JRSSEM 2023, Vol. 02, No. 7, 1271 1278
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v2i07.354 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
, Zulkarnain Lubis
, Ihsan Effendi
Medan Area University, Indonesia
e-mail: junaidisp87@gmail.com, zulkarnainlubis@uma.ac.id, ihsaneffendi@uma.ac.id
*Correspondence: junaidisp87@gmail.com
: 15
January 2023
: 22
January 2023
: 06
February 2023
Abstract: Small and medium enterprises are one of the business units that help the country a lot in
reducing the unemployment rate. This sector makes a major contribution to supporting the national
economy. Real steps and efforts are needed to support and increase the power of SMEs. The main
objective of this study is to determine the direct and indirect effects of HR experience, capital,
knowledge, social networks, social media, perceived customer benefits, and perceived competitive
value on the performance of SMEs through partnership programs. The approach in this research is
causal research (cause and effect). The population in this study is the SME business actor who is
fostered at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III, with total of 243 SME business actors. While the sampling
technique used a saturated sample where 243 SMEs were sampled in this study. Data collection
techniques used a questionnaire with an ordinal measurement scale. Data analysis used AMOS-based
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that the direct experience of human
resources, capital, social networks, social media, and perceived customer benefits had a significant
effect on the partnership program, while knowledge was not significant for the partnership program.
The results showed that the direct experience of human resources, capital, social networks, social
media, perceived customer benefits, and perceived competitive value had a significant effect on the
performance of SMEs, while knowledge was not significant on the performance of SMEs. Indirectly
the experience of human resources, capital, knowledge, social networks, social media, perceived
customer benefits, and perceived competitive value had a significant effect on the performance of
SMEs through partnership programs.
Keywords: Partnership, Performance, SEM.
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In connection with government policies
in terms of partnerships in recent years, the
government has begun to take an approach
that encourages the creation of
cooperation between the government and
entrepreneurs. Where many things can be
done jointly between the government and
entrepreneurs through various programs.
Such a partnership between the
government and business actors is a form
of cooperation between the government
and the business sector, allowing them to
share resources, risks, and mutual benefits
to change existing environmental practices
with innovative findings (Lin & Lin, 2016).
SMEs have an extraordinary influence
on a country's economy, both developed
and developing countries. Micro, small, and
medium enterprises (SMEs) certainly play
an important role in supporting the
economy in a better direction
(Ochinanwata et al., 2021). In both
developed and developing countries, it
turns out that SMEs are the largest
contributor to the formation or growth of
the gross domestic population (GDP) and
contribute the most to employment than
large businesses, this shows the
importance of SMEs for the country's
economy (Franco & Haase, 2020).
The large potential for the
development of SMEs has resulted in the
emergence of many SMEs which are
managed in a haphazard and
unprofessional way, especially from a
managerial aspect. This resulted in many
SMEs having low performance and in turn
going bankrupt. SME performance is the
result of the evaluation of company work
achieved by both individuals and groups
obtained based on their roles and
responsibilities towards tasks that have
been given and determined by the
company in a certain period (Mutegi et al.,
2015). However, so far the performance of
UKM has not been able to achieve
maximum results, especially in the failed
assisted UKM.
Management of SMEs should not be
carried out carelessly and without good
management due to the strategic role of
SMEs and the limited ability of SMEs to be
able to grow (Hendratmoko, 2021). The
existence of partnerships between SMEs
and programs aims at business continuity,
improving the quality of resources,
increasing partner income, and increasing
business scale to grow and improve the
business capabilities of partner groups.
This partnership pattern is one of the
solutions for improving the performance of
SMEs (Wulandari & Nadapdap, 2020).
There is one factor that affects the
performance of SMEs, namely through a
partnership program. The partnership
program is a partnership program with
SMEs whose capital is obtained from
BUMN profits, this program aims to enable
SMEs to develop. In addition, there is also
an environmental development program
that aims to empower the social conditions
of the community which also uses BUMN
profits. Total funding from profits is a
maximum of 2% (two percent) of net profit
for both partnership programs and
environmental development programs
(Prajwalita & Tarmizi, 2015).
If seen from the initial observations
there are very clear problems regarding the
condition of PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
1273 | Success Model Partnership Program SME At PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
currently has many weaknesses in
management such as limited human
resource capabilities, limitations in
obtaining additional capital, lack of
knowledge in business development, social
networks that are not well established, lack
of understanding in the use of information
technology, lack of perception in building
value benefits for consumers and not
maximizing value in creating competitive
advantage in SME business units.
As a partner of PT. Perkebunan
Nusantara III will have responsibility for the
partnership program. The performance of
SMEs can be said to be good if they can
increase existing sales, increase annual
profits, increase capital, increase the
number of customers each year, can
achieve the targets to be achieved, and can
meet existing needs. Because success in the
partnership program is not only the hope
of SMEs but for PT. Nusantara Plantation III.
