JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 7, 1303 1309
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.374 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Farah Dina Eka Putri
Sapta Mei Budiyanto²
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
e-mail: dinnafrh31@gmail.com, smb202@ums.id
*Correspondence: dinnafrh31@gmail.com
: 10
January 2023
: 02
February 2023
: 08
February 2023
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the end of the Covid-19 outbreak on the
economy of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in Surakarta City. This research method
is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data were collected through participatory
observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. The informants in this study consisted of
MSME owners (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), MSME workers (Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) and other MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) actors. The results showed
that the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant negative impact on the economy of MSMEs (Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises) in Surakarta City. These vary, including a decrease in the income of
MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), an increase in the unemployment rate, cancellation
of business projects, an increase in costs, a reduction in the number of employees, and an increase
in business bankruptcies. Proposed solutions to address this problem include social protection, tax
reduction, and infrastructure development. Hail's research is expected to provide important
information for the government, entrepreneurs and workers of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) about the negative impact of the end of the Covid-19 outbreak on the economy of
MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in Surakarta City, and assist the government in
determining the right strategy to promote the economy of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) in the regions.
Keywords: MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises); Covid-19; Economy.
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Community activities in Indonesia have
begun to stabilize after the end of the
Covid-19 outbreak which has been stealing
the limelight for the past 3 years. Many
people who used to work from home have
started working at work. And also school
children who have started teaching and
learning activities at school, as well as
students who have started activities on
their respective campuses. There have also
begun to be many traders who sell and run
their businesses again. The whole
community has started to carry out
activities as usual without being haunted by
anxiety about the covid-19 outbreak
Gradually, business actors began to
bounce back by being marked by returning
to normal activities after the Covid-19
pandemic subsided. The wheels of the
economy are also turning again and the
workers are also getting their wages to be
able to meet their daily needs. One of the
areas that shows significant development
in the business sector is Surakarta City.
Almost all business actors reopen their
businesses such as restaurants, stalls, shops
and others. If you look directly at the
movement of economic development after
the business sector returns to normal
activities after the Covid-19 pandemic
subsides. The Corona virus pandemic has
made business actors open businesses with
the target of increasing production so that
they can get more profits. On the other
hand, workers are also required to work
overtime in order to get overtime pay.
MSMEs must receive assistance and
attention after the covid-19 subsidence,
and the Surakarta government is also
working with Regional Apparatus
Organizations (ODP) to monitor and
advance the business sector of MSME
actors. The rise of the economy is now also
followed by changes in people's behavior
related to trade activities that rely on
This happened considering the
Covid-19 pandemic and face-to-face
restrictions and besides that it was also in
accordance with the times. It is also seen
now that many MSME players rely on
marketing. This development is also
in accordance with the policy of the
Surakarta government which often
provides training and opportunities for
online marketing development through
local Regional Apparatus Organizations
(OPD) ((Pradanita Zahri et al., 2021)
The era of the global pandemic due to
the Covid 19 outbreak has been going on
for quite a long time, bringing many
negative impacts on the lives of people
around the world. As a result of the Covid
19 outbreak, economic activities
everywhere have been disrupted which has
caused many people to decide to stop their
various activities. This has also resulted in
many sectors of the economy experiencing
losses due to this pandemic. One of the
most affected sectors of the economy is
small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
MSME is a business entity engaged in
various fields, such as services, production
and others. In Indonesia alone, the MSME
sector is recorded to be a source of
economic contribution of 58.6 percent. The
Covid-19 outbreak certainly has a big
impact on the MSME sector. Certain social
restrictions, such as restrictions on
movement and closures of various types of
businesses, will have a direct impact on the
1305 | The Effect of The End of The Covid-19 Outbreak On The Economy of MSMEs In Surakarta
SME sector. A number of policies that have
been implemented during the pandemic,
such as the ban on leasing trade loans, have
made entrepreneurs who rely on these
businesses also suffer losses. Like in all
parts of Indonesia, the impact of Covid 19
is also felt by entrepreneurs in Surakarta
City. Surakarta City is a fairly developed city,
based on socio-economic aspects recorded
by various national and international
rankings. However, Surakarta City is not
spared from problems that occur
throughout Indonesia, including due to
Covid 19 (Djatmiko & Pudyastiwi, 2020).
