JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 6, 1108 1121
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.366 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Zulkarnain Lubis
Ihsan Effendi
University of Medan Area, Indonesia
e-mail: junaidisp87@gmail.com, zulkarnainlubis@gmail.com, ihsaneffen[email protected]
*Correspondence: junaidisp87@gmail.com
: 29
December 2022
: 16
Januaery 2023
: 25
January 2023
Abstract: The goal of this research is to determine the influence of social networks on the
partnership program and the performance of SMEs and the role of the partnership program in
mediating the social network on the performance of MSMEs. Concerning the study's population,
MSMEs assisted at PTPN III, a total of 243 MSMEs business actors were declared successful in
MSMEs development. A saturated canoe was used as the sampling method. As a result, the sample
size for this study is 243 MSMEs business actors. The information was gathered using a
questionnaire tailored to each variable indicator item. Structural Equation Modeling with Amos was
used for data analysis. The findings revealed that social network has a significant impact on the
partnership program and MSMEs' performance; partnership program has a direct and significant
impact on the MSME's performance; partnership program has a significant indirect influence on
the performance of MSMEs by mediating social networks.
Keywords: Social Network, Partnership Programs, MSMEs Performance, PTPN III, Structural
Equation Modelling.
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In recent years, the government has
begun to take an approach that encourages
the formation of collaboration between the
government and entrepreneurs in relation
to the government's partnership policy. In
many things can be done collaboratively by
the government and entrepreneurs
through various programs. A government-
business partnership is a type of
cooperation between the government and
the business sector that allows them to
share common resources, risks, and
benefits aimed at changing existing
environmental practices with innovative
findings (Lin, 2019).
The role of MSMEs in a nation's
economy cannot be overstated; micro,
small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
play an important role in economic
development and growth, not only in
developing countries but also in developed
countries. MSMEs are very important in
developed countries not only because they
absorb the most labor compared to large
businesses, as is the case in developing
countries, but also because in many
countries their contribution to the
formation or growth of gross domestic
product (GDP) is greater than that of large
businesses (Franco & Haase, 2020).
Because of the large potential for
developing MSMEs, many MSMEs have
emerged that are managed in an
unprofessional, particularly from a
managerial standpoint. As a result, many
MSMEs underperformed and went
bankrupt. The performance of MSMEs is
the result or evaluation of the company's
work accomplished by a person or group
with the division of activities in the form of
tasks and roles over a specific time period
in accordance with the company's
standards (Mutegi et al., 2015). However,
the performance of MSMEs has not been
able to achieve maximum results thus far,
particularly for failed assisted MSMEs.
Around 15% of MSMEs are
mismanaged, causing their businesses to
fail; failing to focus on the type of business
they are engaged in contributes to MSMEs'
failure. Furthermore, many MSMEs
managers change business types solely
because they are enticed by the success of
other MSMEs (Hasanuddin, 2009). Thus,
considering the strategic role of MSMEs
and their limited ability to develop, MSMEs
should not be managed with the origin and
without good management (Hendratmoko,
2021). Partnerships between MSMEs and
programs aimed at business continuity,
improving resource quality, increasing
partner income and income, and increasing
business scale in order to grow and
improve partner groups' business
This pattern of collaboration is one
solution for improving the performance of
MSMEs (Wulandari & Nadapdap, 2020).
One factor influences the performance of
MSMEs, and that is the partnership
program. The partnership and community
development program has two (two)
programs. The first is a partnership
program with small businesses with the
goal of increasing small businesses' ability
to become strong and independent
through the use of funds from SOE profits.
The second is the environmental
development program, which is a program
for empowering the social condition of the
1110 | The Effect of Social Network on Partnership Programs and MSMEs Performance
community by using funds from SOE
profits. The maximum profit allowance for
program funding is 2% (two percent) of net
profit for partnership programs and 2%
(two percent) of net profit for
environmental development programs
(Prajwalita & Tarmizi, 2015).
The Partnership Program has been run
by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III since 2002,
as mandated by the Minister of State-
Owned Enterprises. The Partnership
Program has been implemented
throughout North Sumatra by PT.
