JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 4, 409 – 420
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i3.23 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Siti Novia Rachmawati
Prihatin Lumbanraja
Elisabet Siahaan
faculty of Economics and Business, North Sumatera University, Indonesia
e-mail: sitinovia011[email protected]
*Correspondence: sitinovia011[email protected]
Submitted: 2 November 2021, Revised: 11 November 2021, Accepted: 14 November 2021
Abstract. Having a reasonable effort of adapting to the change will improve the organization's
performance. Good communication with the leaders, colleagues, and employees will ease
communicating the organization's problems for achieving the best organizational performance. A
good work environment will influence more the employee's motivation to work to improve the
employee's performance. Conducting the working programs, the government will establish
teamwork to fasten the organization's performance achievement. This research aims to analyze the
influence of adaptability, communication skills, and working environment on employee
performance at Medan Mayor's Office with teamwork as the intervening variable. Sample selection
in the population using simple random sampling method. This research population is government
employees at Medan mayor's office with a total of 555 employees, with the amount of the sample
being 232 employees. The analysis uses statistics and path analysis. The result shows the adapting
ability, communication skills, and working environment directly significantly influence teamwork,
and then the adaptability, communication skill, and work environment positively and significantly
affect employee performance. Indirectly, collaboration is positively and significantly able to
mediate the relationship between adaptability, communication skill, work environment, and
employee performance. Therefore, teamwork is significantly able to be the intervening variable in
this research.
Keywords: adaptability; communication skills; work environment; teamwork; employee
Siti Novia Rachmawati, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabet Siahaan | 410
Every organization, both for-profit and
non-profit, both private companies and
government agencies, must pay close
attention to the performance of each
member of the organization. This relates to
the goals of the organization.
(Robbins, 2014) defines performance
as a result achieved by employees
according to specific criteria that apply to a
job. From some of the experts’ definitions,
it can conclude that the performance of an
employee or employee is an assessment of
the work carried out by an employee or
employee following their duties and
responsibilities and within a certain period
following the procedures determined by
the organization: profit nor the non-profit.
The performance of each individual in the
organization has an impact on
organizational performance. The better the
performance of everyone in the
organization, the better the organization’s
performance will be.
In the 4.0 era, every individual is
required to keep up with the times. This has
an impact on the progress of organizations
that can keep up with change. The ability to
adapt to change is the most demanded
thing for every human resource to continue
developing their potential and creating
their potential. (Sutrisno, 2013), in his
research, states adaptation is the ability to
live things to adapt to their environment.
According to (Risman Muhammad, 2013),
adaptability is a complex behavior
involving several functions and
At this time, the Medan Mayor's Office
employees must keep up with changes in
the environment where the employee
works, changes in work systems, and the
use of tools that support work with
technological capabilities that keep up with
the times. The Medan City government
wants to implement Medan Smart City,
which means that all services and work
systems lead to digitalization. In the past,
they still sent letters using couriers to
distribute invitations to other Regional
Apparatus Organizations. Still, now they are
required to make and send official letters
using Social Media such as E-Mail. The
situation continues to change following the
changing times and regulations that
continue to be applied to advance the
Medan City Government. Therefore, all
Medan Mayor's Office employees must
follow these changes to achieve Medan
Smart City.
According to (Suprianto, 2016)
performance is the result an organization
obtains, whether the organization is profit-
oriented and non-profit oriented
generated produced during a specific
period. The dimensions of performance in
this study are Quality, Quantity, Task
Implementation, & Work Attitude.
According to (Rohadi & Haryono,
2016) that Adaptation is the ability to live
things to adapt to their environment.