So far, the partnership program
conducted by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
is the nature of providing access to capital,
business assistance, supervision, human
resource development, and helping to
open market networks in business
development. With this program, it is
expected to be able to improve the
performance of SMEs in facing business
competition. However, the implementation
of the partnership program that has been
carried out by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
does not always go well, the possibility of
the existing partnership program makes it
difficult for partners to pay installments, the
business does not run smoothly, and even
going bankrupt and closing still occurs.
There needs to be a study on the
success model of SMEs through the
partnership program. It is based on this that
the study of the partnership program is
This study uses an associative
approach, namely research that seeks to
establish a relationship between two or
more variables. With this research, a theory
can be developed that can explain, predict,
and control a phenomenon or event.
The data used is quantitative data
collected through survey methods. This
study will take respondents from a
population and will collect main data
through questionnaires and direct
interviews with respondents.
The population according to (Lubis,
2021) all research objects that have certain
traits and characteristics are determined by
a researcher as a data source and then draw
conclusions based on the data collected.
The population in this study are SMEs
assisted at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
with a total of 243 SME business actors.
One type of sampling technique is
using a saturated sample technique. This
saturated sample technique can be
interpreted as a sampling technique if the
entire population is used as a sample. The
use of this method is done if you want to
produce very small errors when
generalizing or when the number of
members of the population is very small
(Lubis, 2021). Therefore the sample used in
this study is 243 SME business actors.
It is very important to determine the
right data collection technique, this is
because it can determine whether a study
is good or bad. Data collection is an effort
, Zulkarnain Lubis
, Ihsan Effendi
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made to obtain real and accountable
information or information and truth. In
conducting this research using several
methods, namely:
1. Observation
Observation is an activity to provide
observation or attention to the research
object by utilizing the five senses. This
observation is also known as observation.
In this study, observations were made by
looking directly at the conditions in the
field, especially the partners in the
partnership program from PT. Nusantara
Plantation III.
2. Questionnaire / Questionnaire
The questionnaire is one of the media
used to obtain some news that is known by
the informants. This questionnaire can be in
the form of written questions.
There are two sources of data needed
in this study, namely primary data which is
also called primary data, and secondary
data which is also called secondary data.
Primary data or primary data derived from
questions or Questioners addressed to the
partnership of PT. Nusantara Plantation III.
Secondary data was obtained through PT.
Perkebunan Nusantara III is a list of
partners participating in the partnership
The analysis model using Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) or structural
equation model is a collection of statistical
techniques that have the probability of
testing a series of complicated bonds
simultaneously. The step required before
processing data through AMOS is to use
the Successive Interval Method (MSI) to
convert ordinal data into continuous data,
the same as that used in the AMOS
program. Not only as a norm, but the use
of an interval scale for parametric statistics
is also to convert the data into a normal
distribution. There is no need to perform a
normality test when performing
transformations with this model. In
addition to data that is required to have an
interval and ratio scale, the data must have
a normal distribution, this is one of the
conditions for using parametric statistics.
This is different from the nonparametric
statistics used to measure distribution.
Evaluating the suitability of the model
through a review of various goodness of fit
criteria is done by: p-value, RMSEA, NFI,
NNFI, CFI, IFI, RFI, Std. RMR, and GFI. Testing
the model using the overall model and
statistical goodness of fit along with testing
the path coefficients: Test the significance
of the path coefficients (α and β) using the
t-test with a significance p of less than 0.05
and meet the criteria of Statistical
Goodness of Fit with all coefficients in the
model being significant.
This study uses several software to
process data, namely SPSS, Excel, and
AMOS (Linear Structural Relationships). The
raw data obtained and suitable for
processing were recapitulated with the help
of Excel and SPSS software. Then, indicator
data per latent variable is processed using
the CFA method through the AMOS
software. From the valid and reliable CFA
results, data processing was continued with
the SEM method, which is the final method
in this study, with the help of AMOS
When IBM-AMOS (Version 22)
estimates the model, it evaluates the
1275 | Success Model Partnership Program SME At PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
accuracy of a model. A complete evaluation
of each model is carried out by considering
the fulfillment of the assumptions in the
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the
same as described in the following
description. The choice of data analysis
using SEM is because the definition of
statistical analysis itself is a multivariate
technique that mixes aspects of factor
analysis and multiple regression to
estimate a series of interdependent ties
simultaneously. Not only that, being
superior in providing estimates of errors in
estimating and measuring parameters is
the reason for choosing data analysis using
the SEM method. This can be interpreted
that in analyzing data using the SEM
method, it can consider the measurement
model errors and structural equation
models simultaneously.