Perkebunan Nusantara III. From 2002 to
2011, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III assisted
small businesses in North Sumatra through
its Partnership Program. However, the
partnership program is supposed to be the
locomotive that propels the micro-
economy forward, but in reality, this
partnership has not produced the desired
results. MSMEs' performance under the
auspices of PTPN III is expected to continue
to grow and develop in the face of existing
competition. As a PTPN III partner, you will
be in charge of the partnership program.
MSMEs are said to perform well if they can
increase existing sales, increase annual
profits, increase capital, increase the
number of customers each year, meet
targets, and meet existing needs. PTPN III
partnership program aims to provide
access to capital for business development.
This program is expected to improve
MSMEs' performance in the face of
business competition. The existing
partnership program, on the other hand,
may make it difficult for partners to pay the
agreed-upon installments. So far, the
fostered partners have shown no
willingness to honor the agreements that
have been made. In general, these partners
believe that loans are a form of giving that
does not have to be returned. Furthermore,
this partner will only pay if PTPN III
employees come directly to their homes or
business to collect monthly installments.
Finally, this partnership program is
regarded as a gift from PTPN III to people
involved in MSMEs.
However, the performance of MSMEs
has not been as expected. The increase in
partners who are unable to pay installments
is a problem in the existing partnership
program at PT. Nusantara Plantation III. It is
known that social networks are not
maximally owned by the fostered partners.
The existing partnership program is only
the provision of loan capital, not to the
guidance of the fostered partners. So that
all of this has an impact on the performance
of MSMEs, especially in increasing their
success in business development.
The network's strength (network) is
also critical in micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSMEs). The network's
closeness can be seen when business actors
form cooperative relationships with outside
parties in order to sustain the business they
are running (Junaidi et al., 2022). A network
is a collection of social structures made up
of nodes that are linked together by links,
also known as edges or ties (Kusasi & MSi,
2019). The network's centrality is centered
on three actors: market administrators,
suppliers, and MSEs themselves, all of
whom play critical roles in sharing
information and resources for mutual
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success (Killa & Ratukani, 2020).
A business network is a type of
economic organization that is used to
regulate coordination and foster
cooperation among elements within the
organization. These elements are typically
in the form of business units, but they can
also be non-business units in a series that
aids in the implementation of business
units (Herlambang & Hendriyanto, 2015).
Social networks provide information and
knowledge, facilitating a better
understanding of developing strong and
flexible relationships with customers and
other supply chain members. Closer
relationships with suppliers will provide a
significant contribution to the company's
performance, including cost efficiency,
quality improvement, reliability, and the
fulfillment of always-available input needs.
Furthermore, suppliers can broaden their
sources of information about market
developments, new technologies, and
competitor movements. Successful
entrepreneurs understand the value of
networking when it comes to launching a
new business. Business networks can help a
company's growth and survival. The
presence of a business network assists
entrepreneurs in gathering the necessary
information and advice, which has an
impact on improving business performance
(Hendrawan & Wijaya, 2020).
The partnership program can be
interpreted as a program to help small
businesses become stronger and more self-
sufficient by utilizing funds from SOE profit
shares (Prajwalita & Tarmizi, 2015). This
partnership program aims to improve small
businesses' ability to become strong and
self-sufficient by providing capital as well as
professional and skilled Human Resources
training so that they can support marketing
and business continuity in the future
(D’Angelo & Baroncelli, 2020).
Data Source
In order to collect data for this study,
researchers used both primary and
secondary sources. Primary data and
secondary data are as follows (Sugiyono,
1. Primary Information
Primary data, that is, information
obtained directly from respondents via
questionnaires or questionnaires. The
questionnaire for the study was first
developed using indicators for each
independent, dependent, and intervening
2. Secondary Information
Secondary data, or data that
supplements primary data, can be found in
the form of reports, books, organizational
structures, the internet, and literature
related to this research problem. The
secondary data in this study is in the form
of a report on the partnership program's
evaluation results and the organizational
structure at PT. Plantation Nusantara III
Sampling Method
According to (Lubis, 2021), the sample
is a subset of the population determined by
1112 | The Effect of Social Network on Partnership Programs and MSMEs Performance
using specific methods and procedures in
order to accurately represent the
population. A saturated sample was used in
the sampling technique. When all members
of the population are used as samples, this
saturated sample can be interpreted as a
sampling technique. This method is
frequently used when dealing with small
population sizes or when attempting to
generalize with very small errors (Lubis,
2021). As a result, the sample size for this
study is 243 MSME business actors.