Adaptability is a very complex behavior
because it involves several functions and
intellectuals. For example, reasoning,
working memory and learning higher skills
(Susilo, 2016). From some of these
definitions, adaptability is a person's ability
to follow developments or changes in the
environment where a person is. Dimensions
of Adaptability in this study are Analysis &
411 | The Effect of Adaptive Ability, Communication Skills, and Work Environment on
Performance of Medan Mayor's Office with Teamwork as Intervening Variables
Communication skills are essentials
needed by every employee in carrying out
their job duties. Dimensions of
Communication Skills in this study are Oral
communication skills, Write
communication skills, and Non-Verbal
communication skills. The elements of
communication skills learned include
speaking, writing, reading, listening, and
using media skills (Biryanto et al., 2018)
According to (Afandi, 2018), the
working environment is something in the
background that may affect the workers
themselves in performing tasks such as
temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting,
noise, cleanliness of the workplace, and the
adequacy of the means of work equipment.
The work environment dimensions in this
study are the physical work environment
and the non-physical work environment.
According to (Kaswan, 2017) teamwork
is the ability to work together to achieve a
shared vision. Ability to direct individual
achievement towards organizational goals.
Teamwork is the fuel that enables ordinary
people to achieve extraordinary results. In
addition, the New American Webster's
Dictionary says that teamwork is no
different from collaboration or
collaboration. Therefore, the words
teamwork and Cooperation are used
Teamwork dimensions in this study are
clear goals, openness, cooperative decision
making, caring & sense of belonging.
(Sharma et al., 2012)
This research is explanatory, namely,
an analysis that intends to explain the
variables’ position and the relationship
between one variable and another. The
variables that are connected in this study
are the variable of Adaptability (X1),
Communication Ability (X2), and Work
Environment (X3) on Employee
Performance (Y), with teamwork as the
intervening variable (Z).
It conducted this research at the
Medan Mayor's Office, located at Captain
Maulana Lubis street No. 2 Terrain. This
research was conducted for four months,
starting from July 2021 to October 2021.
The population in this study were all
State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) of the Medan
Mayor's Office, totaling 555 employees.
The sampling method uses the Slovin
formula with a margin of error set at 5% to
obtain a sample of 232 employees.
The results of the regression of sub-
structure can be seen in Tab l e 1 below:
Table 1. Results of Regression of Sub-structure I
Siti Novia Rachmawati, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabet Siahaan | 412
6,599 .000
.036 .697
17,675 .000
a. Dependent Variable:
Source: Data processed (2021)
Based on Table 1, by looking at the
value of beta the standardized coefficients,
the regression model can be made to the
sub-structure as follows:
Z = 0,203X1 + 0.697 X2 + 0,105X3
Interpretation From the results of the path
analysis of sub structure I can be seen in the
following figure:
Figure 1. Image of Path Analysis Sub Structure I
Source: lResults research, l2021l(Data processed)
The results from sub-structure II regression can be seen in Table 4.15 below:
Table 2. Results of Sub-Structure II Regression
.036 .063.029
communication skills
.063 .256.000
.050 .307
9,359 .000
Teamw o r k
Work environment
413 | The Effect of Adaptive Ability, Communication Skills, and Work Environment on
Performance of Medan Mayor's Office with Teamwork as Intervening Variables
a. Dependent Variable: employee performance
Source: Research Results, 2021 (processed data)
Source: Data processed (2021)
Based on Table 4.15, by looking at
thevalue beta on standardized coefficients,
a regression model for sub-structure II can
be made as follows:
Y= 0.063X1 + 0.256X2 + 0.307X3 + 0.388Z
The interpretation of the results of the
path analysis of the sub-structure II can be
seen in the following figure
Figure 2. Picture of Path Analysis Sub-structure II
Source: The Results research, l2021 (Data processed)
Direct and Indirect Effects
In the path model, this study will
explain the direct and indirect effects
exogenous of variables on variables
endogenous. The direct and indirect effects
of this study are as follows:
1. Direct Effect
a. effect of X1 on Z = 0.203
b. Direct effect of X2 on Z = 0.697
c. Direct effect of X3 on Z = 0.105
d. Direct effect of X1on Y = 0.063
e. The direct effect of X2 to Y =
f. direct influence ofX3 to Y =
g. direct influence Z to Y = 0,388
2. indirect influence
a. The indirect effect of X1 to Y through
b. PZX1* PYZ = (0.203) (0.388) = 0.078
c. Indirect effect of X2 on Y through Z
d. PZX2*PYZ = (0.697)*(0,388) = 0.270
e. Indirect effect of X3 on Y through Z
f. PZX2*PYZ = (0,105)*(0,388) = 0,040
3. Total Effect
a. The total effect of the Adaptability
PZX1 + (PmZX1*PYZ) = (0.203) +
(0.203*0.388) = 0.281
b. The total effect of the
Communication Skills Variable.
