Garnis Fatimah, Isah Cahyani, Juhana

Universitas Terbuka

*e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

*Correspondence: [email protected]


Submitted: 05 January 2023               Revised: January 2023               Accepted: January 2023

Abstract: This research aims to found out: (1) the students’ Indonesian grade use Think Talk Write (TTW) better compared than the students’ Indonesian grade use Cooperative Learning method, (2) the students’ Indonesian grade by high self efficacy development compared with moderate self efficacy development, the students’ Indonesian grade by high self efficacy development compared with low self efficacy development,  and the students’ Indonesian grade by moderate self efficacy development compared with low self efficacy development, (3) is there an interaction between Think Talk Write (TTW) method and Conventional learning method about the students’ self efficacy development on the increase of Indonesian’s grade . The type of this research is quasi experimental with design factorial of 2 x 3. The population in this research were all students in the third grade of SD Negeri Mekarasih of Cihampelas Subdistrict of Bandung Barat Regency selected by chosen without random assignment into III B as the experiment class and III A as control class. The data of questionnaires result and tests of Indonesian are analyzed by using the test of analyze two way anova with Microsoft Excel 2016. Base on the founded data analyze, the research points are identified as follows: First, the test result of datas mean there are differences between Think Talk Write (TTW) method and Cooperative Learning method about the Indonesian’s grade, then the decision is learning Indonesian using Think Talk Write (TTW) method gives better influence than learning Indonesian using Conventional learning method. Second, the test result of datas give explanation that there are differences comprehention between students’ self efficacy categories development and Indonesian’s grade. This is because the tests result show that there are the differences Indonesian learning ability between students’ high self efficacy, students’ moderate self efficacy, and students’ low self efficacy. The students’ high self efficacy development has understanding ability of Indonesian better than students’ moderate self efficacy developments. Third, the test result of datas give explanation that there is no interaction between Cooperative Learning method and students’ self efficacy categories development about the Indonesian’s grade.


Keywords: Think Talk Write; The self efficacy development; Learning result.


According to (Santoso, 2015) argues that language learning basically aims to express the ability to use language for various purposes. Learning Indonesian given to improve children's language skills in the classroom which is shown by getting high scores.

Based on the total percentage of research, 29.17% of students who have a score Indonesian below the KKM limit. The learning attitude of students who are at a low level of learning is shown by the lack of learning ability in asking questions, finding learning solutions, not being able to answer questions, not being able to understand reading, not being able to relate the subject matter, difficulty mentioning examples, not knowing learning resources, not being able to find the core material. The discoveries of children's learning attitudes in the classroom can be corrected by using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning method as communicative learning in the classroom.

According to (Huda, 2017) argues that Think Talk Write (TTW) is a strategy that facilitates the practice of speaking language and writing the language fluently. This strategy, first introduced by Huinker and Laughhlin (1996:82), is based on the understanding that learning is a social behavior. TTW strategies encourage students to think, speak, and then write down a particular topic.

According to (Kusuma, 2016) in Suseli (2010: 39) argues that the advantages of using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model are; Educate students more independently; Forming teamwork; Practice thinking, speaking, and taking notes yourself; More personal experience; Train students to dare to perform; Exchange information between groups/students; The teacher is only as a director and guide; Students are becoming more active.

According to (Yuliyani, 2017) in Baron and Byrne (2003: 183) argues that academic self-efficacy can be interpreted as a person's belief that he is capable of performing a given academic task and signifies his level of ability. The two types of self-efficacy that are in a person are low and high academic self-efficacy. Therefore, researchers want to apply the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning method that is oriented towards student self-efficacy to improve learning outcomes Indonesian.

Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in this study is as follows: (1) How to improve learning outcomes Indonesian students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) method; (2) How is the role of the development of self-efficacy of students in improving learning outcomes Indonesian; (3) How the interaction of the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method affects the development of student self-efficacy in improving Indonesian learning outcomes.

The research objectives in this study are as follows: (1) To describe the improvement of learning outcomes Indonesian students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) method. (2) To describe the learning outcomes Indonesian learners at a high level of self-efficacy development with moderate self-efficacy, high self-efficacy development with low self-efficacy, and moderate self-efficacy development with low self-efficacy. (3) To describe the effect of the interaction of the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method on the development of student self-efficacy in improving Indonesian learning outcomes.




According to (Wibawa, 2016) in Creswell (2009) argue that quantitative research is research that requires data in the form of numbers or values, or data in the form of information, comments, opinions, or sentences but is quantified. The determination of the quantitative research format depends on the problem and the research objectives set (Sugiyono, 2006). The quantitative research approach strategy used in this study is experimental research and the type of research design used is quasi-experimental research.

According to (Wibawa, 2016) argue that in the quasi-experiment, researchers use control groups and experimental groups, but do not randomly assign participants into the two groups (for example, learners may be in a whole group that cannot be divided anymore). The purpose of a quasi-experiment is to obtain information that is an approximation to the information that can be obtained with an actual experiment in a state where it is not possible to control and or manipulate all relevant variables.

According to (Wibawa, 2016) argue that internal validity is how far the relationship between treatment (cause variable) and criterion (effect variable) is really a cause-and-effect relationship that can be ascertained. External validity relates to the generalizing value of an experiment. The internal validity in this study is the Think Talk Write (TTW) method with the self-efficacy of students. The external validity used is the Indonesian value.

 The research population is all grade III students at SDN Mekarasih for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. The number is 48 learners. The sample from this study consisted of 24 learners in class III B as an experimental group and 24 learners in class III A as a control group.