Partial Least Square Analysis
Combining regression with path
analysis to test hypotheses regarding direct
or indirect relationships between variables
that are quite complex can use the Partial
Least Square analysis method. PLS can
describe the entire relationship of the
dependent and independent variables in
one analysis.
One of the programs that can be used
for PLS analysis is the SMART PLS 3
program. The program is able to describe
all the relationships built in the theory
based model so that it is able to analyze the
effect of Fit Viability and the use of the
barcode system on Company Performance
and other variables that affect Fit Viability.
Some of the advantages of PLS
according to (Hair Jr et al., 2021) including:
1. Being able to operate complex models,
large number of dependent and
independent variables is not a problem.
2. Able to process data that has
multicollinearity problems between
independent variables.
3. Able to process even if there is missing
data or abnormal data, the results are still
solid and good.
4. Can be used on reflective and formative
5. Can be used on small samples and the
data does not have to be normally
6. Can be used on data with different scale
types, namely nominal, ordinal and
SEM and PLS have some differences.
PLS is predictive whereas SEM generally
tests theory. PLS has a measurement model
and a structural model. The measurement
model is the relationship between the
observation variable and the latent variable.
While the structural model explains the
relationship between latent variables.
Therefore, the measurement model must
be valid and reliable, while the structural
model is assessed by evaluating the
explanatory power and the significance
level of the path coefficient.
The first step is to assess the outer
reflective indicator model There are 3
criteria to assess the outer reflective
indicator model: Convergent validity,
Compositer reliability, and Discriminant
validity. After everything meets the
requirements, the second step can be
carried out, namely assessing the inner
model. This test is done by looking at R-
square, Q-square, Goodness of fit (GoF) and
F-square. R-square is used to assess the
effect of the dependent latent variable
whether it has a substantive effect. Q-
square is used to measure how well the
observation value generated by the model
is. Goodness of Fit (GoF) is used to measure
whether the structural model is valid or not
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Convergent Validity and Causality Test
Convergent validity test is obtained
from the measurement data of each
variable model (measurement model), this
test is conducted to determine the validity
of each estimated indicator, by measuring
the dimensions of the concepts tested in
the study. If the indicator has a nadir
(critical ratio) that is greater than twice the
error (standard error), it indicates that the
indicator has measured what it should have
measured in the model presented
(Hendrawan & Wijaya, 2020).
Tabel 1. Critical Ratio Value
The causality test shows that all variables
have a causal relationship between
variables to other variables.
a. There is a significant social network
influence on the partnership
program. The critical value of
15,861 is greater than the standard
error value and the probability
value (p) has an asterisk which
means it is significant.
b. There is a significant influence of
social networks on the
performance of SMEs. The critical
value of 6.506 is greater than the
standard error value and the
probability value (p) which has an
asterisk which means it is
Sobel Test
The indirect effect test seeks to
identify the position of a model's mediating
variable. The nature of the mediating
variable can be investigated by multiplying
the value of the path coefficient of the
independent variable's influence on the
intermediate variable and the coefficient of
the intermediate variable's influence on the
dependent variable. While the total effect is
calculated by multiplying the value of the
direct influence coefficient by the product
of the value of the indirect influence
coefficient. Another approach is to examine
the Sobel Statistic Test (Rahmi Widyanti et
al., 2011) by comparing the Sobel statistical
value with a p-value of less than 5%,
indicating that the mediating effect applies
to the model under consideration.
The Sobel test can determine whether
mediation has a significant effect. As
previously stated, the Sobel test assumes a
large sample size and that the mediation
coefficient is normally distributed. The
Sobel test results provide an estimated
indirect effect value, which is then used to
calculate the t value by dividing the amount
of data by the standard error value and
comparing it to the t table. The mediation
effect is said to be significant if the t-count
value is greater than the t-table value, and
the t-value is 1.96.
The Sobel test is required to determine
whether or not the effect of mediation
indicated by multiplication coefficients p2
and p3 is significant. The Sobel test is
performed by computing the standard
error of the indirect effect coefficient
SN ->
SN ->
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DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.366 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem
Fig 2. Sobal Test for Mediation Test
Sp2P3 = =√𝑝32. 𝑆e𝑝22 + 𝑝22. 𝑆e𝑝32 +
𝑆e𝑝22. 𝑆e𝑝32
Sp2p3 = (-0,587) 2. (0,099)2 +(1,568)2.