PZX2 + (PZX2*PYZ) = (0.697) +
(0.697*0.388) = 0.967
c. total Effect of Work Environment
PZX2 + (PZX2*PYZ) = (0.105) +
Work environment
Siti Novia Rachmawati, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabet Siahaan | 414
(0.105*0.388) = 0.145
Effect of Adaptability against Teamwork
According to (Agiati, 2018),
Adaptability is a very complex behavior
because it involves a number of functions
and intellectuals. For example: reasoning,
working memory, and learning skills are
getting higher. From some of these
definitions, it can be concluded that
adaptability is a person's ability to follow
developments or changes that occur in the
environment in which a person is located.
The ability to adapt not only includes the
ability to adjust the body's organs but
many complex things that are in it,
including culture, behavior, emotions and
matters relating to human nature in nature.
A person's ability to adapt to his
environment can determine the results of
his work, because with a good level of
ability to adapt, of course it has a good
impact on absorbing new values in the
environment in which he is located.
Effect of Communication Skills against
According to (Enadarlita & Asvio, 2019)
communication is a process of forming the
delivery of receiving and processing
messages that occur within a person and or
between two or more with a specific
purpose. Communication skills are basic
skills needed by every employee in carrying
out their job duties. The elements of
communication skills learned include
speaking, writing, reading, listening and
using media skills (Biryanto et al., 2018).
(Sumbogo & Mani, 2021) Communication
skills are needed to achieve success in an
organization. In a company,
communication skills are an important
factor to be able to provide good
information and can provide comfort for
the people you are talking to. What's more,
living in a corporate environment, every
employee must be ready to face every
customer, client, or maybe a coworker who
needs information. Not only that, good
delivery will make the information you
provide easier to understand and certainly
make the listeners feel comfortable and
satisfied (Ahli Presentasi Dot Com, n.d.)
Effect of Work Environment on
The work environment according to
(Afandi, 2018) is something that exists in
the workers' environment that can affect
themselves in carrying out tasks such as
temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting,
noise, cleanliness of the workplace, and
whether or not work equipment is
adequate. Human life is inseparable from
the various circumstances of the
surrounding environment, between
humans and the environment, there is a
very close relationship. According to
(Kasmir, 2014) the work environment is the
facilities and infrastructure or conditions
around the work location. The work
environment can be in the form of rooms,
layouts, facilities and infrastructure as well
as working relationships with fellow co-
workers. According to (Sunarsi, 2020) the
work environment is everything that is
around the workers and that can affect him
in carrying out the tasks assigned.
According to (Vanesa et al., 2019), the work
environment is the overall tools and
materials encountered, the surrounding
environment where employees work, work
415 | The Effect of Adaptive Ability, Communication Skills, and Work Environment on
Performance of Medan Mayor's Office with Teamwork as Intervening Variables
methods and work arrangements both as
individuals and as groups.
The Effect of Adaptability on Employee
Adaptability is generally needed to
face a dynamic environment situation
(there is a change at any time). Adaptability
aims to minimize the risk caused by
changes so that the specified performance
can be achieved. Adaptability is needed in
the process of learning and working (eg
learning process, work environment,
survival) (Kamaruddin, 2017). Adaptability
is a very complex behavior because it
involves a number of functions and
intellectuals. One of the characteristics of
living things is the ability to adapt to their
environment. This ability is called
adaptability. Individuals need interaction
with their social environment because in
the social environment, individuals can
develop and adapt. Employees who have
just entered the world of work, must be
able to adapt to a new environment. If an
employee cannot adapt to his environment,
he will have a negative attitude and be
unhappy because he cannot blend in with
his environment. This can affect the
continuity of his work and career, so that
the implications for work results are less
than optimal (Rifani, 2019). One of the
characteristics of living things is the ability
to adapt to their environment (Ginting,
2019). This ability is called adaptability.