The instruments used in this study consisted of Indonesian tests and self-efficacy questionnaires.  The tests are given in the form of multiple choice and essays. (Istiniawati, 2019) in Budiyono (2003:70) argues that the test instrument validity test formula is measured by product moment correlation. The formula is and The Alpha formula of Cronbach for determining the degree of reliability is . (Huang, 2016) argues that determining the level of hardship (kindergarten) is  . (Huang, 2016) determines the differentiating power (DP) is  .




Indonesian test

Draw 1. Area of Rejection and Acceptance of Ho from Sample Data Distributed t with H 1  :  μ 1 μ2






The completed test is processed using the statistical formula Fisher's Least Significant Difference. Fisher's table data with a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of free (1.46), yielded a critical F of 4.05 and acalculated F of 369.70. Based on this value, the researcher obtainedcritical F data < Fcount, which is 4.05 < 369.70. These results indicate that H o is rejected and H1 is accepted. The conclusion is that there are at least two methods that differ on average in the study.

The test questions Indonesian used as a research measuring tool. The validity of the data on the essay test questions is declared valid. The reliability of the data on the test questions proved to be reliable. The difficulty level of the test questions belongs to the category of easy questions. The difference in the test questions has sufficient and ugly categories. The test questions are ready to be used by students. The description of the data on the self-efficacy questionnaire given to the experimental class was in the classification of low values with a percentage amount of 20%, medium values with a percentage amount of 60%, and high values with a number of 20%. The scores of learners in the control class are classified at low grades with a percentage amount of 5%, medium grades with a percentage amount of 70%, and high marks with an amount of 25%. Based on the self-efficacy questionnaire value data that has been given to the experimental class and control class, the learner's score is in the medium grade category.

     The prerequisite test for hypothesis testing has the following results:

a.     Normality Test

The data obtained were the results of CriticalL > α namely 0.269 > 0.05 in the experimental class and Critical L > α which was 0.2177 > 0.05 in the control class. The conclusion is that each method of learning and development of self-efficacy has a significance value of more than 0.05. These data show that H o is accepted and H1 is rejected with the explanation of the data i.e. each group comes from a normally distributed population.

b. Variance Homogeneity Test

Bartlett's test statistical formula data shows that b 2 is outside the critical area with a value of b that is 0.86001 and a value of b2 that is 0.8892. Critical areas show 0.86001 < 0.8892. In the statistical formula of the Bartlett test, the value of b > α is 0.86001 > 0.05. The data, derived from the statistical formula of the Bartlett test, show that H o is accepted and H1 is rejected. The conclusion is that the sample comes from a population whose variance of both classes is the same and is homogeneous.


Draw 2.

Ho Rejection and Acceptance Areas from Two Roads ANOVA Data








The two-way variance analysis test has the following results:

1.     H0A is accepted. The research data is F count < F table which is 0 < 1.57. This data explains that there is a difference between the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method on Indonesian learning outcomes.

2.     H0B is rejected. The research data is F count < F table which is 0 < 3.84. This data explains that there are differences in understanding between the developmental categories of student self-efficacy and Indonesian learning outcomes. In other words, there is a difference in Indonesian ability between students who have an interest in learning Indonesian high, medium, and low.

3.     H0AB is accepted. The research data is F count < F table which is 0 < 1.57. This data explains that there is no interaction between cooperative learning methods and the student-level self-efficacy development category towards Indonesian learning outcomes.

b.  Learner Self Efficacy Questionnaire

1.      Validity

Based on the product moment formula that has been used, the questionnaire data is in the valid category.

2.      Grain Internal Consistency

Internal consistency of 0.381. After each questionnaire item was checked, the data was obtained with a value of  0.381. This indicates that the self-efficacy questionnaire is declared valid and feasible to use.

3.      Reliability

The value of the reliability coefficient of the experimental class is 0.911 > 0.381. The value of the reliability coefficient of the control class has a result of 0.898 > 0.381. Valid data on the validity of the study were obtained because rcount > 0.381, valid and feasible data for use on the internal consistency of the item were obtained because of 0.381, and reliable data on reliability were obtained because r 11 > 0.381.   Based on this data, the self-efficacy questionnaire is a reliable question, which is a questionnaire that is suitable for use and can be given to students




The conclusions of the study are as follows:

1.     There is a difference between the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method on Indonesian learning outcomes in grade III SD Negeri Mekarasih.

2.     There are differences in understanding between the categories of self-efficacy development of students towards Indonesian learning outcomes in grade III SD Negeri Mekarasih. 

3.     There is no interaction between the Cooperative Learning learning method and the development of medium and high-level student self-efficacy towards Indonesian learning outcomes in grade III SD Negeri Mekarasih.

     The suggestions that will be presented in this study are as follows:


1.     For Educators

Educators apply several learning methods to improve Indonesian comprehension skills in grade III SD Negeri Mekarasih.

2.     For Other Researchers

This research should be an example of motivation for other researchers in carrying out improvements in the scope of research at the level of the Master of Basic Education Program both from the use of science and from the role and function of educational planning in elementary schools.




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Kusuma, J. W. (2016). The Effect of Think Talk Write (TTW) Learning on The Learning Outcomes of STIE Bina Bangsa Students in Economic Mathematics Courses. Mathematics Journal, 3(2), 36–47.


Santoso, A. (2015). Materials and Learning Indonesian Elementary School. Open University.


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Yuliyani, Rahmawati. H. S. Dwi. and S. (2017). The Role of Self-Efficacy and Positive Thinking Ability to Mathematical Problem Solving Ability. Formative Journal, 7(2), 130–143.



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