(0,144) 2 + (0,099) 2. (0,144) 2
Sp2p3 = √0,345 x 0,010+ 2,459 x 0,021 +
0,010x 0,021
Sp2p3 = 0,0033771208 + 0,0509820273
+ 0,0002032335
Sp2p3 = √ 0.0545623816
Sp2p3 = 0.033585919
Based on the Sp2p3 results, the
following formula can be used to calculate
the t-statistic value of the effect of
Because the value of t-count = -3.9404 is
greater than the value of t table with a
significant level of 0.05, which is 1.96, it can
be concluded that the mediation
coefficient is 0.033 significant, implying
that the partnership program has a
significant influence in mediating social
network on the performance of MSMEs.
Social Network on Partnership Program
According to the findings of the study,
the social network has a significant impact
on the partnership program at PTPN
Nusantara III. Furthermore, the findings of
this study show that good relationships,
particularly with financial institutions, can
significantly assist SMEs in strengthening
the existing partnership program at PTPN
Nusantara III. Financial institutions, such as
banks, are eager to provide data or
recommendations, particularly to PTPN
Nusantara III, in order to reassure investors
that SME players are capable of making
installment payments.
The findings of this study are
consistent with the findings of a study
conducted by (Pinho & Prange, 2016),
which found that social networks have a
significant impact on the success of SMEs.
Then (Yousefi & Ghazizadeh, 2019)
concluded that social networks could
speed up the distribution of SMEs'
Meanwhile, (Hendrawan & Wijaya,
2020) emphasizes that knowledge
accelerates the development of strong
and flexible relationships with customers,
as well as with other members of the
supply chain. Closer relationships with
suppliers will provide a significant
contribution to the company's
Network (X)
Program (Y1)
P2= 1,568
t = p2 p3 = -0,9204 = -3,9404
Sp2p3 0.033585919
Zulkarnain Lubis
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performance, including cost efficiency,
quality improvement, reliability, and the
fulfillment of always-available input
needs. Furthermore, suppliers can
broaden their sources of information
about market developments, new
technologies, and competitor
movements. Successful entrepreneurs
understand the value of networking when
it comes to launching a new business.
Business networks can help a company's
growth and survival. The presence of a
business network assists entrepreneurs in
gathering the necessary information and
advice, which has an impact on improving
business performance.
Furthermore, the findings of this
study show that good relationships,
particularly with financial institutions, can
significantly assist SMEs in strengthening
the existing partnership program at PTPN
Nusantara III. Financial institutions, such
as banks, are eager to provide data or
recommendations, particularly to PTPN
Nusantara III, in order to reassure
investors that SME players are capable of
making installment payments. According
to (Pasaribu, 2021), having a large
business network will enable SME players
to compete with larger corporations. It
should be noted that every SME actor
must understand the different types of
business networks that can be used to
build their business network.
Social Network on MSMEs Performance
The analysis results show that the
social network has a significant effect on
the performance of MSMEs at PTPN
Nusantara III, which is consistent with the
findings of a study conducted by (Ioanid et
al., 2018) titled The impact of social
networks on SMEs' innovation potential,
which states that social networks have a
significant effect on business product
innovation. Furthermore, (Nu’man et al.,
2020) states in the research title Social
Networking, and Firm Performance:
Mediating Role of Comparative Advantage
and Sustainable Supply Chain that social
networks play a significant role in
maintaining business actors' competitive
advantage in the face of competitor
pressure. Then, in the study A nexus among
strategic orientation, social network,
knowledge sharing, organizational
innovation, and MSMEs performance,
(Muafi, 2020) stated that social network has
a significant influence on the performance
of SMEs.
According to the findings of this study,
the social network of SMEs is built on
familial factors. In terms of marketing SME
products, this is therefore limited. SMEs
with a large number of relationships, such
as friends and family, are greatly aided in
meeting the minimum sales target. When
there is a perception of marriage or
circumcision of the apostle, this SME
product is typically used for the event. In
this case, the existence of social networks is
extremely beneficial to SMEs in the trade
sector. Finally, the stronger the existing
business network, the more opportunities
SMEs have to reduce the risk of business
failure.Social Networking is a competency
that must be prosessed by an MSME actor
(Aulia et al., 2021).