Along with the times, it plays a crucial
role in growth and economic development
to increase the income of a region in the
welfare of the people. The existence of
MSMEs has an important function for an
area, especially as one of the pioneers of
economic growth in the region. MSME
activities are one way so that regional
creative products can be recognized and
provide business opportunities for business
people in the regions. MSME players are
considered very important to increase per
capita income and improve the economy of
a region, so that MSME actors in the
regions are required to be able to
participate in developing the country's
economy, especially in developing the
economic growth of the city of Surakarta
(wika undari, 2021)
Based on the results of observations in
several MSMEs in Surakarta City, in its
implementation, several obstacles faced by
MSME actors were found, including: 1)
price competition between MSME players
and other MSME actors with the same
product. 2) limited capital owned by MSME
actors to innovate in developing their
products. 3) lack of understanding of
MSME actors in terms of their product
marketing strategies to be more widely
known by the community.
This type of research is qualitative
research conducted with a case study
research design. The researcher acts as a
key instrument and human instrument. .
The research place used by researchers is
surakarta kidul square. The underlying
reason for this place was chosen as a
research event is that there is a
phenomenon of problems related to the
rise of MSMEs after the Covid-19 outbreak
in Surakarta City. As for the research time in
this thesis report, it will be carried out from
September 2022 to July 2023. The object of
this study is the area of the city square of
Surakarta. The subject to be examined is
MSME actors located around the Surakarta
Kidul Square area with different sales
criteria and different incomes to represent
the diversity of income in the community
around data collection techniques using
interview and observation techniques
conducted by researchers in obtaining data
on the economic impact that arises on
MSMEs after the end of the Covid-19
outbreak. From the results of interviews
and observations conducted by
researchers, data was obtained regarding
the circumstances that occurred after the
covid-19 outbreak subsided the economic
growth of MSMEs in Surakarta city. In
addition, data was also obtained on the
obstacles faced by MSME actors and how
MSME actors tried to face obstacles in
running their businesses after the Covid-19
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outbreak subsided. The validity of the data
used in this study is source triangulation,
while data analysis techniques include data
collection, namely recording all the data
needed in this study, data reduction,
namely sorting out data in the form of a
description of the situation that occurred
after the covid-19 outbreak subsided the
economic growth of MSMEs in Surakarta
city, the presentation of data in the form of
a brief description of the obstacles faced by
MSME actors after subsiding the Covid-19
outbreak in the city Surakarta, and
Verification is the drawing of conclusions
supported by valid and consistent data so
that they can become credible conclusions.
What is the situation after the easing of the
Covid-19 Outbreak on the economic
growth of MSMEs in Surakarta City
After Covid-19 ends, the situation of
MSMEs will gradually improve. They will
start to get back to doing business and
increasing their productivity. Despite the
difficulties faced by MSMEs today, many
governments have issued various programs
to help MSMEs develop and improve their
performance. The government has taken
the initiative to provide loans, training and
other support to help MSMEs through
these difficult times. In the future, MSMEs
will grow and become stronger with
government support(Sarmigi, 2020)
After the easing of the Covid-19
outbreak, the economic growth of MSMEs
in Surakarta City needs to be rebuilt.
MSMEs in Surakarta City will experience the
impact of Covid-19 in various forms.
MSMEs will have difficulty in earning
income, selling products, obtaining
business funds, and increasing their
productivity. With the aim of accelerating
the pace of economic growth of MSMEs,
most financial institutions and
governments have planned to provide
assistance. There will be business funding
assistance, capital assistance, working
capital credit, and manaagement
scholarships. In addition, the government
has also introduced various programs to
support MSMEs and in expanding their
customer base. For the period after Covid-
19, the MSME economy still needs a
significant increase. MSMEs in Surakarta
City must be outlined in charts to
understand the advanced market. MSMEs
must also innovate to increase productivity,
create added value and expand the
customer base. In addition, MSMEs must
also increase marketing efforts, information
dissemination, and product introduction.
This will help MSMEs increase their
economic income bulk. This will also help
MSMEs rebuild their economies after the
easing of the Covid-19 outbreak (Sugianti
(Sugianti & Sugianti, 2021).
the merchants in Surakarta City are
very grateful. They felt very relieved
because they were finally able to return to
doing business smoothly without being
disturbed by the obstacles caused by the
pandemic. Traders also hope that this
situation will provide new opportunities for
them to increase sales and grow their
business. With the end of the pandemic,
traders in Surakarta City also hope to
change their lives for the better by
increasing their income and service quality.
