Garnis Fatimah, Isah Cahyani, Juhana
*e-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Submitted: 05 January 2023
Revised: January 2023
Accepted: January 2023
Keywords: Think Talk Write; The self efficacy development;
Learning result.
According to
Based on the total percentage of research, 29.17% of students who have a
score Indonesian below the KKM limit. The learning attitude of students who are
at a low level of learning is shown by the lack of learning ability in asking
questions, finding learning solutions, not being able to answer questions, not
being able to understand reading, not being able to relate the subject matter,
difficulty mentioning examples, not knowing learning resources, not being able
to find the core material. The discoveries of children's learning attitudes in
the classroom can be corrected by using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning
method as communicative learning in the classroom.
According to
According to
According to
Based on the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem in
this study is as follows: (1) How to improve learning outcomes Indonesian
students using the Think Talk Write (TTW) method; (2) How is the role of the
development of self-efficacy of students in improving learning outcomes
Indonesian; (3) How the interaction of the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and
the Cooperative Learning learning method affects the
development of student self-efficacy in improving Indonesian learning outcomes.
The research objectives in this study are as follows: (1) To describe the
improvement of learning outcomes Indonesian students using the Think Talk Write
(TTW) method. (2) To describe the learning outcomes Indonesian learners at a
high level of self-efficacy development with moderate self-efficacy, high
self-efficacy development with low self-efficacy, and moderate self-efficacy
development with low self-efficacy. (3) To describe the effect of the
interaction of the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method on the development of student self-efficacy
in improving Indonesian learning outcomes.
According to
According to
According to
The research population is all grade
III students at SDN Mekarasih for the 2021/2022 Academic
Year. The number is 48 learners. The sample from this study consisted of 24
learners in class III B as an experimental group and 24 learners in class III A
as a control group.
The instruments used in this study consisted of
Indonesian tests and self-efficacy
questionnaires. The tests are given
in the form of multiple choice and essays.
Indonesian test
Draw 1. Area of Rejection and Acceptance of Ho from
Sample Data Distributed t with
H 1 : μ 1
The completed test is processed using the statistical formula Fisher's Least Significant Difference.
Fisher's table data with a significance level of 0.05 and a degree of free
(1.46), yielded a critical F of 4.05 and acalculated
F of 369.70. Based on this value, the researcher obtainedcritical
F data < Fcount, which is
4.05 < 369.70. These results indicate that H o is rejected and H1
is accepted. The conclusion is that there are at least two methods that differ
on average in the study.
The test questions Indonesian used as a research measuring tool. The
validity of the data on the essay test questions is declared valid. The
reliability of the data on the test questions proved to be reliable. The
difficulty level of the test questions belongs to the category of easy
questions. The difference in the test questions has sufficient and ugly
categories. The test questions are ready to be used by students. The
description of the data on the self-efficacy
questionnaire given to the experimental class was in the classification of low
values with a percentage amount of 20%, medium values with a percentage amount
of 60%, and high values with a number of 20%. The scores of learners in the
control class are classified at low grades with a percentage amount of 5%,
medium grades with a percentage amount of 70%, and high marks with an amount of
25%. Based on the self-efficacy
questionnaire value data that has been given to the experimental class and
control class, the learner's score is in the medium grade category.
The prerequisite test for hypothesis
testing has the following results:
Normality Test
The data obtained were the results of CriticalL
> α namely 0.269 > 0.05 in the experimental class and Critical L > α
which was 0.2177 > 0.05 in the control class. The conclusion is that each
method of learning and development of self-efficacy
has a significance value of more than 0.05. These data show that H o
is accepted and H1 is rejected with the explanation of the data i.e. each group comes from a normally distributed
b. Variance
Homogeneity Test
Bartlett's test
statistical formula data shows that b 2 is outside the critical area with a
value of b that is 0.86001 and a value of b2 that is 0.8892.
Critical areas show 0.86001 < 0.8892. In the statistical formula of the Bartlett test, the value of b > α is
0.86001 > 0.05. The data, derived from the statistical formula of the Bartlett test, show that H o
is accepted and H1 is rejected. The conclusion is that the sample
comes from a population whose variance of both classes is the same and is
Draw 2.
Ho Rejection and Acceptance Areas from Two Roads ANOVA Data
The two-way variance analysis test has the following
H0A is accepted. The research data is F count < F table
which is 0 < 1.57. This data explains that there is a difference between the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method on Indonesian learning outcomes.
H0B is rejected. The research data is F count < F table
which is 0 < 3.84. This data explains that there are differences in
understanding between the developmental categories of student self-efficacy and Indonesian learning outcomes. In other
words, there is a difference in Indonesian ability between students who have an
interest in learning Indonesian high, medium, and low.
H0AB is accepted. The research data is F count < F
table which is 0 < 1.57. This data explains that there is no
interaction between cooperative learning
methods and the student-level
self-efficacy development category towards Indonesian learning outcomes.
b. Learner Self Efficacy Questionnaire
Based on the product moment
formula that has been used, the questionnaire data is in the valid category.
Grain Internal Consistency
Internal consistency of 0.381. After each questionnaire item was checked,
the data was obtained with a value of
The value of the
reliability coefficient of the experimental class is 0.911 > 0.381. The
value of the reliability coefficient of the control class has a result of 0.898
> 0.381. Valid data on the validity of the study were obtained because rcount > 0.381, valid and feasible data for
use on the internal consistency of the item were obtained because of 0.381, and
reliable data on reliability were obtained because r
The conclusions
of the study are as follows:
1. There is a difference between the Think Talk Write (TTW) method and the Cooperative Learning learning method on
Indonesian learning outcomes in grade III SD Negeri Mekarasih.
2. There are differences in understanding between the
categories of self-efficacy
development of students towards Indonesian learning outcomes in grade III SD
Negeri Mekarasih.
3. There is no interaction between the Cooperative Learning learning method
and the development of medium and high-level student self-efficacy towards Indonesian learning outcomes in grade
III SD Negeri Mekarasih.
The suggestions that will be presented in
this study are as follows:
For Educators
Educators apply several learning methods to improve
Indonesian comprehension skills in grade III SD Negeri Mekarasih.
For Other Researchers
This research should be an example of motivation for other researchers in
carrying out improvements in the scope of research at the level of the Master
of Basic Education Program both from the use of science and from the role and
function of educational planning in elementary schools.
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