A test is needed before data analysis is
carried out, to see if the data used is
incorrect which will later be used as a basis
for decision-making. Testing the data is in
the form of checking whether or not there
is a nonresponse bias, using the maximum
likelihood estimation method with a
structural equation model, in addition to
using data validity and reliability tests to
determine the probability of exceeding the
assumption limits that must be complied
To test the research model at the
goodness of fit level, the research model
suitability test is used. Measuring the ability
of a model to explain various data using the
GFI measure. The value range of GFI is from
zero to one. In reality, there are no
provisions regarding good GFI values. But it
can be interpreted that a model with a GFI
value of almost one means that it is in a
good category. Most studies use the
minimum limit is 0.9. Shown in Figure 1 is
the result of the AMOS analysis.
Figure 1. Amos Output
The results of the causality test show
that all variables have a causal relationship
between variables and other variables. In
addition, the causality test shows the value
of the possible critical ratio which has a
three-star sign. the results of Amos can be
seen in table 1. The estimate is the value of
influence between variables. The estimate is
the value of influence between variables.
while the significance can be seen from the
p-value, standard error dan critical ratio.
, Zulkarnain Lubis
, Ihsan Effendi
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Table 1. Result of Amos
Std. Error
Crit. Ratio
Experience -> Partnership
Capital -> Partnership
Knowledge -> Partnership
Social Network -> Partnership
Social Media -> Partnership
P. Customer Benefit -> Partnership
P. Competetive Value-> Partnership
Experience -> Performance
Capital -> Performance
Knowledge -> Performance
Social Network -> Performance
Social Media -> Performance
P. Customer Benefit -> Performance
P. Competetive Value->
Partnership -> Performance
Human Resources Experience, Capital,
Knowledge, Social Networks, Social Media,
and Perceived Competetive Value
significantly influence the partnership
program. The results of this study are
significant because they have a probability
value (p) which produces an asterisk and a
critical value greater than the standard
error value.
There is a significant of Human
Resources Experience, Capital, Knowledge,
Social Network, Social Media, Perceived
Customer Benefit, Perceived Competetive
Value, and Partnership on Performance.
Stakeholders are needed to achieve
partnership success, so the results of this
study produced a Partnership Success
Model. Stakeholders involved in the
Partnership Program include PTPN III,
Universities, Regional Governments, and
Other Companies (business world).
Universities can play a role through
lecturer and student service programs to
assist PTPN III in carrying out Assistance
and Training, Audit and Evaluation, and the
Selection Process. One of the programs
that can be run is the Kedaireka Matching
Fund. The program requires companies to
spend money in the form of CSR funds to
improve the quality of human resources for
fostered SME partners, as well as the
Ministry of Higher Education will provide
financial assistance in the amount of
company CSR funds, this 1:1 ratio is
determined from the Kedaireka Program.
Funds obtained can help SMEs to have 1
unit of the laptop, while mentoring and
training can be carried out by lecturers and
students. Some of the Assistance and
Training programs that can be carried out
are training on the use of social media,
digital marketing workshops, and product
1277 | Success Model Partnership Program SME At PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III
Local government can play a role
through the Office of Cooperatives and
SMEs through the Bazaar and Expo
programs so that partner SMEs can
improve social networks and can assist in
the audit and selection process as well as
mentoring and training.
The business world can play a role
through industries that have related fields
so that SMEs can collaborate to make
products, expand market access and assist
the selection process. Related industries
can be invited to the Focus Group
Discussion activities to broaden the
knowledge of SMEs Fostered Partners and
add to social networks.
PTPN III through the SME and
Community Development Program
Division must be involved in the selection
and audit process so that it is not just
providing capital assistance.
Figure 2. Success Model Partnership
Experience can be increased through
mentoring and training programs, and the
element of experience must be an aspect in
determining which SMEs qualify for the
partnership program.
The capital that has been given to the
assisted SMEs should be audited and
evaluated within a certain period. Whether
the capital provided is used by the
provisions or not.
Knowledge can be increased through
mentoring and training programs.
Elements of knowledge need to be audited
and evaluated. The element of knowledge
must also be an aspect of determining
which SMEs are eligible to receive capital
assistance and participate in the
partnership program.
Increasing social networks can increase
market access so that they sell more
products. The social network element must
be an aspect of determining which SMEs
are eligible to receive capital assistance.
Social media can be improved through
mentoring and training and after the
partnership program is running it needs to
be audited and evaluated to see how far the
ability to use social media has increased.
Perceived Competetive Value and
Perceived Consumer Benefit must be
aspects in determining which SMEs are
eligible to receive capital, after passing
these two aspects can be improved
through mentoring and training. After the
program is running, an audit and evaluation
are needed to review the extent to which
these two perceptions have improved.
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© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license