In addition, the merchants also hope to
implement some new marketing
1307 | The Effect of The End of The Covid-19 Outbreak On The Economy of MSMEs In Surakarta
techniques and business strategies to
increase sales. Although a number of
merchants have experienced a decline in
revenue, many of them have managed to
increase their sales through various
effective marketing and business strategies.
These strategies include leveraging social
media to offer products and services to
consumers, increasing promotions, and
creating discount schemes for
shoppers(PRATIWI, 2020). In addition, the
government has also taken steps to
support traders in Surakarta City by
providing financial assistance and
activating economic recovery programs.
The traders will experience developments
in various ways. They will strive to improve
adaptability, improve business skills,
expand the market, and improve marketing
capabilities. They will also try to increase
the durability of the market and have
flexible strategies to deal with various
situations. The merchants will also try to
increase initiative and creativity to increase
marketing and productivity. In addition,
merchants will try to build new networks to
expand their market and grow their
Obstacles faced by MSME actors and how
MSME actors try to face obstacles in
running their business after the Covid-19
outbreak subsides
Even though the Covid-19 outbreak
has ended, based on the interview results,
MSME actors are still experiencing
difficulties. The price competition between
MSME players and other MSME players is
very tight. Because it has the same type of
product so that it causes quite fierce price
competition and also market competition
that is so difficult. Price competition
between MSME players and other MSME
players with the same product in Surakarta
City can occur in various ways. One way that
can be used is to sell products at a lower
price than competitors. This can be done by
lowering profit margins or using a more
aggressive sales strategy. In addition,
MSME players can also offer attractive
promotions, sell products with better
quality, and provide better customer
service to attract customers. Another
strategy that can be done is to increase
product offerings and carry out marketing
activities through social media. In this way,
MSME players can promote their products
to a wider range of customers and increase
their sales(Suminah et al., 2022)
MSME players can also compete by
improving the quality of their products. This
can be done using high-quality raw
materials, improving the quality of service
and expanding the range of services to
customers. In this way, MSME players can
make their products more attractive to
customers and increase their sales. In
addition, MSME players can also use the
right marketing and promotion strategies
to increase sales. The right marketing and
promotion can help MSME players increase
sales and attract new customers. MSME
players can do marketing through social
media, advertisements in print or television
media, and offer special discounts or
bonuses to customers.
MSME players can also increase their
service range and serve customers better.
This can be done by offering faster delivery
services, providing better customer service,
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and increasing the range of services to
customers. In this way, MSME players can
easily promote their products to customers
and increase their sales(Purwanto, 2021). By
using the various strategies mentioned
above, MSME players can compete with
other MSME players with the same product
in Surakarta City. This strategy can help
MSME players increase sales and increase
their profits. It can also help MSME players
attract new customers and promote their
products to a wider range of customers.
Thus, MSME players can increase the
number of customers and increase their
business profits.
In conclusion, MSME players can
compete with other MSME players with the
same product by using various business
strategies. The chosen strategy must
consider production costs, marketing costs,
and other costs, as well as offer different
and up to date products and services to
meet customer needs and win price
competition with other MSME players with
the same product. By using the right
strategy, MSME players can win price
competition with other MSME players with
the same product.
Based on the results of research that
has been carried out, it can be concluded
that the end of the Covid-19 outbreak on
the MSME economy in Surakarta City has a
positive impact on the MSME economy in
Surakarta City. This shows that MSMEs will
develop and play an important role in the
economy after the Covid-19 outbreak ends.
MSME players must ensure that the
products and services they offer are always
evolving and up to date so that they can
meet customer needs and win price
competition with other MSME players with
the same product. By using the right
strategy, MSME players can win price
competition with other MSME players with
the same product. Therefore, the
government needs to increase support and
assistance to MSMEs so that they can grow
and develop in the future. this can be the
basis for the Surakarta government to
increase support for MSMEs and help them
to grow and develop after the Covid-19
outbreak ends. In addition, this research
can also be a consideration for other
governments in dealing with the impact of
the end of the Covid-19 outbreak on the
economy of MSMEs in their regions.
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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
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