The ability to have a large business
network will allow SMEs to compete with
larger corporations. It should be noted that
every SME actor must understand the
1116 | The Effect of Social Network on Partnership Programs and MSMEs Performance
different types of business networks that
can be used to build their business
network. According to (Pasaribu, 2021), this
social network consists of the first
marketing network, where businesses need
to have a reliable marketing network, which
is always ready to absorb business products
and services with the right volume, price,
and time for success in marketing its
products and services. or assist with
marketing efforts As a result, this marketing
network may include a core network as well
as supporting networks. Marketing
intermediaries such as wholesalers,
retailers, agents, and other marketing
intermediaries may form the core network.
While the supporting network, which
consists of institutions/third parties that
play a role in promoting marketing success,
such as companies/institutions involved in
promotion, expedition, transportation,
market information, financing marketing
activities, providing marketing guarantees,
and others. These institutions/third parties
can include government agencies,
businesses, and other organizations. The
second network is the production or
operation network, which includes business
cooperation and relationships with various
parties (producers, suppliers, and other
parties) required to ensure the
production/operation process runs
smoothly. With a strong production
network, the company's production
capacity can be adjusted to meet the needs
(capability flexibility), a type of division of
production tasks can be carried out based
on the advantages of network members, so
that the production process can be carried
out more efficiently, large production can
be carried out through sub-
contracts/maklun or carry out consortium
to meet the huge demand in an economical
way. Finally, there is the financial/financing
network. The financial network is primarily
concerned with cooperation, relationships,
and access to financing sources, including
both bank and non-bank financial
institutions. This financial/financing
network is undoubtedly required by the
company, particularly in order to meet the
company's capital requirements effectively
and efficiently. Furthermore, a network with
financial institutions is required for the ease
of conducting business transactions.
Partnership Program on MSMEs
The analysis results show that the
partnership program has a direct and
significant impact on the performance of
MSMEs at PTPN Nusantara III. The findings
of this study are consistent with the
findings of a previous study by (Ghoniyah
et al., 2019) titled The Role Of Csr And Scm
Patterned Partnership In Promoting The
Role Of Smes As Beneficiaries Of Csr To
Local Economy, which states that
partnership programs play an important
role in assisting SMEs to progress and
develop. Partnerships can help SMEs
improve their financial performance and
protect themselves from competitive
pressures. Furthermore, according to
research (Mofokeng & Chinomona, 2019)
titled Supply chain partnership, supply
chain collaboration, and supply chain
integration as antecedents of supply chain
performance, partnerships have a
significant effect on the performance of
SMEs. Then come the study's findings
(D’Angelo & Baroncelli, 2020) with the
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research title Collaboration with whom?
According to SMEs at the Crossroads of
R&D Partnership Exploration and
Exploitation, mutually beneficial
collaboration can increase SMEs'
competitiveness. The partnership program
is thought to be the most effective in
growing the SME class to the point where it
can compete with other business units.
The findings of the research on
partnership programs at PTPN Nusantara III
through corporate social responsibility
activities are very beneficial to SMEs in
terms of improving their performance.
According to descriptive analysis, the
partnership program is in the form of ease
of obtaining additional capital and loan
terms that have enabled the fostered
partners, namely SMEs, to keep their
businesses from failing. PTPN Nusantara III
has never confiscated assets or collateral
from SME players who have fallen behind
on their payments.
Partnership can also be defined as a
form of strengthening between two or
more parties who form a cooperative bond
based on an agreement and mutual need
to increase income, business continuity,
production quantity, production quality,
improve partner group quality, and
improve the business capabilities of
independent partner groups. (Wulandari &
Nadapdap, 2020). The partnership system
is generally implemented in a variety of
ways, such as through contractual
agreements between partner companies
and partners (Mofokeng & Chinomona,
2019). Furthermore, (Semuel & Wibisono,
2019) formulated three important
partnership principles, the first of which is
equality (equity). His approach is not based
solely on power, but on mutual respect,
mutual benefit, and mutual trust. To avoid
antagonism, trust must be established. The
existence of awards, obligations, and ties is
part of equality. Second, there is
transparency. To avoid mutual suspicion
between partners, transparency is required.
