1141 | Financial Performance and Risk
It has become commonplace for
entrepreneurs to develop their companies
by attracting stock growers to invest in
shares. If the quality of the company is high,
the stock price will also rise, and vice versa,
if the quality of the company falls, the stock
price will also fall. This is because the
existence of the capital market can be used
as an alternative to finding sources of funds
for companies provided by stock growers
(Umar et al., 2022)
The shares given by the shareholders
who are then referred to as shareholders
will be developed by the company, and in
time the stock growers will conduct a
sharer-return (Goddess, 2018) on the funds
that have been given to the company
(Nazulaikah, 2022). Stock planting is usually
done by people who have more funds to
companies that are experiencing a lack of
funds, where these funds will then be used
to develop the company as it aims.
The development of the company's
performance can be seen or accessed
through the financial performance reports
issued annually where the financial
statements contain the financial condition
or funds owned by each company
(Puspitasari, 2021). (Lovian et al., 2022).
These financial statements must be
reported carefully to find out the real state
of the company to continue to develop and
carry out its performance.
This also happens to consumer goods
companies that take part in the basic needs
of the community (Indriawati et al., 2022).
This type of company in Indonesia has quite
good potential considering that Indonesia
is a country that has a fairly dense
population so consumer goods in basic
needs are of course always increasing in
need (Lestari & Pangestuti, 2022).
Therefore, not a few shareholders
invest in this sector company in the hope of
receiving a large enough stock return.
However, it is not impossible if every
movement of the company related to
financial factors has risks that must be
handled immediately so as not to have
prolonged negative effects. Therefore,
researchers want to find out more about
the Effect of Financial Performance and Risk
on Stock Returns of Consumer Goods
Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the 2016-2021 Period. The
purpose of this study is to determine
whether or not there is an effect of financial
performance and risk on the company's
stock returns.
Researchers hope that the results of
this study can provide understanding to all
readers to be used as a reference in
carrying out various actions both for
themselves and many people, especially in
managing companies. Where the progress
of the company is of course a dream for
company holders, shareholders, and even
employees to continue to have an existence
in their lives. Considering that Indonesia is
a densely populated country with a fairly
high number of employment needs. If a
company goes out of business, it will
certainly increase the number of
unemployed in Indonesia which can make
things worse and various other sectors.
There are several things that need to
be understood in this study, namely: