E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494



Muflihah Rizqy Amaliah1 Saiman2

1,2Government Science Study Program, FISIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia

*e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

*Correspondence: [email protected],


Submitted: 10th December 2022   Revised: 05th January 2023   Accepted: 25th January 2023 Abstract: The Joint Business Group (KUBE) is a social assistance program from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, specifically the Directorate General of Social Empowerment and Poverty Reduction. The KUBE program is expected to empower the poor and reduce poverty. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the community empowerment program through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) and to determine the inhibiting factors in the community empowerment program through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan. The theory used in this study is Budiani's theory of effectiveness which includes four indicators, namely the accuracy of program targets, program socialization, achievement of program objectives, and program monitoring. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive method with a qualitative research approach. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the community empowerment program through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan has not been running well. This can be proven by the non-fulfillment of the four indicators that serve as references and benchmarks to see the effectiveness of a program.


Keywords: Effectiveness; Joint Business Group (KUBE); Community Empowerment.

















DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i06.363         https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index





Poverty is a complex and multidimensional problem, this is because poverty is related to several factors such as political, economic, social and cultural. Poverty is a condition where the income level of a person or group of people cannot meet basic needs consisting of primary and secondary aspects. The primary aspect can be seen from the lack of knowledge and skills, while the secondary aspect can be seen from the lack of access to clean water and health, education level, malnutrition, livable houses and so on (Kadji, 2012).

In addition, poverty is also caused by helplessness in economic aspects characterized by the limited number of special assets such as production factors, low wages in economic opportunities. This helplessness, makes people have difficulty in meeting their daily needs, as a result of which the community does not have the independence to make a change for the better and is more dependent on the government.

With so many problems related to poverty, the government, especially relevant agencies and institutions in assistance programs, is more careful in providing assistance to people in need. This is because the right assistance can be one way out to reduce poverty.

The role of the government as a policy maker is indispensable. With the policy, a program of activities in an effort to increase the capacity of the poor through community empowerment can be implemented. Community empowerment programs are expected to develop the ability to do business, provide security,

social protection and a sense of security.

The Ministry of Social Affairs as a government agency has a task in development in the field of social welfare to establish the Joint Business Group Program (KUBE) which is based on RI Law No. 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare and Perpes No. 15 of 2010 concerning the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction and RI Law No. 13 of 2011 concerning The Management of the Poor in the Context of Poverty Reduction,

Following up on this government policy, the North Kalimantan Government made regulations through Governor Regulation No. 58 of 2017 concerning the second amendment to North Kalimantan Governor Regulation No. 11 of 2013 concerning Grant Spending and Social Assistance Expenditure sourced from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of the North Kalimantan Provincial Government, this can be seen in Article 31 Paragraph 5.

In 2017, kube assistance was sourced from the state budget with a total budget of Rp. 1.36 billion. Each group gets Rp. 20,000,000,-. Of the total budget, aid funds have been distributed to 68 KUBE groups spread across Tarakan, Bulungan and Malinau areas.

Furthermore, in 2018 the provision of KUBE assistance was sourced from the APBN and APBD with a budget of Rp. 2.40 billion and has been distributed to 107 groups spread across Tarakan, Bulungan, Nunukan and Tana Tidung Regencies.

In 2019, KUBE assistance was still sourced from the APBN and APBD with a total budget of Rp. 2.72 billion and has been distributed to 140 groups spread across Tarakan, Bulungan, Nunukan and

(Kube) In Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan


Tana Tidung Regencies.

Finally, in 2020 the provision of KUBE assistance was sourced from the APBD with a budget of Rp. 320,000,000, - in the form of goods assistance and has been distributed to 20 groups spread across Bulungan, Nunukan and Malinau areas. (Kayantara.com, 2020)

With the establishment of the Joint Business Group Program (KUBE), it is hoped that it can become a gathering place for people who have common goals in building welfare through the economy, so that they can meet their living needs.

In addition, the KUBE Program also aims to accelerate poverty alleviation through increasing the ability to become entrepreneurs, developing business network systems, increasing people's economic independence and increasing income, so as to improve the quality of living.

The KUBE program is a group of poor families that are formed, grow, and develop on their initiative in implementing Productive Economic Enterprises (UEP) in increasing family income. In its implementation, KUBE consists of 5 to 20 heads of families from the poor. As for the number of KUBE, each year is different, this is adjusted to the number of KUBE members who have passed the selection.

Based on Permensos No. 02 of 2019 concerning Socio-Productive Economic Enterprises (UEP) Assistance to Joint Business Groups (KUBE) is assistance for handling the poor provided by the Central Government and Regional Governments to improve the ability to access economic resources,   increase   economic   business

capabilities,   increase   work productivity,


increase income and create mutually beneficial business partnerships with each other.

Bulungan Regency is one of the regencies in North Kalimantan Province that has been running the Joint Business Group Program (KUBE) since 2017 with the hope of reducing the poverty rate that occurs in Bulungan Regency.

Based on data from BPS Bulungan Regency, in 2019-2020 the number of poor people in Bulungan Regency continues to increase, namely 13,480 poor people from a total of 151,844 people with a poverty percentage of 10.03%.

This is the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit Bulungan Regency, so that several obstacles and obstacles have occurred in the implementation of the KUBE program, such as the lack of socialization and skills training as well as program monitoring.

Based on the above problems, the author conducted research on "The Effectiveness of Community Empowerment Programs through Joint Business Groups (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province"

This research was conducted to see how the effectiveness of community empowerment programs through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan and what are the inhibiting factors in community empowerment programs through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan.

This aims to determine the effectiveness of community empowerment programs through the Joint Business Group

(KUBE)    in    Bulungan   Regency,    North



Kalimantan and to determine the inhibiting factors in community empowerment programs through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan.




This research method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative research approach. This is because, descriptive methods with a qualitative research approach can describe and produce conditions that have occurred. The location of this research will be carried out in the community of KUBE group and the Social Service Office of Bulungan Regency. The subjects in this study were the Head of the Social Empowerment and Handling of the Poor Section, administrators and assistants of the Community Empowerment Program, KUBE in Bulungan Regency, Bulungan Regency, and five communities who are members of KUBE.

The data sources that will be used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is a source of data obtained directly by the author from the primary source. This can be done through direct interviews with the KUBE group community related to the Effectiveness of the Community Empowerment Program

through Joint Business Groups (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province, namely Mr. Maylisias Wan, S.Pd.SD., M.Hum. as the Head of the Social Empowerment and Handling of the Poor Section, as well as the KUBE group management in Bulungan Regency. There are also several KUBE members, namely Mrs. Siti Marpuah, Mrs. Nur Aifa, and Mr. Junianus Heri, Mr. Udau Ajang and Mr. Surang Bilung, this is equipped with written notes or using recording devices such as cellphones.

Secondary data is a source of data obtained by the author from an intermediate medium or indirectly. This can be obtained through journals, books, and previous research. This reference is used for material or handle in research, according to the problem or topic that the author raised, namely the Effectiveness of the Community Empowerment Program through Joint Business Groups (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province.

Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. The last is the data collection technique, in this case using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.




Here are the results of the interviews and documentation that have been conducted:

1.   Program Effectiveness

Effectiveness in the implementation of community empowerment programs

through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency will be measured using the program effectiveness theory from Budiani 2007 (Jibril, 2007), which includes four indicators as follows:

(Kube) In Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan


a.   Accuracy of Program Objectives

In a program, the accuracy of program goals is quite important. This is because the accuracy of program goals can affect the success of a program to achieve goals. The program will be said to be successful, if the assistance provided is on target. If the assistance provided is not on target, then it can be said that this program is not successful and effective.

Based on an interview that has been conducted with Mr. Maylisias Wan, S.Pd.SD., M.Hum. as the Head of the Section for Social Empowerment and Handling of the Poor, he said that: "As it is known that the KUBE program is indeed set for underprivileged communities, to get this assistance, people must go through several processes such as having to be


registered in poverty data or Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), submitting proposals followed by verification and exploration in the field and so on. So for the accuracy of the program, it can be said that it is appropriate, because the people who receive assistance are in accordance with predetermined criteria. "


This is reinforced by a statement from Mr. Surang Bilung as a member of KUBE, where he stated that:

"For me, it is right on target, because in this village, those who can help are indeed people n need. In addition, to get this help we also have to be selected, so it can't be just anyone who can. "


This can also be seen through the table below:


Table 1.

List of KUBE Names and Types of Businesses Carried Out in Bulungan Regency



Number of Members

Business Type

Number of Aids


Independent Cenganak



Pig Cattle

IDR 20,000,000




Catfish Cultivation

IDR 18,000,000


Cahaya Jaya



IDR 18,000,000




Catfish Cultivation

IDR 16,000,000




Cut Chicken

IDR 18,000,000


Move Forward Together



IDR 20,000,000




Mentok Cattle

IDR 16,000,000





IDR 14,000,000


Wakar (Women's Work)


Bangkok Chicken


IDR 20,000,000


Jaya Bersama



IDR 20,000,000


Tana Nuwa


Native Chicken

IDR 20,000,000









Mawar Jaya


Pig Cattle

IDR 20,000,000


With Jaya


Pig Cattle

IDR 20,000,000


Prima Jaya


Pig Cattle

IDR 20,000,000


Tungu Rays


Pig Cattle

IDR 20,000,000


Anggrek Jaya


Mentok Cattle

IDR 20,000,000


Jasmine Grub



IDR 20,000,000


Permata Jaya


Chicken and Mentok

IDR 20,000,000


May Jaya


Mentok Cattle

IDR 20,000,000


Sustainable Power


Mentok Cattle

IDR 20,000,000





IDR 20,000,000

Source: Bulungan Regency Social Service Archives


Based on the table above, it can be seen that the accuracy of the program targets is appropriate and appropriate, this is because the people who receive assistance and are members of KUBE are underprivileged communities. In this case, the amount of assistance provided by the government to the community can vary, this is adjusted to the number of members who are members of the KUBE group.


b.   Program Socialization

Socialization is the main key in the success of a program, because with socialization the government can provide recognition and sufficient information related to the program to be carried out. If socialization runs effectively, then the implementation of the program can also run well.

In interviews related to program socialization, it was found that program socialization was still not optimal, this can be proven by the results of an interview with Mr. Maylisias Wan, S.Pd.SD., M.Hum. as Head of the Social Empowerment and

Handling of the Poor Section, where he explained that:

"Related to socialization, at the time before the Covid-19 pandemic, precisely around 2019 the Government had conducted socialization to several villages and sub-districts. However, when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, direct socialization could not be carried out. However, in this case the government continues to strive through media such as WhatsApp Groups and so on."

For more accurate information, the author then digs up information from two communities that are members of KUBE, related to the socialization of programs carried out by the Government. In the interview, it was stated that:

"If the information related to the KUBE Program is known to me from Mrs. Leni Tambun, where she is an employee of the District Social Welfare Worker (TKSK). As for socialization, there is only once. After receiving assistance, the Government

(Kube) In Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan


has no provision of outreach or skills training for the community."


The    same    thing    was    also conveyed by the community who are members of KUBE, where he said that: "For the information, I know

from a friend. So you know word of mouth, if for socialization only once and it was done at the beginning of this program. "


Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the socialization of the KUBE program carried out by the Social Service Office is still minimal. Not only that, the Government also does not provide information through the media such as brochures or banners, this is due to the lack of budget owned by the Government.


c.    Achievement of Program Objectives A program can be said to be successful, if the objectives of the program are achieved. The KUBE program is implemented with the aim of    reducing          poverty            through increasing       entrepreneurship        and becoming a forum for people who have the same background and goals to build economic prosperity, so that

they can meet the needs of life.

Based on interviews related to the achievement of program objectives, it was found that the


achievement of program objectives was still unsuccessful, this can be proven by not reducing the poverty rate in Bulungan Regency. In addition, Mr. Maylisias Wan, S.Pd.SD.,M.Hum. also said that:

"In several monitoring carried out by the Government, there are several obstacles that cause the achievement of the objectives of the KUBE program not to run effectively. First, this is due to the Covid-19 pandemic, then there are problems or cases such as a chicken farming business where, after getting KUBE assistance and starting to run its business, but some time after, the business failed because the chickens that had just been raised died. And to build a business or business from scratch is already difficult, this is because KUBE assistance has been used for initial capital to establish a chicken farming business. With problems like this, the Community Empowerment Program through KUBE can be said to be ineffective. Because it cannot improve the ability to be entrepreneurial, increase people's economic independence and increase income, so as to improve the quality of living, and so on. "


This can also be seen through the table below:



Table 2.

Achieving the Objectives of the Community Empowerment Program through the Berama Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan

Year 2019-2021



Target (%)

Capaian (%)


Improving skills in entrepreneurship




Developing a business network system




Increase economic independence




Increase revenue




Improving quality of life



Source: Processed By The Author, 2022


Based on the statement and table above, it can be concluded that the achievement of the objectives of the community empowerment program through KUBE in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan has not been successful, this is because it does not meet the objectives of the establishment of a community empowerment program through KUBE.


d.   Program Monitoring

In the implementation of a program, program monitoring must be carried out, this is so that the government as a policy maker can monitor the extent of the development of the program that is being carried out and provide direction and guidance to the communities involved in KUBE. With regular program monitoring, the implementation of the program can run well and can achieve the expected goals.


From        several        interviews

conducted by researchers, program monitoring is also still not optimal, this is evidenced by the results of interviews with Mrs. Nur Aifa as a member of KUBE, where she said that: "For monitoring programs such as visits for checking, it has also not run optimally. This is due to the lack of budget funds, making it difficult for us to accompany and closely monitor the implementation of the KUBE program. In addition, human resources (HR) for KUBE special companions are also still lacking, so it is not uncommon, there is one companion who has four to eleven KUBE groups that must be taken care of. Furthermore, road access to several villages and sub-districts is also difficult and quite time- consuming, especially during the rainy season, some of these roads can only be passed by pedestrians, those of us who use cars cannot pass. Finally, the lack of cooperation with several related agencies, for example the Fisheries Service for communities

that have businesses such as catfish

(Kube) In Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan


farming or the Trade and Cooperative Industry Office for communities that have Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and other agencies, in accordance with the communities that are members of this KUBE program. "


The same thing was also conveyed by the community who are members of KUBE, in the interview it was said that:

"If it is for direct monitoring by the Social Service, it has never been, but if it is monitoring from sub-district people (TKSK) it has been once. "


For more accurate information, the author then digs up information from Mrs. Nur Aifa as a member of KUBE, she also explained that:

"For monitoring from the Social Service, it has never been, but if it is from the District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK) ever, it is also only once. "


Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the monitoring of community empowerment programs through KUBE in Bulungan Regency is still not optimal, this is because the Government has several obstacles in its implementation.


2.     Inhibiting Factors

Like the implementation of a program in general, some obstacles inevitably         occur         in         its

implementation. If these obstacles or


problems are not resolved immediately, then the successful implementation of a program will be difficult or even not achieved. The following are the inhibiting factors in the implementation of the KUBE program in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan Province:

a.   The lack of budget, this is because in 2019 to 2021, the budget sourced from the APBN and APBD was cut and channeled to increase the budget related to the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to the Human Resources (HR) of a special companion in the implementation of KUBE is also still lacking, where in this case, one companion supervises four to eleven KUBE groups that must be accompanied, So that in implementation such as monitoring or monitoring cannot be carried out properly.

b.   The community only depends on assistance worth Rp.20,000,000 per group, which is provided by the government, after receiving assistance, the community has difficulty managing the business that has been established. As a result, the assistance provided can only be used for start-up capital only.

c.    Lack of cooperation with several agencies, such as the Trade and Cooperatives Industry Office for KUBE which establishes or manages Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as other agencies. This is because these agencies have more qualified abilities

and knowledge, so they can provide



information to the public who are members of KUBE according to the type of business they are engaged in.


Table 3.

Achievement of Community Empowerment Program Results through Berama Business Group (KUBE) in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan

Year 2019-2021




Success Indicators



Performance Achievement

Target (%)

Targets Achieved (%)


Accuracy       of       Program Objectives

Measuring the extent of the accuracy of kube program targets that are focused                      on

underprivileged communities and have been registered in the Integrated             Social

Welfare Data (DTKS).




Program Socialization

Increase community participation              by providing information related to KUBE, both in the form of brochures,

banners and so on.




Achievement    of    Program Objectives

Reducing           poverty through an increase in entrepreneurship and becoming a forum for people who have the same background to build economic welfare, so that they can meet

the needs of life.




Program Monitoring

Measure the extent of progress of the KUBE program and provide direction and guidance to the communities that

are   members   of   the



(Kube) In Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan


Source: Processed By The Author, 2022




Based on the results of previous research and discussions, it can be concluded that in general the implementation of the Community Empowerment Program through KUBE in Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan has not gone well. This can be proven by the non-fulfillment of four indicators that become a reference and benchmark for seeing the effectiveness of a program.

Of the four indicators, only one indicator is running well, namely the accuracy of program goals. As for program socialization, achieving program objectives, and monitoring programs are not going well.

This is because the government still lacks socialization, monitoring and monitoring of people who join the KUBE program. In addition, this is also influenced by several obstacles such as lack of budget and human resources in assisting the KUBE program and lack of cooperation with several related agencies, where these institutions have the ability and qualified knowledge to provide some information and so on.




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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication

under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).