Transparency in information management
and transparency in financial management
are both included. Third, it is mutually
beneficial. A partnership should benefit all
parties involved.
One of the programs offered by each
BUMN is the partnership program (Fitria &
Jurana, 2016). This program is a revolving
fund distribution program, which provides
additional business capital assistance to
SMEs on terms, procedures, and payback
times determined and agreed upon by both
parties (Ferraris et al., 2019). The
Partnership Program for Small and Medium
Enterprises implemented by SOEs is a form
of responsibility from State-Owned
Enterprises (BUMN) to the community
(Ghoniyah et al., 2019).
Partnership can also be defined as a
form of strengthening between two or
more parties who form a cooperative bond
based on an agreement and mutual need
to increase income, business continuity,
production quantity, production quality,
improve partner group quality, and
improve the business capabilities of
independent partner groups. (Wulandari &
Nadapdap, 2020). According to (Suryana,
2014), there are four indicators that can be
used to measure partnerships: access to
capital, coaching, management, and
mutually beneficial business links.
According to (Azizah & Maftukhah, 2017),
this partnership indicator consists of three
1118 | The Effect of Social Network on Partnership Programs and MSMEs Performance
indicators: trust, cooperation, and
Mediation Effect: Social Networks on
MSMEs Performance Through Partnership
The data analysis results show that the
partnership program has a significant
indirect influence on the performance of
SMEs by mediating social networks. The
findings of this study back up the findings
of previous research (Odoom et al., 2017),
which found that social networks have a
significant impact on the performance of
SMEs mediated by partnerships. SME
actors who participate in this partnership
program will have many business networks
through which they will find common
ground or mutually beneficial business
models. Furthermore, according to the
findings of research (Qalati et al., 2021),
partnerships play an important role and are
the key to success for SMEs with limited
business networks. The availability of offers
from various parties ensures that SMEs'
business units will find potential partners to
support financial performance. The
following research finding (Tiwasing, 2021)
confirms that partnerships are an
important factor in allowing SMEs to
increase their sales transactions. The
establishment of a business network has
prompted SME actors to quickly interact
with various parties who are thought to be
capable of assisting their businesses.
The researchers conclude that PTP
Nusantara III's collaboration is one of the
efforts to build a business network for SME
partners. The SME program expands the
network of partners who help SMEs market
their products or services. PTP Nusantara III
assists partners in establishing good
relationships, particularly with the
government, such as industry and trade
offices, the South Labuhan Batu district
social service, and the Labusel Indonesian
Ulema Council.
According to (Pasaribu, 2021), this
social network consists of the first
marketing network, where businesses
need to have a reliable marketing
network that is always ready to absorb
business products and services at the
same volume, price, and time for success
in marketing its products and services.
appropriate or beneficial to marketing
activities As a result, this marketing
network may include a core network as
well as supporting networks. Marketing
intermediaries such as wholesalers,
retailers, agents, and other marketing
intermediaries may form the core
network. While the supporting network,
which consists of institutions/third
parties that play a role in promoting
marketing success, such as
companies/institutions involved in
promotion, expedition, transportation,
market information, financing marketing
activities, providing marketing
guarantees, and others. These
institutions/third parties can include
government agencies, businesses, and
other organizations. The second
network is the production or operation
network, which includes business
cooperation and relationships with
various parties (producers, suppliers,
and other parties) required to ensure the
production/operation process runs
smoothly. With a strong production
network, the company's production
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capacity can be adjusted to meet the
needs (capability flexibility), and a type
of division of production tasks can be
carried out based on the advantages of
network members so that the
production process can be carried out
more efficiently, large production can be
carried out through sub-
contracts/makeup or carry out
consortium to meet the huge demand in
an economical way. Finally, there is the
financial/financing network. The
financial network is primarily concerned
with cooperation, relationships, and
access to financing sources, including
both bank and non-bank financial
institutions. This financial/financing
network is undoubtedly required by the
company, particularly in order to meet
the company's capital requirements
effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, a
network with financial institutions is
required for the ease of conducting
business transactions.
The social network has a significant
impact on the partnership program and
MSME's Performance. Partnership program
has a direct and significant impact on the
MSME's Performance. Partnership program
has a significant indirect influence on the
performance of MSMEs by mediating social
networks. Social networks should be used
as a condition for determining MSMEs
actors who join the partnership program.
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