1098 | Analysis of Cross-Border Cash Carrying (CBCC) Threat Countermeasures From A
Customs And Strategic Intelligence Perspective
certainly has strong reasons, one of which
is based on the National Risk Assessment
/NRA (2015) the way of transferring
terrorist funds through the carrying of cash
both domestically and across national
borders (cash smuggling) is a high-risk way
of transferring funds for the financing of
terrorism. Although this CBCC method for
funding something that has a large cost has
disadvantages in terms of limited amounts
of money that can be moved, relatively
large costs, and a relatively long transfer
time, the CBCC for terrorism financing has
the advantage of being difficult to trace the
flow of funds both the origin of funds and
the purpose of the flow of funds.
It is because of the difficulty of tracing
the origin of these funds that perpetrators
of acts of terrorism rely heavily on the CBCC
fund flow method to fund their activities.
Furthermore, the NRA (2015) cited one of
the reasons for the difficulty of tracing the
flow of money for the financing of terrorism
because of the transfer of funds in cash
using couriers or different people both for
carrying within the country and across
national borders with a certain face value.
For cross-border carrying of money,
although there is a provision for the
maximum value of money that must be
reported to border officers through the
cross border cash-carrying (CBCC) report,
in practice there is still a gap where the
carrying of cash involves different people
and the value carried does not reach the
maximum limit that must be reported plus
there is a possibility of entry of terrorist
members without going through official
For this reason, the way of transferring
terrorism funds through the carrying of
cash or similar instruments (cash
smuggling) both within Indonesia and
across national borders is classified as high
risk. Thus, FATF number 32 regarding the
carrying of cash (cash couriers) emphasizes
that every country must ensure that border
authorities or customs officers have the
authority to stop/withhold money or
similar instruments that are suspected to be
related to the financing of terrorism, money
laundering or other criminal acts or that are
reported incorrectly. Furthermore, the NRA
(2015) also mentioned that one of the real
examples of CBCC's connection to terrorism
occurred in 2008, when a non-Indonesian
national was arrested for carrying cash
many times where once in Indonesia
carrying cash with a value of at least 30,000
USD in US dollar denominations and was
known to have meetings with parties
affiliated with acts of terrorism in Indonesia,
one of which was suspected of being
financing suicide bombings at JW Mariot
Hotel Building and Ritz Calton Hotel in
Mega Kuningan Jakarta in July 2009.
Third, CBCC is an effort by perpetrators
to avoid reporting related to taxes or the
like. Quoting Almanzar, (2013) the
smuggling of large amounts of cash or
CBCC is a growing problem with the
economic security of even the United
States. This can happen because this CBCC
practice is an attempt made by the
perpetrator to avoid the required reporting.
Banyangkan indications of the influx of
money into Indonesia, which is said to have
the potential to reach 12 trillion in 2018 and
3 trillion in 2019, is the result of business by
overseas Indonesian entrepreneurs who
can be taxed a certain amount.
So the CBCC certainly has a