Individuals need interaction with their
social environment because in the social
environment, individuals can develop and
adapt. Employees who have just entered
the world of work, must be able to adapt to
a new environment. If an employee cannot
adapt to his environment, he will have a
negative attitude and be unhappy because
he cannot blend in with his environment.
This can affect the continuity of his work
and career, so that the implications for
work results are less than optimal.
Effect of Communication Skills on
Employee Performance
According to (Mangkunegara, 2011)
Communication can be interpreted as a
process of transferring information, ideas,
understanding from one person to another
in the hope that the other person can
interpret it according to the intended
purpose. Communication plays an
important role for a company, both private
companies, foreign companies and
government, communication is not only
needed in the internal environment of a
company but also in the company's
external environment. (Curry, 2004) states
that communication is a process of forming
the delivery of receiving and processing
messages that occur within a person and or
between two or more with a specific
purpose. In general, the notion of
communication skills is the ability of a
person to convey a message to the
recipient of the message so that the
communication that runs smoothly and
provides benefits for the sender of the
message and for the recipient of the
message. Communication skills are the
ability to communicate effectively with
superiors, coworkers, and other important
staff no matter where you work.
Communication skills are the main skills
that must be possessed to be able to build
healthy relationships anywhere.
Communication will be successful if the
Siti Novia Rachmawati, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabet Siahaan | 416
sender of the message and the recipient of
the message together reach the same
understanding and conclusion as intended,
about what is actually being informed.
Components of communication skills are
non-verbal skills such as facial expressions,
hand movements, body movements and
verbal skills such as language content,
language structure and language
utilization (Phutela, 2015). If someone has
quality communication skills, it is very
supportive to achieve company targets.
Effect of Work Environment on
Employee Performance
The work environment is everything
that is around employees at work, whether
in the form of physical or non-physical,
directly or indirectly, which can affect
employees and their work while working.
The work environment also includes
interactions or relationships between
employees and organizational leaders. The
condition of the work environment is said
to be good or appropriate if humans can
carry out activities optimally, healthy, safe,
and comfortable. An employee working in
a comfortable work environment will be
able to make the employee work optimally
and produce good performance, on the
contrary, if an employee works in an
inadequate and not supportive work
environment to work optimally will make
employees lazy, tired quickly so that
performance employee will below. A good
work environment is a supporting factor
which is also considered very supportive in
improving performance (Syahreza et al.,
2017). The work environment is a state and
condition that provides a sense of security
and comfort at work, which is supported by
facilities in terms of physical form and
psychological support, namely work
attitudes. By paying attention to a good
work environment, it is able to create
conducive working conditions so as to
provide motivation to work. A conducive
work environment provides a sense of
security and allows employees to work
optimally. The work environment in
government agencies is very important to
be considered by the leadership because a
good work environment has an influence
on the effectiveness of working in the
company. In an effort to plan a work
environment, it is necessary to examine and
determine the aspects of the formation of
the work environment itself.
(Pawirosumarto et al., 2017)
The Influence of Teamwork on Employee
According to (Hatta & Musnadi, 2017)
cooperation is the synergy of the strengths
of several people in achieving a desired
goal. Cooperation will unite the power of
ideas that lead to success.
Stated by (Devina, 2018) that
teamwork is a collection of individuals who
depend on each other on tasks and are
jointly responsible for the results obtained.
According to (Sarlito, 2013) teamwork is
people who work together to solve
problems and achieve goals in a group.
Cooperation is a form of group consisting
of more than someone who performs tasks
with a number of rules and procedures to
develop effectiveness and reciprocal
relationships to achieve team goals.
Cooperation can also stimulate someone to
contribute to the group, as according to
(Mawarti, 2016) teamwork is a group whose
417 | The Effect of Adaptive Ability, Communication Skills, and Work Environment on
Performance of Medan Mayor's Office with Teamwork as Intervening Variables
individual efforts produce higher
performance than the number of individual
The Influence of Adaptability on
Employee Performance through
Adaptation is the ability of living things
to adapt to their environment (Silverstein et
al., 2008). Adaptability is a very complex
behavior because it involves a number of
functions and intellectuals. For example:
reasoning, working memory, and learning
skills are getting higher (Hatta & Musnadi,
2017). From some of these definitions it can
be concluded that adaptability is a person's
ability to follow developments or changes
that occur in the environment where a
person is. The ability to adapt not only
includes the ability to adjust the body's
organs but many complex things that are in
it, including culture, behavior, emotions
and matters relating to human nature in
nature. A person's ability to adapt to his
environment can determine the results of
his work, because with a good level of
ability to adapt, of course it has a good
impact on absorbing new values in the
environment in which he is located, Yusuf
Effect of Communication Skills on
Employee Performance through
Communication skills are basic skills
needed by every employee in carrying out
their job duties. The elements of
communication skills learned include
speaking, writing, reading, listening and
using media skills (Biryanto et al., 2018).
(Sumbogo & Mani, 2021) Communication
skills are needed to achieve success in an
organization. In a company,
communication skills are an important
factor to be able to provide good
information and can provide comfort for
the people you are talking to. What's more,
living in a corporate environment, every
employee must be ready to face every
customer, client, or maybe a coworker who
needs information. Not only that, good
delivery will make the information you
provide easier to understand and certainly
make the listeners feel comfortable and
satisfied. According to (Harahap, 2020),
performance is the result obtained by an
organization, whether the organization is
profit-oriented and non-profit oriented
generated during a certain period.
According to (Mangkunegara, 2011)
performance is an assessment that is
qualitative in nature and quantity which
gives results or tasks and responsibilities
are carried out correctly. (Sutrisno, 2013)
states that performance is the result of a
certain work process in a planned manner
at the time and place where employees
carry out activities in the organization
where they work.
The Influence of Work Environment on
Employee Performance through
The work environment can be in the
form of rooms, layouts, facilities and
infrastructure as well as working
relationships with fellow co-workers.
According to (Sunarsi, 2020), the work
environment is everything that is around
the workers and that can affect him in
carrying out the tasks assigned. According
Siti Novia Rachmawati, Prihatin Lumbanraja, Elisabet Siahaan | 418
to (Vanesa et al., 2019), the work
environment is the overall tools and
materials encountered, the surrounding
environment where employees work, work
methods and work arrangements both as
individuals and as groups.
According to (Suharti & Mudayana,
2020) performance is the result obtained by
an organization, whether the organization
is profit-oriented and non-profit oriented
generated during a certain period.
According to (Suharti & Mudayana, 2020)
performance is an assessment that is
qualitative in nature and quantity which
gives results or tasks and responsibilities
are carried out correctly. (Sutrisno, 2013)
states that performance is the result of a
certain work process in a planned manner
at the time and place where employees
carry out activities in the organization
where they work.
Definition by (Robbins, 2014) that
performance as a result achieved by
employees in their work according to
certain criteria that apply to a job. The term
performance comes from the word job
performance job performance or actual
performance actual (achievement achieved
by someone). According to
(Mangkunegara, 2011) the notion of
performance (work achievement) is the
result of work in quality and quantity
achieved by an employee in carrying out his
duties in accordance with the
responsibilities given to them. (Wibowo,
2013). Seems performance management as
a means to get better results from
organizations, teams, and individuals by
understanding and managing performance
within a framework of agreed goals,
standards, and attribute requirements.
Based on analysis land discussion can
be taken conclusion that Adaptability
positive and significant impact on
teamwork. Communication Skills positive
and significant impact on teamwork. Work
Environment positive and significant effect
against teamwork Adaptability positive and
significant impact on employee
performance. Communication Skills
positive and significant impact on
employee performance. Work environment
positive and significant impact on
employee performance. Teamwork positive
and significant impact on employee
performance. Adaptability significant effect
on employee performance through
teamwork. Communication Skills significant
effect on Employee Performance through
Teamwork. Work Environment has a
significant effect on Employee Performance
through Teamwork.
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