and
monitor each varied development and
The dimensions of thework are
considered very important which isclosely
related to the aspect of how we relate to
colleagues and students themselves as
pillars of the nation in the future, meaning
how we as teachers create a generation
that is able to appreciate others who are
diverse in different ethnicities, religions and
races. Obstacles during the teaching
process are common so that creativity is
required from the Teacher himself.
Bhineka Tunggal Ika became a new
motto and spirit to complete the struggle
of educators to create the next generation
of a democratic nation and have the spirit
of love for the Indonesian State (Bela
Negara). Loving the culture and customs
that become the identity and soul of the
nation with a spirit of tolerance, "although
we are different but we are still one".
Cultural love is also reflected in the life of
tolerance, nation and religion that a
student has wisdom and wisdom in looking
at differences not being a wall of separation
or breaking the unity of the nation but
having a virtuous spirit meaning having a
clean, honest and compassionate soul
(having love for others and the
(Casmudi et al., 2022) mentioned that
the success of the learning program is
supported by the kegiatan teaching factory
(TEFA) which is included in the curriculum
aspect supported by the business and
industry (DUDI) in partnership with SMK.
Furthermore, increasing capacity and
competitiveness scientifically through
subjects provided by teachers must have a
positive impact on students as the
spearhead of human resources in fulfilling
the SMK PK program, namely BMW (Work,
Continuing School and Entrepreneurship).
Through variouskinds of skills according to
the standards of competencetensionmust
be equipped to SMK students, one of which
is the ability to service (service excellent) to
customers (customer satisfaction) which
will create satisfaction. Parents really expect
their children to be successful and get the
best education, so we as Teachers have a
duty and responsibility to be able to meet
those expectations. Technical obstacles in
the field we know that many students are
also classified as underprivileged students,
meaning that family life is quite below
average so that the potential to continue to
the college level is also hampered.
According to (Ferdiansyah et al., 2022),
the pedagogical skills and knowledge of a
vocational school teacher are absolutely
necessary and must be improved during
the teaching process. Teachers must be the
best inspirations and narrators including
studentsand schools in contributing
1359 | Implementation of the Pancasila Student Project and Work Culture towards the Performance
of Teachers of SMK Centers of Excellence in West Kalimantan
through scholarship programs either in
achievement or through mission aiming,
meaning that opportunities for children
who are classified as incapable have a great
opportunity to study. The SMK PK program
in West Kalimantan also involves
universities, one of which is the Pontianak
State Polytechnic where menbecome
mentors to principals and teachers to
create a good academic atmosphere in the
best practice of educational operational
units. The school is accompanied by
monitoring the results of the
implementation of activities which include
a road map with the achievements and
targets of the performance program of the
Director General of Vocational Studies smk
how the school applies optimal
performance standards in its activities both
for learning activities (theory and practice).
One of the other forms is as a forum for
establishing synergy and colleagues in the
world of work through the Cooperation
program with industry related to employee
acceptance, industrial internships and field
work practices.
Performance model design involves
creating a work climate and work culture
based on industry practice models
supported by equipment and instructors
directly from the factory or company
manager. These practitioners shared work
experiences and even became a 50 JP
continuous learning program in one
semester running at SMK PK. Practitioners
make a direct impact on students to obtain
direct instruction from experts. This
program also supports productive teachers
to participate in industry internship
programs to improve soft and hard skills
to be more qualified and industry certified.
It was further researched by (Soeprijanto et
al., 2022) that the development of the
Project Based Learning Assessment model
in SMK can use a combination of models
from written, observational and portfolio
tests that are included in the instrument in
the assessment of indicators and subject
rubrics. (Rahman et al., 2021) revealed a
new thing, namely that a new strategy and
policy formulation is needed in Indonesia
related to the management of the SMK PK
program to align it with the job market and
industry, currently it seems that there is not
much absorption from SMK students who
have graduated to directly work in the
company. We know that SMK graduates
are still among the average age that is not
mature enough to compete directly with
other graduates in high schools, students
still have to compete with S-1 or D3/D4
graduates spread throughout Indonesia.
The ultimate goal of the research is
only how to conceptualize being a superior
and highly competent teacher with the new
curriculum of SMK PK based on
independent learning. High-performing
teachers pay attention to the needs of each
student, every child is different and every
child is special and has its own uniqueness,
we as creators who form superior human
resources must be able and able to fulfill it.
The SMK PK program is felt to be very
useful for operating units in schools and
the hope is that the next generation of the
nation has competency standards that are
in accordance with the needs of the world
of work.
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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license